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Ivan Brooks Sr Aug 2019
In the land of the wise men,
where the wind blows ceaselessly
and the moon glows perpetually,
a great poet and his young protege
sat in the courtyard under the shadows
of the sycamore tree to meditate.
The protege said to his master.
" Sir, please make me a great poet"
The old master lifted his head
and gazed at the protege in awe.

" My son, you are a poet he retorted.
You have it in you. you live it,
you are engaged with it each day,
you hang with poets and read the
amazing works they penned.
You understand spoken words,
the unique linga Franca of poetry.
To find and get it out of you,  
you have to tear yourself apart.
go to where words reside.
Get into the minds of others.
Ask and read other people"s works.
Though it's kinda motivational,
inspiration is everywhere.

" You see, the master told him,
every day the sun comes up,
it rises with a packaged gift
Unwrap it with your mind
appreciate anything therein.
A disappointment and a bad day
can be a caveat for a writer
because it spikes emotions and inspires one to dig deep...
My son, you have to write every day.
write about anything at any time.
rewrite what you aren't pleased with.
The more you write, the better you become.
The uglier the poems that come out the better the poems that follow.

Write about the sun and the moon,
write in the morning and afternoon.
Write captivating and uplifting stories
about mermaids with beautiful bodies.
Or write about a wandering stranger,
who traveled in search of an adventure
with your hands, write about nature.
Using your mind, paint a beautiful picture.
Do this as often as many times as possible,
Someday you will achieve the impossible.

#IvanBrookspoetry (c)
August 11.2019
The protege's quest trended before it was written. I actually thought I was saving a draft, made of the title and just two lines. I just finished it
mc Aug 2013
with his flirty smiles,
charming words,
wandering eyes,
and broken promises,
he seems to have
mastered the art of
breaking hearts.
although his masterpiece
would have to be
kissing me once
then never again,
leaving me shattered
with the only remedy being
his heart.
Kara Hesketh Oct 2014
Ebola! Ebola! Ebola!
you are only hunting in the exhausted fields,
you predecessors have done evil marvel in this land
Africa's sons and daughter were heavily taken away
in slave raid, colonial rampage two world wars, cancer
and *** aids, Ebola you must be ashamed to come here,
are you as foolish as lioness that must follow the path
initially taken by her husband the lion?
Ebola Africa is dead tired and lain forlorn
by strange diseases not known by it
but only named in the land of their cradle
where *** was born in the Irish Laboratory
on trial and error to decimate Africa's populations
in the racially biased arsenal you have also come
you fangled teeth a bare menace to each of us
you make us bleed from out body holes,
blood oozing out like Nile water from lake Victoria
Ebola! Ebola! sympathy is not a vice, but heavenly
virtue, only protege of the Godly please be sympathetic
to Africa the orphan of the classic times with no succour
her wounds of Cancer are fresh and fresh as those obnoxites
from the nasty Aids aka ***, kindly empathize with Africa
you have eaten Mali and Nigeria after Congo Kinshasa
you are now in Kenya the neighbor of Sudan
the last born of Africa already rendered forlorn
by the AK 47 and AK 74, shot in the tribal tremors
O! Ebola Ebola! my prayer to you is as brief
as that; forgive me for my weird mourning
of my brothers and sister in death mongering
mandibles so ugly and Abysmal like
Gehenna of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Another ******* knocked
Up a girl now holding a pre-****
And he'll run before 9 months
Is up don't need mrs Cleo to predict

And what's to become of
A single mother who's lonely
Victim of repeated history of many
When an I love u is phony

And wuts worse is she
Rather dead beat dad think shed abort
Before pride would allow her to
Find him for child support

So she works 2 jobs
And is stressed in the worst way
Seeing her child sad and empty
From a fatherless birthday

And when she's in school
Grade 1 her teacher asks
Why she's not making a fathers
Day present during arts and crafts

As many schools do in there class
So holidays always was
A let down as her mother says not
To get her hopes up but still she does

Only to be crushed
When Christmas calls
Even though she made clear
She wanted her father to Santa Claus

In both a letter and at the mall
Maybe she's on the naughty list
Now she starts to feel both her
Dad and Santa just don't exist

And all this time moms gotta
Watch her child in pain
While at the same time jealous
That for her child she always remained

And her father did not so
Y is he so important to this
Child she struggled to raise
Then feels guilty at how foolish

It is to be jealous of a man
Who's wanted but didn't want them
But sadly the child isn't the only
One hoping he returns cause when

Dead beat dad beat being a dad
Not just the child was left
But also a woman in love who's
Heartbroken and equally upset

But the child's obsessed
Making it hard to accept for mom
Who's bitter as tension Builds
as her child's now a teen and less calm

And takes her anger out on mom
While stuck in confusion
Pernicious from lack of a father
Figure adding to the pollution

Which may end concluding
With her herself as a single mom
As another high school drop out
Getting pregnant b4 prom

And when she breaks the news
It's déjà vu for a single mom
Now having to see her child
Be a single mom

But two single mom don't make
A single mom cause they
Won't be single long if that single
Bond grows to mentor protege

And soon the child will say
To her mom and new grandmother
A sincere thank u as What her mom
went through she now discovered

What was covered so well
Cause being a single moms hell
So she apologizes to her mom
As she could never tell

The emotional struggles of
abandonment and Heartache
But still have financial stability
And find time to partake

In school dances and plays
Clothes to wear and food to eat
Exhausted from 2 jobs and no
Support by a loving man to rub her feet

And finally after 18 years of
her high hopes that life would make
Her father come back on her birthday or
Christmas Start to fade

So with her high hopes fading
her lifes void dad left starts filling in
of course thats when chills go up moms
spine instinctively As the phone rings.....

Ebola! Ebola! Ebola!
you are only hunting in the exhausted fields,
you predecessors have done evil  marvel in this land
Africa's sons and daughter were heavily taken away
in slave raid, colonial rampage two world wars ,cancer
and *** aids, Ebola you must be ashamed to come here,
are you as foolish as lioness that must follow the path
initially taken by her husband the lion?
Ebola Africa is dead tired and lain forlorn
by strange diseases not known by it
but only named in the land of their cradle
where *** was born in the Irish Laboratory
on trial and error to decimate Africa's populations
in the racially biased arsenal you have also come
you fangled teeth a bare menace to each of us
you make us bleed from out body holes,
blood oozing out like Nile water from lake Victoria
Ebola ! Ebola ! sympathy is not a vice , but heavenly
virtue, only protege of the Godly please be sympathetic
to Africa the orphan of the classic times with no succour
her wounds of Cancer are fresh and fresh as those obnoxites
from the nasty Aids aka ***, kindly empathize with Africa
you have eaten Mali and Nigeria after Congo Kinshasa
you are now in Kenya the  neighbor of Sudan
the last born of Africa already rendered forlorn
by the AK 47 and AK 74 , shot in the tribal tremors
O! Ebola Ebola ! my prayer to you is as brief
as that;  forgive me  for my weird mourning
of my brothers and sister in death mongering
mandibles so ugly and Abysmal like
Gehenna of Jesus Christ, Amen !
Adriaan Harms May 2017
I'm a work of art, your protege.
You're my sculpture, my teacher.

I'm your troublemaker, your rebel.
You're my lover, my peacemaker.

I'm a poet, your songwriter.
You're my inspiration, my muse.

I'm a changer, a modifier of life.
You're my guide, my leader.

I was a hater, a freak.
You made me better,
An individual with a love for life and
A man of creativity.

You're the remover of hate,
And the replacer of love.

You saw me as I am,
As the person I was meant to be.
Piece by piece and step by step
You put back the parts of my broken self.

You didn't abandon me in need,
You didn't leave me when you saw the red flags,
You stayed,
You made me drop the anger and put up the surrender.

You took me in,
You loved me.
You made me see life in a way I never knew existed.

You love me now,
You'll love me always.
Forever till forever meets no end,
You're love knows no limits
And is meant to be eternal.
This is a poem about how much my boyfriend actually loves me and how much he has changed me in the time we were together...
marvin m brato Sep 2018
Medical Technologist you will be by next year,
As you do your best part then success is near.
Realization of your life's dream is not impossible,
Zealous dedication is what you do to make it possible.
Act now be a keen diligent intern to claim your victory!

Dawn has sparked so make the most of the opportunity,
Accept the challenges don't quit fight all the negativity.
Winning is not easy to achieve as it requires determination,
Nobody but yourself alone can justify for your own action.

Plan for your future and do it with the highest attention,
Insure that whatever outcome will help realize your ambition.
Zest you have will inspire you to perform well with integrity,
Allow no negative vibes to degrade your courage and dignity.
React professionally to whatever trials that may come your way,
On whatever duties you do always follow the protocol don't sway.

