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Moomin Jun 2020
I sit alone in an English garden
And gaze in awe at sunset sky
Where colours paint a masterpiece
So exquisite to the eye
From deep maroons to orange fire
It fades into a yellow fan
And sprinkles specks of fading clouds
That sink to rendezvous with dawn
And as I marvel at this display
In silence and at evening's rest
I think of those so far away
Undergoing violent fiery test
Across the sea and over time
A million voices rage and cry
At evil acts by law's decree
That can no longer be denied
Where justice is not black and white
And hate's hunger is so overfed
For authority is on white pages
In ink that reads a ****** red    
An army of intolerance
A brotherhood of hate
Bedecked by badge of bludgeoning
And tazer in each state
Crushing spirit and stealing peace
While demanding our respect
While shocking limbs and rocking lives
And kneeling on the neck
Instilled with warped ideology
That debases human mind
Tainted white superiority
And so divided of humankind
But where is hate's validity?
How is it justified?
Where is their authority
To harrass and to divide?
For none can claim to be the first
To be the proudest purest race
For America was full of colour
Before Europe found that place  
Did these men not swear an oath
To “disharge faithfully and well”
And defend all citizens equally
And truth to uphold and to tell?
And did they not seal their oath
With promise solemn and divine
Proclaiming liberty and devotion
“So help me God” the final line!  
And what do we know of our creator
Is he so hard and partial too?
Is God's likeness just caucasian
Or is his love both fair and true
His words are there for all to see
In the Bible's pages plain and clear
That God does not show favouritism
But loves all those who hold Him dear
For when the greatest artist made
The races that dwell on earth today
He used a pallet and brush of life
And a million colours to stroke and splay
For this world is not black and white
Nor grey or dull and monochrome
But is crowned with dazzling glorious colours
No shade is missing, no not one
So if it pleases God to paint
This earth in colours of his love
Then surely skin of many colours
Must be a gift of God above
So please Mr Police Officer
Before you terrorize more souls
Because their skin is not like yours
Be sure you know your cause and goal
For it is not for liberty
Nor for honour that you whack
And do not think that God approves
Of your vile and prejudiced attacks    
For you dishonour that badge you wear
And the land that you protect
And with every blow you turn to black
You **** the law and lose respect
And in case you think me biased
And writing to support my kind
Please know I am male and white
And just like God, I'm colour-blind
For all of my black brothers and sisters worldwide
Tyler Matthew Jun 2020
one word
just one spark
one soul
just one race


we built a tower up to heaven
reaching up and out to Him
curious to what’s beyond
united in our purpose then

one tongue
one mind
one hand
we climbed

the tower

and was it wrong to search the sky?
to know the angels, brush their wings?
was it wrong to meditate?
to equate ourselves to kings?

and when He deemed we rose too high
He brought the tower to the ground
colored flesh and broke our tongues
with a hard hand held us down

the tower

and was it wrong to search the sky
with all those stars we looked upon?
to see the truths eluding us?
to know what heaven lies beyond?
The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.  Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
Moomin Jun 2020
If I pray for peace
Then God would have to change the minds of half the world
If I prayed for health
Then I would not be responsible for how I live
If I prayed for success
Then I would become just another master with slaves or fans
If I prayed for wealth
Then I would not be content with God's gifts
But if I prayed for wisdom
Then I would know what to pray for

“Our Father, who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth, as it is in Heaven” - Jesus Christ
Max Neumann May 2020
a golden stage of holy voices
hide us all from  the rain
a pastor, fulfilled by the holy spirit
today we are forgiven, forgiven

a young male in the audience, dancing
god is mighty, god is mighty, god is mighty
a sturdy background singer, grateful
today we are forgiven, forgiven

our god is awesome and he will be
our god is awesome and he will be
walls, decorated with kindness
today we are forgiven, forgiven

love is in the air like lights, lights
love is in the air like lights, lights
a pastor, fulfilled by the holy spirit
today we are forgiven, forgiven
Today is a holy day.

Much Love to:

YouTube: My God Is Awesome Charles Jenkins

May God bless all of you poets, poetesses and readers.
Our God is awesome.

This poem is dedicated to all of you, it's dedicated to Charles Jenkins and his amazing team of background singers, it's dedicated to my family, my wife and to my children.

Heaven yeah!
Moomin May 2020
On the streets of the infidels, where the churches toll unholy bells
He pauses to survey the ungodly mire
His breath comes fast and short, as he grips the pull cord taught
to visit upon them god's own holy fire
And mothers smile, and children play, unaware on this deadly day
that this man is buying Heaven with their lives  
So he stares into their eyes, with a hatred born of fire
Unleashing hell in exchange for ****** paradise  

But our Father who's in Heaven didn't ask that
For the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels, they all say the same
That we should love our neighbour and forgive our enemies
So, justify it any way you like, just don't do it in God's name    

Now there's a mighty Superchurch down in Alabama, and the pastor there he'll cleanse you from your sin
He'll cure your cancer and make you well, grant you success, save you from Hell, if you drop your divine dollars in the tin
But if you ain't playin ball with Mr Holy, and his fiery sermon fails to make you well
Then instead of blessed health and wealthy endeavours, he'll leave you to barbecue in good old hell

But our Father who's in Heaven didn't ask that
For the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels, they all say the same
That what we received so freely, we should share without a profit
So, justify it any way you like, just don't do it in God's name    

There are men who thinks it's divine to violate children, and to use the western “******” for their own desires
And they claim that they're the instrument of Heaven, and that *** can be used to cleanse, just like fire
Yet the very books they use for validation, speak of kindness, love and God's own mercy mild
And they denounce the hypocrites who cry “defilement”, when they themselves, when abusing are so defiled

