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Kelly Bitangcol Feb 2018
The people in my life are the ones who choose my lover. They gather around every 6 years, telling each other’s choices; sometimes uniting, sometimes not. You would see people arguing, saying that her choice is better than hers, saying that his choice won’t bring any good to me. However, all these arguments don’t matter in the end because in this situation, majority always wins.

I once had a lover named Mark. I will never forget my life with him. My life was filled with his austereness back then, he would always it’s for my own sake. He told me that he loved me so much, that he would do everything for me. Mark was showing signs of abusiveness that people noticed it. He made sure that the people who update our relationship would be careful, or in other ways would not criticise him and just shut up. So he abolished them and made them lose their jobs. The criticism became wider and wider, more people decided to speak up and stand against him. Mark hurt everyone who opposed of him, torture them in different ways. My children got *****, the brave ones got killed, those who fought were imprisoned, and he was stealing everything that I have. He told everyone he loved me, but he did nothing but ruin me. He left me with a wound that will never ever be healed.

People told me to move on and forgive him, but how can I move on from something that wasn’t resolved? How can I forgive him when he wasn’t apologetic of what he did, instead he was proud of it. How can I forget something that caused people to die, families be apart, my life getting stolen, and the destruction of myself?

Decades went by, people chose a new lover for me. His name is Drew, and people say he remind them of Mark. Both stern, tough, and claim they want the best for me. Drew admired Mark, and he did the similar things. He silence people who criticise him, treat women like pieces of meat that aren’t meant to be respected, **** the victims of poverty instead of helping, take the lives of innocent people away and describe them as collateral damages. He also tells all of these things are for the betterment of me. People suddenly forget our history, people continue to admire Mark and Drew and even call them my best lovers of all. They tell the people, "Love is sweeter the second time around." A wound that was never healed shows again, my body is filled with stains from the pains of the past and the present.

Yet people who love me continue to fight to fight for me. Doing everything that they can to stop things from happening again. Slowly fixing my wound and never letting it open again. You would see them on the streets shouting, or on the internet rambling. They would always ask me, “What is happening to you?”

Thousands of questions, hundreds of voices, and all those addressed for one only.

“Didn’t you learn from the past?”
“Do you want the worst for yourself?”
“Do you want your place to be filled with blood and violence?”
“You just never learn.”

They reached for me.
they shouted my name.
I was called Philippines,
*by the way.
Charlotte Jan 2018
You came into my life
like a hunter
an his rifle.

You held me in your arms
and when I tried to run you
made me fight and
even when you knew I was right
you’d make sure I’d lose.

But I’ll swear on your bible
that next time you’re standing
on my porch in the pouring rain
I’ll scream at you -

