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Aug 2019 · 138
Toxic Relations
I cry a tear

The other scolds a feeling

Nights go by and you feel emotionally bankrupt.

No one to turn to too

You start feeling like the “catch 22” staring at a ceiling.

You hold back your anger and your fear

The other still smells such and uses their own sadness

“the doggy didn’t greet me the right way. You don’t

deserve or appreciate anything!”

The cycle continues until you have reached the limit and melt into madness .

Once  the other snaps out of their “toxic trance”

their apologies flow as well do the promises

“I only wish for my friend not to become “Mr. Hyde  out of Dr. Jekyll .”

You are the strength of the household without investment to regain

Energy and funds to “stop spinning the wheels”

and move out of the warpath

“The Harm of the Heckles. “

You learn to wait for the opportunity to “catch them in their sleep walk”

The “thief caught stealing from the cookie jar”

Don’t the sick “understand the demands and power of their emotions which erode”

a once peaceful soul and sand….?

You have a little way left, in which to back up your talks.

Going forward in life…..

If the other would or could break out of their “spell”

People in conflict and turmoil

Truly caring for one another but afraid to show their “weakness.

To get well.”

When the day comes and they value the relations and finally admit to

the portion of chemical waste that has nearly killed two bonded hearts

The person in the daze never understands this “war’s toll”

Two in a team, can empower one another

to build one another up.

Instead of shooting flames that burn one another’s souls.

Melted from hurtful heat, instead.

A nuclear storm is building up..

“Chernobyl” devastating the lands that were made

from spirits connected to friendship so kindred..

Saving a once thriving force, that is your friendship…

From being placed in a grave

That this “Chemical war” had taken it’s toll

No time for liquidation of the aftermath

The time needed to heal is enough to purify

The feelings of both…The neglect of this


are bright hearts who shall die, instead.
Aug 2019 · 461
Intimate Emptiness
Ohh how I long to be touched

Sensuality is a beautiful gift

Hunger for such

Signals yearning to find someone who

With you is crushed.

Humans need humans

Age doesn’t define worthiness

Looks fail to be merely a reflection

Years without the sensual release

Starts personality’s infection

The energy is just

This man longs for  intimate encounters

He is no pervert but a romantic

Pieces to his puzzle are missing

Could you be the mate to please and company

A soul that yearns for deeper things than just kissing
Aug 2019 · 165
Weight of Balance
What you want

Seems to be the thing you cannot need.

Emotions are just wasted energy

Strength comes from passion

Isn’t that the blood mixture in which we bleed?

Do you need my touch?

Do you need my heart?

Do you need my soul?

Wants are also needs to balance

The human life force energy toll

That takes away strength if one element

Is neglected

Or another is over consumed

Throwing off nature’s balance

The Human spirit falls to the tip

Of unbalanced scales

Of what is valued and what is undervalued

A crazy debate that rips out psychic

Down to blown up pieces and chips.
Another anniversary

Of my coming into this world.

Thoughts of the road I’ve traveled

Where I have yet to roam

Fill my heart with a song unfurled.

Sounding not just the cheers of my survival of life

However, the need to conquer the emptiness of lacking others you need

Successes you seek

And needed support to be given there.

It’s a weight in which we carry but warnings we never heed

To the usage of time

Past and present

I celebrate not just this anniversary of my coming into this world..

I celebrate those who stuck with me

Those we just stood and wished to be part of

The road with me that is life






Hands held strongly onto your comrades

It’s a blessing of a needed mixture

To share

Until growing older

Holding our glasses to cheer our union

When the future brings a wife


Unseen unless youth

Survival of the harshest of burdens

Relief of the pains of judgement

And growing with life….

Such is a never challenged

Or forgotten truth.
Aug 2019 · 103
Cure thy Ill
Feelings fluctuate
Doubt sinks the once enlightened mind
Pills can comfort
They can also damage and blind
Balance takes strength to master
On the Trapeze of emotions and Life
The beam is the tool
That your hands hold on to
to guide one
Back to the solid grounds
Underneath the healing light of Strength's Sun
Aug 2019 · 87
Social Oceans
You hide the true empty emotions

Loneliness takes its grip

A true a beautiful heart

Lost in societies cramped oceans.

Trying to not become lost in the waves

The undertoe of social confusion

Has already marked mass graves.

