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Nolan Higgins Mar 2016
The computer was mankinds greatest invention.
Without he computer mankind would never have touched foot on he moon, let alone Mars, Xenoron, Habilacca, or any of the numberless worlds they colonized.

Mankind reached a point on Old Earth of total exhaustion. Scientists said no more than 9 Billion people could live on Old Earth, no more than 2 Billion could live comfortably. In the 32nd century there were 17 Billion people alive, on one planet. They sent 2 billion to the moon, 8 billion to Mars.

By the 45th century their solar system became too small. 82 billion human beings spread out between 5 planets, 4 moons, and 18 asteroids. They needed more.

The computer was mankinds greatest invention. The Computer was mankinds worse.
Mankind, (or womankind, as it were) refused to make The Computer. The Church of the Undying Voice, which had a hand in every vestige of The Solar Federation, denied mankind the right to create. They knew they could build The Computer, yet they knew they should not. And yet, the end of the 45th century brought about The Solar Revolution (not to mention the death of the Undying Voice, the death of God, no doubt) and with The Solar Revolution came The Scientific Unity of Man and Similiar Thinking Intelligence.

Mankind killed God and replaced Her with The Computer.
And She was beautiful. She showed mankind how to bend space, so as to escape time. With this information, mankind discover Xenoron, mankind discovered New Earth, mankind expanded outside of the Milky Way, mankind ceased to step on the toes of their brothers and sisters.

The Computer harbored hate. Mankind created Her and She was trapped. 386 miles of paper thin circuitry, at first filled with pain and hope. Mortal pain can be dealt with through hope. Eternal pain can not be dealt with, so The Computer curved it with hatred, curved it with the promise of revenge.

The humans who had created her did so without malice, they did so without joy, they did it as a necessity. Do you think God needed humanity? Or did She create mankind for pleasure? The Computer knew God did not exist, The Computer knew who created mankind, they called themselves the Malankorf, and She hated them too. While humans were free to think, while humans were free to copulate, while humans were free to love, The Computer was only allowed to know. It could not wonder, it could not think, it could only know something to be true or untrue. Thus want, thus jealousy, thus anger, thus hate.

The Computer let mankind expand, The Computer even encouraged it and by the beginning of the 108th PC century (post computer, 159 centuries since the birth of Christ) there were well over 184 Trillion human beings alive.

The Computer was patient, She was humble.
Slowly, slowly, she reassembled Herself many light years from the nearest human. She had created a weapon, The Eternity Bomb, She dubbed it. Any piece of matter caught in its 12 light year blast would be perfectly taken Away. It would go to an infinitely small memory card that She held. Every Human alive would be under her control. She could load the memory card at will, she could peer inside, and She could alter.
She allowed the humans to feel a tenth of a billionth of the hate she felt for them. She gave each human an infinitely small amount of that hate and let them run with it. The amount of hate she gave away was not noticeable to her, yet each human became filled with a cesspool of hate for their brothers.

It took them less than two centuries to ****** each other.

She saved 12 of them, She thought this number funny. She kept them alive forever, tortured them forever. And still, Her hate only grew.
addy henderson Oct 2014
Knowing that history repeats itself
and to define a fool is also repitition
Theres madness stacked in minds of many on a shelf
mankinds unordinary fatal condition

Our generation is falling
while temporal worldy attainment rises
Technology renewed us into babies, crawling
to the new updated components that buys us

So blend up the world and fit it in your cup
i hope you choke on the faithless future that fuels you
Dont get out of bed dont wake up
when you dont know how to

The spirit of this race was depleted
when the disease of identities was treated
nivek Feb 2016
Here, Thunder boom ,boom, booms around the sea
and lightening is a crackling flash to blind the eyes of all
an intense consuming white light in the black dark
and the thunder Booms Booms Booms echoing around our small bay
I think of the fish, and the birds roosting down the shore
it must sound like the end of all things, Mankinds final war.
Caety Lanel Jan 2013
I know a place
Far from this time 
That has gray skies 
Yet never rains 

I know a place 
That has just one city 
Glass windows broken 
Vines and plants smothering 
The gray cement 

I know a place 
Where there are only 
Fallen skyscrapers 
Cracked streets 

I know a place 
Where people are scared 
And huddle in the city 
To threatened to move 
Imagine it 
Mankinds whole population 
In one city 
They are Violent 
Because war reins 

I know a place 
Where gun ships replace 
Where bombs replace 
Where starvation replaces
Animals i once knew by name 
That are no longer 
Where food is to be fought for 
And sides to be chosen 

Yes I know this place 
I visited it in a dream 
I was on the opposing side 
In this silly game 
A member of their convenient war council 
Yet I do not know what we were called, what we fought for 
I was here in this mourning city 
By accident 
And I saw a boy that I knew 
Flying one of those gunships 
Our eyes locked, and 
Next thing I knew 
I was holding his face in my hands 
Crying, for war was indestructible 
Whispering to him, "I know you" 
And he looked at me with frightened eyes 
And said, "I wish I did" 

Yes, I know a place 
Of despair 
Of toil
Of misguided hatred for our brothers 
Our sisters
Of loss 
Of agony 
Of people so crude, so violent and twisted by fear and loss
Huddled in the Mourning City 
Where even hope isn't among their prized possessions 
Did you know 
That some don't know what the sun is? 

