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Anais Vionet Nov 2024
Paris is so beautiful, that it’s emotional,
like the red tile roofs of Rome,
or the Kenroku-en gardens of Japan.

It’s a relatively large world.
Whenever you can fly over an ocean
you feel limitless, and godly,
like the world is there for you, on demand.

Speaking of God-like views, I’m headed
to Lisa’s (parents) Manhattan highrise again
this year for Thanksgiving—six, very-long days
from today—and I have to wait—but I can’t wait.

I’m starting to stuff things into my bag, like a turkey.
There are so many holiday things to do in Manhattan.
Things that invariably whip you up for a sparkly Christmas.
But these are only commercial attractions—planned distractions.

One frosty November-break morning, two years ago,
a tide of clouds had rolled in, like a trillion tons of cotton
candy had been dumped on New York city, overnight,
filling it up to the 42nd floor. It glistened there, below us,
in the klieg-bright sun, like Tiffany diamonds on cotton.

So, imagine that, then add a flock of geese, in military-like
v-formation flying just at the crest of the glitter, like dolphins
hopping in and out of the waves, as they passed above the
insignificant works of man. It took my breath away.

So, naturally I grabbed for my fancy phone with its super-duper,
high-res camera. The snaps did the glorious scene poor justice—
the majestic, wild geese came out as dots on glare.

I’m watching things carefully this year, not just the multicolor, cachet, window displays on Fifth Avenue and the decorations at the Chelsea Market (where Oreos were invented). I’m going to capture this year
—every intense, emotional second—with that most unreliable, 3D
gadget of all—Memory.
A song for this:
Holiday Road by Lindsey Buckingham
Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 11/15/24:
Cachet = a synonym of prestige
kokoro Oct 2024
I stretch my eyes because i can't close my ears
i stretch them so no tears fall out
if i could close my ears like i could close my eyes
i would do it any second
because words and sounds hurt more then sights,
you'll remember things you hear more then the things you see.
I stretch my eyes hoping i stretch enough so i can get to my ears,
I stretch and stretch until my eyes fall down.
kel Aug 2024
snow is pretty.
it falls from the sky
and pause
when it lies on the ground
i get drowned
in the endless white
where the light
ceased to exist
Anais Vionet Mar 2024
The Eiffel Tower stabbed at a midnight
as blue as an old Muddy Waters track.
From a distance, its lace-iron skeleton
looked like a slick and oily spider-web
crowned with a glittering neon diamond.

(My Grandmère's home is across the street from it).
“Do you want to go climb it?” I’d asked Peter (my bf).
“Naah,” he’d replied, “too crowded - what’s next?”
We’ve been tourist-ing all of the big Paris sights.

As we night cruised the Seine, the rivière looked dark
and perilous - a phthalo-green snake slithering north
westerly at six times the speed of the Nile.

We took a guided tour of the Louvre - it’s a crowded
fortress and you can’t see the Mona Lisa up close.
We day-toured the palace at Versailles, with its ghosts
of past grandeurs and revolutionary, royal beheadings.

The Arc de Triomphe is just an unsafe round-about.
As we Uber’d around it, I turned to Peter saying,
“Joke time: What’s more dangerous:
a shark or an American driver in a Paris traffic circle?”
Paris la nuit = Paris at night

Muddy Waters was a singer and musician - a delta blues man, considered the "father of Chicago blues." Chicago blues was electrified, hard driving and drum backed. The Rolling Stones took their name from one of his songs. He was the original “Hoochie ******* Man."
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2020

I am lost in the haze of memories of us as one

My eyes gaze the horizon as the sky and sea kiss

I haven't gotten how we smiled with the sun

and cried with the rain

How our secrets of the heart were held by dandelions

and each seed took to the sky, so free.

