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Abhishek kumar Feb 2020
Happy faces may not be happy
But the sad ones are sad
Hence proving
Pain is truth
Happiness can lie
There are moments when we’re talking face to face where I stare at you for a little bit longer and think to myself, how could I have been so lucky to find you?

At this moment,
And at this time in my life.
Dennis Hernandez Jan 2020
The face
That says it all
But gives nothing,
That went to hell,
But didn’t come back,
Knows all languages
But speaks none,
Traveled all depths -
Not once in motion,
Sees right through you
But needs no eyes.

Puffing and puffing
The cigarette is delighted,
Youth burnt off
The face.
Xella Jan 2020
From timid tap to thud feet come running-
Eyes in the back of necks dare open to the groan
of a grandfather ticking clock, fingers
fingers in fauna twist to turn as dry bones roll within casket homes-
snapping knees and grinding of joins vibrate through floors waking.
the crack of a whip hollows out stones as they tip south-
Eyes wide shut.
              Eyes wide shut-
Wrote this on paper. I feel as if paper gives you a whole different sense.
abby Nov 2019
I want to trust myself and my intuition
I want to trust in my own greater visions

the abstract ideas that fall from me and feelings with unknown faces make it hard to even see.
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2019
Eye contact,
Unspoken letters on the lips,
Soft smiles on faces;
Entwined hearts for eternity!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
kain Sep 2019
The truth is
I don't want to ever stop thinking about you
But I have to
Or else I won't fall asleep at night
Or if I do
I'll dream only of your eyes
I don't want to think of you like that

And at some point
One of us has to look away
The world won't stop spinning
For our less than platonic moments
We need to move on
You surely seem to have no trouble
But I can't tear my gaze away
From your retreating form

Those glimpses I catch
Of you sitting in class
Might as well be poison
Injected straight into my veins
The softness of your hair
The outline of your face
Is a drunk tattoo in the front of my brain
One I can't erase

You're my heroine
Take or leave the "e"
And I might be a willing addict
But I'll go to rehab eventually
I'll force your face to fade
Covered up with inky flowers
Scattering my legs

I'll leave your eyes
Turquoise and green
You can watch me from the bushes
Peeking out from between the leaves
Like a fairytale character
I bet I'll wonder who you were
And what you meant to me
Title stolen from Justin Courtney Pierre. If this is secretly another cover I don't know about... Educate me, Captain.
Harry Gione Aug 2019
Why do my eyes want to see you?
When there are there are constellations and mountains and sunsets to look at
Yet my eyes are not satisfied until they find you
With your tired eyes that shut slowly behind the steam from your coffee mug
While the flowers are blooming and valleys are forming and cherry blossom petals are fluttering to the ground
I'm gazing over at you
My back turned to any other sight that could be more fulfilling
What more is there to see after I've spent hours facing you?
Why do my eyes tear when they can't find your face?
I have already found every freckle on your cheeks
Smile and make them dance for me
Let those hidden creases below your cheek bones bend and breath when you let your laugh out
Throw your head back and let those curls take flight
Just be you doing what humans do
Reacting to things as a human being should
As I'm reminded that most things are more worth seeing
Than a basic normal average human being
My eyes widen and whisper to me
"This is the show we came to see"
It's in the eye of the beholder
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