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2.0k · Jan 2022
Cyril Jan 2022
I wrote your name on a paper
One gloomy December
Old love, new letter
glowing ember
Hello, past lover.
1.5k · Jul 2024
Cyril Jul 2024
To be the wave that spills onto the shore.
To reach and to retreat, like dancing to the beat predicted by the wind.
Watch me as I gently ebb away from the sand, carrying your secrets safely to unimaginable depths.
1 am poem. Draft
1.0k · Jan 2022
A Slave of Memory
Cyril Jan 2022
Time did not help me to forget
I'd still recognize you with my eyes closed
740 · May 2020
To You, Stranger
Cyril May 2020
I'm just a shadow
An unfamiliar name with a strong desire
to learn everything about your existence
Cyril Dec 2023
I'll be up at five, so I can leave by six. For this rare occasion, I won't hit snooze. It does not matter that my bones are creaking, and my eyes still craving some sleep because a longing heart can defy anything that's making me weak.

For love, I will ride motorcycles, and respond uncomfortably to men who do not need to know anything more than my name, and where I'm headed. We'll hit the road obnoxiously, and take turns on unfamiliar streets. I will put all my faith in the helmet I'm wearing, and in humanity, while I hold on for dear life.

After a dreadful ride, I will step foot inside an unfamiliar building. I could place a bet that I'd get lost inside because well, it's me. When I finally find my bus, I will hop on anxiously. Yet, despite everything that's running in my head, peace will come to me.

It will come in the way the early sun lies in the palm of my hand, its warmth, melting away my worries.
And from the pair of bright innocent eyes peeking from the seat in front of me.
Calm will come from watching the bus slowly fill with passengers from the city.
Especially, from the thought that all of us are headed somewhere for a grand reason — for love.

Dread will become anticipation and anticipation to plain excitement.

I will wait patiently behind the soft murmurs of strangers. And when the conductor finally hands me my ticket, I would think that I could do this as often as you want me to.

In my seat, I will sink with both childlike wonder and a new sense of independence. There, I will find joy in all the unfamiliarity.

The ride will be a cycle of seats getting emptied and reoccupied as the bus traverses through cities.

And when it gets emptier, I will tell you that I’m almost there.
April 22, 2023.
first lone trip to her.
639 · May 2020
Cyril May 2020
High above the leaves,
a world for you and me
Nestled in the arms
of a big, mighty tree
Secrets are spilled
on a pleasant afternoon tea
Soft giggles and sleep so cozy

Shadow and light danced on our skin
A thread tied on finger, our promise ring
Time may weaken
the wooden flooring 'till it creaks
But here we stay,
for countless autumns and springs

With ease swayed our body
to the birds' melody
Our names and a heart carved
on the bark of the tree
In this height we dreamed
and prayed in peace
Up here we belong
the treehouse, you and me
569 · May 2020
Cyril May 2020
Self-loathing finally came to an end,
the stranger in the mirror is now my friend
520 · May 2020
Cyril May 2020
I have met love behind a blaze of fire
A pretty face bathed in warm light;
glowing like beacon
in the stillness of the night
Then came her gaze
like a peaceful lightning strike

Veiled in modesty
as she appears in plain sight
She, a velvety sculpture
yet rigid to touch
A shallow man is nothing
but a fool to her desires
I have met love
and her heart burns with mine
Inspired from the movie "Portrait of a Lady on Fire"
519 · Jul 2020
Cyril Jul 2020
The world has gone dark that you can't really tell
Whether your eyes are shut or wide open
461 · Jan 12
Moth and Flame
Cyril Jan 12
Another silent night where a moth flies with all its might,
To the flame, a beacon, too warm and bright
This entrancing distant spark in the vastness of the dark
Is proof that beautiful things, too, could end a life

“I could never blame you for how you’ll ruin me,
for I have always loved in extremes.”

The soft wind blows, enhancing the flame’s curves
The fearless moth draws nearer to the heat
It knows the cost, but it does not fear
To lose its wings for a single kiss
She burns so brightly.
457 · Jan 2
Lost Letters
Cyril Jan 2
How unfortunate it is
that words will be just words
if not sent to a lover.

If I spend my days
stringing verses together,
and weave them into threads,
would it be long enough
to travel the earth,
and arrive where you are?

Would you hear my sighs
in these tangled mess,
and think that these verses
are fruits of restlessness?

