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Taylor B Sep 2013
Happieness is to be everything at once
But how do you expect to find Happieness if you don't know what it feels like
How are you to find something when you don't know what your looking for

Happieness used to get getting out and spending time with friends
To be happy I only had to be myself
Happieness used to come so easy

Optimism used to be my way of life
I'd look forward to everything to only have it come crashing down on me
Pessimism is how I live now, I don't have to ex pect anything positive to happen and when something good dose happen its a bonus

Now a days to be happy nothing majorly bad has to happen
"Happieness is to be everything at once" quite by Hands like Houses-No Parallels
Teenage Mess Dec 2014
Life, the pursuit of happiness.
Some will go insane trying to fine this "happiness".
They say its just a chemical in balance in your brain,
"Here pop some pills, tell yourself you're happy!"
But what if somewhere along the way we forgot what happy was.
How can we pursue something when we have no idea where to find it, how it feels, what it looks like.
Everyday we'll wake up and place a twinkle in our eyes, a 1000 watt smile on our faces so that those around us don't know.
So that even though the chemical imbalance is there,
And even though we don't know what it feels like, the others around us can go on finding their happienss , forgetting about any of our troubles.
I wrote this because I do it, I see it everyday, I see the pain behind the twinkle and the sadness behind the smile. Please keep fighting my little soldiers, you are strong and beautiful. But most importantly, you are not alone in this hellish struggle.
Kritika dubey Sep 2016
human behaviour besicaly we cought to know evry thing but there are some point which is indivisiualy hide from us, here i am to inform that points ,,,,,
1- if we want to get sucess over the world then we have to be a perfect on to setup becouse sucess is to be need honest nd pation to a man,
2-it is said that when our heart beaten then is only behalf of some one is liking prson is front of us,but there are one reason behind that small truth that our heart is work with our eyes when we look some one which one we love or like our blood cerculation has been run fast nd heart working fast thats why is happing ,on the other hand it is also a truth that we look some one we dont lyk or love our heart would be beaten more fast at the same time,.. its rediculas but fact,,,
3-if u want share ur happieness than u have to be sprate the happieness ,nd if u want to be happy than before u made sure to make a smile to some one which need happiness,,
4-its said that ur pain could understand by who tolrated it,but i said own pain said to which person who had never tolrate it becouse ur shared ur pain experinced nd other one shred thier happieness experience,both things are xchenge becouse u got to know the real happiness nd fornt of ur got to know the real pain ,,share ur feeling with contrast feeling person ,do it trust me its amazing xperience..
5-our mind always observerd which things those our wanting to observerd nd the thing is the another unwanted observattion has been dissiperasd from the unconsious mind ,becouse mind and both are work with opposite direction,heart goes only which things that we love by us nd mind always goes with perfect which observed perfection ,,
6-there are the points of success,one is, god is always with me and second is, i am the best nd the last third is ,dont give up wather whatevr is situation is front of us, feel confident nd be  honest,,
7-it happen that,when we do love someone or hate to someone than it  possible to the same feeling for u becouse if we love someone than it is nessacery he/she loves u as well
8- Never give-up if someone humilating u becouse every person has been strong that kind of humilating,its gives us some energetic power to fought with sucesses of life.
9-sucesses has been comes to us as slinking and spread lots of happiness :) :) so we has to be patince and do hard work..
10-it is said that a man can do everything and that is 100% truth but for that we know the depth knowlege for the man"s capacity ...a man can do which things that he realy want to do not get only fun way.....but if man decide to get victory he must be dedicate his fully enargy his passion.....
so guyz thats the life 's fact which is unkown for us,,,,,,
Kritika dubey.....
Sameer Chhetri Dec 2013
a friend of mine asked me if i smoked
a past that i had long forgotten
it reminded me of the hollow friendship
the reasons id find just to burn up
just to forget the bitter reality for a min or five