Be tactful in your actions follow laboratory protocols,
Read and understand fully the procedures before using the tools.
Avoid mistakes in running the tests so you won't give false results,
To the patient's doctor such act is a taboo and you will get insults.
On to your internship my darling do your best and make us all proud.
Alev May 2014
Elijo amarte en silencio
porque en mi silencio no encuentro rechazo.
Elijo amarte en mi soledad
porque en mi soledad nadie te posee sino yo.
Elijo adorarte a distancia
porque la distancia nos protege del dolor.
Elijo aprisionarte en mis pensamientos
porque en mi pensamiento la libertad la decido yo.
Elijo besarte al viento
porque el viento es más suave que mis labios.
Elijo tenerte sólo en sueños
porque en mis sueños no hay final.
El césped. Desde la tribuna es un tapete verde. Liso, regular,
aterciopelado, estimulante. Desde la tribuna quizá crean que,
con semejante alfombra, es imposible errar un gol y mucho menos errar
un pase. Los jugadores corren como sobre patines o como figuras de
ballet. Quien es derrumbado cae seguramente sobre un colchón de
plumas, y si se toma, doliéndose, un tobillo, es porque el gesto
forma parte de una pantomima mayor. Además, cobran mucho dinero
simplemente por divertirse, por abrazarse y treparse unos sobre otros
cuando el que queda bajo ese sudoroso conglomerado hizo el gol
decisivo. O no decisivo, es lo mismo. Lo bueno es treparse unos sobre
otros mientras los rivales regresan a sus puestos, taciturnos, amargos,
cabizbajos, cada uno con su barata soledad a cuestas. Desde la tribuna
es tan disfrutable el racimo humano de los vencedores como el drama
particular de cada vencido. Por supuesto, ciertos avispados
espectadores siempre saben cómo hacer la jugada maestra y no
acaban de explicarse, y sobre todo de explicarlo a sus vecinos, por
qué este o aquel jugador no logra hacerla. Y cuando el
árbitro sanciona el penal, el espectador avispado también
intuye hacia qué lado irá el tiro, y un segundo
después, cuando el balón brinca ya en las redes, no
alcanza a comprender cómo el golero no lo supo. O acaso
sí lo supo y con toda deliberación se arrojó al
otro palo, en un alarde de masoquismo o venalidad o estupidez
congénita. Desde la tribuna es tan fácil. Se conoce la
historia y la prehistoria. O sea que se poseen elementos suficientes
como para comparar la inexpugnable eficacia de aquel zaguero
olímpico con la torpeza del patadura actual, que no acierta
nunca y es esquivado una y mil veces. Recuerdo borroso de una
época en que había un centre-half y un centre-forward,
cada uno bien plantado en su comarca propia y capaz de distribuir el
juego en serio y no jugando a jugar, como ahora, ¿no? El
espectador veterano sabe que cuando el fútbol se
convirtió en balompié y la ball en pelota y el dribbling
en finta y el centre-half en volante y el centre-forward en alma en
pena, todo se vino abajo y ésa es la explicación de que
muchos lleven al estadio sus radios a transistores, ya que al menos
quienes relatan el partido ponen un poco de emoción en las
estupendas jugadas que imaginan. Bueno, para eso les pagan,
¿verdad? Para imaginar estupendas jugadas y está bien.
Por eso, cuando alguien ha hecho un gol y después de los abrazos
y pirámides humanas el juego se reanuda, el locutor
idóneo sigue colgado de la "o" de su gooooooool, que en realidad
es una jugada suya, subjetiva, personal, y no exactamente del delantero
que se limitó a empujar con la frente un centro que, entre todas
las otras, eligió su cabeza. Y cuando el locutor idóneo
llega por fin al desenlace de la "ele" final de su gooooooool privado,
ya el árbitro ha señalado un orsai que favorece,
¿por qué no?, al locatario.

Es bueno contemplar alguna vez la cancha desde aquí, desde lo
alto. Así al menos piensa Benjamín Ferrés,
veintitrés años, digamos delantero de un Club Chico,
alguien últimamente en alza según los cronistas
deportivos más estrictos, y que hoy, después de empatarle
al Club Grande y ducharse y cambiarse, no se fue del estadio con el
resto del equipo y prefirió quedarse a mirar, desde la tribuna
ya vacía (sólo quedan los cafeteros y heladeros y
vendedores de banderitas, que recogen sus bártulos o tal vez
hacen cuentas) aquel campo en el que estuvo corriendo durante noventa
minutos e incluso convirtió uno, el segundo, de los dos goles
que le otorgan al Club Chico eso que suele llamarse un punto de oro.
Sí, desde aquí arriba el césped es una alfombra,
casi un paño verde como el del casino, con la importante
diferencia de que allá los números son fijos,
permanentes, y aquí (él, por ejemplo, es el ocho) cambian
constantemente de lugar y además se repiten. A lo mejor con el
flaco Suárez (que lleva el once prendido en la espalda)
podrían ser una de las parejas negras. O no. Porque de ambos,
sólo el Flaco es oscurito.

Ahora se levanta un viento arisco y las gradas de cemento son
recorridas por vasos de plástico, hojas de diario, talones de
entradas, almohadillas, pelotas de papel. Remolinos casi fantasmales
dan la falsa impresión de que las gradas se mueven, giran,
bailotean, se sacuden por fin el sol de la tarde. Hay papeles que suben
las escaleras y otros que se precipitan al vacío. A
Benjamín (Benja, para la hinchada) le sube una bocanada de
desconsuelo, de extraña ansiedad al enfrentarse, ¿por
primera vez?, con la quimera de cemento en estado de pureza (o de
basura, que es casi lo mismo) y se le ocurre que el estadio
vacío, desolado, es como un esqueleto de multitud, un eco
fantasmal de esa misma muchedumbre cuando ruge o aplaude o insulta o
agita banderas. Se pregunta cómo se habrá visto su gol
desde aquí, desde esta tribuna generalmente ocupada por las
huestes del adversario. Para los de abajo en la tabla, el estadio
siempre es enemigo: miles y miles de voces que los acosan, los
persiguen, los hunden, porque generalmente el que juega aquí, el
permanente locatario, es uno de los Grandes, y los de abajo sólo
van al estadio cuando les toca enfrentarlos, y en esas ocasiones apenas
si acarrean, en el mejor de los casos, algunos cientos de
fanáticos del barrio, que, aunque se desgañitan y agitan
como locos su única y gastada bandera, en realidad no cuentan,
es imposible que tapen, desde su islote de alaridos, el gran rugido de
la hinchada mayor. Desde abajo se sabe que existen, claro, y eso es
bueno, y de vez en cuando, cuando se suspende el juego por
lesión o por cambio de jugadores, los del Club Chico van con la
mirada al encuentro de aquel rinconcito de tribuna donde su bandera
hace guiños en clave, señales secretas como las del
truco. Y ésta es la mejor anfetamina, porque los llena de
saludable euforia y además no aparece en los controles