These fragments of truth,
imperfect and raw
are all that remain.
These clumsy lines,
void of pride,
and stripped of ego.
You're lucky to be clueless.
427 · Jan 2022
Cyril Jan 2022
When is too soon, when is too late
When should we trust the power of fate
Forward, backward, the path I take
I sleep and wait, I rise, I ache

I scattered clues for you to find,
An innocent face, yet a mastermind
I drew my cards when stars aligned,
Revealing a picture of hands intertwined
Cyril Jan 17
I will never know whether it's meant as praise or disapproval when friends tell me I'm being too transparent.
Conversations over coffee leave me wondering if they’ve ever truly known love—the kind that leaves you vulnerable.

Maybe they haven't grasped how terrifying it is to be misunderstood,
To deliver the wrong message,
To drop hints, only to have them left unexplored by someone too direct to see their meaning

Have they realized how a hint of opacity can blur everything, turning what was once clear into something unrecognizable?
How a single careless moment
or a slip of the tongue can lead to loss?

Isn't it a greater shame to leave everything to fate,
To let life unfold without intention?

In their eyes, am I foolish or brave?
Nonetheless, all I know is that pride is a heavy weight.
So I say;

I can only breathe when my words are laid bare,
Stripped of pretense and hesitation.
There is something freeing in that honesty, something necessary.
I love when I love,
Why hold back?
238 · Jan 14
Paper and ink
Cyril Jan 14
Let the paper remember everything I ought to forget.
236 · Jan 2
Cyril Jan 2
What comes after love is bad poetry.
Cyril Jan 2
It has become a curse to remember so vividly,
those moments, simple yet profound.
Like smiles, the sound of breath, and the warmth of their palms.
Loving, I’ve realized, is often about memorizing.
Attending to every detail whenever you can.
Their presence becomes integral, no matter how scarce,
So you rely on all your senses to keep them alive.

And when it’s time to leave, everything falls silent.
The glass feels more half-empty than half full
You realize, that their absence, too, hangs in the air
A feeling you don’t just remember, but live in
And you’re left wondering,
why their absence feels more permanent.
All lovers have the power to make the fleeting moments linger.
180 · Jan 29
Sea Creature
Cyril Jan 29
You have always retreated into the depths, into places where I cannot follow
Unwillingly, you linger
Unwillingly, I grip harder
A fleeting presence is how you'll be remembered

Sleek and serpentine, a thread of liquid silver,  
I reach for your tail
But you were made to slip away

Teardrops fall, sending ripples across the still water
And when I say 'stay,'
Does it reach you?
Do soundwaves break through the barriers of our world
Or do they dissolve before they arrive?
"Nothing meant to be in your life requires a tight grip."
176 · Dec 2024
Losada Ratio
Cyril Dec 2024
They say to maintain emotional balance, we need three positives for every negative.

Anatomy taught me that two-thirds of the heart's mass sits on the left side of your chest.
Since then, I began to imagine that negative emotions gather on that side.
And when the positive falls short, and the scale tips too far, the weight becomes physical.
I named this feeling 'lopsided sad' — when the heaviness tugs at my ribs, pulling one side of me toward the ground, as if half of my body is anchored to the earth.

Why do I keep collecting more baggage than I can carry, clutching it all in one hand?

I've been counting my blessings since that day, in an attempt to restore balance.
With desperation, I listed everything that is good,
every little thing that counts;
word by word, letter by letter,
I collect each one like pennies,
wishing that every line and curve that forms them
would suffice to outweigh the bad.

Three for one.
The equation has been flawed from the start,
three sparks just to dull the dark.
Maybe this is how we're meant to walk the earth—
always leaning on one side, never upright
169 · Jan 15
Cyril Jan 15
I try to avoid clichés, such as the word ‘someday,’ but I can’t deny the hope it carries. It’s beautiful and promising, like the first light of day. Seven simple letters that hold the weight of my dreams.

Someday, I’ll write about cool winds and peaceful rain, about afternoons spent wandering through gardens. I’ll describe the grass beneath my feet, as though it thanks me for walking this earth. I’ll write of vast cities, where new streets hum with life, new places I’ve visited, and those yet to come.

Someday, I will only wait for sunrises and sunsets. I’ll leave the sciences behind in favor of what nourishes the soul. I’ll indulge in simple joys, like flipping through recipe books and learning the art of crafting the perfect soup.

