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Paint drips disguise and
obliterate lies like ink-
daubed tattoos on eyes
fooling unconditional
considerate conviction.
Tanka Style Poem 5-7-5-7-7
WickedHope Sep 2015
Paint me.
If you can't paint, then
Paint me.

          Let me be a draft:                                                           ­                       
M o l d e d       from        your
All of your    PASSION    in one place
                                                           ­                         And then
F o r g o t t e n*      or*      *trashed.
Idiosyncrasy Sep 2015
Everything he does is art,
He changed my dull world into a rainbow,
He simply splashes his paint around
Just like how he painted my now beautiful days.
CautiousRain Sep 2015
In the mirror, I see art.

My dark hair curls, accentuates,
crafting my royal cheeks, smooth,
against my olive skin.

My figure, curved, full,
like the sands of time; slowly,
crafting my shape in splendor.

My eyes, a rich coffee brown,
earthquakes thrive; shatter,
resonate in my gaze.

Yet...the painting becomes forgotten,
the frame tilts with the pull of Earth,
worn hands fail to paint.

When I walk, they perceive me.
Am I as beautifully crafted as a Renoir? Or as scattered as a *******?

Each stare a different audience, another sketch, a frame lost in the viewer's eye.

But my thoughts are forever,
burdened only by another's dream,
ideas stirred, juxtaposed with my own;
an artist's piece at odds.

The colors smear, lines smudge, but yet my eyes always see the beauty. Do you?
When my confidence is only self confidence, and not confidence in other people's perceptions of me.
Earl Jane Sep 2015

I wake up each day,
Rainbows in front of my eyes,
I feel so sublime,
Your presence, I'm elated,
With you my king, I'm secured.

Your love is my paint,
That endlessly supply me,
Incandescent hue,
Limn my world with love divine,
You created paradise.

I'm always blissful,
Finally you're in my arms,
You are the heaven,
That God sent, I'm rapturous.
My king, my soulmate, my all.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

tanka again for you.

sorry i just love tanka a lot, also haiku but I love tanka sooo much.. heheeee, it might be annoying in counting for the 57577 syllable in each line but yessss i love it sooo much !!! Heeheeee, if I annoy you with my tanka, I am so sorry. :D
Charlie Chirico Sep 2015
Muse For Hire!*

Step up, form a line, take my hand
and explain a smile. Kiss my neck as I grasp a pen and scribble a word. Let my eyes open to see a world, where you've existed well before the given chance of becoming an afterthought consumes me enough to hark your dimensions, mark my words.

Cathartic energy is depleted faster than tubes of paint used to create thick brush strokes that compliment thin lines purposefully, yet with enough spontaneity to frame an abstract thought. Your symmetry can be manipulated, but only on paper, that which can be brought to life in sessions. In little moments.

The culmination of those little moments are scrapbooked, each picture slipped into a corner slot, behind paper that reminds me of your scent. A scent that makes me close my eyes. One that I can taste, and feel, and describe with hand gestures.

Embrace me and help me understand the definition of infinite. Watch a candlestick melt with me
as the sun rises.

Let me order you a coffee and say, "I'm not buying you a coffee, but rather your conversation."
Disappear here Aug 2015
there was a time that I were blue

and when I met you, you were red

you touched my heart and I turned magenta

then one day you decided

that magenta didn't suit you
I'm feeling a colours theme here
Noandy Aug 2015
I am not a work of art. I don’t have that much beauty in me to help me create one. I’ve always wanted something that might help me with my works. Whispering trees, mocking buildings, silent pavements, weary soil; everything that used to work simply drives me numb now. Being too absorbed into my works for these past few months, I failed to notice a change so near that pretty much sparked me.

Who needs trees with their leaves of wire under the smoking mid-day sun to inspire your art if your standard of beauty lies near to you?

