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1.8k · Aug 2015
Dear Grandad.
nicoarty Aug 2015
I see you
You lurk beneath the skin
Razor teeth shining through otherwise empty words
I see you in the malice
In the anger and confusion
Contorting the human mask you wear
I see you in the hatred
Growing stronger
As together you learn to hate yourself
Each passing moment you are brighter
Your host duller
Although you hide it well

And I am afraid
Afraid that one day
I will see you
And you see me
In a mirrors reflection
That one day you will ravage my mind
Tear away all knowledge and perception
That I endear
As I burn my loved ones
With your bitter tongue
And slowly forget them entirely
Until I become you
And then can no longer see you

As now i have seen you
Take another's skin
Remove him from his family
Take his pride, his mind
His love for all
And isolate us
In our islands of fear
Frozen, we can do nothing at all
I realise that there is no happy ending
There is no way back now
I always thought there were second chances
But he is leaving us, painful piece by piece
So fast, yet slow

It's unbearable

For now I have seen you
And I can never forget
The look in your eyes
The words you've said
I see the void
I see living death
And at least for now
You cannot see me yet
He has Alzeimers, the only grandad I'll ever have. Seen him lose himself so often this holiday, this is the last time I'll see him that he'll really know who I am. Just wanted to say goodbye in a way the poet and artist he used to be would love.
I hope anyone else out there feeling the same or similar things can have the strength to help themselves and their loved one through their time, or to its end **. "with patience and love comes pain, and yet a deep sense of fulfilment, of true happiness- it matters not how evenly they are spread".
nicoarty Aug 2015
Moonlight flit across her skin
Caress every Cherub's dream
As her deft lily pad footsteps
Tap to-and-fro along the stream

Bells chime in hollow sounds
My Angel's laughter gleams
She drifts along One two, One two
Enchanting all my dreams

O' my Lady, Lover's light
Take my hand I plead
She gazed into my eyes at last
With glass-eyed misery

Where hence she went from the stroke of twelve
Never shalt I know
As I watched the Fae dance her to
Withered skin and crumbled bone

Now blooded footprints ring my hall
But never shall I leave
My darling angel dances still
In the rustling of the leaves.
In another possibility the word "ring" in the last stanza could be exchanged for "throne" if you prefer the sound it gives to the poem.
1.3k · Dec 2016
Dreamless sleep
nicoarty Dec 2016
The gallows swing in my gown
how my grievous allure
axiom, snares me down
an appellative of harrowing quintessence
wearing lilies like an aureole
                                                      -crowned in by anemone and asphodel
the paraded gait of my soul

absence of faithful apparitions
cogent til their demise by my own dolor
nihility is my dear conviction
to dwell on dreamless sleep once more

alas lucidity comes abrupt
falsehoods pellucid in the eyes of divinity
tainted now i cite apprehension
bear garlands of wormwood, for i am corrupt
still gallows shall swing in my gown
whether in repose or in waking
the gallows swing in my gown
in knots the Styx shall be waiting.
"To die, to sleep -
To sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub,
For in this sleep of death what dreams may come" - Hamlet
1.1k · Sep 2015
Dear mug.
nicoarty Sep 2015
Dear mug.
I'm sorry if I break your handle
Or smash your fragile *** shell
When my hand wrapped too tight around you
How when my arm was caught
You fell
I'm sorry if I left you there
To turn cold; alone, unused
And when I took a sip and had to spit
then cursed vehemently at the contents of you
Dear mug can I say I'm sorry
For having to throw you away
You're cracked, chipped, and leaking
And handle-less as of today
I know, I understand, It's not your fault
That you wound up this way
But dear mug, I'm so sorry,
is all I wanted to say.
1.0k · Aug 2015
nicoarty Aug 2015
All the pain behind your eyes
With every truth behind your lies
My love, heart and honesty dies

Because I've felt the pain
The result of lies
I've felt how it feels to want to die

And that you wouldn't tell me how you feel
Wouldn't let me in to help- is this not real?

I get it. somethings - everything- you don't want to share
I guess I should never have let my self care

I'm sorry
I'm not good enough
And will never say the right thing

But I guess that's what comes
Of being your Harley-Quinn.
951 · Aug 2015
My M-in-d.
nicoarty Aug 2015
That is it then
The deal is signed
Everything, is in my mind
I watch past blurs
Doubled sight
What she said I fear is right

There's nothing wrong with me
Is what she said
Nothing wrong but what's in my head
But I can't think that
I can't see
Past the things I know to be me

For her it's not real
I guess it's easy to judge
But for me I can feel it - my own personal grudge
Against myself
My awkwardness
My fear of not being me
Saying things wrong whenever I speak

So tell me I don't tremble
Or take half an hour to reply
Tell me again how it's all in my mind

And if it is in my mind
No physicality in the mix
How could it be something
Real doctors can fix
Am I a monster?
Is something wrong in my head?!
"The problem is; You think that"
Is all that she said.
Doctor, sister, mother, friend,
Lover, brother, until the end
Is this what you see?
Is this what you say?
If so I don't think it's best that I stay.
920 · Aug 2015
Jealous beast.
nicoarty Aug 2015
Two words burn my mouth
Scorch my mind
Just as the thoughts in my head
Want to be said, But never will

Jealousy; A dragons rage
My treasure the keeper of my heart
He who holds my body
To a certain part
But it's you that he adores

You, little lion, lay close to his heart
Together you laugh
In you he trusts
I am nothing but for his lusts

I am not his girl friend
I'm his girl, You are his friend
He would not want me
We're he able to see you instead

