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Our son
grins from
as Kompany
lifts the trophy
for all to see:
blue moon
here but
we are
no longer
On Sunday 11th, May 2014 Manchester City captained for the final time by Vincent Kompany secured their second Premiership success as Champions in only three years.
Even though our son, Damian was born in Oldham and has lived most of his life in Blackpool, he is a staunch Manchester City supporter.|The song Blue Moon is one that the supporters sing when cheering on the team.
Frame of reference is just SO important.
Don't Exist May 2014
My love is like a bag
a bag of candy
pick the candy you like
m&m;'s,starburst, Hershey's chocolate.
But I prefer chips
the chips you can't stop crunching
but how do you know the kind of chips they are if they are in a raggedy black bag?
so dull and boring

try to open the bag
don't be too rushy, but have a firm, steady, constant pull
see, it open, but you took too slow
It's okay, just take one piece
and another and another
and wait, you're eating too much
leave some for myself and please put some of the chips you took back
Because you are not the only one taking from the bag.
I really do not like this poem. It seems so unlike me (copyright)
Qweyku May 2014
Impatience rode and passed me by,
I caught her looking down on me,
with her gems for eyes.
sighting me

the sadistic mirth in her vision

I've caught your attention,
how little you know;
a simple race with men
your limbs fail.
How then will you run with horses?"

I took wisdom from that evil look of thought.

In that moment,
I pulled
My Covering
much tighter,

I wrapped around me
averting my eyes
to the blazing

warming myself
in the comfort of its gaze,
patiently waiting...
for horses.

**© Qwey.ku
Patience is a more lovely woman and her other name is virtue, wait for her; she carries baskets overflowing with ripe fruit called strength.
Terra Lopez May 2014
I want patience                        I want patience
Give it to me                            Give it to me

I want patience                        I want love
Give it to me                            Give it to me
Fah May 2014
watching as my mother is dragged up the stairs
by her arms and hair

I get pushed down them for my efforts to try and stop him,
she is shouting screams into the wall -

they go into the bathroom ,
on the other side of the locked door, my blood runs cold.
next to me my siblings and aunt cry.

only screams and whimpers escape under the crack in the door
words of : “please stop”

      “no - you are hurting me”

he said “ i just wanna talk to you” . then my memory stops until the police are inside the house

Question them both. My mother in the kitchen  -
he is .. i don’t remember , it doesn’t matter....
i sit on the stairs that he painted white not that long ago , where my friends and i had stuck mirrors on each step , making the stairs look like they are floating.. kinda... i do not feel.

The cops stick around for less than 20 mins , arrest my step-dad.
As they take him away , i run upstairs watch from the window. It is a grey london day , they duck his head into the car and drive.

i do not feel.
the downstairs bathroom with stone + aqua tiles , collage of posters , family photos , newspaper clippings, postcards and play pamphlets become’s my hole in the wall for the next few hours. i cry. it is rain, matching the growing darkness outside.
i feel bad for letting the police take him away without saying anything.
i do not feel.

the shouting arguments
heard whilst i try to fall asleep , night
after night had been hiding the extent of unhappiness
of sadness expressed as anger in them both. At the time i could only smell fear
on their breath.
The next time there would be a yellow green bruise on her face and
screams at 4am.

11 year old me
has few memories of home.
memories are foggy. this is the best i could recall...
My mother calls what happened "The war in the living room" hence the title.
I understand better now what makes people do things. I understand better now that any scream you do not utter will one day come back to you as silent tears and maybe a burp or two. And if like me ,you are lucky enough to have someone by your side to hear them hit your cheeks then you know that  all there is , is love.
No matter how badly disguised as violence or fear , everything is made  up of love  too bright to be beheld by human eyes.
Forgiveness  is something the strong are capable of and the weak pass off as weakness... indeed ! The world is not as it seems !!!
I grow stronger everyday , i know i can love more.. these blockages will be broken down... i will not continue these patterns onto my generation. I am the change i want to see in the world. Day by day , we toil at the seat of the soul and one day a marvelous tree will stand for all to feed from.
His dark mood was calm
And with a look in his eyes
That spoke of patience.
Jasmine smiles May 2014
In Time
People say
All answers will show one day
We wait

