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Ashwin Kumar Aug 2019
In the name of democracy
An entire state is terrorized
Decade after decade
Freedoms are curbed
Protests are brutally suppressed
People are brutally oppressed
Education is diluted

In the name of democracy
The Army turns from protector to oppressor
Every soldier marching past
With his head held high
Sounds the death knell
For every man, woman and child
In the name of democracy
Soldiers break into houses
Wielding their massive rifles
As if it is their birthright
As the peace and harmony within
Is replaced by abject terror
In the name of democracy
All morals are flung out of the window
As the women are *****
The men who challenge this unspeakable atrocity
Are swiftly silenced with bullets
As the children begin screaming in terror
They are molested, one by one
Until the trauma overcomes them
Such that, they lose their voices
They lose their minds
They lose their hearts
Meanwhile, the soldiers slip away quietly
Having completed a good day of work
In the name of democracy

In the name of democracy
India and Pakistan, warring for decades
Use Kashmir as a bait
As a means to satisfy
Their unquenchable thirst for power
As the potion simmers on
Fuelled by hate on both sides
Curfews and lockdowns follow with alarming regularity
Schools and colleges are shut down
Political organizations are banned
The Internet is crippled
Mobiles and landlines are killed
Even the most feeble of all protests
Is brutally quelled with bullets and grenades

In the name of democracy
Consent is dead and buried
As nationalism takes centre stage
The world watches on silently
Allowing India, the oppressors-in-chief
To reclaim the moral high ground
And suddenly proclaim themselves as saviours
Leaving the beleaguered Kashmiris no choice
But to bow to their captors
Their dreams of self-determination
Shattered ruthlessly in the course of a mad, mad day
In the name of democracy
The shocking events of today forced me to rant in the form of this poem about Kashmir.  Patriotic, nationalistic Indians reading this may be tempted to troll me; but keep in mind, if you are silent on the atrocities of the Indian state and the army; you shouldn't complain if I block you - after all, humanity is above nationalism.
Big Virge Mar 2020
So Things Have STEPPED UP Now ...
To What Clearly Amounts ...
To A ... GLOBAL Lockdown ... !!!
Cos We’re Facing A War ...
UNLIKE ... ANY Before ... !!!
But Who’s Really Sure ...
What They’re Fighting For ... ???
Fighting For Life Is Reaching New Highs ...
While Political Guys Now ... POLITICISE ...
How It Is That The Masses Now Live Their Lives ...  
Inside And Online ...
NO Going Outside ... !!!
Unless Your Willing ...
To Make A KILLING ...
By Showing Off BUTTS And The TOP of Thighs ...
For ***** Guys Still Willing To Buy ...
A Lapdance While Receiving Food ...
And That’s Some Truth That’s Now In View ... !!!!!!!!
Incredible Yes But Don't Ever Forget ...
That The Selling of *** Will Never End ...
That’s Right Even When Contact Can Cause Death ... !!!
Dollars And Cents ...  
Are Still Needed YES ...
At A Time Where The Dow Is Going ... DOWN ...
Due To LOCKDOWNS Across Numerous Towns ... !!!
So The Pound Right Now ...
Isn’t Quite As Sound On Foreign Grounds ...
Because It’s Value Is Going ... SOUTH ... !!!
So It’s Causing Frowns And Furrowed Brows ...  
And Clearly Now ...
Is Sending Markets CRASHING ...
Economic Panic Due To This Pandemic ...
No Crunch Or Credit ...
But When You Really Check It ...
Now Monetary Moves ...
Are Being ... Suspended ...
Instead of  Just Being ENDED ... !!!
Lockdown Loans And Mortgage Quotes ...
Ah But That’s A NO GO For Corporate Folks ...
They’ll Want Their Dough When The Virus Slows ... !!!
... Think About It YO ... !!!
Do You Think That Cashflow ...
Has The Virus In Tow ... ???
It May Well Do ...
And May Well Affect YOU ... !!!
So Play It Cool ...
Don’t Make Dud Moves ...
That May Well Prove To Not Be Shrewd ...
Don’t Spend Like A Clown ...
Cos’ of Government Mouths ...
I Suggest You Take Time ...
To Really THINK About ........................................
The Long Term Affects ...
of This ... Corona ...
........ “ Lockdown “ ........ !!!!!
Well folks, the inspiration for this, needs no explanation !
Just please try to be wise and thoughtful people ......

This is the third of my, Corona Poem Series !!!

The First two being,
The Corona Virus and Heading .....
Anais Vionet Dec 2022
Life is a series of demands. Hurry up, perform.
Do your homework, write a paper, oh and read 300 pages,
get in those volunteer hours, grab those lab credentials.
I get busy, caught up in projects and I forget stuff
like dinnertime, peeing before it’s an emergency,
or like calling you - last night.
On vacation I’m unplugged, I’m avoiding focus,
I’m not paying attention, my mind’s wandering.
I’d want you less if it were required by law.
I imagine your huge, brown saucer eyes
exhibiting a wounded, blaming expression and I can’t.
Maybe there’s a biological explanation, yes, that’s it,
I’m missing an enzyme, I have a glandular disorder
that prevents long distance relationships from working.
No, not work - It can’t be work - it should be exciting.
Is it a crime to want some time off from pressure?
I’m not asking for a pony.
Just a sabbatical couple of weeks away from obligations.
I felt so guilty that I went to Karen (Lisa’s mom) about it.
We talked for over an hour, she’s so smart, I love her.
She reminded me about the recent lockdowns
and how years of skyping and remote learning
might affect (dull-down) a long distance romance.  
I told her what you said, about my sinatra psyche
and she said although I seem absurdly secure,
I’m probably still figuring things out - and that’s ok.
There’s really no substitute for talking to a mom.
I called you - and left a message - I hope you understand.
I turned my phone off - for now.
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now In This Day And Age...  
of... Cancel Brigades... !?!  

You Can’t Afford To Be Afraid...  
To... HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!

Our...  Freedom of Speech...  
Is A Basic Right... RIGHT... ?!?
Or Is It Being DENIED...  
When Certain Websites...  
Are Now DICTATING...  
What People Are Saying...  
On Their Website Pages...  
From Average Heads...  
To... Ex-Presidents... !!!  
Free Speech Dumped...  
And Stumped Liked Trump... !!!  
When It Comes To Airing Views...  
That Don’t Have Proof...  
Or Hold Values...  
That Are Proved To Speak TRUTH...  
But... Is THAT TRUE... ?!?
Cos’ Who’s Fooling Who...  
When It Comes To The News... ?  
And Speech On Vaccines...  
Because Any Kind of Speech...  
Linking Them To 5G...  
Is QUICKLY Deemed...  
To Be Some Kind of THEORY...  
That Is... PURE FALLACY... !!!
And A Conspiracy That...  
Has NO Basis In FACT... !!!
But That Shouldn’t Mean...  
That Those Whose Beliefs...  
Do Not Agree...  
With Those Who Lead...  
And Speak On TV...  
Now Should NOT Be Heard...  
Or Be Allowed To Be Seen... !?!  
So Folks HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!  
..... WITHOUT DELAY..... !!!  
Because It’s Okay To Disagree...  
With Mainstream Teams...  
And What They MANDATE... !!!
As Well As DICTATE...  
Pretty Much EVERYDAY... !!!
Into Peoples Pysches...  
And In Turn Their Mind States...  
As Being What’s RIGHT...  
And The Truth About Why...  
We’re Needing Lockdowns...  
And Vaccinations To Get Around...  
And Have Vacations In NICE Locations... !!!  
So... HAVE YOUR SAY...  
Because THEY Have THEIRS... !!!  
Those With FAME...  
And These WEALTHY Heirs... !!!  
Who Speak FREELY...  
EVEN When Their Speech...  
Is HATEFUL And MEAN... !!!!!  
Like PM’s... MP’s...  
And Presidents Seen...  
In... TWENTY TWENTY... !!!  
And As For The Blender...  
of Modern Day Genders...  
Are People NOT FREE...  
To Air The Kind of Speech...  
That Doesn’t Agree...  
With How They Be... ?!?  
Anti Hate Laws...  
Have Come QUICKLY... !!!  
While Racists Seem...  
To Just Make Apologies...  
And Don’t Get As Much Grief...  
From These Cancel Police...  
When They Use Terms...  
Like... “ Piccaninnies “... !?!
Double Standards And...  
...... MUCH HYPOCRISY...... !!!
Go With Policies...  
That Now SUDDENLY...
Have Come To The FORE...  
In A Time Where Disease...  
Than Economies... !!!  
Freedoms SHREDDED...  
Whilst Normalcy’s Presented...  
... In A Whole NEW Way... !!!  
So HAVE YOUR SAY... !!!  
Before It’s TOO LATE... !!!  
And BEFORE Things Sway...
Towards Police States...  
Being What We Face...  
ALL OVER The Place... !!!  
Don’t Delay And Wait...  
When You Are Told...  
To Keep Your Mouth Closed...  
By Those Who Control... !!!  
Who Don’t Seem To Know...  
How They Should Behave...  
In Political Zones... !?!  
They’re Being Exposed...  
And Being Shamed...  
More And More Nowadays... !!!
So Before They Make Claims...  
And Laws That Change...  
How People Can Relate...  
Their Views On Their Ways...  
And Demands That They Make...  
That Are Found To Be FAKE... !!!
Don’t Make The Mistake...  
of Choosing To WAIT...  
Because Your AFRAID...  
To Voice Your Opinion...  
On Things Like Dominion...  
Gender And Prescriptions...  
Now Causing Divisions... !!!  
I Suggest You Make SURE...  
That You DO NOT DELAY...  
When It Comes To The FREEDOM...
..... “Have Your Say”..... !!!
When it comes to freedom of speech, it should never have become, one rule for one, whilst being different for another !

So, as the poem suggests, have yours, before you can't !
Dave Robertson Aug 2021
I’m heading to the sea
in a slot not big enough to fit a holiday
so I’ll day

I think I’m packed:
a mind still rattled by life and lockdowns?
a palpable desire for vistas unknown?
a rucksack of memories, of sand, of wafer cones,
of wasps, of crystalline, sweet wrapper lights on mad, unsafe beach rides, on windbreaks, on digging, on seaweed and brown British waves?

Let’s start this engine, then

Should’ve gone before we left
the irony’s not lost on me
even though I’m now the boss of me
I’ve still had to stop in local circles
cos someone needs a ***

I’ll blame the coffee

Frightening fast the local roads fade
the five and ten mile loops of life
are gone
and the roots we commute and commune on
rest bone rigid, obscured

Passing Crowland
impossibly flat plains
thoughts turn to darkness
and misunderstood witches lost here
until the smirk of Cowbit assuages

Only the Welland, alongside
still talks of home
til even she changes
speaks in wider verbs
tidal verbs of ebb and flow
showing thick mud beneath

These long, straight roads are deceptive
leaving meanders to river and mind
while hiding accidents in plain sight

The road sentence ended
and after chewing a space to park
shoes changed to something wholly uncool
but fitting me well
first steps on the unsure grammar of sand
reminding that syntax here takes much more effort

a dune cleft gives a known view
I’ve never seen before
and then I’m through

sky and horizon blast me

for frozen moments I’m lost,
these common seas I shrug off in my head
smirk at
as nothing against turquoise
or rock raged waves
still bring tears
against my smile

I listen at the language in the shallows,
the rush and hustle,
and feel a glimmer of foreignness as I can’t make out the message
but I get the gist

To honour holidays of old
I sat a spell in Wolla Bank car park
though inauthentically the rain didn’t fall

I was forced to imagine the windscreen steamed
and had no fish paste on white
as I’d paid full price to eat at a cafe
unheard of back in the day

I did read the car park info sign
about the clay pits around
where historical sea defences were mined
and that did the job of taking my mind back

and the closing thought of petrified trees
beneath the waves til very low tide
did its best to haunt

Heading home
wistful I suppose,
though I’m not sure where I got all the wist

the sea is a keeper of memories
a chewer and cogitator
so when they return to the shore
and are spoken again
what you thought you knew back then
may have changed
deepened, softened
and hopefully your youthful idiocy
is allowed to be forgotten

if you came for the ride
thanks, as ever, for joining me x
Big Virge Sep 2021
Folks The Way Things Are Going...
It’s Kinda... MIND BLOWING... !!!

How People Are Coping...
With Businesses Closing...
And Pressures Now Growing...

Due To Lockdowns In Motion...
And Injection Potions...
Now Giving Out Notions...
of SLOWING Corona...
POWERS And Controllers...
Now Throwing BIG Boulders...
For People To Shoulder... !!!!!!!

So Now Folks Are COLDER...
Than Girls Who Are Loners... !!!

Or Fellas Whose Focus...
Is Using What’s POTENT...
Like Sharks In DARK Waters... !!!

Lambs To The SLAUGHTER...
With Reinforced Borders...
As People Get POORER... !!!

Nights Out Now OUTLAWED....
For... Internet Wars... ?!?
And Addictions To ****... !!!

Tempers Now Short...
As Mentalities TAUT...
Due To Lockdowns Enforced...
For Our Safeties Of Course...

Well I’m NOT Really SURE... !?!

No Star Wars Or Force...
For People To Maul...

Just Internal Brawls...
Because Minds States Are Caught...
In A Place That’s Unsure... ?!?

It’s MIND BLOWING Y’all... !?!
To See Freedoms Downfall...

Streets Ain’t Cracking No More...
Like They Were Once Before... !!!!

Freedom of Thought...
Is NOT Taught Anymore... !!!

The Signs Are Not Bright...
And Filled With Sunshine... ?!?

So Who Can Now Say...
That They’re Really OKAY...
With Their Lifestyles Today... ?!?

And That What They’re Now Paid...
Takes Their Troubles Away...
And That They’re Feeling GREAT... !?!

Well... TRUST When I Say...
That MANY Would CLAIM...
That They Are Finding Ways...
To Still Get Through The Days....

So I’m Thinking Some May...
Read This Type of Wordplay...
And Then Choose To Say.....

That … “I am a dude...
whose views have dark hues,
about future moves,
that will blow people’s cool !”


“My mind exudes clues,
of what’s fake and what’s true,
and reflects on the news,
without studio rooms,
edits, or previews !”

Now That’s Simply Because...
I DO NOT Ignore Plots...
Made By Government Bods...
That Seem Destined To Make...
Peoples Minds BLOW AWAY... !!!

So What I Write About...
Are The Things That Resound...
Within World Visions Now...
And That’s WITHOUT DOUBT... !!!

Corona Is Known...
From East To West Coast...
To The Entire Globe... !!!

But Back To This Flow...
of Wordplay That Shows...
Why People Might Say...
That My Wordplay’s INSANE... !?!

Cos’ It’s MIND BLOWING How...
My Rhymes Dish Out KNOCKOUTS... !!!

To... FAST Talking Mouths...
Whose Futures Wore Crowns...
And Had Dollars And Pounds...
That Made Them Feel PROUD...

BEFORE This Disease...
Started … FREEZING Money... !!!

Via Technical Dreams...
That Have Now Become REAL...
And Bred... Societies...
Now Ready To Be...
Those That Can Run CASH FREE... !!!

And Of Course These Vaccines...
That In Truth May NOT Be...
What Will Keep Us Healthy... ?!?

I’m Not Sure How Some Feel...
That What We’re Now Seeing’s...
A Good Place For Our Being... ?!?

But For Now I’m Still Quoting...
REAL Thoughts Through My Poems...

That I Think Y’all Be Knowing...

Are TRULY......

