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Philomena Dec 2018
Velociraptor means "swift seizer"
And you have seized my heart
I have no idea when I am getting it back
If you even plan on returning it at all

You don't play fair
And if it came down to a fight you'd have me pinned in seconds
You leave me rather quite helpless
Cant run, cant hide, its like you read my mind

But despite it all I'm glad
Because for someone who has always been alone
It's nice to be part of a pack
No seriously please send help
Max Dec 2018
Well I'm like a weird book,

With pages unnumberd
And stories not told.
With a cover that's bended and not carefully folded.
Sent this to a friend a while ago..
Sam Dec 2018
He crawled from his van
Hair slicked back like the wind had grabbed it and never let go
"What's up man?"
His voice was shrill, and scratchy
Like a villainous rat from an animated movie
The sound of it honestly sent me into a daze
Trying to comprehend his existence
He'd carved himself a niche
Cleaning the carpets at this lackluster apartment community
I listened anxiously as he spoke to the other maintenance guy beside me
Although my time at this property was short,
I learned of Candido's way.
Aseel Dec 2018
من عادتي أن أمشي بطيئًا جدًّا في الحب.
يستيقظ قلبي عندما يرقصُ قلب غيري، و يرقصُ قلبي عندما يبدأُ قلبه بالاحتراق، و يحترق قلبي بعدما يكون قلبه قد أنار العتمة كلها بمفرده.
أمشي بطيئًا بالحب، ولا أعرفُ مشيًا غيره، و لذلك كان على من يُمسك بيدي أن يمشي بسرعة عشرين كيلومتر في الساعة رغم أنّ قلبه يركب طائرة نفّاثة.
طعمُ الطيران يُصبحُ باهتًا عندما تكونُ خائفًا.
و هكذا، أصلُ مُتأخرة لكلّ مرحلة، بعد جُهدٍ لا يراه من كان أمامي يُدحرجُ قلبه ككرة القدم بينما أجرُّ خاصتي خلفي جرًّا.
أصلُ بعد أيّام و أسابيع، بعد أن يكونوا قد أكلوا مشاعرهم ليتسلّوا بها خلال الانتظار.
أصلُ إليهم فارغين إلّا من أُغنية ميّتة و وردة حمراء ذابلة، و الكثير من الضجر.
يضحكُ قلبي، يهمسُ لي أن في حالاتٍ كهذه، ألّا تصلَ أبدًا خيرٌ من أن تصل مُتأخرًا.
ثمّ يجرّني خلفه
و أعود.


I’m used to walk very slowly towards love.
My heart yawns when someone’s beats, beats when someone’s is on fire, fires up when someone’s turns into ash.
I walk very slowly towards love and it’s the only way I know.
That’s why whoever trys to hold my hand have to walk 20 kilometers an hour while his heart is on an airplane.
Flying is dull when you’re afraid.
I always arrive late, after putting all my efforts into draging my heart while the one beside me is kicking his like a football.
they wait for me, but when I arraive I find that they ate their feelings because of bordem.
So I have to turn back. And go.
8M Dec 2018
When all the babies cry
And the pelicans sing
What will they bring
To the table, oh my
Right before my eyes
They'll crown me king
Dancing around a swing
Do I get my prize?

I know the grass is green
And that blades are sharp
My history is clean,
Not a sin to be seen
But what's a work of art
Is blood on the screen
I know this doesn't make sense.
staysha Dec 2018
Whats so cool about ***
Why do people want it so bad
Is it because we talk about it so much
Why does it drive people mad
It has the power to make a good person perverse
It can make a man ****
But all for what
For a duty to fulfill
To repopulate
Is it simply what we are made to do
Or is it something totally exempt from all dimensions of knowledge
It does not make sense if im being true
I dont understand the need for *** the unending desire and craving i have for it and i truthfully dont believe many people do.
JT Nov 2018
listening to music for airports.
planes that fly in blue.
still. eternal. true.
colours made of love.
love made of colours.
child of child raised.
elder of elder lowered.
floating. dreaming.
wanting. being.
wanting more. never having.
having more. never wanting.
what's this about? you choose.
MC Nov 2018
I feel a hole in my body. In my gut. I can hear it. Stinging.
Ripping slowly throughout my chest.
What purpose do I have here? In this world. Almost meaningful. Maybe not.
I don't know how to help myself. How to fix myself.  
Will I ever know?
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