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SANA Dec 2023
Acting as if me
Carefull not to
Sound the same

Favorite face
Same as mine
Differnt place

Same emotions
Differnt skulls
Heart strings
I sink...

I sink...

I drown
The soft glisten of the moon
Reflecting off my drowning pool
Speaks for us both;
A reflection of a reflection
So beautifully distraught
In an identity crisis of the century--
The moon looks in the mirror
And only sees the sun,
She has lost all dignity
That she kept so dear.
The ripples of my love and I
Slipping into the sea are no differnt.
She looks into me and sees me drown
And feels no differnt than I.
Tears stream down the face of the moon
And the rain trickles onto the sea.
Our bubbles are the memories
Slowly drifting from the mouth
Slipping away to the surface.
My love swims to the top to breath
Yet I am here, sitting at the bottom
Of the great blue sea,
Breathless from her sight,
Forged together by unfought tears
And the pressure of its depth.
I watch as you swim to the moon
And bathe in her forlorne light
Breathing, time and time again.
For I will watch all night long
And then go to sleep in the morn.
Matthew James Jan 2017
We're stood on a blacked out highway going to who knows where. A floodlight shines on a group of workmen in road, slow. A passive aggressive sign says "Slow, My Daddy works in here". Gaz, Frank and Jim are gathered under the floodlight.

"That ****** lads dad never worked ere! That's bosses lad!"


"Anyway, what's this hole for do you reckon? Gas? Telephone? Electric? Dead bodies? Haha!"

"Hope not"

"Hopeless more like! Why ARE we digging it anyway?"

"We? I'm digging! You're just talking ****!"

"******* Frank! What about owd Jim over there? Old ****** never does owt!"


"Leave Jim alone! He's seen it all and done it all a million times! Poor guy must be knackered! If I still have to work at his age I'll ope you young uns gi mi some ****** respect!"

"Respect?! *******! Who's getting respect ere?! Not me! I'm in the middle of nowhere at night digging an ole in a highway for god knows what reason!"

"Look, Gaz, 'oles need to be dug. It's not our job to fill em. We just dig em up!"

"Yeah, but don't you wonder why? Like, we seem to be diggin up constantly! Same ****** area of the same ****** highway! Dunt anyone plan it oot so thi can do it all in one go?! Water, cables, all of it?! Its like we're makin work for t sake on it!"

"At least you've got ****** work! There used to be 20 odd of us on this stretch o road. Are you gonna dig or what?"

"Keep yer air on frank! I'll ****** dig, but I'm only doin it for you!"

"Well ****** me! I'm honoured! Shut up n dig will ya?"

Scrape, heave, scrape, heave


Scrape, heave, scrape...

"Yer know what else...?"

"Oh, for ***** sake!! What?!?"

"These shovels are ****!"

"You're ****!"

"Nah mate! Look, handles are loose and shovel bit's weak as ****! If you lift too much thi just bend! It's like thi want us to ave to work twice as ard for t same bleeding job!"

"Well there's no worry o that wi you is there?! You lift ****** all!"


Heave, scrape, heave, scrape, heave ... crack!!!

"Told you!"

"Shut up smart ****!"

"Don't ya get it though?! We're nowt t them lot! Thi just use us n **** on us! Wi dunt even kno' where this place is do we? We just get a lamp post number and go! Where does this ****** highway go?!"

"Look, I don't give a ****! I just want to dig this 'ole then go ome and watch some TV and maybe get a **** before bed! There's a ****** sign over there anyway..."

Sign reads "He..."
The rest of the sign is broken away, probably hit by a car.

"Jim. Jim?! Jim!! ******* I think Jim's dea..."

"Consarnid!! Thundering eejit!! I int banna be deed, tha ****** loony! I wor banna geet some shuteye! Tha lod banging on abaat ****** why thar ****** shovlin *****?! Carnt tha led an owd bloke sleep?!!!"

