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Feb 2016 · 536
i don't know how i felt this way,
i don't know why i feel this way,

but girl,
you're dull, somedays -
oh girl,
act out, somedays

waiting for something different, i pace up and down
temptation is so strong, somedays
these days,
only today
Feb 2016 · 522
dreaming of you
i didn’t mean for it to be
so easy
i didn’t mean to die
quite like that
just wanna
cover you in
just wanna
hold you in
just wanna
be the one
you know?
Feb 2016 · 384
days like this

she's working for me

got her on the couch now
her head between my thighs

i swear don't move

i just shake
and shake
for you


i love my job
only somedays
days like this
Feb 2016 · 349
drown in wine
every bottle
takes me nearer
every drink
helps me breathe

give me confidence tonight,
tomorrow could lead

god - take me away
i want your silent revolutionary care
i want to be held

by you tonight
Feb 2016 · 389
the more I tried to fix things;
the more they’d shatter
- i kept running from something
away from myself

to let go would be to fall into submission,

to admit what i feel
would be too much -
vulnerability left behind
i’m not like her

now it’s quiet -
no heartbreak, drama or fights
the worlds spins silently
now she’s been left behind.
A monologue from my upcoming web series, Talks
Feb 2016 · 799
The Beach
a number of times the bell tolls for who we are and what we became -
you're the placid glimpse into my future
I hold onto like an ink-less pen.
tell me you need me, if you have the heart to.

still, i wait - i pace.
needing to know the right way to look,
the right way to think.
a backstreet stranger tells me you're gone but i don't listen,
a flickering streetlight tells me I'm lonely
and a patter of rain beckons me inside
- but the sign of the lighthouse,
tells me you still could be mine.

dashing down the coastline,
like a bitter dog in the flickering damp.
drinking all I fathom to stay in grace.
not a single word could revive you now.
I stay silent.

i let the waves embrace me with a withering sadness, as on my knees, i fall into the sea.
the damp sand caresses my feet as they sink into sanctuary - I cower, praying to the moonlight you would come home.
A monologue from my upcoming webseries 'Talks'
Dec 2015 · 487
For Rebecca
If I had to give a reason for why I had to make her leave me – it was easy. For a start, I couldn’t leave her. It was impossible for me – yet to push her over the edge was the easiest thing in the world, to force her to hate me so much she would never come back. Now, the reason I wanted her to leave me was obtuse, narcissistic and insane – I blamed her. It was her fault I hadn’t made a movie yet, written a book, travelled the world. It must’ve been her fault cos it sure as hell wasn’t mine.

After a drink, my savoir and solace – it spiralled into my lap that way, into ease. I didn’t even have to try, for in a way the intoxicated infected brain tried to teach me what was right – what I meant and what I could never let go. The darkest corners of oblivion took over me.

It happened so much more quickly than I could ever imagine. She cut me straight like a knife, like I never could. Like all the years, all the days, all the affection meant nothing. It could never have been so easy for me and the rejection that dawned was something I was untouched by – until this moment. And it hurt like a razor skimming your ankle. Like a cut to the throat.

Luckily, sadness fuels something else in me. A desire I was chasing, a desire to be everything I had ever wanted.

I spent so long trying to break free yet all I’m left with is sadness, isolation and regret.

I want you back like nothing I’ve ever felt before.
Dec 2015 · 322
i could've waited you know
could've gone with you

did you really mean to let me
slip away
quite so easily

you could call, you know?
you could drag me back
i would

i'm still waiting
how much longer
Dec 2015 · 280
work on a wednesday
you just
walked right into the room
dazzled me again
didn't you
did you feel a thing
like i did
did you think the way
i thought

i'm going to travel to sadness soon
it's the only way to rid myself
of these thoughts
Dec 2015 · 734
snow blood
she's a dream
and i am the dreamgirl
all wrapped up in red

she moves so quietly
you couldn't tell
she's afraid

timid and tiny
obsolete wonder
in her eyes

floats to my staircase
in white
Dec 2015 · 304
i didn't think you cared
when you ripped a little
from my soul
took a little more than you needed
from my heart
drained me of

i am not afraid anymore
for death has what it takes
and for me
was you
Dec 2015 · 614
just a spectrum
just a binary
yet your words kick me out