..... “ Mind Blowing “..... !!!
There is much I see out there in todays world, that certainly does it to mine...
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2022
01004    (N18>N25>N86>N365)

i guess it was just one of those days that managed to be split
between two:
get up at 7am: shower, get dressed,
head out for the first shift as a supervisor at the London
stadium: starting at 9am... work until 4:30pm...
shake hands with the stewards at the end of the shift
for making my job all the more easier...
calling control (of the stadium) on my radio telling them:
there's a limping crow on the pitch, could we please remove
him? not so easily done, but done nonetheless...

finishing the shift having to master the art of moving
through spectators also leaving,
heading toward Wembley stadium,
starting the shift at 6pm and working until 11:30pm...
leaving the stadium trapped by more spectators
leaving the stadium... being | | this close to getting into
Wembley Park station: i was already planning
a swift return home... on the metropolitan line
to Liverpool St. then a quick train ride back to Romford...
obviously that wasn't going to happen...
**** man: i love this change of plan...
i watched as people were rushing to Wembley Central
station while i walked into a shop
and bought myself a bottle Coca-Cola for mixing
with whiskey at home, a packet of Sterling cigarillos,
a packet of 10: only £5.30...
a packet of crisps and a magnum milk and white chocolate
raspberry ice-cream... walked to the first bus stop...
PACKED... chicken-brain: hatch a man...
absolutely necessary to walk up stream to the origins
of the bus route... passed one bus-stop back:
packed... passed a third: packed... the fourth
at Wembley Central was empty: for a while...
before i noticed that Wembley Central was closing
and people started congregating...
oh **** this... i walked back to the fifth bus-stop...
or maybe it was the sixth...
no... no way am i going to get on a bus:
watch it get packed like a can of sardines
and stand there like a clueless *****!
i have walk back a mile and sit in the front seats
of a double decker on top: SIT... relax... after a long day...
than stick around with these sheepish folk
that would rather stand at a bus-stop with about
50 other people than figure up what salmon do...

ha! plan worked... sat up-stairs on the front two
seats... now i said to myself:
this is my favorite bus journey: from Wembley
to Romford...
first the N18... then the N25... then the N86
and finally the N365...
                                    mind you: north London grime
architecture is very different to east London
grime architecture... i prefer the London grime architecture
to the east London grime...

as i sat down i thought to myself: what i really now
for this to be an "Emirates" journey back home
is for some pretty girl to sit down next to me...
hey presto! i'm a firm believer in luck of late...
i was lucky today...
she sat down... a sort of Camila Cabello lookalike:
but much prettier... Spanish... i can decipher Spanish
when i hear it: d'uh... i could never find a Spanish girl
i found attractive: Spanish feminists and French
feminists put me off from looking...
but there she was... sitting pretty... raven hair...
glasses... blue-grey eyes... skin tone: mocha with a hint
of cinnamon and bronze...
i felt an Adam's apple in my throat choking me...
will i speak to her?
a little nudge of the leg on her part...
a little bristle of arm against on arm...
then dozing off her head almost rested on my shoulder...
i just couldn't help admire the difference in size
of our two bodies...
by thumb alone i had a thumb 1.5x larger than hers...
i looked at my shoulders in the reflexion
in the glass lit up by streetlamps...
  then i looked at her petite exposed details...
she kept flicking her hair: at one point the detailed
a style that i greatly admire: no partition down the middle:
although she pulled it off stunningly because
her raven hair was slightly bouncy: not curly:
bouncy... but then she flicked her hair to one side...
so feminine details any woman could wish to have...
naturally gracing some ancient altar of
man's admiration...

  a crescendo came when some ******* came on the bus
and was playing some ****** rap music
for us to listen to... turns out he wasn't a *******...
he ended playing Coldplay's Paradise...
the entire bus erupted in song... everyone was
singing... she was singing: me? i was just smiling...
she then asked this guy who was standing over her
(because the bus was that full that people were
also standing on the upper-deck) about whether
the N18 stops at St. Paul's...
my throat loosened and i turned around to her:

no... what you have to do is get off at Oxford Circus
and turn left onto the Oxford St. and catch
the N25 bus to St. Paul's... and as i did what i instructed
her to do... i got up and realised:
she came a magical puff of smoke never to be seen
          i knew this was going to happen...
make your heart small... make your heart small...
dangerous daydreaming to begin with...
i knew nothing would come of anything like this...
do people still meet people of their dreams
in random locations in life? on buses?
or is the whole dating experience all about profiling
yourself on the internet so that people
have a boring a priori knowledge of you?
that's why dating is so ****... there's nothing to unravel...
there's nothing to discover: absolutely no thrill...

but this is most certainly my favourite route...
esp. at night... and if you can time it perfectly...
you jump on one bus... jump off it then jump onto
another and a maxim you have to wait for the third
is about a minute: enough time to take off your shoe...
pull up your sock, put the shoe back on and not have
time to do the shoelaces...
i was going to get off the N25 at Stratford bus station
but as the bus was circling the station
i noticed a blackened N86 waiting...
the driver just managed to go down from the second
deck to his cabin and pour himself a coffee from
a flask... so i stayed on the bus to Ilford Hill...
but... i started to watch my back...
yep... just before Manor Park i saw the ******
speeding... quickly got the N25 and jumped
straight onto the N86...
i was in lucky... from Goodmayes there were
only three people on the bus...
we sped past Chadwell Heath and entered Romford
without anyone at bus stops or anyone
trying to get off...

walked to the last bus-stop and caught the N365
to Collier Row... then... talked to myself for a while...
literally... i talked to myself...
i only do this "talking to myself" when i tired
of thinking it... then thinking has absolutely no effect
on me: when i can't do any ego-tripping:
i talk to myself when i've exhausted all avenues
of feeling all "high and mighty"... i bring myself
to a level of conversation: since i can talk to myself:
but i can't think to myself... how can i?
i'm not even myself when i'm thinking: all that ego-*******:
shrapnel thinking...

did i hear my company manager just tell me
he gave me an extra hour of the second shift?
call me a legend... because i was the only person in the company
willing to do a double-shift? i must have:
that's why i started talking to myself: i think i misheard
and wasn't i a supervisor today, even though modern
security standards require you to have an NVQ level 3
while i only have a level 2?
and my treating stewards with the utmost respect
having than talking down to them: gaining their trust
and mutual respect, isn't that something?
that golden rule: treat others like you'd like to be treated?

and to think: i was in the trenches and pitfalls
of madness for so long... my 20s are a blur
or psychiatric pharmacology and psychological
while most people lost their minds during the Corona
virus lockdowns: i regained mine:
i guess people were a given a taste of the sort of medicine
i was prescribed for so long...
i returned like a phoenix... i exploded back into
the realm of human interaction with shedding
my straitjacket... why could it be so weird
that i hear a choir either ascend or descend in a church
and then in a heat of panic hear a great wind
disperse the choir?
what's so weird about that? doesn't anyone who fasts
and smokes marijuana conjure up such auditory
hallucinations daily? sure... sure... blame it on the ****:
i actually gained while others lost...
i returned to a state i remember myself as being
in high school: not-two-faced... just chameleon like...
i can be liked by almost anyone these days...
one guy who's prone to wearing finger-less leather
gloves and that famous Palestinian bandana takes one
of his gloves off and is so happy to shake hands
with me...

even today i walked into a chicken shop before the second
shift and met up with two stewards i've worked with
before... i ordered a spicy five wing meal...
they were waiting for their meal...
we talked about Miranda (the strawberry drink)
was any good... shift times... blah blah... i stood next to them
and ate... they were perched on stools...
we ate together... Somalis?! who cares...
it's not like England is America....
race is a descriptive investment: not a prejudicial
aspect... i need to say if someone is either Somali
or Samoan or Eskimo... it just paints a certain picture
that a white boy can be on level ground...
my greatest concern whenever dealing with
someone is... respect... the surest sign of respect
is: i'll eat with you... i finished my chicken wings ate
some of the fries... i noticed one of the guys
ordered a burger and a wrap... i couldn't finish
the chips... so i asked... hey...
there's some unopened mayo pouch...
i can't finish these chips: do you want them?
you sure: he implored... mate... i'm full...
he gladly took them thanking me...

of the two best quote i have yet to topple:
Bukowski: some people never go mad...
what horrible lives they must live...
there are variations on this one...
quos deus vult perdere, prius dementat
ha! those whom god wishes to destroy,
he first deprives of reason...
there's a double take on that...
point in mind: to destroy: not... to be destroyed...
meaning? if a deity requires a change of pace
for humanity... it's not a maxim directly related
to Hercules...
  to destroy doesn't imply: to be destroyed...
quem Iuppiter vult perdere, dementat prius
is more precise in that assumption...
those whom Jupiter wishes to destroy,
he first deprives of reason... then again? no!
destroy what? himself or the world around him?!
i've seen the world being destroyed...
if the gods truly wanted me sulking, mumbling...
in some mental institution... i would be just there...
but i'm all in the open... i've regained my strength!
i haven't destroyed destroyed myself...
i've regained myself: perhaps it's not the old me
i remember with a rich cognitive-narration lodged inside
my head: but? instead it's lodged in my read:
that's how the Cartesian dynamic works...
you can begin with the "solipsistic" res cogitans...
but end up after a psychotic transformation
as being a res extensa: what you think about in sketches
you write about in a narrative that's "escaped"
the hell of your supposed "thinking"...
couple that with experiences of auditory hallucinations...
letters, words... are better coupled to writing
than anything the Beatnik attempted with exploring
language with hallucinogenic additives...
believe me... first comes music: then music notation:
then... the ambiguities of what's being spoken...
after all: you can speak language in a rainbow of accents...
but you can't exactly play an instrument
idiosyncratically: it has to be universally arrived at...
otherwise it's particular, i.e. out of tune...
whereas music is universal: language is particular...
sure... the strict obligations of the written tongue
being universal... but? how it sounds? there's nothing
universal about language beside the fact that language exists
per se... English is not a universe language:
it's a modern version of the medieval Lingua Franca...
but... how many versions of English are there?

there's a version of English in every language
that already exist...
on the N25 bus i overheard some Hindus giggling
and dropping loan-word-bombs prompto:
chicken... nuggets...

hmm... something strange happens when you strart
leaning on the res extensa (extended thing)
rather than focusing on the egocentric (cogito)
of the res cogitans (thinking thing)...
a res vanus (empty thing) is spawned...
of course in the realm of res extensa you can
mix-up your own thinking with strange hallucinations
that are cognitive in nature and can be misunderstand
as sensual: on the basis that "thinking" is "audible"...
for example:
Matthew: you're a genius.... a strange expression
for an ego to have: given there's a denotation
of a noun, a given name:
a chair doesn't reply to: you're a great table,
does it?
ergo? an "i" doesn't respond to: you're either genius:
or a Matthew...
an i is an i... a hammer is a hammer...

oh god no... Descartes is yet to be properly invested
in intellectually...
he gave the really proper antithesis of
Christian trinity theology...
Freud just created cages for modern modern
to be behaviour-ably: un-stimulating....
predictable: all that ego super-ego id schematic
is ****-pants worth when pointing a finger back
and telling people: just do what as i do:
do some Cartesian-revisionism...
it will do you much good...

you heard that joke about a bilingual "schizophrenic"?
apparently he's exponentially squared and squared root
of a quadratic...
i think i regained my senses by going mad first...
second came the destruction:
given the damage already done:
i had nothing else in me to destroy... the world needed
a fire... so great that it would have to experience
a shackling to either luck, fate, or? circus...
or all three! ha ha!

it was truly a bountiful day... that N18 bus ride
with that pretty Spanish girl gave me flickers of hope...
heavenly Islamic harems exist...
if only... wait... she did have one or two "awkward"
flickers of freckles.... freckles? moles... those "puns"...
i terribly hate people who make millions
scribbling sensibly guised never-good-byes...
i'm supposed to be picking up a second bicycle i'll
be using to go off the road today...
5:30am... i'lll sleep until 1am then thinking about it...

n'ah... two bicycles... i always loved the idea...
one day i ride on the roads...
the other day i ******* into the woods...
chances are i'll come across a blind rabbit..
as you do...
mind you... even with todays? yesterdays!
yesterdays! shift... i was mostly dealing with the early
but it's Coldplay... it's not like the Red Hot Chilly Peppers...
if they're doing a world tour...
and they have the same set-list?
i already heard their two best songs
when they play them first... Paradise and
Adventure of a Lifetime...
  Yellow? i couldn't care less... Fix You...
fix constipation first fix diarrhoea thirst...
don't panic, no? we all live in a beautiful world?!

Orange hue of Gulmohar,
Saffron colored palash
Hanging golden laburnum,
The beauty I had lost!

Blazing sunrise,
Golden sunsets,
Silent lakes,
Nature I
took for granted!

Family meetings,
Friends get-togethers,
Laughter and fun,
I wish, I had attended
some more.

Lockdowns, Isolation and
Bought reality in my thoughts,
Small frictions and meaningless anger,
Busy earning the useless money,
Stole my days of life once lived,
My carefree time enjoying
nature & its beauty!

I promise, now the priorities will change,
Life will never ever be in the back seat again!

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Gulmohar and Palash are Indian ornamental flowering trees both referred to as Flame-of -the-forest. Both have intense golden orange colored blossom flower just like cherry blossoms.

