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Bardo 1d
The bees of Brazil
Their there still
Still the bees
And still the Brazil.

But should they grow ill
The bees of Brazil
Should they grow ill
They'd no longer fulfill
They'd all just be nil.

There'd be no more hunny
It wouldn't be funny
There'd be no more money
It wouldn't be too sunny... anymore.

But today - anyway
They still take their fill
The bees of Brazil
They go where they will
... Until
Bit of a nonsense poem or else an environmental classic LoL
Ylzm 2d
Trees silent and still its sufferings strange
But happening below unseen who knows
From electrons to cells to worms and moles
Its cries heard in the depths of earth
Its agonies pain the highest heavens
All life reached and touched and soothed
Its griefs mutually shared and resounded
And heavens weepingly reassure in every tear
That evil judged and nothing's futile
Greater yet the glory surpassing the beauty
In every branch, leaf, flower and fruit
The wishing well has done its part

Now still its water's lie.  

The reasons for the darkest nights

Come as the Dawn draws nigh.
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Just a few persistent thoughts that had to translate from my mind to the pages of HP.
Vianne Lior Feb 12
Night swallows the sun,
leaving only shadows tall—
we remain,all that’s left.
Vianne Lior Feb 11
Ripples spread outward,
Echoing across still water,
Emotions ripple, too.
Immortality Jan 9
Early morning,
fog hugging the earth,
Coffee in my hands,
warmth in my soul.

A simple blessing,
A calm moment.
POV: You're sipping bittersweet coffee on your balcony, in winter morning after pulling all-nighter for studying or work.
And the best part? No one else is awake yet.
just you.... hehehe :)
Still Crazy Dec 2024
First know this:
In my peoples’ history,
an old evil, revived,
a real pretend
a”new” enemy, but
merely a derivative of a-prior,
old name, same hatred,
irrational and raw,
rising up in every generation,
under cover of a ‘philosophy,’
lies buried a purity of motive,
purity of hate for hate’s sake


For my people
and their beliefs
Our secret to our
survival is manifest,
you may have heard it called,
A Secret Chord (1)

Tears and Laughter,
Tears Behind Laughter
intertwined, or else,
we would not indeed be  
the long going on tribe
studied by curious
historians & idiots

still crazy, after all these generations

Grandparents & Parents
chased by ‘professionals’
from places well known to you
(hey! we somehow got away
with huge luck, and courageous daring)

Not requiring your sympathy
not asking for a special empathy,
not rejecting your clucks,
but we manage
though tears aplenty
that we mask under a guise
via self-deprecating humor

I would love to tell
the Bible and the liturgy
is full of sly winks,
cutish double entendres,
bartender jokes,
but it ain’t necessarily so
don’t ya know

if the bible had made
gentle laughter at/of/
angelic & human foibles
and maybe
even God laughing at
all too human characteristics

but that’s a very big ask,
not sure He’s up to the task,
making fun of yourself
when you’re the
top of the chain
which’s not a master’s
first calling
but should have been its
first blessing

so that’s up to us,
we irreverent creatures
of his design,
and why we are the absolute tgw only
species that cries
to express
and mockery maker
of ourselves
the oy in
oh vey beings
Still crazy after all these years
(1) yes Leonard Cohen
showyoulove Dec 2024
Listen to the Lord in the silence of your heart
Be still and know that He is God and King
The Author Creator Sustainer of Everything
Be filled with His presence in every breath you take
Know that He is with you in every choice you make
To know Him is to love Him to love Him is to see the light
To listen to Him is to hear the words of everlasting life
May the peace of the Lord shine upon your face
And may you walk forever in the light of His grace

Pax Nov 2024
I should have sent my love letters to Cupid
And ask Destiny for the right time.
Yet stubborn as I am, I remain still…

Some loves are too shallow for me to dive into
So, I remain in the shoreline,
always testing the waters…
never got to dive deep....
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