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nim Jul 2017
it is
the best
to distract
the others
p a i n
nim Jul 2021
a leaf falls onto the bench,
completely mute. you pick
it up, begging it to make a sound.
i wonder why, it won't work wonders;
i wonder why, has it fallen down,
i wonder why, are we all
just leaves, now
on the ground?
nim Aug 2021
sometimes, the hole is too big to be filled.
other times, it's like it fills itself.
as if something breaks, and i can suddenly let go.
sometimes, i still smell your perfume,
and other times, i see your shadows in our garden and in the faces passing by.
help me let this young soul go;
i don't know if you can leave,
but help him pass the bridge.
for i was way too late,
and people all around me are starting to wither.
i can see it in their eyes, and i know you see it too.
i can see it in the tragedy of their beloved ones, and i know how they hurt.
death, as well as other situations.
nim Jun 2018
he told me i
can't have this
wounds patched up, i
can't heal
the only way to
close the
wound, is to

so i
but i
am still
help me
and let me
bleed out
in the dead
nim Feb 2018
lie after lie
tell 'em I'm fine
lie after lie
and they start to

lie after lie
and you start
to believe
lie after lie
but the blade
couldn't be tricked

lie after lie,
tell them you're fine
lie after lie,
glass is now
in your veins
lie after lie,
you tell yourself
"That's not deep enough."

lie after lie
rose petals on the floor
lie after lie
one poem burned down
lie after lie
your blue eyes staring
at the hole where
lie before lie
my heart used to be

lie after lie
and soon
you don't know,
lie after lie,
you're not fine

lie after lie,
and soon,
lie after lie,
it's not
a lie.
nim Oct 2018
There was no place like your eyes

A pool-depth full of lies
nim Sep 2022
each passing time,
the pain gets multiplied
and it lingers on,
a scent, wrapping my body up
into mischievous agony.
amuse me, pain,
amuse me, agony;
for i have yet to show my best qualities.
the best has not yet come to pass,
but one certain thing comforts me
and puts me at ease like a sweet lullaby;
if i create, i am
if i write, i exist
and my life will forever go on,
and my existence will not be in vain.
for as long as i create,
some trail will be left behind.
the scent of death will fade,
and i will live
one more time.
nim Jun 2017
I want to live
yet I'm slowly dying
God I know I sinned
wishing the day
of my death
would hunt me down
faster than
would make it.

yet, I'm here,
feel it stalking
as a piece of my soul
slowly fades

I tried to catch it
the glimpse of life
colorful and
my hands turned transparent;
my legs were stuck deep in the ground,
my voice couldn't be heard,
my eyes didn't believe what they saw.
my soul cried.
my life was escaping.

and when it turned around,
I saw death
taking it away
and a final laugh
echoed through
my mind
until the rest of my days.
This is the poem on which my "yesterday" one was based. Both were inspired by the same thing.
nim Apr 2021
i need to sit
and catch my breath
'cause i can't stand
what's going on,
i need a minute
to just hold on.
the world is too fast,
it's spinning about,
i need to stop,
oh, god, help me down.
i need to sit
and cry it out,
i wish emotions
would come out.
it's all blurry,
i'm always in a hurry,
i wish i could
just break the clock
that's ticking down,
make the time
count down.
'cause god, i need to breathe,
but these things
are killing me.
oh god, just one breath,
in the rain, i suffocate.
it all comes down,
it's crashing now,
but i just sit
and try to breathe.
nim Sep 2019
i am lost
nim Nov 2017
wherever i go
i see your footsteps
marking the snow in my heart

a silent whisper, your voice
sends shivers down my body
while i'm losing everything in your wind

once you have taught me how not to love,
how can i
ever love

so how can i fight if
i'm not whole?
so how to fight if

wherever i go
i see your footsteps
marking the snow in my heart
quietly telling me,
"You can never love again".
nim May 2022
Cleopatra used to look at this moon,
But I'm just happy I get to see it with you.
I love you so much.
nim Jun 2017
I can sense the magic
Tingling in his eyes
When I look at him, I see
Magic blurring his eyes
His intense gaze guarding me.

