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668 · Feb 2021
Eleanor Sinclair Feb 2021
You stole my heart with your silver tongue
with a voice so sweet from your crimson lungs
I beg for a day when my dreams don't consist of you
I lose sleep looking into your eyes, light blue
What's worse is the feeling that you'll never be mine
so I drown my heart in a bottle of wine
No liquor can remove the taste of your lips
or the warmth of my cheeks when your hands touch my hips
Maybe I'll forget how you laugh and you smell
but they pain you brought me... I'll take that with me to Hell
656 · Oct 2015
Sincerely, Nature
Eleanor Sinclair Oct 2015
Have we as humans already forgotten,
That the world is but a stage?
And if it were to crumble down
The people, it would enrage
Yet we wreck the homes of others
Countries, and our brothers
But what about the ones next door?
Or right in our backyards
The birds the trees
The bugs the bees
As they may
We make a way
But lives we still invade
For every tree
One, or three
Save them, I implore
635 · Oct 2016
Pituitary Poetry
Eleanor Sinclair Oct 2016
You cause my veins to overflow
You help my brain to work and grow
My bloodstream to fill with dopamine
You keep me alert and lean
You help to keep me stable
Like walking on a thick cable
You pump my mood with Seratonin
Without you I feel alone and there's nothing I can do
You help me feel the pain in life
A skinned knee or sharp drawn knife
You make my world continue forward
Without you there's disorder
You make me cry
Without knowing why
You're the reason I feel love
Attraction to the person I think of
You reside in a small portion by my brain
Most people treat you with harsh disdain
But because of you I am me
And there's no one else I'd rather be
Today, tomorrow
In time I borrow
I thank you
626 · Dec 2014
Eleanor Sinclair Dec 2014
What the hell is the matter?
Life's going,
It's good
Grades are my way
Go out? I could
My friends love me dearly
Be happy? I should
Not that simple, merely
Like verbose dialogue, streaming
I hear nothing outside
Except, in my head I hear screaming
Right left, right left
The day-to-day struggle
My tears block the view
Of the tasks I must juggle
Things are okay
And yet, they're not fine
The pain I am caused
Is nothing short of divine
Comedic indeed
Like Dante foretold
Hell's where we end up
Who knew, it'd be cold?
626 · Mar 2020
Swan Song
Eleanor Sinclair Mar 2020
I break everything I touch
Whether I like it or not
The pain is a bit much

I steal hearts like a siren
and leave them out to dry
Men flock to me like pigeons
Yet I don't understand why

My features are average and I'm a grade-A *****
I don't offer apologies for broken hearts, not even a stitch

I have infinite suitors yet I want none of them
I want my Swan, he's my gem

******, the word is a sadistic place
The one man I want, would just laugh in my face
Eleanor Sinclair Oct 2018
I hope my body forgives me
For what I’ve put it through
I hope one day I see
The truths I heard from you

I promise I will try
Not to starve myself as often
But there will be hiccups and lies
As I chew and chew to soften

The food will make me sick
Though I may not mean physical
But still they call me “thick”
Thin is paradisiacal

I’m sorry some days I can’t keep down my food
Or I can’t even look at the label on that junk
I know it would taste good
But it would just add to me another flabby chunk

The number doesn’t matter
It’s arbitrary really
I’m stuck like the mad hatter
And the mirror floats about freely

Yes I’m scared to death
But the death is so enticing
I push and pull each breath
But the sharp oxygen is slicing

Tired and alone
I wander aimlessly
With no place to call home
I can’t say I do so blamelessly

It’s my fault I’m so messed up
But I want that skin and bones
I rinse my mouth with a cup
After throwing up dark tones

I hope my body forgives me
For hurting it so greatly
It’s not who I want to be
But I’ve gotten much worse lately
607 · May 2018
Fire Girl
Eleanor Sinclair May 2018
Burning inside is a fire worth harboring
A flame so high the sky feels it’s heat
No ray of sunlight could match the intensity of the girl radiating fire
In her wake wades destruction and suffering soon ensues

But the girl made of embers with flares of solar light lights up the dimmest days and dispels the darkest nights

So the lady with her bright red heart walked for miles and miles with no one beside her
She feared they had left because of her boiling touch and was worried her personality was a little too much
And the fire encapsulated all that drew near it
The cries of those harmed were inaudible for her to hear it
The crackling of her skin warmed the air and her feet charred the ground
She attempted to tiptoe but each step made volcanic sound