Hoy empataron, no está mal, se dice Benja, el número
ocho. Y está mejor porque todos sus huesos están enteros,
a pesar de la alevosa zancadilla (esquivada sólo por
intuición) que le dedicaran en el toletole previo al primer gol,
dos segundos antes de que el Colorado empujara nuevamente la globa con
el empeine y la colocara, inalcanzable, junto al poste izquierdo.
Después de todo, la playa es mía. Desde hace quince
años la vengo adquiriendo en pequeñas cuotas. Cuotas de
sol y dunas. Todos esos prójimos, prójimas y projimitos
que se ven tendidos sobre las rocas o bajo las sombrillas o corriendo
tras una pelota de engañapichanga o jugando a la paleta en una
cancha marcada en la arena con líneas que al rato se borran,
todos esos otros, están en la playa gracias a que yo les permito
estar. Porque la playa es mía. Mío el horizonte con
toninas remotas y tres barquitos a vela. Míos los peces que
extraen mis pescadores con mis redes antiguas, remendadas. El aire
salitroso y los castillos de arena y las aguas vivas y las algas que ha
traído la penúltima ola. Todo es mío.
¿Qué sería de mí, el número ocho,
sin estas mañanas en que la playa me convence de que soy libre,
de que puedo abrazar esta roca, que es mi roca mujer o tal vez mi roca
madre, y estirarme sin otros límites que mi propio límite
o hasta que siento las tenazas del cangrejo barcino sobre mi dedo
gordo? Aquí soy número ocho sin llevarlo en la espalda.
Soy número ocho sencillamente porque es mi identidad. Un cura o
un teniente o un payaso no necesitan vestir sotana o uniforme o traje
de colores para ser cura o teniente o payaso. Soy número ocho
aunque no lo lleve dibujado en el lomo y aunque ningún botija se
arrime a pedirme autógrafos, porque sólo se piden
autógrafos a los de los Clubes Grandes. Y creo que siempre
seré de Club Chico, porque me gusta amargarles la fiesta, no a
los jugadores que después de todo son como nosotros, sólo
que con más suerte y más guita, ni siquiera a la hinchada
grande por más que nos insulte cuando hacemos un fau y festeje
ruidosamente cuando el otro nos propina un hachazo en la canilla. Me
gusta arruinarles la fiesta, sobre todo a los dirigentes, esos
industriales bien instalados en su cochazo, en su piso de la Rambla y
en su mondongo, señores cuya gimnasia sabatina o dominical
consiste en sentarse muy orondos, arriba en el palco oficial, y desde
ahí ver cómo allá abajo nos reventamos, nos
odiamos, nos derretimos en sudores, y cuando sus jugadores ganan,
condescienden a llegar al vestuario y a darles una palmadita en el
hombro, disimulando apenas el asco que les provoca aquella piel
todavía sudada, y en cambio, cuando sus jugadores pierden, se
van entonces directamente a su casa, esta vez por supuesto sin ocultar
el asco. En verdad, en verdad os digo que yo ignoro si hacen eso, pero
me lo imagino. Es decir, tengo que imaginarlo así, porque una
cosa son las instrucciones del entrenador, que por supuesto trato de
cumplir si no son demasiado absurdas, y otra cosa son las instrucciones
que yo me doy, verbigracia vamo vamo número ocho hay que aguarle
la fiesta a ese presidente cogotudo, jactancioso y mezquino, que viene
al estadio con sus tres o cuatro nenes que desde ya tienen caritas de
futuros presidentes cogotudos. Bueno, no sé ni siquiera si tiene
hijos, pero tengo que imaginarlo así porque soy el número
ocho, insustituible titular de un Club Chico y, ya que cobro poco,
tengo que inventarme recompensas compensatorias y de esas recompensas
inventadas la mejor es la posibilidad de aguarle la fiesta al cogotudo
presidente del Grande, a fin de que el lunes, cuando concurra a su
Banco o a su banca, pase también su vergüenza rica, su
vergüenza suntuosa, así como nosotros, los que andamos en
la segunda mitad de la tabla, sufrimos, cuando perdemos, nuestra
vergüenza pobre. Pero, claro, no es lo mismo, porque los Grandes
siempre tienen la obligación de ganar, y los Chicos, en cambio,
sólo tenemos la obligación de perder lo menos posible. Y
cuando no ganamos y volvemos al barrio, la gente no nos mira con
menosprecio sino con tristeza solidaria, en tanto que al presidente
cogotudo, cuando vuelve el lunes a su Banco o a su banca, la gente, si
bien a veces se atreve a decirle qué barbaridad doctor porque
ustedes merecieron ganar y además por varios goles, en realidad
está pensando te jodieron doctor qué salsa les dieron
esos petizos. Por eso a mí no me importa ser número ocho
titular y que no me pidan autógrafos aquí en la playa ni
en el cine ni en Dieciocho. Los partidos no se ganan con
autógrafos. Se ganan con goles y ésos los sé
hacer. Por ahora al menos. También es un consuelo que la playa
sea mía, y como mía pueda recorrerla descalzo, casi
desnudo, sintiendo el sol en la espalda y la brisa en los ojos, o
tendiéndome en las rocas pero de cara al mar, consciente de que
atrás dejo la ciudad que me espía o me protege,
según las horas y según mi ánimo, y adelante
está esa llanura líquida, infinita, que me lame, me
salpica, a veces me da vértigo y otras veces me brinda una
insólita paz, un extraño sosiego, tan extraño que
a veces me hace olvidar que soy número ocho.
Alejandra. Lo extraño había sido que Benja conociera sus
manos antes que su rostro, o mejor aún, que se enamorara de sus
manos antes que de su rostro. Él regresaba de San Pablo en un
vuelo de Pluna. El equipo se había trasladado para jugar dos
amistosos fuera de temporada, pero Benja sólo había
participado en el primero porque en una jugada tonta había
caído mal y el desgarramiento iba a necesitar por lo menos cinco
días de cuidado, así que el preparador físico
decidió mandarlo a Montevideo para que allí lo atendieran
mejor. De modo que volvía solo. A la media hora de vuelo se
levantó para ir al baño y cuando regresaba a su sitio
tuvo la impresión de ser mirado pero él no miró.
Simplemente se sentó y reinició la lectura de Agatha
Christie, que le proponía un enigma afilado, bienhumorado y
sutil como todos los suyos.

De pronto percibió que algo singular estaba ocurriendo. En el
respaldo que estaba frente a él apareció una mano de
mujer. Era una mano delgada, de dedos largos y finos, con uñas
cuidadas pero sin color. Una mano expresiva, o quizá que
expresaba algo, pero qué. A los dos o tres minutos hizo
irrupción la otra mano, que era complementaria pero no igual.
Cada mano tenía su carácter, aunque sin duda
compartían una inquietante identidad. Benja no pudo continuar su
lectura. Adiós enigma y adiós Agatha. Las manos se
movían con sobriedad, se rozaban a veces. Él
imaginó que lo llamaban sin llamarlo, que le contaban una
historia, que le ofrecían respuestas a interrogantes que
aún no había formulado; en fin, que querían ser
asidas. Y lo más preocupante era que él también
quería asirlas, con todos los riesgos que un acto así
podía implicar, verbigracia que la dueña de aquellas
manos llamara inmediatamente a la azafata, o se levantara, enfrentada a
su descaro, y le propinara una espléndida bofetada, con toda la
vergüenza, adicional y pública, que semejante castigo
podía provocar. Hasta llegó a concebir, como un destello,
un título, a sólo dos columnas (porque era número
ocho, pero sólo de un Club Chico): conocido futbolista uruguayo
abofeteado en pleno vuelo por dama que se defiende de agresión

Y sin embargo las manos hablaban. Sutiles, seductoras,
finísimas, dialogaban uña a uña, yema a yema, como
creando una espera, construyendo una expectativa. Y cuando fue ordenado
el ajuste de los cinturones de seguridad, desaparecieron para cumplir
la orden, pero de inmediato volvieron a poblar el respaldo y con ello a
convocar la ansiedad del número ocho, que por fin decidió
jugarse el todo por el todo y asumir el riesgo del ridículo, el
escándalo y el titular a dos columnas que acabaran con su
carrera deportiva. De modo que, tomada la difícil
decisión y tras ajustarse también él el
cinturón, avanzó su propia mano hacia los dedos
cautivantes, que en aquel preciso momento estaban juntos. Notó
un leve temblor, pero las manos no se replegaron. La suya
prolongó aquel extraño contacto por unos segundos, luego
se retiró. Sólo entonces las otras manos desaparecieron,
pero no pasó nada. No hubo llamada a la azafata ni bofetada.
Él respiró y quedó a la espera. Cuando el
avión comenzaba el descenso, una de las manos apareció de
nuevo y traía un papel, más bien un papelito, doblado en
dos. Benja lo recogió y lo abrió lentamente. Conteniendo
la respiración, leyó: 912437.

Se sintió eufórico, casi como cuando hacía un gol
sobre la hora y la hinchada del barrio vitoreaba su nombre y él
alzaba discretamente un brazo, nada más que para comunicar que
recibía y apreciaba aquel apoyo colectivo, aquel afecto, pero
los compañeros sabían que a él no le gustaba toda
esa parafernalia de abrazos, besos y palmaditas en el trasero, algo que
se había vuelto habitual en todas las canchas del mundo.
Así que cuando metía un gol sólo le tocaban un
brazo o le hacían desde lejos un gesto solidario. Pero ahora,
con aquel prometedor 912437 en el bolsillo, descendió del
avión como de un podio olímpico y diez minutos
después pudo mirar discretamente hacia la dueña de las
manos, que en ese instante abría su valija frente al funcionario
aduanero, y Benja comprobó que el rostro no desmerecía la
belleza y la seducción de las manos que lo habían enamorado.
Benja y Martín se encontraron como siempre en la pizzería
del sordo Bellini. Desde que ambos integraran el cuadrito juvenil de La
Estrella habían cultivado una amistad a prueba de balas y
también de codazos y zancadillas. Benja jugaba entonces de
zaguero y sin embargo había terminado en número ocho.
Martín, que en la adolescencia fuera puntero derecho, más
tarde (a raíz de una sustitución de emergencia, tras
lesiones sucesivas y en el mismo partido del golero titular y del
suplente) se había afincado y afirmado en el arco y hoy era uno
de los guardametas más cotizados y confiables de Primera A.

El sordo Bellini disfrutaba plenamente con la presencia de los dos
futbolistas. Él, que normalmente no atendía las mesas
sino que se instalaba en la caja con su gorra de capitán de
barco, cuando Martín y Benja aparecían, solos o
acompañados, de inmediato se arrimaba solícito a dejarles
el menú, a recoger los pedidos, a recomendarles tal o cual plato
y sobre todo a comentar las jugadas más notables o más
polémicas del último domingo.

Era algo así como el fan particular de Benja y Martín y
su caballito de batalla era hacerles bromas c
It has now gone an epical song
like the fables of Homer and Ramayana,
or else a national anthem like the poem of Tagore,
in India and lesbian song of Brenda Fasie in south Africa,
that six million Jews were killed in the  world war II ,
that they were killed at Dachau,that it was holocaust,
That the Jewish Holocaust  was  protege of ******.

As if  the war was between the Jews and the world,
as if the Jews alone died in the war,but none else,
as if Africans' death  is not death,but ethics of war,
as if more than six million Africans who died are not news,
as if humongous compensation with state of Israeli to the Jews,
means nothing  until what we know not must happen.

African deaths in the second world war  lacks statistics,
given the sub-human conditions of the Africans  by then,
before thrones of colonial psychology of white civilization,
they were more than six million black men  and women,
conscripted by white man's force in kings African Rivals,
They were fronted  without training to shoot and take cover,
they were placed as front guard,white soldiers the rear guard,
then they became shield and human barricade to ward-off,
volley of bullets lest the white soldiers get wounded.

Black men  and women rarely came back alive,
once taken into war that was death as a must
those who survived the war in Panama or wherever,
were never taken back home, they were left there,
to walk on foot thousands of miles back home ,
without food ,clothes,arms or  map to guide,
some were even shot by the their own  fellow white soldiers
on the grounds of the race, because the war was over,
Black men as such died of hunger,thirst,exhaustion and Malaria,
they were eaten by wild animals in the bush,their cadaver went to dogs,
Millions of black men  never got home for ceremonial burial
and this was not Black holocaust, only the Jews had a holocaust.

