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"Whatever we convey to you,
You think we're lying,
Better get real familiar cause loose ends are tying,
They love politics and the underlying,
You understand the half without innersighting,
Better get acquainted with the chakra finding,
Lacking discipline, cut out all that trauma dumping,
They tried to block the energy , there is no stopping,
Collecting all the data that they store like shopping"....

(full poem in link below)
m Feb 28
sunday on a saturday afternoon  
fills my lungs with soda taste longing  
flinging through words never said  
to spit out of my head  
here i lie on the bedding

sunday comes around  
to feed me to the ground  
silence waits til i turn to say ‘i found you’

saturday sun on a sweet afternoon  
week full, ate up my work til i threw up on you    
what was that last thing we spoke about?

just wait til it ends  
just wait til it ends  
sun sat day to wait til it ends

and then you know like  
it starts on a friday night  
we’ll tie our hands together  
over our new tv  
we’ll watch the stories as they play

of a life worth living past sunday  
life worth living past sunday
To crash, lose and fall,
from those heady heights,
a nosediving, disco ball,
of wet, unemitted light.

A crossed, cascading crawl,
into the deathly night,
a fraying, windswept shawl,
blown by galeforced might.

The reeling of the pits,
in the damp depths of the stomach,
as glum hearts deflate,
to their promised demise.

Defeat reddens spit,
cheeks fly the colour of ruddocks,
descent down to Mt. Hate,
through disquieted eyes.

The cruel, unrequited fall.
The smashed, abyssal disco ball.
The sulking, jet, cataract crawl.
The unravelling, hurricaned shawl.
The grave, staggering pits.
The stray and scarlet spit.
The chasm of a stomach.
The vermillion ruddocks.
The burst hearts that deflate.
The sinking spiral, Mt. Hate.
Became promised demise.
Untwinkling, in disquieted eyes.

And, are, all;

© poormansdreams
MsAmendable Jan 15
Taking all of my hunger
In the palm of my hand
I carry it with me
From the sea to the sand
I curl every finger
To a fist in my gut
Feeding it anger and
Sadness and glut
The more that I fed her
The more Hunger grew
Seeking and wanting
Far more than I knew
The bigger she got
The more her bite stung
Until all left of me
Was teeth, blood and tongue
And all that I ate
Turned right to dust
I desired no food
But wanted to lust
I wanted to crave
I sought to suffer
Because that state was easy
But living was rougher
Jia En Jan 9
Sometimes you
Decide to
Have a really big meal
Then proceed
To not eat
For the next eight
Hours right?
It's not that you can't wait
But the faintest smell
Of food might
As well
Knock you out.
It isn't about
Being physically
Full, correct me
If I'm wrong
But going too long
Without anything
Would bring
About the strongest's doom.
(No, food here
Is not the elephant in the room.)
maybe you stayed and maybe i got my fill but that was six months ago
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
I sit in this empty room
But I'm not the only one in here
I went and let my demons out
They produce then they feed on my fear
Been here many times before,
More times than I can ignore
I won't shed another wasteful tear
What good's all this crying for?
Both my tear ducts are sore
And it's the same year after year after year

Ken Pepiton Jun 2024
Last thing you have to do,
in your bag of things you have
in mind, that must be done, before
finality sets all you lived for
in allegorical stone, for
example, ensample
being subtil until
the inside out

set the next generation straight,
using ancient innocent Disneyifity.

Tinker's solder dam seen into once,
and being seen seeing, the seer chose
to loose the reason we've begun choosing

from nothing, something everything is made
from or of or in or on or a gross or so more
pre-positioning facts,
every where we look,
there it is, nothing is impossible
to do right. On the last try, you die.

addicted to love, by some other name, it feels good to be read.
Ylzm Jun 2022
It'll speak to you when you wake
Thus I wallow long in bed
Till I hear and duly feed
Then I'll rise and eat the cake

It'll speak to you when you wake
Even at times before bed
Then you're waiting as dawn peeks
To run with no time for cake

It'll speak to you when you wake
But ignore it before bed
In nightmares it'll haunt your sleep
Till you walk and forgo cake

It'll speak to you when you wake
Why study when time for bed
Books are weary but sleep's sweet
Thus you'll eat and keep the cake

It'll speak to you when you wake
If not you'll despise your bed
To roam and ceaselessly seek
For real food and not the cake
Hussein Dekmak Jun 2022
I belong
To the roses blooming with elegance,
The birds song yearning for love,
The spring singing the song of life,
The dawn declaring a new beginning,
The moon shining on lovers’ footsteps.

I Belong
To the cry of the suffering souls,
The dish that feeds the hungry stomaches,
The sacred justice that was crucified,
The whispers of my mother’s prayer.

I Belong,
To the kind words that sooth other’s pains,
The random acts of kindness,
The hearts that are full of compassion,
The idea that plant seeds for positive change,

I Belong,
To the hope of all of humanity,
The inventor of all of the infinite beauty,
The beautiful song of all of creation,
The God of the whole universe.

Hussein Dekmak
nick armbrister Jun 2022
Hades 12
Grrrr! I am the Nemosaur!
Nemosaur *******.
Gonna eat you alive and **** the marrow from your bones.
I'll bight off your toes like munching sweets.
**** your brain outa your skull, slowly.
Bit by bit you cease to exist.
Eaten alive by the Nemosaur.
What bit next?
Vertebrae squash time till your two feet tall, a ****** dwarf meal.
All mine!
Nemosaur is hungry.
Slowly I cut into your fat belly and drink milky white fat.
Then I uncoil your intestines bit by bit, I can taste your last meal.
Now the insides.
Rantings of a Damaged Mind
By Nick Armbrister and Mel Grobler
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