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Tabitha Sep 2013
Oh Coffee Machine! My Coffee Machine! You've finally finished my drink!
For every morning you brew me one -I place my mug in the kitchen sink,
Every drop of your goodness; topped with whip cream; finished just in time,
The things you make, lattes, coffee, are absolutely divine,
Just as I was about to fill and pour the once empty mug,
almost as empty as i'm feeling; there's still that leftover bit of hope,
But wait, Can it be? My old trustee machine?
It mustn't be the end of my coffee machine peering near,
It can't be the end of my morning routine,
For all I hear are crashes; unfamiliar to my ear.

My Coffee Machine! Dear Coffee Machine,
The hiss of steamed milk, cream and roasted coffee beans,
The wisps of steam lingering in the air as you make my coffee,
Dripping ever so slowly in my cup -Coffee that's dark, bitter and black as night,
Early in the morning before breakfast; before I take a bite,
This half-full cup of coffee won't do me good for the day,
Without you I think that the morning skies themselves will be grey,
But wait, My dear coffee machine!
I keep pressing the button clear
It can't be the end of my morning routine,
For all I hear are crashes; unfamiliar to my ear.

Waking up with no cup of coffee, ask not what the future may bring,
Without the energy, I don't know whether sorrow shall reign or happiness ring,
Everyday I now wake to breathe deeply the aroma of life's bel-fry,
For if I ever smell the subtle hint of coffee in the air, I let out a sigh.
Oh Coffee Machine! Dear Coffee Machine,
You've been here for so many years,
It can't be the end of my morning routine,
For all I hear are crashes; unfamiliar to my ear.
5.0k · May 2014
Sleepless Nights
Tabitha May 2014
Late night conversations about sweet nothings,
I feel as though he is just -something,
Something so goofy and unique,
I smile from ear to ear as he speaks,
I stay up almost the entire night and day,
It would be easier if he were to be next to me and stay,
He says we practically read each others' minds -telepathy,
I can go on and on about his sympathy,
We make funny faces all the time,
He is what I call  -a dime,
Not a dime's worth nor it's size,
It's quirkiness and shine,
And to end this poem is hard - just in a few lines,
His eyes and smile fill the room with light,
There is not one thing I regret from these,
*-These sleepless nights.
Tabitha Nov 2013
She calls me up in front of the class,
I think to myself "I better pass"
She says "Oh that friend of yours, is she in my class next semester?"
I cough and say "Oh yes you are still her professor",
She asks if I have ever encouraged her to take this university math course,
"Of course" with the voice I try to force,
Force out the words I can not utter,
She says "What?" and I say "Did I stutter?"
"I also told her I'm getting a 51 in this-"
"It's cause you never work" she said with a hiss
"Miss I've done all the work, I just hate math"
This is the part where my she unleashed her wrath,
"So you aren't taking math next year I see"
I try and explain "Math isn't for me"
"Try Data Management next semester, it might work out?" she tries to suggest
"Not with you as my teacher again.." with her hard *** ******* tests,
Each class I am passing with straight 90's but this course has no interest of mine,
And for your information without math I will be JUST FINE.
3.7k · Mar 2015
Heavy Heart
Tabitha Mar 2015
Weighing in on this pain and pressure,
Want to wake up feeling fresher,
Hurts to see nothing working,
Hearing cackles and smirking,
While my eyes are wide open,
Can't sleep till day light,
Feel the hot rays in strands quite bright,
Lost my mind,
Love to wake up my soul,
Faith is gone out the window,
Purpose is vanished,
Hope has faded,
Routine is as solid
As solid the economy,
Sleepless nights,
Heavy hearts,
Heavy chest,
All the worries and feeling depressed,
Listening slowly as the curtain,
Casts upon me,
The race of life has just begun,
and I'm waiting on starting line,
While they are all at the finish.
But I'm not giving up.
*Oh no, Im not giving up
Sometimes you wish you could start over, fresh, a new blank state, but are caught up in the reality of dealing with it as it is
2.7k · Jul 2014
Tabitha Jul 2014
They say "it's for your own good"
"You'll understand when your older"
After 17 years of living you'd think
I would know by now,
It's hard to wrap my head around,
Around a concept not so profound,
A life which my parents want me to live,
Which would mean it would be my life I would have to give,
I respect you,
And stay true,
True to myself and others too,
The values and lessons you've taught,
Which no amount of money or things could be bought,