Black men had no stake in the second world war whatsoever,
they had no interest , they were not in any colonial scramble
they were not in any  arms race nor imperialism of any sort,
Jews had what they wanted; land or money whatever it was,
but where can you get land and money without the cost ?
loss of lives or personal heritage can be the cost,Pyrrhic or Byronic,
Jews are obviously truth bound to accept this virtues of history,
to accept their lot as a swallowed misfortune
from the universal holocaust but not Jewish holocaust.

The Japanese in Nagasaki and Hiroshima will say what,
was not the atomic bombing of their land
occasioning mass death of the Shintos
and sons of Japan the owners of the Sun
immense enough to be a Japanese Holocaust ?
Nagasaki and Hiroshima is not an anthem in Japan,
but  blurred number of Jewish death in Dachau
is a universal anthem as the Six Million Jewish Holocaust,
what a selfish motivation to commit collective lies?

Jews who died were not six million,
Germany by  then was not such populated,
Germany had less than ten million people,
Kwani, were the Jews more than the native Germans ?
if then war is the game of numbers ,
couldn't the Jews  defend themselves from less Aryans?
Jews died, yes like any other race and community,
like the French,Britons,Germans,Russians and Indians,
Just like more than six million black  Africans who died,
But Africans have forgotten and forgiven their  conscriptors
they have never made the Black Holocaust  their epical anthem,

Black men were compensated nothing for their wounds in war,
Ask Richard Wright the Native son of America in the realm of ancestors,
he has a story in the black boy , he will tell you ,We black men ,
We swallowed  the most  bitter bill of  global history,
were toyed between the extremities of cruel historicities;
from slavery to  colonial terror to world war back to colonial terror,
The Jews were given Israel as a compensation for their wounds,
The  UNO wanted to Give the  country of Uganda to the Jews,
As  saucer compensation in addition to state of  Israel,
imagine brutality that Black man harvests ,
from his relation with the white  world.

How  many Arabs have the Israelis killed since 1948,
the year when Jews had Palestine's Atlas get shrugged
in the American  efforts to pamper the Zionist  Israelis,
are they not  more than six million Arabs , or they are less,
Arabs are not ****** who told the Jews to take a shower,
A lethal shower of ammonium gas at Dachau chambers,
Arabs are not Joseph Goebbels who ployed death of  the Jews,
But Jews have amassed all type of menacing weapons,
they have killed men,women and children of Arab nation,
in the past six decades, Jews have killed violently and brutally,
more than six million Arabs, is this  not an Arab Holocaust,
or no a Palestine Holocaust or no the Gentiles' Holocaust ?

the events of second world war were universal in dint
they never befall a single race,community or faith,
every community lost its people through death,
But Africa had the worst experience of all the cases,
absence of statics cannot make this sham claim,
Jews must stop lies and make genuine claims,
Jewish Holocaust is a misnomer for war event,
we all suffered and agonized in equal measure
why again formulate lies to justify avarice.
Sophia Granada Sep 2015
I know you always saw yourself a knight
But I did not realize for a long time
That I was a page.
You were my sparring partner
Who taught me to come at the world
Gun drawn
So no one could out-shoot me.
You told me,
And I know,
That Justice wears a blindfold because
She slashes her sword indiscriminately,
And looks at that scale

You always saw yourself a lawman
I always saw you as a fool.
I never realized I learned law
At your feet.
Fallacies and ways of
Drawing out argument and diatribe,
Loopholes of morality through which
We spin.
You taught me to be technically correct,
The best kind of correct,
Always exploiting but
Always within my jurisdiction.
I only know now I was a deputy
To a sheriff of ridiculous stature.

You taught me THE ART OF WAR.
It was engraved in stone for me
Like an all-caps Roman monument.
Is sprawled across a stone archway in my mind
Where you came, and you saw.
It marks your conquest.

You made it my way of loving,
Of relating to the world and the people around me.
You made me a martyr and mercenary,
Standing atop a hill in golden armor,
Sunlight behind me and wind in my hair,
An avatar of Durga,
A disciple of Joan of Arc,
A four-year-old poses in chainmail
You wrought for her.
Illusions of grandeur such as your own
Come with this territory.

You taught me
As your mother and father
And grandparents
Taught you,
That love is just begrudging words of sweetness
Issued only after ruins lay all around
And both parties are sufficiently vulnerable,
Their bricks having been pried away with crowbars.
Love is only an apology given to mollify
The wounds you have already wrought.
The only privilege loved-ones are afforded,
Is the bandage that covers up the customary
That is your normal face.

You and I only ever knew love as
You clipping my wings
And I breaking free to spray
The shrapnel of those chains
Into your face.
We added to each others' pile of scars.
It was so rare for us to run into battle together,
On the same side,
Voices as one in a battlecry.
I don't even know how long it's been since
Us soldiers-for-hire got hired
By the same team at once.

You cast me out of steel
Like a sword.
And now I am the legendary blade
Destined to clash against you for all eternity.
We will only ever know ceasefires
Of a day in length.
We will run through the flame,
And we will practice the art
You taught me.
When I was five years old, my father's favorite hobby was making chainmail. He made a coif sized to his head, and put it on me, and had me pose fiercely. He took a picture because it was so cute. Now he doesn't make chainmail anymore; he has built his own forge and learned to cast metal.
My father and I are both fond of writing poetry. He once wrote a poem about anger management problems, the first line of which was "beware the page whose master is rage."
He has a tattoo of a soldier of fortune skull, whose empty eye sockets I used to poke with my tiny fingers.
He has worked as a combat medic, and as a corrections officer, and as an EMT, and as a security guard, and as many many other kinds of people. He was an aimless shiftless jack-of-all-trades before he was my father, and he knows it, and he very much sees himself as a soldier of fortune, a knight, a contractor of combat.
He knows the law well, from his amateur studies of it. He is very much "up" on law that concerns guns and all other manner of slings and arrows. He knows the penalties for assault and battery and homicide and manslaughter and countless other things. Because he likes to argue law so fiercely, he often takes the same knowing and devious tone in personal arguments. He has read "The Art of War" by Tsun Tsu. He recommends it.
His family was not kind to him growing up; I don't think they knew how to be kind. He is not kind with others, because he does not know how to be kind. He is always fighting and struggling and feeling himself pursued and oppressed. He is his own prisoner in a string of meaningless personal battles.
When I was ten, he and I made an agreement that we wouldn't argue for that whole day, and we would be kind and gentle to each other. And we were. And we knew that one ceasefire of a day in length.
He is a Scorpio, and I am a Sagittarius. There is a myth about the great scorpion pinching the centaur's arrows out of the sky; he clips the only wings the centaur knows. He steals the only way he sees to fly.
My father the lawman, the soldier for hire, the knight, dressed his page in armor he wrought himself. He cast a sword to fight back at him. He clipped the wings of his celestial neighbor. These metaphors are so personal. You can't know what they mean unless you've lived in my house.
Alexander  K  Opicho

he was borne by a woman
the one Mary from the Jewish royal blood line
he was conceived and carried in the womb for nine months
shamefully conceived in the immoral razzmatazz before marriage
conceived out side the wedlock in a fornicatory  stretch
which the Jewish casuistry has circumlocuted around
only to call immaculate conception; what a puzzle ?
Joseph the cuckold from a poor wood working Jewry
was pinned down by spiritual powers that be
through ****** angelicality of the airy Gabriel
to accept pregnant Mary with her pregnancy
for she was royal only doing him a favour
to extend her olive leave of marriage
for the Jewish royal don't marry paupers
lest they commit the sin of miscegenation
catholically annoted the sinful misselliance,

he was born and grew up in full testimony of calls of nature;
pissiful micturation,open defecation, breathing,
and yawning in response  to pangs of hunger
physically deformed in the left leg
as his slender and tall body walked with  a  pronounced limb
crossing the deserts and sand tunes of Palestine
as he went to India in the University of Taxixashila
to read the epical poems of Ramayana and Mahabharata
as well as the sayings of Buddha Gautama
that had been extant for six centuries before Christ was born,
it is by reading Gautama that he got the blessed poems
of humility and mental powerfulness whose famous line
is blessed are  they who are poor for them shall inherit the earth.