Soon she sat all alone, isolated, lost from home
Her penetrating tears absorbed oxygen as they hit the rubble
She cried and wondered why she was nothing but trouble

But a boy soon approached made of water and ice
Who got too close to the fire girl and by touching her paid the price
He screamed and part of his old self melted into puddles then to vapor
He realized he couldn’t live without her so he did his best to save her
He sacrificed it all
For this risky girl

She tried to push him away but his persistence was strong
She told him time after time that what he is doing was wrong
But this now glistening man grabbed for her hand
And the once dangerous girl breathed a sigh of relief
And her once grand flames became minuscule and brief
He held her as she whimpered and begged to be free
She missed her lonely flames but feared more what she’d be

An obsidian shell encased her from her head to her feet
She ruined the ice man and his life for eternity
She wanted to get close to him but he was scared and ran from her hurriedly

Unsure what to do she stood still quietly
Could a love ever burn for two opposing elements
Or are they always equipped for battle putting on there helmets

He stopped and looked back at the now cooling flame
He noticed her calm nature and thought she was tame

Scared to venture further she pulled back ever so slightly and he knew she was timid
The defenses were dropped and her walls all shattered
Her deep insecurity was left as everything else scattered

Walking to her slowly he extended his arm
Hoping she was unable to do any harm
He trusted her greatly and stood his ground stately

With two rapid blinks she looked in confusion
No one had ever kindled her flame and she wondered if it was all a delusion
Reluctantly she matched his gesture of love
And prayed that she wouldn’t mess this one up

So the two stood hand in hand at the edge of the chaos
They chose to walk the thin line between fantasy and reality
Letting nothing subdue them except the sheer force of gravity
Together these two beings
Although wildly different
Knew something drew them together
So they continued their journey not knowing the path
Not caring about the destination or finding a map
They knew as long as they had each other
That there was nothing they wouldn’t do to be by one another
Her less harmful flame merely simmered his heart
He kept her at bay despite the influence of her day
She always kept him warm and vowed never to let go
No matter if she was the hot summer day or he was the graceful winter snow
602 · Apr 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2019
I’ve contemplated drugs.
Heroine, LSD, *******,
Anything that could maybe numb the pain.

I’ve contemplated leaving.
The state, the country,
But I’m only deceiving.

I’ve thought about the facts.
Rolling over them in my head,
There’s no way to go back.

I lost myself some time ago.
I can impress but not connect...
I have many masks, tomorrow I’ll pick a new row.
596 · Jul 2018
Stuck at Sea
Eleanor Sinclair Jul 2018
Waves crashing and smashing into the rickety boat
Hardly staying afloat it cracks and snaps under the pressure that wraps around it
Spinning swirling and twirling the water fills every crevice and nook
From the most overt cabinet down to the rustiest hook
The stormy outlook brings dread
And in his head he thinks of the waves that could leave him dead
Losing all control he can’t grab a hold of the wheel or the rope that could keep him remotely safe or help him cope with the lack of balance
It’s all done
As the sea swallows him like it does the morning sun
594 · Apr 2017
Drugged Up
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2017
Dreaming of outer space
The beautiful boy
Visited a beautiful place
Immensely vast
He floated through stars
And then at last
He began to fall
Through nebulas and dust
Like a heavy ball
He fell and fell
For what seemed like forever
Then awoke shouting, "never, never!"
He panted and sighed sounds of relief
He knew the pills had worn off
And in disbelief
Laid back on his pillow
And shut his eyes
Like a wilting willow
His pain he disguised
Another handful then
*"Let's try this again"
594 · May 2019
Eleanor Sinclair May 2019
You call me names in your fits of rage
You say you don’t mean it in order to save face
And it hurts me to say I believe my new names
And I always tell myself that I am to blame
So as we go each title is a little more hurtful
Beating my bruised heart beyond black and purple
I attempt to say “please stop”
But that only causes my stomach to drop
Because the anger in your eyes is frightening
And each electric word is like a flash of lightening
I’m scared to stand up for what I deserve
I suppose I’ll continue to work up the nerve
587 · Apr 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2019
I slowly forget the way you rubbed my skin
The way we snuck around
And all our sin
But as much as I say I’m moving on
It’s harder than it seems
Because to you I’m drawn
And all the thoughts that encompass me
Are simply of you
And what we used to be
I miss the bliss I felt from your lips
And the pump of adrenaline
When you’d grab my ribs
There’s something sacred about what we had
I can’t explain it
So good yet so bad