So I am jealous you have his heart
When it is all I adore
But having one ounce of his love
His gaze from above
Is enough to keep my blood warm

Two words in my mouth
Burn like the seven Hells
Not Girl friend nor Best friend
But "I'm jealous' beneath my quill.
I have always been told jealousy is a trait unwanted and disgusting. But as much as I try, it will not leave me alone to enjoy happiness.
866 · Jun 2016
nicoarty Jun 2016
i see them, your little fingerprints
like footsteps in the snow
   wherever i look, wherever i go,
         there they are, your constant reminders
of a world i no longer know
         whether i'm thinking of my favourite book
looking at my keyboard keys
                      leafing through my school pages
  or raiding a shelf of dvd's
                       my midnight snacks of icecream
                         nolonger warm the world
only serving to open the void
                               with rememberances spilt from your quill
             little flickers here and there
the way we sat, our favourite film, you trying to type with me
every break and lunch time together, climbing hills, falling asleep

i breathe you in and suffocate
                  see your finger prints every where
                       reminding me of the desert void under a burning cold sky
                                                             ­   that endlessly rests there.
           hanging in time
frozen between you and me
as i follow your finger print footsteps
                            and make my own with droplets of me
a tidal wave of memories overflowing and blocking my drain
                    each little piece of me staining
                              the finger prints left in our name
822 · Sep 2015
Crimson Ink.
nicoarty Sep 2015
How to tell?

I've always loved that deep, deep red,
Soft as velvet, Smooth as fire.
It's imagery stark, whether in;
Winter whites,
Dark greys, or,
The Hustle'n'Bustle of colour's Chrome ire,
With all the things it represents,
Fame, fortune, Dripping from your nose,
Slashed on your skin, love
And Romance, written on your tongue,
Warmer; than all Hell's scorching pits,

And now staring at the sink,
I feel it, so much more,
Than everything.
A clear gauze blur,
On crunched China bone,
And rubbery plastic cartilage,
Like heels into snow,
I sink into the Crimson Ink
And stare into the sink
But how to tell?
Which Crimson is which?
Is all that I can think*.

Is it Love, Lust, Hell, Pain,
Blood, Fire, Fortune and fame,
Romance and Roses,
In all that I think,
As I see more
- and deeper yet sink-
Into how
Life writes it lines
In Crimson Ink.
797 · Aug 2015
nicoarty Aug 2015
Things I will never see
You let her in
Why not me?
I will try not to be bitter
I won't get jealous I swear
I'm trying to keep it in
It's just a lot to bear
This searing torture
As I feel my mind start
Stabbing words at the strings
Inside my heart

With every second
The questions grow more
My self image has fallen
I am nothing but raw
Hollow inside,
Something not good enough
Nothing like her
Who sees all that you hide

Why don't you just tell me
What I'm scared I know I'll hear
That I'm just a bodywarmer
Replacing all that you can't get
That if she lived closer
She's be more than your friend.
782 · Jul 2015
The Milky Way
nicoarty Jul 2015
I think it's time I go away,
Somewhere far so as not to hear,
I think it's time to find elsewhere to stay,
Far from the voices I have come to fear,

They're there almost everyday, in my head,
Dictating every breath or word I say,
But now I shan't think of them, instead,
I will think not of the binds my loved ones lay,

Now, now I will drift;
       Amongst the stars,
As I once often did with ease,
And escape finally, my self-centred harm,
Watching the world as I breathe,

Escape my Family, my Best friends, and Boy friend,
And the worries I feel every day,
Stop my mind, my brain's obsessing,
Over every single word or thought sent their way,

For from here I shan't worry no more,
Or care about social views,
Amongst the stars the world is smaller,
Even though physically huge,

My space, my mind,
Clear and free,
Will dance forever softly, away,
Whence I will be,
Just simple thought,
And exist throughout the Milky Way.
776 · Aug 2015
Lest she forget.
nicoarty Aug 2015
Alice tied string round her fingers,
For each thing, lest she forget,
She'd done all the work,
Come up with the phrases,
And with friends in mind off she set,

Her first two strings were for Alfie,
The hottest boy in the class,
She unraveled each one, read its label,
"Hey Charlie, lose the glasses, then lose yourself"
"Tommy Digs shift, we don't want your fat ***"

Her third string was for the patio group,
So she could sit at the benches every break,
"Eugh, wrieking Robin, you stink worse than the bin, take It with you and get away"

As the day wore on,
More strings were untied,
A trail of fraying strands in her tread,
Each one connected,
To the arms and legs,
Of Tommy, Charlie, and Robin at the other end.

As Alice was a puppet master,
One of many in her school,
With each new string to pull and tug,
Her popularity grew,

Alice tied strings round her fingers,
For each thing, lest she forget,
Each one she pulled on would tighten,
And scar an arm or a leg,

Cause her strings would entwine with others,
And the few most ensnared and caught,
Had no choice but to obey the ropes,
Tied around their Wrists,
their Necks,
and their Hearts.
A strange view on middle school life I guess, just food for thought guys.
730 · Sep 2015
Lonely's Lullaby.
nicoarty Sep 2015
I'll listen to a lullaby
Dance around my brain
And try to think of you
Without seeing rain

hush now my love
You are everything to me
Let me fight away your demons
Pull you closer while you sleep

As my old favourite song lyrics
Get stuck inside my head
Tied tightly to the image
Of us curled up in bed

hush now my love
I'll keep you warm
As we hold each other tightly
And keep at bay the storm

Cloudy smiles bright
As first dew morning sun
Flit around like butterflies
Reminding how no one

hush now my love
Your hand trembles in mine
Find peace in our warmth
When our hands intertwine

Has seen that side of me
Since the day that you left
Prooving once and for all
That love truly is deaf

hush now my love
Times are growing cold
I am still here watching over
No matter what you're told

So now I hear the lullaby
And sing its sorrow's tune
Knowing all love is lost
But that of me for you

hush now my love
When dawn comes I will be gone
I'm sorry I can't hold you
And keep you safe and warm

As when the night quietens
Right before my eyes
It's the image of you I see
That drowns out my lullabies.

