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8.0k · Jun 2017
Love loves Spring
Diego Morales Jun 2017
Never mind the time of spring,
From which love comes a common thing,
Love comes rare as life may
Midwinter or a gloomy day

To life, love, happiness can only bring!
To live and love, what a beautiful thing!
Midst the solitude in which we born and die
—Love greets our lonely life, passing by
6.7k · Mar 2018
The Fly
Diego Morales Mar 2018
A single life so worthless, that poor fly,
Sooner than its timely moment to die,
As commanded by my unnerving will,
Its incompetent life I chose to ****.

Put more simply, for disturbing my peace,
Its feeble and destitute life I ceased.
Yet my bloodstained hands always remained clean,
Once crimeful killing had become routine.

What almighty and sinful God am I
For unsparingly judging who must die
By my sword, without remorse or regret,
The slaughtered fly under my gavel, I forget.

An evil power from no source or spring
Springs power in me like a maddened King.
A poem portraying the inhuman and the inhumane,
5.2k · Jun 2017
Endymion's Letter
Diego Morales Jun 2017
To Selene:
Rare a night, her gentle grace is not seen;
Live long torches, shamed, by her beauty’s gleam!
The Queen of night, my heart, she reigns supreme.
Floating high in deep, black lakes of my dreams,
Softly she gazes down past thick and thin;
Distant is her love as we skin to skin;
Fooled, my fervent stretch is never within,
Her affection for me, I’ll never win.
My heart, her misfortune can only reap
This last choice—wound us both more than my weep!
For her sympathy, my eternal sleep!
Now like me, may her woe forever keep.
By day miss her and dream of her by noon
Forever, rest in heart, my dear honey, moon
The sad love between Endymion and Selene
Sets the stage for this sonnet like poem's scene
537 · Jun 2017
Joy for the Ill-Omed
Diego Morales Jun 2017
An be mine lone soul hollow, none to give
Wherefore choose life, vain and forlorn, why live
So Sins consume that which himself canst not forgive?
The poisoned remedy for pain, only death carries with
Talk of beauty, of roses, of love and everything fair
And you talk of mutiny, of poses and a deceit I canst not bare
O’ Happiness, the biggest lie beyond compare
From which to seek, lies rooted every tragedy’s despair
The search of truths is a combination of lies to find
Lies of our own choosing those gentle on the mind
To our perspective deceit and commodity bind
For our freedom, to live in a world a bit more kind.
A bit of inspiration from old shakespearean things,
Laugh and live,
502 · Dec 2017
Contritium Sonnet I
Diego Morales Dec 2017
How oft’n doth Life give ‘n take away?
Moments trivial kept and others lost,
Pains ‘n pleasures in time tied amongst days,
Of which my beating heart burns to exhaust
Born, but bitt’r, but sour and sweet, I laugh
At life which against death cannot compete
I cry, I am just flesh ‘n photograph
I’ll die, and my seasons will obsolete
I treasure my few years of affection,
Nevertheless by Life kindly given
To me, soon taken by Death’s confection
Which to keep, by treachery I’m driven
    By love, by hate, I grieve melancholy
    Of the world known in my mortality
Where time shall take us, we can only guess.
Here is a Broken Sonnet from a Broken Poet. I hope you enjoy.
498 · Jun 2017
Thoughts Harboured
Diego Morales Jun 2017
Thine heart’s loneliness shadow only thought
Of thy rightful lovers replaced by those ever sought;
Sought merely to please the fragrance of desire
Now a frigid gap unsatisfied as loneliness doth require
Life shall live as it wills, regardless
Thou canst not remain forever
Lost’n forever heartless
Doubt not for there is a path as guide to serve
To thee as long as from thy path one never swerve
Go back to which always lov’d you
And thou shan’t be lonely anew
To those out of and in loss of Love,
476 · Jun 2017
A Riddle: Softly Shadow
Diego Morales Jun 2017
Come to me by Mourning,
Come to me astray,
Light of my morning
Light of my day

Beg to me by Dusk,
Beg to me crying
Darkness of the dusk
Darkness I’m dying
442 · Jun 2017
A Summer’s Night
Diego Morales Jun 2017
The tapping of the boots and the creaking of the wood
Walking in a darkly sheet on a midnight creep,
The singing of the cicadas,
The soft passing of cars,
Start to hum me to sleep.

The blinding street lamp
Lights a night sky still blue,
The trees gently sleep
with their leaves scattered but not rustled,
Hanging low on a summer night’s cool air,
I watch on top of the balcony
Down by the road, no one is there

A summer night’s sky which should be so lovely and so fair
This one, like me, its hue is so lonely and blue

The scenery so still begins to darken
And so softly still the cicadas sing
From the balcony, alone, I harken
And as softly, peace, it brings.
Simply made to relax while reading.
429 · Mar 2019
A Clown, but not a fool
Diego Morales Mar 2019
No day goes by without a mistake,
If only I'd told her, and given her my coat,
I'd be some one she can't forsake.
But the words I could not utter, were stuck in my throat

---If all people need love, then why bother with fruitless chasing?
Limited time, but wasteful hearts, for what?
For I know love is not rational, instead felt, it cannot be stopped
So waste no time and lend me a moment---

If only I'd told you then, that cold afternoon,
But love is scarcely spoken by a short-lived buffoon.
405 · Jun 2017
Faith! O’ Faith!
Diego Morales Jun 2017
You took much more than life and that you know!
You took all my love and that much you owe!
God, I compel thee my years deliver!
Faith! O’ Faith! Life I stand ill and ere you!
In sadness in heart, and thus I wither.

You took much more than life and that you know!
You took all my love and that much you owe!
God, my heart in blackness and hate submerged
Faith! O’ Faith! How in time to time I slipped!
Wherefore from God I’ve lost and diverged?

God, you’ve not heard my prays or understood!
Faith! O’ Faith! Forever fooled and left stood.
380 · Jun 2017
An Acrostic
Diego Morales Jun 2017
Joy may be brought to all
Once far an old friend doth call
Sorrowful sweets the memories bring
‘Ever to be heard let joy ring
Pray a friend in thee shall live
How truest a Friend in heart always with!
To my good friend, Joseph
277 · Mar 2020
A Review of the Writer
Diego Morales Mar 2020
It is odd to think we are free,
And to idealize liberty, and to praise expression.
But how at large can we truly be,
If within, we can only draw upon unruly self-repression?

If in public, we dare not speak our minds?
If our love, we dare not confess?
If to wrongs, we turn blind?
If from singing our hearts, we digress?

We claim to be free,
The thought alone, within us, sets a torch alight,
But the truth for truth we must see,
When given a pen, hardly one of us would write.

— The End —