But that's not what I want.

Oh, and I know
I hold the power to
Control him
When I'm sad, he
Seems sad about it, too
Yet, when I laugh
I see the sparkling in his eyes
Magic, awoken.

But that's not what I want.

I know, I could
Be the puppet master
But that doesn't seem right,

But that's not what I want.

He brightens up my day
In a completely different way
We were born to be together
Magic pulled us closer
But not in that way,

But that's not what I want.

His eyes are like the deep underground
Filled with emotions
I stop and take a breath
Try to hold it in
I could be the center of his world
Yet I'm afraid I'd
Hurt and be hurt
But I'm trying to be careful,

But that's not what I want.

His eyes
Filled my heart
With magic
His touch
Brought me closer and made me stay
His magic
Possessed me and made me whole

...Maybe that's what I just want.
This is a poem about a girl who tries not to fall in love with a boy because she's afraid. Yeah, she pretty much failed.
nim Mar 2019
and in the dark
you long for your muse;
calling her name
needing her to inspire you

to embolden the blood in your veins
to embrace the void in your eyes

to flip your world around,

to fill your soul with love

you long for your muse.
nim Nov 2017
"Write a poem for us to understand".

Why would I?
My poem's my heart and my ribs,
The galaxy scarf that's been strangling me for years;
My lover and companion,
My cup of tea that I enjoy in while hating it.

I enjoy my smooth ride in my imagination,
Where I do things I want to do here,
But which my mind itself does not let me do.

It's my sacred temple and the saviour who the temple is for.

Why do you have a need to understand it?
I'm the one jealously holding it,
Yet trembling to explain it.

My daily dose of galaxy.

My daily dose of hedonism.

Daily dose of suffocating.

Every day, closer to death, the closest to madness.

Welcome to the cup of my universe.
Enjoy it and hate it.
Explain if you can.
nim Mar 2022
i'm back, my old friend
once again, i picked up the pen
to make the smile on paper alive again.
colours are filling in my heart
and with you, i can see again
i never knew how blind i was.
you are the wonderful flower
that's being acknowledged by people
passing through the streets
then picked up, to gift to their mothers,
simply because of your exquisite beauty;
you are now her flower, and mine as well.
and without you, the wind carries me away,
and i struggle to find my path alone.
dreams would hurt me, the stars would shoot me,
and the lake would tell me to drown;
but then i'd wake up,
to see you by my side.

then i hug the world, and dream of better days with you.
with you, i know i can make it through.
nim Feb 2023
hello, dear Sun,
with the ever bright smile,
the Sun that seems I left behind,
the Sun that appears in my mind.

the Sun was always beautiful
and it's warmth was like no other;
it made everyone's day brighter,

if only she herself could feel joy.

i read the Sun's letter
and the wishes on the book she got me,
time and time again,
hoping, for once,
the Sun would feel some
of her very own, warm rays of light.

and so, very well,
if the Sun wishes to leave,
i will gladly go blind
watching the Eclipse,

by fits and starts
dreaming of times
i felt the warm, yellow strips,
glow on my face.

dear Sun,
if only you knew
i never meant to hurt you,
if only you knew
what i felt back then.
because feeling the dark
slowly creep in,
sensing the Sun
set back in,

i set off first.

and for the rest of the night,
i talked with the Moon.

the darkness wasn't new.

i left, when i knew i'd
be stranded in the dusk.
so i chose not to walk on that line,
but to simply indulge myself
into the night.

i left,
not you,
never you.
i escaped from the clouds
that were threatening
to drench me in poisonous raindrops,
i escaped,
knowing you'd eventually
turn off your light.