We wait to know
If we got the job
We wait to know
How we did on the test

We wait to know
what we are going to be when we grow up
We wait to know
if are kids are ****** up

I wait to know
If he will leave
Soon enough the answers
Will be revealed to me

In Time
Chano Williams Apr 2014
Looking up at the night time sky
wishing I could be that high
I k­now that I will someday
when I seize the chance to fly
Get away f­rom these lonely people
For their entire lives they’ve strayed
De­sperately searching for love,
but selfish in every way
Never will­ing to take a chance
so everything remains the same
Never using t­heir time wisely,
so they never step up their game
They just beco­me dependents
upon other people’s souls
Parasitically sapping the­m
until it’s finally taken its toll
This world is full of zombies­
Most people can’t help themselves
They see you’re content with l­ife,
so they won’t ever wish you well
Find your piece of heaven
w­ithin this world of hell
Learn to take care of yourself
without h­aving somebody else
Know that you’re not alone
Someone else has f­elt your pain
If you learn to open up
then you have everything to­ gain
Keep your chin up high
because it’s known that love soars,
­but if you choose to stay down low
so, too, will your hopes of so­mething more
Chano Williams Apr 2014
I’m ready to fall in love, but not ready to be loved
I‘m prone to giving freely, but not accepting of hugs
It’s all about confidence and accepting who I can trust
And how I lack faith in someone fighting for “us”
I've experienced and witnessed people’s abandonment
If I had to go through that again I just couldn't handle it
Seen families broken apart, dealing with broken hearts
To prevent that in my life I turn my back at the start
However, I've discovered that I’m too ready to die
Because I’m afraid to live by giving love another try
I’d do anything to float in the dreams that I had built
But once reality set in it filled my brain to the hilt
Broken promises to myself have me wrought with guilt
Making me feel like I deserve to wallow in this filth
I wish I could stop myself from wanting what they have
I have to tell myself, “You never wanted it that bad.”
Confident in my decisions, better choices made me glad
If that’s the case, though, then why do I always feel sad?
That’s only until I find something expensive to purchase
An escape from the emotions, masking that I’m uncertain
On a journey to find out what the most beautiful view is
Is it my immaturity that allows me to even do this?
Driving in circles trying not to dwell on what’s hurtful
Dawn rises to reveal an overwhelming array of purple
Golden leaves on the trees rustle softly in the breeze
Gentle sun rays glisten off the surface of the sea
This is how I know someone’s trying to talk to me
To help me come to see all of the things I could be
The last step that is left is for me to just believe
In the things I have to offer and all of my various abilities
Though I've never been one to see what other’s see in me
I’m always blocking progression due to my insecurities
Yet what a hypocrite I am for the words I often convey
If given the opportunity I would build you up all day
Ironically I would mean everything that I would say
Hoping our foundation will give me incentive to stay
But nowadays I seem focused on pushing others away
The fact is this world wasn't built for a cat to be a stray
What are my options when others are too busy to play?
I guess it means I still need to grow up in so many ways
Silver Lining Apr 2014
I always wanted
Someone to tell
My darkest secrets to.

I always wanted
Someone that I
Could trust with my thoughts

I always wanted
Someone to love
My every fault

I always wanted
Someone to tell
Me their own story

I always wanted
Someone that I
Could love uncondionally

I always wanted
Someone to love
My need to write poems

I always wanted
Someone like you
But now I am afraid

Because how would
Someone like you
Want to love a poet

A poet who
Cannot seem to
Talk about loving you?
I love him. I know I do. But every time I try to say it- the words catch in my throat. I told him that I was in love with him- but it's not the same. I wish I could tell him- why is it so hard for me to just say "I love you"
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