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Dec 2018 · 532
Samuel Louis Dec 2018
don't fall in love
with the beautiful traveler
because when you do
it won't even matter
for when you've shared your time
you'll be left, broken and shattered
It's not something i am doing, it's just something i have done
Nov 2018 · 425
Samuel Louis Nov 2018
sweet sweet
as the warmth
from your
to my own
Nov 2018 · 598
Samuel Louis Nov 2018
I could count
The stars
Before I
The number
Of poems
I will write
Our love
Being with you is like having infinite inspiration
Nov 2018 · 2.9k
Beautifully Terrible
Samuel Louis Nov 2018
Sometimes as a poet
It is easier to write
And relate to the things that hurt

Because the heart knows
What it means
To feel -- beautifully terrible
Oct 2018 · 459
Fleeting Life
Samuel Louis Oct 2018
It’s hard to find
The richness
In life
When the richness
Is as fleeting
As life
You fight time to do the things you dream of doing.
Oct 2018 · 1.2k
With Your _____
Samuel Louis Oct 2018
you prepare me with your words
and undress me with your eyes
you dismantle me with your lips
and fortify me in between your thighs
Like ohhhhhh yeah..... what? oh yeah
Oct 2018 · 338
Further From............
Samuel Louis Oct 2018
The world is a better place
And it gets better each day
As i get further from                                          

                                                    ­                                      you
its an old one, but i like it
Sep 2018 · 364
It’s One A-M
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
It’s one A-M
I’m waiting for you
I’m tired And upset
And feeling blue
I wait
All by myself
wanting you here — Right now
And nothing else
But here you are!
Pulling up your car
And pulling me into your arms

   - I’m ok
Let me tell you. This person... is straight up amazing. If I told you I felt like I was drowning, she’s the one who gave me a second wind.
Sep 2018 · 387
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
Life exudes love’s liberty
Through commitment
       and liability
Love ties you down in the most freeing way
Sep 2018 · 261
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
Honesty is the building block
And never fib I try to
Through life and time a ticking clock
I’ll strive to trust and stand beside you
When trying times come — our door they knock
I’ll love and protect and make sure I find you
I beg stay true — firm a rock
Because I can’t again stand — being lied to
Forgive those two words that didn’t want to fit.
Sep 2018 · 349
So Many Nothings
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
I am drowning in the waters caught
In floods and tides and waves of thought
I try to bring myself to think
But ideas stay beyond the brink
I try so many and succeed in none
I strive to know and finish one
But my mind will stay to fail and flunk
And walk in ways a stumbling drunk
If I try to think of thoughts so many
I won’t be able - to think of any
A mixture of overthinking everything and tad bit of anxiety. I would love to hear back any type of feedback. I am trying to put together an anthology and need to be critiqued as a writer.
Sep 2018 · 238
Untitled V - your eyes
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
Entangled in the light
Of a beautiful blue
an abstract lace
Framed beyond
A metallic case
Many look inside
But only one sees out
Taking their view in
But failing to find
Where the beauty begins
The only thing that is for sure
The things that are so pure
Is that those eyes
Belong to her

- your eyes
Sep 2018 · 335
Untitled IV
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
And as i
My tongue
In the mirror
I could still
See your impression
Amongst the
Numerous strangers
That tried
To make
A home

     - A vacant mouth
Sep 2018 · 222
Untitled III
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
This is my message in a bottle
And it’s not a cry for help

It’s a parting letter
      - Poetry
Sep 2018 · 225
Untitled II
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
I can’t wait
Until i meet someone
Whom i’ll never
Write a terribly sad
Poem about

    - But i’ll wait
Sep 2018 · 230
nights out - with you
Samuel Louis Sep 2018
i know we stay
up too late
and we sacrifice
our much needed sleep,
but with the time
i miss in my dreams,
i feel like
i fulfill them
with you
staying up too late with a girl... but i dont mind
Aug 2018 · 214
Samuel Louis Aug 2018
I ran away from love
     But  i didn’t mean to
You opens up your arms
     But all i saw
Was the last person
     That tore me to
P     I     E     C     E     S
Aug 2018 · 361
if my love
Samuel Louis Aug 2018

If my love - was a butterfly
     That fluttered about
Would you capture it?