and so,
the mute silence
dropped the curtain itself.
it is made out of iron,
and i cannot lift it alone.
the Sun cannot get through.

if only Sun knew,
i never wished to leave you.

but the Sun would leave first,
this is something i just knew.

like a survival instinct
screaming i'll get burnt.

and eventually,
when the Sun left, or when
i left the Sun,
different emotions
would pass me through.

what i may be myself,
is this dark side of the Moon.

today, i give up,
for the last time,
like a shadow that evaporates
in front of a strong light,
and i am letting go.

today, i'll just hope
the Sun will remember
how special she is
and wish for the Sun
to finally be filled
with unwavering joy,
even if that may be
just wishful thinking.

the Moon at least loves me,
here in the gloom,
but i can't expect this out of a Sun;
"but you did not follow me
into the dark."
thank you for showing me this site; i wouldn't be the same without it.
i hope you are happy,
and your yellows don't get painted over.
nim Jan 2019
constant aching in my chest
and i can't seem to help it
constant pain, physically felt
brought from the inside of my head
days feel long, days feel short
it's a sand hourglass constantly twisted
but each of them brings pain,
each of them is always
the same
in the unique,
nim May 2018
You break.
He's the reason.
You fall apart.
And that's okay.

Now you're stronger than ever, you have learned on your mistakes and your weak points.

Now let him know that you've woken up the side of you which is uncatchable, the liquid flame which blossoms in the desire to devour anything you want it to, that you have asserted utter harmony with the knowledge of what are you capable of.

Now, you're strong.
After breaking and rising from the dust, who could stop you now?

Now let him know.
nim Feb 2019
hate me
for i deserve no good,
for i do my best;
but it is also my worst.

hate me,
leave me brokenhearted
with pain and apathy
and with just a stranger's number on my phone

once, it was your number
and all of my comfort and my heart;
i didn't know things would fall apart
once you were gone...

hate me
then you'll know
what being me
truly feels like

hate me
because now a stranger
uses your number
and if I called you
i knew i could never hear your voice
nim Mar 2018
i know
you once
used to be
the best
and it's okay if
you are not anymore

everyone's given
a chance
to shine

and not one
can always have
thier place in the sun

so don't be
because of it, be
happy that

were once the best.
nim Jun 2017
The only thing known to me is,
I need her.

I've been lost
I had wandered some places
No man wanted to hear about
Oh, and I've sinned
Gave my soul to the devil...

But, my devil was
In a black cocktail dress
Untamed hair falling across her back
Diabolic sparks in her eyes
I knew one thing.
She had to be mine.

Listen to my tale, and
Don't do the things I've done
Committed crimes
Against myself,
Against love.

There was this thing
About her, that drove me crazy
She was stubborn, yet gorgeous
Beautifully catastrophical
She really was a daughter
Of a man with an ancient lamp
From the myths and legends,
The fallen angel who brings the light.

She once told me:
"Count your sins, and add up
Your own very flaws
And look at the skies.
One star for a sin of yours,
One for a bad act
One for your flaws
But the stars still shine bright
Because they don't care
What've you done.
Immerse out of your nightmare
Because everything you held true
Is a pure lie.
You don't have to be perfect
Because, look up and tell me
Does one star make
Such a big difference?"

She embraced me
And I embraced her
Pressed my lips against hers
As she pulled out the worst in me.
She was a rebel,
She was out of line,
She was stubborn and direct
Purely fierce.
Oh, but I wished she was.