You reach out in voice

You reach out in signals

Over the net or in a lot full of people

Messages get muffled within the mass vocals.

A diamond in the rough


Brightly through masses of bodies and signals

A beacon to signal

Those who wish to help guide this stray boat

To your ports

Where no longer does life sweep you away

In the wake of the worldly message of a tidal wave

Defining its followers

To their defined graves.
Aug 2019 · 80
Heart Light
My voice was echoing over the sounds
of the people planning on where to go and who they shall be
I denied to be a cookie cutter image
of what "normal" defines from flesh's mound.
I rose up and challenged even the most sought after and respected souls
As I believe a true heart and person will never become
"the neglected."
A flash of lightening shot  from above.
Such Fill  this empty room and night
with a signal
Not to give in to the emptiness, sorrow, and feelings of being defeated.
I'm more than their "Equal"

As I've shown more strength and wisdom in my young life
So any other lucky "star" or "sought after Joe."
You can look up to me and learn
I shall rise above and steal your show.
True hearts are always the truer light
Seek such a path
To brighten up even the darkest of your frights.
Aug 2019 · 76
Specialty Dinner
I woke from a nightmare
I released out this voice
Heard by other lost souls
we stand tall
We  act like a barrier
We support one another
A bright and roaring flame
All of us drifters
We are no part of one big piece
that fixes together the puzzle
of what true ingredients
to this recipe of life
ought to be
it is made from us
with us
we add spices daily
Join with us
as we fix to create a new dish
That a taste by life's critics shall make
awarding US the Blue Ribbon for best dish passed
In life's dinner of specialty
Aug 2019 · 78
The light of the moon

creates energy inside of my soul.

Clear skies and roads

All of which marks the start of “Somewhere.”

Here, this energy builds up and remains unused.

Like a time bomb

I feel I’m ready to blow and as if someone has lit my fuse.

The chains that hold me here

Soon will become broken as I explode and run, free, away.

From the Judgmental Youth and the money hungry Debtors

I have a life to live and live such I shall.

Where I shall end up

I do not know

At least I’ll be in a more open space

where I could possibly grow.
Aug 2019 · 83
Ohh how I long not to be the silent stranger

Nights left with no connections to contact

No transportation to travel

The weight of such destroys a broken back

Until such a soul yearns to be burried under gravel.

No phone calls

No visitors

No job to be filled with his skill

His work goes unnoticed

As só does his existence

With little to no team to work out of this quicksand

The future looks dark

he has no strong grounds on which to stand.

His head gets swept under

His sadness smothers him

He feels like his mother’s blunder.
Aug 2019 · 191
Watch Me
Watch me as I fall

Hear my echoes

booming down the halls

I slipped

I shook

I fake

A Smile

Then I break

Watch me as I rise

Up from the fall


With me

As we fly

From the view of prying eyes

As we answer to destiny’s call.

#Watch me#inspiring#poetry#kappler
Jul 2019 · 88
I am  Marooned on a deserted Island
Quiet, Cold, and Dark Hallways Need Lights
A lack of a ship to sail on..
Walls keep a prisoner from escaping to a brighter land
Knocks on doors are a sweet sound
"Hello,"  and fewer  "good byes"
Symphony music to ears who hear only their own made noise
Rain falls from the  skies
A heart which wishes to perform  unknown magic
within a group called a "team"
Such would be blueprints laid down for a finish and grander contribution
to life within a beautifully gifted dreamer
Finishing  his grand thought up scheme.
Jul 2019 · 144
Red, White, Blue, and You
Red,White,Blue and you.
We survived much Choas and Pain
We have enjoyed Victories and Many Times..
We enjoyed the Perks of Our Gains.
We cheer the flag and it's waving Glory
Dating back to 1776
We owe our lives to those who fought to send England
Back home.
We have a great army
Souls who have dedicated themselves to fight and to die for this beautiful country
Many want in
They tried the wrong routes..
We pushed them back to protect those legit needing entry for a better life

The leader prevented such worthy people from being left out..
Our great President has corrected many wrongs and filled the spot
as "Chief and Man in Charge"
With more feeling and selfless actions
Kept to all his election promises
and Brought America back to greatness and to Brighter Beauty.
with all of our allied Factions and Nations.

