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Özcan Sh Nov 2018
So many unsolved mazes
Hid under their fake faces.
Apporva Arya Nov 2018
I felled
and heard claps.
I cried
and heard laughs.
Was I SUBJECT to them ?
Or VICTIM to life...

Asked for directions,
Being sent to maze.
Felt loneliness of crowd,
While chasing my CROWN.
Was I Intimidating?
Or talking is all what they got !!..

Still rise above of all,
By listening to the songs of my soul.
All the noise dies down.
When they lead me HOME.....
I am proud of it. No more irony. For i was always myself. No matter what your reason to blame me, I know what i am, I know what i want , I am never gonna change. I do what i do. So mind your own business.. (inspired by BTS IDOL)
FreeMind Oct 2018
My mind is a maze
And I'm lost once again

October 22, 2018
K M M Oct 2018
It has been a year
and I say that too tired to stand--but still I trudge on.
You were once a vine with white flowers
and now you have become a treacherous maze.
And I walk through every curve
dodge every overhang--trying to find you again.
Saying, "I love you."
calling out, "I'm here for you."
But your branches get bigger and your leaves grow thicker
I'm searching for you and while I do I stare at some blooms, they like little memories of our past.  And I become more focused on the past than getting out of the thicket
And I am choked like a ****.
As I am strangled and I am losing my breath I think to myself
"How could I be a **** when you said I was a beautiful flower?"
"Why would you take away my breath when you promised me a life?"
And by how you leave me I see all I needed to see.
Some people are toxic for you and need to be cut out for your own good.
Tøast Oct 2018
Unwound myself from this wool just enough to breath,
Cut the rope around my neck and tie my shoes up tight.
Looking in a mirror of reflections, seeing new memories and old balled into one.
Not sure where I am, this mirror maze distracting me from where I'm heading.
Healer Oct 2018
Did I push everyone away,

that no one wants to stay?

will ever my finite days and hollow night won't be gray,

will ever anyone will accompany me to my prayers

before hope in me fades away.

With these thoughts and loneliness,

I am nearby to my doomsday.

all my life people hurt me,

made me feels like the joke of April fools day.

maybe it was yesterday

when my ******* reality ****** me away,

I didn't get a choice, didn't get a say.

life has ****** me without much foreplay.

I lost my sanity as everyone in my life took advantage of me ,

had their ways.

that was the day I set my soul ablaze,

to become my own hope of rays,

to make my own glory days.

I will keep exploring ' life ' the mighty maze,

even when I could feel hidden shadows watching me,

ready to pounce and  drag me away,

but I'll fight to rise above these haze.

I know I have my doubt I have my black days,

but I am a fighter and tomorrow is another day.
Emmaline Oct 2018
We are all in a labyrinth
Each of us stuck in the never ending twists and turns,
Wandering around aimlessly scouring the earth.

There are monsters there
Hidden among the shadows and corners of our maze,
We are stuck full of fear.

What about the great perhaps?
The hope of something more,
The chance that there is something to progress?

Twists and turns
Never ending hallways and isolating darkness,
There is Freedom to those who yearn.

Straight and fast
They say is the only way out,
Straight and fast out of this horrid trap.

The labyrinth is God's cruel joke
Like mice in a maze,
We are toys to poke.

I want out of this place
The monsters close at my heel,
It's so dark I'm going to suffocate.

I can't stop running
I have to keep moving,
Never stop running.

There is only one way out of this labyrinth
I know what I need to do now,
I need be sweet release of death.

A dagger to the heart
Or a drug overdose,
Something to end this hurt.

I'm free at last
The darkness is gone,
Finally with my last breath.

It's so beautiful here
Here at the end of it all,
Songs of birds fill my ear.

At last I am here
It's so beautiful,
I'm at last free of fear.

No monsters
No pain,
No more twists and turns.

Don't worry about me
I'm happy now,
It's so beautiful here.
Olivia Oct 2018
My mind is a maze.
You’re not the one trying to find the entrance,
I'm the one trying to find the exit.
I am the lost one
The outcast
The one who wanted to understand the world
The one who was betrayed
The one who wanted to laugh
The one who had dreams.
And I thought we shared the same dream
I thought we were together
Hand in hand
And that we were moving forward
In the same direction.
But you left me.
You left me here, alone, in my own maze.
The dreams I had started to vanish
And the trust I put into you just disappeared.
I had a dream with you
And now that dream is only mine.
The dream we once shared is now my dream.
And as I keep it with me,
I try to find the exit of my own maze.
Sylph Oct 2018
Im lost
Completely lost with no sense
This maze feels never ending
Im forever lost
I just dont understand
What am i doing wrong?
I went left
I went right
I went Forward..
Wheres there left to go??
                        Where am i going?
Im so confused.
Theres to many paths
Which one do i take?

Right or left.
                                                                                               Forward or back.  Right       or        Wrong.
                                                                                          Hell  or Heaven.
Yes    or    no..
                      Where do i go..?
Im so lost in my life..
I dont know where im going or where i should go
Where am i supposed to go?
What am i supposed to do?
Which wolf do i feed?...They both want my attention...They both want meat..
CredibleTopHat Aug 2018
Forever alone in all that I do
no matter what I force myself into
stuck in a maze with no way through

Lost in a vast, blank open world
afraid of myself and the things lurking inside of me
knowing exactly why I'm the shadow of society

Why I'm cast away from societies grasp, and into the unknown
as rotten flesh is ripped clean from bone
and why I deserve to be stuck here
isolated and on my own
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