For it's time to treat me as old as I am,
I am not once that young girl you had planned,
The one in love with feathers and lame tv shows,
The one who always carried her heart in her hand,
The one with dazzling brown crystal shone eyes and wondered around the land,
The one who didn't want anyone to get hurt,
The one now learned from the grime and dirt,
The one who wouldn't stop asking questions,
The one who always said "did I mention.."
The one who's eyes would fill in tears after getting a 'booboo'
but would be all better once you kissed it too,
The one who would be by your side holding your hand
The one who was daddy's little sidekick,
And who was momma's little measuring stick,
The one who didn't grow all too much,
The one who would be scared of movies and your arms she'd clutch,
The one who dreamed to play basketball,
The one who would be supported no matter how many dreams she had,
The ones as absurd as that,
The one who's hand would wrap around one finger,
The one who would laugh at everything you'd say
The one who love to watch the stars and lay,
The one who would love to play,
The one who you'd tuck into bed every night,
The one who would make you turn on a night light,
The one who was daddy's little girl,
And who was mama's pearl,
The girl in those summer dresses and a flower in her hair,
Is standing tall and strong as she shows you she cares,
She's going to make you proud,
For her words may not speak loud,
She's a runaway,
Off to a place unknown,
To explore a world,
And be who she wants to be,
The girl who wants to be free,
Just like how she did when she was young,
Just her and her heart,
Completely alone.
I hope someone can relate. Been a tough write
2.4k · Sep 2014
One of a kind
Tabitha Sep 2014
One day,
One week,
One month?
It's crazy how far apart we grew,
I don't even have the energy to get you out of my memory,
You were my only good cup of tea,
I chose you over my late night movies,
I chose you over taking out my car in my hand practically the keys,
We talked for hours about the life to be,
I wanted to ask if we could've been more,
My tongue would force out those words,
Not uttering a single thing,
I miss those nights,
But other times I regret it,
Attached to you and your effortless attitude,
I miss the idea of you,
Like you said "I'm one of a kind, there's  only one of me"
I couldn't agree more, just if I got the chance to tell you id feel more free.
Felt like I needed to get this off my chest.
1.9k · Jul 2014
Tabitha Jul 2014
I ruin it all,
All of it,
Every ounce of my energy,
When I over-think things way too much,
I drown myself in thoughts,
Slowly kills my happiness,
Like a cigarette does to the lungs,
Like insecurities **** my self esteem,
Like lies killed my trust,
I wish I could just make the picture in my head be real,
My ideal life I wish I could plan,
Questions that come to my mind,
Nor the answers I want to find,
An answer to a question which will bring me to over think once you respond to,
Will make me once more,
Numb and blue,
Why'd you ever give up on me?
1.6k · Feb 2014
Black History Month Speech
Tabitha Feb 2014
She was a African-American quite distinct,
Nor by her completion or her skin tone,
Rather by the ability to inspire youth of all ages,
She was in her 20's and she was quite knowledgable,
Knowledgable of what hatred is,
Of what us humans are like,
She showcased a picture of Justin Bieber,
Laminated and such,
The roars of the crowd all in hatred,
Boo's and "You ****" all around the gym,
She asked us "Why?",
Why are we as humans so judgemental?,
Judgemental towards others when we don't ourselves want to be judged,
See this is a oxymoron indeed,
She asked us why? Why do we want to eliminate,
Eliminate stereotypes, judging and bullying,
If we ourselves continue to do it?
She made me believe in the ability to succeed,
She made me believe in the restoration of humanity,
She made me believe that freedoms are not simply given,
But should be cherished.
She made me believe in me.
1.6k · Dec 2013
Tabitha Dec 2013
She is as sly as a fox,
Looking over everyone as if she is a hawk,
She is a mystery quite extraordinary,
No one knows how tough her scratches are,
A backstabber not even known from a far,
Her sympathy is of no extent,
All she leaves is a massive dent,
A dent of hope in the world,
A hope that once was lit in this rut of a place,
She smiles and stares as she inches closer to stab you,
Stab you ever so carefully in your back,
Once she has got was she has need your down in the dumps in a sac,
She says that you are sour and you sour her mood,
It's funny because I wish I was rude,
Rude enough to get back for everything you had done,
The prize she sought is won,
But my friend you'll be the very first to run!

