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rmh May 2018
the melancholy of the moment hit me hard
like a rain check ten minutes before meeting
i've been on that road probably a thousand
times since last may
but something about the sunshine and the
slightly balmy breeze of late april
made me crave you in a way i hadn't before
i craved the way you always smelled like
essential oils and organic moisturizer
the seashells on your window frame
the creak in the floorboards in your entryway
the wind in my hair as i rode my bike to your
house, barely even able to wait long enough
for the white walk signal
i miss that
and it vanished right before my eyes
it's like every i touch falls apart
and i can't do anything to stop it
the funny things was
it started raining
Once upon a time,
Someone lived in me

I sheltered them,
And protected them,

Provided a place to hide from the world’s sorrow,
And to brace it’s storms

One day,
I was left alone

I was abandoned,
Left empty and hollow

The current took a toll,
It pushed and pulled

The ocean spit me out,
Broken and weak

I found myself wedged between two boulders,
Unable to move with the sea

Then I was found !
By someone who accepted my broken parts

She thought I was different,
My journey made me different

Because each journey is unique to its owner,
And it is theirs alone

Now, I’m on her window sill,
A place of value

Everyday she admires my beauty and my scars,
She accepts what is,

And that is enough.
E McNamara Mar 2018
I wish I was there again.
I wish everything that’s in my head got lost at sea,
that all I could taste was salty air.
I wish I was walking in the little shops
that all sold seashells and starfish.
I wish everywhere I was I could hear the crashing tide;
calling me back to the cold, fresh, water.
I wish my feet were buried in warm sand,
hiding from the chilling breeze.
I wish I was where time slowed to a stop,
where I had all the time in the world.
I wish I was staring into a never ending horizon,
where I wasn’t always running to catch up.
Where all I had to do was breathe in and breathe out.
I can't stop dreaming of the Oregon Coast.
RyMo Mar 2018
What if Sally never sold the seashells?
What if she simply strolled the seashore without wanting any more?
With nothing to do but to love and adore?
Because she knew well that deep down in her core,
She had more in this present moment than ever before.
So instead of setting up shop and selling some shells,
She took a moment to stop and started smelling the smells.
Sally smelt the breeze both wispy and sweet,
And she felt the ocean kissing her feet.
And in that present moment she understood the truth,
That wealth was not acquired behind some seashell booth,
But rather it was in the sea and in the shells themselves,
And never could it be found on some capitalistic shelves,
Sally smiled because she knew so much more than before,
She smiled because she knew the tide would bring more shells ashore.
*inspired by the low tide in Puerta Penasco, Mexico in October 2017*
I remember pressing my
innocent ears to the mouths
of discarded seashells, just to
hear their secrets; and I shared mine.
They told me secrets in the form of
ocean waves and whispers of wind
between the fingers of the palms.

On days that I feel the world
crumbling and combusting
around me, I press my wiser
ears to the same lips that kept
all my secrets safe. I remember
the advice seashells gave to a
young girl who'd felt discarded.
Be like the ocean, let it flow.
Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
see I wrote my pains plain because I know the struggles real well,
now the only shells I see are seashells,
now we pass the days surfing wave breaks no emails,
and all seems swell as we swim out when the sea swells.

Swimming in an ocean,
in a rainstorm,
lightening lights the liquid horizon, thunder cracks waves crash,
beautiful chaos,
within and without,
choppy waters commanding currents,
no definitive lines everything’s blurring.

She’s with me,
an angelic beauty,
from The City of Angels,
as am I,
we find,
we’ve found,
beautiful chaos in this ocean and these thunderous sounds...

The H Trilogy
Volume 1

Shay Dec 2015
No two seashells are the same;
but then, to be invariable would be a shame.
To be unique is a gift you see,
to be you is the best way to be.

All seashells are grouped together in the sea and onshore,
their differences are irrelevant - their worth is the same at the core.
Some are able to float away from distress,
while others merely sink under the pressure I must confess.

Some are captivating and beautiful beyond compare,
while some are unpropitious with signs of wear and tear.
Yet despite their differences each one has an admirer,
and whether whole or broken each one is a survivor.

No two seashells are the same, it's true -
nor are two humans invariable - let this message get through.
To be unique is a gift you see,
to be you is the best way to be.
Sienna Luna Oct 2015
Ages pass
shells of resistance
shrivel up and die
leaving a fresh new chrysalis
resting in their place.
Like a shiny newborn baby
wiping the crust from its eyes
with tiny curled hands
fingernails as small as sand
love of life
has wedged its way
beyond all hints of
**** negativity
the only way forward
is found
before the sun even rises.
Miranda Renea Aug 2015
A storm was rolling in
Over the ocean waves,
And I sat in the sand
And broke shells into
Shards with my hands.
It wasn't hard, and I
Thought of how strange
A corpse to be so colorful,
So incredibly beautiful.
Idiosyncrasy Aug 2015
We picked the seashells on the shore,
You hear them whisper in your ears,
I always love to hear you share what they speak,
Their words with different voices,
I always thought you just pretend,
So I pretended to understand,
Now you are far
Beyond the horizon that we see
Whenever we watch the sun wake and sleep,
I picked a seashell on the shore
And hear it whisper in my ear,
I hear your voice saying I love you.
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