*hush now my love
Your hollowed eyes grow dark
Just listen as I whisper
The story as we part
nicoarty Aug 2015
I used to dream of a warm embrace
Pulling me closer
Holding me in

Though perhaps i dreamed only of strength
Of how it feels
To remain safe, warm, and strong

Perhaps i dreamed of companionship
Never alone
Fears calmed by two beating hearts

Perhaps I dreamed only of what I shall never have
True love
Lasting all of time


I used to dream of you
Your embrace caring
Blissful in your words
Content in mutual affection
... Love

But dreaming is a curse
I no longer bear
That four lettered sin
Carved out my dream
With its false affection infliction

But consider this too

Perhaps I dreamed once
To escape the nightmares
To Escape fears as all men do
Perhaps I dreamed
To cling to hope
And in my darkness I dreamed of you.
I used to hope for a warm embrace
Holding me tighter
Pulling me in.
697 · Aug 2015
Face of rust
nicoarty Aug 2015
She is nothing special
Just a little weird
Always had a pen or pencil
Always had her nose in a book
Glasses that don't suit her
Grey-brown hair and skin that doesn't match
She has pick marks and lines
Doesn't really speak much
Remember when she wore pencils in her hair?
And carried a 'sketch bag' round?
They all laughed
At not with
She had some strange allergy
Skin would barely see the sun
Only had relationships with users
Till him; he was different this one
And somehow, that was worse
But by this
She was nothing
A bunch of doodle and words on a page
A speck of dust to him
Only God knew she felt the same
She had no name to me
She had no face
Eyes no depth
When in the mirror she'd gaze

Always empty
Deep hidden mistrust
A statuette in ink and iron
Raining tears of dust and rust.
676 · Mar 2018
my life
nicoarty Mar 2018

Death is something I want
          But can’t bring myself to take
          Is something I lost
             But can’t seem to let go of
And time

         Time is where I drift, lost
                Not knowing any way or
                               place I see

     Forever stuck in between
nicoarty Aug 2015
Just *breathe

Ignore it
Focus on it
Let your self go numb
Breathe out the pain
Then laugh with everyone
Don't stop to feel it
Don't even try to think
When it gets so you can't bare it
Just breathe out the pain and sink
Sink into the darkness
And let it all go
Find the place where finally
*Breathing's all you know
653 · Mar 2018
Half of me
nicoarty Mar 2018
When your world is breaking
You get ****** into a dimension
Of two halves
One wrought with pain and emotion
Hot and searing in every second
The second is emptiness, the loss and eternal void of vast space spilling in as if to drown you
The two are inseparable
And awful each In their own way

But they are always together
As I prepare for a final goodbye
For the curtain to be drawn on something I’ve loved for years
I can do nothing but sit helplessly waiting and feeling and sinking further inti this state of agony
649 · Aug 2015
Alien invasion
nicoarty Aug 2015
Too many times have I looked in a mirror
Finding an alien
Nothing that resembles me
The inside invaded by the out

Sometimes I fear we are all aliens
Captive in our human shells
The big bad world will come and knock our doors down

Other times I'm alone
In a dark, cruel and ugly place
Reflecting back in the mirror
Saying don't look at my face

Saying there's nothing there that's human
Screaming "that's not me!"
But I can do nothing but watch
Through the alien eyes I see.
615 · Jul 2015
Rose Buds.
nicoarty Jul 2015
I never believed I could act,
Or even write a poem that well,
And when it came to performing,
My words would stutter and quell,

My heart would quake,
Those hands would quiver,
And my whole body would shiver and shake,
I was traumatised and terrified,
And words would never come straight,

But a while back,
I met a man,
Wiser than anyone I know,
He showed me a way through life,
And He taught me what I know,

He told me some of his secrets,
And showed me a way to perform,
He helped me find my confidence,
And taught me to calm my inner storm,

He told me something that day,
That I will forever treasure in my heart,
That remains a secret between him and me,
From which I never will part,

That day surrounded by him and some friends,
I grew inside in a way,
And when performing later that night,
We blew them all away,

But he taught me something about myself,
That I had never seen in that way,
And even now it stays with me,
As it will till the end of my day,

But there’s something else amongst it all,
That he did let me know,
That a rose lives longer if it’s picked,
Before all its petals are on show,
Written a few years ago in memory of the poem café and workshop run on the 18th of October 2012 at Thomas Alleynes high school by Alan Barrett- the man who taught me to perform and much more.  He showed me a way to live with his words. He also helped me understand who i was and what i can achieve, and for that I'm so very thankful. x.
611 · Oct 2015
A dead man's game.
nicoarty Oct 2015
All was broken
All has broke
And all shall break again,
Unless sweet bells
Doth ring their tune
Above thy love dear Ben

And who was now acquainted with
Thy lovesick melody
Not the bride
Not the friend
But the bride to be

Listen not to the stories told
For they are all, regaled from ole’
With all your heart’s intentions; behold

All was broken
All has broke
And shall break overtime
Apologies, spilled from his lips
Like poison into wine

The bride, heart smothered, with tainted grin
Smiled sickly sweet to see
Not the groom
Not the friend
But the bride to be

Hear not the tales told
For they all regale, from crimes of ole’
With all your heart’s intentions; behold

All was broken
All has broke
And all is breaking now
As lovers ghosts parade the halls
She’ll take her final bow

No paramount could be found
Witness to the scene
When love turned red
Who was dead?
The bride
The groom
And bride to be

So tell not of stories told
Nor of love regaled from ole’
And with all your heart’s intentions; behold.