Hush, She does not speak,
Her venom is that ten times worse,
Just befriending her is much like a curse,
Her words so ever twisting acting with great success,
Acts as if it had never happened,
As if this entire world was blackened,
Acts as if there was no event of such,
As if there is nothing much,
Continues down her pity little path,
She was really good at numbers really well at math,
With scales of larger numbers and poison even larger,
Flaunting about the abilities she has,
There isn't much we can do not even in a class,
How can something so small and innocent,
So twisted and bent,
Be the most horrid from all creatures?
1.5k · Dec 2013
Don't Blame Yourself.
Tabitha Dec 2013
Don't blame yourself for not understanding,
Even when your surrounded by the 'outstanding'
Don't blame yourself for not being smart enough,
Even when you aren't as tough,
Don't let the fear of failure consume your hope,
Even if the person next to you is trying beat it to death, you can cope,
You are not perfect and not for their lifestyle,
You are unique and ever so versatile
You like a fruit loop in a world of Cherrios,
Individual and different.
Don't blame yourself for not being like everyone else,
I genuinely hate having to be criticized for not being smart enough and being told that I do not try hard enough. I hope many of you probably feel the same way?
1.4k · Nov 2013
Voices Inside My Head
Tabitha Nov 2013
Simply can't deal with these voices inside my head,
Repeating over and over,
Saying I'm not worth anything,
Isolation slowly become my bestfriend,
The only medication, that helps my heart mend,
"Stop trying"
"Why are you trying so hard?"
"You mess everything up"
"Sit there drawing your worthless drawings"

She says as she breaks the coffee cup,
These fights, the rage,
Never-ending bitter talk,
These voices I try and block,
Have no hope, they just build in me anger,
For now I write this hatred poem,
Which she would say "Throw it in the trash, it's just as worthless as you"
The voices repeat, All left now is to take a seat and watch the nothingness pass over me.
This is just one of those poems, for therapeutic purposes...Nevertheless, enjoy.
'she' is my mind
1.4k · Nov 2013
Forgive & Forget
Tabitha Nov 2013
Forgive and forget, two very simple words you see,
The human mind itself is so very evolutionary,
Mustn't hold a grudge,
For the one's you once loved,
May your past be healed,
So your future is clear,

Forgive and forget, one or the other will do,
Not let the anger get the best of you,
They say the weak seek revenge,
The strong forgive,
And the intelligent forget,
Just wait, the poem hasn't finished as of yet,

It does not heal the past, I know that for myself,
But it in fact enlarges the future, and leaves your grudge on the shelf,
But one thing that you have to remember,
From January till December,