But our Father who's in Heaven didn't ask that
For the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels, they all say the same
That there is not a man among us fit to pass a judgement
So, justify it any way you like, just don't do it in God's name      

As the flags of nations unfurl for the warzone, and the cries of freedom echo through the spree
Both combatants boast of weapons of hell's fury, that will burn a city from all memory
And both sides will claim the right, that they are the just ones in this fight
While the children trust in them to set them free  

But our Father who's in Heaven didn't ask that
For the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels all say the same
That if we use a sword then God himself will cut us down
So, justify it any way you like, just don't do it in God's name    

So don't you soak His name in blood, and don't you sell Him to the poor
Stop your wars and your vendettas, cause He's not with you any more  
And He don't recognize your flags, cause they divide His unity
He uses persuasion, not invasion, and He gives his love for free

Yes the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels all say the same
They clearly cry the same
Justify it any way you like
Call it anything you like

But don't do it in God's name!

"The hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he has offered a sacred service to God. But they will do these things because they have not come to know either the Father or me." - John 16.2
Steve Page May 2020
This is my anthology of choice
This is where I hear God's voice -
a voice wrapped in grace
or punctuated with tearful praise.
User manual and admonishment
Hope and encouragement
Stories of enemies and friends
where battles end
in the end

This is my anthology of choice
This is where I hear God's voice -
a voice soft like a lover
spoken comfort like an open-armed Father
Substituting justice for forgiveness
Love Joy Peace and Patience

This is my anthology,
my community of choice

This is where I hear God's stanza'd voice -

is a poet.
A response to Robert Alter's 'The Art of Biblical Poetry' and rifting off 'God is a DJ' (Faithless)
And then there was evening.

The edge of our estate, a wire fence.  
We ducked under it, Cole's fat neck scraped,
he squealed.  
Older boys sniggered.  

Once buildings grew here,  
it now sprouted vegetation.  
We picked our way through.  
Here we built the world: a haven of ***** mattresses and wooden boards  
holding shaped rocks and bones found somewhere,  
that hint of death.  

Cain was bigger than the rest.  
He liked fire,  
pushed at the mattresses, unsettling dust.  
He picked up a stick and beat down the walls,  
eyes filled with that blaze.

Suddenly sticks flew,  
we thrashed with fury and rage and everything,
at our creation.
Soon our jigsaw walls were waste upon the ground.  
Then there was light.  
Cain's father, passed out, drunk,  
missed the silver lighter his son produced.  
Roaring flame which singed our nostril hairs,  
smelling bonfire for a week after.  

Cain's eyes saw everything.
We stood, in his image,
chests heaving, we looked at what was done.  

I was scolded when I returned home late with sooty skin,
and went to bed  
with tear tracks on red scrubbed cheeks.  

And there was morning.
Saurya May 2020

There was silence

Except the rustle of the dry leaves
And the wind
And the thumping of the heart

Everything was silent

The night was moved, not to move at all,
Least, they would come, and the moments of love
That flowed as blood, would turn in screams!
Love cries would be turned to love screams
Flesh made for freedom, would be freed from the bones

Hush! Said the night to the leaves, and they feared to stir,
Let’s give this boy, some moments of peace, and silence they said,
For the boy was born in silence, moved in silence, lived in silence
And silent was his mind, for knowledge has been stirred in love, God said’

Would you forsake me?
He cried, cause he knew, his faith on love was to be tested tonight!
Slowly wrenching heart out, in front of Ma!

Would you forsake me? Abba!

If this is your wish, so be it!
He said!

And night whimpered in fear, the moon hid her face in pain,
Leaves failed to move

The Legionnaires have arrived
As King is being carried to Kingdom!
So was the King taken away to rule!
All hearts of love! till the world would break apart, or explode of love!

If this is your Wish, Abba! So be it!
Man was made in our image.
With innocent eyes that sought lights embrace.
And nestled in the arms of darkness.
An empty abyss who couldn't help but stare back.

Man cried till he was content.
And his heart did grow through the suffering.
And he came to know happiness as well as sadness.
But his eyes, they spoke with love.

Man walked his path under a forceful guidance.
And he remained ignorant to the suffering of his bearers.
Fighting ensued as man found comfort under the many stars.
In the field, he fought alone against the sun and the moon, and he lost.

Rage begat man as he learned togetherness and separation.
The beautiful flowers flourished, and he felt himself no more than a lone dried ****.
So, he cut those flowers and boiled them to see how they taste.
Now, only a desert remained as man boiled each oasis.

Man ate and hunted every animal.
He used the streets built by others and ate the meals he begged for.
This lone warrior stared back into the abyss and saw light within himself.
The strongest man he knew was his darkness alone, and so fought him and lost again.

Man could no longer force his guidance on the world so for the first time, his angry heart steadied and he listened.
And man looked back to the loved ones who perished behind him and cried till he was content.
He slowly memorized each grain of dust that made up every little thing. Starting over again and again.
Eventually, his heart strengthened and pulled him to the shores of Nibana. And he was alone. And he was satisfied.

On this day, man closed his eyes and writ this poem.
A poem made only with his heart that he could never have envisioned with his meager skill.
But his heart that knew darkness, its light is refined and built up a little each day.
And his rest is well-deserved.

Even if the reason he's alive, is safe and satisfied with another man. For dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return.
Just a story I thought of when I thought of a girl named Latisha. My work is continuing well. As always, my choices are my own. Even if they seem a bit odd.
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