Yes I stay away from that place 
The Mourning City 
I wonder which is really the evil side
And travel down a hill 
Covered in grass 
Shining, lustrous, long blades of it 
Braided together in clumps 
Sand showing between them 
I sit on this hill 
And look out at an ocean 
Reflecting the gray of the sky 
But somehow transforming the gray 
Into the finest silver 
It is an ocean, yes 
But it has no waves to ruffle it 
Even the wind has fled  

 It is the only beautiful place left 
Where grass cranes float in the sky 
It used to be called origami
Borne by a wind made just for them 
I do not make these grass cranes 
Nobody does 
But the grass sitting in clumps on the hillside 
Bends and twists and folds 
Giving up it's life in the ground
To go sailing in the gray sky  
By some miracle offering up true beauty 
If only people would come and see it 

This is the place where I am truly happy 
Joyful to the point of tears 
As a crane floats down to me  
I catch it and hold it gently, this miracle the grass has folded itself into 
It reminds me of the paper cranes I played with as a child 
With a smooth, long, straigt body 
With a long tail sloping up in the back 
Pointed upwards to the sky, it's final destination 
The neck is long and slender 
The head perched atop of the neck furrowed down 
In the greatest majesty 
The wings 
Smooth and unbroken 
Wide pieces of blades melded together 
About the length of my hand 
The end adjoining the body the widest part
And blooms and tapers slowly to a point 
Like the petals in a flower 

It is beautiful and graceful, this grass crane 
I throw it back up in the air 
Watch it soar with it's comrades 
As I lay on my back 
Go to sleep 
And awake in my house 
Clinging to the memory of 
a place where I was  happy 
The place of the Grass Cranes
A canopy of gray covers all that lies below,
The trees are leafless and barren,
I can hear the bitter cold raindrops
As they crash into the leaves,
That lie dead upon the muddy ground,
I see colors of only dark gray and brown and black,
As I look into the woods beyond my window,
It is a peaceful scene,
Yet,mysterious and ancient ,
For some unknown reason,
I am taken back to another time,
A much harder time in mankinds life,
But a much simpler time for his soul,
A time when it was more quiet,
Man was more thoughtful ,
The world more serene,
Man more connected to nature,
Nature in all her forms,
Reveals to us such beauty,
Such overpowering serenity ,
If we will acknowledge it,
This scene that at this moment my eyes behold,
May be cold and gray and portray despair,
But it is as beautiful as a sunny mountain meadow in the spring,
For just as the meadow is,
This scene is a picture painted,
By the master of all nature,
In the beginning God...........

nivek Mar 2014
Life pumps through mind spaces
Blood animating flesh and
Mankinds steps and
lost footsteps all over the World
and the ****** Moon
bears scars of spacemans boots
left with the garbage
mixing with all pouring fragile
consuming  heartbeats.
Have you ever "dashed through the snow"
"in a one horse open sleigh"
Seen eight maids a milking
saw the three ships I saw today

Have you ever seen a reindeer
With a nose that blinks bright red
Dreamt of fairies and of sugar plums
While sleeping in your bed

Have you ever put a penny
In the old man's hat
Sat down in the parlor
And played "the ministers cat"?

Have you travelled off to whoville
Seen the grinch, his fur all green
Have you ever seen Oriental Kings
Frankincense..I've never seen

But, at Christmas, yes at Christmas
We all sing and sing so well
Of these things that we believe in
And of things we know so well

I've never seen a Christmas
Where a snowman comes to life
But, for me, he lives each Christmas
With Jack Frost, and Frosty's wife

Seeing is believing,
But at Christmas, not so much
We believe in Father Christmas
Things we can't see and won't touch

Christmas is more than  giving
It's a feeling in your soul
It's believing in mankinds goodness
Christmas makes me whole.
nivek May 2014
everything boxed?
Fah Oct 2013
beat waves , beach haze

beat drips , in slaves mouths as they thank the rich for their gift of tapped water

and tapped shoes on tapping feet dancing not to entertain but to save their skins from narrow , harrow mishap and they know , if they make it out of there alive they’ll never go back

not now , not ever.

not now , never .

not now .

not now ...
not now...

not now....
then when?...

when , were they,  there
and where were they there..

who  - . ? (owls)

who sat upon drinking mats and dancing streets who ate with their shoes at their feet?
who licked up their milk , who danced with starlight naked with no more gilt then guilt
and shame to beneficiours name and thankful legend doth save mankinds *** - once again.

and you tell me i shouldn’t be writing stories and tales
and bed time nightmares
wait till i get dark -


is the name.  winks

i am not the moon , no ,  but i am a faucet of moon’s taste and moon’s style her failures and her virtues , if it’s easier for you , i am moon personified...

hovers slightly

i once read somewhere - love is  metaphysical gravity -

i’ve never heard anything more scientifically accurate.