"Sorry Jim. Just worried mi for a minute there. Are ta alreet?"

"Nah am nod! I wo avin a reet dree-um befoore tha wakened us! Megan ****** Fox wor sat o mi fay-us!"

In unison - "Hahaha! Tha owd dog Jim!!"

"Sorry Jim, It's Gaz, e's got more questions than a ****** 3 year owd!"

"Shut up ya miserable get!
Why do you reckon we're diggin this ole Jim? You've been doin it a long time."

"Aye... I wor yer wen thi started fixint roo-uds. It wo differnt then. Thi gi'd us reet too-uls n ad t reet ideas. Thi jus wanid us to dig reet. Bud thi dint like us knowin moo-ur than them lod! S thi gid us ****** all n wi started wokin unner leets i t deark. Nah ****** con see us then. Thas askin t rong quetsion lad! Ids nod why aar wi diggin t oil! It's why aar wi doin id int deark?!"

"Why are wi Jim?"

"Because we're expe...."


"Oy!!!! ******!!!!"

"Es dead Frank! What the ****, What the ****, What the ****?!"

"What?!? Jim?!! Did tha get 'is number?"

"What the ****, What the ****, What the ****?!"


"What the ****, What the ****, What the ****?!"

"**** Gaz, yer reet! ****** this **** I'm not diggin any more! I'm off ome!"

" FranFrank?"

"What Gaz? That were ****** up Gaz!! Jims dead!"

"B..b....bu... bury J..J..J..Jim"

"Gaz, tha'll ave t do it tharself, I can't dig anymore. Sorry. Im calling t ambulance n goin ome. You should too! Bye Gaz. Good luck."

" bye J..J..J..Jim..."

Scrape, heave, scrape, heave, scrape, heave

Slow. My Daddy works in he...
Not a poem, more of a short story/random meandering thought
Brent Kincaid Dec 2016
Kaincha tok normal, ever sangle wunnaya?
Omina tellya diss. Nuthin lie kat is good.
Alla us oiz tok English good allatime
Ever day uhda world in mah neighborhood.

Us is sum, y’know, good tokken people.
Yeah, ain’t nobuddy speaks good lie cuss.
Lessen there from round here, ah mean.
We got eddycated good, no muss, no fuss.

We don’t need no college, no way Jose.
We gunna do jess lock are parents did.
We go to school every day till eitghteen
Jess lock dey did win dey was a kid.

Ever now and then, you can get ahold
Of sum buddy whose totally iggnent.
They stick there noses up in thuh air.
They think there better, sumthin differnt.

But really, it’s just a mute point, I mean
Irregardless of whut they bin sayin’
They jess turn stuff round 360 degrees.
It’s jess a nother word game there playin’.

Thuh important thang is to be understood
Not that thuh  people say everthang rite.
The important stuff to tok about is
To know whut is wrong and whut is rite.
CynQuavia Sep 2011
I found you looking at me
and tought wow what a beautiful sight
You came up to me and said I found you.
I wondered why you said 'ifound you'
Then you told me years later*
I found you looking at me
and said wow
You told me you found a bestfriend
someone to tell everything and share everything
You found a crazy Girl with microbraids and
a tatto that said I love Blue
You looked at me and said I do too
we started being friends and then besties
i told you everything and so did you
when i left you would txt me and sayi miss you,
I love you, when are you coming back,
Things been differnt for so long
I came back and you said I found you
You fund a Girl with long stright weave in her head with a white polo
and said Wow is that you
Thats me
your bestfriend you found 3years ago
This isnt really a poem I just wrote what i was feeling when going through a rough time and someone was there for me! Enjoy comment thanks
Dee Bach Oct 2015
I didn't believe in love at first sight tell I meet you
But that doesn't mean our fairy tail ended happily ever after
We had differnt dreams then
I still have the same one
Still get butterflies when you enter the room
But do you?
You seem cold, distant, and unrecognizable these days.
And I can't do it
I can't love someone who doesn't love me
And say kind things to brighten my day.
Not once did you tell me I was beautiful, pretty, or gorgeous.
But I'm telling you this now, no one could love you like I could.
Brent Kincaid May 2018
Gooder and Badder
Bedder and fadder
What are Americans saying?
Boddle of wadder
Mudder and fodder
What is this game we are playing?

