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nanda Dec 2017
planets of all colors and sizes
floating on an endless universe
of mystic dust
and rainbow smoke

angels fly
from planet to planet
watching for the living
caring for their order

suns all around
distant but present
shining their lights
flickering in the night

one stands proud in the middle
the Sun of suns
the king of the universe
strong and powerful

it is a lovely world
a fantasy made up
watched and warded
but the lurking man

he plans carefully
outlines every detail
he paints the smiles
he writes the lies

he is a clever one
i must admit
everything plays out as his says
he is an award-worthy director

the lurking man stands above
we are standing on his palm
blindfolded, unaware
complete fools

he paints a beautiful scenery
he is the architect of paradise
he even lets us believe
that there is a greater power than him

you see,
the lurking man is a liar
and a cheat
he is a trickster
and a fraud
he hides in the shadows
planning his next move
creating a demise
waiting for the right moment
to strike

and it scares me sometimes
it keeps me up at night
how he is able to portray
such real dreams
into my own mind
and how one of this days
he will finally attack
inspired by a mandala i have in my bedroom door
Fox Friend Dec 2017
Through the heavy darkness
My feet are guided; I am led.
To a certain calmness
I will arrive - it has been said.

My purpose is lost, I’m torn apart.
The Savior steps in to calm my troubled heart.

He is constant. He is kind.
My faith will be used to pacify this torrential sea.
Although I may fear that I’m falling behind
His grace is sufficient and He has carried me.

I have struggled so much, He has helped me every time before.
I must be a burden, I can’t do this anymore!

The destroyer yearns to attack my foundation.
Hopelessness consumes me, so I look to the sky.
Among the blackness live bright constellations.
He has said He loves me and He can tell no lie.

With mind still heavy, but heart so full
He needs me on His side; I feel the pull.

“I cannot do this alone!” I cry.
He reminds me that I am loved; “My child, I am here.”
The angels have been sent to Earth, my tears to dry.
I am humbled and realize I have not been forgotten this year.

Friends encircle their arms about me with love.
It’s always been familiar, and now I know it’s from above.

The Savior embraced me before I came to Earth.
My mortal company are angels sent to care for me.
In this life I struggle to remember my worth.
So when I am embraced by friends, I remember that it is what He did before He set me free.
Umi Dec 2017
I have been asked of how it may feel to be an Angel,
As I have been created from the soil I do not know,
But verily, I do believe it must be a life without woe

Praying would be amongst the greatest things
With innocence and all its blessings
Praising, chanting in delight, not disobeying
Only the Lord's pleasure they are displaying

They do not know of such as envy
They do not know of such as spite
They are happy, praising him with all his might

Cherishing each word which has been said (By God)
They would happily face death without being afraid,
As long as God is pleased with them,

Righteous, brilliant and with multiple wings
They don't need rest, they serve the king of the kings!
Without having made one single sin,
Shining from being made from light, deep within

Oh how much I wish I could be amongst those...

Take a look at the angels who carry the throne
Not moving an inch, not speaking a tone,
Yet they are proud, yet they wear a smile
Why ? Because it isn't their style, to be displeased with his decree

~ Umi
For my friend Will, as requested
Umi Dec 2017
When everything ends, an angel plays a tune
When evrything ends, there's no flower to bloom
Will everyone then be in gloom ?

But don't lose hope he hasn't blown into the horn
Lose no hope and don't **** the unborn
Gentleness and patience is what we need
So don't be sad, don't fall into greed

Cheer up and take a look at the deep sea coral reefs,
Be impressed by their beauty and their great depths,
Don't be sickened by peoples beliefs,

And remember the man who disappeared without a trail...
He was swallowed by a by a whale...
It was Jonah until he had Prayed!
"My lord is forgiving, O mighty one"
And then there was aid

So don't lose hope my dear children
There is help. So don't fret,
And please also never forget
That mama will be here for you, remembering you the moments you smiled ~

Formed of light and beauty, the angels of the lord
The gratest of the greatest who keeps his word,
Oh God, you are the highest notning can compare to you
You taught me everything I knew.

This one angel who does wait,
Is the one who knows our fate,
On that day, heavens and Hells gate,
Shall be opened for those who are righteous
For those who are trescious

Enjoy every moment of living oh children of earth
Our life could be taken any second...may even at birth
Enjoy the beauty of this world and remember..we're transient

Forgiveness isn't easy, grudges lead astray
Just pray (for them)
And you will find peace
And your hatred then shall cease
Just avoid the devil...please pass this test

I have attained realisation through my incapacity...
My submission and my broken mind
Is it enlightment which I will someday find ?

In pleasure and delight
Don't you see ?
And as long as you are pleased with me..
I cherish your glorious might..