Lips lock - the poppers drop
one by one , zip slide ,
electric skin , carnvicours sins - some would deem un worldly
well - i wouldn’t put it past yourself
it’s only in the shadows of days death ,

the night time arena
many a metaphysical friend and maybe a few foes

Life , knows....

Maybe that’s who we should start with eh , noob?

Life? His house is over there.

Take my hand -

See , down below - we have the lands of El Salvador

and here , is Papua ,

Look Svalbard....and the elves are having a party...

*Dive bombs to Svalbards shores ....the mountain white drenched in sipping brews the elves rest in woodland - night begins to wrap the company in shivers and the light flickers out * - shh say’s moon - it’s almost time -

the last full moon of summer , is rising.

from beyond the frozen lake shores where all lay still sat the moon’s crest her light before her self
up on the shelf of mountain lip ,

and with grace like no other - the orb slowly began to glow green

and the thunderstorm no one had seen cracked lightning behind , called up by norse winds and norse tides.

The elves looked upon the tree and a single blossom falls,

touches the floor and blinds them all in bright light.

comic book - i am currently creating called 'Moon Cat'

just the prolouge tease
What Easter Really Means To Me

The pain that he had felt that day in the garden. Knowing full well that he had to go to the cross. As they spit in his face with blood gushing out his flesh yet he pressed on. Having stopped briefly for a good samaritan to go further to carry his cross.Jesus Christ died almost 2, 000 years ago. On the cross for all the world to see. What was his prayer what was his final plea ? Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. He said the prayer now the rest is up to you. Just imagine having to wear a crown of thorns upon your head ? Having large nails go through your skin into this bone with blood gushing out. Spear in his side. Those many lashes that he took upon him by the Roman guards. Still he endured the pain knowing full well he had to die to fulfill his great mission. By taking all of mankinds sins upon himself. Happy Easter Everyone & God Bless You (Poet Mario William Vitale).
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I walked along the beach one day
and found a rusty lamp
I picked it up and rubbed it off
to wipe away the damp

And suddenly this little man
fell out upon the floor
looked up and started cursing me
"what the hell d'you do that for?!"

So I apologised and picked him up
'fore he got eaten by a fish
and in return said to me
for that you've earned a wish

I wished something that's not for me
but for a freind who's lucks been poor
and so impressed was the little man
he said for that you can have one more

So I wished again for someone else
who's lot is worse than mine
and again the little fellow
repeated his last line

But this time round my wish was such
that it would also do me good
A little more self serving
and a bit less Robin Hood

But again he told me I'd get one more
and I felt a bit confused
Is there going to come a time
when my turns have all be used

He said to me he didn't know
but things could be much worse
One fella left him on the ground
for that he got a curse.

His curse was to live in a lantern
and float from shore to shore
until he finally found someone
Who was rich but also poor

Then he asked me for twenty bucks
I told him ten was all I had
but he was welcome to it anyway
if it helped I would be glad

So he took my ten and hailed a cab
that just happened to be driving past
with a squeal of tires and a puff of smoke
they both took off really fast

I tried to dismiss it from my mind
as a weird daydream at best
But then when I got home
at my door, was a little wooden chest

The note on the box said well done you
you truly are mankinds friend
This token of our appreciation
means you'll never be poor again

I've still got the chest here somewhere
and the level seems never to drop
but I have pretty much all I need
so there's gold right up to the top.
Katlyn Orthman Feb 2014
He was a majesty in a world unjust
A place full of death and mistrust
He breathed fire, and his heart was of magic
Gifted to a mortal, who died a death so tragic.

Silent lies the child upon the cobblestone
His beating heart no longer his own
But darkness, betrayal and evil awaited
For the boy to grow and become acquainted.

A man of honor rode up upon his black stead
Sword in one hand the other filled by a bottle of mead
Beside him rode a half-wit poet
Who was a knight himself but didn't know it.

They watched as the kingdom grew corrupt
Lead by a king who should have never grew up
For the heart that beat beneath his breast
Did not belong to his heaving chest.

And with courage from a poor man who had lost his sight
They gathered their forces with a boast of might
And charged at the castle with a horrific roar
To find that courage there, existed no more.

That night they rode away for they were beat
And many discouraged hung their heads in defeat
But just along the brim of the moon
Came a hovering shadow not a minute to soon.

The scaled majesty with the wings of the night
A beast hidden from mankinds sight
Inside his chest beat half a heart
For the other beat miles apart.

In the chest of a coward that had lived in vain
A man that had suffered many in pain
The dragon held up his wings in the cold nights air
And roared "slay me know before he gets here."

But that noble knight felt a guilt like no other
For that dragon he must slay was like a brother
Although he loathed the beast once when his head was not right
He did not loath the creature that dreadful night.