If my kiss - was like a flower
     Of soft petals around your mouth
Would you take the time
To see them with your eyes open?

If my hugs were a rainy day
     That came down steadily from the sky
Would you run outside -
And smile up into my drops of affection?

If i took you down
     To the deepest feeling
Or stole you away
     To see the galaxies
If i showed you more
     Than you could imagine
Or turned you upside down
     Or inside out

If my love was everything or anything else…
     Would you hold my hand?
are you reading carefully
Aug 2018 · 786
12:43 am
Samuel Louis Aug 2018
My mind is droning endlessly
Of words beyond simplicity
Breaking through the earth a tree
Of beautiful leafless poetry
Aug 2018 · 405
My Lovely Poetry
Samuel Louis Aug 2018
I wrote that I would write
And write for life
When pushing came and pushing shoved
I would keep my eyes on steady love
To hope to find but always seek
Love comes hither to black out bleak
In love pure and always true
In passion red and comfort blue
To always love and never lust
Because to me it’s all or bust
In some large or small contrite a rhyme
Will be belittled by the one that I call mine
It will be the one who marries me
The one who’s love can set me free
Aug 2018 · 244
Untitled 1
Samuel Louis Aug 2018
If you are in the mountains
Then I am in the sea
You are in the air
And I am in the deep

If you were a bird
Then I would be a fish
And if we were both dogs
You would be a *****

- I want to be so far away from you
Opposites sometimes don’t attract
Aug 2018 · 338
LOVE lust
Samuel Louis Aug 2018
Is what
A patient
person Portions
The day

Is what
A glutton
In one
It’s so easy to give into lust... I found the inspiration to write this from the temptation I/we face every day.
Jul 2018 · 307
Something > Nothing
Samuel Louis Jul 2018
i say
"something is always better
        than nothing"

as i think of the crushing weight
        of your absence
Often times nothing is what we feel the most
Jun 2018 · 340
Our Love is Like the Stars
Samuel Louis Jun 2018
From my eyes, the glistening stars shine bright next to one another. When In fact in reality they are billions upon billions of miles away.

          Our love is like the stars
A prose
Jun 2018 · 569
-Until God
Samuel Louis Jun 2018
For many - love is one
   Or just a few

For me - to many of you
   I say adieu
I have none for this one.
Jun 2018 · 330
Bad Friend
Samuel Louis Jun 2018
When I use words profane
I lose everything I obtain
From swearing to swearing off
     I can’t abstain  
From beginning to end
     Friends start to wane

In and out of my hands
     I cannot hold onto a bit
     For I treat them like ****
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer... just don’t lose your friends.
Jun 2018 · 783
Your Sun
Samuel Louis Jun 2018
Your sun was hot
Heating my inside and out
        Warming my spirit
        Friends — we are it

My dark days were over
My four leaf clover
        Oh what great luck
        ‘‘Twas I that was plucked

A ****, not a flower
So small, not a tower
        But still you chose me
        Filling me with glee

Your sun was hot
And the water was caught
        Drying the streaks
        Of tears on my cheeks
For some reason I told myself I’d never write about you, but here I am and all I can write about is you
Jun 2018 · 587
Under the Stars
Samuel Louis Jun 2018
Kisses on my lips
Kisses on my neck  
    Laying in the back
Thinking — what the heck

Stars in the night sky
Above the truck bed
    Thinking of the things
That I wanted said

I think back to that night
It was so so cold
    I thought when clung to you
Of growing old

I don’t regret that night —
I regret things now
    So, I am wishing the best
The best for thou
We live in the future. Everything we do now is just a memory of something we have already done.
May 2018 · 468
Samuel Louis May 2018
Rocks, all around me
    Rocks, under my feet
Walking through the day
As I suffer the heat