Gulmohar - Royal poinciana,
Palash - ******* teak, Parrot tree.
nick armbrister May 2021
They ask us to trust them when we get the anti CCP Virus jab
So we are safe and sound and protected from their virus
But upon reading multiple reports and articles
I’m scared fecking shitless about being jabbed up
I can die in a dozen horror film ways too gory to say
A really bad gig that many innocents took one way trip
With so many years to live now stolen with their lives
This is wrong and not right you must agree?
What do I believe? Is the CCP Virus made to **** us?
Rid the world of 7 billion people so only 500 million survive
Of course this is ******* from a badly scripted B-Movie
But where did they get their idea from a **** crackhead?
It’s obvious something is wrong and we are now under control
Big Brother lived out his film script 1984 style and here we are
Lockdowns and vaccines and troops on the street
It will get much much worse when we are forcibly chipped…
Big Virge Oct 2021
Well Now Let Me Be ******...
If Most Peoples’ Lives...
Aren’t Just One BIG SHAM... !!!
Because Exposure of Lies...
Has Now Become...
A Thing That Runs...
Now Corona Has Come... !!!
Twenty Twenty It’s Said...
Gives PERFECT Vision... !!!
Well It Did RESET...
And Create Conditions...
That Now Have Steered...
The TRUTH Towards Ears...
And EXPOSED The Fears...
of Those Who’ll Adhere...
To... Vaccine Drives...
Claimed To Save Our Lives... ?!?
So Have Quickly Compromised...
So They Can Get To Go Outside...
And Get On With Their Life... !!!
Well I’ll Be ******... !!!
If Those Who CLAIMED...
That They Stand AGAINST The MAN... !!!
Haven’t QUICKLY Changed Their Stance...
And Done The... OPPOSITE of THAT... !!!  
And Have Run Like The Flash...
To Get Back That Cash...
That Corona TOOK AWAY...
When These Lockdowns Came...
So Will They Be ******... ?!?
For These Claims That They’ve Made...
That DON’T Make The Grade...
of Standing AGAINST...
How Governments Play...
The Same Old Game... !!!
And Stating... THAT...
To Keep People Trapped...
In A Place That’s ******... !!!
If They WON’T Do...
What They’re TOLD To Do... !!!
The HARSHEST Truths...
Are Now... IN VIEW... !!!
Just Look At Who...
Has Signed Up To...
Vaccination Pools...
And Have Quickly Queued...
To Get Their SHOT... ?!?
Their Shot of WHAT... ?
They Don’t Have A Clue... ?!?
But Because of FEAR...
And What They HEAR...
From Political Spheres...
About How POTENT...
This Corona Potion...
Is Proving To Be...
They’ve Accepted Vaccines...
And Technology...
That May Well ****...
EVER Being... FREE...
To Truly Move FREELY...
As Well As ****...
Folks To... Disease... ?!?
If Immune Systems...
Are Being Weakened...
By Shots That Wreak...
of Effects That Seek...
To... WEAKEN Bodies... !?!
Which Is Just A Theory... !!!
But I Guess I’ll Be ******...
For Speaking On Conspiracies...
That May Well Just Be...
... TOTAL FALLACY... ?!?
Like Men Who Embark...
On... Having Families...
Where They Are Daddies...
When In Truth They Really...
Like **** Up Their ****... !?!
Well I’ll Be ******...
What’s Up With That... ?!?
And What’s Up With These Chicks...  
Who Choose To **** Their *****... ?!?
Time And AGAIN...
When These Men Want MEN... ?!?
And Let’s Quickly Look At...
These Heads of Finance...
Who AVOID Paying Tax... !!!
Shouldn’t They Be ******...
For Doing Stuff Like That... ?!?
And As For Some Blacks...
Well I’ll Be ******... !!!
If They Don’t Lie...
About Their Hatred of Whites...
Because They’re The Type...
To QUICKLY Fall In Line...
With The Type of White Guys...
Who... AREN’T So Nice... !?!
And Will Do ANYTHING...
To Get Between White Thighs...
And DON'T You Dare Think...
That These Black Women...
Ain’t About White ****... !?!
Because I’ll Be ******...
If **** That’s Black...
And DARKER Than Clans...
of These Ku Klux Mans... !!!
Is Where They Be At...
Instead of Round Cash...
That White ***** Have... !!!
As I’ve Said Before...
I Now Know The Score...
When Your Skin Tones Light...
You’ll Do Alright...
And Will Get A Pass...
To Tap Some Light Skinned ***...
And That’s A... FACT... !!!
Now When It Comes To...
.... Some Rastas....
Well I’ll Be ******...
If I Haven’t Heard Chatter...
From... Certain Mans...
Who YES Have LOCKS...
But Have Truly Been Shocked...
By... How Their Living...
Is... SYSTEM Driven... !?!
And How They’re Thinking...
Has Certain Things MISSING...
When It Comes To How...
They Are System Hounds...
For Dollars And Pounds...
Instead of Living Off Grounds...
Where Freedom Allows...
A Way For Them...
To REJECT The System... !!!
And That Right There...
Is Where I’ll End...
Because It’s True...
You’re Being A FOOL...
If You Choose To Believe...
Everything That You See...
......... In Society.......
And The CLAIMS People Make...
In The Things That They SAY...
Because Many Can’t Back...
What They Say With... FACTS...
So Put Up BIG ACTS... !!!
Which Is Probably Why...
Most Are FRIGHTENED To Die...
Because Most of Them Know...
That When It’s Time To Go...
That They’ll Be FAST Tracked...
To A Place Where They’ll Be...
...... “ ****** “...... !!!
I truly am shocked at how this Coronavirus has exposed, just how many people deal in, lies and hypocrisy, hence this poem.
Big Virge Jul 2020
Now These Words Are TRUE...
And... NOT From Some Cartoon...
Where A Dog's Being Used... !!!!!!!


YIKES... There Are SPIKES..
of Infections Spreading... !!!

That Could Cause A New CRISIS... !!!

That’s... Much WORSE Than ISIS... !!!

SPIKING Here And SPIKING There... !?!

Because of BREACHES...
... CLOSING Beaches... !!!
So Now Cars Are Ensnared...
Like Stars Up In Our Atmosphere... !!!

Because MILE LONG Queues...
Are Now In View That Seem To Prove...

That Lots of People DON'T CARE... ?!?
And Could Really CARE LESS... !?!

About Coronas Spread...
Now That Word’s Been Sent...
From Government Heads...
That The Spread Has Cooled...?!?

Now I DON’T Think That I’m A Fool... !?!
But Am Now Getting A Little Confused... ?!?

Because... If This Is TRUE... ?!?
Why Are Infection Rates SPIKING...
Like Boots Built For HIKING... ?!?

Infection Rates CLIMBING... !!!
In Places Where Sightings...
of Groups Are Now FRIGHTENING... !!!

These... Medical Heads...
Who Are QUICK To Express...
That Corona Is FAR...................
From Reaching It’s END... !!!

In Fact Trends Now Suggest...
That It’s Gonna Progress...
And Cause People More STRESS... !!!

Because Systems Aren’t Ready...
For Spikes That Could UNSTEADY...

The Reduction of Cases...
Because People Aren’t Spacing...
Like They Have Been TOLD... !?!

Some Are Being... TOO BOLD... !!!
When They’re... Leaving Their Homes...
And These Protesters Have...
Now Indeed... HINDERED Plans... !!!
To Stop The Increase of INFECTIONS... !!!

That Are Now Being Seen...
To Be... RISING AGAIN... !!!

And Indeed Now SPIKING... !!!!
In Destinations With BIG Populations... !!!

Where Lockdowns Were EASED...
To Help STOP The FREEZE...
of Their... ECONOMIES... ?!?

But... Now It Would SEEM...
That They Were Being HASTY... !?!

And Have OPENED Up Streets...
To NEW SPIKES of... DISEASE... !?!

Because Cash SUPERSEDES...
People Being... HEALTHY... ?!?

I Dunno About You...
But It Seems STRANGE To Me... ?!?

That... Election Rallies...
Were Allowed To Receive...
Congregations To See...
The President Speak...
About Campaign Themes... ?!?

While SPIKES Are Being Seen...
Right Across Their Country... ?!?

And... NOT Just The... U.S...
But The World GLOBALLY... !?!

And Now We’re Being Told...
That There Are Countries That Hold...

A Truth That’s UNTOLD... !!!

About The... REAL Death Tolls... !!!
In Countries Where Controls...
And Testing Are... LOW... !!!

Because... Pure BRAVADO...
Is What Some Leaders Have Shown... ?!?

Who Are Telling STORIES...

But What Is THE TRUTH... ?!?
WITHOUT... Allegories...

Folks Now NEED PROOF...
That’s Water Tight TOO... !!!

That SPIKES Will NOT Now...
Start Going Through Roofs... !!!!

To RETURN To Schools …
BEFORE … Children Do... !!!!!

Because Corona's REFUSED...
To Become A... "RECLUSE"... !!!

Just Like The Folks...
Who’ve Now BROKEN Rules... !!!

By... Leaving Their Homes...
Even When There’s CURFEWS... !!!

To... PARTY And ABUSE...
POLICE And News Crews...
Over... RACE Issues...
And OTHER Things Too... !!!

That Are Causing SPIKES...
To Start Reaching NEW HEIGHTS... !?!

Now ENDANGERING Life... !!!

But... Is That Right... ???

I’ll Let You Decide...
While I Write Some More Rhymes...
About The NEW RISE of These Corona Vibes...

May Cause A SURPRISE... !!!

That WON’T Be One...
That People Will LIKE... !!!

If What It Supplies...

Because of PARTY Vibes...
And... Protest Lines...

That May Now Have Caused...
... Corona To SOAR...
And Start A NEW WAR... !!!

Due To Infection Rates...

In Ways That INVITE...

Where Corona Can Find...
Ways To... Once AGAIN...

.......... “ SPIKE “.........
Well, people were warned, so shouldn't be surprised !
Big Virge Dec 2020
Now I Have Had It Said...
That I’m Pretty INTENSE... !!!

Which I Guess Is Because...
My Thinking Is STRONG... !!!

As Is My Poetry...
Because My Verse Deals...
Rather Than Fallacies...
And Foolish FANTASIES... !!!!!!

Is A Thing That Runs DEEP...
Just Like The Oceans' Seas... !!!

And Political Scenes That Are Seen Currently...
That Affect How It Is That People Now Live...

Now To Me They’re INTENSE...
Like Todays Regiments...
of... Leaders And Heads... !!!

Like Those Now In Congress...
Who Are Causing Folks STRESS...
Due To How They Address...
Todays Global Problems...
That Are INTENSE To Me...
When It Comes To Disease... !!!

Like This Corona Virus...
That’s Intense Like Gang Violence... !!!

That WAS Seen On The Streets...
BEFORE Lockdowns Were Seen... !!!

An INTENSITY That Runs...
Like Streets That Hold Guns...
When People Are STUCK...
Like A Nun Who Wants Some... !!!

If You Get What I Mean... ?!?

When It Comes To The Needs...
That Their Vows Do NOT Feed... !!!

Yes I Mean SEXUALLY... !!!

A Thing That’s INTENSE...
When You Want But CAN'T Get...
To Have... INTENSE ***...
That Makes Women Get Wet... !!!

But Intensity Runs...
WAY BEYOND ****** Stuff... !!!

Like... Trying To Bluff...
When You’re Really NOT Tough...
And Deep Down Want To RUN...
From... Confrontations...
That Could See Loss of Blood... !!!

Just Like Those Dark Times...
When Somebody Close Dies... !!!

Because Most Cannot Deal...
When Intensity Feels...
Like They Just Cannot Cope...
When Things Hit Those Dark Zones... !!!

Like... Societal Woes...
That Nowadays Roll...
That Feed INTENSE Times...
Like Those Now Supplied...
By These Corona Vibes... !!!

And Modern Day Crimes...
Like Those That DENY...
A Way To Live Life...
ABOVE Poverty Lines... !!!

And INTENSE Elections...
That Now Need Inspection...
Like Talk of Infections...
That Breed INTENSE TENSIONS... !!!

About … Wearing MASKS...
And Freedoms Now PARKED...
And DISTANCED Like Hearts...
That Are Now Kept A p a r t... !!!

Because of The Need...
To Be Given VACCINES... ?!?
That May Breed INTENSE Scenes... !!!

Because of... " Theories "...
That Are Now INTENSELY...
Spread On Internet Feeds... !!!

Is What Societies...
Are Feeding To People...
To Keep Many Feeble...
And Dealing In EVIL...

The Ride’s Now INTENSE...
When It Comes To Defence...
Against Being JOBLESS... !!!
And STRESSING Out Friends... !!!

Because of The PRESSURES...
That Now Need To LESSEN...


That Pressures Suppress...
A Way To... Reject...
The Things That Cause Stress... !!!

As Well As The Way...
That Some People Behave...

Is Just How Some DEFEND...
Against Letting Pretence...
And A World of NONSENSE...

Lead To Causing PROBLEMS...
That They CANNOT Deflect... !!!

And To KEEP AWAY... Punks...
Who Think They Can Pull Stunts...
After Running Their Mouths...
When They Act Like Sad Clowns... !!!

So Make SURE You’re CORRECT... !!!
BEFORE You... Suggest...

That The Way Someone Acts...
Is... REALLY...

..... “ INTENSE “.....
Inspired, as the poem says, by the suggestion that i'm an intense guy !
Big Virge Jul 2021
So Now Government Measures...  
Are Placing PRESSURES...  
Because of Infections...  
of Corona SPREADING... !!!  

These Measures Have PRESSURED...
The Minds of Heads Vetted...  

Because of NEW Strains...  
Coming From FAR Away... !!!  
South Africa Now...  
Has A Strain That Is FOUL... !!!  
That Has Reached Foreign Grounds...  
And STRENGTHENED Lockdowns...  
Even Though Certain Measures...  
Are Claimed To Have Lessened...  
... The Rate of Infections... ?!?  
So Who’s Measuring...  
The Talk That’s Now Spreading...  
From Minister's Mouths...  
And Congressman Found...  
To Have Had Their TWO Doses...  
of Vaccines Now Focussed...  
To Hinder The Spread...  
of Infections And DEATHS... !!!  
But Who Then Get INFECTED...  
By This Thing... AGAIN... !?!  
Whose Measuring Them... ?!?  
And The Figures They Use...  
That Suggest They’ve Reduced...  
This... CORONA PROBLEM... ?!?  
Because Measures Have CHANGED...  
But Are Back To The SAME...  
Keep Your Mask On Your Face...  
And Keep Well Away...  
So YES...... Social Distance... !!!  
Lockdowns Back In Vision...  
To Keep Folks Positioned...  
INSIDE of Their Homes... !!!  
New Measures Seem BOLD... !!!  
To... Wake Up And RISE...  
And Get Off To WORK...  
So That You Can EARN... !?!  
Which Works For The Heads...  
Who Can Work From Their Beds... !!!  
Now The Question That Begs...  
Is It... For YOU Or For THEM... ?!?  
But What About Those...  
Whose Job Makes Them Go...  
OUTSIDE Into Zones...  
Where This MIGHTY FOE...  
Might Choose To Take HOLD... !?!
of Breaths That They Take...  
Or That’s Right The POLICE... !!!  
Every Day Measures Seem...  
To Be Getting EXTREME...
Due To This DISEASE... !!!  
But NONE of These Measures...  
ARE EASING The Tensions...  
That Poverty Breeds... !!!  
When A Lack of Money...  
Is Affecting The Means...  
That Covers Your Bills... !!  
A Measure That CHILLS...  
When You Think of The ILLS...  
That These Measures Cause... !!!  
Small Businesses KILLED... !!!
Due To Lockdowns Enforced...  
That SHUT DOWN Their Tills... !!!  
While Lawyers And Legals...  
Are Still Charging People...  
To Conduct THEIR EVIL... !!!  
And High Fliers FLY...  
While The Poor Are DENIED...  
A Chance To Just CHILL...  
On A Beautiful Hill... !?!  
New Measures Are Steering...  
Towards People FEARING...  
How They Can Stay SOLVENT...  
In Times Where Our Problems...  
DON’T Have Simple Cures... !!!  
Unless They’re Procured...  
By... VACCINE Companies...  
Whose Measures Are Seen...  
To Be Those That Will EASE...  
This Threat of Disease... !!!  
But What Is The Measure...  
of CASH They’ll Receive... ?!?  
Will It Be Like Buried Treasure...  
That Breeds... PIRACY...  
Corruption And Greed... ?!?  
Or Will It Finally Be...  
What Helps Humans See...  
An END To This Virus...  
And CLEANER Environments...  
Where Humans Can BREATHE...  
Through Their Nose EASILY... ?!?  
WITHOUT Masking Measures...  
Or Streets of Protestors...  
Whose Measures Are Seen...  
As Being A THREAT...  
To Human Existence... !!!  
And Agendas Now SET...  
To Leave Freedoms For DEAD... !!!  
Because What I Now See...  
Is A WORRYING Trend...  
of SUBMISSIVE Mindsets...  
Who Seem QUICK To ACCEPT...  
What Is Government Fed... ?!?  
When It Comes To The Pressures...  
That Have Now CLEARLY...  
Become What Will Feed...  
What People Will See...  
In Nations GLOBALLY...  
Within Future World Scenes...  
Forms of PREVENTION...  
That Just Like The Phrase...  
... “ Too Little Too Late “...  
Apply To The Name...  
of This Poetic Piece...  
of Big Virge Poetry... !!!  
As A World That Concedes...  
To... Tests And Vaccines...  
As Well As Policies...  
That Embrace The Ideal...  
of Giving PROTECTION...  
To Us From Infections...  
By Using Directives...  
That Now Make Them Vendors...  
.... “ EXTREME Measures “....
We certainly seem to be a facing quite a few, over the next few....

