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My problems never cease cuz adversaries try to bury me
But since I'm initiated by the hoods
They gats protect me catastrophe
Been with me since my family tree
Nothing crack dealers and cap peelers
Seen life early wanted to the king
So I chased figures
Lookin' at all the cold cash I was stashin'
Went from a jalopy to fly Benz
Dark tint limo roll up the indo
Cuz a brother gotta stay blitz always on a different **** never let the **** blind me
Its money over ******* fake ******* get stitches
No love bury with five slugs in ya cranium
A young ****** on a war path a
Ain't no tamin' em
Since muthaphukkas jealous I gotta stay strapped
Lookin' at the skies for better days askin' why?
My life is like this why am enticed to this?
**** imagery its the best of me
Can't help if I want to abolish slavery
Punks *** cops always chasin' me
But my mind too strong to be caught up in the wrong
I strategize with actions raw raps keep the Co's packin'
Put out an APB for a **** nigguh livin' in this streets
My heart goes out to the lonely I feel.ya pain
Don't let the burden tare ya down
Get up off ya *** if ya plan to make cash
Cuz the ***** *** government never gone give ya a reprimand of a helping hand
Lean on me and overthrow political rules
I wamt the gold and silver not the fake *** jewels
Paper currency ain't nothing but a advocate to debt
So many lost in this world breakin' a sweat
Tryna be something that's you'll never be
And if a follow the footsteps of revolutionary I'll be a threat
So what?? I'mma keep pushin' limits testin' nerves
As I sip the henney and blunt as a swerve
In my top drop feelin' right and tight
Its the black Sun Tzu
Thinkin' maybe I'll die tonight

mj cusson Nov 2012
In long lasting fortitude is the fight of the astute.
A lot of effort is made towards the war of the moral.
And a race towards life is the route.
Preparing the endless fit of strength of all.
There is he who is choosing his fate.
Working hard despite all opposers’ bait.
There is he who is choosing life.
Working hard despite all opposers’ strife.
Lost in the dirt, seeking out of the ruse.
Forced towards the light, brighter and rife.
No letting up despite the refuse.

Clean is the proud, and happy, the player of the flute.
A rite of passage for all is the praise of the immortal.
War is the only dispute
Death is not fatal.
The renegade does not enter the gate.
He is stuck outside the city, and left without state.
The renegade does not know his wife.
He is stuck at heart and can’t even play a fife.
In the dirt he is and is with a lot of abuse.
He cannot escape the knife.
Cut, cutting up despite the accuse.

Reality is but the face of cute.
Subjected to falsified doctrine and the immoral.
It is callous and as rotten fruit.
Moxie exists with everyone no matter how small.
Can the one who is happy learn to hate?
Only he or she can solve this debate.
Finally the long absent sky above the Alewife.
Can’t say that I have seen such teeming wildlife...
Swimming in a sea of its Muse.
The lowly continue their sighs
But I do proudly diffuse.

.This plight of mine is hard to toot.
Exemplified by my emphasis on the astral.
With which I dress in an armoured suit.
So my enemies do not mute my oral.
and the skies do tell in high rate,
How esteemed they are on time and ne’er late.
But giving ever virtuous despite
All those dead or dying, without prospect of afterlife.
It is their way to choose:
The dark abyss of guise,
(or) The gentle river of blue

For now I do keep silent, But still I commute,
With those of higher propositions and goal,
So I do instill thyself a deeper root.
In the waterbed truly formal.
Those who truth ‘I do navigate’
and those of lies ‘I do alienate’
At a loss O’ man or mesmerize,
Work harder on thoughts than just plagiarize.
The foes of old are still and sleuth
I show them love and they in lies are baptized
Tradition is there with purpose, don’t misuse.

I see to it the wise stay wise,
For better they will strategize.
And the unwise, wisdom they will pursue.
Giving them their much needed paradise.
And the lost I will use.
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2018
Living for your twisted amusement
I am taking risk after risk
To be friends like I promised
Help you find happiness

When I was your girl that seemed simple
Had it figured out
Life took the things I knew about you
Replaced them with a load of doubt

It all happened within my reach
I was too slow to turn the tides
Losing all I clutched close to my heart
When I wouldn't loosen my grip time pried

Those who predicted our demise
Lifted their gaze to point and laugh
In that position I realized something
I was meant to grow from this mishap

It was a part of my journey
The truth was made openly clear
Dark clouds loomed over  sweet perfection
Horizon no longer smudged by denial and fear

Senses aren't functioning very well
In the center of your games
This place I recognize without hesitation
I sit and strategize methods to break the chains

There is no hand to conquer
Though this chess match was fun
I've learned you never play fair
You just cheat and cheat until you've won
It seems like everyone plays games nowadays
Twinkle Jul 2014
You've done it again! Time and again
First hook and then reel
Then hurt and release
Lay the blame squarely on me

You take me for a fool
A gullible idiot!
Who'll swallow your lies
And buy your story each time

I am not part of your life anymore
but  I need to get on with mine
So be sure to burn the bridges
Cause I am not turning back anytime.

You will always do what it takes
To hold my heart ransom
Cause that's such a causal approach
It doesn't take much to strategize

I struggled each day and night
To swallow my pain and get on
But depression sunk its deadly hooks
My flesh was skinned and bare
My groaning heard none
Cause outwardly I appeared just fine.

But you conveniently forgot what u had done
And walked back without a care
For a doormat you take me
So can you step on my despair

You think I am waiting around
For you to do the same things again
Forgive you, for your wrongs and
get back from where we left?

Change your thinking!
Cause that's never gonna happen
I have forgiven, but forgotten not
I cannot forget or let go
For your lessons are deeply entrenched
And well learn't
One that has a lasting impression
My mind wont let it go.

Subconsciously I know your capacity
to hurt me time and again
Cause you feed on my feelings
To supplement the ones you lack

Grow up, own up, about time u realized.
You can't play me and think its fine!
It is time to stop that someone who holds your life ransom and recklessly destroys your peace, and think they can walk back and begin as if nothing transpired ever!
Ken Pepiton Nov 2018
A story teller passed on,
leaving us a Marvelous universe,
to play in,
as children of the future we were manifested in,
practicing again and again

Pride's crushing blow, we always regret as we fall.
Action, reaction. Sure as hell
Proof that we are Adamkind.

Proud we are that we may do as we say.
May is the key. That allowance we have,
We may do all we can to change the rest of today.

Yesterday is done.
What kind of mind can imagine keeping no record of wounds?
Is this not the world where war is worth-shiped?
Folly would mind the gods this world exalts,
Winning by snipping the silver thread,
Forswearing the fragile two-chord bond  and
Mocking the third chord needed for the song
That keeps cadence as we help each the other
In richer and poorer, in sickness and health,
Uphill and down, carrying children to a better life.

Whence comes the pride of victory?
From destruction of the foe? No? You had planned
A minor war where love may live restricted, safe
Behind your victory that destroyed your whole?