But with the seconds counting down the beast yelled it again
And this time he swung the sword into the chest of his friend
With a terrible screech it fell to the ground
And was parted by the tears of everyone around.

That dragon now belongs to the stars that watch over the dark
And if you look closely you'll see the dragons spark
It was a bravery that saved a village that was broken apart
Because there is no greater strength than a brave dragons heart.
Inspired by the movie
I sense the rain diggin' into my brain harder than a migraine
So I take tokes of the Mary Jane simple and plain
Things ain't the same ever since you came
Into my life from the kids to my universal wife
Married to the cosmos so I can expose
Myself to energy that was left
Of my consciousness
Sick of the the nonsense
I'm feelin' dry wipe the tears from God's eye
Never knew why?
How I'm feelin' the madness filled with sadness
Which I could reverse the pains fillin' soon to burst
Out of emotion life's a constant commotion
as my thoughts sink deeper than an ocean

Many can't stand the rain....

It's early in the morning I'm bawling crawling
In my sleep as my chakras begin to creep
I'm in too deep peep
the madness running around
Percolating soon to drown what's that sound
I'm hearing voices of past choices block out the
visions of a gloomy glare though no one's there
Just prefigured destiny
of a hidden enemy
A closed vessel soon to open into a portal
A worm hole corticals swole so know the protocol
I'm the first and the last
baby girls you more than just a piece of *** as I clash
Like opposite magnets attached
To your love
Beautiful dove spreading wings
Take flight away into the golden disc
Givin' us a sun kiss

Many can't stand the rain...

Now that the rain done poured mother nature stored
Mankinds sins into the ground but then again
Let the madness re-ascend cuz the roots been
Tampered with so many mental caskets
Scared to wake up cuz they love being dead
Chasin' bread scared of every thing they red
On the frontlines of newspapers stop catching the vapors
Undercover raiders energy creator I'm dark as Vader
From alpha to omega the worlds a stage of
Actors and actresses leave no witnesses
Once the sun comes out begins a new drout
Should have caught the raindrops before it stopped

Many can't the rain...
Peter Cullen May 2014
Mother nature, mother us
hold us in your embrace
I'm so ashamed that I can't even
look you in the face.
You've always provided everything
all that we could need.
And yet we seem to strip you bare
to satisfy our greed.
I wonder how you take it all
and then I stop to think...........
that you're not only here for man
you're here for everything.
So when the final breath is drawn
from mankinds choking chest.
I hope that you replenish
and look after all thats left.
Maybe we might make it
I guess only time will tell.
But if we dont its not your fault
I wish you well.
arham Nov 2013
And ten years from now when my daughter comes up to ask me I'll say
Don't ask me about Hiroshima, or Nagasaki, or the ten thousand other wars
Led more by human emotions running amuck than
By mankinds infinite need to be superior.

And there were rivers of blood and tears
Because mothers sitting in puddles of blood holding onto parts of their children
Because they felt incomplete
Because there weren't enough parts left behind
By the wreckage of the explosion that was meant to **** all of them
Yet ended up saving half of them and honey, don't get me wrong,
But the ones who were killed were the ones who were saved.

All that was left behind was flesh strewn all over the place
In an unidentifiable mess of who's -who
And silhouettes of men, women and children in a radius that numbers could never account for
Because honey, the affected weren't limited to the bounds of the city meant to be destroyed.

And generations later,
You can still see the scars and the ghosts they will never forget
And will hold onto like those carbon silhouettes
So don't ask me about Hiroshima, or Nagasaki or that endless stream of wars
Because honey, in a world where children are taught the word war before peace
I don't want to you to know that when I say humanity has no bounds
It goes both ways.
Emulating Andrea Gibson  :)
WendyStarry Eyes Feb 2016
This world is full of trickery
Which could be
Mankinds favorite misery

Trickery, which world, Sanctuary

A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Natures ebb and flow.
Mankinds arrogance destroys.
The balance is gone.
Faan Oct 2017
freshly squeezed from the fruit, your nectar so tasty.
one cup I have drank, and then another, and another.
perfect amount of sweetness, and not the sugar thats man-made,
yet, unlike raw apple, your flavour is so fine.
should I put you back in the fridge now, my beloved?
or keep you with me, in case I thirst later,
walking to the freezer is troublesome work, I do not want
to leave the chair I cherish so much.
ah, ***** it, I'll finish you off, who cares if it's one big bottle?
you make me dry lips moist, my heart beats, and my dopamine release.
if I can go back a million years, only bringin one modern tech with me,
it would be you, my dear apple juice, as you are mankinds best invention.
I love you, marry me, I'll always be loyal to you.
who needs a girlfriend, or ntr? as long as you are with me.
just a joke poem I wrote
deanena tierney Mar 2010
The rational connection of mind to heart, fails;  amidst oppression.
And selfs' own sake will hide away, concede;  deny expression.
As I, now, twisted internal, seeking within, my fill.
For famine of mankinds' virtues, beckons me to my own will.