but the friends were forgotten and so was the habit
yeah it does make me nostalgic
but no i wouldnt go back
it didnt bring me any happieness
nop wont go back
Everybody want happiness,
nobody wants pain
But you cant have a rainbow,
without a little rain.
If you  love me
I will be the most loyal companion.
If you love me
I will hold you forever
Each kiss will  hold meaning
And each "i love you" will be sincere
If you love me
I will lay down my  life for you
I will give you everything i got.
My time will  be yours
My life will be yours.
If you love me
I will  give everything to ensure your happieness.
If you love me
I will stand  for you
I will comfort you with every piece of love i have  
If you love me
I will be kind and loving
Caring and  apologetic
If you love  me
I will be forever.
If you love me
I will grab the moon
Wrangle all the stars together
And fit them into a snow globe.
All for you.
If you will allow  me to love you
*we will be unstoppable
Chelsea Ashdown Jan 2012
this moment music plays
this moment we dance
this moment you whisper lyrics in my ear
this moment i feel happieness explode within me
this moment a stone lodges its way into my throat
this moment a warm tear forms in the corner of my eye
this moment we both know we will never be excepted
this moment we will always have
this moment when everything in the world is good
this moment when societies opinion doesnt matter
this moment when eachother is all we have
this moment when we both know how the other feels
this moment when i realise ill never truley be over you
this moment when i realise you are the reason i live the reason i get up in the morning
this moment when i realise we can never truley be together and never truley be with one another forever.
josh wilbanks Jun 2014
There was happieness,
everything changed.
the kid.
The lonely kid
wanderd into
a mindest,
desperate for it to stop.
The kid did what it said,
he cut every day.
He could
He beleived he couldn't.
He eventually died.
Depression finally beat him.
He has always struggled.


He has always struggled.
Depression finally beat him.
He eventually died.
He believed he couldn't
he could.
He cut every day,
the kid did what it said.
Desperate for it to stop,
a mindest
wanderd into
the lonely kid.
The kid
Everything changed.
there was happieness.
Don't ever ******* call me Joshua.
I am not him.
I will never again ******* be him.
I am josh/batman.
Im waiting for the sting.
For the gunshot that ends me.
Im waiting for you to give up on me.
Im scared that
In the midst of my happieness
You will come forth and mention your upmost sadness.
Im afraid you are gonna hurt me
(yes, guys get hurt and remember it too)
Im waiting for you to realize what a ****** i am.
I wait for the day you find someone better.
And though you tell me im the one,
I still have nightmares of abandonment.
Its not your fault.
Maybe i should just believe in love,
in you
But im scared
Cause ive put my faith in places before,
*and was met with overwhelmong dissapointment
I wish he was here

He won't leave I fear

You wont believe what was said

It's easy to slander the dead

What it is to be warm

To feel without scorn

The need to be safe

An embrace that chafes

Where are we now

No feilds to plow

Wrap yours arms around me

We'll  be what we want to be

Happieness, a piece

Freedom of release
Grace Marie Sep 2014
clothes, makeup, long beautiful hair styled to perfection, beating eylashes, and eyes the color of the sky
yes, that is beautiful.
but do you know what else is beautiful?
your eyes and the way they see the good in people and things
your bellowing laugh that rings throughout the room and brings happieness to peoples hearts.
you and the way your uniqueness bubbles out and shows the world
that when you are yourself a whole world of possibilities and happieness opens up.
and it is beautiful.
crazytilde Dec 2014
10 days of happieness left
10 days until your all gone
10 days until I cry a river of tears
10 days until my world falls apart
10 days until my last smile
10 days to live life to the full
10 days of happieness left
Chelsea Ashdown Feb 2012
my tears filled eyes poor like falling rain
nothing in this world compares to my pain
my ability to feel happieness has died
now im dark and cold inside
piece by piece my heart has shattered
my body bruised and battered
these scars upon my stomache, legs and wrists
are all my problems in a neat tidy list
Jonathan May 2013
Mind, Soul lost by the unsueing reality of deception

Bewildered, by change, unable to forget, forgiving's only inches from the pain

Strange trees seen in in this forest of lies, unable to see

What is real, and who will be real with this man's unbrageous heart

Knowing only who betrayed, blinded by who loved him once

Times are gone, for healing

Times for change swifty seize, a man's hope for redemption,

Light is seen through the darkness, sanguineness is in view now, for this betrayed soul

Grab hold, never let go

For fear of no return, to plummet in a perpetual state of disatifactory,

The man just wishes for happieness in a pernicious world
Be honest..what you think, this is my first public poem
Michael Hill May 2016
Charlie and Jasmine fell in love at first sight
They did everything together until the dead of night
After dinner they went in the living room to dance
Laughing and smiling while trying to hold hands
They were both in each others arms by the end of the song
They stayed that way until the early morn