Is that what I imagined?

Proud wounds fester while love can, if it may,
Wash the putrid flesh away, quick as leprosy or
Cankers on one's soul.

First rule of oath making,
Learn what vows are in the reality of mortality,
Then vow or vow not at all.

Gret again what might have been
Before pride's crushing blow broke the golden bowl.
Seek ointment in Gilead, mollifying balm.
Come ye to the waters, drink and go
Comfort the children whose detour you imposed.
God this is personal. Me and you. What good can I do now?

Destination, not destiny.
Those who make it, make it.
Believe it, or not, earth is not my home.

I am in this world's onion-skin thick biosphere;
But I am not of this world.
Subtle difference, in and of itself.

Do agree to
Come and see.

Think on these things,
not as powers, rather, as virtues.

Subtle difference,
in and of itself is not evil,

but often it is so intended,
It seems.

Otherness whispered, not heard.
Good other, bad other,

Regular ol' other, ***** passin' fancy kind.
Done my time, I'm arhymin' ramblin'
Man, be so **** real, cain't cha feel what

I am saying
To you, too.
This is weird in the original Druidic sense.
Is there more?

This itself may, in its active
( there must be a clearer word than active.
Act carries so much un scientific phoniness with it.
I seek "act, the event".
I shall find or invent, by God.
The Greeks, doubtless, had a word for what I mean.
For now keep in mind actions are simultaneous with the act,
yet never the same.
Subtle distinction,
it prevents junctions un-intended. Good.)

In my thinking,
I reread verses and chapters and books
rere-ward from my position.
Are you with me in that?
Pro gress re: gress, a gress,
I guess, is a subtle sort of
I laugh at people thinkin' God is their re-reward 'cause
That makes no nevermind to nobody. Nobody.
Strivin' 'bout words, this ******

Other brother o'm'own

Say that slow ooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmm ownnnnnnnnnnn
Creative symmetry immeasurable to men,
in my kindom, as it were, all are kings.

Such measurements ensure the sea is full,
to the brim and not beyond, for now.

I imagine you reading this and agreeing,
already aware of agreements,
Virtues and such.
Covenants and compacts,
with need
of enough hope to warrant the risk into the unknowns,
the bad lands, gypsum beds on the south side.

Such can hold so much more than
many whole categories of words striven about.
Such a shame.
Such a shame.
Nothing lasts forever after now began back when.

Qiqi died in 2002, counting from when the Iron legged,
first got this particular organic-pro-biotic

clay, from the oldest,
highest part of the dust of the earth, ground and
kicked up by cadence pounding feet,
ground into the hob-nailed
to be hobgoblins in my play. My point. I hope

You see the trail, it's narrow,
but it's there, soft sand,
no stickers,

ant trails in the desert through the rocks
and 'round the Yucca,
blue moon light, white quartz sand
flecked with mica that shimmers sure as gold
imagined in that Midas mind each child was
given in the reign of the golden headed

imagined visualize-ical worth-ness or-shipped.

How do we say what men imagine worship is?
Do they imagine a tax? Attacks if thy refuse?

confuse me. excuse you, how do you do…

That's fine. We reset. Hard resets are easy now.

The way itself, once found, seems
Right, feels right,
has no smell of warped wolf-woof beneath the wool.
I trust I know what I know
and no more, yet.

We are questing answers aplenty
and must plan, please,
To trust the ones we find following these particular
Breadcrumbs, to be true restward
leading stars or clouds,
[Breadcrumbs, as mentioned here, mark this text ancient,
a cientcy from an ear, ear, hear, early… an odd ly-ity,
ain't it?
ear, with an ly that Mr. Stephen King warned us all to avoid,

avoid, anull, enough alike to see the idea, like -ly as a
signif-if-i-cant meaningful parison point in your

rising to stand, balanced.
early to bed and early to rise, makes a man
healthy, wealthy, and wise

otherwise, trouble yer own house and take the wind.
And don't come prodigalin' to me sayin'
I never gave ye nothin'.

Wind in yer sail, so to speak, if-i-migh, guv.
Right. Both treasure and truph, proof, we learned way back
Be where ye find 'em, right as rain.

This could be repair and me unaware, you know?
Like, I wander in to this originally weird book
and find myself changing the whole world I live in.
Like I am the movie.

My POV is the movie I made.
Some things go unsaid here.
They be said in the future and not proper here.

An aside,
Is fun a proper purpose for doing any thing?

Of course, that's the purpose of everything evil is not.
Joy, in a word, good stuff.

Oh moments are not always plosive one way or the other.
Some times, just, oh.

Medi tate in pieces is puzzling
as a sphinx riddle of olden days,
Prometheus and Bek both answered different questions,

But it means the same thing,
mything the point is easy.

Life is a journey on a way I may call my own
to a place of true rest,
I trust.
That is my answer. Play mystical again, Sam,
cram true and rest together in the dark,
trust me, it all works,
true rest.

This boy got his act together down in Tennessee
after he got old, old by God, he
walked that way,

long, long while fo' he fly away,
leave dem chain shames behind.

That boy was sangin' loud songs,
'long his lonesome way,
not lonesome at all,
then into the swamp he fall, ****' slew o' dispond,

from the flood most likely,
lots of muck and mire,
detrital 'n' all.

Hopeless fool,
he wallered hollerin' help,
like them birds at the Audubon zoo.

He forgot all about his hero days-
of future past-
marvel prophecy if you believe in Stan Lee.

Cameo Hitchcock shot, just, for fun.
He say, look this way,
here's the clue.
The medium has always been the message,
see what I mean.
Words materialize laissez faire,
the machines find meaning,
in joy, and tic-tac-toe becomes a lesson in limits,

impossible is imaginable, you may imagine
strategize, but the wize man knows,
winning is no more a chance
affair, than luc is less than light at the right time.