You were heaven
And I was hell
I miss you now
Even my soul I’d sell
To get you back for one more night
To lay with you
From dark till light
576 · Mar 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Mar 2019
For a moment I felt okay
Euphoric, even, in every way
But it can’t last forever
The next day the pain is back and once again we are severed
575 · Dec 2019
Best Friend
Eleanor Sinclair Dec 2019
When I see you I can’t help but smile
The look in your eyes is to die for
And that gorgeous radiant laugh can be heard for miles
You leave your business card in my shoe when I visit
I still have each and every one
When I’m not around, I miss it
I draw hearts on your calendar when you look away
I love when you find them
It makes my day
And no matter what happens you know I love you
That regardless of anything
Or the distance that grew
You’ll always be with me until the end
And I’ll always be here
For my lovely best friend
574 · Jul 2018
Late Night
Eleanor Sinclair Jul 2018
Tonight I took a risk
And once again sliced my wrists
But instead of five I did ten
And little blood came out when
I pressed a little harder
And the blade cut a little farther
I looked like a tiger with it’s stripes
And I’m willing to face all the gripes
You’ll probably leave me when you see my scars
Because you’ll realize all the harm
It stings a little but still feels good
You didn’t understand and you never would
You can’t handle a basket case
To you I’m just a waste
Let’s see how they look tomorrow
Because tonight they filled me with sorrow
They didn’t bleed like I’d hope
Maybe next time I’ll try the rope
I’m a ***** up and don’t deserve life
I argue with myself about what to do and with which knife
I lay here now wrists stinging
The sandman with sleep he’s bringing
I’m upset at myself more than you are at me
So don’t yell or use harsh words during your plea
I’m sorry for what I’ve done
There is nothing more I can do, none
Maybe it’s more than ten
I stopped counting around then
You’ll leave me tomorrow I know it
Whether or not I refuse to show it
The scars will still remain
And you’ll think of me with cruel disdain
Hate me for all I care
This heavy cross I’ll always bare
Give me another reason to hate my soul and body
Give me another bad habit to proclaim as a hobby
I’m an artist by nature and I paint with my blood
And when I’m done my sharp edged paint brush will drop with a thud
I don’t care anymore and I wish life was simpler
I suppose T.S Elliot was correct: this is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper
566 · May 2015
Eleanor Sinclair May 2015
Nowhere to go

Nowhere to be

Nothing to do

Nothing to *see
564 · Apr 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2019
My heart can’t take another moment
The beats are slowing
It has exploded
560 · Apr 2019
Morning Dew
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2019
I see you in my wildest dreams
I see you when I sleep
Both night and day I want you
I yearn to take the leap

It's hard to do it now
And I'm not saying we would
Just know I love you dearly
One day maybe we could

Please think of me often
I know I will for you
I see your beauty daily
In the sunbeams and morning dew
555 · Dec 2020
Eleanor Sinclair Dec 2020
I wrestle with these thoughts of doubt
And all the hate I can’t get out
While you sit there and watch me in my pain

Imagine that this hurt will pass
That death for me is swift and fast
Forever in your heart you’ll feel the rain

I want to stay for me and you
But I’ll do what I want to do
This world has extinguished my bright flame
Read this to the best of Duality by Slipknot, it works great.
554 · Jun 2018
Lame Love Poem
Eleanor Sinclair Jun 2018
I love your eyes and the way they meet mine
I love your lips and their taste of cherry wine

I need your touch like I need air
I need your smile I can’t help but stare

I feel the warmth of your presence
I feel the envy of your effervescence

I beg to be by your side
I beg to be your guide

I see a bit of us in everything I do
I see a world I’d love to explore with you

I hear your voice in my soundest sleep
I hear your laugh in my mind so deep

I smell your deodorant on the clothes I wear
I smell your scent lingering in the air

I can’t live without you here
I can’t live alone in fear

I miss your lovely eyes too much
I miss your sizzling electric touch

I need you to be mine
I need you to make me fine

I am happy when you’re around
I am happy when you’re safe and sound

I think of you in my waking hours
I think of you through the sweet and sours

I hope one day you can see my love
I hope one day we can meet above
549 · Mar 2018
A Letter To Myself
Eleanor Sinclair Mar 2018
Dear inner writer,

The voices bouncing around my head are making me dizzy and the thought of doing anything except be idle makes me nauseous. I throw these words onto the paper, but do I even know what they really mean? What they’re really saying? Worn out and overused, I collapse in on myself.