Another beautiful year
Promises the young to become our future and great
parts of the cogs and gears that help
this "Great Machine" Drives On, Flawlessly.
United, we stand and together we fall.
A nation bounded by Great Hearts, Hard Working Men and Women
and Souls wishing for our Freedom and Democracy
to Last into the future and into Eternity.
Jul 2019 · 117
Eternity's Pride
I am a lone Lion.
Running through the Pride Lands
Although my heart is big and quite brave
Lionesses seem to treat me like a loon with
a hospital band.
My age might be of middle measurement
I am still young
Yet the jungle treats me as if I'm of Antique Procurement
An old dusty relic as released from the museum
Darkness such as energy clung
to the muscles of the huge beating heart

Other lions fail to notice the sound of my heart's beating
They exclude me from their pride as I am "Stranger"
A wandering Threat

A hateful movement
I pass by and I vent
Access energy to refresh my enlightened soul
From the judged
who deserves no warm greeting
Through all of this
I remain strong and I run
I forgive and I understand
I shot out of the Roar
A sound to welcome those truly heartened and  open eyes
Glancing to see my stronger and more impressive form
to see the real me. Who offers rewards
Friendship,love, Undying Partnership and loyalty.
Real treasures.
For this Leo offers more..

The king of his life and of his craft
A Lion King
Who never stays defeated and down he stays and lies..
Wade was deep in the grasses.
As he lies there lost in pity
his life and self at a stand still.

Racing past those Prides who cut him out
He starts on his own
A new pride.
Their  members let Roars Sign Happy and Strong Energy
Which shine out

The life-blood of the largehearted  Leos and the Lionesses
Those who refuse to stoop low, believe in the ignorant, or ever
from the heat and tribulations of the  jungle..
They hold their heads up and they  never hide.
They banded together
To care for one another
and forget the other sickness of the lazy and heartless entitled ones.

Their kindred-ship and family shall last for eternity
Unable to be measured
Past the other end.
For these beautiful creatures
Are the Bright and Legendary Ones

Their legends shall be forever implanted in the jungle
As the true royalty that defeats all darkness
The battle for all kind creatures forgotten and neglected...
For them...those battles they helped fight and have always won.

equal to the other monarchs
cast out do to younger trends
Temporary Collections of Faces
Who shall fade to nothing
Once their time and age is past the clock
Measuring the alarm to sound off their limit
to be cast asside and remain "part of the scenery"
enter them into their own museum
Jun 2019 · 530
The Poetic Legend
She lived through a lot.
A poetic soul
Who's magic entertained generations
of Suspense and Joy her writing brought.
After many years of continuing through
devastations and personal trials..
Until her end..she never quit.
He writing moves me, still...
Unique of many styles.
Dedicated To The Memory Of Louis Duncan. Writer and Inspiration for my poetry.
Jun 2019 · 118
The Mistaken Joker
I wish I wasn't such an avid window shopper.

I can look

However I can never touch

Simply conversation wouldn't cost so much?

You laugh like the Joker in insanity

A real treat

To be ousted by your lack of youth and vanity.

My heart is large

My brain is quite powerful

Why do people resist an interaction with you?

“Why so serious?” are used to their game.

They only pay attention to the worthy and the sought after…

A “spoonful of sugar makes your medicine go down”

What a mouthful.

Can’t these people see…

The inside  is worth more than fame or the trending men

I am a man who is more than what they see…

Take a chance and simply answer his “hello.”

This joker is actually a “warm and more saner fellow.”
Jun 2019 · 90
I live in a world so empty and ohh so invisible
I might walk side by side the strangers on the street
Trying too hard to gain a smile.
Why can't I have  a companion to greet?
Lightening shocks of routine cracking up the thin ice
I walk very gently to avoid falling through
as the weight of question adds stress
upon the already cracking surface.
My soul shines. As with other beings
It tries to attract others to share it's mortality with.
The failure of success of this
A foot falls through the Ice
When will the other foot lose ground?
Am I to freeze, falling into the cold waters below...?
A lost and unsound scary feeling.
Jun 2019 · 80
Go On.
Go on.
Why do I go on?

Why do I try so hard to create or share my life?

With people who fail to see..

They fail to value…

What I truly feel and Weigh in…Such cold

Cuts into my soul like a knife.