He walked back on his deformed leg in a pronounced limb
to Nazareth a colony of Rome and buried himself in the deep read
reading the Mosaic thespic work of Job in the fictitious land of Uz
and the psalteric poems of the Machiavellian King
often known as David of Jesse who owned all the Jewish womenfolk of his time,
he read the poems of David with heart and head in his Jewish vernacular
this is where he got the poem of agony on the Roman cross
Which he sang; o lord o lord why have you forsaken me ?

he read the Greeks and their diverse stuff in his youth hood anxiety
untill  he clocked twenty-six then his father Joseph the carpenter
succumbed to death caused by typhus others say due to stress of poverty
this is when Mary the widowed was declared a woman of the devil
in the full  observation of the Jewish Bombazine
for her was no option but to stay in the bush for three years
Then the family buck stopped at Christ's s table
in his full capacity as the elder son
in the family of Joseph the late and Mary the widow,
the buck which he goofed to manage
then  his two brothers James and John
chose to scavenge for the means of family survival
through which they became chariot drivers
for the local bourgeoisie Joseph of Aramathea
they left the most young of them Yude son of Joseph
to keep and pamper their bereaved home
which he did but in the  full flare of  his temper
as why Jesus the elder brother roamed around in gadabout bliss
when the home was to be managed by him whatsoever
As the evening came James and John came back home
they found Yude lonely and sombre in the pangs of hunger
they hurriedly set on the table some food for him
the food they had carried from their employer
Joseph of Aramathea; what a fortune so scanty ?
From the blues Jesus surfaced with nothing in his hands
his eyes sunken the salient features of a hungry lazy man
he tried to get a share from the portion of Yude
But whoopsy ! Yude removed the plate and Jesus goofed the psaw !
Yude slapped Jesus with the cyclopic Mighty
as he warned him not to roam around lazily
only to roost  a hungry stomach at  home in the evening
Jesus staggered in a dint of ire and he cursed
to go to Jerusalem for ever not to come back
to which Yude retorted in a riposte;
'You carry way your laziness to Jerusalem
and you will never come back
for the lazy people will never survive in Jerusalem'

Jesus went away after the food based squabble with his brother
he met the twelve friends that he called disciples and one girl friend
Mary his mother's namesake otherwise known as Magdalene
with whom Jesus fell in love with all compassion of a man
in confirmation of the African pearl that ;even the wise and the king
also bend under the pressure of love,
Jesus had no silver nor coins to lavish Magdalene with
in the usual stampede of love among the young ones
But his magics were his  sole resource , he exorcised her free
the seven deadly demons and confirmed to her his protege
of resurrection of which he did free of charge to rise Lazarus
from the grave, Lazarus the brother of Mary Magdalene
as a magnanimous persuasion for  love
vermin Dec 2011
I want to kiss your cheek in the morning,
to write love on your arms with my hands,
these broken things so undeserving of your worship.

You saw me when my skin was broken,
when I clung to all that had left,
when my love was wasted on gutter dreams.

So now I seek your hands,
the ones that held me so close,
when I was too scared to be loved.

New moments holding a memory sweet but harsh,
like the times you were mine, yet never us,
never something that held any trust.

Nobody makes me laugh like you do,
still I'm uncertain, uneasy in your eyes,
everything I want, yet our sentiment is strange.

A liar's tongue, a braggart's mouth,
the ways we increase this love's promise,
but I'll never find a way to tell it all.

Maybe I sensed it in the beginning,
how we'd always be star crossed
and I'd always want more from you.

...but now it's different
"protege moi, protege moi"
I see you and I'm home.

maybe this always was
the one thing
we'd never know the meaning of

lucky to trust
bound by love
hands intertwined forever
yokomolotov Feb 2014
**** stained and captive
Welcomed the breath
Of black wire and curled mane
Sharp since of loss
It’s my mouth!
It’s too late

But the roaring sea
Is finally aware and has the time
I’ve been there-
an animal maw
Waves and rocks splitting
mouth and jagged teeth
Dreamt of the masturbator
on some Spanish sea
hungry guest
with a Ouija use of amber to discover
Black curling tides, hidden meaning
Of headline trash and our tangled hair
My head bobbing in the waves
Orpheus’ protégé
With nightingales guarding my grave
One Life, One Casket
Afterlife is everlasting.
The universe expands like elastic
while the world turns into plastic.
We observe traumatic events
like automatic guns clip after clip.
Some hit, some miss,
We die with honor, other snitch.
Traitors can tragically
bring down an empire dramatically.
I AM GOD Calvary, demons try to battle me.
I know they're snakes off in the grass
but I don't let them rattle me.
I'm psychologically
transitioning into a god state
notice the lowercase,
A Protege to my Sensei
Leydis Jun 2017
¿Quién lo salva, quien lo protege?
¿Quién lo carga, quien lo quiere?
¡Está en peligro de extinción!!!!!

¿Señor Benedetti, del amor que le digo?
Esta parco de sentimiento, ya ni los cristianos los profesan.

Están en extinción los versos;
Los que hablan de amor.
Los que conquistan con ilusión.
Los que imploran un milagro.
Los que  rezan por su amor
…aun nunca lo hayan confesado.

Amigo Don Darío,
los poetas también están en extinción,
ya los poetas no se enamoran,
ya no escriben para el pueblo,
escriben para alimentar su ego.
Ya su “musa no es de hueso”.
Ya no denuncian a los putrefactos…
ahora se acuestan con ellos.

Están en extinción las guitarras,
Oh Dios mío….ahora las rompen en tarima!!!
Ya sus cuerdas no anuncian armonía.

Esas cuerdas ya no se oyen en la esquinas de cualquier barrio,
ya no retumban las piedras en alguna ventana de la casa de una fulana,
con la esperanza que despierte su amada,
a escuchar una lamentada-esperanzada serenata.

No se ven las cortinas abriéndose lentamente hacia al lado,
revelando la sonrisa gloriosa que achina los ojitos
de aquella niña que se siente sorprendida
por el atrevimiento de aquel niño,
que parece inebriado con esa canción desafinada,
confesándole su amor,
exponiéndose a que su padre lo saque a pedradas.

Ya están en extinción los enamorados,
Los que se escapan -- sea de noche o de madrugada.
Ya no hay citas.
No hay cortejo.
No hay rosas.
Se acabaron las serenatas.
No hay amor.

Quien lo salva, quien lo protege?
Quien lo carga, quien lo quiere?
Es muy lamentable esta situación,
el pobre AMOR esta tan solo,
como lo estaba Adán antes de que Eva llegara!

Kurt Carman Sep 2016
Dear Alex,

I listened to President Obama read the letter you wrote today,
To an unfortunate little boy from Aleppo, and how you’d like to be his protege.
In preparation for his visit, you would gather all you’re most precious possessions,
Offering to him love, friendship and a gift called freedom of expression.

You would teach him and he would share his world with you,
A bonding camaraderie colored in Red, White and Blue.
You my friend, have a heart of gold like a treasure untold,
Because showing love to others… a longing in your soul.

Thanks you Alex!
I read this amazing letter by 6 year old named Alex. I hope you'll take a minute to read it.
En el fondo del pecho estamos juntos,
en el cañaveral del pecho recorremos
un verano de tigres,
al acecho de un metro de piel fría,
al acecho de un ramo de inaccesible cutis,
con la boca olfateando sudor y venas verdes
nos encontramos en la húmeda sombra que deja caer besos.

Tú mi enemiga de tanto sueño roto de la misma manera
que erizadas plantas de vidrio, lo mismo que campanas
deshechas de manera amenazante, tanto como disparos
de hiedra negra en medio del perfume,
enemiga de grandes caderas que mi pelo han tocado
con un ronco rocío, con una lengua de agua,
no obstante el mudo frío de los dientes y el odio de los ojos,
y la batalla de agonizantes bestias que cuidan el olvido,
en algún sitio del verano estamos juntos
acechando con labios que la sed ha invadido.
Si hay alguien que traspasa
una pared con círculos de fósforo
y hiere el centro de unos dulces miembros
y muerde cada hoja de un bosque dando gritos,
tengo también tus ojos de sangrienta luciérnaga
capaces de impregnar y atravesar rodillas
y gargantas rodeadas de seda general.

Cuando en las reuniones
el azar, la ceniza, las bebidas,
el aire interrumpido,
pero ahí están tus ojos oliendo a cacería,
a rayo verde que agujerea pechos,
tus dientes que abren manzanas de las que cae sangre,
tus piernas que se adhieren al sol dando gemidos,
y tus tetas de nácar y tus pies de amapola,
como embudos llenos de dientes que buscan sombra,
como rosas hechas de látigo y perfume, y aun,
aun más, aun más,
aun detrás de los párpados, aun detrás del cielo,
aun detrás de los trajes y los viajes, en las calles donde la gente orina,
adivinas tos cuerpos,
en las agrias iglesias a medio destruir, en las cabinas que el mar lleva en las manos,
acechas con tus labios sin embargo floridos,
rompes a cuchilladas la madera y la plata,
crecen tus grandes venas que asustan:
no hay cáscara, no hay distancia ni hierro,
tocan manos tus manos,
y caes haciendo crepitar las flores negras.

Adivinas los cuerpos
Como un insecto herido de mandatos,
adivinas el centro de la sangre y vigilas
los músculos que postergan la aurora, asaltas sacudidas,
relámpagos, cabezas,
y tocas largamente las piernas que te guían.

Oh conducida herida de flechas especiales!

Hueles lo húmedo en medio de la noche?

O un brusco vaso de rosales quemados?

Oyes caer la ropa, las llaves, las monedas
en las espesas casas donde llegas desnuda?

Mi odio es una sola mano que te indica
el callado camino, las sábanas en que alguien ha dormido
con sobresalto: llegas
y ruedas por el suelo manejada y mordida,
y el viejo olor del ***** como una enredadera
de cenicienta harina se desliza a tu boca.

Ay leves locas copas y pestañas,
aire que inunda un entreabierto río
como una sola paloma de colérico cauce,
como atributo de agua sublevada,
ay substancias, sabores, párpados de ala viva
con un temblor, con una ciega flor temible,
ay graves, serios pechos como rostros,
ay grandes muslos llenos de miel verde,
y talones y sombra de pies, y transcurridas
respiraciones y superficies de pálida piedra,
y duras olas que suben la piel hacia la muerte
llenas de celestiales harinas empapadas.

