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LC Apr 2020
his heart flowed from his fingertips
as he stood in front of the choir.
when the applause started,
an angel only visible to her
crowned him with a halo.
her heart saw the purest,
whitest light as it ascended.
every cell in her body knew
one truth in that moment -
this was the start of her first love.
#escapril day 11!
John McCafferty Apr 2020
Stuck in a moment
temporarily on hold
How long to forgo alone
Searching in haste through space
though the globe still spins
our world has slowed
No hairline cracks but open gaps
in broken moulds
A collective directive
or tall order from top to bottom
Who sets the tone
with answers unknown
Not the forgotten
So my friend
educate yourself and
be bold as you bend
To the weight of the world
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
LC Apr 2020
blades of green lightly stab your feet.
the cool breeze caresses your arms
as the sun enhances your radiant face
you are at peace in this moment.
#escapril day 4!
John McCafferty Apr 2020
Pretty little thing
Light shines through your layers
Baseline glistens in the sun
The beat inside is strong
Perspective is resonating
Such colour with so many faces
who can do no wrong
Living in the present
with futures unknown
This moment resonates
Charcoal complete feeling that heat
inside of me
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Flynn Apr 2020
I watch my feet
It moves discreet
Flowing sand
I stand

It ebbs and flows
Comes and goes
movements twinned
enacted by wind

Caught by the tides
The sea has come in
The moment... fin
Inspired by a walk on Talacre beach in North Wales
Miles of sand and nobody around
MisfitOfSociety Mar 2020
I embrace the coming moment,
Open it to the surprise of the present.
The gift of life wrapped in the eternity of now.
day tripper Mar 2020
speak for what is true and real
a tear in your voice
confides the depths of your heart
a heart that loved greatly
shattered in a moment
for what is substantial
pierced through
like a glass scourge
covered in milk and honey
love can be as painful as you want it to be but can also be as good as you want it to be
Ash Mar 2020
Beauty, i've realized, is not confined to one singular moment
Nor one singular place.
Not one precious moment in time but perhaps a web of them.
It's intrinsic to nature.
Confounded through and possibly limited by the dullness of people.
We need too much.
We desire emptily.
We set definitions leaving little space for the outlier.
But beauty, in its purest form, is the outlier--a great composition of them.
For what we set our eyes forth to blatantly, routinely, and  mundanely is often the most beautiful, masked by our innate desire for novelty.
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