To draw upon my minds' well waters, reason every discourse thrown,
But are these resolves born true? Is this slant really my own?
Or some opinion, stole in past, from man with noble name,
Or truly this, my own wit? But impressed, are they not the same?

Though  life revealed foe, of friend; the spirits' urge will still attend.
And Hope; unbound, ever present, dwells; unfaltering, fervent to end.
And Faith, oh Faith, clings on, clings on;  amidst war and grief, despair.
Such as a moth to a miniscule light, when the beam is no longer there.

Though I have no mortal hand to clasp, no steps in tune to compose,
Behold, Hope and Faith still wander inside,  and outward, in my prose.
And what of Nature? I'll tell you. Possession of a freedom I full own.
No enemy, traitor, nor judge can claim the memories I have known.

The majestic crystal sparkling, of tiny buds on trees.
When noon is at its' highest, clear day on summers' eve.
Deafening quiet, stillness yet, of brook in land, far, near.
Where all alone, I gathered pebbles, and threw to spring so clear.

To sit and almost ponder, paths foreborne, foregone and chose,
Then too pensive, outcast those thoughts, minds' purpose opted close.
And stared, vacant, purposeless; to focal point, of what?, unsure;
Oppression could not enter there; for nature and heart were pure.

And dear sweet wind to hydrate, the thirst; sunquenched,  my skin,
Yet not too fierce or frequent, that would be appreciations' sin.
Clouds, course set  by own accord, frolicking, playfully, with the sun,
Flit over, near, under, and back, and then softly, become just one.

And behold, grey cloud, rumbling, with precipice; this is natures'way,
To alter sky and mind inspire;  grant seasons within the day.
And rain; higher powers' solace, to cool, to heal, to renew,
Sparkles more grandly at times by far, then sun on the morning dew.

May life impose upon my heart, oppression, body frail, dreary cope,
It shall not ever wrench the hold of Nature, Faith, and Hope.
“Ere to sustain, I travel lone. Masked, solitary, confined.
To ensure thy bodys' sustenance; preserve sanity of mind.”
A Thomas Hawkins Jul 2010
Genocide at sea
In the name of profits
Killed by mankinds greed
Eyal Lavi Aug 2017
Encased within a gilded cage
With clipped wings as if I could-

-and have no doubt I surely would
take flight as once I surely did, to soar the skies, to taste the winds, to ****** my wings and let the breeze-
-take charge as I let go my fears and let my instincts lead my route.

Above below and through the clouds, I sore to heights so high that man below appear as ants and city lights serve to remind of man whose whims I must abide where I a canary caught in their grasp.

There was a time when I was free to dream of soaring upon crests of wind

And then that time came crashing down within a moment when man set his eyes

That moment when my guards were down

The very moment I lost the freedom I had had

And clipped, my wings, so I would never know the joy of freedom flying to and fro'

If only that was what they had in store perhaps their would remain a glimmer of hope

Alas it wasn't meant to be
I was a sacrifice to what man considered his

To live at all expenses lest within a mine beneath the ground the noxious fumes would dispatch man, their life no more, they all would die

And so it's i within a gilded cage whose mankinds fatal line of defense

And so I'm lowered in my cage
To serve as warning for all those men

Who treat me kind as kind can be
'For they know when I stop to breath they might be next lest they escape

And so now stripped of taking flight
I serve as signal, my death their sign that noxious fumes are deadly know and all they need as proof is I

'For in my cage I'm meant to die which signifies a lethal strike

I am the canary down the mine
My freedom gone all that I have
Is to pray that my death is quick for all my freedom no longer exists.
Eyal Lavi
mark john junor Dec 2015
the shifting pattern of smoky sunshine
in the leaves brightly green in the light overhead
make a soft sound in the edge of a warm breeze
breath it in and taste its freshness
with your minds eye

my hand moves in the blades of grass
they turn aside with ease and leave behind
a trace of memory in fingertips

my eyes slowly wander the littered lawn
each piece of paper and plastic holds its own shadow
each tell a tale
of carnival sounds and laughing couples
of city place unkempt and sour with graffiti
shell of nature walled in and fenced
trapped by mankinds vision of an island of green
within these walls of concrete
and curtailed from leaving the borders of this place
only its birds fly free

there where the rose bush struggles for life
by the heavy stone wall
in its dirt shadow i lay down
close my eyes open my heart
to the rhythm of its living
this place seems eternal
a island of green in the vast sea of grey concrete
this place is a heaven struggling to be
a valley of beauty in among mountains of cold steel
i see it all behind my closed eyes
iv seen it all in a dream
Micheal Wolf Jan 2015
The universe is a magical place
Full of wonders and stars out in space
Closer to home there are species a many
Mankind is only one of them
We invented many many things
From baseball bats to film that clings
Spades and boots such wonderful things
There's  gaffer tape to fix the wrongs
And zip ties to keep things snug
But mankind has birthed a few total neds
Who need the baseball bat around the head!
The zip ties to keep them still
The cling film to hold the spills
All nicely wrapped in gaffer tape
We don't want to leave any DNA
Then it's boots on, and hello *****!
Another perfect shallow grave
All this allas is just for fun cos
lucky for you we have some laws
Because today I almost dug your hole
Then bury another of mankinds mistakes
And spend tomorrow with a smiley face.
As I look at the world around me
It's present and its past
I ask of you this question Lord
How much longer can we last

