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Ashanti Aug 2021
You limit yourself because you don’t believe to limit yourself is to limit your creator you insult your self cause of their opinion to insult yourself is to insult your savior put your faith,hopes,desires,fears and strength in god today and watch your life change
Trust in god
I am ice cube
fire put out
no other love rules
in your sbsence
In love our hearts are.
trust energy the courage
eyes like air to breathe,
poem the food devoured,
To nurture stain or drain,
our ancient lovers aim.
Patience key passion luck
Lock is temperate heaven
And you my vine all mine  
To relish, cherish to trust
  my groom my Adam
your bride your Eve.
Tree of life
willow divine.
Mr and Mrs Andrews
And Karijinbba.
Jason Cirkovic Jul 2021
I slog through this museum of people living their best life.
I hold my phone tightly.
Like an emotional support animal,
Cocooned in my bed.
I dig through people's lives like someone stuck in an avalanche.
The only movement I have are my fingers, swiping.
My body groans as it realizes it will be frozen through time.
It's 1PM and I’ve been awake since 6 AM scrolling.
It's hard to breathe, I can feel the weight in this Sarcophagus I built.

I force myself to focus in my own lane.
I can see someone had their heart broken,
It stands out in a crowded room like a glow stick.
Everyone can see your pain.
Everyone knows that we have been there and they regretfully have done that.

So let me stay on my island,
Barricading my insecurities and tucking them into my vulnerabilities
Until you can't see what’s hindsight with my 20-20 vision.
I’ll pile my damaged goods till it seeps out of the storage boxes with childhood toys in my mind
You will see my mind will grow calluses that built this lighthouse on my island
To let people know that I am damaged goods.
So steer clear, find your cargo elsewhere else.

So let's hear it,
What makes you think I can trust you.
Merlie T Jul 2021
Water falls as you wash me
wrapped between your legs
Your arms over and around me
Gentle and loving
as they were moments ago
in a bed where we groaned and touched and tangled
loving safely and connected
Budding trust and blooming bonds
growing closer and closer together
Merlie T Jul 2021
Waiting for the paint to dry
I want to start a fresh page
but if I do not give this one its time
it will bleed on to the next
It will lose parts of itself and
imprint where it does not belong
Patience is a virtue, perhaps this is why
Merlie T Jul 2021
To love with the heart wide open
The true point of existence
To live and really live
The skin splayed fresh
Vulnerable beings
Taking in every drop, ounce, molecule
All the pain, all the heartache
All the fear just for a small chance
at a glisten of hope
Merlie T Jul 2021
I long to share this with you
To crawl into your arms
and bloom. Your love.
Open my petals
Don't pluck me from my sepals
Water me, don't hurt..
Shruti Atri Jul 2021
You think I am a happy person...

I know I dont trust you enough
To show you my pain.


She wears a smile
And shares her warmth,
She wipes her tears
And hides her scars;

You see the rainbow she exudes,
Because she doesn't trust you--
With her festering darkness
And the thunderstorm she survived.

She hides her demons
Behind masks of her strength,
And iron will--
While they devour her from within;

You will never get to see it,
She will never let you in...
No one will have the power
To hurt her - never again.
When you try to heal yourself, but bandage yourself too tight and can't move anymore..
You must relearn to trust again.
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