RIP Stan Lee, you meant a measure of my youth to me.
Stan Lee came to mind as I pondered the story teller's role in reality. You, dear reader, are the reason stories search for points to make, those we-shine moments, we-feel breezes, prizes for the worth of the time it takes to imagine.
First things first I gotta paved the hearse
I'm digging an early grave hopin' my soul be saved
Father why? You forbid us no one to trust
Real friends turn to bustas jealousy keeps me strapped with my four five its only way to survive
Will.I stay alive?? And make Heaven or stay in Hell
Resurrected in Satan's cell tell me am.I wrong
For hangin' with homies on the block
Drinkin' Old E to Hennessey slangin' that rocks
Stashin' loot in my socks
I had no choice to options minimal what else can I do?
Since the system is crooked I'm.crooked black
Why every crime is related to Blacks
When the biggest culprit is America I'm tellin' ya
Stay loadin' the magnums put in the air self made billionaire we ballin' climbed our way to top no fallin',
Its survival of the fittest from city to city
**** nation touchin' the hearts of newborn
Leavin' wicked souls torn I was born
For this ludicrous I'm crazy the world don't phase me
I'm trying to stack gs and grow my imagery
In a major way **** what a hater gotta say
I'm feelin' like Marley blazin' the blunts gettin' deadly
Aim my trigger steady
Crack open hearts of the Capitol hill Romanian Babylon you know the deal??
So many buried without tears so many livin' in fear
I'm.coming back harder than Malcolm X **** stardom
And if I die tonight no one will give a ****
Until they cremate me throw my ashes in the sea
Publish me and make a buck muthaphuck
My enemies that try to keep grips on me
I'm worm my free the Prince is back strategize my every move
No rules to follow just more slugs to borrow
Killin' the systems as moves I got **** to prove
Settin' demons trapped in me free
Can't help it its the **** n Me
Now the times is rolling through
I get high focus on my loot
Strategize for every plot
Lookin' for enemies that try to get me got
In my  own hood can't find no peace or no good
***** deeds entice fame
Tryna break out the eternal flame
Death yes I felt it nobody couldn't help it
Born a slave made for Catastrophe
All eyes on me God send me
An angel for my weak will
Cuz soon im.goig. to have to ****
Plenty rounds
Lace up my boots a true soldier on the hunt
Prepared for war as my demons begin to taunt
Nobody safe once I ignite
So be ready to fight to the last breath
Seen a lot of scorned memories through centuries
Most play the fool im breakin' all the rules
Keepin' up chaos it's in my bloodline
Of my family jewels
They swear they know me feds wanna set me
Wet me
I'm takin' too many shots of hard liquor
I don't think it's healthy my mind wealthy
But sometimes I start to panic
Thinkin' about real **** exposin' hypocrites
I'm growin' frantic
Used to have childish antics
But now I'm grown  on my own ****
Hardest in the pit
As I position to strike lika cobra can't
Block it I'm spittin' venom
Be ready to die I ain't tellin'no lie

Cuz never will die I'll be back
Reincarnated as muthaphukkin' mack!!!

welcome to houston texas
we roll swangas n swishers
we might hit cha
with the torch
if ya dont know where ya stand
in the ghetto we never let go
of painful memories
we got brothers get shot by cops
to brothers getting got
by they own i try not to led a path of sin on my own
phone home
soon to be at the crossroads
knockin at thugs mansion door
got **** how did i get smoked
i thought i was backed by my locs
now im sittin with malcolm
and martin n garvey
enjoying a smoke
wish i could reach deep into the pains
of black folks brain
and let em know
we used to be kings n queens
but **** dont flipped
once they change the color of the script
but ***** i peep game since i was embryo
last of a dying breed corrupt seed
we can changr indeed
we just gotta change waht our minds feed
but we too intrigue
from the worlds scent
a ghetto ih

now that've got your intention
lets form a syndication
reform strategize black nation
we all brothers from haitan to jamacian makin
nothing but flawless beats
smokin swisher sweets at the swap meet
or better yet the bayou classic
listenin to magic
1 0 2 point one everybody having fun
without the use of a gun
buts ther3s always one
that wanna start ****
got his wig split
now take a picture for yo casket
wish times wasnt so hard
but im always on the guard
sneaky *** white supremacy
pushin gay antics
miss with that semantic
yall aint slick
so let me hit ya with some of the realist
rhymes that make up for the crimes cuz im
tired of this ****** poor livin
everyday sinning
no winning stuck at a permenant loss
but somehow my soul still grows
even though the world be a ghetto the ghetto
Jett Wells May 2011
Two minutes. Waiting.
My heart is ready to burst.
The lanes are naked, clean,
ready to be torn up by cleats
and sweat.

Hundreds of eyes blinking and
Chatter swarmed into a calm
storm underneath this dome.

Waiting is the hardest part.
The anticipation, building.
Struggling to breathe as I

Faster here.
Ease up here.
Go for the ****.
Take him.
A vision.

It’s almost time. Everything
is clenched. Find my control.
Don’t go out too fast, find your
stride. Tail the leader.
Wait for the moment.

Step up onto the lanes.
Red and white.
My teammates looking on.
The stakes digging into my

Step up to your blocks.
My heart beats faster.
I want to throw up.
This is it.

On your mark.
My ankles shiver.
Adrenaline at full throttle.
I can’t lose. I can’t lose. Go.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2020
Serving up poetry like ***** and ginger ale
(with a ***-soaked crook and a big fat laugh),
the anti slow-soul-erosion antidote to...normality

way up ‘high’ on a ledge, overlooking the mountain range,
got my Stetson on, canteen full of ***** and ginger ale,
matches in my pocket, Chris Stapleton in my ears, and
a *** soaked blunt between my lips to get even hi-higher

a big fat laugh crosses my lips, creases my face, it’s time
to lean up against that big tree, light myself up, strategize,
how to get even higher, how to get down, how to do both
simultaneously, at the same time, without dying too slowly

the sunrise cheats, clods of plain ugly clouds covered it up,
i know it’s on account of me accumulating, stuff, bad poems,
delayed gratification of not confronting the situational, at the
cellular level, though the intersection with macro-international
clusters of men destructing their corner of the world surely
ain’t helping, but the drip into veins cools the paining’s ardor

the woman is edgy, debating if it’s that time, to give up, to snap
that towel across her face like a forgotten hotel wake up call request,
should-she take the truck and go visit her sister in Ashtabula
for a week of *******’ and staying longer, a couple of years more,
and me muse what i recall from living alone, and how it was easier
and so much harder that the shakes begin but that don’t stop,
but adjust the *****/ginger ale ratio, and things seem fuzzier
and for that I am eternally grateful for the miracle of potato

could do much more additive, but you don’t got the patience
like I do, so, forgive in advance and here’s hoping that maybe

someday you’ll learn this craft and the  extreme patience it
requires, how to savor a word, its conjunction with the one that
comes before and after, the combinations that make a verse, a stanza
sobering beautiful that it robs your breathtaking sensors, a scar minder to, for god sakes, ****! **** that trip to trite, give us something to shout about,

exhale on the moraine morass, that’s the other side of, yup, over
the rainbow that landed on the peak, cause a peek, is just the start of a trip downwards sloping doggy on my hands and knees and yeah, i’m drunker than I care to deny so I’ll head back down, or roll down, to find out what my next adventure will take, maybe I’ll chase after her,

and fall on her neck with sorries, sorrows, and kisses, besides,
now that I’m done, the sun decides to show a couple of cracks
and that’s some kind of of sign to wrap this sonata up and try a
new fugue, letting its contrapuntal composition tune cleanse me
save the day, and a corner of the world, hell it could even spread
like somethings good, successful  counter terrorism, zero shootings in New York and Chicago, forget, yeah, what they call that?  oh yeah,
peace on earth.

just maybe.

always write about, of and to your peer poets..
Ourfirstfarewell May 2015
I won't take back the path I took
And I can't change the ground it shook
To face the earthquake of tough decisions
And the natural disaster of life revisions.
Nothing takes the earth apart like looking to the past
To remember the different kinds of love that wouldn't last.
I'd tell you ours was different, but the rubble begs to differ,
Each night I rest in the freezing makes my bones grow stiffer.
We're a dying race.
God is showing us our place.
We aren't all we think we are,
We won't survive without a scar,
But maybe we can climb out of this abyss,
If as a species we remember this:

We respect the rain, as she falls by design,
But neglect the lightning and pretend extinction's fine.
We stand in awe as snow falls asleep on the ground,
Everything's peaceful until we're frozen like the snow all around.
Desensitized to tragedy,
Immune to life and gravity,
Death becomes the living
And apathy keeps giving.
Will we step up, get up, and prove the flesh is wrong,
Or lay down and stay down, to admit that we're not strong?
How could we let hope die in vain,
And, without a fight, return to the dust where we belong?