Forgive and Forget*, not revenge and regret,
These two words keep you from being upset.
1.3k · Jan 2016
All that I needed
Tabitha Jan 2016
All the sleepless nights,
All the time wasted,
All the that I thought I needed,
To makeout or kiss,
This is what you wanted,
going wild,
But life for you was always better 'mild',
Introspective thoughts and emotions,
What happens when you've lost it all?
Hope and faith,
Eyes fill with tears cause in the end,
Between the parties and the laughs,
All that was lost,
All that was missing,
All that you ever wanted,
All that I needed was
To figure out who I am.
My identity.
Struggle to find yourself, and identity at parties, while still maintaining values.
1.3k · Oct 2013
Bullying (Poem for Jacksgap)
Tabitha Oct 2013
They say it would somehow stop,
They said I'm not the only one,
Who's living this nightmare,
Day after day,
Getting taunted in this hallway,
The things that have been said,
All get to my head,
Millions get bullied but how does this topic become so taboo,
It still hasn't hit us, it's so hard to get through.
It's not much of a game when you know someone's getting hurt.
So put down the hate and pick up the hope,
Help these kids in school cope.
*Stand up and join the fight to stop bullying once and for all.
1.2k · Aug 2014
Tabitha Aug 2014
We are quite like batteries,
Odd thing you see,
It needs energy needs some time to recharge,
It is so small yet so powerful,
A battery can make something work,
Just like how we want to run our world,
It has capabilities much like ours,
Comes in different sizes,
In different colours and packs,
Batteries have a positive and negative side,
Just like us,
Don't tell me I'm nuts?
Or am I just using everything in plain sight as a metaphor,
Putting everything on a pedestal?
Rough Ideas.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Star-Night Walk
Tabitha Nov 2013
Dark, cold, and still lit up; The night awakens as the sun goes down,
Walking on the sidewalk, looking at the stars,
A wish I have deep inside, while watching the rush of city cars,
The world itself makes my problems seems so insignificant,
The calm quietness takes over my body,
I'm still and silent, closing my eyes and hearing the sounds,
The breeze, drifting by as the water by the lake peers in close,
The constant rush of water, upon a roaring rock,
The fog-horn is clear, the sirens are near,
The people yelling, the screaming, the anger built in,
The honking, the fights, the gun-shots at night,
The murders, the horror, and the unsafety outside,
Once we take a walk at night, we fear death come by,
The inability to calmly live life,
How calm it once was, in split seconds died out?
Being able to live a peaceful life without the fear of dying,
Without gossiping; without deception and lying,
Oh what a wonderful world that would be.
1.2k · Oct 2013
Tabitha Oct 2013
There might be that trail of footsteps in the fresh winter snow,
Near the hill past the milk and deli store,
That lead to that path you have seen before,
They say this path has been destined for success,
Oh what the wonderful sights you'll see they say,
I look back and doubt the steps I've made,
Whether or not they will pay,
I stand here in the cold icy snow,
While people follow the same trail left behind for them to follow,
I change my route,
Doubts fill my mind,
I continue to walk in the other direction,
Firmly pressing each boot in that freshly fallen snow,
Thinking I will be the first one to create this other path for those to follow,
The bridge, the forest, Oh the beautiful scenery,
The dense cold air as it fills my lungs,
Fills me with satisfaction,
I've done what I've done,
Left a trail for those who follow it,
But the moral here is, be a leader and create your own path,
Don't choose to follow people's steps just because others have.
1.1k · Jan 2014
This Bloody Education System
Tabitha Jan 2014
They say core classes are suppose to teach us, things essential to everyday life,
This ****** education system needs to be stabbed with a knife,
Since when will I need to graph a parabola,
Math is need for finances and taxes blah, blah, blah.
Yet there is, oh so much that I need to learn,
If I got the chance every textbook I would burn,
Since when will I ever need to explain the history in the life of Shakespeare,
When will I ever need to write another ****** essay based on contrast and compare,
Since when will I ever need to explain the body parts of a frog,
The only thing that these core classes have done is they've made me into a helpless dog,
Since when was memorizing information defined as learning
I hope when my children get older it's the ****** education's death I will be mourning.
1.1k · Jul 2015
Tabitha Jul 2015
Tum more like blur,
My thoughts chaotic and cluttered,
My heart so eager yet flustered,
But I can't seem to always want to check up on you,
It's something I do,
To numb myself from it all,
From reality,
From myself,
From how I distance myself from others,
Yet it's impossible,
I thought it was one of those things a I could package away,
Throw my feelings in a stored box,
Lock it with a key,
For it to not bother me,
But it feels like the box returns back to my door,
When the "Smallz"est things remind me of you,
If I wasn't so focused on you.
Tabitha Nov 2013
You're the one who walked by that homeless guy who once needed change,
You shrugged it off saying it wasn't any of your business nor any of your problem,
Never say your twisted tongue has never said something mean,
Nor ignored someone while you roll your eyes taunting,
Don't act like a smooth criminal because I see its your alter-ego,
You live each day so cold-blooded only to care for yourself,
You only obtain thick-skin when your are given authority,
Yet your a wimp amongst the majority,
You think not to stand beside that 'African-American',
You say it's because he is black he will steal your wallet,
******* racism that's what it is,
Your foolish stereotypical brain-washed mind,
Clear out your narrow minded thoughts,
He is from Nigeria worked hard and immigrated here,
But you wouldn't care to ask nor care to think otherwise,
Your ****** thought patterns will never change,
We are people and of all different colours,
From all the same ancestors,
Let us live together in once was peace and harmony,
Not commit acrimony.
Not saying there aren't any good people but I think there is always this underlining thought of evil within us all.
1.0k · May 2014
Tabitha May 2014
It may dig at your skin,
What you need to do is lift up your chin,
The voice may echo at the back of your head,
They are not even the worth of a single thread,
Don't waste your time on those who don't mean well,
These are the people who you do not want to dwell,
Those who simply take advantage of you,
Those who are, oh so very narcissistic,
Learn to have a spine,
Learn to stand up straight,
Learn to be up on your feet and appreciate,
Those who would run to keep you up,
Than those who wouldn't look back as you fall down,
Learn about your self worth,
Learn about who mean well,
Learn from those bad experiences,
The ones where you saw the true people,
The ones who stood by you every time,
The ones who never asked for something in return,
The ones who will never want to see you at your worst.
And from it all,
You are left to decide whether,
You want to learn or bring them closer together
Because in the end just remember,
from now until -December,
They were Eye-Openers.
964 · Dec 2013
Everyone's Childhood
Tabitha Dec 2013
Dancing around in the rain,
The kids on the street chasing each other in their trench coats,
Puddle splashed by that bus stop,
Drenched from bottom to top,
I went to that one milkshake place,
To see how my childhood was once like,
So I took my old rusty bike,
Along the shoreline and past that corner shop,
I stood there for a moment and remembered as I said "this is where I once ran away from the cops"
Rubbing the back of my neck as I said "the place where most of my time was spent"
Where me and my buddies once went,
Engraved into the third table from the cash register that read:
Time passes,
Memories fade,
Feelings change,
but hearts never forget.

