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Kundai N Dec 2024
Upon a dawn I bought a plant
And nurtured all it's flower's buds,
From cooling water's gentle warmth
And shave to proper stable form.

But bud for bud it quickly choked
To huey rainbow colored stokes.
The death of everything I touch,
The diamond ring in my heart's trench.
Kundai N Aug 2024
Why at this late hour
When the blood of our soldiers water the soil
And the sweat from our brows has fed the clouds
To dark, thick clouds, do Calvary come?

The infernal string's been plucked, the anthems sung.
So do not promise us the red Clover, for victory or not
The living soul's spirit has gone with the dead
And transformed them to living carcass

Arrive not dear salvation for all that I love lies here
let us fall with our soldiers and transcend with them
There's no greater Victory --or place for us no more--,
Except here, to be buried with the dead.
Kundai N Jan 27
You put me under the most terrible curse and I called it love,
I called it care I called it wonderful.
I thought you cared and fighting my battles,
We groped and kissed
We allegedly loved and missed -each other-
But now I see that all I could've ever been,
Is not the same as what I should be; free.

I know I should let you go,
but me heart still shivers.
You still get to me
But for each of my teeth you broke The magic faded eventually,
And this was the last strike
Farewell lover, farewell love
Kundai N Nov 2024
The words from your letter drip like honey to my evening delight,
You brighten my soul through the beauty of your creativity
And bring colour to my world as the sun runs out of sight,
Pluck your daring heart from the tree of uncertainty,
And scribble with a smile your heat's intent.
Am uplifting poem inspiring the dreamers to continue to shine
Kundai N Jan 15
I'm high on likes and retweets
The hearts, and flames and repeats
I'm an underachieving overachiever

A social media facade I've designed
A highlight reel, my life defined
But behind the screens, a different tale
A search for meaning, a life to hail

The validation I seek, a fleeting thrill
A moment's high, a lifetime's fulfill
I yearn to break free from this digital stage
And find my true self, in a real-life page
Kundai N Jan 11
Live life for now
Multiply yourself into the consciousness of others
Intertwine yourself into their memories
Bond your fates,

Before time shrinks our loving spirit into nothingness
And all that'll remaining, is a memory
And hopefully a smile.
Kundai N Aug 2024
Hot fumes evaporate from my ears
You have killed us both
And brought my furnace to tears
Why not abandon me, little moth?

I shall pass on and you shall pass
Honour my sacrifice, honour myself
Look only where the stars reside
Not beneath earth where my soul doth hide.

From now your flesh has the life of two
So do what I'd do, do what you'd do.
Farewell to you, ride through and true
In flesh I died, in spirit with you.
Kundai N Nov 2024
Lovely sweetheart,
Why in the midst of a clash of smarts
Do you want me to answer your questions
Yet you question my answers?
Kundai N Nov 2024
Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson,
Wherefore art thou my teacher?
Grant my pen a poet's gift
Let me scribble my pencil thin,
Writing, kindling your blossom smile.
You, beautiful as you flip my file
Which has me commit to your homework, while
Sitting at home with a radiant smile.

Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson,
Wherefore art thou my teacher?
'tis true, nobody's perfect -- nobody but you.
Naughty I was and punish you did that's true.
"Write, 'I will listen in class.'" you said demure,
"on each line of those two pages; and stop being immature."
I'd Sit and contemplate, drool and scribble,
"Lovely miss Anderson. My miss Anderson"

Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson,
Wherefore art thou my elder?
Were you younger, by a decade or two,
I grant I'd hop and merrily skip,
With you on the park and  buy you a sweet.
I'd look in your eyes, and call you Anderson.
My dear Anderson.
Kundai N Nov 2024
We are seedlings,
Needing a little nudge to the earth
Where precipitation is rife
For newfound birth.
Not choking in a bag, deprived of life
Whilst the storm can shine our worth.
The poem is a metaphorical exploration of growth and resilience. Seedlings, symbolizing potential, need nourishment and challenges to thrive. The storm, representing adversity, can spark transformation and strength, allowing the seedlings to flourish and reach their full potential.
Kundai N Aug 2024
They fell; faster than spring leaves, off the family tree.
Dear uncle. Dear mom. Why me? Why you?
We smiled --moments ago-- legitimate and calm and free
Glittering health during the plague, how not true.