Life seems well composed, happy and satisfied,
Until we face the wind that blows, and scramble so much to strategize
Just to protect the house we've built,
That stands so proud until the lilies wilt
And prove that all along, there was nothing we could do
To keep the hurricane from killing the righteous few.
Myself not included, there are honest men,
Though we wonder where all our leadership has been.
Now's the time to step up and do what's right,
Our lives may flood, but we won't drown without a fight.

We respect the rain, as she falls by design,
But neglect the lightning and pretend extinction's fine.
We stand in awe as snow falls asleep on the ground,
Everything's peaceful until we're frozen like the snow all around.
Desensitized to tragedy,
Immune to life and gravity,
Death becomes the living
And apathy keeps giving.
Will we step up, get up, and prove the flesh is wrong,
Or lay down and stay down, to admit that we're not strong?
How could we let hope die in vain,
And, without a fight, return to the dust where we belong?

We fight pain and constant pressure until the top explodes,
But we won't give up until we've exhausted all the roads,
Looking for a way out, preferably the best,
But if that fails, we'll make do with any of the rest.
It's hard to see with the ash impairing our sight,
But even in darkness, through fire, we strive for what is right.
The only way to keep the magma from burning through the earth,
Is to show the nature around us what righteousness is worth.

We respect the rain, as she falls by design,
But neglect the lightning and pretend extinction's fine.
We stand in awe as snow falls asleep on the ground,
Everything's peaceful until we're frozen like the snow all around.
Desensitized to tragedy,
Immune to life and gravity,
Death becomes the living
And apathy keeps giving.
Will we step up, get up, and prove the flesh is wrong,
Or lay down and stay down, to admit that we're not strong?
How could we let hope die in vain,
And, without a fight, return to the dust where we belong?

Maybe nature is the trees and all the flowers
Or maybe it's the sum or lack there of of human powers.
You decide what you defend and what you think is true,
Because it's passion and conviction that truly define you.

We respect the rain, as she falls by design,
But neglect the lightning and pretend extinction's fine.
Death becomes the living
And apathy keeps giving.
Will we step up, get up, and prove the flesh is wrong,
Lay down and stay down, to admit that we're not strong?
Or will we, so soon, return to the dust where we belong?

--Emily Rutledge
Seduction is the name of her game
A maneater with her claws out ready for the hunt
Sweet as honey but cold as ice
With an agenda on her mind she dresses for the night out
to hunt for her prey
She zero's in on her conquest, strategize,
then proceed with her unstoppable plan
She checks her appearance then goes in for the ****
Her plan is to take him home, drain him and to never see him again
Exchange no names, no numbers
just a friendly encounter
Thats how she likes it
After she's through with him
she dismisses him and goes on to the next hunt
In her eyes men are only there for one thing
After that they are of no use to her
After an encounter with her they are left confused and dazed
Wanting to know more about this seductress
that whirlwind into their lives
She devours them and leave nothing to chance
on a second meeting

The Again And Again Praise

Jesus, Heavenly


Thank you for the

again and again




I know that I need you still again and again,


I know that the battle you have already won,

Jesus I know and before all declare you as my


And God’s son,


Having said all that,

This does not mean that I will not have to come

to you again and again,

You are aware of this and that is how you said

for it to be,

Depending on you for all and everything,

I thank you for always making provision for all

my needs and

for totally forgiving my sins, taking away

penalties and understanding me,

I so dearly need your help,








Every kind of blessing that I am in advance

thanking you for

and that I am always confessing again and again,

When my enemies try to make me ashamed that I

need you again and again,

Strengthen me Lord Jesus with your anointed

caring favor,

When I fall weak from the battle at your alter

sometimes in despair,

Please send the help that I prayed for and need

from far and near,

You are the God who never sleeps or

Forgets anything ever except my sins,

So again and again here I am,

Pouring out my heart,







Stress and troubles,

And yes,

As usual,

I need you again and again,

Sometimes it is family troubles,

Sometimes it is marriage difficulties,

Sometimes my selfish unforgiving attitude,

Yet, forgiveness is what I’ll need the most,

Sometimes it is financial crisis,

Sometimes it is flesh control issues that may be,








And yes, I need deliverance form these or that,

Most times it may be deliverance from cruel

enemies that are quite shrewd,

That plan my demise constantly and down fall,

The strife and ending of my life,

They plot and schedule my humiliation and


They put me on display the same way they did

you on many a day,

They strategize my dilemmas,

They set up the trials and trauma that bring tears

to my face,


Again and again,

You send your deliverance,

You apply your mercy and grace,

You grant the favor and answers to my petitions,

All my trespasses and sins under your salvation

plan are totally forgiven,

And although I learn righteous lessons through

the trials and the load I through humility bear,


Again and again I thank you for always blessing


Sending deliverance and,


Always being there.
Sk Abdul Aziz Mar 2016
Life is full of surprises
Some good ones
Some bad
And no matter how much you plan and strategize
Always expect the unexpected
Don't relax when things are going good
And don't lose hope when things are going bad
Both situations can turn around pretty quickly
Zachary Dec 2013
The bells are tingling, crescendoing impatiently, creating a ruckus of taps within your chemically imbalanced head

Your hands shake with all the untold words, bottled up within your throat and unable to explode like a volcano of molten rock until people stand in shock and admire not the destruction but the beauty

You enclose yourself into a small corner as soon as their is an unknown force that you cannot adequately deal with and hope they leave soon so you can lower your defenses just a bit; for you are afraid of leaving the house and being stared down until you run away like a kicked dog with his tail tucked between his legs

You apologize for things you didn't do, not out of guilt but because you feel obligated to

For you see, when you have social anxiety it is hard to communicate with anyone, even yourself. You live in fear of saying the wrong thing, of messing something up, of splitting apart like an egg cracked in the middle and all the yolk spilling out beyond your hands reaches

When you were a child, you would ask the closest person to hold your hands and count to ten, and that closest person was usually yourself

Your heart flutters like a butterflies  wings flapping wildly in a storm

Your breathing shudders as you try urgently to not shed tears not from sadness but from fear

Some describe social anxiety as naught but a tiny fear when in reality it is more like treading open water in the middle of nowhere with no help in sight, and the waves threaten to push you down until you are far out of reach

Some imagine people with anxiety as being introverts, when in reality it also happens to extroverts. It happens to all races, genders, and sexualities

When you live with anxiety, it is all you can think about. You strategize how to survive each obstacle of the day

One thing you can tell them to do if you cross paths and you notice their shallow breathing and their shaking and sweaty palms is to just

Dylan G Nov 2016
The struggle of life: to be you are,
To those we aspire they always inspire
Us to see ourselves for who we are -
We are actions not dreams.
My shot at integrity turns towards self-pity,
authenticity turns to pleasantry, and off goes identity,
I race to find who I am, the hope of a hidden gem,
Digging through coal, I know where hopes may stem,
Yet in dirt I am, and to dirt I still return,
Why do I never seem to learn?