No man should survive
The living collapse of Heaven and Hell
Should I quit from her, my soul
Will be soon dead

If I tear her apart from me,
I won't last long.
Oh, what a sin of yours
That you've given your soul to the devil

I can't help but remember her eyes
Following me silently
My heart hurts when she's not around
I'm addicted to that
One thing she has
In this poem, a man tells a story about how he fell in love with the devil's daughter and gave his soul away.
nim Jun 2018
it's no wonder
you can't fall asleep,
when your tears
are ornamenting
your silky sheets
nim Jul 2018
changes us
and pain
must exist
or you'll feel
like you've never
nim Apr 2021
cigarette ashes
fly on the wind,
as i stare at my black coffee,
it gazes back at me.
black sobranie,
and i debate;
of all the people,
i find it hard to see
is there something
worth seeking.
just like dust,
i let them go
i never looked back
let them think i'm bore.
you may be
a world unseen,
yet i am so tired
no words flow well enough.
i'll just go lose myself
in paint and doubt
while i stare at my coffee,
and flit around.
nim Oct 2021
fragile creature, lying on the floor
naked and bare, curled up
not even crying, slowly dying inside
whilst the sun rays hit it, thus
painting a beautiful, yet a sad picture
glass pieces and ashes ornament the floor
slowly glowing in the girl's hair
in a silver dress
slowly dying on the floor
nim Jun 2018
starless night
in disguise,
no sunrise
endless dark
nim Nov 2018
The borderline of chaos, the imaginary bliss of hell.
I sit in my garden with the wind speaking in my ear, ever so softly;
The leaves are waving and dancing on the wind, following an endless masquerade.
And I am a part of it as well - the mask
I'm wearing grew in on my face, and
I can't seem to take it off.
Just like them, I'm following the seemingly meaningless parade.

The sun has hit low bottom and the day is no more, all to be seen is the flashback of the better days,
with the same orange sky.
Sitting under the same tree.
Yet with every second, the leaves are closer to crumbling and stumbling across an obstacle.
But not you.
You've already hit rock bottom.
And your end is coming near.
But for the first time, after so many tries because you've been convinced otherwise, you catch a glimpse of something.
A light in this melancholy and agony.
The end is near, yet there is more to come.
For you, you've tried your best.

And it's the only thing that ever counts.
nim Jun 2020
poetry, poetry;
my little fairy,
i cut open my wrist
and lovely daisies blossomed!

poetry, tiny pretty ghost,
is it a good sign?
would you heal me, please?
i feel their roots in my veins...

poetry, you silly phantom,
it isn't pleasant anymore!
they're ******* my blood,
there's vultures in my bloodflow.

poetry, silver fanged wraith,
your roots are in my bones,
it's a temple crushing down.
the past is hunting me down.

poetry, my little fairy.
i'm nothing more than dust.
i love you, but i fall apart.
you brought my old demons back.

poetry, my little fairy;
i cut my wrist open,
and lovely rotten daisies bloomed!
nim Mar 2023
||             look at me!,      ||
i playfully scream,
                                    balancing at the edge
||     of the rusty rails     ||
used only by ghosts
of trains, and of

the cliff                                          
||       turns gravity        ||
to pull me closer,        
into a                                            hug
||    i've always wanted,     ||
like a good parent
after praising his son

the call twists my
insides                 ­               
pulling me          
                             to the cliff,

and i wander,
and i wonder,
and i
||        s c r e a m      ||
and i wish
i could

||                          ||
the rails are
closing in,
i don't have
much time

to write what i say,
                        || and sa||y what i write
i wish someone
could love me

not even the
want me,
i fall
into the void,
i     di         ||e||                  ▫️
a piece of you will always stay in me
and i don't get a say in it
nim Aug 2022
in the night i fall apart
sending golden streaks into the clouds;
waving, twisting, chasing the wind,
radioactive waste polluting my lungs;
the metallic liquid drips from my fingertips
as i try to write at least one more beautiful song,
as i suffer to paint a grotesque picture,
as my own hands create chaos in my insides;
as i choke on my own words
and spill water over my eyes
just to see again, just to remember
for one more time
before i finally
fall apart
nim May 7
life with you
could have been simple
and easy to swim through;
life with you,
could have been nice enough
to stay afloat, head above
the dark water

who's to say
i wouldn't drown?
who's to say
you would not push me down?
i feel the salt
in my mouth, on my lips,
and my heart is sinking down
to the bottom of the sea.

