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Fuji Bear Jun 2014
Humans are by nature
unappeasable  no matter their behavior.
As a conformist
We threaten outsiders,
Yet long to be our own person.
And individuality is no better,
We long for acceptance of
The group we once called home.
That is the nature of humans,
We viscously treat
those that are not like us.
Its no wonder so few are happy
with such constant inner confliction.
Because the human mind is
a kingdom ruled by two fears,
Fear of the unknown,
And Fear of rejection.
Chelsea Jul 2017
It's the first time we meet.

I can't get a read on that sweet summer smile, or the words that drip like thick robes of gold honey; soft-spoken and seemingly slow motion, a quite complicated question pours viscously from your lips.

You ask me, "What is your name?"

Now honestly, I considered honesty. Truthfully, I prefer anonymity, but it's considered rude to not share some glimpse of identity. Albeit reluctantly, I must decide: Do I introduce myself as "Chelsea"? Or as "A Window-Pane Made of Glass Too Thin"? Well honestly, honesty isn't always the best policy.

It's our first date -
Instead of worrying about which outfit I choose, I worry about the disclaimer I wear on my arms. I worry about the first time your gaze inevitably falls upon the self-inflicted displays of pain that dress my paper-thin skin. I worry, will you see a warning sign that reads "DANGER: Do not touch"? I wonder, will you listen?

Or will you choose to swallow me whole, a bitter pill with a list of flaws longer than the side effects of your favorite antidepressant. Do the benefits outweigh the risks, do you take a trial of me to see if I'll make you feel better or feel worse? Do you pour me down the drain when you find out I'm not good enough?

It's our first kiss -
A moment tainted by guilt that the sweet taste I leave behind on your lips is not saliva, but antifreeze. Drink me down and I'll poison you from the inside-out, and there will come a day that I'll be the taste you'd do anything to erase from your mouth.

It's our first fight -
And then our second, and our third...
The sand is slipping through our hourglass too fast, as we drag our blood-stained feet through a wasteland of eggshells and glass. All that remains is a crimson trail of mistakes, meandering back to the spotless place we started at.

It's the first time we meet, and
You ask me for my name. Silence.
Should I introduce myself as "Chelsea"? Or as "A Window-Pane Made of Glass Too Thin". If I'm being honest with myself, I go with the latter...and you'll walk away to avoid the mess that comes after.
Easy dreams are counterfeit,
evidence of lost traces,
steps embossed in faith
like footprints in red snow.
Diluted memories,
viscously mixed with regrets.  

Unctuous juice of unwound thoughts,
torturing my lonely brain.
Now transforming
unpleasant sights.
Becoming marvellous
dreams and hopes,
turning ache into utopia.  

I'm alone in this emerald land,
locked in a plastic paradise,
singing my love's oneiric tune,
but I need to understand;
heaven is real,
only when shared...
Absent Minded Oct 2010
That burn in the back of the throat isn't real.
It's an after effect. A side bar.
Psychosomatic. Problematic. Symptomatic.

Crippled in sentiment and misunderstanding.
Viscously bleeding from the mind in colors.
How lost to have gone and wandered there.

Clearly now in repose, there was no "them" to save at all.
Only him and his strangled mostly dying agreements with the sun.
That remain standing between the here and now in need of repair.
Elisa M Oct 2018
I’m so very sorry
that you had to fight
While I was here praying
for your safety at night
Two people so similar
the same DNA
Yet one had to leave
while the other could stay
I wish I could take on
the pain you went through
As the monsters inside you
so viscously grew
And therefore my brother
I want you to know
I’m sorry it was you
and not me who had to go
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
you,'re are an pale sweeping pliant loosely club
        bashing softness
  upon my cobbled unsplendid
                    and smashing
     viscously the poppies
          stubborn lungs
                                                          a you lovely supple fire
                                                        the opened closeness
                                                                of cotton treasure
                                                                                and the you

smell like razors          cluttering
                        the knelling
                       soft     hardness

you are a majesty .wholly

Michael Ellis Dec 2011
I once

Lost myself for you
Out on a limb reaching for you
Viscously fought for your attention
Expecting the worse hoping for the best
Didn't expect what you brought to the table