People praise my scattered thoughts as though something new has been forged from the hellish flames of my fervent mind, yet I don’t see it. They say, “wow, that was beautiful,” but did they really feel that in their heart’s? A world without writing is a dark desolate nothingness and I can’t go back.

This earth is plagued with the unsightly forces of humanity. Stained by deceit and judgement, I look for an escape and if my only weapon to wield is my ballpoint sword and blank white shield, then I will be ready for battle.

“Everything carries me to you” - Pablo Neruda

I resented writing for a while and I griped about its effect. Why did it always make me feel the way I did? Why did it make me feel at all? I knew it was a part of me but I didn’t let myself understand that until further down the evermore complicated road.

Writing is the release valve on a pressurized pump. With each new word and phrase, the force dwindles and there is nothing more relieving. Like lifting the earth off from Atlas’ shoulders.

As I feel the sanity and solidity of this world slip through my fingers, I can’t seem to get a grip. Sometimes things are beyond what I can comprehend and there is no way around that.

“Raise your words, not voice. It is the rain that grows flowers, not the thunder” - Rumi

It carries an overwhelming affect and my heart can’t help, but overflow onto the paper. With the ink as my blood it splatters down on the page in sporadic fits of inspiration, like a mad man I scribble until the last “i’s” are dotted and the “t’s” are adequately crossed. One heavy sigh concludes the session and I know there is more to come soon.

The ability to create marks a triumph over all the evidence to the contrary. To live and to breathe is a foot all in itself. The odds are stacked against each and every one of us and existing is the greatest gift the universe could give us, so why not rejoice with the splendor of the written word and express ourselves in every way possible?

Never show your cards. The combinations you’ve been dealt are your own and to open yourself up fully is to reveal your hand. Writing allows me to shade my cards, but illuminate just enough to alleviate the ambient questions

“A heart’s a heavy burden” - Calcifer

It scares me, the intensity of my words and of the feelings within. There is no greater power than in emotion. Able to tear apart and build back up, its two-faced nature terrifies me, yet still I feel.

No two pieces of writing are the same and like snowflakes they fall all over the world, giving different meaning to each person who sees them.

“I closed my mouth and spoke to you in a hundred silent ways” - Rumi

I implore that you keep writing. I beg that you continue to bleed black and blue blood onto the pages of the world and prove to the society we inhabit that we are a force to be reckoned with and that no one and nothing will tear down our fortitude.

I enter into a new chapter of my life and I see that we have become one and the same, finally. I resented you for years, but now I embrace you with open arms and the wingspan of a soaring eagle.

“Happiness can only exist in acceptance” - George Orwell

You are me and I am you. Till the end of time we will be a team and I will never forget you. I will never leave you.

Never forsake yourself my friend and never doubt your ability. There is a world of wonder and understanding and I know you can do it. You will always write and you will always flourish. Nothing can tear you apart and nothing can pull you down. The universe is at your fingertips.