Why am I faking a smile or having to be complacent

To “what I fail to want or what others force me into living my life “

As I cry, silently.

Emotions are a crime, here.

I am in displacement…

A ghost in physical form

Not a soul takes my side.

The clock owns my soul…

As I wish for death…

I am only a “property” and “possession”

A Broken pride…

I am treated like a ***** child….

“How is it that others have things at least halfway brighter?”

As when I try my hardest. No Escape.

Not even man enough to end my life.

What is my purpose or future?

If I’m just a dog to fetch the bone

Where people get laughter and shine into their own needs

Such cruelty that makes their souls, lighter?
Jun 2019 · 178
At the end
Days go dark
as the ones I need the most
Never have the time.
I decompose, inside, alone.
I am the "black sheep"
Grazing in the Park.
I never hear many "Hellos."
I feel coldness from those I look up too.
I am never allowed to feel Human Emotions...
As I am a dog to be commanded by
"The Lodge Fellows."
I yearn to have your warm arms around my aching

cold body

I yearn for the taste of your sweet lips.

Holding, gently, on to your hips.

Listening to your pounding heart

I feel it’s beat

A sweet rythym

Looking into your deep crystal eyes

Running my fingers through your silky,long hair

I wish for our souls to be connected

Deeper, still, forever is not long.

Feeling your body against mine

Making steamy and meaningfully deep love

I can feel our souls start to intertwine

Even though we are of two different ages


We read the legend’s books

who knew how to love, unconditionally

and book marked their pages.

Feeling your hands rub the pain from my soul

I cuddle with you as you melt like ice

For our love is a power

That can be a very powerful and overwhelming device.
Jun 2019 · 445
Battling the Rising Tides
Life is a lot like a river
The tides either help raise you up
Or lower tides can drag you under.
One false move
as you swim these emotionally
sensitive  energy currents....
Constantly keep  the emotions in a   balancing science..

Which helps the waters from turning "tsunami"  into wonder..
"How to Keep your head above the waters"
and "away from the gravels below?"
Strength and strict compliance to this ritual are always a skill..
A ritual..
A battle which always must be won..

Moods and unchecked thoughts are similar to a loaded six shooter.
You twirl the bullet wheel  and point the barrel to the head
Providing an answer on to the scene to where this "play" shall take you
or the rough waters shall take you through.
Memories of the past turning to obsessive weight
Kicking the stress of life's load to weigh one metric ton.

You must become like an Olympic swimmer and Albert Einstein rolled up into one character.
Smarts help you figure out a better equation instead of "Russian roulette"
and becoming a strong and skilled athlete can help one wrestle
their control over the tides wishing to
overthrow "this alpha male."
You become the victor through all of it.
Becoming a controller instead of being "controlled"
Energies kept in check.
Don't give in.
For one moment of allowing one's self to be overwhelmed or give in to
the energy effect of exhaustion
Can make your reactor
Powering your life's force
Blow as the Chernobyl Reactor blasted into lifelessness
You do not have to revisit history to know what and who such energy took down with it
So stay with the times
and never neglect yourself,
Never throw up your hands, and act out the phrase "forget it!"
The future is a brighter light than in the past.
Chose the right role in your life
and you shall win your Oscar
Thanks are due to the character in which you are bright to life
and as a director
you are a true actor.
in which you cast.
Jun 2019 · 208
In My Laboratory
Late at night
One can see a light on
In my home
As I invent and also daydream
Inventions to renew a worn out world
Helping those who have limited ways
In which to find their ways
I  am a "kind scientist" getting lost in my brightest of schemes.
In my dreams
I see a much more advanced and a much more united people in the future
As I enjoy the astral travels
To different moments and places in time
I become inspired
By such brilliant visions
Another diagram and invention to plan out
Spreading brilliant ideas abroad to foreign gravels.
I donate my "smarts" and "data passed ideas"
over wireless lines
To work hard to see such astral predictions come true
I raise a glass of soda to my reflection
"A toast to the future, the moment, and a design for
a successful and more united  world...
in creative designs."
Jun 2019 · 179
Standing on more solid grounds
Peering out at the lights of the city
Amaze my clearer view
Like sparkling Christmas Lights
The vision in a warm Spring Sky
is a surge of Electricity.
Walking down the various streets
That I visit
Along the way I shake a new hand
I meet a friendly and welcoming new face
Empowered by the bright connections
Detaching from the shorted out ones...
My heart has been recharged
I am a renewed being
Shining brightly
To shed more gifts of care
Upon this large Earth..Our living space.
May 2019 · 131
True Love?
True Love?