SMH .....
Big Virge Sep 2021
Who Knows What To Believe...
In This World... ANYMORE... ?!?
When Leaders Deceive...
And Deal In False Talk... !?!
But Is It... False...  
Can Accusers Be Sure... ?!?
I Don’t Know Anymore... ???
When People Are Bought...
To Walk The Walk...
of Using Discourse...
To Confuse And Distort...
What’s Said To Be TRUTH  ...
But What Is TRUE... ?!?
When Talk Is Used...
For Misuse Like Crews...
Who Make Criminal Moves... ?!?
It’s A World Where Crimes...
Are Now Being Designed...
By Mind States Primed...
To NOT CARE Anymore...
For A Righteous Cause...
And That’s For Sure... !!!
It’s Pretty Clear Now...
That People Are Drowned...
By The Use of Lockdowns...
That Are Causing FROWNS... !!!
So Is Freedom Allowed...
In This World Anymore... ?!?
When Vaccines Now...
Are Essentially FORCED... !!!
On Those Who Refuse...
To Agree To Infuse...
What They’re Being Told...
Will Slow The Roll of Coronas Flow...
of Creating Death Tolls...
That Must Be Controlled... !!!
Or Is That... Humans...
And Our Rights And Freedoms... ?!?
As I’ve Said Before...
Have People Ever Been...
Who We Really Wanna Be... ?!?
... I Dunno Anymore... ???
If We Ever Were...
Unless We’ve CONCURRED...
With Those Who Confer...
In Private Rooms...
Well Hidden From View...
From The Public Who...
Should Be Privy To...
Decisions That Are Made...
That Are Those That Change...
What We’re MADE To TAKE...
From A Minimum Wage...
To Our Freedom of Choice...
To Now... Vaccinate... !?!
Or Be Able To Voice...
Our Wish To... Avoid...
Being Forced Into...
What World Governments View...
As Being Shrewd...
When They Give No Clues...
As To Why They Choose...
The Policies That They Do... ?!?
Like Waging Wars...
On Foreign Shores...
Or Making Calls...
For Police To Enforce...
But What About Those...
Who Now... Whistle Blow... ?!?
I Don’t Know Anymore...
If We Can Trust Their Talk... ?!?
Could They Just Be Used...
To... Divide And Rule... !?!
By Saying THIS...
And Saying THAT...
When In Actual Fact...
They May Be Used To Distract...
After Being Paid Cash...
To Put Up A BIG ACT... !?!
About Who They’ve Worked For...
A... Corrupted Force... !?!
... I Dunno Anymore... ???
And When It Comes To Laws...
And The Powers of Lords...
And Corporate Boards...
Where Do They End...
Can Anyone Be Bought... !?!
From Media Crews...
To Those Feeding Us News...
So AGAIN What’s TRUE...
When You THINK It Through... ?!?
Do People THINK Anymore... ?!?
Or Just Choose To Applaud...
Entertainment Frauds...
And Those On Boards...
Who Then Get Caught...
IGNORING The Law... !?!
I Dunno Anymore... ???
If We Can Believe...
In Corporate Teams...
Or Those Who See Money...
As Their Dearest Friend...
Cos' There Are MANY of Them... !!!
And They Are A PROBLEM... !!!
And Is Freedom of Speech...
On The Brink of DEATH... ?!?
Cos’ It’s A TOUCHY Subject...
For These Cancel Heads... !!!
So What’s The Score...
Are They A Censorship Force...
With A Righteous Cause... ?!?
Or Just People Who...
Believe That They...
Get To Have Their Way...
So Can Shut Down Views...
That They Object To... ?!?
Are We In A New Age...
of All Kinds of Mandates...
That Will Take Away...
Your Employment And Wage...
If You Refuse To Vaccinate... ?!?
When You Think It Through...
Do You Think That’s Cool... ?!?
And Is A Good Thing...
For Us To Consign To...
Well That’s Up To You...
But What’s Really The Cause...
For These Covid Passports... ?!?
And What’s Really In Store...
When It Comes To Our Lives... ?!?
Are We Being Wise...
To Now Choose To Subscribe...
To A World Where We...
Will Be Bound By Vaccines... ?!?
Well It Seems To Me...
That Humanity...
Is... FAR From Sure... ???
And When It Comes To The Poor...
And Peoples’ Protest Calls...
For... FREEDOM FOR ALL  ... !!!
Well... For All Our Talk...
of Life Being Worth Living...
Nowadays I’m Thinking...
And In Fact Am Now SURE...
That I Really Don’t Know...  
If That’s TRUE...  
...... “ Anymore “......
I really don't... ???
Big Virge Sep 2021
I'm Saying Why Oh WHY...
In This Day And Age...
Does It Need A MANDATE... ?!?

To Make People Say...
Hey... I Should Vaccinate...... ?!?

Because of Claims...
That Corona Is A THREAT...
To The Human Race...
And Is Causing Deaths...
At ALARMING Rates... !!!

According To Our Leaders...
And Our Heads of State...
And Those Whose Job...
Is To... MEDICATE...
So That People Are SAVED... !!!

But Is It Not A Bit STRONG...
To Basically... DICTATE...

What People Should Do...
To Protect From This FLU...

That’s Right... A FLU... !!!

Shouldn’t People Choose...
Once They’ve Thought It Through...
And Got Substantial Proof...
That Vaccines Are Cool...
To Inject Into...

Their Bodies And Veins...
If They HAVEN’T Been Proved...
To Be... TOTALLY SAFE... !!!

Is Choice Now ERASED...
From The Human Race... ?!?

UNLESS You Want To Change...
Your... Gender And Name... ?!?

Doesn’t It Seem Strange...
That It’s NOT Okay...
For People To Say...

"That They’d Rather WAIT......."

Into... Taking A Jab... !?!

I Really Get That Most Now Feel...
That It’s... NOT A BIG DEAL... !!!

And That Those Who Refuse...
Are Just Being OBTUSE... !!!

Or Just Being SELFISH... !!!

But Maybe It’s THIS... ?!?

They Just Prefer To THINK...
And NOT Be So QUICK...
To Accept Something...
That May Not Be Fit...

To Take Something Advised...
To Be Protecting Lives...
When It’s NOT Been Trialled...
Over A LONG TIME... !?!

Like Say A Good TEN Years... ?!?
To Allay The Fears...
of Shedding Tears...
Over Losing Someone...
Very Close And Dear... !!!

Or Is FEAR What’s Behind...
Peoples Wish To Vaccinate...

And The Place That They Stay...
And The Freedom To Play...
... Outside All Day... !!!

And Of Course The FEAR...
of … NO MORE HOLIDAYS... !!!

Because of Claims...
From Government Names...

Who Have Been Found Out...
To Be Driving Around...
In Their OWN Lockdowns... !?!

NO Mandates Were Made...
For THEIR Wayward Ways... !?!

And ABUSE of Rules...
Initially Approved...
By Their Political Crews... !!!

So I’m A Bit Confused... ?!?

And What About These...
... Blood Clot Issues... ?!?

That... WEREN’T An Issue...
Before These Vaccines... ?!?

And... How Do You Know...
What’s Been Given To You... ?!?

Because It Has Been Known...
For Big Pharma To Use...
Products That Were...

... Actually BAD... !!!

Because Lawsuits Prove...
That This Is... FACT... !!!

They’ve Made Some Moves...
Just To Make Themselves Cash...
INSTEAD of... HELP Humans... !!!

So Folks Should Be Shrewd...
And Really THINK About That... !!!

And If They’re All Good...
Why Can’t They Be Sued...
And Face … Lawsuits... !?!

What Are They Scared of...
Something Going Wrong... !?!

If They Are So STRONG...
What’s The Big Problem... ?!?

With Accepting Liability...
For The Improbability...

of Something That Can Lead...
To... OPEN Testing...
of ALL These Vaccines... !!!

That They Have Quickly Deemed...
To Be What Humans Need... ?!?

But REMEMBER These Vaccines...
Are Because of... EMERGENCY.......

... Authorities Permitted...
While Mandates Aren’t Restricted... !?!

I Think That Something's Missing...
That Has NOT Been Submitted...

That Should NOT Be Omitted... !!!

The Fact That What We’ve Witnessed...
Is Vaccines Pushed With Quickness...
As If It’s Good For Business...
And BIG Pharma Making BILLIONS... !!!

I Get That There’ve Been Deaths...
That Have Made People SCARED... !!!


People Should BEWARE...
And NOT Be So Prepared...
To Run And Just Inject...

Vaccines Into Systems...
That Keep Us All IMMUNE...
From Things Just Like This Corona Flu... !!!

And Our Ability To Choose...
Should NOT Now Face Abuse...
Or EVER Be... Refused... !!!

Because of Fear...
Or A Wish To Adhere...
To Government Rules...
That THEY Don’t Stick To... ?!?

Does That Seem Shrewd...
Or Wise To Do...
For People Who...
Tell LIES To You... ?!?

But Hey...
That’s Just MY VIEW... !!!

WHY Fear Your End...
And EVERY LAST Human...
Has To Take Their Last Breath... !!!

At The End of The Day...
It Just Seems A Little STRANGE... ?!?

This SUDDEN Wish To DICTATE... !?!

Peoples’ Need To Take...
What They CLAIM To Be SAFE... !!!
For The Human Race...
To Now... Vaccinate... !!!

Because of What...
Their Scientists Say... !!!

Won’t People Just Take It Anyway ?

So Why EXACTLY... ?!?

“ Does It Need A Mandate “
Another interesting question for these days and times .......
Big Virge Aug 2021
These Days They’re...
.... ALL AROUND.... !!!

A World of Human Clowns... !?!

Whose Circus Is On Grounds...
Now Causing Heads To FROWN... !!!

Because of TERROR Sounds...
And Violence That Abounds... !!!
Because of Angry Youths...
Joining... Militia Groups...

Like Those Now FILLED With Troops...
Who Are Willing And NOW SHOOT... !!!

As If They’re At A Range...
That Gives Them The OKAY...
To Act Like They’re Deranged... ?!?

And To Behave Like Modern Slaves...
Who Are Paid And Trained...
To... Dish Out PAIN... !!!
... Time And AGAIN... ?!?

In A Vein So INHUMANE... !?!

That There Is NO DOUBT...
That They’re Acting Like CLOWNS... !!!

To Believe That What They Do...
Is RIGHTEOUS Or Infused...
With Movements That Are Cool...
When They’re Being USED Like TOOLS... !!!

Whose Dealings Are Those of FOOLS... !!!
And Those Are Words of TRUTH... !!!

From Political Groups...
To Those Now In View...
On Apps Now Being Used...

That They Are Tame Like Shrews...
From Shakespearean Books... !!!

Being Tricked And Pimped...
To Be Limp Like *****...
Who’ll Do ANYTHING...
To Get Their **** Licked...
By... Drug Addict Chicks...
Who’ll Spread Their Lips QUICK...
Just To Get... A FIX... !!!

Who Just CAN’T Resist...
Having One More Drink...
When They KNOW That They Should QUIT... !!!

Today’s Clowns Are SICK... !!!
And Are Affecting Kids...
In Ways So PERVERSE...
That They’re Bound To HURT...
How Their Minds Will Work...
As They Grow In This World... !!!

Things Are Going BERSERK... !?!?!

And Will Get MUCH WORSE...
As Technology SERVES...
To Mark These Words...
of... REALITY Verse... !!!

With A Virtual World...
Where Famous Names...
Now Perform In Games...
To INCREASE Their Fame...

By Being REPLACED...
By An Image That’s Made...
To Apparently Make...
The World A Better Place... ?!?

The Type of JOKERS...
Being USED Like TOKENS... !!!

Or In Other Words...
...... CLOWNS...... !!!!

Whose ONLY Form of Clout...
Seems To Be SELLING OUT...
For... Dollars And Pounds...

It’s A World Where They...
Seem To Have NO SHAME... !!!

So Their Names DON’T Deserve...
To Be Heard In This Verse... !!!

Because CLOWNS AREN’T ALOUD... !!!
In These Words That DISAVOW...
What These Clowns Are ALL About... !!!

Embracing New Tech...
That Will Now INJECT...
A Way To Project...
A LACK of Common Sense... !!!

That Will TERMINATE Them...
That’s Right Just Like... SKYNET... !!!

And That Right There...
Is Where I’ll End This Poem... !!!

Because Right About Now...
In This World of LOCKDOWNS... !!!

We Are Now Being DROWNED...
By... Internet Sounds... !!!

And Mouths That Confound...
With The Things That They SHOUT...
To Their... TIKTOK' Crowds... !!!!!

Who Just Haven’t Worked Out...
That What They Now BROWSE...


Is A World That's FULL of...

...... “ CLOWNS “.....
You only need to watch ANYTHING on TV, or On The Net, for what 5 mins these days, to see or hear one !

Things are literally, going CRAZY !!!
Lawrence Hall Mar 2021
Lawrence Hall

                        A Song of the Lord in a Foreign Land

          “How could we sing a song of the Lord in a foreign land?

                                             -Psalm 137

By the waters of the common sinks and stinks
They sat and wept, remembering their homes
Upon the razor wire they hung their hopes
          (Let my tongue be silent during roll call)

Their captors asked of them throughout the hours
Straight lines to the chow hall, well made-up bunks
On time to their classes and work details
          (Let my tongue be silent during roll call)

The lyrics of their songs were written by night
The notes and tones well-tuned to concrete walls
How could they sing songs of the Lord?
                                              How not?
          (Let my tongue be silent during roll call)

We all are exiles in a foreign land
          (Let our tongues sing praise after roll call)

(After over a year of lockdowns, volunteers are allowed back into Texas prisons today, Wednesday, Saint Patrick’s Day, 17 March 2021. Saint Patrick, too, was a prisoner.)
Saint Patrick, ora pro nos.
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now When I Was Young...
Athletic And Strong...
I Really Did Love...
A Good Game of Ping Pong... !!!

Or That’s Right Table Tennis... !!!

But I Say This To Preface...
This... Poetic Message...

Do I Need A PING...
To Say I’m Infectious... !!!

Pings That Now STING...
Like This Corona Menace... !!!

That Now Will Send Endless...
PINGS That Now PONG...
When Their Message Is WRONG...

I Mean What’s Going On... ?!?

Do All These Pings Belong...
In A World Where It’s Said...
That We’re Now Seeing Less...
of This Need To Inject...
Or A Need To Prolong...

Distancing Measures...
As Lockdowns Are Lessened...
Because of A Drop...
In The Rate of Infections... ?!?

And Because of These Apps...
That Can Chart And Can Map...
Infections BEFORE...
You Know That You’ve Caught...

A Variant Form...
of This Corona Force... !?!

Have The Tables Now Turned...
So Corona Gets Burned...
And No Longer Fills Urns... ?!?

Or Are We Being Served...
A Whole Load of Spin...
About All of These PINGS... !?!

When PM’s REFUSE...
To Start... Isolating... ?!?

Because I’m Confused...
By Reports In The News... ?!?

Where Their Tables Now Show...
That Corona Has Slowed...
Because These Pings Know...
Where It Is... People Go...

Because of Our Phones... !!!

And Now Know Who It Is...
We’ve Been In Contact With...
So Can Trace Virus Strains...
That Are In People’s Veins...

Doesn’t It Seem Insane... ?!?
That We Have Track And Trace...
... All Over The Place... !!!

But STILL Have To Wear Masks...
To... COVER Our Face... ?!?

Or Okay Yes... Our Mouths... !!!

Does The Logic Seem Sound...
Profound And Thought Out... ?!?

Or Something Thrown Around...
Just Like Circus Clowns...
To Keep People Tied Down...
Controlled And Now Bound...
Like Some Kind of Bad Hound... ?

Are All These Pings CORRECT...
Or A Way To DIRECT...
People To... INJECT... ?!?

Because of The THREAT...
of A Quarantine Bed...
Or Being... Jobless... !?!

Because of A PING...
That Tells You To Stay...
AWAY From Working...
And Earning A Wage...