“Don’t you dare
try and paint me black
when I
used to be pure gold.”
Fairs are
Layers of surprises
The cacophony of noises
The beauty of the various
Human creations
On display
Awaiting their
O Cashmere silks
Flowing like cream
The twelve yard long
Sari occupying
The seat of glory
Among all its mates
Glowing with its zardozi
And glimmering
Bridal wear
Handsome kurtas
And glorious turbans
Waiting to adorn
Men no less
Than their show
Shawls and scarfs
Beautiful raiments
Not only
Serve the human insecurity
But go well beyond
They glorify one's
Personality indeed
Maybe soon
Gender neutral garments
Would adorn these shelves
The world is moving
Pay heed
But now
This fair is making me romantic
Thoughts of daydreaming
Seeing so much
Wanting to get all of them
O I grow more infant
But I also see
In secret delight
Young lovers
Exchanging glances
This fair unites them
At least from
The bottom of their hearts!
I have to move on
O I see
Mighty rides
Brimming with people
The Titanic ride
Shouldn't meet
Another golden tragedy
Happy faces
And cheerful hearts
Do greet me
O my stomach is rumbling
Food is something
Without which
Our life gets
O jalebis
Roundels of joy
Dripping with ghee
And heavenly
Sugar syrup
These colorful goodies
I can't resist or stop
O boy
Pakodas being strained out
From hot simmering oil
Looks delicious
O what joy
And sweets varied
Rich with magenta
Green and hues
Greet me like
Those air hostesses
I crushed on
As a child
They do take me
On a flight of imagination
On gulping all of
Them down
One by one
My sweet tooth
Can't resist
O not
I see handsome hunks
Engaged in eager fight
Showing their power
And masculine might
Do they really have
Any hatred
Oh no
They are just friends
And they enjoy
Thus merry sport
O the dreaming young boy
Not bold but coy
Watches in wonder
He could not get those
Wondrous sweets
O wait
The fair had something for him
He could get
Those do paisa candies
At least!
He is enjoying with his pals
The fair
Is the blossoming ground
Of his long lasting
But I am reminded
As I see dancing maidens
In sheer joy
That men but do come and go
But this saga of fairs has been going on
Since time immemorial
Only uniting the hearts
Of those
Who come here
To deal and feel
Some moments of joy
In this world
So mundane and real
'Mundane' at times!
Gone to a fair
Share your experience
For sure!
Shawn Denali Jan 2018
And she said that she could never find another guy who would love her like I do
But I look around this lonely house and the only thing that's missing here is you
People ask me all the time what in the world ever happened to you
I lie and say you're doing fine but I never really had a clue
Hello new life
Goodbye ex wife
It's gonna take some time to replace you
Hello new life
Goodbye ex wife
It's gonna take some time to replace you
But time is the only thing I've got
My attempt at Bob Dylan I guess lol
although the election results,
(and his imprimatur dissolving, fading, receding,
et cetera now ranks as old news,
i still feel that adulation beckons cheers

defying odds to win the hearts and minds
aside from this one voter who cast his vote
for a (as he calls himself "mutt" of mongrel -
with no insinuation for denigration)

toward a biracial mortal male who epitomizes
that je nais sais quois ambition du jour
to tackle the multitude of local
and/or global challenges
with his prized defensive team.

no doubt he probably already composed
some rough draft per his inaugural address
(or yours - eminent president elect
if ye happen to be perusing the contents
of this email) will address the outstanding crisis

that confront the home turf
and international world stage
populated with tough rooted quandaries,
which hardly allows, enables
and provides for mushroom to err.

rather than fritter critical and valuable time
to blame or fear for the prior
republican administration
that could be held accountable
for the current morass, i reckon

that tis prudent to expend
the precious sands of time to ameliorate
those most serious issues without resorting
to fear, which machiavellian technique
this admirer begs to differ.

aside from begging to differ
with your philosophy to affect guilt
in other (as like an invisible ****),
the paradigm presented promulgated
(in prestigious media resources)

pleases this papa of deux daughters,
which principles of the first
african american occupant of the white house
brings solace within this spirit.

no matter mind boggling and overwhelming lesions
seem to witness this two hundred quarter
plus democratic experiment to hemorrhage
and require emergency action,

i feel reassured that resuscitation
of this body politick will recover
and become restored to vibrant health
thru the confident intervention thru diligence,

intelligence, ordinance, et cetera of (emma)
eminence filled pride without prejudice,
sense and sensibility to become like
some wunderkind in the oval office.

even now (about one month or less)
when that oath taken to heart to uphold
the covenant of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness

(as attempted to be codified by founding fathers
of this country - i.e. these united states of america)
stunned disbelief still abounds
within my liberal filled conscience,

yet excited at the prospect
one young(ish) noble representative
of **** sapiens exhibits
much esteemed aura, charisma, dogma,

and persona so pertinent at this juncture
in the history of fifty states who weathered
(yet survived) dramas that nearly rent asunder
the very fabric of this amazing society.

unbeknownst to anyone such as dumbledorf,
estimable magicians with awesome powers
of prestidigitation, j.k. rowling, santa claus,
seers, soothsayers, the wizard of oz, tooth fairy),

la de da to forecast if thine indomitable agility,
civility, electricity, gentility, integrity,
et cetera will be effective to deliver
superhuman feats of accomplishments.

this audacity of hope (telepathically communicated
from dreams of my widower father and late mother)
blessedly delivered some capacity of genuine faith
that seems hinged on the evident decency enunciated

(time and again - ever since ye took
to the campaign trail and now amazingly finds
one gracious honoree to guide the populace at large)
to offer deliverance and salvation.