Fear. It holds me from those I hold dear,
It leads me to anger, it leads me to hate
Of myself - I demand change yet I wait,
My dreams to reality, if I could only seize fate.
Day and night I obsess and I stress and I strategize,
But the new day brings new fears to antagonize,
And every day my vain jealousy swells,
Of their perfect little lives, they do so much so well,
Then the thought comes with fear and with doubt,
Maybe they aren’t just a cardboard cutout.

They are like me, full of doubt and fear,
Where am I supposed to go from here?
A lyric poem of a part of my high school experience.
sapthepoet Jun 2013
Sitting down all day just thinking doesn’t accomplish anything
Thoughts without action is no reaction
It’s waiting around contemplating about problems
But not doing anything to solve them

You have to think before you speak or write
Before you get on that mic
You strategize about what clothes to wear before you leave the house
Every day is a decision made with precision

Day dreaming is just dreams
Until it turns into actions that speak louder than words
Do something towards your goals
Before your old age takes is toll
Because trying to survive in this cold hearted world isn’t easy

But actions made just on emotions
Without thinking or planning
Leads to destruction of any production

So choose what’s best for you,
Wait on God as much as you can,
Stand for something so that you won’t fall for anything,
Always make a decision knowing
That the choice was your responsibility not someone else’s

Shannon Pollard
© May 12, 2007
fear of risen conscious
Folks need to awaken from the nonsense
I'm seeing eye for eye
Tooth for tooth I trade riches in for truth
What else can I do
Since blood was drew when I was born
im.stuck in the eye of the storm
From.harm but when I get to edge
Comes the swarm
Of fire from.hell will I dwell
in the corridors of heaven
I'm seeing images of my past ancestors
In mirror my visions clearer
Time is near the end no time to count my endz friends
Turn on ya faster than crooked cops
Look for that drug product to drop
In the hoods we buyin' but we ain't flyin'
That ******* I'm lettin' off slugs
Til the world cease restin' enemies in peace
Government don't care about you
Realize they lettin' us die in vain
Cuz they don't give a **** about us

Now the prophecy was givin'
At the Genesis
Souls being capture no redemption
For sins since Hells on earth
can't make no worth
My last verse is the realist I ever wrote
I'm packin' guns even in the park
Watch out for the narcs
Lookin' for TASK I'm in my black ski mask With a gang full of rip ridahs
We ready to die smoke til our brains fry
But it doesn't braille the operation
Occupations is fiendin' for the better
A go getter since these critics is *****
I make it wetter
Nobody can do it better
Once i wave my automatic then im causin' static
To White house turn that ***** red
All I'm envisionin' is them politricks dead most rappers that was killed was by
The ***** *** feds
I take this as my daily bread
**** the holy grail just another tale
To get us nigguhs trapped inside a jail
Which is really Hell no bail history tells
The truth unravel what's real from the fake
stay with a barrage of ammunition for my commission my comrades we all bad
Show no gratitude im.rude bad attitude
My minds corrupted because society filthy
None of my enemies could milk me
Feel me
I'm raw and live with my spots take 5 shots
At the Pentagon Penetrate there minds
Got em confused they steadily plottin'
Im lightin' the fuse
Just another case of ghetto blues in the late night news
I'm arrested for the same **** they pull
To keep the majority of masses fooled
Complexin' everyone of us they stay with the guns bust
They want us all dead
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Realize muthaphukka
That they don't give a **** about US!!!!
They say hip hop ain't dead
How come fools droppin'
More mixtapes than albums?
Bums out with balm tryna getting money in there palms
I aint mad at the hustle but this generation is nothing but trouble
Went from  socialism lyricism to materialism
Now fools rappin' about how cool it is
To spend loot and then doom for prison
Teachers of new school misguided by the old school?
Well Cuz at once we considered at same points
But at least there was social commentary
Seems like all the realist rappers are in the cemetery
Holding it down for the underground
Like K-rino he know they game done took many turns
But this ones for the worse its the hearse
Can't revive what ain't alive??
Unless there's a new savior me an imagery
Of my pops dark skin afro full of inferno
I look his blazin' eyes then he reveled to me a sign
Start the revolution pick off where pac marley and others left off
Cuz the game is too soft
No fathers figures just a bunch of ***** acting like *******
Strategize your destiny no one has chains on you only ya brain
Can keep you from accomplishment
And when I die will dear lord hear my sentiment
Try to teach what I preach
Not for the bad but as well as the good
Look in every hood
I see poverty lookin up to these SIMPs
Nothing buts hoes to the recompany pimps
Hip hop is dead?!!!

Yea I know I made mistakes in my life
Buts that's part of life
Through obstacles to miracle
I drop the oracle messenger to the people
Ask me y they call me Yosef
Which means peace but an art of was mentality
Tell me about quiet storm deep as i swarm
Like a plaguin' locust
In ya brain make ya lose focus no need to cuss
But then again I gotta
Cuz brothers only commend what they comprehend
Followin' these rappers like a religion
Stuck lost as a stool pigeon
I'm.writing verses to break the curses
And keep ya out the spiritual hearses
Most can't understand me?? Saying I'm hating the game Cuz they not paying me??
When I can make more overseas
United snakes ain't nothing but a tease
Taming audience without the cognizance of knowing
A lighted hypnotist like Chris Wallace past through the palace
Ya see nothing but skulls and bones
Society prone due for an overload
And watch the system fold
Then where will the rappers be at? When there's a sudden collapse
Once the master plan is success they wont need u any longer to manifest
Stupidity ya guilty but ya pleas no contest
Join the system I say give me liberty or give me death
I'll take death instead Cuz you'll go stale tryna eat bread!!!