If something is true then it shall last a long time

It shall endure a lot

It shall never change

It adapts

It never can happen too quickly

It is savoured, slowly
May 2019 · 88
Too Much and More
The feeling of being wanted is intoxicating.
Too much of any good thing can be too alluring..
A form of "self Medicating."
I wish to feel "attractive" and be "treated" like a "bright star."
However, I haven't earned the treatment. However, I've proved my attraction.
I am, sometimes, an enigma. The mystery makes another wish to get to know me, even more.
I can become too open.
Like a water faucet which never stops running.
Drowning out the special points and moments of conversation..
The connection stops coming.
While it is rewarding to yearn for what's "better"
and the "perks in life"
Which you know you've deserved and worked hard for...
Once you get once you want..
When there is nothing more, in the universe, to "shoot" for..
Your heart dries out from the rivers of Stride racing to the finish line....
Your heart starts to feel lighter and wears itself out..
Wanting too much and more.
May 2019 · 83
Remain standing
I am on a survival mission.
Fighting all of the fears, lone hours, and jumping those "hurdles"
In this race to "beat the rougher odds,"
Winning the respect of others whom I look up too..
Earning a family of my own and Beating the Darkness' messages
To bring myself down.
To let myself go.
To give up on love.
To stop trusting other souls...
As tempted as I have been to listen, my light in my heart is too strong to listen and act upon such "lies."
Time does make one stronger.
As well as it can Scar one's soul.
Life is a balancing beam.
As long as you weigh the load out right
You shall never fall.
You shall remain standing.
May 2019 · 96
Lost in Space
Lost in space

Unseen by many

He puts on his “mask of gold”

People fail to visit this “stranger”

He remains an ingma of soul

Left frozen in lonely snows -so cold.

Remains the frozen sculpture

Who once was a warm and bright man

Neglect and failure of communications

Has scarred him uncertainty of how to regain interaction.

“Houston…we have a problem”

Rocket man outstayed his welcome

On the moon.

An astronaut pushing himself to the limits.

He would ask the aliens. He needs directions back to Earth, soon.

As his supplies have ran out.

However, he never got to learn the neighbors language.


Static has been his answer

As the Earth lost interest to contact

To see his trip home carried out.

“Mission Star Construct”

Was cheered when his mission was about to start.

Fresh and new.

All of the public wanted a blast off view.

Having to his own answers..will Star Buck


The fall is his failure of hope’s light

The strength was knowing people would want him back.

How shall he know where to blast off and drive?

Conflict is the metorstorm

The questionable reasons

As to why Ground Control Lost Contact.

