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Mahogany Ree Mar 2020
you'll never know how much I love you
words cannot explain

all I know is when were gone
our love will always remain

it all sounds so simple
but saying so just ain't enough

all I know is that I love you
and a whole lot of other stuff

bigger than four letters
more beautiful than it appears

i'll love you beyond a lifetime
that's just how sacred our love is . . .
Krishnapriya Mar 2020
What does it take?
To sit in silence

What does it take?
To inhale a breath of love

What does it take?
To hug the universe

What does it take?
To breath out peace to all

What does it take?
To accept this moment,
As it is.

A deep breath
A smile
A single drop of gratitude

All is well and always will be
In Grace Eternal
Krishnapriya Mar 2020
i hold this moment
close to my heart
Hug her
Feel her
Deep within
An unwavering light
A lotus blossom
Of love

Gentle silence
Is all there is
And will ever be
In the middle of curfew and fears - suddenly i felt, this moment - by itself is still and beautiful
hello stranger
I saw you looking at me

eyes opened up wide, 
but what do you hide?

it was just a second.
cute smile. brown skin.
I like your style. you’re just my type.

wanna hang out?
let’s go for dinner, 
we would be cute together, no doubt.
or are you a sinner?

oops… too late..
probably never gonna see you again
what a shame, man.

******* it.
at least to my imagination there’s no limit…

- gio, 18.07.2019
Krishnapriya Mar 2020
Letting go
Of crowds
To watch the sun set
In the ocean

Letting go
Of what should be
To open up
To what could be

Letting go
Of thoughts
To live in freedom
Of emptiness

Letting go
Of words
To hear the silence
Of the heart

Letting go
Of life
To dissolve
In this very moment
Humble8Fool Mar 2020
For every happy spiritual moment that we ever celebrate...
there's thankfullness and its always so great...

For every miracle that a devotee keeps on telling...
I open my heart and listen to him saying...

" There's always someone by your side...
just keep your eyes far and wide...

He is the creater of this world whom we worship...
Always showing the right way for a sailor in a lost ship...

So great and so sweet is his name...
Who has got all wealth and fame...

Everyone call him Makhan Chor...
He is none other than Lord Krishna...
who wants us to know about him more and more !! "
EP Robles Mar 2020
the sound of forgetting  is beautiful
and requires no talent ;
    all one must do is  Remain
Silent upon a beating drum
  then one must think of
    & one must believe in
Miracles before these events called for--->
getting grow within fields we have forgotten
but still walk upon /--_ while recognizing
all the spots where we have hidden our land-
Mines -- all within fear
   empty space is the sound of forgetting.

:: 03.07.2020 ::
Gods1son Mar 2020
Sometimes, we're so worried about what's
next that we forget to be grateful for
how far we've come and to be thankful
for all the hurdles we've jumped.

Sometimes, we hold onto the "ugly" past
that we overlook all the current blessings
The rough/beautiful past or the imagined
future often distract us from savouring
the beauty of the now.

Nothing exists outside of the now!
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