The Table’s Not Straight...
Like These Government Names...
And Their Government Games...

Are We All Being Played...
And FORCED To Vaccinate... ?!?

Because of These PINGS... !!!

Surely Something Must Give...
In People’s Thinking... ?!?

When Tech Like This Gives...
Us... BAD Messages... !!!
That Claim To Predict...
When We Will Become Sick...

It’s A Form of Sickness...
That Clearly Is Linked...
To Making Us Live...
In A World That RESTRICTS...
Because of These Pings... !?!

That Come From Our Phones... ?
Cos’ It ISN'T A Joke...
To Be Told Stay At Home...
By An App That Now Tracks...
And Apparently Can...

Diagnose Better Than...
These People In Labs... !?!

Who Still Don’t Seem Sure...
of How Variants Form...

So Are Saying Be WARNED... !!!
Cos’ These Vaccines DON'T CURE...
Or Stop Us From Getting...
... Corona Infected... !!!

Because You’ve Had Shots...

Their Singing Dud Songs...
UNLIKE... What’s Going On... !!!

And Do Not Seem Able...
To Stop Telling Fables...

It Feels Like A Game...
Where We’re Being Played...
Because of False Claims...
About This Flu Strain... !!!

I Wish I Could Say...
That Things Will Be Okay...

But Something Seems Off...
Cos’ Corona’s Not Gone...
Or Taking A Break And Going Away... !!!

Which Brings Me Right Back...
To The Days of My Youth...

When Things Weren’t So Bad...
And Filled With This Flu...
That’s Causing Problems...
For Us In... Multitudes... !!!!!

I Just Wish I Could...
Go Back To Those Days...
When I Was In School...

And Saw Nothing Wrong...
With Hearing The Sounds...

of A Game of......

..... “ Ping Pong “..... !!!
Inspired by the farcical, track and trace rollout in the UK, and the ping frenzy that initially came with it....
Corona seems such a sweet name.

The howling wind is passing by
When they bury the men
and the  people cry
So many lifes forever changed.

Lockdowns all around
Nothing more the same
A crown shaped virus
Is to blame.

Corona doesn’t ask  
what’s your color
what’s your race
what’s your faith
not even what’s your name.

The whole world
for once together
suffering the same
So many hurt
So much  pain remains.

Shell ✨🐚

- [ ]
People  take good care of yourself.
Protect yourself and each other
Stay safe!
Big Virge Jun 2020
So It Seems That Extensions...
Are Now Worthy of Mention...

Because In Times Like These...
Where This Corona Disease...

... Has People SCARED... !!!!!

Extensions Prepared...
Are Not Being Impaired...

So No I DON’T Mean … HAIR... !!!
In Terms of What It Is That I’m Now Expressing...

It’s Lockdowns Lengthened...
Social Distancing STRENGTHENED... !!!

And Curfew Protection...
That Is Quickly Spreading...
Just Like This Infection... !!!!

Is On A Killing Spree Like We’ve NEVER SEEN... !!!

Well So They SAY... These Heads of State...

As They Keep Suggesting...
That All Their Inspections …

Therefore We’re All Heading …
For Further Extensions of Lockdowns Meant …
To Curb The Spread of These Virus Deaths...

That HAVEN’T Lessened... Or... Have They... ?!?

When Heads of State Seem To Be Okay...
And Are Recovering Quick From Being SICK... ?!?

People Need To THINK And RESIST News Links...
Now Extending Things That Are Starting To STING... !!!

Like MORE EMPTY Pockets...
Due To Job Losses Cos’ of GREEDY Bosses... !!!

Who Now Want To Behave Like BUBONIC Plagues... !!!
When It Comes To Pay That They Want To Claim... ?!?

Them And Their Friends In Government...
Should Be ASHAMED of Playing Games...
With Wars They Wage...
On Wages Paid That Are Facing Delays...

Or... Extensions YES …
That Are Causing STRESS... !!!
To Millions of Heads Who’ve Become Jobless...

... In A Matter of DAYS... !!!

NO Extensions In Place For Charitable Grace... ?!?
Unless They Come From A Cool Someone...

Who’s NOT Some Punk In GOVERNMENT... !!!!!

NO More EXTENSIONS Of Talk That Runs...
From Presenters Who Are On Stations...
Now Talking About This Situation...
Within Their Debates And Conversations...

Theories LESSENED... !!!
That Are Causing Tension...
Because of Themes That Surround 5G...

I Mean... SERIOUSLY...
Not Even Free To Speak About...
…… “ Conspiracies “ ……. !?!

What Is It That They're Frightened of EXACTLY... !!?!!

They’ve Got Quiet Streets...
... Extensions of PEACE... !!!!

Well... Seemingly... ?!?
Extensions of Powers Now Given To Police...
So What More Do They Want...
To... "Restrict And STOP"... ?!?

Well For Now It Seems...
That Control of Streets And Lockdown Themes...
Will NOT Be Lessened... !?!

Because They’re Now Being...

Given... FURTHER...

..... “ Extensions “.....
Obviously written a while before, recent events.......
Although, NOT that long ago !

So, it's interesting to see how quickly things are changing in the world these days, this virus has been the catalyst for a lot of things, but who'd of thought that policing would lead to a complete disregard for distancing, curfews and respect for others, in this apparent health crisis !!!

So, as dated as this piece has already become, it'll be interesting to see what extensions continue to now be lifted, and more importantly, for what reasons.....
Lawrence Hall Dec 2020
Lawrence Hall

                                    Christmas Eve Eve Eve

Winter arrives, they say, at 8:31
And how do they know? The light doesn’t change
The soft pale light filtering through the fog
Upon the grey-brown fields who have fallen asleep

While we speak of lockdowns and rollbacks and deaths
And plan for the least-attended Christmas Mass
The fields and forests hardly speak at all
Only in their prayerful whispers of the Eternal

Time is  told to us by the sun, moon, and stars -
And all the seasons arrive in God’s good time
A poem is itself.
Lawrence Hall Jan 2021
Lawrence Hall

                        An Orderly Transition of Power, They Say

             Is’t night’s predominance, or the day’s shame
             That darkness does the face of earth entomb
             When living light should kiss it?

                              -Macbeth II.iiii.9-11

On Inauguration Day there should be:

Children waving sparklers, avenues of light
High school bands and Boy Scouts in formation
Merriment along streets scrubbed clean and bright
A happy people in love with their nation

But we are given:

Soldiers, concertina wire strung between Corinthian columns, secret service, chain-link fencing, police, checkpoints, soldiers, roadblocks, secret service, rooftop marksmen, police, missile batteries, soldiers, no-go zones, secret service, lockdowns, police, lockouts, soldiers, security gates, secret service, identification checks, police, radar, soldiers, radios, secret service, body scans, police, x-rays, soldiers, sniffer dogs, secret service, permits, police, passes, soldiers, patdowns, secret service, badges, police, questions, soldiers


Big Virge Oct 2020
So... Corona Movements...
And Now Education...

Are Creating A World...

COVER Your Face...
ALL Over The Place... !!!

But When You Eat Food...
And Take Food From Your Plate...

And Says... " Hey It’s Okay ! "...

To REMOVE Your Mask...
Cos’ It Then Gives You A PASS...
For Food To Get Through...
And... Inside of You... ?!?

Now As For World Schools...
It Seems New Gender Moves...
Are Something For The Youth...
To Now Get... Used To... ?

Well Me I'm Confused...
But What About You... ?

Those With Young Kids...
Who Are Now Parenting...
And Are Male And Female...
It Seems That You've FAILED... !!!

In Your Bible Class...
Because Adam And Eve...
Was Clearly A FARCE... !!!!!!

Which Suitably Leads Me...
To... Freedom of Speech...

I Thought Human Beings...
Could Now Speak FREELY...
WITHOUT Cancel Police...
On Internet Feeds...
Causing You Stress...
For Things You Express...
That May Cause Offence...
To Those Claiming Their ***...
To Be... DIFFERENT... !!!

To Those We Were TOLD...
... NOT SO Long Ago...
That DEFINED Us BOTH... !?!

That’s Right...
WOMEN And MEN... !!!

Since When Did We Become...
A Breed of Humans...

That We ALWAYS Know When...
To Keep Our Mouths Closed..
And Our Thoughts Kept In Zones...

MASKED Up Like... ZORRO... !?!

So Okay... Here I Go...
Making IGNORANT Quotes... !?!

According To THOSE...
Who NOW RUN The Show... !!!

... Organisations...
Now... Sepa rating...

Freedom of Speech...
From Todays Human Beings... ?!?

Like They Have Through LOCKDOWNS...
And... COVERING Mouths... !!!

That Now Clearly CONFUSE...
BOTH... Adults And Youths... ?!?

Because of... A FLU... !!!

That’s Now In The News...
Even MORE Than NEWSROOMS... !?!

Where U.S. Congressmen...
And Now PRESIDENTS... !?!

DON’T Seem Confused...
They Just... Continue...
To... Do Their Do...
WITHOUT Masks In View... ?!?

EVEN... When It Seems...
They’re INFECTING Their Teams...
Having Caught This Disease...
That They Say APPARENTLY...

Is... REALLY DEADLY... !?!

So These Days I’m STUMPED...
By Guys Like Donald TRUMP... ?!?

That Corona Is REAL... ?!?

UNLESS He Is Speaking...
About The... CHINESE... !?!


Have Caused The World Spread...
of These... CORONA DEATHS... !!!

Across This Planets'...
In Their SECRET LAB Tests... !!!

Is Spreading Like PLOTS...
Over... POLLING BALLOTS... !!!

And... Election RIGGING... !!!
So Now Peoples Thinking...
Seems To Be SINKING...
Into Simply SUBMITTING...

That Seems To Be FLAWED... !!!

When It Now Just CONTORTS...
And Breaks Just Like FAULTS...
On A Ship Thrown OFF COURSE... !!!

Being Spread ALL AROUND...

EVEN With... MASKS...
Being On PEOPLES MOUTHS... !?!

Driving Round Now Like Clowns...
INSIDE... Their OWN Cars...
EVEN With Windows DOWN... !?!

EVEN When They’re UP...
Their Masks To Now BREATHE... ?!?

Some Things I Now See...
Are Just BEYOND BELIEF... !!!!!!

Now I’m Not Charlie Brown...
But I’m Saying GOOD GRIEF... !!!

Is Now In... Companies...
That Are Now Being DROWNED... !!!

People... Being FIRED...
Who ARE Then... RE-HIRED... ?!?
With INCREASED Duties...
Where... SLAVERY Seems...
To Be The NEW Theme... !?!

So Right Now Basically...
It Would Now Seem To Me...
That... HUMANITY...
Will Soon Work For LOW Fees...
For The... Powers That Be... !?!

And These Institutions...
Now Causing Confusion...
Like The Group...
That's Called... W.H.O.....

A... HEALTH Organisation...
Where Confusion Is Stationed...
Within All Their Statements...

" Lockdowns Were GOOD ! "...
But... " Now They Are BAD ? "...

Someone's Being... HAD...
Are These Groups Run By Hoods...
Or Just... CONFUSED Humans... ?!?

As Well As... Scientists...
And Indeed Pharmacists...
Who Are Cooking Up Plans... ?!?

As Well As VACCINES...
Where Their Trials Are Now Seen...
To Be Making Heads WEAK...
As Well As... SICKLY...

They Are CONFUSING ME... ?!?
With The Talk That They Feed...
About CURES That They SEEK...
That Are Claimed SUDDENLY...
To Be Ready In... WEEKS... !?!

While... CERTAIN Cities...

And Then... Governments...
Say They Could Close For MONTHS... !?!


BEFORE ALL This Stuff...
.... I’d Written A Poem....
That Was Called... ENOUGH... !!!

Which Basically Said...
That... Marketing PUNKS...
And Government STUNTS...
Were STINKING Like SKUNKS... !!!

Has Become A STEP UP... !!!

Cos' I’ve Now Had ENOUGH...
of... Government LIES...
And These Media CHUMPS... !!!

Who Keep Running Their Gums...
About... VIRUS Vibes... !!!

That Are CLEARLY Now Causing...

Us ALL...

...... “ CONFUSION “...... ?!?
Simply, as the poem says SMH !
Dikshya Dec 2020
I had this thought which I have found a little scary
What if these things which you were saying
You said but didn’t mean at all
Who am I to you after all?
A friend? A person you hanged out with for a month?
Or just a gal you had acquaintance with?
Avoiding girly analyze
Of what you think and say to me
Of what you wanted me to hear
Or what you feeling
What are you feeling deeply?
Our relationship is going through time testing
And are we passing such exam?
Some time ago you even made a joke that we could marry
Each other
Oh my god  
I even didn’t know how to react on such request
But honestly I’d probably consider proposition
Not from romantic side and all
But just because it’d give the possibility to stay with you a little
And do the things together
The things we dreamed about
You know we short in options
In current situation
When boarders closed
And lockdowns everywhere
I wish to share with you my moods
Right at the moment
And now it’s hard to do
We’re having 14 hours difference
My sunrise - your sunset
It’s gonna be two years already
That’s why I’m asking you
If you’re ready
Not let your joke come true
I may not ask you for such thing
But do you wanna have with me
Some part of our future?
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now In All Honesty...
I’m NOT Pleased Easily...
Or Yes... Easily Pleased... !!!

Cos' I Really Don’t Think...
Or Believe It’s A Sin..
To Get What You Want...
When You Have Paid For Stuff...
That’s Said To Hang Tough...
Or To... “ Be The Business “...

So Will Give You What’s Best... !!!

Which Is Why Governments...
Have NEVER Pleased Me... !!!

When What They Represent...
Tends To Be Policies...
That Do NOT Set Us Free... !!!

They Just Bring Us Disease...
And New... AUTONOMIES... !!!

That Aren’t Likely To Please...
People In... Poverty... !!!

And What About Those...
Who AREN’T New Tech Savvy... ?

Will They Just Become Broke...
Or Be Pleased Easily...
By Online Currencies...
And Tech... Economies...
Where There Is No Money... ?!?

... CASHLESS Societies... !?!

Will They Easily Please... ?!?
Or Just Automate Dreams...
Like Some Sci-Fi Movie...
And Make New Age Tech Thieves...
Who Do... CLICK Robberies... !!!

... Am I Being CRAZY... ?!?

Or Just Painting A Scene...
Where New Technology...
Will NOT Easily Please... !?!
These Heads Who Believe...
That New Tech Is The Key...
To A Future Where We...
Are Free of Disease...
And Things Like Poverty...

Cos They’ve...

... WOKE From Their Sleep...
That’s Lasted CENTURIES... !?!

That’s Right These SHEOPLE’ Breeds... ?!?
Who Stand Up For FRONTIN’...
About... Less Corruption... !!!

So Fall For... ANYTHING...
That They’re Told To Now Think... !?!

And That DOESN’T Please Me...
Not Even... REMOTELY... !!!

And This Clearly Is Why...
To Deal With At Times...
Which I DO Recognise... !!!

I Just Like Things Done Right...
Is That Really A CRIME... ?!?
To These People Who TRY...

Because of Their TRICKS...
Falseness And FAST LIPS...

That Prove That Ships SINK...
If You Don’t Challenge Things...
BEFORE Lockdowns Begin... !!!

And What of... VIRUSES... ?!?
Seen In Twenty Twenty...

They’ve Done MORE Than Displease... !!!
And Brought MORE Than DISEASE... !!!

Ask These Drug Companies...
What Money They’ve Brought... ?
To Their Corporate Boards... !?!

And Now What of VACCINES...
Have They... Easily Pleased...
Or Will They Prove To Be...
What Feed Nightmarish Scenes...
That Aren’t Conspiracies... !?!