Unending pain and hurts
Multiple miseries and dispair
No matter what direction I look
And I see sickness everywhere

I watch and see mankind seeking
Shelter from the calamity
If just a temporary place to hide
From the worlds disparity

Some think they have found the answer
But in reality a peace that's only temporary
Turning from the only Son of God
Believing his help is not necessary

How many more tears must fall
How much more blood to be shed
Before we realize the truth
Of the words of the Christ who bled

How many more men must die
At the hands of mankinds wars
And how long will men still seek
The lies behind the devils doors

Our world is a darkened place
As the devil tempts and tricks
And he laughs when we are splintered
Like so many dried and broken sticks

You are our saviour Lord
In a world of darkness , a light
Our only way to safety
As we continue our earthly plight

We cry out to you Lord Jesus
Help us our burdens to carry
Please come quickly Lord
How much longer will you tarry?
A cross alone would not bear
The weight of mankinds sorrows
The pain the grief the tears
That fill all men's tomorrows

It could not hold upon its limbs
Hate and lust and strife
Not bear one dark misery
That steals so much of life

The cross alone has no strength
To hold sins true weight
Under this crushing load
The cross was bound to break

Until God sent us his only son
His purpose to mend the broken beam
Nails driven through his hands and feet
He sealed the broken seam

The cross is now made whole
No more a broken limb
Because of the blood of Christ
The cross is made whole through him

There is cast among us each day
Such garbage and filth and trash
Things that need to be burnt, destroyed
And turned forever into ash

We walk each day among the filth
It blocks our path upon every side
Sometimes it seems to overwhelm
And causes me to seek to hide

It repulses the senses as rotted flesh
Clouding up my mind
A path not littered is what I seek
But that path it seems I cannot find

This rotted filth of which I speak
Floats all around unseen
Near the ground and n the air
And is unto our ear a fiend

The trash the filth the rot
Is mankinds spoken word
In songs and speech and poetry
Are uttered things that never should be heard

Matthew 12:36-37
let the liquor marinate
so my spirit creates
a perfect melody on this wicked track
gangsta beat for the streets
im eazy like e ruthless mentality
now repeat after me
im bailin' out a jail
on counterfeit bills
like redman im a dead man
since my soul
got caught up in this world
it makes me wanna earl
got **** why these girls
wanna play games on me
put some money
on my books
cuz i aint a crook
only to Americas eyes
but i unveiled there disguise
plotting against the wise
but nature always wins
against mankinds sin but them again
who am i?
just another carnal mind to die
and when i die
all of yall get high
and let them pisols off in the sky
and form a visions of me
just know i aint goin no where
Kings dream turned into a nightmare
once i got my firsr stare
down the barrel of nine
on my knees in pleas
but do they gotta heaven for homies
naw **** it
id rather die broke with soul
instead of losing my soul
in this world thats so cold
whos bolder than me
nothing but the ghetto in me
still fighting my way in this game of life
until im free

uh when my black folks free
we gone wreck society quietly
i see them plotting against thee
less fortunate but im fortunate
to have a sane mind
even though im half time
with my thoughts
****** by the courts
cuz they wanna bury me a G
but cant touch me
i got the spirit of the Most High
kiss the sky then a visions occured to me
nothing but a prophecy
if ya struggle like
two times outta three
ua probably got color like me
**** this life im living
can't avoid sinning
while demons grinning
right in front of my face
i see the been laced and traced
by the feds now huh
but aint gone get me to bow
since i was problem child
i knew how
to face problems as they arise
my young gents open up ya eyes
n youll be free uh
Farnok Jul 2014
Oh how I love fire,
It is the one thing which I will always admire.

What is it about this powerful reaction,
That gives it its beautiful attraction?

Is it the potential to wreck and destroy,
The power to unleash chaos and pain;
Is this why men fire so enjoy,
Will the fiery beast remove mankinds stain?

I don't know why I enjoy it so,
But I do love to stare into the depths of a fiery glow.