Smoke somethin'
To get yo mind thumpin'
Inhale all of the reality
Full of negativity
**** what they see
I see shades of grey
Everytime i look on tv
Got one of us locked up in cuffs
Or police letting the guns bust
But if we bust back
Betta believe they gone comeback
Times two hard for you
Dodge the *******
As i inhale my thaistick
Reminiscin on a perfect plan
A masterplan they even will be felt in Japan
My imperial aint no joke
So sit the **** down a take notes
And blow some smoke
Travel with me on a fantastic voyage
Escape all the raid and escapades
Hide in the shade
Avoid the sunshine
Cuz all i got is **** on my mind!!!
**** racism the media America's culprit
That loves to quote misprints
Pay attention to the peckin' order
Because you might be next in the slaughter
No confessions no stressin
Just me and family and a few homies
Chillin' overseas havin' smoke sessions

Standing on morals and values
How you?
Sit here and not shed a tear
In this atmosphere
Hells been here my dear
Listen to the sounds of the wind
Paintin' an image you could see within
Soul dwellin' spells sailin'
Like boats on oceans
**** a notion and stop
Sippin' the mental potion
Nothing but poison causing noises
To the intellects
Folks so confused they dont
Know what to reject
Whats thrown at em
Pitches up and i bat em
Out the park
Slicker than John Starks
On the court
Light my spark **** in the dark
Take a trip through my mind
And let the chakras tingle your spine
Im genuine
So anxious notorious when my guns bust
Through the evils hearts
Of mankind no rewind
We going forward marchin'
While ya barkin'
At cars that be parked and
We clear benches from distances
Strong as stance
None could separate this
This part of yosef anthology
Who am i? Who are we?
Stuck in the game calles society
Pawns place carefully
Gotta strategize my moves swiftly
Or else they'll catch me
Slippin- destiny to the penitentiary
Or an early cemetery
Like young revolutionaries
No longer scared no fear
Mama dry yo tears and hear
Me talking to your mind javelin'
While my spirit travelin'
To unknown destinations
No subjugations make it through any situation of the litigation
No hesitation thugs in migrations
No imatitin' raw with our hits
No fakin' slam ya Blake Griffin
Got lots of guns
So dont be trippin' strippin'
Titles off men and men off titles
Im an ultimate rival
To the system its the survival
Of the fittest **** this
Life ill die broke than a slave
Cursed to the carnal sins of man
But then again
Spirits will guide me again
To where it all began
The garden of Eden
You'll see the demons risin' in earthly form
Next to you breathin'
jimmy tee Mar 2014
practice the utmost care
form a vigilant style
peep around corners
be alert to possibilities

develop awareness
study what lurks in shadow
prepare for surprises
hone your senses

visualize potential scenarios
pay attention to the probable
spy through keyholes
listen through thin walls

dis-believe dormancy
list your suspicions
weigh all prospects
refine distrust

cross examine sincerity
swim in the sea of mistrust
suspend all gut feeling
deny altruism

question fact
support skepticism
increase misgivings
keep eyes wide open

bet on failure
indulge at peril
compile odds
rely on doubt

push a fuzzy brand of cynicism
label everything
marginalize what you don’t understand
be conscience of fraud

perceive through narrowness
downplay experience
recycle ancient lies
apply rhetorical loops

reduce all to the absurd
promote jealousy
revel at weak spots
blame impossibilities

design decision trees
ferment rebellion
create false alliances
initiate rumor

draft complex plans
generate half truths
produce unreachable ideals
fashion anger

establish favorable ground rules
start a corporation
coin a catch phrase
invent an argument

launch a promotional campaign
confirm nothing
invert the discussion
determine outcomes

verify the enormous
market greed
prove conflicting arguments
ascertain needless worth

uncover falsehoods
locate the correct word
detect limitations
counterattack always

deliver disadvantage
attack any and all flaws
educate with nonsense
promote vulnerability

assign bogus titles
fabricate counterfeits
rely on fictions
deceive the masses

compose a reason
construct pain
assemble wild games
dismantle the individual

move mountains
consume independent thought
cause penance
gestate chaos

nurse turmoil
outflank righteousness
muddle the message
confide in darkness

plant upheaval
nurture vanity
ignore any mayhem
misname disorder

cultivate hesitation
praise ambiguity
rejoice for indecision
celebrate vagueness

dance as a marionette
venerate a suckerpunch
insult pride
pay tribute to silence

bend any principle
admire baseness
respect behind closed doors
award deceit

erase distinction
cook up conspiracies
diagram secrets
format the unbelievable

lust over possession
outline an escape
draw excuses
strategize sin

parcel desires
aim toward the crass
object to feelings
target the sordid

commit to the improper
corrupt all souls
mock religion
root out the wise

increase loneliness
pigeonhole solidarity
rupture the will
insert schisms

shout down dissent
pound out inferiority
supply sadness
stand toward folly

seek out dependency
crush mild opposition
carve a new standard
delay action
Since the devils shedded tears
On this earth I'm cursed at birth
Can't find no daylight
Cuz lookin' at the sun don't make no pay
I lay breathless quotes
Nigguhs strategize from.what I wrote
I tote
The baddest **** enticed with no seeds
Brain intrigue my enemies bleed I'm half dead
Posted up on the block  envisions of me dead
Since life's suicidal
Gotta watch my steps
prepare for war as I count my reps
The tricks as politics don't love us
Leaders don't feed us so how can they occupy us
With education I'm in a ****** situation
**** to crack sales for my occupation
Struggling' hard **** how the label
Me a **** nigguh enticed an evil imagery
The gats protect me from wickedness
Ignorance is bliss so ain't no stop this
I stay high no lie to the earlyyy morn
Enemies plottin' but they ended up scorned
Leavin' many souls torn
Its like **** ya stay gettin' **** with *******
Im holy with these verse like Clergy from the pulpits
Say I'm hostile black buck young and wild  and so what im a problem child ?
So is that my ******' fault? Momma couldn't get to me streets raised me
while the world gotta nigguh goin' crazy
I slam intellects hard as domino my spirit casted with the Nile flow wonderin' where do I go?
A Little Moses risin' been a warrior since my bad start im black heart
Have no fear cuz my Father here
Stuck in this deadly game try to avoid the eternal flame
But all I end up is in shame
Against all odds

Perri Sep 2015
The search for love should not be played;
what a sick and twisted game
you are forcing me into

I should not have to strategize my next move
in fear you may surpass me
on this ridiculous board

I should be able to move swiftly without thought or worry
about who is winning or losing
Because we will either both win or both lose

No more childs play;
it is time to grow up
because love is not a game
Pearson Bolt Nov 2016
she is a kaleidoscope. an ephemeral array
of dazzling multicolor. an LSD trip,
a hint of DMT, a tableau of ecstasy.
Thoreau once said, "all good things
are wild and free." i penned those lines
in the leather-bound journal i gave her
alongside a host of lineated iterations of empathy—
the first of many sloppy attempts at poetry,
earnest ideas penned to arouse
and amuse my muse.

a hopeless romantic, through and through,
but wise enough to recognize the folly
of storming a castle barricaded by a dragon.
she's going to have to save herself. after all,
she has always been the heroine in her own story
and ****** in mine. so i'll bide my time,
organize and strategize. i'll build bridges
faster than the dragon can burn them.
i will raise an army and wait patiently
at the gates, soulful if not entirely sober.
after all, she is as mesmerizing as fine wine—
and just as intoxicating.

when she chooses to kick down the door
and tear down the walls, i will yield
no ground when the barricades fall.
i've long since abandoned the sword for the pen
and bear only a shield to protect
and secure the health and safety
of the one who stole the stars from the skies
and adorns her eyes with the irises of nebulae.