Now I Really Don’t Know...
But I’ll Tell You This Though... ?!?

I’m NOT Easily Pleased...
So Am Not Prone To Joke...
About Peoples... “ Quotes “...
And Their Talk About HOPE...

ENOUGH With The Talk... !!!

Start Walking Some Walks...
That Prove We Are Better...
Than Waging Vendettas...
And Using Agendas...
Like Man With Berettas... !!!

I’m Just An Upsetter...
Who’s Good With These Letters... !!!

Because I Believe...
In Giving Your Best...
And The Best Qualities...
In The Things You Express...

Which Is Why...
When It Comes To...
... Women And Men...
It Comes To The Talents...
Who Claim To Be BEST...

I’m A SERIOUS Guy...
Who They Do NOT Impress... !!!

Because Just Like This Piece...
of... Big Virge Poetry...

I Won’t Be Shy To Speak...
If Your Movements Are Weak...
And Your Work Is Shoddy... !!!

You’ll Be Shown REAL QUICKLY...
That The... Brother Big V...

Is NOT...

..... “ Easily Pleased “.....
I'm just not one who is.
Leisa Battaglia Feb 2021
I remember when I started kindergarten, tiny and scared.
People were confused by this little girl, tan-skinned and curly-haired.
What is she? They all wanted to know.
Perplexed they were because my ethnicity didn't show.
Is she white? Is she brown? Is she black?
All their questions showing the knowledge they lack.

For your own selfish purposes, you can't put people in a box.
Because once they're inside you begin to secure all the locks.
It's what makes some insecure people feel secure and safe.
To put each person in what they believe is their proper place.
Each part of my heritage contributes to the strong woman I am.
You see, there is no box big enough for me in which for you to cram.

I see the world separating itself into colors; black, brown, and white.
Separation never leads to unification and it only leads to stress and strife.
If we look back, we were all prospering together not so long ago.
But now, under new rule, the future looks bleak and recovery is slow.
Lockdowns, face masks, corruption, and fake news have become the norm.
Without thought of the effects on our children whose minds are just beginning to form.

We have become a country full of internal struggle.
All due to a select few people who could use a muzzle.
Insurrection lies at every turn, except the one place they look.
As history gets erased daily; every statue, street name, or book.
America may not be perfect and its history may be full of hate.
But the ills of the past reparations and reverse discrimination will not sate.

Only when we look to the past can we correct the mistakes made.
None of us are our ancestors and we shouldn't be punished or paid.
We've come a long way since then and it must be recognized.
Our progress may not be fast enough for some but it's something to be prized.
I want our children to grow and learn from our unique history.
I don't want them to have to search for it like some big mystery.

So, to that tiny, picked-on girl I used to be.
The most important thing about you is that you are free.
It's not that you have to choose between blacks, browns, and whites.
It's that you stand up for each and every one of your constitutional rights.
As for this woman I am, many things that, unfortunately, you'll never see.
Because the world is now too focused on the color of my skin to ever really see me.
Big Virge Sep 2021
So Today I Heard A Track...
By A Man Named Benny Tagz...

Where He Makes The Claim That...
... He Doesn’t Like Humans... !!!

Well These Days I Have To Say...
That I’m Feeling Much The Same...

Because Most Are Really Strange...
And The Rest Now Seem Insane... !?!

Due To How Most Now Behave...
In This Modern Crazy Age...

Human Flaws When They’re Explored...
Are... WAY BEYOND Poor...
When It Comes To Laws Enforced...

And The Way Most Choose To Flaunt...
How Their Thoughts And Souls Are BOUGHT... !!!

Which Is Something I ABHOR... !!!

And When It Comes To Wars...
Humanity Has Drawn...
Some Pictures That Are LITTERED...
With... HORRIFIC Visions...

That DON'T Deserve Distinctions...
For... DENYING Existence...
To Innocence And Victims...
Subjected To Mass Killings...
Because of Pointless Missions... !!!

Humans Seem To Lack Visions...
Where Peace And Love Are Winning... !!!

And When It Comes To Thinking...
Most Seem To Now Be Sinking...

Into A World Dismissive...
of Thinking That Is Linking...
Itself To More Than Business...
That Indulges In PURE SINNING... !!!

So Me...

I Don’t Like Them Much Now Either... !!!

Because Life Has Been My Teacher...
And What It Has Taught Is THIS...

That Most Women Do NOT Think...
And That FAR TOO MANY Men...
ONLY Think With Their *****... !!!

NOT ALL... But Most Get Caught...
When Skirts They See Are Short... !!!

And Now Of Course It’s CLEAR...
That Certain Men Now Steer...
Themselves To Groups Who Cheer...
For Same *** That’s Appeared...
Within The Last Few Years... !?!

That Now Is Geared...
For... Women Too...
As Well As Youths...

So Now It’s Cool...
For Folks To Choose...
Which Gender It Is...
That They Now Think...
That They Identify With...

And If You're Like Me...
And Think That’s Pretty Sick... !?!

You’re Treated As If...
It’s YOU Who’s SICK... !!!

But Isn’t It Somewhat ELITIST... ?!?
To Think That YOU...
Are ABOVE Being Viewed...
As Somewhat Confused...
Due To Things That You Choose... ?

Which Suitably Links...
To The Colour of Skins...
And How Some Humans...
Are STILL Being RACIST... ?

Now How Is THAT...
Something That Stands...

In Times Like These...
Where Black Lives Matter...
Is Being... SPLATTERED...

On Buildings And Streets...
And In Policies That APPARENTLY...
Are Helping To NOW Build UNITY... !?!

Are You People Kidding Me... ?

Humans INDEED...
Are One Confused Breed... !?!

Until Of Course...
It Comes To MONEY... !!!

Because That Fa’ Sure...
Breeds Things Like GREED...
And... EVIL Deeds... !!!

And Now CLEARLY Feeds...

That May SUPERSEDE Humanity... !!!

In......... FUTURE Scenes... !?!?!

Like Those Now Seen...

It’s Now Clear To Me...
That Most Human Beings...
Are... INCREDIBLY WEAK... !?!?!

When It Comes To ***...
And Raising Children...
And Lets Not Forget...
About... GOVERNANCE... !!!

From Governments...
That Have Now Left...
The World To Face Threats...
From... VIRUSES... !!!

That Seem To Be Bred...
From The Type of Tests...
That Now Cause PROBLEMS...
As Well As... STRESS... !!!

And The Type of SICKNESS...
That Leaves Humans DEAD... !!!

But We’re Seeing Them LESS...

From New Presidents...
And Leaders Who...
KEEP Providing PROOF...

That They LIE Much More...
Than They Help The Poor... !!!!!

And As Lockdowns Reign...
I Am... SAD To Say...
That I Feel This Way...
About Humans Today... !!!

Because When Being Humane’s...
Left To... FILM And PLAYS...

To See How Humans Behave...
In The... Cold Light of Day... !!!

Which Is Why Like Benny Tagz...
These Words I Express Are FACT... !!!

A Lot of Humans Are Like Creatures...
In A... " MONSTER Feature "... !!!

But Are Sadly Much WEAKER...
And Are Making Life BLEAKER... !!!

Than It Needs To Be... !!!

Which Is Why I Can Say...

That In Life I’ve Now Found...


“I Don’t Like Them Much Now Either !”
As said, inspired the Benny Tagz track, " I Don't Like Humans ".
Big Virge Sep 2021
Have Human Beings...
Ever REALLY Been FREE... ???

FREE To Do What We Please...
In Our... Societies... ???

Now Of Course...
At The START of Our History...

One Would Like To Believe...
That We Were Truly Free... !!!

To Learn And Explore...
And Grow To Be MORE...
Than Our Physical Being... !!!

To Learn About Trees...
And The Oceans' Seas...

But That’s Not What I Mean... !!!

I’m Meaning Since We...
Have Built Societies...
And Have Learned To Speak...
On Our Beliefs...

Because Now It Seems...
To Be A Mystery... ?!?

To Know What Being Free...
Really... TRULY Means... ?!?

Freedom of Speech...
Is Now Under Siege...
Because of Dodgy Policies...
And These Cancel Police... !?!

Do You Really Believe...
That We’re Free To Speak...
Like These People Who Lead... ?

To Say What They Want... ?!?

Or Is Their Speech...
Subject To Nods...
From POWERFUL Bods... !?!

Or The Type of Toffs...
Who Call The Shots... !!!

You Know Who I Mean...
These WEALTHY Families...
Who Many Now Deem...
To Be... OUT of REACH... !!!

Like The... Illuminati... !!!

Are Those Who Are Seen...
In This World Publicly... !!!

Like Those Rockefellers...
So NO... NOT Jay-Z... !!!

But Could He Now Be...
One of Their Breed...
Due To His Money... ?!?

I’m Not So Sure...
That He’s The Type of Fella...
Who Could Ever Be A Member...
of Groups Whose Endeavours...
Can Buy... COUNTRIES... !!!

Because of BIG MONEY...
That Has Been Passed Down...
Over... CENTURIES... !!!

But Never Say Never... !!!
What Type of Links...
Global Success Brings... !!!

Do People Ever Really Think...
About Things Like This... ?!?

And I’m NOT Thinking...
of The Type of Theorists...
Whose Conspiracies STINK...
of... NONSENSICAL Things... !!!

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt... ?

Is It Ever Really Shrewd...
To Just Hear Them Out... ???

These Days I Don’t Know...
If Dismissing Them All...
Is The Way To Go... ?!?

Is It Ever Really Clever...
To Dismiss...... Thought...... ?!?

Because You Think You Know Better...
Than Those With Agendas...
That Move Like Mayweather... !!!

Because You May Not Find...
A Way To Fight...
Those Who Are The Best...
In The Art of Defence... !!!

Like Government Heads...
Who Face Impeachment... !!!

Or Those Who OFFEND...
But Still Get To Express...
Without Showing Regret...
Or EVER Saying SORRY... !!!

For Causing DISTRESS...
And The Type of Protests...
That We All Now See... !!!

Have We Ever Seen Times...
That Are... THIS CRAZY... ?!?

Enforced Vaccines...
And A Global Disease...
That We Can’t Even See... ?!?

We’ve Seen Nazis...
And HORRIFIC Slavery... !!!

But Times Likes THESE...
Lockdowns of Countries...
And... Economies... !?!

Would You Ever Have Said...
People Could Change ***...
And We’d See The Type of Tech...
That’s Light Years Ahead... !!!

... WHATEVER Is NEXT... ?!?

But Let Me Stay On Subject...
And NOT... Digress... !!!

When Your Thoughts You Collect...
About Things That I’ve Said...
In This Poetic Text...

Is Freedom Dead... ?!?

Or Has Being Free...
Been Some Kind of FALLACY...
Fed By World Societies...
To CONTROL Humanity...

When All Is Said And Done...

From Freedom of Speech...
To Human Beings Being Free...

... In All HONESTY...
Is This Something That We...

Have TRULY... ???

........ “ Ever Been “.......
Well have we...... ???
Big Virge Sep 2021
So Who Really Cares Now... ?
In A World That’s SO FOUL... ?!?

About How We’re Pushed Around...
By These Government Clowns...

And These CORONA Clouds... !!!

That Have Brought Us LOCKDOWNS... !?!

I’ve Said It Before...
That These Days More And MORE...
Have Become SELF ABSORBED... !?!

So Are Out For Themselves...
And Their Personal Wealth...

And Now Internet Sounds...
Can Move Money Around...

Who Cares About Cash...
And Now Going To Banks... !?!

When We’ve All Now Been Told...
That There Are New Ways To Go...
To Pay Debts That You Hold...

It’s A World of CONTROLS...
And Souls Getting Sold...
To Bidders And SINNERS...
Who Claim To Be Winners... !!!

But Who Cares What They Are ?

Once They Can OPEN Doors...
That Can Get You ADORED...
And Can Make You A STAR...
Who Is NO LONGER POOR... !!!!

And Who Cares Anymore... ?!?
If You Become A *****...

So You Can Get Awards...
And Be Seen On Billboards... ?!?

It’s A Whole Different Game...
To Gain Fame NOWADAYS... !!!

Because... Being Straight...
May Now NOT Get You Paid...
If The Things That You Say...
Are STRAIGHT And DON’T Sway...

Or... Bend Over To Play...
Like New Gender Brigades... !!!

But Who Really Cares Now...
About BIBLICAL Grounds... ?!?

That Were Once Seen To Feed...
How We Humans Should Be...

YES I Mean SEXUALLY... !!!

Cos’ It Seems That Beliefs...
That Were Previously Seen...
As Once Being... NASTY...
As Well As... UNGODLY... !!!

Have Been Thrown On Trash Heaps...
Faster Than Usain's Feet... !!!

It’s A Whole NEW CRAZY...
That Feeds Societies... !?!

From Things In Movies...
To What’s Seen In News Feeds...
And Peoples TV’s...

But Who Really Cares Now... ?
About Those Who Shout Loud...
About... MORAL Values... !!!

Or Pulling Down Statues...
In... Various Towns... ?!?

The Shouts From The Crowds...

About Whose Lives Matter...
In... All of Their Chatter...

These Days Are Now SADDER...
Than... REAL Story Chapters...
Where Children Are Shattered...
By ******* Captors... !!!

But Who Really Cares Now... ?
About... What Goes Down...
Where DARKNESS Surrounds... !?!

Because These DARK Times...
Are Reflected In Rhymes...
That I Choose To Now Write...
That Are Lyrically Tight... !!!

But Does Anyone Care... ?
About Verse Well Prepared...
When Artists APPARENTLY...
Are... EVERYWHERE... !!!

A LIE That Now SADLY...
Gets IMPOSTERS Shared...
ALL OVER The Web... !?!

Because This New Age...
Has People AFRAID...
To Tell Folks The TRUTH...
And To Share HONEST Views... !!!

But Who Really Cares Now...
About TRUTHFUL Vows... ?!?

It Seems There AREN'T MANY...
Who Keep Their Lives STEADY...
And Are... EVER READY...

To HELP Those In NEED...
of... MORE Than Money... !!!

When Mentalities SUFFER... !!!

How Many Young Mothers...
... Sisters And Brothers...
About How Some Get Drowned...
When DEPRESSION Surrounds...
And Brings People DOWN... !!!

This Piece May Not Seem...
To Feed Positive Themes...

But ONLY To Those...
Whose Thinking Is Closed...
And Stuck In The Zone...

Where What They Think About...
Is Just Dollars And Pounds...
And Selfish Behaviour...
That Simply Is Tailored...

To These Words That I’ve Found...
That Ask This... Simple Question...

That Is One That’s Worth STRESSING... !!!

When It Comes To The FUTURE...
And The Prudence of Humans...

“ Who REALLY Cares Now ? “
I guess it's more of an eternal question, but is definitely one for these modern times !
They may want blood from you but do what's good for you and deny them the opportunity.

I remember the Lockdowns when them friggin' clowns down in Whitehall were laughing at us and having a ball.

yep I'd vote that lot into Judge Jeffreys's courtroom and hang the whole shebang.

But for that, I'd do penance
while they pay me a pittance
and call it my deliverance

we're still in lockdown.
kirk Nov 2020
For God sake Mr Johnson, we can't take this anymore
It's seems you cannot help yourself, when it concerns the law
Do you intend to keep us all, behind our own front door ?
What happens if there's no vaccine, and we don't find a cure ?