Looking at the raindrops on the window as I sit on a white leather seat,
Where my buddy Joey said "Dig in boys! EAT!!"
Chow down those pancakes as fast as a vacuum,
For breakfast, before going to school and into our classroom,
And rush back the days I miss and the childhood years that I now cherish,
Soon enough those days will be remembered when I will perish.
923 · May 2016
Tabitha May 2016
Anger, frustration
Built like a brick wall inside of this heart,
Testing my patience,
Waiting to come up with another reason,
Reasons why I deserve it,
Failures, disappointment, sadness,
Picking at weaknesses,
Waiting for a point where this ends,
Patterns of highs and lows,
Spinning so fast,
Everything in mid air,
Becomes a blurry haze,
Where I see a brick wall,
With anger and frustration
Going on and on
919 · Nov 2013
You're not one of 'us'
Tabitha Nov 2013
I might be silent but my thoughts are loud,
I know you think down upon me for you are proud,
Proud to be the most popular person in this whole **** school,
I would rather be a witty fool,
Than be a self-less conceited person like you,
Who chases on the weak to prey on,
The one who gets joy from bringing others down,
Thing is your just like a clown,
You look nice and are funny that I know,
But many are afraid, for you're not the person you show,
Don't tell me twice, I already am aware,
I will never be one of you, I swear.
899 · Feb 2014
Healthy Beauty
Tabitha Feb 2014
Beauty, in her mind is not like everyone else's perception,
But there is an exception,
Inspired by strength,
Muscles rather than long lengthy weak arms,
Stronger thighs to help her incredible stance,
Shoulders broad and stomach lean,
Her diet is absolutely clean,
Paleo diet to be specific,
They say it's absolutely terrific
No gluten,
No Carbs,
Just essential vitamins,
Got rid of that act a long time ago,
Not looking for those empty calories,
Not that processed junk,
Nor that sugary filled donut,
She aint a quitter,
Never was and never will be,
It's part of her lifestyle,
For now she see's cross fit as a journey,
A healthy one which she strives for everyday,
Her best friend is her workout,
Her reps are her goals,
She does not stop until her soles-
Soles of her feet sore,
She defines beauty as being healthy,
This is of a newer age,
Of a new century,
This is what I call Evolutionary beauty.
Inspired for my best friend Adriane
898 · Nov 2013
Lessons on Life
Tabitha Nov 2013
The sparkle each day may come your way,
Experience something new everyday,
Don't limit yourself on the same things,
Do more of what you love, the more joy it'll bring,
Say sorry whenever you know something you've done is wrong,
Don't hold such pointless grudges for way too long,
Keep in your heart love for those dear to your heart,
Life is a canvas, and you are making art,
Making mistakes is part of learning,
Musn't let your self-anger continue burning,
Share with those who need it most,
That man on the street who has only had a piece of toast,
The little things in life,
No matter how many sorrows or fights,
Do not ask for a simple life, rather ask for the strength to endure a difficult one,
It matters what you've given to the world, the efforts you've done,
The lessons of life come from experiences,
and in the end it's a human being's brilliance.
893 · Jun 2014
The Great Brit.
Tabitha Jun 2014
His voice should be made into a cassette tape,
I'd carry it wherever I'd go,
His eyes are so piercing I'd be afraid if the stars themselves go dull,
Images in my head, engraved in my skull,
I love it when he calls me "love",
Quite ironic if you ask me,
The Great Brit!
The Great Brit!
Great Britain you see,
Where I'd much rather be,
It's much more than what I could have dreamed,
Hearing his voice ring in my ears as lovely as can be,
I think he can't agree,
Agree with me,
He believes his voice is short of magnificent,
His voice is a sweet instrument,
Must I end this right now and here?
For all I get caught up in is his voice in my ears.
Ps. When british people say their accents arent nice, I WOULDNT SHUT UP IF I WAS BRITISH IF YOU ASK ME ITS BEAUTIFUL!
Tabitha Dec 2013
As I shut my eyes and close the doors of this world,
I lay in my bed and like a caterpillar I curled,
Nestled between the soft clean white sheets,
Last thing I know I have feel asleep as I hear the rush of cars on the busy streets,
I suddenly escape and enter into a world never seen before,
A world of beauty delight, and the purist of scenery,
The skyline as it sets from a teal blue to a golden yellow,