You walked right through me
Over my heart and through the forest you went
Used me like a love song

I once

Made you my all
I knew better
Shame on me
Shame on you
Everyone knew
Didn't see it coming

Yelling for closure
Outsmarted by your games
Utterly humiliated

I once

Forgot how to live
Evenings alone
Lusted for onces touch
Told myself never again

Alive in the midst of death
Living of the old memories  
Inviting the reaper in for a cup
Victory wasn't an option anymore
Everlasting joy swallowed in darkness
wassabii Jul 2014
she was a living kerosene
combustible, volatile,
and my words were
her fuse

the assault would flare when sunrise meets sunset
and thats when I usually loose track of time
clocks freeze
the minute hands
viscously crawling by
as if oiled by the kerosene
they're right when they say time's relative

but i inhale it anyways
all her toxic words
fumes of swears
smogs of taunts
all of which left behind
tarnishing my soul

but i smile as the smoke fills my lungs
and gladly let her words burn me
because i know
I wouldn't have it any other
got in a big argument with my mom, but after writing this poem, i realized how much i loved her.
jigyasa Nov 2015
Monday night
Because weekdays make a woman ache
after a heart break

Strawberry sugar sugar
Caress me in all the warm and wet ways
viscously ****** strands

Broad shoulders Breathtaking Collar
Is what I’ll pick with you tomorrow
Because atleast a margarita hits the spot every time


Darling don’t stop


Sticky pulp invigorates
Rejuvenates my taste buds
Fills my hunger
moan louder, ******* stranger


Deeper and Deeper into the papaya womb
Don’t stop! Don’t stop!
The mango the endocarp
Slurp it till it runs dry


Lap it up boy. We’re both famished
But only you know I’m the fruit piece
You’ll toss
Kyle T Oct 2020
There are tiburones off the Fla. Keys
Believe me, out there in the aqua deeps
Sometimes they swim up into the sandy shallows
But not often;
And usually only at night while you’re on a veranda sipping a
Glass of red wine,
Safe in the glimmer of a tropical neon beer sign
Underneath palm trees.

These tiburones swim off shelves and under cantilevers
Continental shifts in deeps
Sandy bottoms, they cruise by
Like missiles
Fired from dusky deep ephemera
Assimilated by the amorphous ocean infrastructure
Flotsam and careened ships off gray coasts
Rusted and dead steel under the raining ash
And the sea foam that pools around their husks they falter, canted, and tipped
And lost as quick as were, gone, betrayed to the deeps again.

But, sometimes, tropical shallows
A Latin lover's osculant kiss
A fumbling of the belt buckle
Swimming dark waters under moonlight
Dark eyes, red lips
Surl breath dlipped wet
Held in ocean's gentle soul
Pearls aligned distant metaverses
Transcendent, therefore, only Beautiful

They don’t care to bother with you, mostly, the tiburones.
They’re curious, a dorsal fin to cut the surface, an indifferent pass
You are not the wine they seek to drink.

But if you find yourself afloat;
Lost or hurt,
If you venture too far from your shore,
Carried by the gentle waves, the inverse gravity of water
When the ocean seems benign...
...They’ll come cruising.

It won’t take long.

Doll-eyed and mechanical, they’ll swim by
Just to say..... Hello.

I have not seen many tiburones but they impart,
Even to those who have never seen them,
This unspeakable fear:
Not so much of the Ocean—Few ever enter the Ocean
But of some assimilation of thought
Where it passes by from dark end to dark end
Sunrise to sunset, and a portentous silhouette beneath you,
If not of the wry toothed smile, and the porcelain ghost…

Then of what?
Could it be of the thought of teeth?
Or of a malicious ghost agnostic of your importance?
Of the specter that cares not of your potential,
Disregarding your position in this world.
Something that treats you with true Equality-

Could it be the things in this world that say Hello with teeth?
There are abbreviated bits of flesh rent in life.
I wear these battle worn scars.
And not instead of love but because it’s the only way
They know how to smile at you.
It’s how they say Hello.