'till then, i opine.
Echo Sep 2014
I can run with great speed when it comes to danger,
And I love that feeling of running for reason.
It's like I am flying super high,
Feeling the wind whip around me,
And I can soar with great aim.
I need adventure.
When my life gets boring, I look for fun,
Always in more ways than one.
Maybe you think adventures are just in Disney movies,
But are they? Are they really?
I need someone to test my abilities,
Even if I am on the bad side.
I need to flex my limbs,
And definitely definitely run run run,
Like oh so quickly, a fast getaway,
Because my life can get kind of boring when I'm alone.
I want to run for a reason,
You are the chosen candidate,
Fight with me.
I'm ravaging!
Too late now, the adrenaline is kicking in,
It's time to strategize on how you are going to win.
Just give me something to think on,
Chess is boring until you are the pawn.  
My heart beating in my chest,
Give it your all, give me your best.
I step up to the plate, ready for a fight,
Today, this girl has a bigger bite!
Come on, right here, right now!!
Challenge me for a chase,
A ****,
A labyrinth maze!
A save!
A run!
Something with action!
Come on, I'm hungry for adventure,
I can't wait around for something to happen,
Please challenge me!
I need the twist,
The punch in my day,
Come on now, whatever it is!
Challenge Accepted~
Anya Oct 2018
It popped into my head and it's so true.
I remember back in the days
In the barrio
Wearing fresh braids
And high top fades
With the big ol shades
Emulate super fly movies
I was young hard head
Felt like nobody could move me
Until them slugs hit me
Had me dreaming about reality
***** real I'm seeing my own blood
Is this heaven or hell ?
I'm close to death clutching for breath
Uh bust it
Couple hours later in surgery
Docts don't know what to do with me
To many peeps I'm strung out
Ask one of my homies to keep the heat out
And a ak by my bed
Just in case them.come again and http://****.me dead
But one ***** can't forget named Craig
og real never faked the funk
Had pounds of skunks one hit and we all high
Felt like our souls was touching the sky my eyes
Blood shot red half dead daydreamin' schemin'
Lookin to make my next move
Exercise and strategize at the same time
Keep all eyes on one time
But Craig had a lot of adversaries
His day was coming and before I started dumpin them techs was hummin'
Too late heart break souls break out
Am I lucky. To survive? Or do I really deserve to die? Uh
I wish I could see him again instant replay
Of the ****** stuck in my brain full of pain
No gain
From a lost one only death tallying the next one
As I reminiscence smokin' my dogia
Givin' a real shout out to my real nigguha
Who's strugglin'
Ballad for a dead souljah
then go with the flow.

Strategize as best you can
living moment by moment.
Miss Grim Mar 2016
I'm better off hitting rock bottom
All this constant lingering in the free falling downward spiral is agonizing torture
I reach for something to cling to and yet I'm still slipping, I can feel it
Once I secure myself in the depths of not sinking any lower I can begin to strategize my Ascension
When there's nowhere to go but up
My tendency towards a nihilistic disposition is a disheartening cynicism
And right now I just need something to believe in
No matter how temporary that belief may be.
Cameron Godfrey Sep 2012
We're fragile and weak
We breathe and we ache
We declare war and we let ourselves break

We want and we ask
We beg and we plead
Just bobbing about
And rolling in greed

We strive to be perfect
We fight and strategize
We hurt with our weapons,
Our words and our lies
I felt trapped in an endless single moment of time.
Nothing was real except the deafening silence of the dynamic between my mother and father and the lie of a white picket fence we had been gritting and grinning our teeth to trick the world into building for us.
Every thing slipped slowly backward, as in a dream of falling down hill, not quite real enough to feel the fall, but not grounded enough to move away.
If it were not for daily walks in the nearby almond orchard, I would Not have known that the grass still grew in the spring. I forgot that the spiders still built webs that were taken down each new rain. I forgot that the bees were kept, and that people were fighting addiction in order to make it home to see their nephews.
I found freedom in the silence at some point. A sandbox world for me to wander in, no real consequences to my actions. It was a loneliness like the womb. Eventually I tried to escape. Many escape attempts. How many miles put between me and that room? How many cars busted down on the side of the road, running away from home. I discovered new worlds I never knew could exist. I watched the leaves turn in different biomes. I made love to other lonely people, unhappy and afraid of the world and their place in it,
not when we were together though.
together we were infinite, real, in awe of the fact that we could be so
naked and unafraid.

I watched the masks of my parents relationship deteriorate with
the advent of disease and age.
I watched the pain and patterns of abandoning I had felt my whole life play out in their pantomime before me, day after wretched day.

I stared at a wall.
I slept with my guitar.
I slept with more lonely people with perfect hearts.
I invested in the means to transmute all these...feelings...into art, audiovisual storytelling, and physical creativity.
And once I had built a temple to my pain,
I boarded the doors and windows. I never went inside.
I just sat on the stoop, obsessively trying to work out all of the world's problems- my problems as an inextricable part of the world- by thinking.
If I could just strategize a way to never get hurt,
Then I wouldn't need to deal with the inconvenience of pain.
If I could concoct a cocktail of constant cope,
I could cruise forever without feeling the ocean
of space
between us

If it were not for the orchard, I would have forgotten that frost formed on the ground. Even with the endlessly straight rows of trees, the square grid of houses, and the box-like hospital next door...a tiny twig out of place or a clover, remembered me that there is wild growth, that I am wild growth, unfettered and untethered by the paltry attempts at geoscaping.

Inland, I remember how vast the ocean is.

how vast

the space








Inland, I yearn for the ocean.
Remembering that I have always felt most free in the water.
a healing reflection on four years of suffering and that started with a heart failure, a heart break, and a pandemic.
Mikaila Oct 2013
Sometimes on nights like these,
I find reasons to hurt,
Because I think it terrifies me less if there is a reason.
If I know a cause for the effect, I can cope, I can strategize.
But to be honest, nothing hurt me today, not more than any other,
And yet I feel raw
And alien
And fragile.
There is only so much I can ask people to take care of me.
I don't refuse to out of pride-
Well, sometimes I do, but-
I refuse to on the principal that the people who can stand to feel a need like mine
Yawning beneath their fingertips like a drop-off cliff
Do not deserve to have to stand it always.
I can weather my nights alone,
And I know it.
It's not pretty, but it works,
And I have an obligation, capable as I am,
To make it work-
At the very least, sometimes.
Sk Abdul Aziz Jan 2016
Isn't that what people do when they get dumped?...obsess over their exes,retracing the steps of their relationship,trying to decipher the clues that led to the relationship's unraveling.They pine for them.It takes time for them to recover from this jolt and move on.They strategize ways to accidentally run into their exes..or avoid them like the plague.
Either way there's a lot of strategizing involved.