Was he merely a relic

Which undesired legends must

Drive with no light, crash or burn,

Or simply blast back torwards the earth

In a gambling style Yearn?
May 2019 · 147
An open hand
An open hand
Such you've held out for others
Nights seem to last long
Like Purgatory
Am I Dead?
No. It's just time measured in silent misery.
Connections cold like ice through a computer keyboard
Dreams of chrome shined wheels rolling
Taking one to another
Meet up with Comrades that are deep in your heart
Like a sister or a brother.
May 2019 · 81
The waters of limitation
Flood the once bright and shining halls
of My Creativity and Hope
A life which weighs more than one can lift
You fear your mind shall snap loose and you will hang from a rope.
Life has so many fish swimming the same routine.
Try the same artistic road on which you travel.
Your eyes witness so many of these other fish receiving extra help and strength to finish what they had started.
Should you go on? Are you "inventive and original?"
Or are you a "copy" and "unworthy of such aid?"
Is your career the "Dearly Departed?"
Use the last remaining strength to hold on through the empty nights
and non-productive moments when your creativity is called
Your assets are growing low
You never seem to ever obtain the tools to continue your destiny.
Growing weary...the doubt starts to flood your lungs.
Breathing in fluids and choking...
Rather than shining..on stage... leading the show.
May 2019 · 233
The World Needs Love
The World Needs Love
The Light That Warms Through People's Window Panes
Universal Messages of Peace and Care
Even though we might reside in different spaces
We are Human.
We breath passion to progress and live out the best
of days in our lives
Sending out just one signal
From The United States
To North Korea
To Russia
To Other Nations
People United
Never Divided
We shall one day
Hold hands
and United the World Through a Shining Light
That is True Heart and it's Shedding of light with the world
May 2019 · 100
Clearing The Mind
Clearing the mind.
Dusting out the cluttered and dusty halls of my memories.
Out with the old
In with the new
Even though I've advanced in years
I still have, to share, fresher stories.
Beauty is seen when one has a clear enough vision
to identify such
To capture such in the eye's camera
Film which are parts of my brighter thinking.
Love,***,and Money are all gray portions of the color coded
drawers that hold the files of my remembrance....
Where the colorful tabbed folders remain
Nature,personalities, architecture, and Invention.
Science, Friendships, and Meeting and Learning of the newer people
and topics
That are packed, forever, in my soul like a stain.
The cleaned halls show off the more artistic museums
which inspire my creativity and understanding
As within the timing measured to what it takes
to blink an eyelid
I remain fresh to the world
A multi-floor gold reserve
Not holding wealth
However, holding the beauty that makes such a structure
The strongest built sky scraper ever witnessed
Eternally standing.
May 2019 · 92
I took a bow
A light shined upon my face
Strength to adore another without judgment
Cheering another after their current raised
Is a sweet flower
Upon their feet which I have placed.
Humbleness and balanced pride
I keep a steady stride
as to not walk too far to any side of the gravels
The shaded areas of jealousy and envy
Such sharp and sinister forces that cuts
up a person's brighter strides.
Talent is unique
As to are the levels of brilliance
I'm glad to not be the best
or to never be at my worst
Such visions of clear truth
sparkle in these eyes in which you might glance.
May 2019 · 175
The Iron Will
The Iron Will
So how strong and Long it endures.
The Universe Welded such
together by the sun.
Forged by Metals from Above
The soul is a force
Strengthened by the fellowship
Of this one.
A Brighter toll
Riches, from such, that shall never die.
It never remains cold
It might grow older...
However, it shall last forever.
For as one
The brighter suns
The Iron Wills
Are forged, together.
Stay with me
Until the end.
This is just the beginning of the journeys
Of the soul
As eternity
We are flames that fire up
The steel factories
That, with such energies, it shall always mend.
May 2019 · 238
I am waiting...
For a New Light....
For a newer Way..
Battling..For A Fresher and Brighter Beginning
A Tomorrow....
So, the questions remain....
Just where to start..
The right spot at the starting line...
When the gun sounds...
Will you be by my side when I start such a race?
To finish with me?
Or will you allow yourself to be left behind?
As a fresher start
Means a brighter way looker forward...
Never looking back....
Is there a person in my future...