the crawfish are there,
eating my broken heart.

did i do right,
is this to survive?
or is it a fatal mistake,
writing my own end?
who's to say?

i guess
only time knows.
nim Jan 2019
soft cries
in your arms
silky layers
covering our secrets
murmuring words of
affection and love
let's be together,
your hand in mine
until the world is gone
nim Feb 2018
"You look familiar",
a whisper said.
I turned around
And your saturation hit me
like never before, your
Blessed light, intensity;
Misty fog and a smile
I recognized your face
Of course, I always would
Ran over to hug you but
An arm suddenly grabs
My shoulder, a tight
and dark grasp; and
it's owner

"Little one, you do
Not belong here, now.
So why don't you
Come with me, where
You belong?"

Never have I ever
Belonged anywhere, and I
Just wanted to be
In your arms

And suddenly, I realise;
You are dead.
As dead as it gets.
And I couldn't go on
Without you, so now...
Now I believe the tales,
Now it's my turn to go
Now I see that
You belong

And I?
I realised.

He said I belong to that one place
Where people go, according
To these tales
When they miss
Someone too much
And do the sin.

The deep underground.

And I realised,
A few decades couldn't
Measure with
Never seeing
you again.

And despite all, I
Ask myself, will I
Ever belong?
nim Jun 2018
the night was starless
your face blank
and your eyes like
the galaxy was alit

a dangerous mix of colours
the most attractive danger
i have ever seen

it was beautiful, like you;
the sight of your golden hair
being tingled by the wind
while you were leaving

and you left me,
you left me
nim Sep 2017
when a storm's expected
the whirling power of silence
takes over me
and I cannot do a single
thing, but watch;
how the tornado gets
swiped off by
a heartbreak

I feel tingling in my chest
I feel like the big
nothing is smothering me
silent hands
going up, against
my neck
softly following the line
of life and death

the flowers turn into stone
and I am completely torn

I could do
but simply stand

and watch
nim May 2023
you dye my hair
and teach me how to sew,
you give me advice
and hear me out when i cry, too.
when i treat you bad
or when i try my best
i feel at ease, but guilty,
because it is you -
i wish to give you
more than i ever could.

forgive me,
for i am a monster
that cannot fight as well
as you do, i cannot parent
as well as you do;
you are so bright,
in both stance and wits,
even when you're clumsy too.

i love all of your jokes,
and the way you laugh,
and the way you're always first
on the scoreboard of your old FPS.
i love all of your hobbies
and the way you're full of knowledge,
yes, tell me more about what the Romans do.

thank you for showing me
how to read these
dumb scripts, and how not
to get an F in an essay.
what the professors hate,
and why i might not fail.
for cheering me up,
for trying so hard;

just know,
you are seen too.

I love you, too.
hope i can express it well enough one day <3 thank you
nim Oct 2018
my hands
are turning cold and dull
you're becoming blurry
my thoughts, I cannot follow
the sky is our limit, made to be surpassed

finally I'm fading,
for years I've been waiting
nim May 2018
The eclipse lasts shortly,
And the moon shines
Merely because of the Sun's rays.
The moon may be gorgeous,
But everything it got
Was a gift from Sun.
Without it's gold spreading across the sky,
The moon is invisible.

