We are solutions and sources..
Much like a strange sunlight..
We're odd with so many symptoms..
We may be falling apart..
We may feel powerless.. We are not..
We are who we are..
If we breathe, compassion is still immortal..
Only way to see truth is to not be part of it
All a lie needs to be real is acceptance
Our world is falling apart. Your money?
Its a lie that is killing us
We drown in economy, in overconsumption
You never take a big enough step back
You let history be an eternal truth
You never question validity..
Open up a history book
Our main problem is..
You actually do question validity..
But only do so in unified global dysfunction..
Without ever even noticing it..
Wars still exist
Conflict still persists
People seek to protect their family
Never knowing they contribute to crime
As a result.. I even lost mine..
Humanity is simple but..
Money creates our complications..
Humanity is killing itself
Just look out your window..
Or turn on a TV..
We're trying to survive the chaos we built..
Chaos is Hell yeah but.. It is not to blame..
Why do you focus only on its symptoms?
Trace the sources of negativity backwards..
Why do you bask in such a Strange Sunlight..?
Some rays real with some rays fake..
Your demeanor became a mask
I'm sorry but its just simply true
Next time you shed a tear..
Its directly due to an entire humanity in fear
The world is truly falling apart..
You never investigated the right question
This isn't an outcome of pure possibility
Because we slowly built it into a certainty
We never even knew..
There is no seeing now.. not anymore..
We may still be able to change it but..
Far too many only need to perceive a crime
To swiftly judge it..
Remember.. Symptoms and Source
Solve one.. the other will dissappear..
Now humanity is almost out of time..
I want to survive and I want to be happy..
But.. this chaos is a symptom..
Its source seems to remain unnoticed..
Or ignored due to being truly unpleasant..
Don't hate the messenger..
You should have expected this..
I should have too..
I think we made saints and sinners. I think we can choose one of the two. I think we can be better than both. I feel as if that would define beautiful. The world is heavy nowadays. It does not need to be.