Water, I need some
    Water, there is none
Thirsty and dry
Dried by the sun

Love, just as much
    Love, my life’s crutch
There is no more
I miss your - touch

I hung my legs off a porch to do some reading. There were parts that were high and low, but the ground was out of reach. I sat with my legs dangling for an hour. When it came to my attention, I had to ask myself — why had I chosen the spot closest to the ground? For the ground was out of reach.
How many bad decisions can someone make in their youth? I’ll let you know in a few years. All I do is make mistakes.
May 2018 · 591
Samuel Louis May 2018
Brown Hair
  Blue Eyes
    Big Smile
Strip him down bare
See if he cries
He is just a child

Stripped of his armor
Where is his valor?
IDk, there are things in life that go on, and I wonder if putting on a brave face is worth it or not. Sometimes I feel like I put on a brave face only when I am scared.
May 2018 · 427
Samuel Louis May 2018
Things are different - like I wanted,
But not how I wanted.
I thought if I got away I would be happier,
But by separation I am daunted.

I waited and waited as my anger brewed
Making me into a really mean dude.
Part of me wanted to be angry - and sad
And I regret all of those things I said

Our relationship, what we forged it into, always felt like a roller coaster. Up and down and up and down and up and down. I could only ride so long before I got sick... And not sick of you, but of me. I was so angry, which I know you knew - I was so angry and sad, but I don't exactly know why. I should not have taken it out on you. As the only person that really understood me, you were the last person that I should have taken it out on. That does not mean that at some points I wasn't genuinely mad and upset with you; But there at the end I didn't really know who I was or who I was aspiring to be. I wasn't feeling anything emotionally except for anger and sadness, and that was my problem not yours.

I am sorry again
For the many things I made you go through
My nine lives are running out
And I'm down to my last few.
Apr 2018 · 365
Your Design
Samuel Louis Apr 2018
A single piece of paper,
    Is not a suitable canvas
    For me to write your design.
Do you have a Post-It?
There are just some  people out there like this.
Apr 2018 · 334
Eyes 2
Samuel Louis Apr 2018
My eyes,

No tears to fall
No tears to bawl  

My eyes,

I don't need rest...
And my sight is clear...

My eyes are open,
But there is nothing to see.
(o) 2
Apr 2018 · 432
Samuel Louis Apr 2018
My eyes,

Nothing to see
Nothing to relish

My eyes are cast on the ground
Searching for what might bring me - anything

looking and looking
Just to look

My eyes are open,
But I don't see anything.
Feb 2018 · 490
Louis' Louise
Samuel Louis Feb 2018
She hears the quiet whisper of the man paying his respect to lost love
Wiping his eyes
And offering her heart to lend

Taking him in
Showing love not deserved
But love she was sharing

was lifted
Singing and dancing!
Sorrow was not his fate

His spirit lifted
And all he can think is...
Thankful enough he can never be
Thank you
Louise, happy birthday! I am so glad you are in my life! If I am being honest... You are one of the most fantastic people I know, and I am so happy that you are someone I talk to. Originally, I had planned to come see you this weekend and surprise you! Things didn't work out so this is what I am resorting to. I wanted to read you this poem in person, but since I can't I'll settle for this little birthday note. I wrote this a week ago, I hope you like it, and i hope it helps you understand what you mean to me. Without being all weird, I just want to say that i love you. You are one of my best friends and I hope you have a wonderful bday.