All was broken
All has broke
And all shall break again
When thou play the game of love
You cannot but end up dead
591 · Aug 2015
Your other-half.
nicoarty Aug 2015
A girl with anxiety, paranoia and depression,
She hides it well- your girlfriend.

Her darkest moods
Often related to you

When she wanted to die,
Unknowingly you pulled her through

With each message
more comfortable than the last

Together you know you both
Smile and laugh

Just when all is shining bright
All stars once again lighting the night

YOU call your girl-best-friend your other half
To her, your girlfriend's, face.
She wants to ****.

Flashes of blades, blood, sharp breaths, drowning tears- her darkest fears,
Spiralling and twisting in a night with no end
A girl with anxiety, paranoia, depression and fears
Yet she hides it well- your girlfriend.
Don't even want to talk about it, this is all I can do to keep sane sometimes when these little things that mean nothing at all just tear me apart.
566 · Aug 2015
More than Star gazing
nicoarty Aug 2015
Stars above hold on to me tight,
Hold me together when I cannot fight,
Because only you in this universe so huge,
Will stay firmly by me when life gets so crude,

When I'm not creating, not talking,
All the moments when i have no worth,
And the vastness of thought consumes me,
As I ponder my reason of birth,

When I feel emptiest, I look up to you,
Cause only the universe, knows what to do,
As I lay down my pain, raw in your eyes,
And think of the stars;
All the stars in the skies

How even in the emptiness, far away, there is light,
So when my mind is like space, I make my stars shine bright

So my dear stars, hold onto me tight,
For with out you I'm lost in never ending night,
Without you I'm gone, I can't find my worth,
Without you dear stars; I'd undo my birth.
556 · Jul 2015
The Ravens march.
nicoarty Jul 2015
An unkindness of Ravens circle in,
Few attend this sordid sortie of crime,
An unholy ceremony of sin,
Her love lost and left with too little time,

She lays still as Snow white, tale beyond Grimm,
Encircled by loved ones in black fabric,
One by one the Ravens march to the rim,
Crowding and caging-in the small casket,

And I in my soil bed laugh at a glance,
As I look back and watch my razor dance.
nicoarty May 2016
Today I've had enough,
Today i looked and saw all the cracks and dirt,
All the rust on the mirror,
And the tears I put there to stain it so,
I saw the mottled skin ,
And stressed out eyes,
I thought I was better,
That Light was reaching my dusty corner,
But now I see I was ignoring my fractures,
       each broken bone,
Projected onto your life filled body,
Which I thought gave me wings
Sagging it,
            stretching it.
And I'm so sorry,
For all the **** I've done to our skin,
For all the words I've slashed and singeing paragraphs,
For all my sullied emotions,
And black tidal waves of nauseating Fear and insecurity,
For the smothering affection.
I'm so so sorry.

My mirror never looked darker than now;
But at least yours looks better without me in it.
So, I'm sorry, but I don't want to be your reflection.
Not anymore.
542 · Feb 2018
Trick of the light
nicoarty Feb 2018
The problem with Angels
Is that - as they fall
Their wings,
In all towering beauty
Reach out, stretching;
Feathers and bone
To drag and pull
Away at those
Who dare to watch,
Souls ensnared:

“I couldn’t look away if I tried”
538 · Aug 2015
nicoarty Aug 2015
Few droplets, dripping, trickling
Up the edge
Drained dry
As the bones below
My withered skin and mind
Fire in my skull, on my tongue
Look down
Through nothing
Clear stinging
Drowning despair, Growing want

If only there were two empty
Not one
So little
Passion gone
Not enough, need another, stronger, stronger, go on
Few droplets, dripping, trickling,
For my mind I dredge
Just enough
To keep me going
To take me to the edge

To the place of troubles
Where I'll burn away my woes
Not enough to lose myself
Just to let me go.
535 · Sep 2015
nicoarty Sep 2015
You see the blank white of canvas
Stretch beyond horizons reach
As simple line edges make the image
A two tone, grey-scale; Bleached

For the world is empty, too empty
When it has lost all colour and complex line
Harsh edges form definition
But even those will fade with time

As i roll over in this barren expanse
And see every impression where you lay
Draw out the shape of your figure with my fingers
And watch it all just wear away

As time erodes everything
Every pencils soft grey line
Even the vibrancy of chromatic life
That seeped in like ink; when you were mine

Unlike now;
Now my world is a stark grey
Of charcoal and harsh paper white
I always did love these desolate sketches
And playing with dark and light

But my artists hands have stilled so
Because i cannot draw all that i feel
This emptiness and loneliness
Not even my words feel real

As i reach out for 6 strings
Canvas and pencil
Paper and pen
I beg of you to let me sing
In colour and shape again

Not in these cold
White, bleak voices
That fade my image
And become a minds haze
That hollow my eyes
And whiten my face
When in a mirror i gaze

For i find i am lost
In a deep abyss
Since you took it all away
Come on, get a grip!
You are worth more than this,
Don't let them steal your face!