Entonces, este río
va entre nosotros, y por una ribera
vas tú mordiendo bocas?
Entonces es que estoy verdaderamente, verdaderamente lejos
y un río de agua ardiendo pasa en lo oscuro?
Ay cuántas veces eres la que el odio no nombra,
y de qué modo hundido en las tinieblas,
y bajo qué lluvias de estiércol machacado
tu estatua en mi corazón devora el trébol.

El odio es un martillo que golpea tu traje
y tu frente escarlata,
y los días del corazón caen en tus orejas
como vagos búhos de sangre eliminada,
y los collares que gota a gota se formaron con lágrimas
rodean tu garganta quemándote la voz como con hielo.

Es para que nunca, nunca
hables, es para que nunca, nunca
salga una golondrina del nido de la lengua
y para que las ortigas destruyan tu garganta
y un viento de buque áspero te habite.

En dónde te desvistes?
En un ferrocarril, junto a un peruano rojo
o con un segador, entre terrones, a la violenta
luz del trigo?
O corres con ciertos abogados de mirada terrible
largamente desnuda, a la orilla del agua de la noche?

Miras: no ves la luna ni el jacinto
ni la oscuridad goteada de humedades,
ni el tren de cieno, ni el marfil partido:
ves cinturas delgadas como oxígeno,
pechos que aguardan acumulando peso
e idéntica al zafiro de lunar avaricia
palpitas desde el dulce ombligo hasta las rosas.

Por qué sí? Por qué no? Los días descubiertos
aportan roja arena sin cesar destrozada
a las hélices puras que inauguran el día,
y pasa un mes con corteza de tortuga,
pasa un estéril día,
pasa un buey, un difunto,
una mujer llamada Rosalía,
y no queda en la boca sino un sabor de pelo
y de dorada lengua que con sed se alimenta.
Nada sino esa pulpa de los seres,
nada sino esa copa de raíces.

Yo persigo como en un túnel roto, en otro extremo
carne y besos que debo olvidar injustamente,
y en las aguas de espaldas cuando ya los espejos
avivan el abismo, cuando la fatiga, los sórdidos relojes
golpean a la puerta de hoteles suburbanos, y cae
la flor de papel pintado, y el terciopelo cagado por las ratas y la cama
cien veces ocupada por miserables parejas, cuando
todo me dice que un día ha terminado, tú y yo
hemos estado juntos derribando cuerpos,
construyendo una casa que no dura ni muere,
tú y yo hemos corrido juntos un mismo río
con encadenadas bocas llenas de sal y sangre,
tú y yo hemos hecho temblar otra vez las luces verdes
y hemos solicitado de nuevo las grandes cenizas.

Recuerdo sólo un día
que tal vez nunca me fue destinado,
era un día incesante,
sin orígenes, Jueves.
Yo era un hombre transportado al acaso
con una mujer hallada vagamente,
nos desnudamos
como para morir o nadar o envejecer
y nos metimos uno dentro del otro,
ella rodeándome como un agujero,
yo quebrantándola como quien
golpea una campana,
pues ella era el sonido que me hería
y la cúpula dura decidida a temblar.

Era una sorda ciencia con cabello y cavernas
y machacando puntas de médula y dulzura
he rodado a las grandes coronas genitales
entre piedras y asuntos sometidos.

Éste es un cuento de puertos adonde
llega uno, al azar, y sube a las colinas,
suceden tantas cosas.

Enemiga, enemiga,
es posible que el amor haya caído al polvo
y no haya sino carne y huesos velozmente adorados
mientras el fuego se consume
y los caballos vestidos de rojo galopan al infierno?

Yo quiero para mí la avena y el relámpago
a fondo de epidermis,
y el devorante pétalo desarrollado en furia,
y el corazón labial del cerezo de junio,
y el reposo de lentas barrigas que arden sin dirección,
pero me falta un suelo de cal con lágrimas
y una ventana donde esperar espumas.

Así es la vida,
corre tú entre las hojas, un otoño
***** ha llegado,
corre vestida con una falda de hojas y un cinturón de metal amarillo,
mientras la neblina de la estación roe las piedras.

Corre con tus zapatos, con tus medias,
con el gris repartido, con el hueco del pie, y con esas manos que el tabaco salvaje adoraría,
golpea escaleras, derriba
el papel ***** que protege las puertas,
y entra en medio del sol y la ira de un día de puñales
a echarte como paloma de luto y nieve sobre un cuerpo.

Es una sola hora larga como una vena,
y entre el ácido y la paciencia del tiempo arrugado
apartando las sílabas del miedo y la ternura,
interminablemente exterminados.
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
Just wanted to give a shout- out to my best friend,Nicki Paige. I have taken her under my wing, and she has become my protege' . Please check her out, follow her, and like her stuff. It's pretty good. Her name on here is Nicki Paige.
She has came along way, everybody deserves praise for their amazing work!
Un gato *****
Robando almas
Como sombra bajo la litera
Fuma el gato *****
Saboteador de la suerte
Y llevándote a su cama
el gato ***** te acorrala
con su cola y sus garras
no deja en paz tu alma
algo la amenaza.

Un par de aceitunas
una ofrenda de la noche
te observa, te protege,
viaja con fantasmas
el gato ***** que te vigila
cuando tus sueños
se tornan astrales.
yo the homie Juan C
pass the mic to me
so i wreck this beat
like SPC protege of k rino
hos call me mandingo poppin' ***** tapes demo
never rode a limo
only smokes primo n got pitches in otcos
8 bars make ya see the star im far from soft
f them boys in the nawf
woth south side ****** til we die
we ride with the hardest regardless
if they try to break our clique
we still gone spit ****
like a cobra ya know its over
once the venom in em then couple.of minutes later
finish em
mortal combat **** all the rats
despise chit chat call my youngest ** ***** cat
pack a black gat
we push loot in the golden regal
every thang we do is illegal
as gibson they don't want none
boys crackin' rhymes til the crack of dawn
then wake up next day just
to bust another one
my OGs rollin' with Don Key n Pokey
hardest in the pit
and if you disagree we make haters **** our ****
sloppy **** no ****
them ******* can lick the pigment off a ***** stick
but i play it safe n cool
cuz hos try to burn you
got it played smooth groove
to the sound bound to get down
if ya down bow down listen to the gun shots sounds
now ya leakin' where ya be speakin'
now ya body tweekin' n geekin'
soon to crossover
like epmd mic check ya know me my crew be
fascinating minds with our hocus pocus never lose focus
my raw raps got them nervous
got Juan C next to me
and got the tech services
and no playin now from the htown
still holding top with no crown
dont need a status we the baddest
turn the lane three wheel leanin' with bird chirpin'
still smokin' up the scene
with clip fully loaded magazine
glock cocked we aint gone stop
sip the prometh to the day i drop
dont stop
the music cadillac funky so ya know im gonna abuse it
drip up drapped out know what im talking bout
deep in the south we put guns in ya mouth
no flappin' we stay strappin'
like willis ya know whats happenin'
and we aint gone stop the rappin'
mad at us cuz we bring the real
o so real make every nation feel
what them southern slangers do
dangerous as the Bronx Zoo
what ya wanna do
with stay with more than sun tzu when death comes to you
them boys n blue
cant save u
on the mic i gets wicked after a meal ticket sadistic
as charlie manson
got a twenty two mansion
followed a long benz with the big blue lens
zero percent window
so i can smoke my indow
what they dont know wont show
follow the peckin' order my game smarter
jaun n yosef isthe real hip hop martyrs
and we ready to battle
sogo ahead and shake ya rattle
cuz we'll be quick to slaughter

yea man let me come through
versace with the blue
jeans coming clean sip lean
with an ounze of promethazine fiends
be on the look out
cuz ya know im about
to clown harder than Corey Holcomb
boys gettin' dumb dumb
got hos thats chewin bubble gum
shakim' *** too fast
make a ***** urge for a ***** lick
yea im rollin' with the *******
up clique we sick
as a muthafucka
enticin' all types of diseases
cuz the lyrical content pleases
many foes and hoes
i wear baggy clothes with jabos
dont ya know
im rap don vito stack chips like frito
lay i parlay
on sittin on the dock of the bay
jammin k
or that *****
htown is how we do?
ride ***** with the bulls
euro grills caprice with pipes made of steel
o so real still
got every nation on they feet
they cant feel
this uh coming down on ya blvd
ya can see me on tv or 60 inch screens dvd
**** blue rays i rock ray ban shays
like Mj ya can catch me on a fade
doing what i do in the paint
with a Styrofoam cup full of drank
grams of dank
smoke so much we cant think
eyes cant blink im on the brink
of an overdose
ya suppose to rock the flows like me
im like biggie
spittin the classic mr magic
girls call my **** game fantastic
stretch ***** holes like elastic
leave her visions plastered
like she drunk as ****
im pushin luck six flat riding a black truck
40 oz in the gut gangsta strut
im the best ***** whatttt?
im ina rage one luv to homies
in the cage
when i hit the stage
ya know the crowds gone get wild
im flagrant like a fouls problem child
use my cash bills to fans thrills
no spills on *******
ya know the deal
hos be reachin' still teachin'
n im all about mass appeal
Emma Zanzibar Aug 2011
The city sounds like the muted trumpet beats of a the nineteen year old protege.
Who is sitting in the shadow of the black cube sculpture on Astor Place.