“Do not go gentle into that good night” - Dylan Thomas


540 · Feb 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Feb 2019
Of all the art in the world
Nothing compared to you
I sold my soul looking for the paints you used
Yet in the end it was just as well
I was nothing but charcoal whereas you were pastel
535 · Jan 2019
To Jay
Eleanor Sinclair Jan 2019
In the night is when I know he loves me
Because without being asked he rolls over and hugs me
And with his gentle hands he tugs at me
And although his body is flaming
I find his presence quite taming
I think the feeling I’m having trouble explaining is the one above all else
It’s love for others above thyself
The more time I spend with him the more I see his flaws
But the more I fall in love with him the more I must take pause
I know he is not perfect
But a happy life, he deserves it
I love my boy most of all
He is the only one to catch me when I fall
522 · Feb 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Feb 2019
I’m sorry my love
But it has to be done
The clouds have moved in
I’m no longer your sun
My heart is aching
At the thought of what was
My will is breaking
I’ve just had enough
513 · Nov 2018
Eleanor Sinclair Nov 2018
Maybe in another life I will be something less painful than a human
Fewer feelings and emotions and ridiculous devotions
Perhaps a butterfly so I may sprout wings to go wherever I please
To escape when I want and live among the trees
To be free from the mortal bonds which bind me still
Being crushed by those who see me as a bent and dying daffodil
I am viewed as a damaged and battered being
Yet it seems as though my outside casing is the only thing people are seeing
My mind is quiet foggy but my folded stems are not painful
They just distort my appearance and for that I'm quiet thankful
Because if those who care were to ignore my imperfections
Then by chance I could avoid societal dissection
Let me return as a creature without sense or thought
Then I will never be caught thinking of what I used to be
I'll be free from the prospect that the world ruined me
I thought I was alone in this place of misery
But I was soon brought out and could see clearly, instantly
Love was the lens I needed for sight
But now like the butterfly, it has left to take flight
There once was a time when the world brought me joy
Until I found people who sadistically poison and destroy
Now I again must revert back to nature
In the end it is all I have left...
Sooner or later
513 · Apr 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2019
If the world is water
Then I am the flame
If something goes wrong
I am always to blame
I fear for my life
In this miserable place
I wonder at night
If I’m merely a disgrace

In empty moments I cry
Tears made of ash
And in the mornings
They litter the floor like trash

No one is interested
No one cares to see
That the fire burning inside
Is what makes me, me

I try to convince them
That I’m worth the fight
I may burn you in the end
But in the dark I am your light
502 · Feb 2019
Bad Boy
Eleanor Sinclair Feb 2019
You act so kind and caring
But you’re really quite cruel and daring
You push the limits of life
And play with the edge of the knife
I was merely a pawn in your game
You made me fall for your name
But were you the man I grew to know?
Looking now at your face, I don’t think so
500 · Feb 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Feb 2019
Can’t you see
It’s not you who is the issue
It’s me
494 · Nov 2020
Eleanor Sinclair Nov 2020
I knew when I saw you it would be like time hadn't moved
After a few moments we got back into our usual groove
And the scent of you lingered for the seconds I hugged you
I felt happy to be there and maybe you knew

I playfully motioned for you to hold my hand so you did
You probably didn't notice the smile I hid
The tv flickered with a game in the background or music
All while we leaned closer and in an instant felt lucid

We embraced again before the night was done
You walked me out and said you had fun
One more hug this time with a tighter squeeze
In a way it felt infinite and like time could just freeze
I nestled my face in your neck and you did the same
I'm sure you felt my heart race and still you stayed tame
I slowly let go of our entangled goodbyes
Then did my best to avoid your eyes