Smiles of hopelessness, tears of hope,
lying living, half in life, tombstone carved in your eyes
You brought hope, you liar, how then do we cope?
In truth, did you know? Or faked your shine for true smiles.

Yes you're gone, now we need healing
Our hearts stabbed by your last smile and hasty departure.
It all changed but it somehow remained the same
Into the dust lies thine stature, lies thine of stature.

I'll hang on to the echoes of your voice,
Your face from the mind's flashing window's glimpse,
Your touch from showering echoes of noise
From then when I became undone, like opened gifts.
Kundai N Nov 2024
The earth revolves around the sun
The moon revolves around the earth
Your life revolves around the night moon
And my love revolves around you
Kundai N Jan 21
I just wanna sit quietly on the terrace alone,
And slowly scribble the peace that has come,
As silent as the moon on my evening ride home,
As calm as a rock that's been washed ashore.
Kundai N Dec 2024
Sophistication stems from subtle simplicity
So stop sophisticating simplicity

Silken streams of sense swirl silver shadows deep
Simplifying the sophisticated, in slumbering silence keep
Kundai N Dec 2024
Simple words are spoken, wise or foolish too,
Laughter or scorn, the listener's point of view.

Wisdom from simple lips, a paradox to share,
Dismissed by the wise, with no one to care.

Experts watch with critical eyes,
Foolishness implied, in simple surprise.

Let us beware, of biases we hold,
And wisdom's sources, where'er they unfold.
Kundai N Aug 2024
The slithering snake slid swift and slow
Past my ear and into my mind,
Shrank to a seed as sharp as crystal snow
And grew to close my ears, and eyes blind .

Woe became to me a pleasant friend
And smeared shame upon my body,
After a bath of stone and cement
And common eyes beguiled at my misery.

I walked on salt, after the sores from broken glass
Knowing the gift of agony is matched in cursing ecstasy,
Why worry in ceremony about superseding onus?
Why smile in agony about the coming bliss here indefinitely?

Light came and bathed me with honey
And flowered beneath my feet a fine feather,
Light watered my eyes to like an open curtain
And the common eye repulsed my treasure.
Kundai N Nov 2024
Yesterday I wondered about a math textbook
From a former grade
And yawned disappointedly,
Prancing in a bubble of wonder,
"which idiot could've gotten these answers wrong?"

     A smile befell my face
     adoring my superiority
     And cracked a laugh or two
     Scoffing the sheer ignorance.

Silence shortly pondered upon my mind
I slapped my cheeks and banged on the table.
I resented every smile in detestable realisation,  
The book was mine.
Kundai N Nov 2024
Sometimes it gets too much,
And that's too much for me.
Sometimes it's not enough,
And that's not enough for me.--
The poem is all about the in-betweens in life, the unspoken pressure that leads to failure or success.
It's saying that the pressure, situation or what ever circumstances on efaces can be too much of not satisfying, whichever it may be it's something that trumps the mood.
Kundai N Aug 2024
Kiss your dog goodbye. Oops; too late, sorry.
Life's for the living, love me instead.
You hugged yin, did you cherish her? or feel pity?
Each morning when lungs puffed up air in bed
Here I am. Here; I yang. Here I am --for eternity.
Blinding yet eye opening, I too want to be loved.

I bring together, what the earth has scattered.
Fear me not, but love me instead.
Fear me not at the hospital, I am The Healer of all.
So praise me in church, fear not my trumpet's call.
Drink deeply from my goblet, rejoice in my name.
I'm the ultimate cure, not an echo of shame.

Curse me not for I am good, love me instead.
They all despise me, why?, I; death.
Kundai N Nov 2024
We've cut the tree for warmth in winter's chill,
Only to lose its shade when summer's heat is still.
Cut only a branch, and let new life begin,
And you'll have fire and shade to cherish within.
Kundai N Jan 18
Let your ink spill like tears,
And pour out your emotions.
Let it drip the stories untold,
In the most exquisite motions.

Weave your characters,
Intertwine their Fates.
Sew you chapters,
With emotional paints.

Bind the spine,
With the ingredients
Of fine wine
Then let the reader digest
Kundai N Feb 20
What more is there to break?,
Once whole I lie now broken to dust dust
On shore awaiting the high tide
To wash away my remains
And spread me upon its surface
To be inhaled, when the whales gasp for air,
To be devoured, by the fish
On their search for moss and plankton
And inside them I shall live; multiplied,
As I am in your memories.

— The End —