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AnxiousOcean Nov 2017
Time may heal your wounds
but only God can love your scars
Perfect love for the imperfect
Tristan Brown Oct 2017
Sometimes you need something more
Some type outside force

No not me
I'm not good enough
I am not the greatest of all healers

So sometimes you need something more
The one and only true outside force
All of your pain would be relieved
All you have to do is believe
I wrote this for a friend of mine. She struggles and I just can't help or heal her. So maybe if she would come to believe, all of her struggles would be relieved. Maybe she will see this and it will touch her. Maybe there is one of you out there that need see this more than her. I pray that maybe this is a start in the right direction.
Wellspring Oct 2017
Something always present
But never seen

A presence that drags and pulls
At your very being

It dictates your actions and captures you
In its' thrall

It causes deaths and removes ideas'
As you walk, covered in its' shawl

It blocks out everything
Emptying the mind

Controlling the entire body
Making one blind

Boredom is an assassin
Of the creative soul

But is a creator and leader
for some in a hole
Guess what: I'M BORED!! I have two different essay ideas written about 400 words in for the same essay task, and I don't know whether or not I should just choose one and go with it or finish both of them and let the teacher choose.... So I went ahead and wrote this. I am a professional procrastinator, don't try this at home kids.
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