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Lisa Aug 2017
It a great thing to be in the middle of fades between the lines of black and white
It's great to be gray to dissappear into the black like a shadow or like walking out in the middle of the night to not be noticed
Or never have any eyes on you
don't be seen
no mistake noticed.
the white does not always shine on you and when it does you can easily go back to gray
It's great to be gray beacuse i change my outfit 5 times before coming here and and today maybe I wanted to shine. But I'm gray so I stand out just enough to be noticed but not to much then all eyes on me and that is quite scary then I'm not gray.

It's horrible to be gray.
To always seem like you are in 2 places at one like everyone is watching you but like not a single person will even notice you
It ***** to be gray.
To say hello to someone and they won't respond beacuse they don't know your name from that day when you helped them when no one eles would,
you were always in the gray
To have every mistake noticed by everyone but then be told that it's okay just stop and go back to the gray.

It's okay to be gray beacuse inbtween of the black and white I may stay
but oddly enough gray is okay it's a ryhmes so it must be true
beacuse in all white I shine all eyes on me never a moment of peace
never any time for the little boring gray me
But in the black I'm never seen I'm forgotten,
Say hi to the girl in the hall and receive a weird look beacuse she doesn't even remember me now
Maybe it's okay to be gray beacuse shades are sometimes all the same in some weird way.
Ophelia Ray Aug 2017
White, black, grey
memories in colorless tone.
Shining white
white like your eyes
torrid and hanging
White grinning
gorging on fear
foam forming at the corners of your mouth.
your hair shone white.
Grey as I looked up,
Black is what followed.
Pedro Batista Aug 2017
The red sun shines high
The grey clouds hide the blue sky
As the heatwave rides the winds
And the common man sweats with the heat

The fighters run in a rush
homeless or home savers
asking for a divine favor
sweating with fear and a day of labor

The culprits sneak in the woods
with the firestarters under their hoods
dreaming of the money they took
sweating with the guilt of a crook

different sweats, with different flavors
they reflect the lives of different morals
and even belonging to dead men memorials
The view from the afternoon , on a country that is burning
I see a lot of things people miss,
and am a lot of things;
those people don't see.

...even though sometimes
I want them to.
Poetic T Aug 2017
I drank way to much vocabulary
before my eager eyes needed to
dilute the intake of my surroundings.

Into slumbered inspired visions,
that would play on my thoughts repetitively,
like a cracked analogue song skipping.

But still I awake in darkness, needing
to release the effluence of what was
indulged upon earlier. That visage a
delusion of  slide show moments.
I felt the bed its wet,
                        I didn't make it in time.

Blind verses wet on the sheets, my hand
was in it, I gag... And then see that its
a mirage of what was drunk upon.
It had to come out at some time.
But 3am couldn't I control my expulsion.
                        Instead I sit here in sodden verse.

As I wash my sheets, not the first time or
the last. I take heed.. not to drink so much
before I go to bed, because white sheets are
now grey. So many words kept on other layers,
these ones just inevitably washed away.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2017
There's something so magnetic about the colour grey.
  It's neither dark nor light.
Not evil or good.
It's a calm colour of silence.
And it's comforting too.
It's easy for me to float in gray clouds.
Lay in grey sheets.
Even talk to the stone graves.
Despite the ugliness in the world, there are still splashes of love and wonder around.
But as the sands run by, I feel weaker and I just want to stay put
in silence.
The brilliance of white permeates through every corner though the world itself is stripped of it day by day.
The shadows of blackness wrap around us from time to time. It can be easy to succumb and surrender.
I'm so tired, so drained.
I just want to sleep and stay lost in the grey...
I'm trying so hard to stay awake but I'm physically mentally and emotionally drained to the point where I want to sleep it away for eternity
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2017
You claim not to know
You merely know to deny
Child, be on your guard

The power of change
Which connotes both good and bad
Nothing stays the same

The natural line
Of what human truly means
A grey area
Humans are living contradictions.
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2017
limbs of leaD
eating Problems
not 'theRe'
bad hygienE
coping mechaniSms
libido losS
thoughts are Intrusive
weeping Over nothing
extreme aNxiety
Get help...please. If you're caught in the grey, get help.
pH7 Jun 2017
You are somewhere in the space between the- fearless
and beyond the infinite of what reality- seems
you do not fight, who is the king
(In growth) You are the reigning queens,
the power has always been in what you’ve seen and
how to be divine and supreme. You were born in the middle of,
and do not see the black from the white
the blur of the earth is the beauty you distinguish in our solar scene
your soul pulls gravitational extremes-  like tidal forces
moon and sun light beams'
influences the beat in our beings

-Universal Echoes
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