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When it seems as though
The human coil is unravelling
And we have peaked
Our REM of creativity
And we seem awash
In half-baked positive negativity
And the whole world seems
To be drowning in self-induced sleep
While even the watchers
Seem to have both eyes closed...

Turn this thing around
And open bloodshot eyes.
Stop your own unravelling
And delve deeper into creativity.
Strengthen the bonds
Of your own exclusive and non-exclusive spheres.
Allow your peaceful world to dawn
Even though the outside world drowns
In its own exclusive and non-exclusive pool of fears.
©2018 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Salvaging and maintaining what we can in devastating storms of life, and to never stop growing and caring or trying to care for others who are in their own little worlds.

REM (rapid eye movement):
The phase of sleep in which most dreams occur. During rapid eye movement sleep, a person's brain activity, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure increase, and the eyes move rapidly while closed.
Used as a metaphor in this poem.

"Watchers" in this poem does not refer to angels as in the biblical context. "watchers" generally refers to individuals who actively monitor or observe something, often with the intent to protect, detect changes, or report on specific activities.
Carlo C Gomez Aug 2020
I shall meet you
in the middle
Even a step
or two more
if need be
Once there
let's put our differences aside
- joining hands -
and with pure motive
remind each other
what we love about us
As we take our first breath
We are handed a tool
Given to us by the creator of the universe

It never leaves our hand
Although we cannot see it
Or feel it
We can sense it

Some are meant to change people
Into better or worse humans

Some are meant to carve the world
Into the place we love or hate

Some are meant to give us hope
Which without we would fall

Some are meant to teach us
What we would never know, other-wise

Some are meant to strengthen us
To become who we really are

Some are meant to save us
Before we disappear

And some are meant to destroy
The better humans we are
The world we love
The hope we stand upon
The knowledge we know
And the strength we lean on

Which tool is in your grasp?
Leah Oviedo Feb 2018
We are in control of what we grow
In our heart, mind and life
What do we want to cultivate?
We are all capable, all lovable
Broken or scarred
Trampled or traumatized
We can mend those breaks
Strengthen our life force
Choose to heal
How can we grow from our heart space?
Healing is a journey. If you are feeling depressed, sad, angry or unfocused, please seek help. I believe in all because I have seen evil turn good. I have seen those dying heal. Please seek healing on this journey
I never knew that
I could have enough of it
The energy to stay awake
More power to be alive
The gut to sit and wait
and perhaps tonight
You bother to visit
To shed some more light
It's incredible to see what love can do and give to people, don't you aggree?
Svode Nov 2017
This fire,
which burns so freely.
Welcomes me to where I belong.

The fire burns so calmly.
Nothing worries it,
and nothing stresses it.
It can be extinguished at any second,
at the whim of those who overpower it's might.
I will allow it to stay,
as I don't want to lose another.

I can get a torch,
I can strengthen the force of a candle.
I can remove it's relaxing abillity,
and let it grow uncontrolled.
However, I can't lessen it's burning without extinguishing it.
and I can't calm it without killing it.

Burn on, you wicked fire.
Burn on.
I burnt my finger while writing this. Candles sure are fun things to mess about with.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
Too much


loved ones

plucked from life
like lily or rose

gone in an instant
petals of memories strewn
as we look back
on life's path

all is surreal

in those times
let us turn
to those
not yet chosen
for death's bouquet

let us strengthen each other
struggle together
to find
a core of peace
deep inside

may we love more profoundly
accept life more fully
be more conscious of those

Perhaps even say
the things we wish
we had

to those who left.
iamtheavatar Dec 2016
'Tis a hard world.
Strengthen your hearts.
Strengthen, not harden.

**iamthe_avatar ©2016
Katie Nicole Jul 2014
-your arms-
          they lift me up
-your words-
          hold me together

but those eyes...
         they melt my heart
Moon light creates shadows
Yet those ~ some can't be uncover
As the echoes from the hills
It sound's rhyme like the wind
Gently touch to a mortal souls

Solemnity with thousands fireflies
A very perfect space deep inside
Captivated in a moment of silence
Wondering how it all began
As to start pondering~ it's amazing

Waters that flows without an ends
No mask would still the ground
As it uncover the utmost part
To tear the walls that hinder
And the sort of things~ and lies within

How good it is to be found
in a very special place of time
While pondering the words in silence
as my dear heart consume in-depth
That fills my heart and mind

To hear again the echoes
and that lion's whispers
Strengthen the mortal soul's
As it lights over the pavement
then the trumpets above
cover the silence.

So it's more than just  a great day
No hours in it to think about
While the both knees on the ground
The sweet tears it just fall
while I start seen things ahead

Now that it was penned down
Until the presence of our days
Same as you dear friends in present
Found the most fountain of life
As a treasure of a lifetime.
What credits no one's are more valuables  as we become a piece  of instrument of it....
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