To meet me as I win the race...
To a more successful me...
From where I am standing...
May 2019 · 98
Travel Eyes
Here I travel
Down the road
Gravel and dust
Hopping like a toad
Blurred Vision
Foggy Head
Dancing upon the Pavement "Billie Jean"
My Body Feels Dead
Fear in my head
Water in my eyes
Blue skies
A big, yellow sun
Such dries the tears
That were once
On the run
Apr 2019 · 225
We are Half " animal"
also Half "Machine."
We "love"
We "lust"
We "long for"
We "yearn"
"Blindness" to "energies"
"Souls" Never "seen as Balanced"
are always heavy to the "right" of "positive"
When "jumping" to "conclusions"
Fails to "charge" the "system"
Due to "too much negative"
We must "cross such"
"To get to the other side."
"out-ways"  "Sanity"
When "greener grasses
"are doubted Profanity."
Apr 2019 · 164
First Glance
"just love."
It is hard to for-fill such a "command"
When one has "lost" more than "He has given"
Since the He was "the odd" "Number"
To the "Even" reactions in time.
Having to "Fill"
"Predefined " "Shoes"
A map is askew
When the landmarks are "marked"
In writings that "fit descriptions of the clouds."
He has a heart. It beats.
He has "cared for those"
"Who have cared for him"
"In return."
As these "somebodies"
Who "decided to trust" in his
Looked past "what it appeared like"
and used their "gut" "Instinct"
To Share what "is known" to the opposite
of a "first" glance."
Apr 2019 · 240
TV Channels
You do not know me.
How will you ever see the clear light?
In his messages?
When you dive from the High dive
and Into a Kiddie's swimming pool?
Passages and Channels on "Slot TV "
Another "View"
A wild "stunt" of a sight.
Assumptions made
By assignments of "what" and "how"
A person is sorted
"Like" mail
We are like "socialists"
A "round" peg defined as a "square"
People turn their backs
Due to a hastily judged "out picture"
Damage done
Into the soul
Squeezed awkward and assorted non-matching "parts"
Tossed and Forgotten in Society's "Lost and Found"
Swimming Bowl.
Apr 2019 · 206
Kitty Cat
She's my Kitty Cat.
When I pet her,softly..
She purs.
Music to my ears.
When I'm scared or I am Lonely
She rubs against me, oh so gently.
She doesn't have to say a word.
she already knows.
How I feel.
So true to my words.
She cheers me, with her eyes, as she sees me grow.
Never selfish.
However, not quite an "open giver"
She knows how to give me passion
Shows the world her own unique  and  hot "fashion"
Inner Beauty
and some soft fir.
Watch us stroll down the road
Enjoying one another's company
as we push off
Life's gritty and heavy loads.
Apr 2019 · 130
Half and Half
I am like "half and Half"
Dairy Creamer
Feminine and Masculine
Humorous and rough
And a tad bit dangerous.
Sometimes appearing like a "cut out" doll.
He is proud of his inner "lady"
He won't hide such
Will he have to define and refine to a label?
He creates and he sings.
Never the greatest or the worst.
That's the true and golden "bling."
He knows how to thrive
He knows when to go through the rough waters and "Dive! "
A great and inventive machine.
He is often nice.
However, cross him and he'll be quite mean.
Often swears and is often heard
speaking clean like "Mr. Clean."
Yes, that's me.
I'm half and Half.
Like coffee creamer.
Watch him now.
He'll always be..
The rough and Beautiful
Day Dream.
Apr 2019 · 136
Yes, I'm Crazy
Yes. I'm Crazy.
I love it, as well.
Why would I wish to be normal?
I am a clown. Like the "Joker."
Insanity gets me the prize...
Beats the heck out of "formal."
so, am I hear? Alone?
Can you throw me a bone?!
Well, I know I'm not alone.
Looker like a train wreck.
I just got
"fresh" out of an accident.
Here is the deal..
As I become overloaded
and I start to vent.
Echoes from insanity...
Bouncing of these walls...
At least he is lose..
Hanging like his *****.
Apr 2019 · 181
Green Lawns
Money is green
So are most government buildings.
Cold and drafty.
Built for cost and Also Shielding.
They try to shield themselves from their nuclear Holocaust.
They ordered the drops of two bombs.
What did it cost?
The ****** of a great president.
Bad vibes to another great
Policing other countries..
Getting in the way...
This is not just about politics...
Keep with these words, today.
People hungry.
The rich overlook talent
in their "lower" rooks.
Greed is green like a seed.
However planted, it grows
into a tree
from the ground in which it is planted.
From evil is such
From good is such...
Never a crutch...
Balance this riddle...
As the Joker's Card is Drawn..
Plant your seeds...
In the greener and right Lawn.
Apr 2019 · 231
Passion's Slow Cooker
Passion's energies
You feel from the energies inside
Needful release of such
Needs slow release
Like a "slow cooker"
******* true to true attraction
Sharing your soul through the hot
movement of your body
Holding such "steamy elements," inside
You steam up and then start to explode
As the Crockpot has warned you to lift it's lid
Do not?
One shall not know true blissful enjoyment
of the experiences of sharing "a stranger's romance"
With that one which he deeply has a desire
Inside and out
Of the fashion and the **** little underpants.
Apr 2019 · 404