I only have seen their reflective eyes in the shallows
Off the verandas where I have sat and drank
Drunk myself into a stupor, a vibration in my fingertips, in my mind
No sommelier am I.

The red liquid fills my mouth and paints my teeth an indelible red and drips from my mouth from my ****** lips
I have bit too hard,
And spilled my red wine onto the table
Watching it drip viscously off the table and stream to the floor
And pool in great deep redness on the veranda’s floor
Drops and drops and then, restless, I drop back into the depths
In the dead, burnt-out center of the wine’s pool
And watch it assimilate into the porcelain.

And the deep darkness of the red miscegenates with white porcelain
And it all fades in and out standing on that perfect precipice of wine and violence
The wind and flux of ocean waves and darkness
Those eyes down there, refracting moonlight, deadened orbs
The wine deliquesces from veranda’s precipice to waves
The great adulteration, the miscegenation, it all goes flux.

And I drop off, assimilated into darkness, there:
Where the bits of flesh torn from teeth and I swim away
Dismembered, deformed

And a flutter in the shallows,
A quick, precise splash,
A perfect torsion
Writhing bodies.

And those black eyes roll over white,
And those archaic teeth descend,
And pulled under the dark ocean
Without even the moon to give me my light
And in my breath’s last seconds,
I’m perfectly assimilated into this structure,
Deliquesced, relaxed, and gone into the depths,
Swimming in the sulfuric bottom
Of my glass of red wine.
This hurts to read, only for me. Enjoy.
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
some harts through forests dappled lope
keen feet
rumple leaves
or trees unspeaking sing
with the fat incurable
lust of sharp
lovers sore

the fair muscles of arched
backs wriggling muscles
so sudored magic muscles
the pretty spines of
splits and

out bursting
through loping forests
lovers sorely
hurt with crisp intricate eyes
lean raw eyes
wide into omnipotent pain
Jess t May 2012
Sitting at her desk
The quill to the paper.
She wrote viscously,
As she was urged.
Of blood fell from her nostril.
Every once in while
A high pitched shrill
Could be heard from the hall.
A small area of the window pane
Was not covered by drape.
Peering out, a porcelain girl
Was there.
In the sun, as if she was the leader
Of the orchestra.
Writing as she bled,
She glared through the minute hole,
Mesmerized by the movement.
--Freedom of body.
The blood poured now,
Like a stream.
Wiping it on her dark sleeve,
She continued;
Blurry-eyed now.
As the dancer leaped to her partner,
The pen-slave collapsed on the pad.
Her quill continued by her spirit,
and captured each detail of the dance.
Mitchell Jul 2011
Revised facts retract the truth right back
A voice in the dark whispers your name
Tickling your torment again and again
A sting that is like a loving cursed' bee

Angel tell the tale you've always said so well
Blues music you bleed through the swaying reeds
Smiles you swill in your drink until
Last call is called and your heading out the door

Ain't sad to say that I was never gonna' stay
Was just the way I was built all I can say
Out there where roads rocks and rumors
Are the only thing I've felt I've ever known

Dying to de-mystify this twisted up world
Diving at the bottom of every ocean to find that pearl
1 am in an out skirt two dollar church
My heart without you dear is a bird less perch

So much pain in the twilight reeling midnight
All the night we said we loved and it's alright
Fear for the future fakes us out viscously
Know way to get back so don't act so seriously