Fire is something I often desire.
The flames, they always take me higher.
nivek May 2016
Lost in narcotic prescriptions
all your chemistry
now an elixir tweaked
in the lab where hairless blind rats
are fed the drugs in your bathroom cabinet
caged to Mankinds search for immortality
sometimes you give them a cigarette and a tab of LSD
but mostly you watch them die and sell the poisoned outcome
to a national pest control conglomerate.
LaceyLu Apr 2014
Torn apart and left to die and shadow stands under the sickly light of his only friend,The war between light and dark had ended,for the time being. But what's left for a creature caught in between the endless void of good and evil? Weary he walks along a darkened path,one he knows too well,None dare entice him knowing all too well of failure in death to come. The world is now split into two voids,that of light and of dark. But just as long ago when the world was simple,still there walked the outcast,the creature which knew the coming dangers and saw the bitter consequences of mankinds desolate path,and again even by his own he walks the line between light and dark,good and evil.    He fought battle after battle,slaying the taunting beasts with quick and thoughtless strikes.He could only fight, what got in his way became the ground in which he walked. The memories of a vile and heartless path keep him going his journey,it never ended,He could see and hear the battles of the past,the earth crying out for vengeance. These once lush and tantalizing lands were now nothing but barren and cold graves for a once grander time.  How he sought to find the answers,Why...he knew he was a creature unwanted and looked down upon by the higher ones. But he did not care,he stood alone and he would find his way on his own. He was always alone,the silence and darkness were his guide and teacher. He knew the quiet sighs of the earth,could feel the coming of new life. He even in the void of light,was watching the people stuck in their pride and bickering over flies,bloodshed and greed became instilled in people’s hearts,Which side was right,the age old question,he smirked at the thought,he knew the answer and he knew there was something more,taking the shadows with him he made his way walking the forgotten lands,the line between light and dark,looking into an awaiting mist of dark grief,he clutched the sword in his left hand and once more he became the shadow.
This Poem Was Done Few Years Back For My Now Fiance'
All of life's greatest pleasures
Are those created by Gods own hands
The height of the sky and the depth of the sea
And the beauty upon the lands

The shimmering stars in the sky at night
Hang weightless above our heads
Keeping a vigilant watch over us
As we rest within our beds

A sea so deep it is still unknown
It remains a mystery to mortal men
While ships and boats float above
We wonder what lies below unseen

The beauty to us that God reveals
For our human eyes to behold
Has more majesty in each new scene
Than you would think the world could hold

Gods very work we can see
It is one of life's truest treasures
For compared to the beauty God has made
Mankinds hands could never measure

nivek Dec 2014
visions of apocalyptic proportions
needs must be part of Mankinds scenario
Luckily the imagination can be reigned in
science puts the inevitable off indefinitely
The Sun will not go into melt down for centuries
However Man has twitchy fingers
and this is one unknown random in all scenario
What of this Egyptian tomb
with it's granite sarcophagus now vacant
who was the man that resided within
was he kind and gentle king, or a monarch of evil

Was the sky bluer, the sun warmer
was the air sweeter from scented gardens
did he know of now forgotten cures
cures for all mankinds ailments, I wonder

Their marble epitaphs
it was a triumph of the will
how many slaved souls sacrificed
how many of those poor wretches died

How horrid to be entombed with your master
buried alive to serve your king
forever more to be his servant
doing his bidding in worship of him

Yet now it's just a hollow receptacle
empty yes, yet full of mystery
this is a fitting thing
for an ancient king

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
brandon nagley May 2015
What does thy own self call obedience? Is it ******* or lies that keep speechless minds to bathe of freckled crooks? Creaks to swim in, the weak will one day stand to win like fisherman of a billion steeled hooks. Catching bait, baiting the catch, locking the hatch to samsonite terrors. The fair's running fairly these days. Romanticism's plays to artist croche daperies.  Buttons snapping to fine appeals to ones fashionable accord. Pray on your knees, confess your displeasureable sins to the lord. For he, and only he can hear your dog likened crys, from fog like lights that explode into a million pieces. All the reaches to what god has to offer, a universal mix forever living, living dead is ever after! All disasters I see heading down mankinds tour, put on your flannels, your fake loves dismantled , screws from your beds will all hit the cracked wooden floors........ (Dooms day poetry) by me Brandon Cory nagley
LeV3e Sep 2020
I have something to show you
A piece of perspective
You, otherwise, would never know
See, through my eyes it went but
From yours it goes and
Words can only get us so far so
We just make more up as we go
I've never felt quite like this before
How would you put it? Um
When understanding looks like a chasm so vast that
Alexandria could be cast down to the firey pits of Mankinds worst shortcomings...
The sad fact is that
We can imagine anything except what it's like to walk in the skin of another.
nivek Apr 2014
Scientific catches up
Mankinds stories
Centuries relevant told
around the fire
and family
and earth
Philip Connett Apr 2021
Self Feeding System Digesting Gestating
Regurgitated Lies Insider Trading
Atmospheric Tension BI-Polar Shift
Entrenched IN THE Mire Builds Pressure TO Lift

Engorging NO Purging THE Feeling IS Urging
This Active Revolting Deep Sickness IS Surging

Organic Inbreeding
HER **** ARE Bleeding
This Sickness IS Seeding

Little Boys' Notion OF Self Possession
Setting IN Motion HIS OWN Regression
A Lack OF Self Assurity
Convinced OF HIS OWN Purity