-Love Sam
Feb 2018 · 475
The Return
Samuel Louis Feb 2018
How did I forget?
How love was before...
It's not about we, or how things ended
But the way it was in the heat of the moment
Back in the country, where love was innocent
And it was a privilege instead of a war
Enjoying it all, instead of fighting to stay together

Despite being a mess, I'm going back
  I might be an old man now
  But I'm still coming home
I still have energy worth spending
And I am excited for the return
                                                          ­                     soon
                                                            ­                    just wait
I cannot be stopped
Because I'm doing it right this time
                                                            ­                     with passion
                                                         ­                          and guidance
These are the words I will stand by
Fix your time, because when I get back everything will be new
And I will smile without questioning my happiness
I refuse to stay held back
Expect me my loved ones
I am coming home!
Expect me
Been holding myself back, but not anymore
Feb 2018 · 725
Samuel Louis Feb 2018
First me now her
A friendship spent, in a blur
Upset by false deceit
And feeding from petty's ****

Our friendship dead, cold and blue
Enjoy your sweet nothings, only a few
I'm out now, not in this race
I'd like to put you in your place

You cause me grief, heavy like a bolder
To carry on my back and shoulder
I'm done now, I don't want war
When it comes to you, I want no more
You know
Jan 2018 · 402
Samuel Louis Jan 2018
Sitting here alone, still feeling empty
An event occurs and a friend has left me
We parted with words that hurt my friend
He left with tears in his eyes and wounds to tend

Now I am far away and secluded
A friends trust has been polluted
With a wipe of the eye a bond is deceased
And with death came friends release

Now sitting around people I could care not for
It seems my life has taken a detour
He sent me away because he said he must
And as I did with me came my trust

He took our friendship which was just a seed
And beat it red, making it bleed
I sat head hung and I cried
He walked away, as I was swept away like the tide.
When I started dating a girl was had recently rejected one of my newer friends, he told the school about my drinking habits(at the time I was 17). I was suspended and sent home.... which was 4 hours away by plane! (boarding school). I wrote this in the airport waiting to catch my flight.
Jan 2018 · 495
Samuel Louis Jan 2018
Our time is running out
And we must make the most of it
I know you feel the same way
I will show you that I'm worth it
You just have to get away from the prying eyes and take a risk
I can see that you're scared
But you don't have to be
Come with me
And we can experience it together
I will be patient...
I'm just anxious
Wrote this after an experience I had with a girl whom I dated for a short time. This poem was pretty much about how I was trying to win her over, but it was taking longer than expected.
Jan 2018 · 523
Only Friends
Samuel Louis Jan 2018
Who knew?
That you would be in my arms, staring into my eyes
Pressing your lips against mine
The switch of the mouth and tongue
We lay there in the dark
Keeping ourselves a secret from the ones that would cringe at the -
-sight of you with me
Kiss me softly and slowly in the night, under the sheets.
As our friends lay beside us
But then again, we are only friends.
And the feelings that are betraying my heart
Telling myself to move on, but I want to be more than friends
I don't want to have your lips in secret
I know your secrets, and you know mine
Maybe that's why it's so hard to look at you now
Now I have to suppress feelings and emotions
I wish we could go back to the time we were drunk...
Drunk in a temporary fantasy where I had your body to myself
And no one would have ever known but us
We gave it a try, but it wasn't right
So we cut it out and went back to being friends.
Now I suffer,
Watching your lips as you talk to me
And I wish I could kiss them
Maybe one day we will get drunk on those feelings again
But we are only friends.
I wrote this poem a couple years ago, when I  found myself attempting to do "friends with benefits". It never worked out, partly because I had real feelings for her... which I never told her about because I was too afraid that she would not feel the same way. We stopped doing FWB and after some time she became one of my best friends. I'm glad we stopped, she is like a sister to me now.
Jan 2018 · 1.2k
Youth (for you)
Samuel Louis Jan 2018
For to be younger
To be naive again is my dream
I have seen what is unwanted
and experienced pain I knew not of
I want to be new for you
I was not like this
I must live with the decisions
I should have thought of you then...
To have your lips
Pressed to mine
For the first time
Even for me
I was inspired to write this when I was rejected by a girl that I thought was pretty amazing. It hurt because she rejected me because of the past mistakes I had made in my life.

— The End —