Charlie and Jasmine were so meant to be
He opened a small box as he knelt on one knee
When jasmine looked and saw the beautiful ring
She said i do before he asked what will it be
He jump to his feet and gave her a kiss
Now there together forever with happieness and bliss

Charlie and Jasmine lived a long happy life
They always held hands and smiled until the time had sailed by
As they died together they smiled and held on tight
Then they souls went together to spend forever in blissful light
CJ Sutherland Mar 2019
Search for it
Strive for it
Long for it

Watch it
your fingers
The moment
obtain it

Let it go
chasing it
Will find
When you
I wrote this poem when I was 21 I was just starting my journey to self discovery even the simple list things such as happiness can be hard to obtain I sat ponder and wondered why this is what I came up with
Prepare yourself,
this gets interesting

Have you ever imagined how a hanging body sways.
Back and forth
A human pendulum
The physics between each swing.
The noose,
The body
potential to kinetic energy
And over
And over.
To the dark side of my brain,
The dark side of my art we call poetry.
This is the side not many see.
Because this side of me craves a bullet between my eyes,
My delicate blood to be splattered as artwork.
This is the raw side of me.
That i dont show people
This is terrible you could be thinking
You could be thinking
ive heard worse
And maybe so
But nothing is worse to me than wishing for ******* death,
Rather than looking at a ******* abuser one last ****** time!
ive had enough
I know im crazy.
But every human snaps...
Kind of like the time he snapped my arm
a slight pop
A world of pain.
But stop,
And you could be thinking...
now what the actual **** am i reading
Allow me.
You are reading a lonely 15 year old boy's crazy side.
A side he can easily hide,
But has decided not too.
This is the thought of letting my inner self free just once
Letting my suicide revolver speak only in poetry just once
If you actually care
Dont worry about me.
Im fine.
Im not gonna guzzle bleach
Pop a bullet
Or go for a physics lesson.
Nope im gonna keep living
And writing crazy **** like this.
Let my imagination, though dark it may be, run for a bit.
Heres the truth.
We all have a bit of this side in us.
We all have those thoughts.
Those whispers.
And i resist them, yes.
Because truth is,
its my inner brilliance
The fact that i let myself ease in to the darkness,
But refuse to let it controll me...
Its a true gift.
And i hide it
Behind a thin veil of happieness.
Because in the end,
Only a true lover can make these thoughts mend.
(Wait what the ****!?! Is this a **** love poem)
Well maybe a bit
Its just me
An average guy
Telling you,
Im lonely
And i hope there is someone
To come with me
To be with me
To love me
To hold me
To make me feel whole again.
*do you believe someone could love such a wreched person like me?
Long but nessassary
love is a sweet and beautiful flower filled with nector.
It has its danger sometimes you can get stung by the
bee of loves anger and hard times,it hurts for a few
days then goes away. danger also lerks in the aroma
of attatchment. Drink the sweet nector of love it goes
right for the heart. It can cause Intense pleasure and
happieness but can also cause the most pain a person can
go threw.
Thats the moddo of the broken,
we live for the happieness of others
Because we have giving up on living for our own..
-Leon Firemane
Angel Jan 2017
even when I accomplish,
things worthy of your praise,
your acceptance,
your love,
my battered heart,
gets beaten down,
my success gets thrown far afield,
because you can't be happy for me,
or accept me,
for the intelligent young women I have become,
to you I’m still the nieve child,
who didn’t learn from your mistakes,
like you wished I had,
Instead I took all your regrets ,
and ran to the ocean,
blue as my soul,
you watched in silent pain,
and a muddled mind,
as they fell from my hand,
because believe me mom,
your just playing pretend,
if you really think my life,
will be sin of flaws,
a perfect child,
for you to put pressure upon,
I try my hardest,
yet I’m just a faux pas,
i act to please you,
but nothing i do,
will ever bring joy to your face,
because in the end i was a giant mistake,
who took happieness from your life,
thats why you take it from mine,
and why in this family,
my insanity wavers on borderline,
between deranged and trying to survive,
yet , you laugh and you smile like everyone else,
but i see your mask,
do you see mine?
Michael Harper Mar 2012
With every smile on our faces',
there you laugh.
With every ounce hope in our eyes',
there you stand
with your arms crossed
shaking your head.
If Happieness is crime in your presence
then i will destroy your world.
I will the break the cycle
even if i loose my humanity,
I Will **** You
Hank Pym Dec 2016
drifting through the air
for the ground to burst up and hit me
like the punch of relief and happiness
but it never comes
the winds of distrust
continue to reside
and never let go of me
like a mother clinging to her child
in a big hug
let me go
i long for happieness
the thing that finds almost everyone but me
the tears fall like the leaves
to hit the ground
where there is a utopia of happieness
without sorrow
and distrust
where not even your dearest family can trust you
and toilets seem rather welcoming
can't it just be over
can't it all just stop
can't everything just be