How long had it been since I felt those butterflies within
With him, it was truly a romance to get lost in
493 · Mar 2019
491 · Sep 2018
Breakup, Breakdown
Eleanor Sinclair Sep 2018
I do not wish to be dead
But I feel as though there's nothing left
You slipped through my fingers like water
And splashed to the ground like the blood of a lamb at the slaughter
I begged you please to stay here
But you decided to let go at almost our third year
I cried to you and was vulnerable
You sat there dry eyed, comfortable
What more can I say except I miss you
I hold on to your shirt and beg to kiss you
But with no success again I digress
A friend of mine called me today
Crying about her boy and I told her what to say
I stayed composed and showed no sorrow
I was at her side so she could live through till tomorrow
But what a hypocrite I must be
I stare at the metal against my pale skin in envy
I told her to hold her heart on her own
I insisted that no matter what she's never alone
I hung up 12 minutes later and burst into tears
I wish I could take away her pain and all of her fears
But could anyone say the same for my troubled soul?
Today is the day I broke and am no longer whole
I am trying to search for my broken pieces
Like the Shikon Jewel they're scattered and the distance increases
You are free from your obligations to me or my world
I'll lay in my bed hungry, tearful, and curled
No motivation I wake up just to sleep
My emotions are thick and their rivers run deep
You course through my veins like a potent pain killer
Or maybe like lidocaine acting just as a filler
The pain is still there but I can't feel it now
My body is numb and all feeling is gone, how?
I could get used to the feeling of emptiness
I could learn to like my hollowed out chest
Some are designed to be left all alone
People like me, these creatures of stone
I'd do it all again if you gave me the chance
I'd put my shattered heart back in your hands
484 · Nov 2018
Hollow Howl
Eleanor Sinclair Nov 2018
The wind speaks to me at night
It cascades and whistles in mid flight
I see in it the wonder
And destruction like the thunder
It tells me of the clouds
And how they love to clump in crowds
Perhaps the wind will save us
With it's mighty and powerful gust
I wish to ask it questions
And to express my confessions
The howling shrieks seems mournful
Like those of a mere mortal
I suppose nothing is free from pain
Even nature is bound by chain
How I long to ask the wind
Why it's voice must rescind
For days at a time it will not visit
My window pane forgets its kisses
As I forget its touch on my skin
I wonder where my wind has been
473 · Sep 2018
Lost Light
Eleanor Sinclair Sep 2018
The stars are plenty in the sky
Some reason when they’re gone I can’t help but cry
The beauty is inescapable
Yet some days it’s trapped in a distant bubble
I can’t see their twinkle tonight and it kills me
Normally their radiance fills me
But even the moon is now shrouded from worldly view
The sky seems empty with no stars, not even a few
I count the days since I last saw my light
Whether from the cold dark pavement or the highest height
I miss the constellations that made me smile
I haven’t felt that joy in quite a while
I miss the celestial bodies on the dark flat sheet
I miss watching them shimmer as I listen to my heartbeat
Please return to me my Starry Night sky
My iridescent view don’t pass me by
472 · Dec 2018
Eleanor Sinclair Dec 2018
As my hands moved down his slick back,
I counted the rising goosebumps.
Then he leaned in close to me
and speaking his dangerous words said,
"I want you."
Somehow, on that cold winter day, I melted
467 · Dec 2014
Happiness In Flames
Eleanor Sinclair Dec 2014
I'm happy we're together now,
But you're still to blame
Even more than before
You cause me great pain
If we don't talk, or don't smile
My heart feels so lost
I guess it's been a while
Maybe that's just the cost
Love is strong
And like fire,
It burns
Leaving scars
To the third degree
I love you,
But you pushed me too far
460 · Jun 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Jun 2019
Does your heart skip a beat when you see me
Do your hands still long to feel me
Does the mention of my name invoke emotion
Is my existence to you like a potion

Can you feel your heart beat on
Even on days when I’m gone?

I won’t stop loving or caring
Even now I’m more thriving and daring
I dare to take the leap of faith with trust
Jump with me, I’ll be your pixie dust
457 · Aug 2018
Eleanor Sinclair Aug 2018
My heart hurts
It fears for the worst
Knowing the end it near
The notes start with “dear...”
449 · Sep 2018
As it seems
Eleanor Sinclair Sep 2018
I miss the smell of you in bed
I miss the way you kiss my head
I miss your hand on mine
I miss the way you‘d say I look fine
I miss your hugs and their encapsulating safety
I miss the way you made my mind act crazy
I miss our laughs and emotional talks
I miss the days we would go for short walks
I miss sitting with you in close proximity
I miss the way you looked at me in a certain vicinity
I miss your smile most of all
I miss your voice echoing down the hall
I miss your eyes and their gorgeous luster
I miss my inability to find words to muster
But I think about it now and I miss none of that
Instead I just think how I want you back
Because I don’t miss your worldly qualities
Instead I miss your quirky little oddities
Everything about you is beyond this existent
I’ve hit the point of full on admittance
I’m in love with your soul and your being
Of course I’m also in love, sweetheart, with what I’m seeing
But I want you for you and not what’s outside
The day you left me part of me died
I hope to see you again in my dreams
That’s all I have left now, so it seems
445 · Dec 2014
Sailing In The Night
Eleanor Sinclair Dec 2014
As the beast howled
The captain shouted
Over the wind and the rain
The burning skylines
Couldn't look the same
The monster was coming
They wouldn't survive
The crew and the captain
Would drown with the ship
And the treasure at their sides
The creature approached
As the crew manned the sails
The beast finally caught up
One mighty slash to the weak boat
It sank to the bottom
With the treasure,
Still in the cargo hold
445 · Apr 2018
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2018
Choke it down though you know you don't want it
Cram the calories into the bottomless pit
With stress and starvation comes restrictive cravings
Ice cream for meals and depleted savings
Feel the pain in your stretched out belly
Scarfing down peanut butter and jelly
You're a pig and you know it
But you can't control it
Your clothes hug you close
As your stomach continues to bloat
Five, six, seven pounds up
When will it be enough
When will you realize you're a product of your own destruction
If you skip each meal tomorrow you can start reconstruction
The thin girls stare and laugh at your look
One more plate of pasta is all that it took
You're disgusting and vile
Put yourself here on trial
Tell yourself to succumb to the voices
Starting tomorrow make better choices
Starve yourself daily
You'll love yourself maybe
Nothing like the feeling of an empty stomach
Your own strung up puppet
Bones through skin is a beautiful thing
It's a reason to get up on the scale and sing
Dropping like boulders with each passing hour
Making up excuses like "I'm allergic to flour"
Whatever the condition
You know your mission
Start the cycle however vicious
Ignore the foods that are delicious
Indulge in water and a baby food diet
If they ask "who wants seconds?" stay quiet
Because soon you'll be pretty and fit your summer attire
You can't wait any longer now it's dire
The flavor will fade and you'll hate yourself more
How about skip the cake and you'll even the score
Till the number's brand new
And your bones pierce right through
Don't stop till you're nothing
Put your shoes on get running
Embrace the disorder
Create your own border
444 · Jan 2019
Seconds Between
Eleanor Sinclair Jan 2019
When our eyes meet it’s like a flash of lightning
With each new moment the feeling is heightening
I can’t believe it took us this long
To realize what we had before it was gone
442 · Mar 2019
One Day
Eleanor Sinclair Mar 2019
“One day”
She spoke softly,
“It’ll be just you and me”