Funner and betterer,
Pitcher and ledder
They expect folks to unnerstan
Gimmes and wannabes
Mundees though Sundees
A hunnert and ten grand.

Gooder and Badder
Bedder and fadder
What are Americans saying?

Reedikullis and eeleegull
Furrin kinds of peepul
Should learn American English
Even when it’s ignernt,
And sounds  a bit differnt,
A definite ***** to distinguish.

Boddle of wadder
Mudder and fodder
What is this game we are playing?

Inneresting innerlopers
Drunky ***** goat ropers
That’s what they think strangers are.
Our dippy high schoo dropouts
Don’t care what education’s about
And only care about today’s sports stars.

Gooder and Badder
Bedder and fadder
What are Americans saying?
Boddle of wadder
Mudder and fodder
What is this game we are playing?
Queen Z Oct 2020
From the birth till the death,
Has different level of stress.
Life starts going in darker rooms,
No switch of white light to press.

Since the birth of the child,
Parents force to be at the front in life's races.
Among the 1000,5 succeed,
But have something left in life which can bring snake on the face?

Bad memories give so much of pain,
Start smoking and drinking.
For sometimes give some relief,
But more deeper in hell,it's taking.
Differnt Taste, Different View

Each person has a different taste
In each thing they see or do
A different taste in all of life
And different points of view

It amazes me they like one thing
That I thought just wasn't good
Or they hate the thing that touched me
The one I understood

There may be many different paths
That each of us will make
The experience of each life lived
Decides which path we'll take

So when that perfect thing is found
Know It could be just for you
For others may not have your taste
They have a different point of view

Carl Joseph Roberts
Written because many of what I think are my best poems get little reads while others get many comments that people say they like. An example is I think my poem I'm Home Is my best but there are several others that get more likes and hits.
Another Year ive Begun
Everyone thought i was clean but that same
31st eve, i was strung on
I know i know Im the one continuing on
but temptation hit hard
i just felt the need to celebrate
and feel differnt , i was feining and
went to go seek it..
nate mattson Aug 2013
The thought of you almost makes me cry ,knowing I might not ever see you again , the thought of loseing you to someone else , not knowing what is gonna happen in the future, going back to memories just to be happy because none are being made, holding you in my arms untill I fall asleep, kissing your sweet lips everytime I had the chance , just seeing your face puts a smile on my face, the thought of you driveing away for the last time ..... heart breaking, knowing you won't find better dosent help the situation of you in my thoughts, familys and school causeing us to be appart, my dreams leave me lonley in the mornings because you are gone, the thought of my first love drifting into the western sunset while I sit her on the darkside of the moon trying to find insperation to cross to the otherside is like a rough rollacoster ride, the thought of you makes me feel nanny differnt ways .....
taijarea darius Jul 2013
i notice you
and i know your type
smooth brown skin that can light up the night
long thick hair, yeah i notice you and i know your type
to go on about the outer would be a waste of time
to bad you didnt notice you to bad you didnt know your kind
your wisdom is inspiring you are of knowledge
i notice you and i know your type
you had to be a queen in your past life while dealing with peasents
that kept you from your present
dare to be differnt, be bold in your decisions
to bad you didnt notice you to bad you didnt know your type
men dream for a woman like you to be their wife
i notice you and i know your type
smile they need to see that you stayed strong when pain striked
to bad you didnt notice you to bad you didnt know your kind.
Standing on the coast of the oceans
Enjoying the breeze yet lonely
Young Joseph, pushed into the pit of single self
An ochestration of fear
The fear of betrayal and unfaithfulness