But all i see is the blank white of canvas
Stretching on and on out of reach
And you look at my world of new work
And wonder

Why the use of bleach?
(Why go out by bleach?)
529 · Sep 2015
Silhouette cracked screen
nicoarty Sep 2015
I watched the black-lit screen die
Knowing it was the only thing left alive
After the Tigers in the night chased me under the bed
Words follow me out how they wish I were dead
The world surrounding fades to grey
I guess to me there is nothing to say
With my body in chains, my soul barely survives
All the avoidance and rejection tied into our lives

Does it matter if a silhouette is one or two
Under the darkened tracks I'll find out with you
Dive in deeper, Swallow me whole
Dear cause of this numbness and bitter black hole
Is there something I can do
To turn this nightmare away
Is there anything that will make me be visible again
Will acid words spill from your mouth to my ears
Will your gaze finally see me again after what feels like years

But here in this dark room
I sit all alone
Waiting for a reply
On an all but dead phone
And as the black-lit screen
fades away
I know it's the end to
These cold mess of days.
507 · Jul 2015
Life whispers to me.
nicoarty Jul 2015
Life whispers through the mist,
As the grey water ripples slowly,
A slight breeze on the winds,
Changes all things unknowingly,

Birds of bones Clothed craw to claw in black,
Scratch at passing hours,
Nails on chalkboard teeth to grind,
Filing at daylights powers,

Sensory shadows dance,
Provocative and disturbing,
Curling and tearing at bleak visions edge,
Strangely alluring,

A sirens song of a sailor’s death,
Whistles on the breeze,
Don’t you know it dangerous?
To sail the seven seas,

But as life whispers through the mist,
And the grey water ripples slowly,
A slight breeze on the winds,
Changes all things unknowingly,

Earth and sea begin to meld,
And what was once is now gone,
Life leaves your breath behind,
To go dance with the sun.
504 · Jul 2015
Worse than burning
nicoarty Jul 2015
You kiss me often
Hot lips to hot skin
Our burning fever bright
But we know not much more

Every meeting, in all our crossed stars
Although as heavenly as the bodies that contain us
Ends in heated whispers
That now glow like burning scars

As I look back upon our moments
That are supposed to hold our strongest love, not greatest fears
And see that they could be echoes
Of nothing more than
A sixteen year old boys newest ambition
From your half

From my half, in runny eyes
I see my fairytale reality
Imperfections and all
Fall apart at the fault that
You love me no more than your right hand
No more than the second choice
To the girl you would rather have

I am no angel or barber doll
I have faults, scars, and a past
-so do you
My reactions may not be impeccable
And my face one you'll never truly see
-although I wear no visible mask
Still I thought maybe,
For someone,
I was good enough
You made me believe I was,
Good enough,
For you

But then came the Days you were busy
And my Demons ran wild in the Night
Bouts of darkness so great
I was almost seduced by a knife
As my fear is loss,
Not being good enough to stop it
Not being good enough in life

And in your 'busy' you told your girlfriend you couldn't talk for days,
But still you would find time by some quirk
To talk to others of your current horrors,
But I'd pass it off as you needed time away from me and work,

Again and again my nightmares stirring
Were of you and your so personality-pretty friends
Or how behind my back, really
You were laughing at your means to an end
I pass that off as my paranoia
Our inability to talk, my anxiety
How it all made me feel ignored?
My depression entirely

Cause one day each week I would reset
We'd meet and greet, no work
Play games, have fun, smile and laugh
And make our relationship brightly burn

But now my fears have swallowed me
As one week turns to two and more
Your texts and calls no longer follow me
Other than a single, quick "are you free?" Drill, our "***" 's ignored,

This whole thing started out so beautiful
But now the monsters don't want to just play,
And I realised some of the scariest moments
Are those that burn bright as day

As closeted skeletons rattle their bones
I know I let someone in who set them free
I haven't said anything, I'm always right here
Right here where I said I would be

Now maybe you're going through some business right now
With which I have nothing to do
Or maybe it's all in my head after all
And another set of pills'll help me through
But I just want to say
Through it all- I'm still here
So where the hell are you?

Because your empty lips may kiss me often
But I'm more concerned with the pain in your eyes
I let you in, I won't hurt you,
Trust me please, it hurts when you lie
It hurts to think that I'm nothing
But your sixteen year old self's right hand
Yet it's the only way you ever seem to want me
And inside I wear **** like a brand.
Dear gods, if anyone actually read all of that I'll be surprised. More of a rant to myself, y'know somethings  just get so stuck you just gotta get them out. Somehow, anyhow. This was my better way.
Dear gods. looking back I'd cut my paranoia away, as at least back then there wasn't silence, being ignored and avoided each day.
nicoarty Aug 2015
Often I wonder
If each eye, each lens
Filters light differently
Like the ought tinted windows or stained glass
And if so,
how do you know
If what you're looking through is Rose tinted
Or simply some thrones mass
As surely perspective is everything, right?
The way you see, the way you think
Like how dark grey light and gold light
Have different atmospheres, shades and kinks

But everything is relative
Maybe the colour of your lens can change
Perhaps if you peer into the darkness
Your mood begins to rain
And if thorny stems twist
Behind your eyes
When your hopes begin to crash
Maybe you could look into brightness
And find a Rose coloured looking glass