Help me now pack my bags acquire my wears
Play with the time we spent together an' apart
I am the shadow behind the door hanging from your window
Please my darling when I'm gone try not to forget me
Silenced Voices Dec 2017
When I eat I feel sick to my stomach. Don’t you love it? When you’re down and hurting, these “friends” just watch and sit.
But when they are in pain, you run to care. This isn’t fair. They see you crying but they don’t talk to you, they wouldnt dare... So these emotions attack you viscously just like a bear.  
You’re heart is broken in a million pieces. They come into your life and take a a piece so your heart decreases... They complain about you not having a heart, so your anger releases.
You hide in your room silently crying... Inside, you feel like you’re dying. But outside, you don’t dare show the pain, so you start smiling.
These emotions you have are crazy. Inside, your mind is hazy. You have no motivation to do anything, they call you lazy.
You feel so alone. You feel unknown. Your depression is your chaperone. You feel like you’re on your own.
Now you’re drinking till you black out. Hoping your feelings will be shutout. Depression and anxiety is playing a game, there is no timeout.
You just want to end this pain. Your head is pounding, causing a migraine. You just want to be sane. So you start smoking the Mary Jane.
It doesn’t work. Now you’re acting like a ****. To others that’s a quirk.
These voices won’t shut up. They callin you a **** up. Now you’re crying, in your throat is a lump.
You can’t hold it in. You feel like a sin. You try your best, but you can never win. Now you’re on your knees yelling, “when!?”
“When will I be happy!? Why do I always feel ******!? Why am I a nobody!?”
You feel weak. Happiness is what you’re trying to seek. Tears are streaming down your cheek.
You can’t do this anymore. What is there to live for? You try to fight, it’s like a war.
A never ending war....
19Sixtythree Mar 2014
"I don't think I'm the girl for you" she said so casually, i'd never felt that before.
I cried. I didn't want you to know I was so hurt, and I didn't want to feel weak, so I played it down
You ripped yourself away from me so swift and viscously My body shivered with a soft sensual pain, like a cold ache
You found my weaknesses so quickly, I was starting to lose myself in you, you took control of my imagination, and I loved it. Thoughts of you were like the sweet taste of strawberries
I couldn't stop smiling, I fell for you. And you vanished
Sincerely Em Jun 2017
Below the grounds of your soil my seeds rested -
Breeding roots of grass and tulips up to your feet

Viscously you marched over my veins -
Plucking out every last bit of my tender stems

However, tender you were in the rain;
Covering my petals from the liquid stains

But it was never for the love of my seeds;
Rather for the mere satisfaction of gazing at my blood in a vase near your sunny window

Your ignorance called it beauty
Yet, from way under the soil here ..

I called it ******
Sincerely, Em
Kenzie Delong Feb 2013
Love is the worlds worst poison.The sweetest wine with the best kind of drunk. Even when you’re in love, it eats away at you. Slowly, secretly it claws at you from the inside, ripping out every fiber and replacing it with something else. Something unreal, like a drug that runs through your your veins with an amazing high, but as soon as the one you love leaves, so does the fabricated fiber. Then what? What happens after love? You are empty. All those strands that were created with them, the ones that miraculously stitched up every hole in your heart are torn. Plucked viscously from their comfortable state until you're no longer able to smile, or laugh whole heartedly. Every solid foundation that you relied on while  with them, every memory that dried up your doubts are now as sturdy as wet paper and spoiled like cream. You know this is your fate if they leave, you know this the same moment you know you love them. You are nothing without them. So now you cling to your love. And your love clings to you. Destined to drown in a darkness if you let go.
Graff1980 Nov 2016
Someone whispers to him “calm your heart,” but the crimson streaked flesh that beats soft wet palpitations hastens his impatience to face what’s coming. He has no armor or weapon only the determination to do what is right.
      Four chambers are thudding like the boots a coming. Men in black garbs marching with fully loaded chambers, clear plastic shields up, and black sticks ready to bludgeon. Their anger is oppositional to their opponent’s fog of fear, fatigue, and determination.

“Breath my child,” a gentle voice says. A sharp pain pierces on the back of his head. A thin line begins to ride down his neck. Someone yells “get down!”
One row of men raise their hands, eyes turned upward. The soft voice in his head says” be strong.”
Billows of grey smoke spew from a black canister. Strangers and familiars choke and gasp, eyes watering. Dreams of a bygone era play out in his mind. A tall thin brown sweaty woman smiles, moving down the road while singing we shall overcome. Dogs snap viscously at her compatriots. A fire pushes her siblings back with skin scraping pressure. A few of them fall, and couple falter in the struggle but most keep marching. Her brother, who is tall slightly bulky but wears the well-earned muscles of a man who labored hard all his life, clenches his fists, preparing to strike. She pulls him back. “Be strong, and gentle baby brother.”

They continue to sing “We shall overcome.”