My sweetheart had a beautiful long hair, it went under his shoulder and always managed to fall graciously like  confounded summer leaves. The temperate air would sometimes brush it away from his face instead of his own two hands. My hair is short, dry, and plump. Hanging like a rope up to my chin only. One of the sole reason his hair is the thing I started to cherished the most, and had started to become my favorite object to paint. I still can see the shine glimmering strand by strand; framing his smile in a grotesque manner.

My sweetheart had a long, beautiful hair. It was a pity he did not like it as much as I did, despite taking care of it in the best way possible. I can still remember the unsettling shadow whenever he looked down and was darkened by the dim complexion of his soft raven hair. Always the peculiar inspiration to my art. He was a work of art, an original beauty.

My sweetheart had a breathtaking long hair, it had been an oblivious month or two since the last time I saw him, before isolating myself with tons of faded colors. His long hair ignited me, but gradually it tortured me, tossing me unimaginable fear for I could not paint it in its natural beauty. All I could think of was:

I might ruin beauty.

What a shame, I was filled with spirit before being frustrated all over again.

My sweetheart had a heartbreaking long hair, which he promised to cut sooner or later. My sweetheart had a melancholic long hair, a beautiful thing that led us to a mouthful argument and rough doublespeak. He shouldn’t have planned to cut it, I practically begged him to not to. I am lost within my mind, how am I supposed to continue working if the only thing that I was trying to paint went away?

I had a sweetheart who had a gorgeous long hair and I was a selfish imbecile and a stray soul.

I wouldn’t bear a single thoughts of seeing him without the dark curtains wrapping his head like the parlor of an old fortune teller.

How am I supposed to work with him?

The only things I have are these empty canvases, paint in the colors of tears, and paintbrush.


Gather your material, prepare for the bristles.
It could be made of various materials,
Animal hair,
Such as:
Horse hair, from the mane and the tail,
Or any other kind of animals with long hair,
Needle trees and grasses,
Synthetic hair,
Human hair.

Second, prepare the handle of your brush.
bamboos, sticks from one's own yard are recommended,
For a professional look, we suggest doweling.

Next, select a strong adhesive to attach the bristle to the handle. You would have to spread the adhesive glue to the tip of the handle and attach it with the bristle.

After that, wait for the glue to dry before you carry on to the next step.
Find a strong material like metal or rope to bind the handle and the bristle together.

And there you have your home-made personal brush.

Despite making it in a rush and on a drunken heart, I pretty much loved the result.

If only you did not argue to cut your hair.
If only I could think clearly, better than this,
I could still see my sweetheart’s eloquent long hair in its most proper and beautiful form, to ignite my heart even more.
Not in the form of this ******, hellbound paintbrush I made myself in the most abhorrence manner.

I should not have gnashed your head to the tip of my easel after you told me your little desire of having a shorter hair,
I should not have been that ill-tempered, overflowing your head with warm red liquid.

Ah well,
My sweetheart had a beautiful long hair and a fresh thick blood.
At least I would still have the chance to work with him though I can see him no longer.
I have his soft hair attached onto my paintbrush, giving me the wildest dream,
And his blood in the color of blooming red Chrysanthemum,
It should not have happened,
But what could be better than this?
Max Alvarez Aug 2015
Was i born to write?
To transcribe syllables from thought and mind,
To breathe and bring life,
And at the same time
Wage war with
And those against?
To cement myself in a comfortable coffin and suffocate in the absence of light?
Or was i born to pull back the night
And paint violent colors of red
Call it the morning sky?
Well i regret to tell you,
that i neglected to tell you
that i tremble.
And not just from freight.
A paintbrush- i can't hold tight.
Instead, let my fingers find letters- my favorite is I.
Let my fingers find letters
And I'll string together
What lies beyond
Clouds, and the highest high.
The sun and the stars.
A parallel planet,
And it's inferior nights.
An alien planet,
And our life through their eyes.
So miniscule,
At most benign.
Let my fingers find letters
And i will create
A line.
I will bend it's shape,
Perfect it,
And let it sing it's praise.
Let my fingers find letters.
I will captivate.
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