The roaring vibrant orange fading into a pink,
I am sitting on logs, laying my head upon wood chips,
One hand behind my head as I fill my lungs with the fresh air,
The air I can breath in without the fear of pollutants,
Before my very eyes I see a rocket of shooting stars,
My eyes glitter seeing them as they pass,
I shout to my mates as they run to lay and watch with me as mesmerized as I,
Violently shook, was the instant ticket from that world,
Seeing the tasseled white sheets, my vision blurred,
And like that suddenly within an eyes blink,
Not for a moment was I to think,
I was back to the same crummy thing I call life.
This world right here is a strife.
822 · Aug 2015
I wanted to choose you
Tabitha Aug 2015
It's been 1 year and 3 months since we've spoken,
Before it all came down,
And suddenly got broken,
You were my only good cup of tea,
I chose YOU over my late night movies,
I chose YOU over taking out my car in my hand practically the keys,
My only wish was to continue choosing YOU,
We talked for hours about the life to be,
Why didn't it occur to me,
That I just didn't want to break the friendship we built,
But you see,
It's that same reason why I lived with this anchor,
On constant "what ifs",
I wanted to ask if we could've been more,
My tongue wouldn't force out those words,
Not uttering a single thing,
I miss those nights,
But other times I regret it,
Imprinted with the memories that I truly miss,
Attached to you and your I'm so full of myself -but Im not attitude,
I miss the idea of you,
Like you said "there's only one of me"
I couldn't agree more, just if I got the chance to tell you id feel more free.
Friendzone ****
818 · Jul 2014
Tabitha Jul 2014
It's expression,
It's words on a page,
It's thoughts out loud,
It's sounds,
It's much like a flow,
Comes easy and grows,
Doesn't need all too much,
It isnt done in a certain way,
Doesnt use stupid slang like 'bae'
It's beautiful,
It's brutally honest,
It can be used to vent,
It's what the heart meant,
Sometimes it's things that can not be uttered out loud,
Some things that cant be said amongst a crowd,
A mental process,
One to clear your head,
Things that may be misread
But like life it begins and then ends.
A poem.
Just made off the top of my head. What a poem means to me.
813 · Dec 2015
Something out of place
Tabitha Dec 2015
He is a song that misses a beat,
Something out of place,
At times makes sense,
Until the chorus begins,
Without much foundation,
Structures or goals,
Struggles to redeem,
He fits the puzzle until he leaves,
Fills a void that no one else can,
He leaves and returns to remind me,
That something is out of place...
And in the moment it all make sense
When you are in a constant loop with someone
808 · Oct 2014
Diamond in the Rust
Tabitha Oct 2014
My mind is in a million places at once,
Should be focused on one,
Focus on you,
No on school,
No on you,
On school,
But all I can think about is,
Do you ever think about me too?
Left in the dust,
By the ******* and rust,
But I was told,
If I were to look for a diamond,
I gotta look through the gold,
Funny thing is,
It didn't take long,
To get to you,
A diamond that appeared out of the blue.
761 · Dec 2013
Sounds of Nature
Tabitha Dec 2013
The trickling of the water falling from the trees,
The buzzing from those black and yellow honey bees,
The water rushing and passing in a lake,
The hissing of vicious snake,
The smooth cooling off-shore breeze,
The snow flakes, and icicles and your car windows begin to freeze,
The constant heat as you sizzle like an egg in the sun,
The sound of pecking by that hummingbird, is never quite done,
The flock of birds soaring and fluttering their wings,
The morning chirps as the songbirds sing,
The crunching of crisp leaves on the old sidewalk,
The rhythm of the sound as she kicks the rock,
The crickets chirp to void the quiet cries at night,
The sounds of nature can not compare to those everyday and near
A man needs sounds of nature for his head to be clear.
754 · Jul 2014
Tabitha Jul 2014
Cake and candles,
A year after year,
Comes once to mark you closer,
Closer to death I suppose,
Sprinkles and happiness,
That or some *****,
Coming of age I suppose,
To party all night long,
Or be with the ones you love,
Or be hammered after binge-drinking,
And lately I've been thinking,
Day by day is another's birthday,
Shouldnt we be celebrating life everyday?
752 · Aug 2017
Uneasy gut feeling
Tabitha Aug 2017
An uneasy gut feeling,
My heart sinking down to my stomach,
Breaking slowly,