People are still people, and this is no way to live
Local lockdowns just don't work, but more are still forthwith !
The killing of our livelihoods, is what we can't forgive
I believe the official stats, are nothing but a myth

It's all to do with keeping tabs, and global mass control
Restrictions on humanity, seems to be your outward goal
Don't go out and socialise, we no longer have the sole
Freedom of the beating heart, is what authority's have stole

Forced closers of our industry's, well it's just a bitter pill
Intentions are not honourable, when you don't foot the bill
Your decisions make us victims, and we've all had our fill
Months of being grinded down, mangled through an endless mill

There's billions of people, and we've had the rule of six !
But it's okay for governments, when they all want to mix !
Stop throwing mouldy carrots, then hitting us with sticks
Your not immune just because, you've had your Weetabix

What's the point in guidelines, even when you have complied
The cases are still rising, and people have still died
You don't lead by example, because you have no sense of pride
But we get fined and chastised, if none of us abide !

Your promises are always false, your nothing but a fraud
Most of us did what you asked, and this is our reward
Little progress has been made, still nothing has been scored
I'd expect a dire outcome, If you live by the sword

Football matches are exempt, from all the rules you set
Increasing numbers seem okay, when they gather round the net
Anything attached to sports, are not part of the bet
Disbanding and a standard fine, is what they deserve to get ?

Personally I don't much care, if your in a group or crowd
Stand up for your human rights, and do it loud and proud
The only issue that I have, is I am not allowed
Promises are meaningless, when none of them are vowed

So there are groups of people, why don't you leave them be
Major crimes are being ignored, and none of us are free !
We don't want overzealous cops, placing necks under their knee
I can't condone excessive fines, when it's such a hefty fee

The media is littered, but it's us that pay the price
If we don't adhere to stupid rules, or follow your advice
They almost alter daily, so how can they be precise ?
Is every course of action, a random number on a dice ?

You seem to have an insight, perhaps your drinking from the keg ?
Or you have a secret bloodline, and your mother's Mystic Meg  ?
Are you psychic or clairvoyant, is Nostrodamus old Nick Clegg !
Stop rubbing on your magic lamp, and abusing the prime peg

How do you know future, because you always have a date
Specific times for hair brain schemes, but you are much too late
We should have acted sooner, and closed our borders gate
Instead of ever changing laws, and creating a police state

It's a wonder there aren't storm troopers, barb wire nailed to the wall
Steel bars attached to our windows, iron maidens in the hall
Camera's installed in every room, Big Brother's now on call
Problems caused by men like you, the biggest threat of all

We're sick of being prisoners, and treated like we're fools
And Boris changing policies, with the constant change of rules
First you can and then you can't, with restaurants, pubs and pools
You don't mind the university's, or the students risk in schools !

It's arrogance that makes you think, your choices are correct
The reality of your actions, well it's simply pure neglect
You never really had a clue, but it's what I would expect
Society has been damaged, so you don't have my respect

Your half arsed decisions, why are they so on trend ?
They've hardly been effective, they just drive us round the bend
I'd rather have the holocaust, at least it had an end
A regime based on fascism, is the wrong message to send

Take a look at number ten, why was you even hired ?
You've had a taste of power, now your no longer required
Drawn and quartered hanging high, and then you should be fired
So get down from your high horse, cos even they get tired

You should retire from office, because you are far too keen
Give somebody else the chance, who isn't half as mean
Spend your time brown trousering, while bumming England's Queen
He wants to be elected, cast your votes for Mr Bean

Innocent pawns are sacrificed, but you don't take the blame
We're just the broken chess pieces. from a long discarded game
Sadistic orders are dished out, it's always been the same
Your more threatening then Corona, and you relish the acclaim

Liberty has been destroyed, now we're laid beneath the drapes
The iron curtain has returned, so has more sour grapes
Walking on smashed eggshells, watching every step we traipse
It looks like we're getting closer, to the Planet of the Apes

Petri dishes are unleashed, we've been thrown under the wheel
Your worse than the pandemic, because you have far less appeal
The ******* dictators, they just love to hear you squeal
Why should people waste their life, waiting for the world to heal ?

Heart attacks and lung transplants, are still on the doctors list
But ever since this came along, they hardly now exist
You've lost your cancer patients, now their slipping through the mist
Other ailments pushed aside, that's why we shake our fist

Where are the infected, and where are all the dead ?
Statistically it don't add up, I'm not taking it as red
Isn't there supposed to be, this huge big massive spread ?
You may as well ask a horse, The famous Mr Ed

It's a never ending cycle, and this could go on for years
The evidence of scientists, some advice falls on deaf ears
We can't be very sociable, we're a country split with fears
Pandemics shaped like wedding cakes, will always end in tiers

We've followed guidelines from the start, but progress has been none
Situations are now worse, so what good has it done ?
Forget the shackles and restraints, don't hide away or run
Yellow bellies face your fears, that's how the west was won

Come on now it's gone to far, so please give it a rest
We're basically the fall guys, cos we're under house arrest
Something's wrong with mental health, and you should take a test
Nurse Ratchet would be welcoming, if you flew the cuckoo's nest

What goes on in tiny minds, your thoughts are quite unjust
You're very good at ridicule, but much better at mistrust
Leisure and small businesses, are breads burnt at the crust
Perhaps you will be satisfied, when this planet's turned to dust !

Your no different to Napoleon, a claw that always grips
And you sound like Adolf ******, with dictation on your lips
Is Joseph Starling someone else, you acquire some of your tips ?
To toe the line you could use chains, and braided leather whips

We've tried anti social distancing, and masks upon our face
Kept away from people, and gave them their own space
Thousands have been wasted, on the worthless test and trace
It's criminal what you have done, against the human race

You dare to index people, and place numbers on their back
Or filed away and categorised, just to keep us all on track
It's the simple minds of pettiness, and IQ's that you all lack
There's talk of herd immunity, but not every sheep is black

All of these new amendments, are made up by useless jerks
High wages paid for scare tactics, to stupid little Berks
It isn't really guaranteed, that any of it works
Their only interest seems to be, the money and the perks

Propaganda is your standard, for that you are renown
Your only answer seems to be, is everyone lock down
Our lives are left in ruins, while your watching us all drown
We'd be better off with Roland Rat, and not Coco the Clown

Never mind Covid nineteen, because you have caused more harm
You have us clutched and running scared, inside your smarmy palm
Creating thoughts of suicide, is the smug side of your charm
It's too late to make amends, once you have chanced your arm

There's no consoling anyone, there's no shaking of the hand
Other households cannot mix, and all our friends are banned
Are your heads are up your assess, or buried in the sand
It's big fat cats and bureaucrats, who's threatening our land

We're sorry Mrs Thatcher, if you came back I'd be glad
You wouldn't try and lock us up, or treat everyone so bad
They said Rasputin was insane, and the Impaler known as Vlad
Perhaps their methods were extreme, but at least there iron clad

I've never known a virus, that knows the time of day
Curfews set at ten o'clock, watch out it's on the way
Lurking in the hedgerows, while it's stalking late night pray
Time itself makes no difference, to keep the bugs at bay

It knows your pigmentation, it knows your young or old
The difference between day and night, and if it's hot or cold
We've found a superior life form, put the printing press on hold
Downing Street has met it's match, because it's you who's being controlled

World leaders should now move aside, Trump, Johnson and Farage !
Your days are up, you've lost control, Corona's now in charge
It's telling you where not to go, and spreading like soft marge
The ancient mariner beckons you, to step onto his barge

So you've had the virus, well take a run and jump
No one cares about your hide, your just a worthless lump
You have less intelligence, than a forest full of gump
Why don't you just ****** off, we don't want you Donald Trump

Similarities with the PM, is Boris a clone or twin ?
Perhaps your a strange experiment, removed from a surgeons bin ?
You don't get votes for sympathy, by infecting next of kin
Extortionate hair is pointless, when it still looks fake and thin

Economy's have suffered, but I don't think that you care
What justifies seventy grand, spent on your stupid hair ?
Average citizens pay their tolls, raw deals are never fair
Why should we all cower down, just to breath in toxic air ?

You could've spent two fifty, whole grain would work a treat
Thirty biscuit's in one box, is value you can't beat
It would be ten days supply, cos three would look quite neat
All those taxes would be saved, if you used shredded wheat

Who's bothered about your progress, our phones have been infiltrated
Text messages are unauthorised, about someone who's not rated
Come on now and get real, your policies outdated
And that's because your past your prime, and crossly antiquated

Situations you don't grasp, for you they're out of reach
Like the idea of a syringe, full of domestic bleach
You can try your own vaccine, and practice what you preach
And spare us all from irony, and another ******* speech

Don't ever lose at poker, because times are getting hard
It could result in the U.S, playing their Trump card !
You wouldn't want old Donald, or Boris in your yard
So raise up your defences, and don't ever drop your guard

Isolation is not natural, it's like two peas in a pod
Vicious nets of pure deceit, captured in a school of cod
You have the same complexes, cos you both think you are god
But you are just the didymen, and modelled like Ken Dodd

I simply have no interest, in the updates on the news
Or agendas on scare mongering, or any of your views
The headlines in the papers, should be hung in loos to use
Why don't you go and swivel, on two splintered snooker cues

All shops are essential, and no business should be shut
No forcing pubs to close there doors, no wages to be cut
Stop acting like a ******, and being King Tut's **** !
I never knew a double act, created Fruit and Nut

Where was you both created, do you share half a brain ?
You and Boris cause us all, an extreme amount of pain
Lightning surely does strike twice, we hope it never strikes again
It's the nonsense thoughts and policies, of the criminally insane
Well what can I say, this whole thing started in the beginning of October approximately one month ago when my mother received unauthorised notifications on her mobile phone about Donald Trumps progress after contracting the virus.
At the time I wrote a few lines about our Donald and it was intended to be a short poem solely about him of just 4 stanzas.
However as I began to write and situations were forever changing I found myself having other thoughts on other subjects.
Over the past month it was a bit longer than I had planned and I told myself I would stop at 15 verses or stanzas this simply did not happen as it soon went over the intended number.
This happened a few times from 25 to 35 to 42 and finally 50 and even though I had a few more ideas I decided to stop at this point.
This is just some of my own opinions and views and if they are not yours then that's fine neither of us are wrong and neither of us are right its just one individual viewpoint. if you do agree with some of it them that's fine too and I thank you for your time and for reading. lets hope our current situation eases soon for all our sakes
Big Virge Jul 2020
It Seems That...
Interest Has PEAKED... !!!

Within Recent Weeks...
Over Protests In Streets...
And Now In... Street Parties... !?!

That May Cause The Increase...
of This... Viral Disease..

That CLEARLY Has NOT Peaked... !!!

Well NOT YET Medics CLAIM...
But Interest Indeed Is Peaking To Me...

In The... VORACITY...
of The Things That They Say...
And Have Chosen To Preach... !!!

Because People DON'T Seem...
To Be... Following Themes...

That Have Been...
What They’ve Deemed...
To Be... NECESSARY... ?!?

So How Can This Be... ???
Is What … Interests Me...

Because Now... SUDDENLY... !!!
We CAN Stand Within Feet...
of The People We Meet..

Rather Than Have To Deal...
From... Metres Away...
Well That’s What They CLAIM... !?!

But Then Are QUICK To Say...
That In... Some US States...

That... Distancing Measures...
Will HAVE To STAY IN Place... !!!

Because Now The Virus...
Is... RAGING AGAIN... !!!

Because Certain People...
AREN'T Observing What They...
Have Been TOLD To OBEY... !!!!!!

An … Observance of Space...
Cos’ This ISN’T A Game... !!!

A Space Someone’s Claimed...
And Get In Their Face...
Because That’s INHUMANE... !!!

And The Virus Will Stay...
If You DON’T Stay Away... !!!

And Do What Leaders Say... !!!

The Same Ones Who WON'T...
Wear A Mask On Their Face... ?!?

Now That Does INTEREST ME... !?!
Doesn’t It... Interest YOU... ?!?

Those Who Keep Saying..
That This... CORONA FLU...

After... ALL These Protests... ?
That Have NOT Kept Distance... ?

Do You STILL Think That’s TRUE... ?

Cos’ There’s Been...
... NO DISTANCE... !!!

When Street Feuds Have Ensued...
Between Protesting Heads...
And These Enforcement Crews...

Have They ALL BEEN TESTED... ?!?
And... CLEARED of This Flu... !?!

BEFORE... Being Allowed...
To Move Like The CROWDS...
Who Have Now Casted Doubts...
As To The... Whereabouts...

of... Corona’s Cold Shoulder...
Because They’ve Stood CLOSER...
To People In Streets...
WITHOUT... Having A Clue...
As To Who’s Got This Disease... ?!?

Now This Does Interest Me...
So My Interest Has PEAKED...
When It Comes To Scenes...
That I’ve Seen Recently... !!!!

From Police Using Knees.....
Until... George Floyd...
And Now... Rests In Peace
Because He's DECEASED... !!!

To These Protests On Streets...
Now Calling For.... UNITY.... ?!?

And An END To This Ism’...
That We Know As RACISM... !!!

To Folks Being Imprisoned...
WITHOUT Weapons In Vision... ?

So MUCH Has Now Peaked...
In Barely... A Few Weeks... !!!

of Poems Like THESE... !!!

That Speak On These Subjects...
That Have Now SUDDENLY...

Become Like This Virus...
That’s On The INCREASE...

That’s PEAKED My Interest...
As To What’s Coming Next... ?!?

Because... Recent Vibes...
May Not Have Been That Wise... !?!

Because They've...
... " Localised "...

... ”Lockdowns”...
FAR And WIDE............

Because of... BAD Vibes...
From The Beach To The Streets...

That May Well Prove To FEED...
PROBLEMS That Will Lead...
That Will Spread GLOBALLY... !!!

Because... Now It Seems...
That The Spread of This Disease...

Like UNREST That We’ve Seen...
Hit The News RECENTLY...

Are Just The BEGINNINGS...
of Things That We’ll See...


THEY Like This Virus...
Have Yet To Reach... Their...

....... “ Peak “.......
So many peaks and WRONGS, however, no one really seems to know what's going on, and for just how long this virus will stay strong ... just CRAZY ?!?
Big Virge Sep 2021
In This World That We’re Living...
And... VARIED Opinions...
On What Is Now... " FICTION "... !?!

From Things In Vision...
On Our Televisions...
To Things Now Commissioned...
By These Politicians...

Who Now Face CRITICISM... !!!

For The Things That They Are Bringing...
Like Vaccines Given To Create A Position...
Where Corona’s Submitted...
To Being... EXTINGUISHED... !!!

From Being A Fixture...
In Today’s New Mixture...
of Things Now RESTRICTING...

Like Lockdowns INSISTENT...
On Maintaining... DISTANCE... !!!

From Those Whose Existence...
To The Type of Infection...
That’s Said To Be Spreading...
Like... Fictional Visions...
Where The Truth Is Hidden... !!!

And I DON'T Mean Filming...
Or New... " Liberalism "... !!!

What I’m Now Thinking...
Is That Lab Technician’s...
May NOT Be Enlisted...
To Work With PRECISION... !!!

Because... Millions And Millions...
Are What They’re Bosses Are Given... !!!

To Then... Commission...
The Type of Prescriptions...
That May Need Resistance...
From Societies Minions... ?!?

Is What Is Enlisted...
For Things That Appear...
To Be... “ Apparitions “...

Or In Other Words...
...... FICTION...... !!!

Because It’s CLEAR...
That Political Provisions...
And... Coalitions...
May Not Quite Be...
What People Are Thinking... ?!?

Like Stevie I Wonder...
If... Superstitions...
Will Be What PLUNDERS...
Like This Virus Is KILLING... !!!

Because Peoples Belief...
In This Corona Vaccine...
May NOT Be A Wise...
Decision To Take... !!!!!!!

But I Recognise...
That What I Relate...
May Be Just As FAKE...

