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Aizzur Festejo Nov 2015
I tease you to make things exciting.
I tease you so everything seems more relaxing.
I tease you to make you laugh.
I tease you when life's getting rough.
But sometimes,
I tease you to expose my wickedness.
I tease you to show my sweetness.
I tease you to get your attention.
I tease you to give words to my affection.
If I crossed the lines,
What will happen if I stop teasing you?
Should I just do tricks like peek-a-boo?
You told me to flee as you shot at the enemy
The bullets echoed in your mind
My eyes were wide but only you could see
Fresh blood that had already faded in time

You knew well who the wicked were
So you never took your medicine
There was no need for a doctor
Only some bruises and cuts on your skin

Screaming in a voice that wasn't yous
Running over no man's land
Your screams echo within suburban walls
You don't trust my outstretched hand

A summer's day in our peaceful town
Your face bear´s the lines of blazing heat
You hear an explosion, you pull me down
As a truck slowly passes down the street

You still have the same touch when you hold me
Muttering what those hands have done
Pictures and flashes take over reality
Until there´s just sand, dust, loss and your gun

You are one of the lucky ones
But you didn´t come back the same
Sweating years and guilt until morning comes
Hearing your friends calling out your name

The fear of losing you is gone now
These days I carry fear of a different kind
That I´ll come towards you and somehow
You'll see my face and won't know it's mine

Inside you there is a wild storm
Were anguish and sadness grow
Suddenly you're back in your uniform
Surrounded by young faces you'll never know

I love you, no matter who you are
Forgive me for not removing your pain
When you enter a tank, I enter a car
Without warning your ghosts are back again

You're walking on the soil you fought for
Hearing people's voices condemn
In your mind you're still at war
Even if you did it all for them
I ´ve heard a bit about this condition and was filled by sadness for those suffering like this. I think it is an important topic, so I decided to write this
Kale Oct 2015
When you stumbled into
My broken life
We were filled to the brim
With fleeting romance
That Controlled our Minds
But then I realized
That our love was false
And the sweet nothings
Were the web of the poison spider.
And I realized you were leading me
To be a prisoner to your wicked smile.
I thought I couldn't escape
I thought that I was weaker than you
But my belief is the
Control you had over me
And so I decided that I should
Run Away
Escape Sep 2015
You don't wanna hurt me but you say ''Won't you stop,
you talking about love but you only got words''

and you ask me ''What's making you not lose hope
when there is so much distance between our worlds
It's sad to hear but I was just passing
nothing serious, like someone leaving in the morning
don't hold on me cuz i'm nothing good for you
I'll make you feel what you don't wanna go through
cuz I'm just as lost as you honey''

See, I hate when you are so indecisive
and I hate how your love has been addictive
how can it feel so good when it ruins me emotionally
maybe i'm attracted to what's gonna destroy me
and I know you like to start this wicked game
but i don't care now, you've made a mess of me
let's turntables and play this wicked game again
I'll make you beg when you get closer to me

you've had me from the start
I still can't control what you've been doing to my heart
and I often go through this phase
I fall down and just get lost in a haze
and i can't bear that I love you
I can't bear that you're all i want and need
I wish it was different with you
but anyway I know that I'll never win
you're so unreachable
I sit alone
alone in my thoughts
alone in my desires
alone in my motivation

I stare at a blank wall
a canvas as blank as my mind
so much complexity could be created with a flicker of paint
with a flicker of emotion
but such is my mind

I run towards a prize I will never receive
my motivation unknown
my thoughts as jumbled as my laces
all I want is to win
a battle I never can
fighting for my spot
in an unknown place

A wicked wind stirs my thoughts
brings them home to me
I want to become alive
so I stand
I breakfree
I fight
I cover my canvas with layers and layers of paint
I reach for my prize
I live.
Irony Aug 2015
You call me girl
And I call you boy.
You are you
and me, I am me.

Yet we are the same.
We are cruel,
to others, yet to ourselves.
We are bad, which is fine.
I never liked the good.
For it was boring, useless,dull.

You call me *****.
I call you *****.
You with your black inked skin.
devilish tattoos, and piercings.