       In his mind the young man sees his mother smiling, saying “"Be calm, saith my heart. I am a warrior. I have seen far worse than this." He smiles through the pain stands up and chants “Hands up don’t shoot. Hands up don’t shoot.” Another brother rises behind him yelling “Black lives matter. Black lives matter.” A thin nerdy pale white guy cries we shall overcome, not in a singing tone, but it still rings beautifully. The struggle continues.
Alice Wilde Nov 2017
Intoxicated from the weight of euphoria,
Silence drips viscously into the soul
Until drowning is no longer a fear,
But an option.

Feet wet from nostalgia
Of ungraspable motions,
Time rests heavily on dewed eyelids...

The soul buries itself further.
This was from a prompt about something that brings you happiness and deeply saddens you at the same time. I chose Melancholia.
Supriya May 2015
Shrugging she slumped down
It was one of 'those' days
Where things went wrong in a million ways
Changing her beautiful face into a frown.

Problems kept surfacing continuously
Answers kept eluding her
Frustration fuelling an ill-temper
Anyone daring to cross her was bitten viscously.

The throbbing vein on her forehead meant danger
Even her loved ones feared the scorn
She was like a poisoned thorn
The sweet loving girl was now a stranger.

She wondered why there was so much anger
Realization struck her that moment
Since morning she had not smiled with the right intent
The curved line was such a game changer!
Starting the day with  smile always brings positivity to it!
hayley robertson Oct 2017
Boys aren't everything
Bodies and ***** and butts and *****
And you're better than that you know
You're more than you give yourself credit for

And all that I see everyday is more and more of you searching viscously for this feeling of nothing
A nothing that makes you feel something
But does it?

“I don't want love”
“I don't want a nice boy”
“I don't want someone to cuddle me at night”
Well then what do you want

How can you feel fulfilled by the empty void of nothing
You can't!
And I know because you keep looking
Why would you keep looking if you weren't searching for something

So maybe you could stop searching for whatever it is you're trying to find
And start capturing the qualities within yourself that are too good for any one night stand
The beauty and brightness and bliss
Brendan Roher Apr 2018
Pain sang its tempting song across my waters again
But I cant find it in me to move anymore
Unwillingly, the clock’s finger moves to its own accord
Following each tail end, endlessly
In a mocking game of sorts
Numbers eying me viscously
Telling me You Can’t Stop Me.

Ripping out the cord,
Shelf-shed, flying metal clock head-
Hit the wall and sank slowly
As time came undone, dead
And my own song-
Silently weeping, grasping my head-
Al-Sayyari Jan 2019
The refugee,
literally dangling in agony between countries,
screams for help in surrender,
the poking barbed wire suspends his body,
penetrating flesh with the slightest motion,
and like vultures,
the border guards patiently gawk.

The refugee,
viscously battered from wave to wave,
the mother and child,
exasperate from blink to blink,
the relentless sea has boundless energy,
as cargo ships glide in the distance.

The refugee,
confined to detainment centres,
sweaty flesh crammed together,
imprisoned for deserting abuse,
as foul doers enjoy liberty.

The refugee,
seeks refuge,
from refuge.
Graff1980 Dec 2017
Someone whispers to him “calm your heart,” but the crimson streaked flesh that beats soft wet palpitations hastens his impatience to face what’s coming. He has no armor or weapon only the determination to do what is right.
Four chambers are thudding like the boots a coming. Men in black garbs marching with fully loaded chambers, clear plastic shields up, and black sticks ready to bludgeon. Their anger is oppositional to their opponent’s fog of fear, fatigue, and determination.
“Breath my child,” a gentle voice says. A sharp pain pierces on the back of his head. A thin line begins to ride down his neck. Someone yells “get down!”
One row of men raise their hands, eyes turned upward. The soft voice in his head says” be strong.”
Billows of grey smoke spew from a black canister. Strangers and familiars choke and gasp, eyes watering. Dreams of a bygone era play out in his mind. A tall thin brown sweaty woman smiles, moving down the road while singing we shall overcome. Dogs snap viscously at her compatriots. A fire pushes her siblings back with skin scraping pressure. A few of them fall, and couple falter in the struggle but most keep marching. Her brother, who is tall slightly bulky but wears the well-earned muscles of a man who labored hard all his life, clenches his fists, preparing to strike. She pulls him back. “Be strong, and gentle baby brother.”