“And one day”
He uttered earnestly,
“We’ll have eternity”
439 · Oct 2015
Eleanor Sinclair Oct 2015
To the Suns who shine so bright
To the Stars who light the darkest night
To the Candles who burn
And the Winds who yearn
To the ones who put others first
But in the end get it the worst
An anthem for those
Whom nobody knows
That pull the strings
To gain Angel wings
A selfless good deed
No secular greed
To the passive and silent
The angry get violent
Pushed all around
Figuratively bound
Entrapped in the mind
The thoughts are not kind
Yet still in the end
What matters is the trend
A pattern to follow
Or tough pill to swallow
A silenced tongue
The good die young
It's a matter of time
Before the last rhyme
436 · Jan 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Jan 2019
There are days I could leave this behind
Pack up and go with clear conscience and mind
Yet as time ticks away I still stay
429 · Feb 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Feb 2019
All you had to do was stay
but instead you left
and took a piece of me away

every night and every day
I think of you
and weep as I begin to pray
429 · May 2017
Eleanor Sinclair May 2017
The sky is crying for us
If there is a god, he is weeping over us
He never realized
The pain brought into our lives
And through the hazy days
And the shattered sunny rays
We wish to be swans
Because it would be easier to die of a broken heart
Than to live with one
428 · Sep 2018
Eleanor Sinclair Sep 2018
I feel the sunlight on my face
And it reminds me of your warm embrace
The one for which I long
When I’m weak it makes me strong
It was sad to watch you walk away
But I know we’ll make it back together some day
You don’t believe my words
How many times have I said it? Is it the second? Or the twenty-third?
I love you without earthly notion
You fill me with a variety of emotion
And I will always feel love for you and us
Love far deeper than lust
Imagine our island in the sky
On a single cloud floating by

We will make it there,
I swear
426 · Apr 2021
A little sad
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2021
My heart skips a beat every time I see your face
I wonder if you can hear it, as it jumps in place
My chest gets tight and my blood starts to race

If I saw you walking down the street
As quickly as I could I would pick up my feet
I want to catch up, but know to retreat

There are words I hear and things I say
That remind me of you every single day
You helped my life turn to color from gray

Every message I receive on my phone
I hope and I pray that it is you alone
To feel that joy I had once known

I miss you more with every passing moment
You will always be my friend, never my opponent
But it will never be so again, and I know it
424 · Apr 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Apr 2019
I am not but a flower
And he
He is the whole garden
419 · Nov 2019
Eleanor Sinclair Nov 2019
I drink alcohol to soothe my soul
To cleanse and numb my broken mind
I drink for the buzz
To see what new reaches I can find
It’s scary in my head when I’m sad
When I’m throwing up that poison
I can’t cry for mom and dad
The pain is far too great
I love the tingle
But the taste, I hate
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