just a gender
just a sexuality
yet you want me to leave

three precious seconds that we had
those tiny moments
just weren't enough

i'll sleep in your doorway regardless
quiet as a mouse
when you awake,
you'll find me
can we kick the spectrum out?
Dec 2015 · 277
it used to be
now its nothing

haven't touched you
four days now

i just miss your smile
i just
Dec 2015 · 3.2k
my girlfriend the stripper
sometimes it gets old
watching you shed those clothes
in the light
every night

if i loved you,
maybe i'd marvel
like those men

but it feels so grotty
so sleezy

nothing like those fantasies
i used to have

you're mine but you're not
every night

you belong to everyone
but no-one

i try and i try and i try
to feel something

but you gave yourself away
Dec 2015 · 874
your emails have me hot
your words turn me on
twist, obey, decay
right to my core
it feels so good

the power of words
just a few from you
and i smile, for once
i never smile

bite my lip at the computer screen
waiting for another message
Dec 2015 · 363
on the hands
of men

they **** children
and laugh about it

don't pretend to care
about white kids
when you bomb their brothers

you dropped bombs on babies

did you think we'd forget
there's blood on your hands
don't make it ours

it'll be your blood next
Dec 2015 · 919
22 years plus
will you take me home
on the weekend

will you take me places
i've never touched

will you take control
push me down
turn me on

will you know what to do
with a girl so young
Dec 2015 · 350
her laugh cracked my thick skin
my hard heart grew weak
her smile crushed my ego
my life became hers

she spun me dizzy
my head and my heart
reorientate themselves
around her

i was touched
by the softest, smallest hands

my walls came down
Dec 2015 · 483
she *****

she says i take the stress away
i'm her intern,
it's my job
can't say i mind

fresh from school
straight into bed with
a woman from a dream,
any dream,
any mans desire

she ***** like
she ***** all night

holds a dagger to my face
calls me sweet,
and ***** all night
Dec 2015 · 829
i ain't going back
drag me there
threaten me there
try to keep me there
****, no
pay me to create,
to write,
to explore

the shop strips me of a soul
i never had anyway
Dec 2015 · 4.5k
Master Manipulator
did you think i'd cry
i'm the
Master Manipulator
did you think i'd care at all
did you think i meant a word i said
did you,
do you still,

i'll only ******* up
it's all a game to me
Dec 2015 · 426
tiny prey
she's a ****** but she's in my bed
not the right place
for placid innocence to slumber
not tonight at least

i am a tiger
she is tiny prey
shaking, shivering, seducing
she doesn't know a thing

she sleeps sober
drunk and wild
i pounce
i want to

but the echoes of a child remind me
there is no place for darkness here
at least not tonight
Dec 2015 · 840
hey kid
hey kid
i didn't mean to make you cry
oh no
kid, look up
war ain't started yet
ain't over yet
patrol the streets
your heart on your sleeve
hey kid
keep fighting
for peace
we don't need no war
we don't want no war
hey mister
the kids are crying
can't you see?
blue eyes
blonde hair
makes you think
what's a woman like that
doing in a city like this
reminds you of times
more innocent
less crazy
the war
she fought against
she laughs
and i think
i don't wanna be
no womaniser
no more
kisses like sunset
at four in the afternoon
dances like a narcissist
only the best
the strong
that ain't me
Dec 2015 · 606
does the city sleep
or does the city
stay alive for her
precious woman
haunts my dreams every single night
the storm approaches
she’s fit and strong
i am not
i am nothing but the ocean
passing by in waves
waiting for you
to find me
Nov 2015 · 691
fuck the day job
i work, work, work,
all this lousy work
going nowhere
paychecks feed me
don't inspire me
no, no, no,
nothing inspires me,
rooftop coffee
perfect blend
in a museum
no, no, no
inspiration run dry
always too tired
no, no, no
**** the day job
Nov 2015 · 331
she left again
left me alone tonight

she left again
left me to wine
to razors
to dark thoughts

she left again
it's like she doesn't try
or need me the way
i need to breathe

she left again
perhaps its not late enough
to feel this sad

she's gone again
Jul 2015 · 434
tight shoes
these shoes don't fit well enough
but they make me look smart
you fit so snug
my inhibitions left me dry