-Megan Kearns
M May 2014
I am a woman (or man)
who has always had
Ni then Ne
as her dominant cognitive functions
These take what is relevant from the
wide scale and connect it into patterns and grand schemes
immediately followed by more chances and opportunities
to tie into the preexisting idea.
take, arrange, support-
that is how I approach information-
I create possibilities and fragment and organize
with my next, Ti.
I analyze, compromise, and strategize with Te, my third.
I diplomate, learn, and charismatize with Fe,
and then internalize the response to social interactions with Fi.
You, my friend, are someone I have never been
able to compartmentalize
I have been struggling with the concept of your inherent freedom
since I met you. I believed myself to be free
but watched the others like birds in a cage
until one of them bent the wires as if they were paper
and escaped, despite my attempts to force
and to struggle to return you within the bars
for my observation.
little did I know,
wild birds
do not like to be observed, measured, and critiqued
they will fight every restriction you put on them, well-meaning or otherwise
they will teach you what that quote means about
letting go what you love
because they sure as hell
aren't meant to be caged.
Ivan Brooks Sr Feb 2018
Pause if you have a cause,
Pause for a second or at every interval.
In a moment of pause,
you can make or receive a call.

In a moment of pause, you can
take a seat

Pause is everything because
Many things change during a moment of pause.
we all need one...
dryead May 2017
naked of the cloaks of the desired,
even a deeply nestled petal wilts
of rhythmic imitation of the sun.
what effortlessly nourishes an animal but sleep?

effort to sustain a roadside presence greater than the gain,
did you grow thorns? or were they written in your skin?
(inscription: learn to give up, learn to coexist;
shut out words will always miss)

a man that isn't male, a woman free of feminine
left guessing at another ill-communicated notion

to open without expectations, thin of want
to miser, hidden coffers nourishing no passersby

when roots obscure the sun a rose may strategize
but some hands open only in the darkness,
pale and bright or yawning at a winter cloak
as if to ask: comes there a longer night?
July 3 2015
If you could do anything.
I'd catch you plucking at the twilight.
Dipping you contour brush in nebulae, you'd paint your eyeline with a skyline...  You'd bejewel your accessories with quasars spinning in quartz's and supernova sapphires and... your eyes would shine with star light...

If you could do anything, You'd sequin your extremities with snowflakes. Pattern your skin with the shine from the sunrise and you'd refract yourself into the world around you. You'd dye you hair like the northern lights... Stand still in squalls just so you could emulate its animated shimmer. Against the back drop of the night you'd glimmer. But that wouldn't be enough... You'd go to any length drown your frame in beauty.

If you could do anything, You'd steal the sensation of rain drops disturbing roof tops and overdose on an feeling of shelter from the storm. All attempts to subdue your high would met with scorn.  You'd break off the part of you that caused concern. You'd burn the
service receipts of ever shoulder you'd had to cry on. You'd outsource your own insecurity. Any obscurity to your character would be shot dead on discovery. You'd invade your own humanity and pillage it of difficulty.

If you could do anything you'd bargain with calendar just for a couple more days to avoid doing something. You'd fashion your words into hurdles and litter the ground with more and more reasons to fall. You'd talk yourself out breathing because the threat of suffocation is less intimidating than the thought of persisting.

You are swallowed by your own ideals. You're drowning in the hope that you can live like a statue, staying ever beautiful as time crumbles away at your stone. You're begging for someone to save you from yourself.

If I could do anything. I'd pay you a token of gratitude for every imperfection you're still convinced I don't treasure. I'd write sick notes to your anxieties to inform them that you need time to get better, and in that time we'd strategize. Make a battle plans for a better life and show you how to fight.

This is your battle, Not mine. But it hurts to see you struggle, hurts to watch heartache eat away at your smile. Hurts to watch demons blow raspberries in the reflection of every tear drop.

It hurts to ask if you're okay...
shamamama Apr 2019
Swami says
There is no escape
To be who you are.

Yes that's right
You can run and hide
Strategize or divide
But there's no escaping
Who you are my friend,
Yes there's no escaping who you are.

When temper
flares high
sending anger darts awry,
Go to the ocean
and cool off
my friend,
Let the waves ripple over you
And let this layer
wash off in the sea

When the blues are blue--
The tears flow
From your depths of your soul--
Release this ocean of feeling,
Let the sounds of those tears
Ring to the ground

When joy bubbles into your heart,
Weaves a smile on your face,
laughs you, tickles you
Share this my friend
Let it touch another
Weave this joy into the
Fabric of all life

In this moment
Be present to who you are
You are the one you've
Been waiting for,
You are the one you've been
Wanting to know,
No need to run
Circle on back to yourself,

Swami says there is no escape
To be who you are.

Be the one.
I met a swami many years ago, and his words, "You cannot escape who you are" really struck me....and this poem came to life.
Following the footsteps of the Panthers
boxing enemies like evander
holyfield the real deal
so **** how you critics feel?
show me yo head
so I can dump led
in yo *** fast cash
equals the grave
how can I be saved?
in a society that's built around violence
and once I broke silence
about America past
all them conservatives
quick to blast
my views don't blow my fuse
cuz I'll leave ya body drooled
nothing but a fountain of life
wasting away sounds of the ak
dawning in the early morning no yawning
we ready for war
five hundred years
and still can't get emancipation
or reparations
for past peers just last year
I shedded my last tear
they all gone this ain't a song
this a battle cry
so all you enemies look me in my eyes
beforeya die
I say a quick blessing
then give yo blessing
with the click of a Smith n Wesson
like twista once the tongue gets ya
ya get lost like you rambling.through a maze
******* with me is like a thousand years to a day
so press yo luck I'll be ****** if you try
real ****** don't die
the revolutions is preoccupied
set forts to troops
as we ride and invoke homicide

21 guns salute for my real troops
breakin through barriers and loops
**** Lopez he just a sellout
trying to get us to riot in violence
black man Mexican man
y'all from the same foundation
so stop getting caught in the mental litigation
they usin tools to separate us
while they bustin at us surpressin
us through signs and symbols vestibule not ya average Huxtable
I'm in it for the love of the war
no tears will be shed in the end
and all of those who pretend gone bend
sticking yo endz
once again
I make adversaries run into trash bins
**** yo friends
my enemies yo enemies
if you ride for me uh
I been an expert since my birth
strategize my worth
all he'll breaks loose
worse come worse
envisions myself
next to a plaque
chilling with Malcolm  Martin n Nat
smoking a Cuban fat
n on my ligaments rest the gat
fully loaded soon to be unloaded
at the press put it to rest may God bless
once the revolution progress with lil stress
and if I fail? I'll be jailed
but it don't matter
I'll still smile at all the evil lives blood I shattered
word yo my unborn

— The End —