or am i cursed to a life of despair
where i am not loved
and no one forgives me for the mistakes that i have made?
do the dear love me?
does anyone?

so many unanswered questions

for the answers to come
no answers are coming anytime soon

these are the times i hate being a teenager
and wish i could be five
when the world was perfect
and my mommy loved me
Chelsea Ashdown Jan 2012
the sun shines
birds sing
flowers raise there heads to the heavens
the long grass sways in the blissful wind
the sky goes dark
drip drip drip
the sun is gone
birds hide
the flowers begin to frown
everything is black
everything is dark
the grass the flowers are all gone
in its place is a fen of darkness
a fen of hate and shallow graves
i watch the ones i love faces appear in the hidden crypts
i hear their screams of agony
the happieness is gone
hate now in place
Sophie Woods Feb 2014
For words i can not speak, my life why should i keep?
Happieness and grace have left there usual place,
Now hiding behind my face, all i feel is numb and dumb.
I love you til death shall take my last breathe, but for now i hide along with my pride.
Sorry if i ever lied,  but you treat me like dust then all i have left is "lust"
My dying heart makes us part
Eyes tightly shut, why do i miss out on love?
For my prince has not come left to wait with only one mate
A true friend not just a passing trend.
Who knows when it will be the end
But til then all i can do is pretend
josh wilbanks Jun 2014
I am a fire.
A mighty fire.
I burn on passion.
You bring me hell.
a fire pit of eternal pain.
You bring me a passion that hurts more than any other ****** up lie i have been lead to believe.

A willingness to sacrifice everything to see you smile.
- The definition of passion.
You give it to me in over doses.

I love you.
So ******* much.
I hate this passion.
Because i am nobody to you.
Just another guy.
Another relationship.
Another "love of my life."
Another ******* lie.

Just a guy from the past.
Living in lost time.
Reminicing to a place Where he felt cared for.
Where he felt that passion.

A beast to conquer all.
Brought down by the smallest of things.
Brought down by lies.

My fire is brighter then ever with you.
I love it.
Your touch burns down clouds.
Your absence brings the fire men.

Maybe I was wrong.
Maybe I don't love you.
Just the love you gave me.
Just your passion.
My flame is a puddle of blood these days. Thanks for making it rain.
joel jokonia Feb 2018
You little wise words jotted on scrambled paper
A moment's thought
Captured with sentences
Phrases perfected in rhyme n rythm
Telling emotions and pains

The ball runs on the field
Leaving prints of emotions to yield
Love, hate, anger, happieness on print they are sealed
Layer by layer feelings are reviled
Like onion each layer is pealed
In the strength of the ball stories are told.
In the resistance of the field feeling are shared
On the paper emotions are inked

This ink
Yes this ink keeps spewing what's in my heart and mind
This ink keeps bringing the past from behind
In narrow lines of sentences
The universe judges what the sentence is
Rhythm and pain
Rhyme and reason
What began as a grain
Has grown in its season