i didn't mean to leave
but i did anyway

the city sleeps as the razor hangs,
and i lie

my eyelids flutter open
as the water runs red

i punish myself
you won't
Jul 2015 · 1.6k
would you love me if
i become a skeleton again
thats what they all want me to be

if i start again i will be

how many drinks will it take to
******* off my mind

i remember drinks have calories but drink them anyway

i wasn’t always a bad person
Jul 2015 · 409
she said
she doesn't want to think about me
i want to think about her

so i do and the ghost comfort me
but strangle my bones

the past has become me

there is nothing left to do
cry and smoke

a drink or two,
wash it away
a kiss from a stranger,
take it away,

the worst thing about loving you
was knowing you would leave me
and do everything you could
to forget
what i never can

as a ghost,
as an echo,
a past lover will wait forever
Jul 2015 · 606
candyman, 2015
every time i say your name out loud
i know i shouldn't
it's like voldemort
or something

or maybe you're my
because i see your face in mirrors
when i say it

and when i don't

i'm sorry i'm not good enough yet

maybe someday
i will be
Jul 2015 · 301
i thought of killing you
so many times it became normal
in my head anyway
in a way, it seems alright
and i haven’t decided if i’d want to get away with it yet
or not

i walked thirteen miles in a circle today after work
to utilise any chance of crossing our paths
knowing it will go one way
or another

either we fall in love with each other
or fall in love with the hatred we have for each other

there is no other way
Jun 2015 · 346
but it’s been like
four days
or something
and i have been sipping wine
in the morning
and whiskey in the evening

where did you go

it’s like you knew i was hurting
you just let go

when i fell
you caught me

at least the first few times

did you miss
did i crush you

it’s been like
five days now

was it my fault
was it yours
May 2015 · 329
beauty shines from all she has
life was lackadaisical back then
but now all i feel is cold towards
people, things, even friends
january drew a sharper knife than i’d ever seen before

because the only thing worse than feeling the sharpest pain in the world
is feeling nothing at all

six or seven walls having been rising around me
and i threw the whole world away because i didn’t want it
only because it didn’t want me

one of the walls will hit me and i will
run around in circles, and circles and circles
until i run run run, straight into you
feeling everything again
May 2015 · 632
Silent Screamers
You’re with him again,
And I’m still here,

No-one has said a word yet.

Across the room I move,
So I am closer but further away
If anything happens,
I don’t want to see.

Inside I want to smash glass across my hands and yours
Just so I can kiss it better for us both

He’s here again
And I want to leave

You know I’m scared as you sense it
He is a shark, as are you

Rain patters, I patter
Don’t look at me

I’m doing this for you, you know
I’m doing this for you

Rough hands make there way to my throat
I don’t want to feel anything anymore

I whisper, please don’t touch me
I whisper, I’d rather die

You scream.
May 2015 · 824
Polaroids (2015)
Photographs that remind me of when you were happy,
Before the resentful hatred and depression takes over,
Cascading us downwards,
Cascading you further down than me,

Reach out lover,
For our hands are closer than once before,
If you tried, just once,
Maybe I could save you

And death comes without warning,
You only awake when it’s nighttime,
I don’t think you want to be seen at all anymore

So I’ll take the photographs and walk for miles,
For there was a time when you were at peace

But now you’re gone
They never really said “stop”
Until the knife was fully in
And your blood was on my shirt
And my tears were on your skin
But you didn’t say a word

A face so unfamiliar
It turned to porcelain before my eyes
Had to close them, but I couldn’t
Wouldn’t touch a thing

Swallowed by impurity
Throat clasped against a wall
With my own hands and skin
Trying to tear my life away

Struck myself quick with a hammer 31 times
Till I passed out from the pain
It was the nicest feeling in the world
To forget it all
May 2015 · 620
Narrow Trees (2015)
Oh, they think destruction is suddenly wrong?
And you are suddenly breathing in hate,
But you know, you’re not, you’re breathing in truth.
Your head spins round, and round
Try, carefully not to drown too fast
Because once you are underwater
You’re not yourself anymore
Just hollow,
And its like knocking on wood, trying, trying
To get through to anyone
You want to think differently