You smile at me and I cannot help but smile back.
We are not happy, for we do not know the meaning.
But we take the little joy we get with each simple ****, smoke, fight.
For that is what life is for you and me.

We have learned, that the weak are the most brave when faced,
And the strong, are the most devious.
We are the strong, for to be brave is useless.
Why be given, when it is so much more fun to take.

We were once scared of the monsters when we were children,
we once fought for the good.
But then we gave up when we saw the evil was to much
and now we smile, laugh , drink with the monsters, because,
we realized that there was no good, only the illusion of sanity.

But now we know better, for to be insane is to be sane.
We are bad.

you call me girl
I call you boy
you call me *****
I call you *****

You are wretched
and me
I am Wicked.

We are both of the evil.
We are both Insane.

Wren Djinn Rain Jul 2015
Do you believe the powers come from heaven in rain?
Denounce the brittle, little lies that keep you detained.
With one fell swoop your family denies that womb water
from their line ever held you. Our child, disgraceful.
Hold me now, wicked wind, in twilight to find truth,
for no amount of trying will mend the boards began
pried to the point of breaking right loose. Glue won't
fix this rift. Don't worry, I find it nice that some do
get to choose. Ungrateful mug, she rejected our
love by walking with her brow upright. Beaten none,
for the patchwork of lashes mashed in back above
the *** of property, branded and pushed in.

The sky will call a caw for you on one more day
you kept yourself from death, promising to do
your due, never invite the listless, self-inflicted
sorrow, others lip to ear in shadow gaslight to
imbue. One more day others in shadow decline

I. Will sing a prayer.
(She denies the gods given)
I. Own nothing to give.
(Free and kindly)
I. Will sing.
As much and where I would like to sing.
(She's another one with a will)
Not crying at the back of the world, not holding just to hold.
(She's another one who hunts happiness as if to others she's disappeared)
Not stopping to cry back at the ceiling holding me
to the floor in a box as its missing pieces

(When she's only a another piece)
straight up in a hot flash
Lamb Jun 2015
The light blares red
Ordering me to obey
To stay is what's screaming in my head
I choose not to live this way
I thrive on dysfunction
The hunt for affection
I cannot be controlled
Or be put on hold
If you push, I'll pull

I do not comply
I take what's mine
Telling a life of lies
I am secretive
But this is the life I live
I call the shots
Taking the first spot
Craving more
Always one to be sure
I put up a fight
I run red lights

When others see red
I am blinded by greens
People claim I am mean
A deceitful machine
I chose to put on this mask
Never relaxed
I don't do what's asked
I live by no task

I am pollution
Bearing no solution
I am a flake
I don't give, I take
This is the only life I know
Nothing else to show
I wreak havoc every step I take
No responsibility for the lives at stake

So when I see red
I will not obey
I live my life my own way
But if I get a ticket
Remember there is no stopping
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

on a hill stood wicked tree
a single root, branches three

one branch was war
one branch was want
one branch was greed
horrid haunt

its root was pride
its power great
acid soil of perfect hate

its bark like scabs
sulfuric green
a stunted growth
twisted . mean

lichen of ignorance
crusted there
on the north side
of despair

black mushrooms
sprouted from its pores
growing from
starvation's spores

and yet it thrived and gave its fruit
they were put forth by the root

these carried seeds to plant in season
they want it growing for some reason

they plant it lone upon a hill
where it can grow
it's growing

it grows from you
it grows from me
we feed that hateful

wicked tree

(c) 6/13/2015
first draft 2014
when will we water

Come to your senses and keep your distance
How you do it - is entirely your piece of cake
At all times wear a long, pale face around me
Do not as much as smile at my birman kittens

They can't stand your sight or the likes of you
It's unthinkable how I put up with you these years
Said you'll be there for me when you actually mean
You will never come an inch close to my street  

Now, the storm is over or so you thought
Like the wretched dog you are - shamelessly
You crawl your way unto my doorstep, with the
Hope I'd throw myself at you for all its worth

I rather get drown in the middle of nowhere
Than to stand the pathetic sight of you anywhere
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