My head throbbing,
For what reason was I feeling guilt,
Feeling guilty for living how I wanted,
Making me feel guilty for experiencing happiness for once in my life,

An uneasy gut feeling,
One like never before,
One that I didn't dream of experiencing,

They tell you to take the path less travelled,
They tell you to make your own path,
See well I'm not on a trail,
I'm not near any path,
I'm on a sinking boat surrounded by the ocean,
I have no way out.
I'm stranded and forced to deal with situation I'm in.

And as I sit in this boat pondering about life,
I have this... Uneasy gut feeling
A weird poem that has no structure it's well you guessed it giving me an uneasy gut feeling
747 · Dec 2014
Tabitha Dec 2014
A back-up plan,
Always thought you were a family man,
Cause I know I'm not the only one,
It makes my heart go numb,
No feeling,
They think I'm dumb,
Wasting my thoughts on you,
I keep falling when everything is gray,
As soon as I am away,
All I see is you,
In colour,
The only light in my life,
This is the feeling I'm used to,
Not a priority,
But I still fall for that smile,
Those eyes have got me hooked,
Speechless without words,
I can't stop loving you,
Knowing you love her too..
744 · Jan 2015
You know Damn well.
Tabitha Jan 2015
They know,
They notice,
They see,
What you don't see,
I'm jealous,
Don't play dumb,
Running back to me when 'I'm fun',
I know my self worth,
Flirting with every girl you can find,
Playing with thoughts in my mind,
I see you with her,
And her,
And another her,
How many more are there,
Who are they,
What am I?
Just another one of those,
Ain't One of those hoes.
Sometimes the harsh words subside pain. Sorry for profanity, but its what I need.
734 · Nov 2016
Heaven on Earth
Tabitha Nov 2016
Heaven knows where we've been,
Where your head rests on my heart,
As if you were placed there on purpose,
I feel your slow breath on my the warmth of my skin,
Grabbing my hand, slowing time,
Chasing your sweet divine,
Give you all of me,
What's beneath the surface,
I can see the light in you,
Complete blind for you,
Who wants all of you,
This is what they must have meant,
What heaven on earth must feel like.
Words can not describe when you are completely taken by someone, to be in love so deeply you see them as your world. To him, I cherish you for every second I can.
721 · Nov 2013
She's an Artist.
Tabitha Nov 2013
She paints with her heart, not with her hand,
She expresses herself with every color on her canvas,
Aligned and planned out everything she has ever wanted,
Ready to go paint what she anticipated for so long,
She starts off with a clean white board,
and adds color wherever she goes,
Her smile can represent enough pleasure it gives her,
She sees the beauty of what she has made,

It starts off as a masterpiece, until she makes a mistake,
She wipes it, paints over and tries to make it go away,
She hates herself with each stroke she makes,
She mutters "What ******* I've made"

The color submerge just like water could,
The colors intertwine like roses would,
And in the end she knows that it all should have ended this way,
She says to herself *"It just another one of those days"
682 · Feb 2016
Bedtime thoughts
Tabitha Feb 2016
He is every thought before bed,
Imagining his warm skin press against mine,
His arms cradling me to sleep,
Our thoughts drifting away,
Feeling like the only two people in the room,
Watching him is like he's in slow motion,
Focusing on small details,
Falling deeper and deeper,
In the moment it's bliss,
It's all I could ever want,
Until I realize he's not with me,
He's not here to here to hold,
To be asked or told,
That he is every one of these
Bedtime thoughts
As I fall
And deeper.....
Fall asleep thinking about someone
680 · Apr 2014
The Ticking of Time
Tabitha Apr 2014
Sometimes you don't hear it,
Other times it blares outloud,
You are constantly reminded,
As you check your stopwatch,
Ticking every second,
Counting every moment until your last breath,
Saying that time is running out,
Worried that time will slip out of our hands,
Worried that the time we spend is pointless,
Worried about the job we have,
The people to impress,
and the family to take care of,
The time we have is now,
The time we take to count,
count for every time we check the time,
Takes up more time,
Remove that glue that binds your eyes to a clock,
and start living your life and
Stop watching it like a hawk,
because no matter what time of the day it maybe,
it will,
*Tick Tock
Just off the top of my head.
661 · Jul 2017
Poetry's Anger
Tabitha Jul 2017
I come on here every few months to a year,
I only post to let my heart out,
when I need to process my own thoughts,

I would call this my online journal of chaotic memories,
Feelings I can't seem to control,
Feelings I try to explain,
Feelings that make me go insane.

Poetry's anger, I say.
They laugh and chuckle saying wait what ?

Poetry is anger.
Poetry ignites a fire,
It sends out a message loud and clear,
It is passionate, it is abrupt,
It is unfiltered, it is love.