There's a sixteen year old waiting for the subway,
She is singing alone, to You Make Me Feel So Young, while her absent-minded mother snaps along.

Tonight she will relive the boys she has known, who have held her waist and kissed her mouth and
She won't feel anything because
she is unconsciously dancing to the trumpet music and jazz playing around her in Washington Square.
So I'm drinking the red wine
I had those cut-up peaches
Soaking, fermenting in for 3 days.
A nice summer evening buzz,
Just back from my evening walk
Within the gates of my over-55
Lunatic Asylum.
On my rear porch in Hemetucky,
I chaise lounge the hours,
Listening to the mourning dove
Nesting in the bottlebrush bush.
I know she's there, having
Fired thru my duck blind,
My latest weapon of choice,
My new-fangled Flex Hose,
It expands when turned on.
Which got me thinking that the
Flex Hose inventor guy must have
Whacked off a lot as a teenager.
An Alex Portnoy protege, perhaps,
If familiar with Roth's book.
Portnoy's Complaint:
Most of us read it;
Some of us lived it.
It is pointless to speculate.
12 ft. Flexible Water Hose with
Nozzle-flxh-25 (4-00268...Home Depot
Hose-with.../204818892/The Home Depot
Rating: 1.8 - ‎14 reviews - ‎$19.97 - ‎In stock
"The Flexible hose automatically expands with water flow and contracts back to its original shape for storage. Lightweight and durable. The Flexible Hose will ..."
(That's right, a commercial right in the
Middle of the ******* poem.
This Poet refusing to die in the gutter,
Having finally figured out how to
But I digress.
Almendra Isabel Jun 2014
La molesta ansiedad de sentirse querido,
el nerviosismo que causa el pensamiento de poder ser olvidado,
los rencores,
la apatía,
los arrepentimientos,
las dependencias y las decadencias.

         Y de pronto todo se suprime.
      Todo se transforma.
Todo cambia.

Me libero de todo ciclo.      De toda rutina.
Me adueño de mi camino, y mi camino de mi vida otra vez pero como nunca.
  Las ganas de aprender, conocer y desprender dominan las dudas.
El rápido impulso sentir que todo es grande, y el tiempo es corto
lo mueve todo.  

          Me protege mi libertad, y yo a ella la protejo.
marvin m brato Sep 2018
My lovely girl is getting prettier,
As a young lady you are smarter.
Rest assured that I am always be here;
Zealous as ever to support your ambition...
Aspiring that you'll march on the graduation.

Please stay steadfast as you are my girl!

Do not quit my love amidst the difficulties,
As you do your best, gone shall be your worries.
Walk with pride as you venture in this life's challenges,
Never surrender ask God's guidance and you''ll not fail.

Better be poor in luxury but rich in discipline,
Real success is realized when skill is well-trained.
At the moment just comply the demand of the time,
Tomorrow you shall reap what you sow like gold mine.
Onward to achieving your goals and may God bless you!
Back to part two
O ya thought i was through
Im not through with you
Break down your crew
Leave em stuck like glue
No clue
My mind surpasses the highest IQ
Of the wisest scientist
Aint no defyin' this im ludicrous
But at the same time perilous and mysterious
Watch how quick my reaction bust
Im a demi god evil as ******
My syndication thicker than
Louisana fog my mind jogs
Faster than the speed of light
Blast through rhymes like a rocket flight
That means outta space
Get it naw forget it
By the time u catch on you'll
Be admitted
Doing intensive surgery and the clergy
Prepared for ya weak will an.eulogy
My philosophy is embraced with agony
Suffering n pain i go against the grain
Harder than *******
In the pauper neighborhood
You wish you could
Flow like me like mike everybody
Wanna be like me picture me
On mt olympus spittin' flows ridiculous
Even had the dead hearing us
rolling in graves
My fiery tongues leave ya skin scorned
And grazed like in the last days
Urgin' for ya soul to be saved
Im not well behaved
I radiate the sun with my own beam rays
******* go astray everday they jam K
But dont know im a protege of him
So they just lay
Low waiting for my.blow
hit ya harder than tyson combined with tsunami in japan
Makin' money that surpasses the average man
King Solomon heir entice terror of the new era
Step into my cage i dare ya
I go through propellers without touchin'
Double clutchin'
My grips on  money so it aint nothing
Always into something
Like nwa all for gun play
Im the seed of demon feedin' on your territorial region
Leave your country bleedin'
I was banned from the garden of Eden
Who do you believe in??
God or me none can pass me
Blast me and I'll split up to three
I'm trinity
God the father and the son the dangerous
One infinite continuum
By the time you'll figure out
You'll still he lost in my magnificent
liz May 2018
if i told you i missed the depth
that i was out of when we spoke-
the loss of vision, both
of eyes and of goals
your clouded thoughts
hazing me out and
covering my heart like a shroud-

i know you'd laugh at me,
your petite protege,
missing the vines that
held the thorns tying
my life to yours for seven years,
like the seven demons
you unleashed upon me.

it is so hard to release myself from everything you stood for-
death's great doorway
              was a plaything,
your machismo got in the way
and slowed his arrival
but he still came
maybe not physically
into our realm; but he still came,
in late night conversations, speech-to-text at four am,
dried tears on my pillow,
along with
your names leaking out of me
like the marrow in my bones-

i know i'm just
a snack in your eyes
and though you're hungry yet,
i think i may be
out of your depth now.
revisited. new eyes looking at an older piece. a few thoughts: he still terrifies me but i miss him oh-so-very much. i miss the weight of his body next to mine, and the relief when he stopped talking about death to me. his imprint is forever in my heart and i don't think that bothers me like it should. i'm afraid of how much i want to find him again. seven years is a long time to fall in love with someone, but in less than seven months, you can replace the infatuation with gut wrenching fear that he'll come find you again and rip out your heart with his bare hands.

death is what we have in common. but l'oubli is what i want from you, the erasure of your stains on my soul.
BoogzThePoet Jan 2019
Patience is just a padded positions of parallel pandemonium.
Are you paranoid? Or pacing through an appalled parity of the pre-script prerogative.
At this time, the prosecutor pronounced a plea for your partner after you followed protocol.
After provoking your protege to pull the pistol.
Prolonging the purseument to a plausible place.
Persevering a personal pioneer.  
You beat them all, huh?
Against every phenomenon.
You picked through pleasant park for the play to pilot off.
I can see you becoming more pleased now.
Pleased with the plan to plus one while poetry just isn't enough.
This letter P can fill the void.
It's a letter with possibility.
Politician. President. Principle. Prince. Promise. Professor. Producer. Professional. Provider.
but i can promise you,
***** rules them all.
Surely, there is a purpose for all this psych.
Primarily prevailing the precious power of those positions.
Keep the Peace. Acknowledge the positivity peeling from your parents.
Personal growth comes from the perspective of experience, personality endures from your inner peace keeper. Find the peace. pain free. paradise is within.
love it or hate it
im underappreciated
hard to be a black man
when the world is under
cover fans yea i got bands
but they dont make me dance
**** al jolston n al sharpton
im a protege of malcolm and martin
xd out my birth name and reclaim my name
**** the fame and a ***** dame
hard to maintain
the wisdom embedded in my brain
used to push *******
10 piece with a biscuit
gold ds on the regal it was illegal
but thats the only way i can make
like the federal banks
somethin' stinks
cuz im attitude is bad n rude
no  longer a foolor mule brought my own rules
to the art of war millions died
and nobody cries
when africa under attack
but yellin' isis in paris i say **** paris
they aint scared of us
but when we bust be prepared
we wipe out themust
n get off scotch free in my society
dont give a **** about any
the law they can keep eyein me
but ya gone know me homie
hate it or love it

as the world goes round and round
like my gold ds hitting the ground
i see hate all around astound
by my critics but they get nothing but crickets
aftet the meal ticket
used to be the nicest but now i turned wicked
feelin like pac did
me against the world
all i have is my son and my girls
so **** the diamonds n the pearl
my only interest are is guns ammo and few homies in cammo
whos down for the war quick to gut open ya brain til it pours
out nothing but blood
but we aint all blood
some gotta die no lie
prayers said to the sky
i get no answers only more questions
smith n wesson testing
from the teachings of a b panther as i expand tha
horizon like heat rising
sweat coming down ya cheek
no guisin'
take notes from wise guys
who lies deep behind enemy lines
still hunger for the grind
**** the one time
take a sip of the moonshine
blunts by the dime time after time
ill be right there
if ya hold me down like
like bone did St Clair and clear
out the madness my mind trapped in this game
through thick n thin gotta watch the paradigms of the djinn
cuz you could be locked in
and not now ya conscious
blinded by the nonsense
i get joy'd from reading comments
from haters n imitators
them.******* only make me greater as i stated
you can love it or hate it
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014
A monumental tragedy
a brain now
dulled and grey

was at one time the


of a budding protege.

A mind is a terrible
thing to get

I know.