For joy and expansion is my state...
The two things which I will wait (with)
And my motto and my cover

And the words which came from ours messengers mouths,
Have healed my hearts sickness
Has saved me from drouth

Be reminded of our short life
and don't be troubled with other folks strife
Just remember the blessings you have been given
and maybe, hopefully you will be forgiven

And under these drifting clouds even though the ages fade
With this unchanging life I can keep shining for you, and aid

And overcoming even time and space
May my gaze though fraught with sin leads you on to a happy life

Oh you humble soul,
Please do tell me, what might be your prescious goal ?
Is it this world you want to stroll (through!)

Oh you angels with all of your wings,
I would like to be amongst you it would be of the best blessings
With all your beautiful dressings
I would like to be an angel, sweet innocent and pure
That would bring me happiness for sure

I will work to be righteous....until everything ends, and that angel plays a tune

~ Umi
This title took so long to finish, I do hope you can enjoy it
Scarlet M Dec 2017
I'm sorry
but todays battle
has come to
an end,
the angels
have arrived
before I could ever
claim myself;
who do you think won
when the demons
came up
to tame me?
Vyiirt'aan Dec 2017
I took a gander to the sky
The indigo and pallid lilac lights
Indulged in my resting place
Concluding my days, I was imbued

Lush and vivid strands of white
Pierced valiantly through my view
The solemn celestial light
The forgotten lights renew

Frigid hands reached out to me
They left me there, in perturbation
Of many mysteries I ceased to see
The enigma of animation

Reminiscence of a jagged pass
That split and converged
The contorted trails amass
At its beacons they emerged

In a symphony of light
It descended
Fervent ascension
Beacon of the night,
Praise be with thee, demon.

An angel descended from heaven today
It carried the key to my heart
The blessed remnants of love to sway
The notion that hailed their depart

Of many caresses that stroked my soul
The mirror that reflects my own parole
I rest there in trance
Embracing their dance
Alas, I perished to their words

An abrupt realisation unfolded
As I found myself dropping to the surface, embedded in crimson hue
The darkness flooded the gates I forgot they existed
The numbness never recollected my will
Alas, I dropped into their world

An angel clad in crimson rags
Obsidian tattered wings grasp
A gaze so sharp pierced my skull
Mourning on my plagued remains,
On a scaffold of birch

For I wished to see the light
For I descended once more

Praise be with thee, demon.
Inspired by mythie's poem 'seraphic', I decided to give it a twist of my own.
Related poem:
mythie Dec 2017
I've seen the gates of Heaven.

Angels are beautiful creatures, aren't they?
They fill some with lust, desire...
They fill me with something nobody else could give.

I knew when our eyes connected.
You were something special.
You have my glass heart in your hands.
Please don't let it go.

I've been hurt by angels before.
They've taken my heart, handled it with care.
Then smashed it using all their force.
It's taken forever to pick up the pieces.

But by the way you touch me.
Kiss me and tell me I'm pretty.
I can tell you're different.
I can tell you're heavenly.

Black circles under crimson eyes.
Pale, porcelain skin.
Large white wings.
The heart of a saint.

You sink your fingers into my heart.
Squishing and spreading it around.
You dig your own heart from your flesh.
Bloodied fingertips connecting love.

With two hearts together.
You smile at me.
I am certain now.
You can teach me to love again.
mythie Dec 2017
An angel with an arched back.
It's wings spread out like an owl's.
She turns to gaze at me.
Fluttering eyelids.

Her hand runs over her pale skin.
Her white wings flutter with every touch she makes.
Her dead eyes creep to gaze at me.
Beckoning me.

My throat feels clogged.
I walk closer.
My hands are shaking.
I still, walk closer.

She reaches her hand out to me.
I take it without hesitation.
An angel in love with a human?
It's mad, isn't it?

I kiss her hand and she smiles.
Her eyes are still dead.
She runs her fingers up and down my throat.
I sputter white petals all over her.

She's dowsed in white petals.
They're stuck in her midnight hair.
She smiles at me, her eyes finally glistening.
I smile back.

An angel in love with a human.
It's mad, isn't it?
Yes, it's mad.
But aren't we all a little mad sometimes?
Seema Dec 2017
The moments fade
Like that of many seasons
Leaving appalling memories
And few fake reasons

Just to comfort ones self
And spreading the warmth of smiles
Never letting anyone guess
The walk you take alone in miles

Tho shattered into infinite pieces
Still keeping your frame strong
Waking up everyday like dead
From within, you know you're not wrong

Days spent at work
And free time at the park
While watching the fictional routines of norms
You sit there till dark

You begin to love your solitude
And avoid congestion and loud
Away from the puppeteer world
Into your own little happy crowd

Where you have smiles, kindness
Warmth, and selfless gratitude
The place where the unfortunate children are
You encourage them with positive attitude

With little presents for God's earthly angels
You can't get enough of their cheerful giggles
Left in orphanages and other caring homes
My friends are these, my little smeagols

Spare a gift this festive season for the unfortunate children.
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