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Priyanshi Dass Jun 2017
I've dreamt a little dream
Tucked it in, safe and snug
In that little corner of my mind
Resting, 'til it feels that tug

When my heart gives a call
As it sees my eyes begin to awaken
The dream will break its slumber
The cloak of past defeats, gladly forsaken

I stand, eager and willing
To embark proudly into the night
With confidence my armour
And my only friend, the moonlight

Shadows no longer scare me
As they follow me down the road
My doubts and insecurities left behind
No worries, I've finally broken the code

I wade through the darkness
To reach the other side
My nervous shakes' not a weakness
But a roar to the tide

I will swim through the tumultous waters
Of destiny and time
The stars will no longer write my fate
Let the clock chime
Sombro May 2017
I forgot when I
Felt success warm my pallet, tickle my spine,
Familiar lover, I
Forgot your touch, and now
Charged with desire for you, you are absent
Like so many flames in winter, or
Hoary kisses on sweltering skin, what contrasts, my prayers
Repeating murmurs I heard lost birds bring
Of far off summers
And tingles on my spine came back
As only the tang of needles
Gritty blood, gritty residue,
Defeat, vengeance, my new Summer and Winter,
Tears my new spring rain,
Despair what was a growing pain
Has now set roots, and I
Forgot success' name
Alan Brown Apr 2017
gnarly wooden tentacles
itch at Earth's gritty soul,
puncture its spongy surface,
& descend into the deep.

the strands of juvenile oak
maneuver the hickory soil,
strangle desolate tectonic pipes,
& ravenously slurp the dwindling liquid within.  

this is how it began.

slithering branches hiss at the sun,
& suffocate the placid sky in  
crusty juniper leaves;
like infantry banners they flutter
triumphantly in the erratic, apocalyptic air.

beneath them lies the fractured animal kingdom,
scavenging on rationed rain and sunlight
drizzling through the foliage gaps;
this is the cost of conquest,
punishment for a war unwisely waged.
humanity spurred by ambition
falls victim to the wrath of the forest
& subsequently into eternal darkness.
The ravels in my sleeve of care
Grow longer every night-
Especially in the morning
When I struggle back to sleep
From waking up too early

Only to be bushwhacked
By brigades of unsolved problems,
Battalions of frustration
And whole Armies of defeatment
Marching out to meet me.

While you’re asleep your secret mind
Is solving all the puzzles
That unhinge the hours when you’re awake
And dodging slings and arrows.
That is the scholar’s promise.

That is what the con men say
In psychiatric clinics
Where they write the books
Explaining what it means to fly
And why we never land when falling.

Sleep refreshes and renews-
At least that is the theory.
It’s not supposed to wear you out
And beat you down while dreaming
Out the scripts you didn’t write.

When the raveling is complete
And both my sleeves have come undone
Will I dream of flowered fields
And happy times, successes and rewarding
Or will it end and I no longer dream at all.
I never win in my dreams, I'm always behind the eight-ball - "a day late and a dollar short" as the old saw says.
Julia Mae Mar 2017
when you finally
hit rock bottom
you won't see me
when you look up
one more chance
one more hope
another play as your savior

you won't see me
because i was the only one
who tried to prevent
your fall
Zero Nine Mar 2017
"You will not defeat me,"
from the summit of your lungs
arterial winter
is all over and all done
I want the rain to smother us,
one nose to another
sharing the air
at the corner of Fifth and Couch
I want the silence between us
sinking heavily
while enjoying
the rare absence of spoken word
I want you filling my chest
with the bumps that were
lost to view some time ago,
like we share phantom sensations
from before we knew love
"Return my youth to me,"
acid dripping from your tongue
We can sing in song
Is this the end or the beginning?
Probably both.
Angela Punch Mar 2017
All is quiet in the house. Your slumber is almost the loudest voice in my head.
I can only sit idly by and watch faceless creatures of my rage battle with no armor.
Reaching outward, spinning within,
I grasp at letting go.
All I know is something I treasure, yet wish to lose.
Empty pockets don’t drop many coins.
Eternity taunts my limited time ticking without a halt towards a future that ceases to exist.
Faith in lack seems to be all we’re granted.
The riddler laughs at my fate.
Surrender to this cruel joke is all I can do within its confinement.
The escape route has a road block, and armed guards ordered to shoot on sight.
Every pleasure is lined with thorns and ***** my weakened hands.
Alone is all we can ever be.
The gift of senses is our curse in this nightmare dressed as enchantment.
Wolf in sheep's clothing, he nips at my ankles.
If I stumble I lose a foot,
If I fall I lose my life.
Buried amongst the leaves is my hope to comprehend.
But no knowledge can ever cut through these chains that bind my ability to be free.
My tears contain my rage,
my rage contains my innocent notion that drives me to madness.
The simple yearning to love without condition, to touch without getting burned.
Where did goodness lose the battle?
Eve ate the fruit that grants her breath, birthing her condemnation.
No handbook to guide us.
No map to get us through this maze.
We cannot know what kills us till we die.
This utopia has no order.
No leader.
no captain at the helm.
So many souls lost at sea, until the waves break their vessels and swallow their strength to persevere.
I ache to be a shepherd without consequence.
It's hard to stand on broken limbs.
The pain is all that cradles my fall.
Hush little baby, don't say a word when you're mockingbird cannot fly.
The dish ran away with the spoon,
The little girls laughs as I eat with my hands.
Melisa Bernards Feb 2017
I'm suffocating.
I want to claw my way out of my skin
Not caring how ****** and torn I'd be, for I am that already
A shredded corpse disguised as whole
Mimicking the beat from a counterfeit heart.

I'm imploding.
Being pulverized by crushing defeat
Innocence vanquished and forgotten
A casualty of immense desolation.

I'm disintegrating
Vanishing from existence
Evaporating from memory
Until all that remains is.......
Jai Karkhanis Feb 2017
It was amid the conflagration,
That I saw you, sheltered by awe,
And upon that field, where I struggling stood,
Your eyes bore upon me.
The ground was rent with the devil's snare,
The air befuddled by his mystique,
Yet your lure brought me strength.
I crawled through the bloodstained mists,
Over the entrails of a shattered humanity,
And you stood smiling at the door.
I had upon me nought but the sweltering radiance,
For the shadow, he took refuge beyond you
Your fire was my support, your glory was my shield.
I was not lost. For within you lay deliverance.
Labour it was that pushed me forth,
As the abyss of nothing was upon me
The bogs of dereliction lay under my feet. I fell.
The perfumed grass that was under yours beckoned,
I progressed.
And though I battered my demons to reach your sanctuary, you slithered away
There was sorrow behind me,
And ahead, enticing me you stood.
But I cannot reach you.
My strength has been sapped by this journey
My vitals have been beaten into submission
I shall fall here .
Perhaps it is your quest alone that is transcendental
It may be that you are but a mirage .
Even so, as I give away to that eternal night,
Your light flickers in my pupils.
I am lost in sight of your being.
You are the death of me.
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