They continue to sing “We shall overcome.”

In his mind the young man sees his mother smiling, saying “"Be calm, saith my heart. I am a warrior. I have seen far worse than this." He smiles through the pain stands up and chants “Hands up don’t shoot. Hands up don’t shoot.” Another brother rises behind him yelling “Black lives matter. Black lives matter.” A thin nerdy pale white guy cries we shall overcome, not in a singing tone, but it still rings beautifully. The struggle continues.
K Sep 2024
Lust is like a rabid dog waiting for his next meal
Once it finds its prey
It would viscously release itself on top
And violate every rule of sanctity
Dismembering each limb down to ***** little crumbs
Until what remains are pieces of delicate flesh and bone
Destined to rot below the surface of the earth
The rabid dog is momentarily satisfied
Because its thirst is quenched
But the hunger always remain
Ellyn k Thaiden May 2021
I'm always searching for peace
Some sort of resolve to chapters
That never received a clear cut ending
Trying to finish writing a story that I didn't start
Viscously attempting to make sense of it all
Filling in the blanks with timid words
Guessing at how it was supposed to end

I want to be angry
I want to leave everyone behind
Go where no one knows my name
Where guilt and shame aren't forced  on me
Find myself and move on like everyone else gets to do
I wonder what it's like to be able to breathe
To break apart from your past self
To find inner peace

I wonder what it's like to be loved by someone
With their whole heart
To be their first choice
I wonder what that looks like
To be loved with no expectations
Trusting someone so deeply
I wonder what it feels like to be held
By someone who could never imagine
Letting you get away
I wonder a lot of things

There's a shadow looming over
Breathing down my neck
It won't let me forget
It forces me to remember

I don't want to remember
I just want my story to end
Grace Apr 2018
As the night comes alive
And the demons come out to play
They viscously attack my mind
Filling my brain with dangerous thoughts
Only a crazy person would think of
Does that make me crazy?
I try to drown them out
And for now I believe it works
Until I close my eyes
And that is when their fun really begins
This is not the end of something ugly
Because this is only the start
Most nights end up like this
Bee Jun 2020
flowers you gave her
starting to wilt
first daises
depraving innocence
then a lonely rose
pink petals swelling
under pressure
living off artificial sweeteners
suffocating wildflowers
does not tame her
drawn out death
begging for life
souls need sun to thrive
not sugar to borrow
bouquets only live
dying for replacement  
another petal falls
leaves are always last
clutching thorns on stems
holding everything upright
time sensitivity quickens
containing beauty consistently
cutting herself short
viscously controlling
how long you get to see
the illusion
weeping alone
hoarding tears
neglecting to refill
vases left to rot
turning vases into jars
depositing wax at her expense
candles illuminating scarlet letters
ignites inescapable fires
killing her spirit
she too dies slowly
Jack R Fehlmann Oct 2018
Where now should I make myself be
Right here as I lay my machine mimicking
Predawn in artificial light I listen
The air as i take it in deep as weight
It feels dreamt up, artificial, viscously vital
Less loose this fragile link to everything
The rise and fall is as it should be
I tease to fill the conscious cost then
My net cast keeps the illusiveness of emotion
From freely doing as it pleases
Mindless the cause, unconscious to the present
Awaken first within where i recognize
I am not this blood, not this meat
all i am ever going to be
Cannot be found in these tools we use
When inside the place we all reside
Needs to be reminded of what living
Or the interpreting may experienced
It is through this breathing, needing,
Mortal vessel that sees through the eyes I've come to understand as being
Two dark pools of it all
The being in control is me
Zoro Mar 2020
Here I am!
Trapped in a cell
Longing to live

Here I am!
Dreaming night after night
Reaching for the stars
But they’re fading out of sight

Here I am!
Viscously roaring with all my might
All hell broke loose
Though Hope is no where to be found

...No longer here
Trapped in a box
Tossed to the side
Along with my lion pride
This poem is about a lion whose pride is snatched away from him day by day. Enjoy. Lol

— The End —