I wish it were that easy
But still the answer lies
That when looking for a rose looking glass
Try taking the thorns from your eyes.
497 · Aug 2015
Second-Hand Knowledge
nicoarty Aug 2015
A shaman of wise women
Whose only truths are never told
Seeks only understandings
Held aloft b'neath the world's nose
Be it truths bitter
Or stories of olde
Skeletons in closets
That reek of forebode
Mother whispers word of experience
Father helps them believe another view
The holy mass of firsthand knowledge
Read by those who can learn nothing new
A gift to the younger
A word from the wise
To see the bigger picture
Not the irony of life.
497 · Dec 2017
The end is not
nicoarty Dec 2017
The end is waiting not a,
Huge crash- collision
Like onslaught,
-Earth bending, breaking
Shattering like glass,
At the bottom of a
Pool, is not a tidal wave
Goodbye, to friends and family,
Tilting, listing, moment
Of truth ringing like a
Gunshot in your ears
No, hearing nothing,
Silence, is screaming and
Bleeding - it’s not, all at
once like a,
It is, creeping,
Numbness of tears-
Stains, like it will,
Never fade,
Forgotten- never until,
Life again; starts, stops, stalled
car in traffic the
End is waiting-
Not sudden.
nicoarty Oct 2015
eyes like flames
but she wont feel the burns
her passion's like fire
but means less than fake words

she's ice on the inside
frozen within
trying to light her foul soul
with fiery sin

her daggers are stretching
sheer marks, cliffs within
as those fingers trace pathways
nobody can win

this is a game for the endless
seeking their torturous end
trying to fill up their nothing
but shattered eyes don't ever mend

they burn forever in chimney fire
so hot they feel nothing but pain
licking off their fingertips
lights torching all sane

brain so entangled, ensnared, entrapped
she's taking it step by step
drip by drip
no sounds after the shot glass

refusal to be weak again
refusal to feel
sharp edges like razor blades
eyes like fire, she's unreal

let it burn, she's screaming
with now dark chimney eyes
channeling soot straight from hell
passionately filling her skies

searing bliss for the other
but she can only feel numb
echo footsteps, hollow
heart beats like a drum

rope tied in a knot
heels raised high
taking each stroke leaping higher
but how far till you die

burning on the outside
burning on the in
her eyes like flames quiver low
so buried in sin.
title translates as
Lover past the point of no return (pheonix).
purely because i could not decide between the two and hate to leave my clues in obvious view.
485 · May 2018
My horizon
nicoarty May 2018
I looked to the horizon again
But this time, right there,
was a sun rise
Brightening the hills
And god did it hurt worse,
than any I’ve ever seen before
Accepting that the future I want
The one I hope for
No longer has a part of you in it
Not even a touch

This sun rise was all me
And it hurt like hell to see
484 · Aug 2015
nicoarty Aug 2015
It is unbearable
To see a loved one in pain
To watch their eyes prickle
See their tears stain

But is it not worse
To be unable to help
When one you love hurts
But your love is not felt

As you are not who they want
To them you do not exist
And you have to watch others
Be their everything

As you have to be happy
At your own despair
For you hate when they feel pain
Even more so that you could not be there.
458 · Feb 2018
Just one
nicoarty Feb 2018
Just one

Just one
But I refuse,
Just one, come on
If it helps you can’t lose,
Just one I say
Needing a release,
Just one I do;
One works a treat.

Just one I say,
One when I’m low,
Just one when I don’t know where I should go,

One when I’m crying
One when you frown
One when I know I’m not wanted around,
One for each argument
One for each ‘I need time’
One for each part of me I now wish weren’t mine.
457 · Jun 2016
The Red Sign Stop
nicoarty Jun 2016
Why didn't i see it coming?
                            I should have seen the signs
                                              For all the times he tried
                                                             But in the haze i lost my way
                                                  And must have lost my mind

                    My thoughts were consumed in a fog
                                                  But i only had him in my head
                                                            ­ So focused on making our car        

                                              That I ran a sign Dripping in Red
447 · Jul 2015
Lost and Found.
nicoarty Jul 2015
Found; a dying *****,
Plays an off-key tune,
It's muscles are all torn or missing,
Has a hole the size of the Moon,

It's tubes are shredded and ******,
Has no Rythm to it's pounds,
Just lays on the floor barely moving,
Unsafe and structurally unsound,

There's evidence of attempted repair work,
Covered in stiches and staples that ooze,
Patches and droplets of salt crust,
As well as the faint reek of *****,

There also seems to be a label,
That someone has recently tried to remove,
Appears to not be surgical precision,
But that fact still has to be proved,

What is decipherable reads as,
"Please call if found"
I tried, dial tone, "number disconnected",
Seems no one wants it around,

Was left this way before Tuesday,
In the skip of apartment block 4/2,
No one has noticed it's missing,
There is nothing more that I can do,

Found; a dying *****,
Left alone, not wanted around,
Desperately needing stiches,
In hands where none can be found,

Lost; a dying *****,
I stopped trying to help it survive,
It's been a while, and no one has claimed it,
Now it belongs in another life,

Lost and Found; a dying *****,
A vital one so it now seems,
Went back to the skips yesterday,
Found; a dead girl, late teens,

Found;  a dying *****,
Singing an off key tune,
Her muscles are all torn; One's missing,
Left a hole the size of the moon,
10/06/15 an important day to me.
Hope it wasn't too strange this time.
447 · Aug 2015
Early warning system
nicoarty Aug 2015
When I wake up in the morning
I have to pinch myself
To remember that fairytales
Hold no wealth
In this real world
For I am a dreamer
Of love, of life
And always do I fear
Drifting away
Going too far

With you I fear everything
I'd rather be aware
And able to build my walls
Than absent from reality
Caught up in you
When I find out
You are not so caught up in me