Kume Dec 2017
You acquire wealth and power,

At the expense of the masses.

And then you cover your tracks,

Telling us you’re rebranding.

When we catch you in your vile business,

You wriggle out your way, urging for dialogue,

Mutual understanding…

Wails and cries, how long will your people die?

Your silence is enough for us to believe you don’t even care.

You spin the truth, how many more media houses do you intend to buy?

You assure us the evil will be curbed,

And then the next blast, exponentially multiplies our fears…

They run ragged with their belief, satiating their bloodlust,

How long do you intend to bury mutilated remains, body parts and bone dust?…

Ending lives all for the reason that they made the Sign Of The Cross?

Chronicles of fraud, colossal distrust uncertainty,

Underhandedness, all to get the masses misinformed…

How can you let this happen?

How do you live with yourself?

How do you manage to keep sane when your whole life is false?

And all this for what?

When you lie so much, the truth becomes a blur?

In the end, my dear friend,

Like the rest of us, the earth will swallow you whole.

And then, there’ll be no king.

For after death, all your wealth,

All your thrills, comforts and bliss,

Will be noth’…

For you’ll join the assembly of the forgotten.

And like the traveler and the woman of easy virtue,

Vanity will end its fling…
Way back in August you had said to me
That if I ever try to leave
You'd follow me to heaven and through hell
Well now I'm on my way to see
How far the stars will carry me
And you've been left behind with doubts to quell

So please excuse my destiny
And with a hint of courtesy
I'd like say to you, I wish you well
Would love for you to be with me
Out here where all the world is free
Instead of staying stuck inside your shell

See you around then, once again
Say goodbye to this old friend
I tried to show you love, you weren't interested
Give me a sign then, take my hand
Show me where our love has been
I won't be hangin round til then
See you around, my friend

I made it through the fire it seems
With just a couple third-degrees
And now my skin is tough enough to tell
That if you can't hold on to me
And trust the man that's underneath
Then there's no way to save you from yourself

So have fun searching endlessly
Keep wading through the male debris
To try to find a man to break the spell
I'm sure that your friends all agree
You're happier when you're with me
Too bad you've made the choice to say farewell

See you around then, once again
I'll say goodbye to you, old friend
I tried to show you love, you weren't interested
Give me a sign then, take my hand
Show me where our love will stand
I won't be hangin round til then
See you around, my friend
Lyrics for an original bluegrass country tune.
Akshay Dec 2017
The war, the cry,
Few are hurt and few die,
The scars remind, that their worth is like,
Diamond that shines, but only some can buy,
Strong and bold.
Scars they told, is what makes them feel alive,
So much pride, for the country they'd die,
For all it's worth, they're glad to serve.
For all the soldiers out there, we're glad to have you.
Verse 1
why do I need patience
buying time don't make sense

Oh, yes
time don't cost two cents
when you're just a child just
wait and see

Can't hit rock bottom
can't hit rock bottom
with these wings
can I?
Caught me some rainbows
I'm going to paint myself
Saturn's rings.

Verse 2
Colors of my innocence,
raining down upon me
I don't know what
hopeless means.
Happiness does make sense
filling up my lonely
Nothing will prevent
my dreams.

Can't hit rock bottom
can't hit rock bottom
with these wings
can I?
Caught me some rainbows
I'm going to paint myself
Saturn's rings.
I got into a phase of writing country/folk sounding lyrics and poetry last year (summer).
It was very quick, but I enjoyed it immensely.

I abandoned this; I guess I was feeling funky.
So I just repeated the chorus (copy/paste) and I'm, otherwise, leaving it as is.
Don't want to ruin the tone of the song now, right?

I have to admit to myself, it is kind of beautiful. What do you think? :)
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