Wait did I
Call did I
Calling out for a help out there
Calling out with the voice of afability
Then I saw a light flashed in the pit
Searchlight it seemed and that was it
It was your love
Exactly what I need

Reminiscing the night you took my number
It was satisfaction that suddenly killed my hunger
I'll keep it a memory lasting much longer

You gave me a clothe of friendship in the cold wearther of loneliness
Oh my God am rescued
The days of loneliness seemed like of yore

Your smile like the rising sun brought a whole differnt light of mood
The joy of your presence is of beggars belief
While your absence like a broken bridge on the highway

My goals seem very very far then
But with your intelligence they seem like at an arm's length
Your voice, a courage to my down soul
And your assurance, the fuel to my weak bold

Accomplished dreams I see with you
And the awareness of your love keeps me going in the days of trouble

Your sadness like a dark cloud covers my joy
And your sorrow penetrates my tough soul
It wounds it
That saddens me
It makes me feel restless and helpless
For this, I will always make you happy

No matter what
Do remember
The relation is only a ship
The ship may sink before we get to the coast
But the love will always stay afloat
From my archives. Though a lot of editing was done to this, it was a message to my first love. Every line is true.
alisi olelagi Apr 2015
Living in a different era would be marvelous.  
But get this,
They had the same problems that we are all facing today.
Problems that baffle your mind.
"Why on earth are they still debating over it?"

Living in a different era would be fabulous, wouldn't it?
But would you still have the same privileges accessed today?
Maybe some of you but not all.

Living in a differnt era......
if it were possible, would you go back?
Back to the days were life was as simple as black and white.
Didn't really think through this one. But got inspired by midnight in Paris.
WonderLand Aug 2013
Let me describe him but if i do please don't fall inlove .

He has beautiful Green eyes, their as green as the grass

And when he looks at me i can't help but smile , or freeze . Sometimes I don't know what to say.

He just takes my breath away.

He's tall

I would say about 5"7

His hands are strong and baseball gloves

He acts differnt around people but with me he's as sweet as candy.

He has sugar lips. They have a beautiful form.

And If I ever got to taste them I would probably feel every butterfly fluttering around my stomach wanting more .

He has coffee caramel brown hair that he styles with gel

I can imagine him running his fingers through his hair

And me wondering how he has it so perfectly still.

He can be an ******* sometimes..but thats to reassure me hes supposed to be treated with respect.

He has a voice that will make my ear drums rumbble

When he walks in he makes girls heads spin

He has everyone attention

Which is why if you ever get to see him

You'll heart will drop

You'll feel such a rush

And maybe at the end of the day have a little crush on him

He will give you everything you want to hear

And I'm not sure if its true
But keep lying and make me feel wanted.

He will remember every little detail and compliment you when you least expect it.

For a second he will make you feel your wanted

He will make you feel beautiful

And like nothing in the world else matters

It's him. Him. All of him.

So after your done reading this




Don't fall in like

Like I have.
cwhite Feb 2016
My choices would have taken me to a differnt place.
   Therefore my decision led me to where I am today.
   My struggles battled my strength.
And my fears controlled where I went.
  But now I have cleansed my soul. And my conscience has  been freed from the carry of  dead weight. 
   I can now smile as well as keeping my faith.
   I am so thankful
for all that I have today...,
  And with that I can truely say ,I am happy to be alive...As the tear fall  from my eye...
  And did I mention ,that
  GOD is a great guy...
Dennise K Mar 2017
Ive never had my heart broken
Because i never gave it away.
It's under maximum security
You will never find the key.

Ive had a lot of guys promise they would stay
But i dont know why they always tend to leave.
Its like i give too much of myself
Before i ever get the chance to hand them the key.

Cause maybe im too much for them
Or maybe not enough.
Maybe they never wanted my heart
Maybe they just needed my touch.