I'd rather hear a siren's wail
A simple 'I'm not so sure'
Before the dam crumbles
And the heart strings snap
- so I can shut the door

But this wave is no tsunami
It's physical pain yes,
but it can't be seen
I've been there often enough
That I already look twice
And try not to dream

As there is no early warning system
That's why I'm afraid
Of you, of open doors
As once I'm down the river
I can do nothing but drown in your force.
nicoarty Oct 2015
i hate the word love
hate the sound
and the implications and spells it casts
on people who by it are bound
- yet it never lasts

as soon as you have 'love'
life can at first seem great
but you lose part of yourself
become half someone else
and are blind to the loss it creates

love; the term is soppy
increasingly miss and over used
its a word that should have meaning
and explain only a connection
of personal comprehension
-and not necessarily the type for pews

so love, yes i hate the word love
and pray it never should pass through my lips
other than in appreciation of dearest souls
and not in the case of falling too far, too quick

its ideals are not one i relish
all i see in it is that it becomes weak
why must we be told, that we will "find love and grow old"
and never something else like:
the future is yours; every. single. week.

so go live your life as you want it
don't feel you have to conform to society's form
School, Uni, Job, Marriage, Family - only if you want it
do what you love, what makes you strong

as love does not mean simple affection
it means soul warming understanding and care
it is for objects, actions, people, animal and places,
not for crude or simple phrases where it feels barren and bare.
guess it kind went into a little bit of a rant, but i did try and reign it in.
i truly never want to lose myself or give up my dreams and live that boring 'average' life everyone seems so enchanted by. i insist on how i hate the idea of marriage and having a family as it would means not doing what i love and id rather die than that. yet my family insists 'one day you will, you'll have kids and a small house and debts just like us' and they have no clue how painful for me even the consideration of that life is, or that they take no time to see this. i have promised myself i shall never fall whilst it is what i want and i encourage anyone else who feels undermined from doing what they love -whatever it is- to give it a go and see.
437 · Oct 2016
nicoarty Oct 2016
please... have to let me go...
i cant live like this
so still
so stuck
i have to fly
i have to be free

i will forever lean into tomorrow,
no matter where it may take me,
no matter where i go,
because tomorrow is always a sunrise,
the blank canvas will never stop,
i can stretch into a new horizon,
crate a new worlds each and every day
...Dance with creation, and never drop
and maybe,
On the one day i open my eyes,
to see the same thing as the day before,
and know, with all my heart,
that this is what i want to see tomorrow,
that my smile will be true,
maybe then, maybe on that day,
i will stand still with you
and watch endless time pass us by...

but for now
I'm going to chase the sun
And hide in the stars,
because my universe isn't done yet
Though i'll have to leave ours...
i'll come back to you soon
one day,                      i know i will be true
As as much as i feel the need to be free,
i know i wish it were with you
But we cant
we have to travel this path alone
I cant pull you along for my ride
As you deserve your own

No, i wont be selfish
I couldn't wish that for you

just promise me
                     if you can
that one day when  my dance is done
i can return to hold your hand
Never having been forgotten
So i wont be alone

i'm sorry i have to leave you
              forgive me

                                    don't say no

we both have to do this together,     i swear i'll understand,
whatever your decision,       i'll wish us hand in hand,
and if it cant be,      i can walk the path I've come,
praying as if it were the earth, i can walk my past back to the sun

but if it cant be
please, just let me fall
All i wish for is to be free
     with you, after-all

And you may not wish the same
after all our time
even then i'll be happy
even if only in my mind

And i would wish the same for you
That you find your happiness,
And if it is with me-    then i guess
             i'm blessed
but anyway
                  i should go now
the sun's getting low, somehow
remember, i love you
please, just don't let go.

goodbye my love,
   see you tomorrow.
This was written to be performed to Time by Hans Zimmer, starting after the first (set of) four chords. read as you please, this is purely therapeutic for me.
430 · Sep 2015
a Tragedy on Reel.
nicoarty Sep 2015
i can see it
like a tape recording
be it frosty winds, howling rain, the ever rarer shining sun.
i can see it somehow

how he turns to stare at her every minute or so
his body gravitating towards his best friends
every morning, every meeting the same tune
hey, how are you? acts interested -as if he cares-
then turns around to see if she's there.
when her face is present
he basks in her beauty
turns back and can no longer see anyone
but his best friends;
he needs no one else

i can see it still , like a tape recording
played on an old film reel
the girl alone disappears with the seasons
invisible to all, the burning to feel, and

no one sees
how she turns to watch him every other minute
even when he moves away
a couple apart, but you wouldn't believe it
she just loves to see the happiness on his face
when her best friend walks in with beauty
and he can do nothing but stare
her boyfriend's smile is pure heaven
even if she can't put it there.

I'll never forget that film reel
forever burnt in my corneas and mind,
a tragedy, a love story
that won't last all of time.
as his hands find mine so rarely
his mouth utters words to me, so few
pining over what he cant have
never seeing from an outsiders view

but an outsider i am not
i just don't know how to feel
stuck here, behind the lens
in my tragedy too Reel.
428 · Sep 2015
My Hidden words.
nicoarty Sep 2015
And utterly used
Sharp stabbing pain
How I swore I would never
Do this again

Broken by you
Defeated by life
Burnt on the inside
Bruised from past strife
Shattered eye Windows
Helplessly torn
Burning and stinging
Crying I mourn
The loss of something
I treasured the most
Now all our memories
Are as faint as a ghost

No longer a dream.
427 · Jul 2015
nicoarty Jul 2015
I long for my escape,
Away from this all.
Time alone to seize the madness within,
Seize the darkness of the shadows;
And destroy them with a golden ray of light.