Someday, my writing will shift. It will be less about others and more about me—how I am loved, how I am loved well, and how those I love are lucky to have me. I’ll be hidden, only found by those who seek me in my absence, who know that I’ve always left the door open. At the dining table, I’ll sit with friends who stayed, who made me stay, and who never took me for granted.

Someday, I’ll spend more time analyzing constellations, and less on pondering why relationships fail. I’ll always have the right words to say, no hesitation, no delay. Someday, my writing will be simple and clear, no ironies, no hidden metaphors.
Short, and sweet;
No traces of past pains, or of having dealt with goodbyes.

But someday is still a distant thought. For now, I let the ink bleed a little longer. I let the pen spell words like grief and loss.
139 · Jan 12
In this Lifetime
Cyril Jan 12
May this lifetime be enough for reconciliation.
111 · Feb 25
Cyril Feb 25
I do not recognize this emotion.
Something is growing and dying in my chest.
I think I have lost the will to dissect it,
and perhaps it is best to let it be
emotional resignation
105 · 11h
March Madness
Cyril 11h
I hate when people push me out of line, leaving me stranded in a gray area. Do they deserve my patience when they leave me in limbo? Here, nothing is whole or certain, only quiet in-betweens that feel endless. I hate the pauses that stretch too long, the weight of waiting, the ache of being suspended in the air.

Most of all, I hate being neglected.

If clarity comes, let it be sharp and unforgiving. If pain follows, so be it. If beauty turns to ruin, at least it was once beautiful. I will endure because I deserve the truth. I deserve more, I always have.
Cyril Jan 29
I refuse to be caught in someone’s prayer,
To be the name they speak to a distant sky,
As they move on with their lives,
Until they tire of saying my name,
To a higher being who never answers.

Whispered wishes alone won’t shift a thing.
But who am I to think I’m worth the effort and bravery
When I, too, have grown selfish, tired,
And reluctant to breathe life into my own desires?

Why do I have to stifle the part of me,
Once quick to act,
Now sinking into the life I chose,
All to prove I can abide by the rules.
When will I run out of words to say about this?
73 · Jan 29
Questions and Answers
Cyril Jan 29
I list my questions at night,  
About people and things I silently seek.  
In my dreams, I wait for those  
Who hold the answers I cannot reach.  
Sometimes, I wait patiently,  
Oftentimes, restlessly,  
Wondering if I’ll find them before the dawn.

These questions I keep in my nightstand,  
A quiet list of hopes, doubts, and love,  
Silent, steady, never gone.  

In the morning, I hope to wake a little more understood,  
And in turn, to understand,  
To bridge the space between hearts,  
To finally make sense of all I cannot grasp.
—to receive and provide answers.
66 · Feb 13
14th of February.
Cyril Feb 13
If love is vast, then so is grief. If love is a force, then so is the emptiness it leaves behind.

After laying down all my cards and spilling my love into words, hoping to place it somewhere other than my heart, I learned that it is simply too much; That no matter how I try to set it aside or fight it, love seeps into the smallest spaces. It spills through the cracks, demanding to be acknowledged. And every time I give it even an ounce of attention, it takes over me, growing into something bigger than myself.
I tried to outrun it, drown it in reason, bury it beneath time, but it lingers in the quiet moments until it consumes me whole. I'm left with no choice but to give in, fall to my knees, and let it take me at its mercy. I guess misery never really ends when all we do is call into voids without hearing another echo.

Could I stir fate into action by declaring that I have finally learned to hold love with careful hands? That I am better now? I want to be exactly what they need. I want to pour myself into every glass that needs filling, this time, neither too much nor too little. I want to be someone uneasy to let go of, to become the same love that haunts me in my silence. It's Valentine's day, and I have no other desires but to meet love where it stands.
another echo.
63 · Feb 5
She drank from my cup
Cyril Feb 5
She stained the rim with her lipstick,
And I lifted it to my lips.
Red, intimate.

The faint smudge, a trace of her presence,
A friendly face masking the turmoil beneath.
When I think of beauty, I think of her.

There’s a quiet seduction she seems unaware of,
Like how her eyes hold an unintentional allure.
There is slender grace in her form,
A quiet elegance I cannot help but notice.