As News That Is MADE...
To Now... PERSUADE...
Us All To EMBRACE...
This Thing That’s CLAIMED...
To Keep Corona AWAY... !!!

... Okay OKAY...
I Can Hear Heads Say...

" That Big Virge Dude...
... His Poetic Views... !!! "

Which Could Be TRUE... ?!?

But Who In TRUTH...
Are YOU Listening To... ?!?
Doctors Who Politicians USE... !!!

To Make You Think...
That Corona Will STING...
And Leave Your Life Resting...
On The... BRINK... ?!?

While THEY...
Seem To Be Out PARTYING... ?!?
And Having... DRINKS... !?!

Now Is THAT FAKE News...
Or Are These Newsrooms...
Just Trying To Confuse... ?!?

To... Leave NO ROOM...
For The Truth To Be Viewed...

Well My Intuition...
Nowadays Is TWITCHING... !!!

Because I’m Now Thinking...
When It Comes To This Thing...
That’s Said To Be KILLING... !!!!!!

Is It A...TRUTH...

That’s... Politically Driven... ?!?
To CLOUD Our Vision...
With LIES And Conditions...

That Are Now Bred From...

Submissions That Are RIDDEN...
With This Thing That We Call...

........ “ Fiction “....... ?!?
As the saying goes, what's really Fact and what is REALLY....
Maddy Jan 2021
Barry Gibb talked about losses and gains as well as lockdowns
Broken hearts cause the latter
They heal but the scars are always with us like wounds that don/t completely heal
Staying Alive is still and even more so now New York City's anthem
Photographs, Videos, Flashbacks and memories are what we are made of and make us
They define us

Big Virge Aug 2020
Now I Waved GOODBYE...
To UK... Coastlines...
Because There Were Vibes...
That I... DID NOT LIKE... !!!
But THIS Set of Rhymes...
Speak On Waves That Now Rise...
of The... CORONA Type... !?!
NO BEERS In Sight... !!!
That Have People Saying...
....... “ YIKES “....... !!!!!
Because NOW They Say...
That... “ Corona Will Claim...
More Lives AGAIN... !!! “
Because of SECOND Waves...
Across... VARIOUS States...
In The USA And Farther Away... !!!
But Since When...  
Did The... FIRST One...
Reach It’s... END... ?!?
Was There A CURE...
Locked Down Indoors... ?!?
That These Government Heads...
Procured In... “Secret”... ?!?
I Wouldn’t Be Surprised...
Because They Seem To Have LIED... ?!?
About These Waves Time And AGAIN... !!!!!
One Minute It’s Cool...  
To Re-Open Schools...
But Now They Say...  
That This Second Wave...
That’ll Cause MORE PAIN... !!!
And I Read... Yesterday...
Has Again Raised It’s Face... !?!
Have To... ISOLATE... !!!
Because There’s A Case...
Where A Boy Has Died...
So Now There Are Waves...
of... DIFFERENT Strains...
ALL OVER The Place... ?!?
But Corona Now Claims...
The Number ONE Spot... !!!
For Waves That May SHOCK...
The Flow of CLOWNS...
Across Multiple Towns... !!!
But What About NOW... ?!?
As Countries OPEN UP...
New Waves... May Just SHUT...
And Bring Jabs Like The Hut...
WITHOUT **** And His Mutt...
And Bring TRAGEDIES...
To... MORE FAMILIES... !!!!
Than We Saw The...
.... FIRST TIME.... !!!!!
But... Is This Right... ?!?
I’ll Let You... DECIDE... !!!
While I Write These Rhymes...
That Are Wondering WHY... ???
Second Waves Now Ride...
Just A... Little TOO HIGH... !!!
For Surfers Who...
Use Internet Tools Just Like I Do... !!!
To Analyse Reviews About This Issue... !!!!!!
Because It’s SO CONFUSED... ?
And FAR From.... COOL..... !!!
The Way That These Waves...
Are Being EXPLAINED...
By The Same Old Names...
Who Seem To Have...
...... NO SHAME..... !!!!
Who’ve REFUSED To Wear...
A Mask.... ANYWHERE... ?!?
And Have RUN AROUND...
Were INITIALLY Used...
To... Try To COOL...
How The Virus Moved...
I Mean......
Who Knows What's TRUE... ?!?
And I Mean... THE TRUTH... !!!
NOT... Confused News...
From Medics Who...
... REFUTE The Views...
of Those Who They’re Supposed To....  
........... REPORT To......... ???
These Guys... Are...  
WORSE Than Columbo...
WITHOUT Any Clues... !!!
In Fact That’s NOT TRUE... !!!
Cos’ He Was NO DUMBO...
Or The Type of FOOL...
Whose Views Weren’t Shrewd...
So What Exactly Are People...
NOW... Supposed To Do... ?!?
To... Regain WEALTH...
Ahead of Their HEALTH... ?!?
Well That To Me Is A FEEBLE Move...
Because It’s... CLEAR...  
That Second Waves Are NEAR...
And May Well APPEAR...
In The VERY SAME YEAR... !!!?!!!
Yup... TWENTY TWENTY... !!!
But It Seems That NEW VISIONS  ...
STILL LACK... Precision... ?!?
Its A Strange Position...
That Humanity’s IN... ?!?
While Some Get SICK...
Others Are OUT...
Having Parties And Drinks... !!!
While Others RESIST...
Wearing Masks In Public... ?!?
I Wonder Sometimes...
Do People REALLY THINK... ?!?
Or Just Live To PROFIT...
Off... NONSENSICAL Things... ?
I Guess We’ll Now See...
WHO In... Humanity...
Will Now USE Their Brain... !?!
And Who Will Fall VICTIM...
...... SECOND.......
........ “ Wave “....... ?!?
The waves just keep on coming !!!
Big Virge Sep 2021
So When It Comes To...
... Legal Grounds...
It’s... Reasonable Doubt... !!!
That Can Keep You OUT...
of... Criminal Pounds... !!!!!!!
Or Prisons YES...
Where The System Sets...
... Crime Precedents...
But Now Corona’s Around...
There’s A LOT of DOUBT... !!!
As To Why It’s Forced...
... People Indoors...
And Caused Lockdowns...
Across Global Towns... ?!?
It’s Incredible How...
This Disease Has Shut Down...
The World With Waves...
That Seem To Mutate... ?!?
Just Like... X-Men...
Aren't We Now In Some...
... Crazy Days... !?!
Where The MAJOR Defence...
Against Corona Strains...
Is Claimed To Be VACCINES... !?!
But PROTEST Scenes...
And... " Conspiracies "...
Are Casting DOUBTS...
On What’s Being Deemed...
As The Best Way To Go...
To Restrict This Disease...
From Endangering Humanity... !!!
But When You...
THINK About It Folks...
It's... Feasible...
And Quite Reasonable...
To Doubt What’s Claimed...
By... Political Names...  
And BIG Pharma’ Companies...
Who Are Paid Money...
To Develop Vaccines...
In... “Secrecy”... !!!
Or Is It Just CRAZY... ?
Like Online Theories...
That Are Being Said...
To Be... Pure Nonsense... !?!
By The Very SAME Teams...
That These Theories Deem...
To Be Those In Control...
With Agendas In Tow...
To Now Vaccinate Folks... ?!?
In These Days And Times...
Where Freedoms Being Downsized... !!!
Or Is It Reasonable... ?
To Believe That There Are People...
Whose Plans May Well Be EVIL... !!!
Can We Really Be SURE...
What Injections Are For... ?!?
As NONE of Them Seem...
To Actually... FULLY Cure... ?!?
What’s Left Some Floored...
And Unable To Walk...
Or Breathe Anymore... !!!
Can You Trust That The Courts...
Won’t Now PASS LAWS...
That Make Things Mandatory...
That May Work Quite Poorly... ?!?
Or Is That Just …..
.... RIDICULOUS... ?!?
But WHO Do You TRUST...  
When It Comes To This Stuff... ???
Those In Governments...
Who KEEP LYING To Us... ?!?
And Make POOR Judgements...
When It Comes To Travellers...
Who BREACH Restrictions...
In... Foreign Locations...
Like... BARBADOS... !!!
Who Then DON'T Pay The Price...
That Has Been Applied...
To... Local Lives...
If They DON'T Abide...
With Lockdown Guidelines... ?!?
Does That Seem Reasonable... ?
Because To Me That Seems...
........ UNBELIEVABLE....... ?!?
What I’m Saying Is This...
That There’s Something SICK...
About... ALL of This... !!!
Are We Being Tricked... ?!?
Into... Taking Things...
That AREN’T Good For Humans...
And Future Generations... ?!?
Or Should We Just Believe...
What Is Fed By News Feeds...
And Accept That This Disease...
Is A Threat That's REAL... ?!?
That Could Be A TRAGEDY...
For Our Human Breed... ?!?
That Could DAMAGE EVERYONE... !!!
Well I’ll Leave You All To Judge...
But I...  
Suggest You THINK About...
The Simple Idea of.....
... “ Reasonable Doubt “...
I think there's quite a lot of it around right about now....
Big Virge Sep 2021
It’s Become So TRUE... !!!

You Really Need To Watch...
Your... P’s And Q’s... !!!

Or Face LOSING Your Job...
Because of Words You Use...

It’s A CRAZY Value...
That’s Now Being Placed...
On The Things That You Say... !?!

But That’s Okay...
If You Use Your BRAIN... !!!

But DON’T Take Them Light...
Todays... P’s And Q’s Vibes... !!!!!

Cos’ They’re Now Shaping Minds...
To Be Quick To DERIDE...
Anyone Who Lets FLY...
With Talk That’s UNLIKE...

Talk That Is... “ POLITE “...
Instead of RAW And FORTHRIGHT... !!!

Or Just... Straight To The Point...
Cos’ Now Opinions You Voice...

Have To PASS Checkpoints...
And Navigate Chicanes... !!!

For The Things That You Say...
In... Online Domains... !!!

But Even FACE To FACE...
With Your MASK In PLACE... !!!

Don’t Get It Confused...
You’ll Receive ABUSE...
If You’re NOT On Your...
...... P’s And Q’s...... !!!

You KNOW It’s TRUE... !!!

Especially With These...
... CANCEL CREWS... !!!!

Who’ll CANCEL YOU... !!!

If You Say Something...
That... DOESN’T Fit...
With The Way That THEY THINK... !!!

Which Is A SERIOUS Thing...
When You THINK About It... !!!

Are Opinions DEAD...
If They Now... UPSET... ?!?

Or Is That Freedom RESERVED...
For... CERTAIN HEADS... ?!?

Whose... P’s And Q’s...
Move Like SLAVES DO... !!!

Cos’ They’re Part of The Herd...
Whose Words APPEASE...
Once They’ve Been CUED...

To Only Speak When Their Told...
And Keep Their Thoughts On HOLD... !!!

ONLY Those Who Are BOLD...
TRULY BREAK That Mould... !!!

But If They’re NOT RICH...
They're QUICKLY DITCHED... !!!

So... P’s And Q’s...
Are Now Being Used...

Just Like Lockdowns...

To RESTRICT What Comes Out...
of... Peoples Mouths... !!!

And This Vaccine’s Now...
Finding P’s And Q’s Grounds... !!!

Once Injected No Inspecting...
Or Need For Mask Wearing...
To Keep Yourself Protected... !!!

Do You Folks See The Connections... !?!

Now I’m Merely Just Expressing...
With Some P’s And Q’s...
That Most People Now REFUSE...

To Just USE Their HEAD... !!!
And CENSORSHIP Trends...

Because We Will REGRET...
Allowing Governments...
And Their Legal Friends...

To STOP The Right To Speak...
And CRITIQUE What We See...
From CORRUPT Police...
And The People That Lead... !!!

Are NOT The Type of Things...
That Let Freedoms LIVE... !!!!!

So Heads Should NOT Ignore This... !!!
Because This P’s And Q’s Line...
of..... Modern Life......
Already Presides Over Online Vibes...
And Can CANCEL What You Write...

BEFORE It Hits... Websites... !!!

As Well As What You SAY...
BEFORE It Gets Airplay... !!!

Now I’m Just Saying Okay... !!!

That It’s A New Tech Age...
And... Gender Array...
That Now Has P’s And Q’s...
And Some Other Letters Too... !!!
That Can Now Shut Down Your Views...

EXCEPT For... M And F... ?!?

Now Of Course Some Things Being Said...
Need... Legal Precedents... !!!

But NOT Because of P's And Q's...
Or These Sensitive Cancel Groups... !!!

And They Should NOT Lead...

And That’s Where I’ll End...
This Poetic UPSETTER...
Because It’s A DEFENDER...
of The Right To SPEAK FREE... !!!

Because NOBODY Pleases....
...... EVERYBODY....... !!!

That’s Just Part of HUMANITY... !!!

CAN'T Be A Good Thing For Societies... !!!

So... As Much As I Do...
This Saying Shouldn’t Be Used...
To... Minimise Views...
Or To RESTRICT Crews...
From Saying What They CHOOSE... !!!

I Subscribe To The Standard...

When It Comes To Being...
........... On Your...........

... “ P’s And Q’s “...
We're clearly now in a, "Cancel Age", for want of a better phrase ! So this piece is warning, and saying, why aren't we now free to say what we want to say ?
lockdowns in concrete block towns,
but we're free and always will be,
dream on Catweazle the magic's gone
it took off or ****** off
and we're left with plastic daffodils
pots of happy pills
and bills we can't pay.

these were, those are
plug in to the electric car
my choice would be the chair,

sing-sing sings to me.
Stu Harley Oct 2021
I am not going to let this world stress me out anymore because the Lord answers prayers. Recently, I passed away and made it all the way to heaven. This time, I am one of God’s holy angels.

Lord, I need to step out of this world again and find myself a shady tree.
Folks are killing each other for no reason at all. Yesterday, the sun started crying because they built those skyscrapers too high in these neighborhoods.

Well, I am too scared to go in an elevator, downtown. Every time I look up at those skyscraper buildings, my arthritis kicks in. Lord, in the morning I need a little bit of sunshine on my face. Where is Mama's shady tree?

Every time I pick up the newspaper, I see corruption, violence, and bad news in this world. Mama used to say, “What the world needs now, is love, sweet love?” Look at these kids bringing guns and knives to school and participating in lockdowns, instead of lunch breaks. I know some of these kids are spoiled rotten to the core.

Anyway, the kids figure it is more economical to sell drugs than to attend Yale or Princeton College.

Well, too many video games and all that bling, bling rap music on TV are destroying their young minds. Look at the young girls having babies and leaving a helpless and poor baby in the trash bins for the garbage men to pick up. We have babies making more babies.

Oh, heavenly Father and sweet Jesus, I need my shady tree to recover from all this mess! Lord, we have too many children ripping and running these streets without fathers at home, providing clothes, food, and shelter.

Cassius, please bring your mama a glass of ice water. Have you heard about the good news, “Jesus is coming back” Lord, just let me live 999 years or live as long as Moses lived?

Well, I remember, back in the day, whenever I had any troubles in the world, I just go look for Mama's shady tree. Cassius, please bring Mama her slippers, so I can rest these tired old feet.

Now, bless his little soul. Well, I don't have to worry about it anymore, because I died and went to heaven.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2020
Despite all the news
all the lockdowns,
all the scare talk, I
am still in total denial.

I don't know anyone
that's been diagnosed
or died, I don't know
anyone who knows
anyone who has been
diagnosed or died
and the people who
are being used by the
Covid marketting agency
such as Tom Hanks,
Ronaldo, Wife of Canada's
president etc all manage to
survive. So, one has to ask

    Is It True Though?


All a scam

— The End —