To find a place of blissful solitude where everything is gone,
I long to find my paradise and escape,
       - I need to, to live on.

My need for solitude as a means of salvation,
To stave off the ruins of my mind,
And bring back the light there once was,
To get away from the inky mass,
That encompasses my mind, my life...

I must escape, I Must,
Get away from this all,
Find my isolated paradise with waters of calm,
No thoughts,
No work,
No life,
No stress,
No bad,
No good,
No grey,
Only clear plain paradise,
An isolation and escape,

The sort that can come only,
In ones grave.
416 · Sep 2015
nicoarty Sep 2015
Whisper to me softly
So I almost cannot hear
Your poisoned speech
Slewing through
And melting off my ears

As that gaze of thorns
Rests lightly like
A crown upon my head
Our 'ntwined hands
Hooked and clawed
A clammy cold and dead.

Time is even older,
Than this gnarled bone that we chew
In our twisted Grimm old story
A fairlytale for you

You cannot see the cobwebs
Woven in my tears
The slug trails on my cheeks
That prewarn of my fears

Of your dark moon eyes
Glittering at
The fresh doe in the woods
You've always liked
What you can't have
And thrown away the duds.
393 · Jul 2015
The Boy who Saw.
nicoarty Jul 2015
I often mourn for him, the lost one
And I regret that he drifted away,
I watched like a statue, so silent, so still,
As he found his own way that day,

But oh, those many days I watched him,
Like a boat afloat from shore,
Watching his laughter and every disaster,
With a happiness that made my heart feel so sore,

I yearned to talk to him daily,
And of all those days I never could,
I was unable to stand the wave strength,
So I stayed back and watched as I thought I should,

But sometimes he would cast his glance to the sea,
His gaze momentarily just flickering to me,
As if by a miracle he maybe could see,
The invisible girl that so much resembled me,

But he never saw me, yet I always saw him,
My mind was so dulled and naive,
Yet my heart so full of hopes and wants,
Those I knew I should never believe,

I watched them all,
And they all passed by,
And of all the wanderers,
He caught my eye,

I don't think that I really believed,
That I did have a chance to be seen,
And had I known back then that I did,
I might have pushed on through the waves and not hid,

But I didn't really know,
And my heart really cared,
But then it turned to stone,
A stone that I bared,

For every long year,
After he left,
And I watched him walk,
Through his life so deft,

And my heart did shatter, my heart did break,
As if it was made of glass or sand,
But only when, on the horizons wake,
He turned to me, and waved his hand,

And so I mourn for him,
And the chance that we had,
And I mourn for the ignorance i held,

I mourn for the bliss,
And I mourn for the hope,
That in the end was true, but failed.
390 · Sep 2015
Don't trust no one, Love.
nicoarty Sep 2015
I'd lost my light
I'd lost my hope
Been broken and used
And left all alone
Shattered and sinking
The darker she fell
How she could be happy
You never could tell

You were my light
You were my hope
Took a broken girl
And made her feel unbroke
Plastered her cuts
Made her feel loved
Held onto her tightly
And earned fragile trust

You were my light
You were my hope
Took a broken girl
And tied her a rope
Slowly and painfully
Pushed her away
Ignoring, avoiding
What can i I say

I was once broken
Then you fixed me up
Stood me on a chair
And gave me the shove.
385 · Oct 2015
nicoarty Oct 2015
You’re too nervous around me
He said
Though it shouldn’t matter much really
Just a personality trait
And true at that
Maybe it was just fate
But honestly
What did he expect?
Ignored me half the time
Distanced himself
Made me feel unwanted
It shouldn’t really matter, truly
Silly child-like beliefs
In love
But it was just that,
It was heaven
Till paranoia crept in
Like the monster from under my bed
Depression seeped in with nightmares
With every blank glance and words unsaid

I tried being there, I tried pulling away
I tried what I could bear
Day after day
Watching my own tragedy
Break at the seems
The cracks poured in and drowned my depths
       -Shattered beyond belief
Because of my
inability to work socially
Too awkward to talk
Too shy
Terrified of saying the wrong things
So alone in my own mind
Is there anything I can say?
Anyway that it’s untrue
My anxiety came off as nerves
Mostly around you
Cause with you it mattered most
Someone for whom I cared
But you’re right it’s my fault
I couldn’t love enough to stop being scared

So I’ll watch from the backseat
As the movies go on
The confidant chick gets the guy
Or he fixes the insecure one
But nothing goes wrong here
Not like it does in reality
Guess I’m just trying to justify his excuse and its finality
Too nervous around me
Oh, really.
But the truths I could already see
I knew, how I knew, and knew all along
He’d never truly wanted me

So I laugh at the comments I bit back
Bleeding lips from words too tongue
In cheek I thank you;
     Graceful bow
For helping me along
For ripping away the stem of nervosa
You’d brought flowing with you since the first day
For the harsh remarks
-a slap to even those who’re stark
And the steel that I grew as I say

It was you
You who didn’t care enough to help
Who could not see the panic and fear I battled to try and stabilize myself
For you
To make us happy
Yes I had problems of my own
But I was there for you
And what did you do?
Nothing but leave me alone
Saying the cause was all me
My anxiety
My nervosa had won?
You know how insulting that can become?

I staved off the dragon in the mirror
To keep safe the tower climbing prince
But in truth I know now
Princes don’t exist
I was really my own companion
Fighting my own weakness’
With my own strengths
And now I know my own reason
Has to forever be only myself.
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