She moves in ways that stir something within me.
She made me understand what captivates me, what draws me in
She is careless in a way that only makes her more enticing.

Lastly, she made me realize
What simply liking someone feels like;
For that's all she'll ever be.
She makes me feel stupid, she does it unconsciously.
47 · Feb 11
Mendiola Street
Cyril Feb 11
Mendiola Street feels different these days.
I still walk it, tracing the same path I always have; Mondays and Thursdays at midnight, when the city breathes in silence. On other days, I walk as the morning sun rises, its warmth pressing against my skin.

Some days, I stop by the nearby cafés, sit by the window, watch people come and go. Their lives briefly intersects with mine before vanishing into their own stories. I sip my coffee and, for a moment, relive that late afternoon from two years ago. The way the dimming light stretched long over the pavement. The way peace and excitement coexisted in my chest. The way happiness made me feel like I wasn’t even touching the ground. The innocence, the unfolding story, the hope, the magic. I keep trying to step back into that moment, but time doesn’t work that way.

My eyes always wander to the people, the sky, and the trees. Their branches used to cast shadows on the ground, dancing patterns of light and dark. But now, the leaves are gone, leaving the street bare, emptier than before. And yet, the trunks remain, standing tall, holding onto memories even as everything else changes.

Most days, those trees see me worn out, hopeless, and frustrated as I head home in the afternoons. They have seen how I outgrew my naivety, how I lost and regained kindness, how I fought to survive each day, how I was pushed to grow thicker skin. But they’ve also witnessed my happiest moments, the ones where I felt like light itself, beaming and shining down the street. And maybe, just maybe, they remember.

Amid all the ordinary things I pass each day, I still hope for something unexpected; to be found without searching, to stumble upon something that makes me feel weightless again. But I've been contemplating leaving for a long time now, and only time will tell if I'll still be walking the same pavement next year.
No other place have I felt that I give too much and gain so little.
44 · Feb 12
Cyril Feb 12
You don't have to stay,
Not in the way I wish you would.
But simply leave me something,
A line,
A word,
A letter,
Or a shadow,
For I would take even the smallest breath of you.
43 · Feb 5
Cyril Feb 5
I am a love poem caged in a bottle,
Floating in the sea.
Waves carry my words in currents unknown.
Will you ever find me on some distant shore?
Uncork my silence, and love me once more?
random poem while procrastinating.
42 · Feb 12
Cyril Feb 12
This has held me back more than it’s ever pushed me forward.
This big feeling, a consuming fixation.

I’ve delayed myself for it, time and time again.
I’ve broken promises for it,
suffered the consequences, no matter how punishing,
not for my own benefit,
nor anyone else’s.
It hasn’t moved me closer to anything. It’s taken a limb but hasn’t taken me anywhere I’ve wanted to go.
It keeps me stagnant.
Cyril Feb 25
Bonus questions are always a little thrilling, especially in a jurisprudence exam. One moment, I was immersed in the law, the next, I found myself writing an essay about love, hoping it would somehow save me from failing. It's strange and funny how heartbreak can help in the most unexpected ways.

They say that to be loved is to be studied. In that moment, it felt as if I had a library of you inside my head, the version that I knew. My hand glided across the paper, smoothly translating a piece of you into a paragraph. I wrote about loving and not being loved, about bad luck and misfortune. These are concepts you once mentioned many evenings ago. For the last line, I wrote the quote from memory, sure I had it right because it has stayed with me like a mark. I hoped it would add a kick to the piece. Hell, that was an easy write! It came out simple but beautiful, with a sting to it. I could have kept going, if only time had allowed. As I walked out of the room, it suddenly hit me how profoundly that line now resonates with my life. How, in a way, I'm living it.
Q: Paano bang magmahal, palagi bang nasasaktan? Ipaliwanag nang hindi umiiyak lol

Cyril Feb 9
I see it now.
How much I bend,
How much I fade,
How much I ruin myself for nothing.
2.9.25. The weight of it all has settled. Discouragement wraps its arms around me.
Cyril 4d
A promise that's kept, not just left in the air,
A friend who shows up, simply being there
A hand that helps without being asked,
A love that’s proven, not just masked.

A sorry that comes with a change in the way,
A plan that’s not talk but done that same day
It’s kindness that lingers, not just a distraction
There's beauty in words when paired with action.

— The End —