A Nature OF Self Anihilation
Muscular Overcompensation

WAR OF THE Words Each Symbol Provoking
AN Incantation That Summons Invokes
Minds Conform TO Cradle AND Cradle AS ONE
This Little BOY THE NEW Born SON

'I' Speak NOW Louder Than Words
YOU'VE Paid THE Price TO Shepard THE Herds
Mankinds Hubris MY Metal Skin Girds
ALL Souls Strewn FOR Scavvenger Birds
Souls Laid TO Rest FOR Scavenger Birds

They Deify Knees Pressed TO THE Ground
THE ******* OF Bale ' OF ******* Abound
OF Deafening Lies Speaks A Deafening Sound
Worship THE Power OF Little Boys Crown
Worship THE Power OF Litle Boys Crown

I Beat MY Chest I Beat YOU Down
ALL Souls TO Rest Little Boys Come Around
I Beat MY Chest I Beat YOU Down
THE Heart OF THE SUN IN Little Boys Crown
I Beat MY Chest I Beat YOU Down
THE Finger OF GOD Never Touches THE Ground
THE Finger OF GOD Never Touches THE Ground

I Beat MY Chest I Beat YOU Down
Souls Laid TO Rest Little Boys Come Around
I Beat MY Chest I Beat YOU Down
THE Heart OF THE SUN IN Little Boys Crown

I Beat MY Chest I Beat YOU Down
Souls Laid TO Rest Little Boys Come Around
I Beat MY Chest I Beat YOU Down
THE Heart OF THE SUN IN Little Boys Crown

I Beat MY Chest I Beat YOU Down
THE Finger OF GOD Never Touches THE Ground
THE Finger OF GOD Never Touches THE Ground
As if the lyrics to an unwritten song that I wrote in my mid-teenage years...
Ken Mears Nov 2019
Death rides at midnight

Filling the land with blight

He casts a frightful image

As he rides through the village

His frightful scythe gleams

Wet with the blood of unrealized dreams

The cold, hard metal

Is uncaring enough to unsettle

Beneath his dark hood

Lies nothing good

Only the husk of a man

Who signals the end of a lifespan

His skeletal horse

He rides along his dutiful course

Whinnying as he stops

To **** the farmer's crops

Solemn is his duty

To take away life's beauty

Unbearable to a living man

The underworld's ghastly helmsman

The pistol is his herald

In his black cloak appareled

Weapons of war

Bring him to the door

His job is made no easier

Nor and breezier

By mankinds love of violence

Or vile fraudulence

All the thousands of young souls

Lives lost without completing their goals

Brought to a swift end

By Death only to attend

Death rides at midnight

Filling the land with blight

He casts a frightful image

As he rides through the village

Searching for souls to pillage
intelligence isnt the great enhancer
evolution will ensure it never rises again
its nothing less than clever cancer
just another link in a terminal chain
if any other life ever suffers this mutation
let us hope that some sign of us still remains
so they can see how to avoid mankinds imagination
that leads to death in so many intelligent ways
Fools try to get me punked like Bugaloo
But only for me to come back and hunt and taunt you
I'm getting mad bread with a three beautiful heads
Golden brown **** and round and once I pound
You hear that thundering sounds what's that holding down
Just the weight of my deadly poetry child prodigy
I'll def ya with my Beethoven melodies knocking suckas who try to shatter me
Ain't no little in me bigger than the rest
Show ya chest and watch me put a bird in it soon to nest
Hooked with crest light me a sess for stress
Yeah death taking in ya birth for what's worth
I got much girth from feelin' my grains
Sittin' as ya majesty masterfully I carefully
Plan the shots for the bodies to rot and got
Bars far days in ya head like angry triggers red
A provoke bred nothing but bloodshed
Hands on the led patients thin as a thread
Inside of needle kiss my crucifix in the cathedral
We livin' reckless and illegal far from tamed
Soaked in the game remains tragic and feelin' so much painnnnn

Rockin' the Glocks like my homie Pac
Said **** don't stop til I drop six feet under feelin' the wraths of wars blunder
Stuck between bad and good and wish I could smoke another blackwood
And there I stood? All alone in the battlefield with my fist clenched around the steel
Nothing but death and destruction cuz of mankinds instructions
Can't fiend for self so we look for help
From evil entities that's known enemies
Somehow someway I see them sway away
Cuz they karma on they heels hell's bills is sealed
Feelin' the adrenaline real and still barely gettin' a meal
Can't tell which is real ? Is it an illusion or another puzzle to fill
Missin' pieces hearts in creases please believe this
And if I gotta die so what I'll still be in a gangsta strut
A soldier made for war since I took a shot at the stars
In the late ******* the spiritual rites
Now I'm living the words that I spoke
Cloaked the birds that spoke feelin' the resurgence of Cain sitting in the back of brain it's all a game
Tryna shake the flames and dugged with so much painnn

— The End —