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Alyssa Underwood Nov 2015
I would not know that wounded hearts will never bend
Except it's by the gentlest wind
Had You not blown Your love on me

I did not know that arrows sprung with poisoned darts
Could be dislodged from human hearts
Till You began to set me free

How should I know that crushing loss can by its pain
Yield intimacy's most treasured gain
Unless You gave Your Word to me?

I could not know that failures worse than greatest fears
Might actually bless through staining tears
This soul undone by Your decree

But now I know that Love's own touch
Brings untold joy which healeth much
From One Who cleaves so faithfully
Rezium Jun 2018
"Swear on your life you'll never tell a soul! SWEAR!"

The more they trust, the more I hear.
Sorry to make you repeat, couldn't hear you clear.
Yes I'll hold this dear,
But promise me you'll become clean.

What did I just see,
I didn't mean to hide these true things,
No I mean...please just hear me please don't, there's no need to scream and shout!

I did it for you
I didn't mean to hurt your heart and send you into these deep thoughts.
Don't seek the truth. It's just knowledge to regret. Just stay wise...
Mystic Ink Plus Jun 2018
No doubt

You are lucky
Indeed you are

She will care you being a healer
And beautify you being a poetess

And the most interesting
You are searching two individuals

And here,
She holds, the both

Surely, she will make you live
Till eternity

Trust me
Genre: Romantic
Theme: Cells die, Words don't
Mystic Ink Plus May 2018
Hi ! How are you?

[I got backache]

Do you need
Pain Killer, or
Pain Healer?

[I don’t get it]

If 1st, you are in the right place
If 2nd, get married

Your choice
Either way
Genre: Experimental
Theme: The Truth
SaWal May 2018

Momma, you are-

The one who always evens my odds
In life's thundering skies, my lightning rod

My superhero, my alpha squad
My knight, my armour, my invincible sword

My lady, my lord
My queen, my God.

Your presence defines my existence, will do so all along,
I promise to keep you happy, healthy and whenever needed I'll be there to sing you them songs.

Happy Mother's Day.
Long and merry live all the super-heroic Mothers:)
Dolly Balou May 2018
Wild flowers in her soul, she refuses to trim them or let them show.
Moonlight seeping from her pores she holds the ability of being able to light up the darkest of nights.
She shines her light on all other gardens as an attempt to teach them the way to self-blossom.
Although not always successful with this transfer of energy she sometimes finds herself on the dark side of the moon; of herself.
To the darkness there is also depth, and without this depth she would be unable to share her strength through her glow.
This depth consists of all the weeds she has had to grow through and amongst, all the while encouraging them too to blossom.
This moon continues to shine, even when she herself is feeling blue, for what is the night without her?
To the man who is up all night,
Who some never see.

Isn't it lovely to be?
To be paid to just to watch them sleep.

So peaceful in their slumbers.

You rarely have a thing to do.
Yet you are paid none the less.

But the job costs more than it pays...

And your jabbering keeps haunted minds alert and on guard.

And its hard for you to be alert too...

When you need to be.

For appointments, errands, social activities, and such.

You take care of us...
But you must take care of you!

Oh mystery man who does not sleep.
Be careful my dear.

Someday it may be you,
Restless in their beds.
showyoulove Mar 2018
The Lord God is worthy to be praised
Strong and mighty for all of my days
Lifted high above the earth
He died so we could see what we're worth
Jesus friend of sinners the lost and the shamed
Jesus healer of our ills breaker of our chains
Saved us by his mighty hand
But we are sinking rapidly in shifting sand
Full of compassion and rich is his love
His kindness endures and mercy rains from above
When we are lost and confused he carries us back
In the pasture of the Lord there is nothing that we lack
Green are the fields upon which we rest
The pure spring water is simply the best
The sun rises and bathes us with light
We are precious in his sight
He guides us through the valleys by his staff and rod
In the darkness we will not fear for the shepherd is our God
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
3AM, one night of May 25
Run out of fuel to move around
“Imbalance, impatient”, was I.
Called a Dr, to get some help
Wondered, “what is your problem?”
Umm, “I never know what peace is.”
Fatigue, swelling, loss of memory
Feeling low and much more, all I get.

Achievement of life
Umm, gaining 3 pounds of weight every month
Blood work was out of range,
Homeostasis was not on my side
Felt of lost in transition,
Between Heaven and Hell.

“Dr., am I going to die?”
Tempting to release the constant fear
Stupid arguments that haunt every time.

“Calm down, it’s not too late”,
“Don’t escape from the realms of reality”,
“Let the awareness spread”,
“Fight, support and advocate”,
“Seek a path of peaceful harmony”,
“Let’s make 25th May, bigger”,
He said.
Genre: Clinical
Theme: On 25th May, it's World Thyroid Day
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Foot steps
Bound together
In a human race
Hunger for change
Heralds heaven
Muscle relaxed
A survivor
Aroma of addiction
Asked,”how far did you played?”
Now, running level two
Viciously described

Get me a Steroid
From those with healing hands
Withdrawal symptoms
Flooding all systems
Begins a new world within
Genre: Clinical
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