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Holey Apr 2016
Are you the man that shares my blood?
I said with tears creating a flood.
His eyes were scared his stance mean
Filled with hatred never before seen.
I lean in as to give him a hug
But stop midway and we both share a shrug.
Is there a reason your personality changed so much
You walk away at the slightest of touch.
You're not the father you're supposed to be
It's not we anymore it's just me.
I went to find you to say my goodbyes
and clear the air thats filled with lies.
I can't call it a goodbye when it's bad
and left me feeling very sad.
Maybe someday you'll come back
And our feelings will finally unpack.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Slice it up, make it quick
It'll be done with just one flick
Cut it deep
I want it to do more than weep
Cut out the bad
Oops that's all I had
rivers of blood from me pour
Now I'm in pieces on the floor
I just couldn't take it any more!!
Rebecca Gismondi Feb 2016
animal heads float above the surface

sheep’s matted wool and dead rats amongst the debris

worst rainfall since 1911, and

I am all alone.
the confines of this bucket dig into my lower back
and wet metal indents my calves

I hope you, too, have a bucket
my love

for although your legs are sturdy
you cannot hold yourself above the roofs
the plaster walls breaking off and sticking to your skin,

memories of others onto you

but remember:
the crème brûlée at 3 a.m. after you returned from the docks
and the drunken dances in the kitchen to BB King’s voice

maybe my wedding dress is drifting

between the gardens and
I can wear it when our buckets meet somewhere along this natural disaster
-- the fragmented filled canal --
and you would immediately recognize its bell sleeves

amongst the damp wood
and loose shingles
Sean Hunt Feb 2016
Mother Nature broke her water
But the baby never came
Our inundated world
Will never be the same

We watched slowly
With a growing sense of impotence
As an elemental army
Took our innocence

Some  left their homes and died
In another place
They never did return
To their own space

Politicians waded 'round
In their wellingtons
What nerve they had to even show
Their sorry skeletons

Pontificated platitudes
Filled the element of air
And those who had been flooded
Didn't really care

To hear the sly sermon
Those words were barely heard
Though so well-written
Practised and rehearsed

Mother Nature has retreated now
To her slumber state
One day soon she'll wake again
We do not know the date

Windermere 2016 February 14th
There has been extensive flooding in the district where I live.  My flat is in a two-story block and nearly all the first floor residents had to relocate.  One died shortly after.  Another became ill enough to need specialized care and will never return.  All those flats had to be completely renovated.  I can only imagine the slow torture that they all experienced as the relentless water invaded their homes.  The drama was overdue a poem :)
DaSH the Hopeful Jan 2016
I put you on my wall today
          As soon as I got home
              And I smilled at how you were crooked
                   And I tilted my head to really see you

      And that's when the water sloshed out of my ears and I was drowning

                      Your eyes became bubbles that helped me breathe
              When I sucked them in
       I became one with the pressure
The fluctuating force that I knew all to well
         Spilling from my ears like a cloud too heavy to hold its weight
             You drift off the wall and float with me, fragile, yet permanent and meaningful in my mind
AM Jan 2016
it was such a simple thing
that tore us apart
only because he has a heart
with the capacity of one glass
while I have the love
from all the seven seas
to pour for him
Scarlet Niamh Jan 2016
The forever falling devil reaches for my heart,
his talons digging deep as I am forced to sleep
in his world, for evermore
in the land of pure darkness.

The rotten wings which once resided
on his back; glorious, white, bright;
now shards of glass that cut those
who come too close.

The fire in his heart is put out
by the flood in mine; killed by the
never-ending storm inside me. Flames put out
by water; those who thrived in the soul fire
quietened by the heartless liar
who turned hell into an ocean.
vaishax Dec 2015
and just like that we have
packed our bags
cleared up the house
thrown out the rags

walking away at a speed
so fast that we
wish we could undo
wish we could flee

the damage is huge but
this is home
that we built but now
on streets we roam

tears make up the flood
in roads that are dry
no solace in relief when
our only roof is the sky

washed away are homes
and all our lives
washed away is the makeup
that you hide behind

now that it is bare let's
fight an equal war
you've swindled lives
what more do you ask for?

leave us our dignity, even
when you eat our lives
you can feed on our money
but you still won't survive!
Sri Shruthi Dec 2015
In height, I stand,
watching danger encountered
people, so much worried
hands folded, prayers stood.

Selfish traitor, I asked for help
as, in top, i was held,
thinking of myself,
never stops the thought of my shelf.

apartment dipped in water,
yearning for decrease in level,
finding ways, as I think clever,
morning, i get up, to see quarter.

Siblings hurry in for rescue
boats, that embarrasses my arrival,
wishing to turn it into ice cubes
just to kick it, clear my way to val.

Sitting, tapping, hitting,
my keys, here I come,
with my key for escaping
and there, I found my home.
Breanna Stockham Nov 2015
I’ve mastered independence strength and might
I’ve mastered pushing everyone away
With standards high, I’ve mastered loneliness
No tears are shed when someone goes astray

I’ll admit, it’s working out quite nicely
Heartbreak in my future, I don’t see
Heartbreak comes from closeness turned to distance
But distance comes so naturally to me

Flooded with feelings when they are close by
Flooded with feelings when they’re far away
They drown in feelings, I’m completely dry
Won’t dip my toe, scared I’ll get swept away

I’ve mastered this dry land, my own safety
Mastered feeling content walking on land
But one thing I cannot seem to master
Is my strange desire to go and swim

Flooded with feelings or choking on air
I simply can’t decide which one is worse
At least the water makes you feel something
My dry land leaves me numb with quite a thirst

Staying on the surface can’t satisfy
My deep desire for something much more
Better to feel too much than not at all
Goodbye safety, it’s time to leave the shore
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