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Aaron LaLux Mar 2019
Always racing the clock and running amok,
wear my heart on my sleeve but keep my thing tucked,
what does he mean in other words what the fck,
I mean he calls a always racing the clock and running amok,
wear my heart on my sleeve but keep my thing tucked,
what does he mean in other words what the fck,
I mean he has the ***** to call a ***** a ***** and a duck a duck!

so bitter it’s biting,
not a quitter nor fighting,
won't give up,
as the darkness grows we just keep enlightening,
loud as thunder fast as lightning,

see sometimes the darkness can be so enlightening!

Call as ***** a *****,
and a duck a duck,

so bitter it’s biting,
not a quitter nor fighting,
won't give up,
loud as thunder fast as lightning,
as the darkness grows we just keep enlightening,

see sometimes the darkness can be so enlightening!
MisfitOfSociety Mar 2019
Fresh out of the oven!
It tastes so good when it comes out so fresh.
Just a little bit of seasoning,
And it will be tasting so good!

It is the besta pizza in the world!
Come on down and taste the besta pizza in the world right here!

You look so tasty,
You look so **** tasty.
I want to put you in my mouth,
Because you look so tasty!
You look so ******* tasty!

I lift you carefully up to my quivering lip.
Water cracks through my concealed ravinous face.
I wrap my mouth around you,
and bite into an explosion of flavor!
It is the besta pizza!
Come get it while it is hot!

I like to play dominoes on pizza,
it is the besta.
It gives it so much more flavor.
Look out for cheese pizza
Toxic yeti Feb 2019
As I
Make eye contact
I **** at
With someone
Does that mean spirit family
Soul mate
Maybe Bull
Or maybe not Bull.
MisfitOfSociety Feb 2019
They’ve taken my arms,
Taken my legs,
Taken my eyes,
Taken my head,
Taken my mind.
Now I am just a vegetable.
An armless,
Mindless freak!
Left to rot and decay,
While I can still feel it all slipping away.
MisfitOfSociety Feb 2019
Never drop kick an alien,
Or they will shoot fudge in your ears,
And nut in your eye.
Then stick a needle in it,
Then stick a probe up your ****** pipes.

Nobody wants those things done to them, so I advise that you don’t ******* the alien that took you from your planet.

Oh **** the E Mother ******* T is at it again,
Stealing cows and ****.
Running the farmers out of business.
What do they need the cows for anyway.
Is their planet running out of milk or something?
Are their women not producing enough ***** milk for baby alien lips or something?
Makes me so mad that I want to drop kick an alien....
But I need to keep it together,
Because I know what they will do to me if I do.
MisfitOfSociety Feb 2019
I just heard the biggest load of ******* today.
It seems every crazy person has something to say.

He was kissing his wife, who suddenly changed form in front of him. She looked like a scaly, green asian grandma with Kardashian lips, a watermelon shaped head and eyes as black as holes.
He said he couldn’t remember much after that.

Then the following day he woke up *** naked in the middle of the scorching Sahara desert; baked like a **** in the oven turned up way too high.

If that ain’t the biggest load of **** being blown out the *** of a bull then I don’t know what is.

He must be crazy.
He must have made up a story!
It is much to crazy to be real!
It sounds like something out of b rated sci-fi movie!
Twisting words
MisfitOfSociety Feb 2019
Been stepping on the roaches again.
Couldn’t see them on the black tiles.
Next time I should remember to put the light on.
Because now I got bug matter all over my shoes.

It is hard to notice the little people,
When you are big and wondering around in the dark.
Please take notice of where you step,
Because you might be stepping on someone else.

Oh please look down,
I may be small,
But that doesn't mean I don’t exist at all!
Can you hear my little bug voice from way up there?!
You are about to silence it forever!

The next time you take a step,
Consider what it may do to another,
Because you may end up with a squished roach on the tiles.
MisfitOfSociety Feb 2019
I smell a queen bee drenched in alcohol!
Dried up and soaked into a cotton ball!
One whiff and suddenly she is my queen bee!
Now I spend my life making a spoonful of honey!
MisfitOfSociety Feb 2019
It was clear to me then, but it escapes me now. Infinity was condensed to a single moment, I don't know how I knew that, but I did.
I saw standing before me, a tomato, a swine and a human. They stood side by side. Their physical bodies were dissimilar, but their souls were all the same.

By cutting the tomato you cut yourself, and by killing the swine you **** yourself. They all may not look the same, but what they feel is the same. You are the tomato, you are the swine, and they are you too.

To you this is ******, but to me this is life.
Life has got to eat life, It is how we survive.
Life has got to eat life, It is how we stay alive.

Life to you rings a different tone. You claim that life is more than food, that to feed is to ******, but no one says a snake is a murderer when it kills a mouse.
You say no one needs to die in order for others to live. But death comes one way or another.

You say:
"Stop mashing that potato,
Stop cutting that tomoto,
Stop pealing those carrots,
Stop grating those onions.
Just because you can't hear them, does not mean they don't scream;
And just because they aren't people, doesn't mean they can't feel."

How you see the world is the only way to see it? But I saw infinity in the fraction of a second, yet it was an eternity. I saw that what we see, is what we want to see. And that what really is, is what we make it out to be.

I was laying in the dirt, then the dirt became me. I then fed a flower, then I became the flower. A doe ate the flower, then I became the doe. A wolf consumed the doe, then I became the wolf. A man skinned the wolf, then I became the man. The man lay in the dirt, then I became the dirt again.

Life bleeds into new life, It is how we stay alive.
Life bleeds into new life, It is how we survive.
Chris Feb 2019
She's ugly but I want her.
The truth is , we all know a gal like that.
And the truth is a lot like that gal.
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