That's why a Moon
Could never compete with a Sun.
This poem was a respond to Sky who wrote Eclipse, hope you like it. ♥
The moon shines only because it reflects Sun's light, remember that.
nim Jul 2021
i am a sword
that acts as a shield
and, thus, falls apart.
nim Jul 2021
in my eyes there was a hope, lit and far away,
a dream, waiting, for when things would end.
but as it comes closer, and as days go by,
my vision gets blurry, and my perspective gets lost.
no more am i merry to meet my foe,
nor do those thoughts keep me company.
a wicked ending, lurking on me,
a dead end and the black void are waiting on me.
it's hard to imagine and even harder to say,
the fear i feel deep in the night,
when not even the stars are awake.
but, come the morning and i rise,
the thoughts are gone, i'm fine again.
the loverboy sun spreads his smile
across the sky, it's on the roofs, i think it hits my soul too.
no more am i odd, no more do i cry,
but when the sky falls down, i collapse again.
i wish i could stay as brave as when i'm with the sun,
yet the nightmare never seems to end,
because it only has
one possible end.
nim Dec 2020
"Everyone's a protagonist of their own
story. That's what I thought", he said,
turning to face me:

"Until I met you.
Deliberately ruining
everything you succeed in.
Making destruction of yourself be art.
And allowing nobody else to learn it."

he kept walking towards me.
After a few steps,
he stopped in his tracks.

"Are you not tired...

...of being the villain,
in your own story?"

I left out a single sigh,
and turned around.
Then I kept doing
I do best,

And stabbed myself in the heart.
nim Apr 2021
i write empty words
with a lot of emotions in me;
hidden meaning only i see.
it's the only place where i can hide
from the slick voice that
makes me leave others behind.
the voice, it says
it's just my nature
but i'm not so sure,
though it can feel like home;
i'm not so sure,
i want to hurt anymore.
nim Oct 2020
the ground is shaking.
a needle pierced my heart.
my lungs are ripped, too.
bleeding through the holes.
bleeding out of my mouth.
bleeding out, i'm bleeding out.

please, don't make a sound
as i lie on the ground
because everything familiar
is now disappearing
and i'm left like a stray dog
here, on this shaky ground.

the ground is shaking.
the earth is trembling.
the ground is shaky.
the earth is heavy.

don't leave me alone
in this pool of tears
as my world burns down,
as my temple for you
crashes down.
nim Nov 2017
I thought he was perfect.
He's got the cutest smile, a handsome face; yet not too hot so other girls would steal him.
Smart, aces the exams without studying, too.

Clever, cute, loyal to death and loves me, too.
What more could I possibly ever wish for?

The thin layer of sweat covers his body, glittering in the last dusk's breath.
Sparkles of silver are in his eyes, as if God himself got down on Earth to pour galaxies in his wooden eyes, which are prospecting me.

So, what's the missing puzzle?
You love him, don't you?

Then look at you.

Gazing at the reflection in the mirror, quietly standing.
I look at the dark circles under my eyes which are expanding, following my nose line by the parallel.

Then I look at my nose which I've always hated; the uneven line, like the messy sea in sky's rage.

Then I look at myself.

And I rage, too.

So where's the missing puzzle?
Why does he care?
Why do I?
Ah, youth - well you wore me thin,
And, by the skin of I teeth I'd almost felt something.

So there's the missing puzzle.

I even showed him how I look without makeup. I showed him my madness and my crazyness which would shoo any man away.
Why's he here?

I'm not perfect like him.
And I can't stand, oh, I can't stand the pressure.
I look at my curvy body and stretch marks, lining my legs and showing me my fight with life I'd quit from for another reason.

Why me?

And now,
The mirror's smudged with blood
And I'm sitting on a lonely chair,
A lonely soul, in a lonely room,
With a lonely mind in this lonely world.

I don't know love no more.
How could I?
I take out the mirror bits from out of my fist, silently observing.

Then I look at me.

The face of a disappointed warrior with a long past of fighting her own life,
And it might seem dramatic to you,
But I've had a lot of things on my mind
Which you wouldn't find on the normal silver plate.

I'm not perfect, nor I plan to be.
I see through the lies caused by the love veil, and I choosed to rip it off, but it's not falling down.

And I'm afraid,
I'm afraid if I stay;
When will he
Take it
A simple love story.
nim Nov 2017
one year has passed
everything changed

but you?
you stayed
the same.
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