Narrow trees are the tallest in the forest yet not the most powerful.
May 2015 · 1.3k
Love & Lust (2015)
Do you know what it feels like to love someone so much that you wouldn’t think twice about dying for them
Imagine falling from a millions height
Just never knowing when
You will crash land
Adrenaline mixed with beauty
Is Love & Lust

My life was never as important as yours and
It never will be
I don’t think about this too much
May 2015 · 285
Growing Pains (2015)
To go unnoticed, would be power to some
Not me yet, I haven’t grown that way
I’m not as original as you would’ve liked
Though I still can’t fit in

I’ve been growing for you for so many years
It’s time I did the same for myself and I feel now like I’ve reached
A cut off point, and a million questions
I, myself are unable to answer

It only gets worse when I am awake.
May 2015 · 278
6720 (2015)
I wondered every single day
Was she the only pure thing left in the world?
I wrote letters I never sent and
Walked streets to where she lived

The world rolled on even though
I felt it should’ve stopped for her, in respect
Cos she was decaying now
The way she never really wanted to

I wrote I’m sorry 6720 times
For every hour that I’ve loved you

I’m still sorry
May 2015 · 330
Don't Worry (2015)
He throws spirals into the air
And twists my words into melodies
With a twirl of the hair

My thoughts are the shadows that follow us
They are always dark
In sunlight we breathe freely
Our lungs are not what they used to be

Take another cigarette
Better that they burn yr heart out
May 2015 · 1.0k
blue (2014)
and all the colours point to blue
and i arrive at her house
and its all blue
and her cars outside
so i presume she’s in
and swig some whiskey
and climb a fence which
looks blue in my vision
and i'm in a garden
that should be green
but its blue
i got the blues
i climb up into her window
carefully on blue vines
and sit on the blue ledge
looking to mellow skies
i tap twice but carefully
incase she’s sleeping with someone new
climb in and say
i’m sorry
so sorry
i’ve got the blues
May 2015 · 380
Trembling (2013)
She was beautiful in the mornings,
Fresh face, green eyes and messy hair.
She was beautiful at noon,
Excited and bursting particles of energy.
She was divine in the evenings,
Dressed up and in her prime.
But she was perfect in the evenings,
Trembling and all mine.
May 2015 · 276
There Is A Girl (2013)
There is a girl,
Her hair embalmed with flowers,
And her words speak in lullabies,
For my ears to melt.
She speaks in quiet confidence,
That I only witness from afar,
Maybe someday we will talk,
And you'll let me buy you dinner,
And flowers for your hair.
Maybe someday you will see me,
As more than a smile,
And an extroverted voice.
I want you to know who I am,
When there are no witnesses,
My scars that match my damaged eyes,
For your eyes only.
May 2015 · 229
The Artist (2013)
For me, the entire earth spins around her being
And we merely co-exist in her presence
For she composes life for me
She paints it with her mind
So for her I am alive
May 2015 · 283
Solace (2013)
Someday it may come
That your heart no longer beats beside mine
And someday may we no longer cry
But cherish the beauty we used to share
Between thoughts words and sighs
Between tears pain and cries
And every mark I branded on your skin
Will become little more than footnotes
Unimportant, unobscured patterns
That may eventually lead you back here
To feel my heartbeat once again

If not, my dear than all I can say
Is I hope you find solace somewhere
Amongst the wreckage of a lonely world
That somehow possesses a beauty recognisable
To lonely hearts hiding in the abyss
Often buried in fear and conflict
That is almost as real as the way
Shielding blood flows through our veins
As if keeping us here as long as we need
To discover each other once more
May 2015 · 337
I Miss You (2013)
She waits under the streetlight
With an absinthe glow of wildlife
I stand across and wait
It's getting a little late now
Leaves, without a word
So gracefully I never notice
But now I'm inclined to miss you;
Like you were ever mine to miss
May 2015 · 356
Ecstacy (2013)
Divine words roll off my tongue
And bounce off the walls 
Echoing your thoughts
Slipping through my veins
And into yours
Cascading shadows that displace
The misfortunes of reality 
From the human mind
And bringing to life

— The End —