Some might say im lucky
To have never felt the sting of the broken pieces falling in your hands.
To never wonder if you could have done something differnt to make them stay.

But there are cobwebs on my heart and no one knows the rise and fall of my chest.
Cause its only ever beat for me
And im starting to think that might be best.
Idk. Rhyming is cheesy
Elisa Aug 2011
The nights blend together
like a sunset over the sea,
not vain or insignificant
but a gratifying scheme.

They say it's a requirement
to take on scynicism and snide
but a differnt approach
honesty, love, peace of mind.

We all ask ourselves, why?
why are we here?
to what do we owe general demise?
what is the point of being alive?

Is there a reason, does fate exist
Infinite mystery or is it more simple?
Is Faith the real secret,
in obtaining peace of mind?
This secret
Is a very important one.
A secret that only I can trust you with,
My only one.
Besides the way you smile,
And how I hope youll stay a while.
This is a secret I hope to never regret.
Spoken in differnt languages,
But clearly meaning the same.
Are words said to tame.
For your imagination can only wonder,
The Secret that may ponder
Lies behind my lips.
Just as these same lips once bestowed a kiss,
For a cause now lost in devastation.
Your greatest elevation.
Lies behind my eyes.
The beautifulist disguise,
To keep a secret so bliss.
However for you my only one.
Out comes the secret spoken to no one
You mean the world to me and nothing would be.
Unless you stayed with me ina castle,
Made by our doors.
And I love you
Are the words that speak the most true.
That reveal the secret,
The way I feel about you.
Words un hearble so hear them threw.
I love you now please stay in our home,
A kingdom made from us our castle.
john p green Oct 2015
Just want to be reunited with you
My precious oh I dare not say
It's simply for sole protection
For we delve on differnt planes
Yet we'll always be here and now
I simply want to bring it back
Those songs and nightly visits
Your voice so pure and proud
Brought both smiles and tears
Too bad no one else knew it
Even in my head thru the day
Please don't leave again
We will reunite my dear
Just because I've gone astray
Only in the sense though melded
And I mean that for life's sake
DC raw love Dec 2014
as she approached me
with a drink in hand