I have yet to truly resign myself to the thought of you being gone

For every embrace was and still is sacred to me

The sunset bathes in the sea, leaving orange ripples

How I wish I could've used the light to banish your darkness

To take the shade into a stone and skip it on the seas

And we can embrace the songs of nature as we laugh

and ride away, our turbulence forgotten

I envision the facets of faces of people I knew and know

Watching me as they bob on boats

But the wind brushes away the mirage and I am before the horizon

once more

As I hope that wherever you are,

That you see the same sun, same stars and skies

that I do

from this parapet


For the past few days, I have been placing myself on one of the highest hills, and just reflecting on life and the choices made. I don't want to hurt anyone, yet I know that I am capable of it, intentionally or not. Truly one of the most poignant things of being human.
My heart has been bleeding so much the past few weeks...
I deeply wish I had the power to heal, I really do...
I hope I can make peace with every storm in me as I keep moving forward regardless.
Be back soon with more!
Much love,
Lyn x
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2020
Bird flies over hills
Wait for me around my mind
Grass grows without fear
Forgot to post this yesterday where I walked up a hill and took in the sights of man and nature both...
Worth it haha!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2020
Blade of Heaven's rain
Misfortune has left its mark
Dew sings songs of grief
338 followers, *** thank you all so so much!
This haiku was dedicated to me watching the grass blades in my garden as it's been raining.
Usually I feel so tired around rain but today, I feel so energized! I've got a new project in tow - a new free verse collection in the works! ^-^
I've got alot of research to do for it but itll be worth it!
Stay safe and well everyone,
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2020
Summer nature song
Sweet chorus and cry from far
Birds flies with freedom
Just came back from an outing. It's a lovely day out today!
Stay safe and well today, everyone!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
Do not shun your aspirations
Must have sights set high
Hold a chance at succeeding
Your unwavering dream can fly

Wonder hard
Ponder long
Believe in imagination
Is there limit to what you can achieve?
Pursue your hearts creation
Trying to motivate/inspire others
Mark Toney Oct 2019
(Dedicated to my Father, who was totally paralyzed
for 7 years before he died.)

I awake in the early morning darkness
Frozen, motionless, immobilized.
My eyes straining to see into the black void
Looking for any sign of my keepers
Listening for any kind of movement
Phantom images dart around me slowly at first,
Then multiple images spring from every direction
My heart racing, my breathing rapid and shallow,
Byproducts of fear and imagination
Running amok in the dark

My eyes focus on tiny lights incessantly blinking,
Reassuring my heart as the phantoms vanish
My ears register the intermittent beeps
And steady, determined droning
Of contraptions that populate my space,
Their sole purpose to prevent the outcome I crave

My nose catches whiffs of iodoform odor,
Penetrating, pungent, overpowering my sense of smell.
A cruel replacement for what once was
A weekly parade of fragrant flowers
That excited what few senses remain
The brightly colored blossoms
The sweet, fragrant smells
The delightful sizes and shapes
But the beautiful flowers have withered,
As concern for my plight has waned

I watch as the determined, dynamic sun
Deliberately dilutes the darkness,
Revealing the magical birth of a new day.
Is that delightful birdsong I hear?
The beeping and droning are maddening,
But I know there’s birdsong outside my window
I can’t wait until the moment arrives!

As if on cue my keeper appears
Busily going about her assigned tasks
My eyes following her every move
“And how are you doing today?” she asks,
Staring at me as if I could answer.
But I lie frozen, motionless, immobilized
In my mind I replay my daily reply:

"My existence is a never-ending cycle of
Penetrating. . . pungent. . . whiffs
Beep. . . blink. . . drone. . . beep
Blink. . . drone. . . beep, . . . blink
Drone. . . beep. . . blink. . . drone
Penetrating. . . pungent. . . whiffs
Dawn. . . daylight. . . twilight. . . night
Daylight. . . twilight. . . night. . . dawn
Twilight. . . night. . . dawn. . . daylight
Night. . . dawn. . . daylight. . .twilight
Penetrating. . . pungent. . . whiffs
Each boring minute an hour.
Each hateful hour a day.
Each wretched day a year.
Each torturous year a lifetime.
Ad nauseum. . .ad infinitum. . .ad mortem?"

Offering no response to my unspoken thoughts,
My keeper dutifully takes my vital signs,
Temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure,
Records the results, then walks to the window
My favorite time of day has arrived!
“We must open the window to freshen up your room.”
As the window opens my spirit soars, and my ears capture
The lovely birdsong, as well as other living sounds,
Along with a veritable potpourri of smells.
I can only imagine what is happening outside,
And I do imagine it as best I can

I close my eyes and try to make out each note,
Visualizing the source of each incredible sound,
Be it bird, animal, human, or otherwise
Who they are, what they look like,
What they’re doing, what they’re thinking,
The blinking, beeping, droning is finally drowned out!
With every breath, I savor each smell
And, with eyes closed, as I visualize
What’s happening in my mind’s eye,
A wonderful peace envelops me. . . comforts me

But, alas, this day will be crueler than most
Another keeper, a newer keeper, enters my room
“Oh, she’s fallen asleep” he whispers,
He closes the window, shuts the shades,
Then quietly leaves, shutting the door
... in my mind
As I lie frozen, motionless, immobilized—   
5/15/2018 - Poetry form: Free Verse - Dedicated to my Father, who was totally paralyzed for 7 years before he died in 1985. - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
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