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And He fetched for my heart
That was beating,
Lub dub
Banging until cracks
into a hole
Around my chest.
No longer
Lub dub
But a panicked
Hop hop,
Leg-less run marathon
Out of my rib cage.
Pumping worry
And jealousy,
Replacing my blood,
Until anxiety rowed
broken sail boats
In my veins.
He grabbed it
Said "Stop."

And that's how the heart learned
How to play the waiting game.
[ uh-rith-mee-uh, ey-rith- ]
noun [Pathology]
1. any disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
Love like war,
staying strong and fighting till the end.

Love like war,
Trusting your partner with your life.

Love like war,
Patience is key to defeating the obstacles

Love like war,
Pain is a suffering we have to endure to Survive in this cruel battlefield.

Love like war,
Living outside of our comfort zone

Love is like war,*
And we can and will win .
To the man of my dreams
Denisse May 2014
They always thought that it was my last choice
I want to tell them no, but it seems like I don't have a voice
They told me that I'll grow up not having one
That I'll get my dream job, finish my studies, read all the novels and still in the line.

It's not my intention to give them motive
But they said that I'm always busy about my priority
What they don't know is I am searching too
Looking for someone that will love me like what others do.

I also wanted to be wanted
Sometimes I have this feeling of being haunted
I aw always dreaming for someone who can hold me
I am always praying for a fairy tale.

In my daydream I am always longing for a Prince Charming
No matter how busy I am in my priorities,
I'm still looking forward in the time when the GREEN LIGHT STOPS
The time that I can GO.
Usually in the traffic light, GREEN LIGHT is the sign for GO. And this poem is about waiting for that moment, PATIENTLY WAITING WHEN THE GREEN LIGHT STOPS, the moment WHEN I CAN GO.
Anthony Perry May 2014
The bags underneath my eyes carry so much weight,
every hour i dont sleep adds to what i cannot take,
there's too many reasons why i cant sleep at night,
everything's caused by me trying to do whats right,
nothing counts anymore when i'm beaten down but all that matters to you is wearing your crown.
Have i ever mentioned that its really hard to care when emotions are so rare? I know I must have said it somewhere,
when i caught you in a lie I still tried to be fair but now you want to go behind my back and do it all again?
No, don't you ******* dare. All these feelings have led me astray, maybe this is where im supposed to stay but this can't be it,
there's got to be another way.
Patience is life's blood,
so much has poured over my edge that everywhere i step is a pile of black mud. I'll be here waiting for something new,
in a dark place hating all of you with my head down low and my hopes for something new, amidst the confusion, at least its something to do.
Clem N Tine May 2014
I swim in verdancy on my back; let the greyness wash my face
Atop the top of the toppest valley

Only half of me is here; I am only half here
Inhale, Exhale

I Take in the masterpiece above me; branches intertwining
People could learn from the trees

On my left I have Nothing; Nothing sticks around
Until he grew restless and took the path on my right

As my lids fall in tire; the Earth embraces me in sweet arms
Lying in my bed of worries

The wind so tender, so dear, kneels down to meet my cheek
And the leaves mutter in joy

When Nothing goes right; I find solace in trees
Let myself drown in the shade of natural love.

And patiently I wait for the sun to wake up
to illuminate the masterpiece
The sun rises every morning.
Ekuu May 2014
All that other folks can do,
Why with patience...should not you?
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a vague man
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victory cup
And he learned too late when the night came down
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems really far
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Far too many times we let
unimportant things into our minds
And then it's usually too late
to see what made us blind.
someday my life will end
and so will yours
so kiss me any time
losing patience~
Eleutherophobia May 2014
I can breathe in the passion
Of your coke and pop rocks kisses
And feel my hot lava tears
As I feel you touch me one last time

I can feel the beauty
Pounding down the bricks
Surrounding my heart
As blood starts to seep through
Every crevice where I purposely
Didn't put enough grout
Hoping someone would care enough
To come knock all four walls down

Each embrace is played again and again
In my head before
I lay down in a field of
Wilting daisies
Waiting for you to come
And bring them to life

Forever hopeful is my patient heart
But I have been warned that patience wears thin
After years of wear and tear
And I have heart ghost stories
Of lilacs that stop blooming
When they've been picked so many times

Maybe love does leave
When you hold out so long hoping for its truth
Maybe these beautiful hopes
Strung out for so long
Are more sinful than soothing.
(I won't lose hope.)
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