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Johnsdavidburg Jun 2018
they'd all grow up to be lunatic *******
and if i happened to put it there
no women i know is quite dumb enough
not to have that abortion
is why i would never have children
skye Jun 2018
You're the mechanic
And I'm probably your best invention
Because you gave all the parts
That made me the way I am now.

From worthless static,
To beyond innovation.
Every piece of junk
Turned into working gears;
I never expected
This kind of transition.
A fueled, robotic model
Capable of envisioning
Beyond the gray matter.

But your creation
Learned to be alive.
From being automated
To self-regulating.
Every working gears
Turned into flesh and blood;
I never expected
This kind of transformation.
A breathing sentient,
Finally free from your dominion.

All this time,
You pushed me
Through the incompatibility,
To reach the maximum
But then I burned out
And eventually got a ticket to the trash.

My theory is that,
I overloaded
Because you overdrived.

So, I guess I wasn't your best invention after all.
My first poem in Hello Poetry.
Deep May 2018
Within my infinite love
Lies Chaos.
In this galaxy of hollow emotions
Where my heart became eclipsed.
Where I can't protect your soul
And my feelings crash and burn.

I smell your suffering
And I catch a whiff of fear.
The pain.
I feel the cancer spread.  Violently
Waving my finger
As I cure it with my anger.

Avoidance.  Suppression. My strong old friends
Fighting for the answers.
In this galaxy to be won.

But the light is out.
The fire is gone.  As I slowly dig my grave
And frown my way to death.
Did it work?  Or did I make it worse?
In this galaxy ruled my nature;
In this galaxy owned by love.
A poem about the incredible pain and sadness I have worrying about my daughter who has some emotional problems.  I spend all of my energy trying to make it better and forget to stop and appreciate how much it is affecting me.
Grace May 2018
You are the drunk father at a ballet recital,

Who falls off the stage after shaking everyone's hands.

You are the body that brightens my life.
I wrote this in a challenge to "Write a three-line poem about lemons without using the following words: lemon, yellow, round, fruit, citrus, ****, juicy, peel, and sour."
This thunder
reminds me of the old times
when I would climb into your bed in fear.

I sleep alone now,
for the same thunder  
is now the lullaby
you sing for me
from heaven.
In memory of my late father
Devin Ortiz Apr 2018
Let's talk time.
My time, it cannot be bought.
My time cannot be leveraged.
You cannot assert yourself,
Imposing your time, money or effort,
With the expectation I owe you a thing.

I'll respect your time,
But you best respect mine.

Though that's never been the case,
Power has been your tool, to buy the time,
Of those you could not even give a second.

So all these years later, when I've mastered time.
When I've learned to control, bide and enjoy, time.
You cannot, waste time, my precious time,
Nor can you come back and expect my time.
Desmond the poet Apr 2018
Impatient, once we were.
Patience suited the only option we had.
To wait for God’s precious gift.
Patiently we wait for her birth date.
We patiently waited to know her gender.

Seconds turned to minutes.
Minutes turned to hours.
Hours turned to weeks.
Weeks turned to months.
For nine months we waited.
29th January 2012, we got our treasure.

The waiting is but not over.
Now we wait to see her growth.
We patiently wait to see her teen years.
What kind of parent will she be?
Will God’s grace and patience lead us to her grandparenthood?
This poem is dedicated to my six year old daughter.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Project Progress

Born under a black star, progress has been made,
But birthdays come and go and I still cannot act my age.
Destiny has been calling; it is time to pick up the phone.
Plans are in place and construction has begun, to build our new home.

There are many pieces of my jigsaw heart that need to fall into place,
But when she does arrive and I can see my future being with her,
Things will change.
Apathy will be shot through the heart.
I will have a change of heart.
Love has only ever broken my heart,
But she is coming, she is here, she is leading me onto the next part.

Growing up and growing old, but remaining young at heart.
Things are forever in creation; I think it’s time to build a nation.
A Kingdom of mine with a Queen for my Wife;
Maybe even raise a child and show them that this life,
Is not as bad as I say it is.
Tell them one day they will raise their own kids.
Tell them one day they will love like I do.
Teach them Carpe Diem, before it is through.

I will not shield them from the realities of this world,
But I will protect them from all who want to harm my boy or girl!
I will be their body armour to any and all danger.
You had better walk away, if you even think of causing harm to her!
Or breaking his heart!  Because I will get you to being gone!
This is my family!  My blood!  My passion!  Our home!
And my Wife will be linked to me through sickness and poor,
Through a psychic connection and onto the riches of everlasting love,
Because when I love you; you know it’s for life,
And if you ever doubt my feelings for you,
Look directly into my eyes
And you will see,
This is the real me.
I am love.
I am creating a palace,
Where the two of us can live.

I am writing my heart down in blood, sweat and tears on every page!
I am so passionate about love; so passionate it aches!
But I am more focused now, than I have ever been.
I now know I can only accept the best for me,
So she can get the best of me,
Because the best of me, on a good day, is sweet

I will change my image and change my ideals.
I will change my mind and the way that I feel,
But my complete devotion to my soulmate will last throughout the ages.
I have waited for her for this long;
What’s a couple more pages?
I will continue to write; I will continue to wait.
I will buy this, I will look for that
And I will be ready…

When loves does find her way.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Quinn Evans Mar 2018
Starry sky that is so bright,
Give me one wish and I'll wish it tonight.
My wish might be,
to see you once more.
Tonight in my life,
Always more.
When I was 4 or 5, my momma committed suicide. I wrote this poem when I was 11. I miss her. So, this is dedicated to my mom.
04-19-1961 to 02-02-2007
vega Mar 2018
a yesterday
or two ago
i watched
my child
grow up and
get married

but today
and in the now
i watched
my child
fall down and
get buried.
Inspired by: Bang Bang by Green Day
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