was it me or what i had

she smiled and whispers
what do you have

i have only love
so why do you look so sad

she said
i had differnt thoughts
but you make me think

no one ever said
they loved me

they just used me instead
nbfdjkhjsf Mar 2012
If you were here, everything would be differnt.
i would smile more, Laugh more generally be happy more.
Life's changed, Ive changed.
I will never forget the day i lost you, it was and still is the worst day of my life.
I may not be able to see you but i know your still here, i guess that gives me some sort of closure.
The things i have seen scared my mind, but i have learnt to deal with it.
I get stonger and stronger everyday.
zakariya Jun 2015
I wanna write somthing about u
And i want u know
U are the best and u will still the best …
U are the best beacuse no one like you  
U are pretty ♥ beautiful ♥ wonderful
Beacuse u are differnt and i will say that again
No one like u
U make me smile
U make me happy
And i’m sure u will
Never do somthing hurt me
I wana write somthing about u
When people ask me how are u
I said i’m hàppy beacuse i have friend like u
U are the best and i wish u all the best
Beacuse no one like u
this poetry is for my best friend Pamela Ekundayo ♥ ♥
Its a new life, new friends. Keep to it dont give up. Lace up get ready for this marathon, possibly one like you have never ran before...but not the same in some fashions or this might be completely new. Gotta take stride with every new footing in place. New sites. Find a cluw get in the view, dont be blinded by the sun and become distressed, and get dressed with your sun shades on keep pressing forward. Show no fear. Express it ways of healthy ethic. Dont get depressed, fess, dont create a mess. Be impressed by your own actions. Bite on a bone, hold your tongue rather then feed your greed. Now since we have a place to rest, remember you are the best and worth just that, nothing less. Dont dare hide your face believe you are blessed. More rollercoasters and adventures ahead. Let your light shine, yeah im bustn a rhyme. If home is where the heart is then home is where you make it .this time its gotta be a differnt view. Remember its  all the same stuff different days you gone threw. Just in different forms the stuff you go threw handle it just the same, dont be quick to anger this healing doesnt just happen over night. You can fight the good fight. Stay true to you.
How is it,
That I am stuck in this world,
Surrounded by these "people,"
When none of them feel human at all
Is their really a heart in that numb thing you call a body?
Is it that I'm differnt or that they're all the same.
Harry Gione Aug 2018
Another love song sang into the wind
Another rainbow with no beginning
Another sad poem about these things
Another me strolling into town
No more lost than found
Or falling asleep in the lounge
As cotton filled as just another couch
I never expected anything more
From both life or the cornerstore
I never thought of both any differnt
Than plain old common repletion and persistence
Life is but life
Like traffic after four at night
Just another thing to get through
Jimmy Hegan Sep 2015
Recepie of every ingrident that carries distinct functions and taste.
Different ingridents makes unique taste for a great food dishes
Vinegar and wine add distinct flavour to differnt recepie.
Master Chef uses these ingrident and recepie to becomes master.
Blue Angel Sep 2015
You may look at me and think my life is perfect because I'm blonde, blue eyed, and because i'm white. Two parents, 2 brothers, freinds who care and a nice home with shelter, and someone that I deeply deeply care about and love. But my life isn't perfect, in fact it's far from perfect. I didn't choose the lfe I have, I didn't choose the military life. It choose me. At first it's fun, moving to differnt places and going on adventures, but it does have it's flaws and bittersweet moments. Like having a dad go to war 3 tines and you pray tht 2 men dressed in service don't come knocking on your door. Or that he misses your soccer game,  your 1st, 6th, 8th, and 13th birthday, your 8th graduation, school events. Isn't there most of the time because he is trying to provide for a family. And how he has the words to comfort you tht mom can't find. Then you have the times when you try so hard to make sure you don't ***** up, but no matter how hard you try. How protective he is of you, and that you don't want to let him down. But that's just sone of it. Truth is, I've made so many mistakes that I can't count them on my fingers, I have cried enough times to make a river, and I made enough scares on my self physicaly and emotionally to **** someone. Because I didn't talk about my sadness and misery, I felt trapped, but it all changed, but sometimes it came back in different ways. I've been to 9 different schools, 7 different states and I've managed to keep in touch with 6 people. I've felt with police, and it wasn't my fault, I've don't illegal things, and I'm still in this earth. I'm currently 18 and I'm in high school about to change all of that. So here is to the people who aren't seen the right way, judged and messed with.
Sean Singleton Jul 2015
I feel you now, you feel me too,  I feel as if your bursting through , it's real at last, your really there, I feel your touch, you know I'm here.
Feelings coming all out together, worried you'd want differnt or better, I feel so strong, I struggle daily, waiting for you, my beautiful baby, it feels so close, it feels so near not long to go till your finally here.
Ariel Taverner Mar 2014
I wish he knew

I wish she knew

He is so cute so handsome
The perfect guy

She is amazing utterly pure abd beautiful

His lips as soft as velvet
His hands so gentle
His eyes so thoughtful

Her lips like pure silk
Her hands so small and tendrr
Her eyes the epitome of intent

He kissed me once
We were drunk

She kissed me once
I was drunk

The deathly smell of intoxication on his lips meeting with mine

The sweet numbness of intoxication mixing into her breath

My poison flowing into him numbing the effects of his drunkenness

Her vivacious poison numbing the numbness. Like alcohol but better and sweeter

There was no lust in me for him only him to be mine

I did not wish for her body I wished for her to be mine and mine alone

I would **** any ***** who so much as dares look at him

I would break the teeth of any guy who does anything to her



I wish I could show him

I wish she could just see

I would never let him down

I would kiss her, tell her she is beautiful

I would smothrt my pains in his sweet tender arms

I would call her just to say 'I love you'

I would save my tears for him in two differnt jars. One big. One small.