I give honor to this journal for it knows all my pains more than anyone else
I jot down every single event that took place when life kicked me down
All thanks to the ink and paper I picked myself up and dusted it off
It's now that I can say
This ink and paper is my bestfriend
For it has been with me through thick and thin
Written by three different poets. Ink 2 Paper poets
There is a time and a day
For everyone to shine.
Whens mine?
When will someone take a look at
Who i am.
I wish this world was different.
Less talk and more look.
Because people like me take the end of the stick.
Starving ourselves to match your definition of perfection.
Molding ourselves from what we see
And not by what we feel.
The world really is a ****** up place.
Everythings a race.
Who will blow up next.
I dont want to shine too bright
But someday
I want to prove that
everyone is great.
There is something to love about every single person who exists.
Society is so focused on negativity.
On drama.
But what hasnt been ventured is
Focusing on kindness.
Negativity is ugly
So hurtful.
Especially when it seems like everyone has something to say.
So what do you say?
Nothing negative i hope
Because as you are reading this,
I am speaking to you
Maybe you are thinking
You dont know anything.
But i know some things.
And i know that everyone has something to love about themselves.
Find yours.
What is it?
Its time to start thinking
About a little
(rather big thing)
Called *happieness
Sie May 2014
i can hear my name being called in my dreams, but i never looked back to find out who. i always just kept on running. i've now realized all that runnig was doing, was putting space  between us. i want you back. to hear your voice with true happieness in it. Maybe even have you as my best friend again
unknown poet Dec 2014
When the sun goes down,
I'll end up loving you anyways,
So leave.
Let me forget you.
Move on.
I can't handle it.
I want to be happy,
But the everyday hurt,
It will not allow happieness.
Nothing ever does.
I need to let you go.
And if I don't,
The sun will go down,
And I'll end up loving you anyways.
Go. Please. Just go.
Realeboga M May 2016
The death of a poet is the death of words left unsaid.
Words that could be beautifully carved into an orchestra of pain, sadness,happieness and a whirlpool of emotions.
The death of a poet is tragic.

As words that people hope to find end up not reaching them because  words could not unfold themselves, they could not evolve from just mere emotions and ideas.
Instead they stay boxed up in the mind of the dead.

The death of a poet is tragic.
crazytilde Dec 2014
Sure I've been there
In that pit of blackness
And I'll go there again
Because at such a young age I fell
Drowning in my feelings
But we can all pullq through
Fight till the end
So we can say to our selfs
That we pull through
And get that felling of happieness
I hope you can all pull through
crazytilde Dec 2014
I did expect it to be so hard
Saying goodbye
It's heart breaking to see you float away
I wish we could stay together
But we're drifting apart as it is
You seeking happieness
Me seeking hope
Your going with the flow
I'm swimming upstream
Tears are my only truth
Words are yours
Yet you never speak them
My tears always make an appearance
Do we know each other I wonder
I hope we do because we don't have anymore time to learn
Lizzy K Dec 2017
I dear self am stuck in time
day to day feel like a reverse button was pushed
that everyday I exist but do not live
the outside perspective
and the same day routine are drowning
all my hope and happieness
myself slowly becoming irrelevant
Wolf girl Nov 2017
Never regret a day in life.
Good days give happieness.
Bad days give experience.
Worst days give lessons.
Best days give memories.
This is my first poem so please don’t judge me by it l am going to work up
Violet Jan 2019
I don't feel alive anymore.
It's like i'm slowly losing touch in my feelings, i'm getting more and more paraniod.
Any moment can be the moment i'll be gone forever.
But right at that moment..

Reality kicks in like a drug, i don't feel myself anymore..
I'm desperate to feel something, no matter if it's pain, sadness or happiness.

I feel like i'll never be able to feel TRUE happieness.
I don't deserve it, there are so many people who work so hard just to make others happy.

But i'm not able to...All i do is for the wrong reasons, i'm ashamed of myself, I keep draging everyone down with me.
They work so hard for all they have, and i can't even drop my mask.
Like i've glued the mask of being strong and not really caring. The truth?..I'm terrified.
I can't let myself risk getting hurt again..

I pretend to be happy, but i can't see the point.

''You should always try to sound 'nice'! even if your in a bad mood'', but in my head it sound more like:
''You should have a 'nice', 'comforting' tone in your voice, it doesn't matter if your happy or not! if your not happy can act like you are.''
It's not that i can't pretend, i just don't see the point in telling myself i'm happy when i know deep inside that i'm not.

It's not that i'm lazy and want to sleep, i just can't seem to find a good reason to wake up at all.
What's the point? I'm lost, but i don't want to be found. I just want to dissapear, maybe then...people can actually hear the words i'm saying..
This is a way for me to express my feelings, and i don't think i'm the only one who feels like this..

— The End —