but like most things,
Poetry is much like a wolf in sheep's clothing,
majestic and beautifully written but written with anger, and passion within.
607 · Jul 2014
In a Haze
Tabitha Jul 2014
I wonder,
and wonder,
Maybe so much I don't know what's going on,
It's as if I try and block,
Rather sit in silence than to talk,
and wondering,
The thoughts about what I want,
Thoughts about how I want to serve,
Serve those around me,
The mark I want to leave on this Earth,
The person I want to be,
The things I wish I could free,
I may be small and young,
But I've got a plan to do good,
I know I haven't had that plan set out I know I should,
But I guess that's how it is and I wish it would,
I wish it would be a plan sought out the way I want,
Its like a fog,
Like those ones on a cold Monday morning,
Im in a haze,
More like a daze,
It's unclear of what is to come,
Maybe that's the beauty in it all,
Once you come closer and see the things you are confronted with,
You find out what to do,
Just if I knew
It's like a fog,
I am unaware of what may be in front of me
I guess thats what my life is meant to be,
That time will come when I set myself free.
I've been feeling like I never have a plan set out but life oddly works out and you make the best out of it
604 · May 2014
Tabitha May 2014
Do you ever feel as though you can't decide?
People pushing you to what they believe is right,
Telling you they know what's best,
While you'd rather just take a rest,
Take a rest off this world for while,
It's hectic schedule does not accommodate your lifestyle,
You wish you could make a better decision worthwhile,
While you sit in indenial,
Telling yourself that everything will be okay,
In reality will never stay,
You wish those who were close cared for your wants,
Cared what you wanted in life,
I heard a great quote that I believe we shall all must live by,
"Don't let your dreams remain your dreams"
-And to this I say take your stand,
Fight for what you want on this soil and land,
This Earth may be of 7 billion people,
You've gotta know that crossroads and decisions sometimes
can not be equal.
In regards to competition between people and the struggle to choose within decisions
603 · Nov 2013
Tabitha Nov 2013
Is not simply the muscle one gains, nor is it a person's physical capability,
It's their will to get through life, their emotional agility,
Starts off with a terrible catastrophe,
Their cries un-heard, their loneliness over-head,
Over-head like a cloud, casting upon them,
An indescribable feeling of uneasiness,
Which one day they will stop and think,
They are the ones who can change their life within an eyes' blink,
So I tell you once more, and another again,
Strive for happiness, from now till 'then',
Happiness depends upon ourselves,
It's desire is your will, and your heart it'll fill,
When I put *will* in italics, I am saying that: Your *will* to get through life is your desire for happiness.
599 · Aug 2017
Tabitha Aug 2017
Why am I trapped on this never ending cycle,
A cycle full of routine,
Unhappy screams,

Why am I forced to continue this cycle?
A cycle that has no end,
Where I can't defend...myself

How can I get out?
Well, only if you knew the definition,

Cycle (n.,)
a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.

And there you have it,
This will be on repeat.... Regularly
This is a never ending cycle
589 · Jul 2014
Set in Stone
Tabitha Jul 2014
We set it in stone,
For it was hard to tell what was real,
And what was fake,
What we had was hard to make
What you meant to me,
And what I meant to you,
I wish I had a clue,
It's as if the feelings grew and faded,
It's like I made it,
Was like a rose welding In the sun,
The more it grew the more beautiful it seemed,
It was all of what I dreamed,
Until no one cared for it,
Petals fall,
And suddenly from this beautiful flower,
It turns into a broken mess,
It was set in stone,
What was to come,
For it wasn't only the flower,
That became broken as time flew,
But in fact in actuality it was me too
Tabitha Jul 2017
They are the audience,
You are their puppet.

Attached by ropes hanging above where a stage is lit,
Lights bright, shining right at you,

...from the day you were born.

They were all directors,
-all of them? -yes all of them.
How could there be more than one you may ask?

I guess that's the mystery,
Can't seem to please them all,
But this stage showcases all,
the bad, the good, your actions,

Now you tell me,
where you have no place to hide,
How does a puppet escape a stage and auditorium full
of directors,

Why live in misery?
576 · Oct 2018
Chest pains
Tabitha Oct 2018
From these stressful nights,
Chest pains like stabbing knives,
Wishing to go on flights,
Wish I could feel more alive,
With my lover to grab a bite,
It doesn't feel right,
It's just quarter to five,
I want to be in his arms and feel so light,
Like a feather,
But I sit here and await,
Tick tick,
Until it's all over
But I still feel these growing chest pains
556 · Jul 2017
Tabitha Jul 2017
You see much more than a human,
You see their soul,
Your heart intertwined for them,

He protected me from the world,
Apart from it all,
I prayed for him,
I prayed for his success,
I prayed for his safety,
And above it all I prayed for his happiness even if he wasn't written for me,

Written for me? Yes written for me,
I mean the one we are destined to be with,
I mean the one who is my soul mate,
I mean the one that with be my forever and always,

But he,
Might not be my future,
He may not be the one for me,
He may not hold the key,

But if he is-
Protect him for me,
Because he is enchanted love,
He makes my heart sing,
The light he brings,
Into a room,
It's everlasting.... it's everlasting
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