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Shofi Ahmed Mar 2017
As wide open as the sea
as resonant as the waves
splashing on the beach.
For a moment or so I was
pondering so full as the sea
what has it left to tally
with as empty as the the beach?
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2018
Turn the page, begin a new chapter,
I have placed the past at the start of the book,
Good day to start the rest of your novel,
The time and place to change is now; just look.

There is no better moment than the present,
Do what you have always wanted to do,
If you wait for the "right" opportunity to come
Might accidentally pass by you.

Every day a chance to write a new story,
An idle pen is of no use,
Neglecting the blessings life has to offer
Is it's own unique form of self-abuse.
Don't waste life away
Carla Jul 2018
The good old days,
Where there was no school,
No work,
No worry.

The days where all we did,
Was play,
Have fun,
And live in the moment.

But now,
Now life feels cramped,

Now we're living in the future,
In the past,
Never in the present,
Never enjoying the moment.

Now we don't have enough time,
Never enough,
No time for anyone,
Or anything.

Just work,
And more work.

I want to go back,
To the good old days,
Where there wasn't,
A care in the world.
Live in the moment. Forget about the future and the past for a few seconds, and just breathe. Breathe, and enjoy the moment you're living in now.
Haruharu Jul 2018
Our bodies were shivering.

We held each other.

Surrounded by water, out in the lake.

The thunder and rain crashed around us and I felt your lips on mine.

Our feelings for each other were so real and intense in that moment.

The memories and moments we have will be my favourite movie to watch.
We drew the line.
My path extended to you, yours to mine
Was it I who drew it first?
If it were you, was it reverie
Or deja vu?

One day, in another moment or place,
Comes a time we are free.
Our paths will meet.
You will come to me
As I to you.
Hearts don't really forget.
PoserPersona Jul 2018
As a mortal you will die;
  in exchange, a chance at life.
Though it is not guaranteed,
  moments, are odds to be seized.
Mazen Edlibi Jun 2018
When you are blessed enough to someone

Being with you is a bless given by God!

Listening to your soul is a remedy for a tired soul!

Reading every single word from you like reciting a mantra of pure love among Angels!

A radical bond created beyond people terms and norms!

Silly...Funny...lightness...spontaneous...are the core of our moments!

Downs are met with faith...
Ups are felt with appreciation...

With all of that, a happy 1 paper anniversary, is not but a long life journey filled with amazing moments!

With that I face any moment even if it is painful, with joy and hope!

Thank you for the light you bring to us!
Krishnapriya Jun 2018
Someday in the future
A few years hence
Or maybe decades
You will look at your pic
From today and say,
“Wow! How young I looked!
How charming!”

Why wait for that day?
Look in the mirror
Today and say,
“Wow! How young I am now!
How charming!”

You look great – inside and out.
L Jun 2018
Heartbeat quickening, I weight each decision in my head. "**** it", my head responds. I gently hold your head between my hands. I let you stare into my eyes questioningly before I bring our mouths unto eachother. Finding your lips is one of the single hardest and easiest things ive ever done.
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