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Kooky Collages Jun 2015
I can’t watch that show without thinking of you.

And I can’t make a move without thinking it through.

And I can’t understand this new feeling I’ve found:

For once, I miss you, I need you around.

But I can, and I will, hide from you how I feel.

My heart is the last thing I want you to steal.

But I’m coming to find, the closer to calling you mine, the more I feel alive.

Your touch is fogging up my mind.

Your love is mysterious and kind.

Who am I, to run away?

When my heart begs me to stay?

And who are you, to swell with pride?

When you want me by your side.
Kooky Collages Jun 2015
Distance of our bodies and distance of our minds.
I always wished to see you, but never found the time.
We wanted it to happen, but we never made a stand.
I wanted, more than anything, for you to be my man.
Motives became lost within the wire.
But never once, did we loose our desire.
Perhaps that's all we ever had.
Perhaps we were just each others fad.
I'm embarrassed to admit I thought we were more.
I held on to hope that you'd walk through my door.
But you never intended to stay with me.
Drowned in blindness, I could not see.
But I'm done being foolish, I'm loosening my grip.
His cup runneth over, and I'm taking a sip.
Quenched, I realize you were nothing but stone.
No flesh, just hardness.
No skin, just bones.
When you find you are empty, and then search for your soul,
You'll see that what we were missing was your half being whole.
I'll be loving another when you come back my way.
It could've been you, had you just stayed.
But you needed to grow and so I let you go.
And if you're reading this, there's one thing you should know,
A heart only deserves what it's asking for.
You asked for a little, and I gave you more.
You took that for granted, and I'll never forget.
That feeling of love entangled in regret.
Kooky Collages Jun 2015
I’m sorry if I’m scaring you,

Doesn’t mean I want to marry you.

I just want to know where we stand…
Kooky Collages May 2017
I don't want to feel this anymore-
That emptiness I felt as I walked out your door.
You were so kind when telling me to go.
Trying to make it less of a blow.
I know you meant well, but I'm two steps ahead.
I knew this would happen the second I layed in your bed.
I'm empty-
I'm crying-
And I don't know why.
It's not like we even really said goodbye.
"I'll see you tomorrow!", you assured.
But my heart still sank; I felt insecure.
With shoulders slumped, I moped out the door.
I'm a fool for even thinking we'd be more-
Than something you needed-
Than something you tried-
For a second there, I made you feel alive.
Until you were bored and sent me away.
I get it, you still love me, but in a different kind of way.
Kooky Collages Jun 2015
Clear words spark from clear minds,

But we refuse to make this a focus.

Our generation’s prose may be punctual,

But it possesses no pain.

For we prescribe until our pain subsides,

And we watch it fade away.
Kooky Collages Apr 2015
So where’s the love that I shall find?
Is it natural or divine?
It is knocking on my door,
But if I open, what’s in store?
Three questions in four lines,
I’m always seeking,
But never find.
One day when I’m looking at the life that’s behind,
I’ll see that what I was seeking had always been mine.
And that questions don’t lead to answers,
Because only time can tell.
So try what you want, and let yourself fail.
Answers are only summoned from our paths as they unwind.
So let your life happen, and leave your worries behind.
Kooky Collages May 2018
When I see the wind pass through the trees,
That’s when I think of you.

And as the waters tumble down the streams,
I sit and listen for a clue.

Every chirp and every creak,
Sounds like words straight from your mouth.

And as the sun trickles down on me,
I feel you all around.

Though you’ve left this time and space,
I don’t believe you’re gone.

You led me to this tranquil place,
To help me carry on.
Kooky Collages May 2018
I wonder if you ever long for me.

I doubt it.

Remember that one night,
When the rain hit your roof
and we sat on your porch
Laughing, drinking, smoking.

The taste of bourbon still sends me to you.
There I stand, drink in hand.
But you’re gone.
I guess you were always gone.

But then, I slosh my drink on my hand and I feel your touch.
Your fingers passed over me like wind passing through trees.
So soft. So natural.
You were like a breeze.

I felt its cold gusts after the rush.
As the drops scattered outside,
You scattered my mind.
Like the eggs you said you’d make me in the morning,
But never did.

I ran to you
In search of something more
Did we both just long to be adored?
Long to be adored.
But not longing to adore.
Two different things.
Kooky Collages Jun 2015
I can’t imagine when she’s gone

What I’m supposed to do.

She made me who I am

She taught me everything she knew.

For now, I’ll hold her tight

For I’m afraid she’ll slip away.

I never want to see her go

With her, my love will always say.
Kooky Collages Jun 2015
I’ve learned that feeling start to change.

You don’t want me, so my love is estranged.

But I really can’t complain:

I think truly, I wanted the same.

You see, our love could not remain.

I once adored you, but that changed.

You’re not the one for me to find.

That realization brings peace of mind.

I really wish you all the best.

But don’t come running back to me.

You are not the one I need.

You’re missing something,

So incomplete.

And I don’t hold your hidden piece.
Kooky Collages May 2018
If I could write forever-
And share the flavors of my mind-
If I could drop all things-
That form a divide.

Divisions have risen-
And they split my heart.
I’m cracking-
I’m bleeding art.

Puddles of proses-
Fill my brain.
Inspiration blankets me-
Like a summer rain.

If I could only write forever,
And do nothing else-
Then that nourishment of my soul-
Would be my only source of wealth.
Penciled in my journal while heading home from Isla Mujeres, Mexico on Sunday, February 18th.
Kooky Collages Oct 2015
Trust me, trust no one
Darkness is the game
Lights off, will they come on?
Or will they stay the same?

You follow her down,
She runs, you fall
Pleasure is her only call

Echoed walls, cry aloud
She fails to hear them, anyhow
Why can't she see, see through the clouds?
She sails around them, even now
Visions of collisions come crashing through
Like a souring secret straight to you

Serpent searching for slithers of light
Split between what's wrong and right

She edited the evidence of perilous plights
Despite insight, she willed what the might

Still you followed into her crippling realm
Henceforth, her kingdom remains, bow down, all hair
Kooky Collages May 2018
I feel like I’m breaking:
Snapping in half
I feel like I’m drowning
And can’t find a raft

These words are falling
out of my mouth
They come out like rain
After a drought

My reflection in the mirror
Looks like a mirage of me.
Almost myself
But not quite what it seems.
How do I keep from unraveling at my seems.
Written last year.
Kooky Collages Jun 2015
I'm sick at the sight of you.
There's a sudden hole in my heart.
I want to reach out to you,
But I decide to depart.
Can I shake off this madness?
Could I no longer care?
I'm a fool who's stuck in sadness,
While you've felt no despair.
I must learn to get over you.
There's no question or doubt.
But how can I do something that I haven't figured out?
Immersed with your memory,
I feel a sort of shame.
Solely because I know you don't feel the same.
Eyes swelling and emotions unveiling,
I beg them to subside.
And soon all my thoughts of you are nothing but snide.
How could you let me in so deep, only to bury me alive?
Was I just a toy to you? A sort of prize?
Maybe we both were the same in each others game.
But it appears that I left no mark,
While you left a stain.
Lessons learned, I'm moving on,
Since you've done the same.
I hope you won't regret the decision you made.
Because one things for sure,
I'm never going back to you again.
Kooky Collages Jun 2015
Like a painter drawing pictures,

Like a poet creating prose,

We make an item last,

Only to watch it decompose.
Kooky Collages Jun 2015
We both know our connection,

But that’s not enough to say.

And when you start to leave,

I’ll always run away.

Don’t ask me to follow,

But not tell me to stay.

My time should not be wasted,

But still, you delay.

— The End —