At one time I could
Have gone to Juilliard
My piano teacher
Wanted me to go
Then I got into drugs
It makes me cry to thinj
Of what my life
Could have been

Yo tengo en el hogar un soberano
Único a quien venera el alma mía;
Es su corona de cabello cano,
La honra es su ley y la virtud su guía.
En lentas horas de miseria y duelo,
Lleno de firme y varonil constancia,
Guarda la fe con que me habló del cielo
En las horas primeras de mi infancia.
La amarga proscripción y la tristeza
En su alma abrieron incurable herida;
Es un anciano, y lleva en su cabeza
El polvo del camino de la vida.
Ve del mundo las fieras tempestades,
De la suerte las horas desgraciadas,
Y pasa, como Cristo el Tiberíades,
De pie sobre las horas encrespadas.
Seca su llanto, calla sus dolores,
Y sólo en el deber sus ojos fijos,
Recoge espinas y derrama flores
Sobre la senda que trazó a sus hijos.
Me ha dicho: «A quien es bueno, la amargura
Jamás en llanto sus mejillas moja:
En el mundo la flor de la ventura
Al más ligero soplo se deshoja.
»Haz el bien sin temer el sacrificio,
El hombre ha de luchar sereno y fuerte,
Y halla quien odia la maldad y el vicio
Un tálamo de rosas en la muerte.
»Si eres pobre, confórmate y sé bueno;
Si eres rico, protege al desgraciado,
Y lo mismo en tu hogar que en el ajeno
Guarda tu honor para vivir honrado.
»Ama la libertad, libre es el hombre
Y su juez más severo es la conciencia;
Tanto como tu honor guarda tu nombre,
Pues mi nombre y mi honor forman tu herencia.»
Este código augusto, en mi alma pudo,
Desde que lo escuché quedar grabado;
En todas las tormentas fue mi escudo,
De todas las borrascas me ha salvado.
Mi padre tiene en su mirar sereno
Reflejo fiel de su conciencia honrada;
¡Cuánto consejo cariñoso y bueno
Sorprendo en el fulgor de su mirada!
La nobleza del alma es su nobleza,
La gloria del deber forma su gloria;
Es pobre, pero encierra su pobreza
La página más grande de su historia.
Siendo el culto de mi alma su cariño,
La suerte quiso que al honrar su nombre,
Fuera el amor que me inspiró de niño
La más sagrada inspiración del hombre.
Quisiera el cielo que el canto que me inspira
siempre sus ojos con amor lo vean,
Y de todos los versos de mi lira
Estos dignos de su nombre sean.
Jack Boucher Feb 2020
From flowers to rain to ice,
The cycle continues.
From before we were advanced enough to recognize it,
And the storms meant the end of days rather than cloud particles.
From when we worshipped it,
Blaming ourselves for droughts and turning to unjust sacrifices
To bring the water back.
Water came back, in the form of storms,
And it was glorified.
A part of our culture.
The cycle continues for countless generations
Past devestations swaying into new ones,
Like a teaching passed down from protege to protege,
Each iteration refusing to update.
Soon scientists understood how and why weather came,
And artists drew inspiration from snowy nights and sunny days.
Breaking the cycle seemed impossible,
Breaking the cycle would mean abandoning everything we knew.
Year after year, rotation after rotation, flowers to rain to ice come.
Yet, we’ve managed to break the cycle.

    Wonderful.                        We’re doomed.
Tia Jun 2018
I am so confused on how does love works,
Even if I thought of it hard,
I still go back to the old definition and words,
But nothing really sunk in my mind.

How do we fall for someone?
It's as complicated as finding the right rhyme,
It must feel right, good, perfect;
Perfect to be in a poem to make meanings,

But not everything rhymes,
Not all is meant to sound nice,
Although, they can put meaning to it;
And make the imperfect perfect,

Opposite attracts, Like poles repel,
That's the science law;
And same feather flocks together,
That's what philosophers said,

You see?
Understanding love is more complicated than science and math,
It couldn't be solved by any formula just like that
There's no wise mind, no genius, no protege,

We became fools because of it,
Weak and vulnerable because of it,
Stupid and **** because of it ,
All of this for something we can't even define,

Love is love,
Love is happy,
Love is pain,
Love is you,

But we all contradict these when the rollercoaster started,
When things go up, down, upside down,
Trying to shake you and see how far you can last,
How long will you be able to hold.
We knew it but we're still confused right? You with me on this?
Leydis Jul 2017
My pillow is jealous of you!!

Do you know?
My pillow is jealous of you,
she does not understand, that only in your arms,
in the heat of your embrace, time no longer reigns.  

My pillow is resentful of you!
she does not understand, that the unwavering insomnia,
turns in to  amazement... fascination that you're there,
sheltering away my fears of the dark night,
with your loyalty and strength, protecting me, even in my dreams,
as a mother protects her child,
because s/he is afraid of monsters living under the bed.  

You know?  
My pillow is distrustful of you!  
My skin unintentionally scolds her.
It’s just that, she’s not as encouraging as you,
she’s not as warm as you,
she lacks the incandescence that you provide,
the simplicity in how you catch,
all my demons right before I go to sleep.
She doesn’t kiss or hug like you do.
She doesn’t understand that in your scent,
you inject harmony into my soul  

She is apprehensive of you!
I have tried to explain to her, to not feel bad,
if I only look for her, when you’re away.
That she knew from the beginning, the terms of engagement,
she knew that, she is a friend,
who helps me pass the loneliness you leave,
when you’re not around.
That like a good friend, she’s to tug me,
when I cry for any nonsense.
But that she is not you, and you never will be.  
That I could never leave or replace you.  
That, it’s in your arms,  that I find normalcy and happiness.
In that magical space between your strong muscles and your heart, I find all the allegiance of the universe,
which fills me with peace,
which returns me to kindness.

That you frighten my insomnia away with a passionate kiss,
that my insomnia turns into astonishment and gratitude,
for the love that your scent injects into my soul,  
allowing me to sleep, in peaceful harmony.


Mi almohada es celosa

Mi almohada vive celosa de ti,
ella no entiende, que solo en tus brazos,
en el calor de tu regazo,
se acaban los plazos.

Mi almohada esta resentida contigo,
ella no entiende, que el intransigente insomnio se convenirte en asombro..
fascinación de que estés ahí,
acobijando con tu fidelidad y fortaleza,
mis miedos a la oscura noche,
Protegiéndome hasta en mis sueños,
como protege la madre a su niño,
porque le teme a los monstruos que habitan debajo de la cama.

¡Mi almohada vive recelosa de ti!
Es que mi piel sin querer le regaña,
porque no es alentadora como tú,
porque no es acogedora como tú,
porque le falta la incandescencia que brindas tú,
la sencillez de atrapar todos mis demonios antes de dormir.
A ella le falta que bese
que abrace como tú, que vas regalándome tu aroma,
inyectando tu armonía en mí.

Si, ella vive insegura de ti.
He tratado de explicarle, que no se sienta mal,
si solo la busco cuando te ausentas.,
que ella sabía los términos de nuestra relación,
que ella es una amiga que me ayuda a pasar la soledad que dejas cuando te vas.
que como buena amiga, me abraza cuando me haces llorar por cualquier majadería.
Pero que ella no eres tú, y nunca lo será.
Que a ti nunca te podría dejar o remplazar.
Que solo en tus brazos encuentro felicidad y normalidad.
Que en ese espacio entre tus fuertes músculos
y tu corazón encuentro toda la lealtad del universo,
que me llena de paz,
que me regresa la bondad,
que espantas mi insomnio con un apasionado beso,
y mi insomnio, se convierte en asombro y agradecimiento,
por el amor que inyecta tu aroma, permitiéndome dormir en paz y harmonía .

#jealouspillows? #love #bilingual
Paige Mar 2019
I realized something today
I don't miss you
I miss the feeling
I had with you
But I don't miss you
I don't miss your eyes
Or your poisonous tongue
I don't miss the traps you laid for me
The words you spoke to me
The way you made me feel
Your love set me on fire
I was full of everything
And nothing for you
You consumed me and I thought
I thought that it was beautiful
But your love left me broken
Cracked me wide open
Displayed my feelings and emotions
Like a joke
Was I a joke to you?
You ripped me apart
Then fell into my arms
Your tears filling up the place
Where mine were supposed to go
You were sorry
You said it a hundred times
But the parts of you that were honest
Couldn't outweigh your deceit
Your guilt
Your cunning
You were such a masterful man
A protege of your kind
A well practiced manipulator
There was a kind of fascination
In the way you handled your lies
A sweetness to the way they were delivered
Your craft
Was a delicate one
And you executed it with precision
A true artist
In the way you deceived me
And oh, I was deceived
I fell for you so rapidly
So intensely
So powerfully
That the landing crushed me
Broke every bone in my body
And ground them into dust
The impact knocked the air from me
Forcing my lungs to deflate
So quickly
That it felt like I'd never known
What breathing was
I crashed to the floor
Twisted and gnarled and shattered
I was a contorted mess
But my broken face smiled
Looking back
It was a rather gruesome smile
But I truly believed my life
Was beautiful then
How sickening to remember that
To see myself from this distance and know
Nothing was beautiful
But there you were
Cradling my fragile head
Tracing your fingers
Through the blood on my lips
And you whispered you loved me
You were there for me
You could heal me
Little did I realize
You were the one hurting me
Watching me splinter like glass
And pressing on the weakest points
An artist indeed
Watching your spiderweb bloom in me
Hungry for more
Your passion for my pain is palpable now
And it's funny
I used to think it was your passion for me

— The End —