I would cry rivers for her

The big one for happiness
The small one for pain
Both because of him

I woildt break my arm over and over for every tear spilt from her precious eyes

I wish he knew

I wish she knew
Sean Singleton Apr 2016
I feel you now, you feel me too,  
I feel as if your bursting through ,
it's real at last, your really there,
I feel your touch, you know I'm here.
Feelings coming all out together, worried you'd want differnt or better,
I feel so strong, I struggle daily, waiting for you, my beautiful baby,
it feels so close, it feels so near,
not long to go till your finally here.
John Prophet Dec 2017
Where did you
come from?
Every ancestor
you ever had,
had to beget
with who they
If any link
in the chain
with someone different.
If someone turned
left instead of right.
You’d not be
here today.
By being here today
you won the
infinity lotto.
Some say
this place
we exist in
is just one of
They say
in fact the
number of realities
existing in
parallel is
Different links
infinitely so.
It was,
you’d appear in
at least one.
your soul,
your spirit,
conciseness is eternal.
though different
realms of existence
for any number
of reasons.
you have
much to learn
before you arrive.
gets dull and boring.
You live finite packets
of reality
with no
to keep things
fresh and interesting.
something else
is going on.
A finite mind
know all
the infinite
makes possible.
Since you
can’t know
what’s possible,
anything is possible!
Craig Irving Jun 2017
We sure felt alot,
Sorrow, grief, guilt and a little of joy;
Each was a different experience, different voyage;
We were Humans,
Not of those who each day die,
Rather each day was a new life;
But one was differnt, wonderful emotion,
Unique, above all.Love;
Love made you smile,
Love made me cry,
Love made us guilty,
Love gave rise to all, fragile,
weak being, shortlife who changed us;
It was special,
A second in love became years,
And years loving you was a wonderful day;
When all was over, it was like nothing had happened,
But when I looked at you and you at me,
In the time of a heartbeat,
We felt that stream of feelings flow through us,
Yes, we once lived.
Ken Pepiton Apr 2020
Whereas, hereafter, here

is relative, meaning related, as in linked,
to you there now.

Here, we arrive on a time, as all fine stories do.

We step lively, where no angel fears to tread, ever,
as you must know, by now,
is a word's own being manifested in meaning
all the same
to you
dear, as in worth the effort to look for and hold, in the having
state, of meaning,
dear reader, we made history blink.

Missle warfare, in our culture, came before the giant fell.

Shepherds and irrigators used slings, and other throwing
ob jects, sub ject e ject

juxtapose sup-positive positioning, do we think we

or be we? Wu, woo way, woo.

You up for this. It is live, this thread we walk along up
right un aware of wind or rain or storm,

no dry nib scratch, no drip of black on the illumination,
no breeze to blow plains of gold one atom thick

as a leaf, gold leaf, who'dathunk that?

A teller of tales talking to a peacock feather from a carcass
coyotes left by the road.

Ed Teller told me, some things called quantum and strange,
are simple has human beings,
there's the humus part, and the being part.

Art and science, sorta.

The trope is no differnt than when Gulliver was breathed
into our earth wide disneyfied minds,

give peace a chance,
alls, we are saying, is give peace a chance.

And when the boomers are taken down a knotch or two,
a tic, tic, re calibrate

thumbnail, zoom in on the eye in the thumbnail

to the gleem in the eye,

reflecting a Pepsi being poured into a Coke, with a Real Thing,

Giant sticker stuck stickily can't shake it take it oooo

no just any
body, don't you want some body to love? Roar or

was that a flash,
that was a genuine pshahdelic flash back on an out of zone
who knew? Boundaries are the best parts of bubbles.
If it was fun, you are in fected with a sorta sick humor.

— The End —