Cheers of Wine to The Poets
Cheers to my fellow poets
The truer voices battling the diseases
that plague society
Creating false personalities
They aim to create
An end to the system and the ones who started such
where hope and true love's movement ceases
The breath and life back into the victims
of the fear and the dread
That causes the jealous and greedy
To warrant punishment to cut of
Creativities' head.
The Kings of the "Secret order"
Sit proudly
Upon their thrones
It will not be long
Until these dominoes fall
So shall their "castle of cards"
Grave yards full
Of those they have chosen as "their fallen"
Returning "targeted Carma"
Eating their faked and "Plastic" altered flesh
To their barren and true soul's bones.
Apr 2019 · 134
The Walk
In my absence.
What do those "socially preferred"
Return to conversation
After silence tells you
That your presence wasn't wanted.
You write and you wait.
Letters written in the cold of nights
Reaching out to those in which you seek
Honest warmth and companionship from.
No answer. No return.
Nightmares relived
As one fails to "not trip over himself"
as he examines his outer and inner layers
Like a doctor trying to cure a disease
He tries to determine the actions needed
To make himself wanted and himself wishing to please
Those effects of disease
That are your defects
That chase away those you try and share a life with
You need not be avoided like the "plague"
As hope's walk
Is trying to mend it's worn out legs.
Apr 2019 · 96
The harder I try
The harder I have fallen.
Trying to shine my "talented life"
Upon a world that knows no devotion. I cry.
Tears fall upon my chest.
As I try and fight off the "burdens" of insanity.
I try and reach out.
My face gets a slap
as if my heart were some ugly "profanity."
Where does one go when nobody answers?
You knock at their doors.
After a while
You walk away
As no voice returns
But echoes
Of your cries
As you walk down life's empty streets
More and more.
Apr 2019 · 153
Dying inside, alone.
Unable to sleep.
As questions of "why?"
Eat my Soul's flesh to it's bones.
Older and more uglier.
Where have I gone?
In life?
Spinning my wheels, drowning.
In quicksands as I stare at the blade of a knife.
I fight my impulses to end the struggling of the soul's pain.
It seems as if I only get to talk at myself.
Nobody has stayed around me
Enough during these days
I have been fed up.
Enough to bleed.
My heart lies sick of being dusty on the shelf.
Always putting myself and my light on the "back burner"
in order to warm up some one else's left overs.
This ghost of the soul shall be all that will be left
After being this "invisible ghost"
Unsought after or summoned
I freeze to the cold of more time
In this "prison"
Locked up. Never to fore fill my potential.
Or to finish this "Bucket List."
The end of this misery needs to end
Before the end of my living visions.
Apr 2019 · 253
Fear is a control
A weapon used by those who have no self esteem
Used by those with no self control
Are we on a roll?
Those who hate you wish to see you fall
From Jealousy and Defending your level
They wish to see you in a grave
Dirt covering your body up with a shovel
Do not let fear consume your mind
Filling your thought spaces up with the Toxic
Elements of their "poisoned" recipe
That feeds the hunger of the dark kinds
Of people who do not understand your beauty
They hate to see you shine bright
Smile in their faces and use your deeper strength
Shining your heart
From an even brighter light
Apr 2019 · 168
The Struggle of The View
What is wrong with me?
A Frankenstein’s Monster
Feared more than understood?
Lighting up the flames to scold him from being in society’s presence
They fear the person who could have been a better alli and friend.
You return to your gloomy castle
Anger becomes an issue due to becoming
Sick and tired
You begin to fall apart
Back to the pieces from which the Good doctor stitched together.
Only your mind stays whole
As your body tires from the struggle
Of straining to perfect the vision in the mirror.
Apr 2019 · 333
Death seems more inviting
when lonely hours eat your soul like acid.
The heart pounds from the destructive force of stress of being pushed to quiet hours. You obey their rules. Just to be ignored and left to, slowly age, until death. Alone.
      You fight the feelings. You box the bags of self-destruction’s brutal control until your will is too weak to look towards any light.
    What is the role for someone in life? This mouse has run through their mazes to get his cheese.
     Just to find, at the completion of their sick direction, there was no cheese to be eaten.
Your heart starts to starve. Your heart is anorexic and weak.
Help is a word, from them. Never an action.
Being strange
You are unwelcome. The distant stranger.
Nights are empty, heavy, and sleep becomes a dreadful process.
Dreaming of things that are better than the waking hours
One starts to wonder. “is permanent slumber the sweet reward to a caged awakened hour?”
You try and you long for the reward
Of tools to complete your legacy
Your “light behind your name.”
Just as these tools are in your grasp… they are pulled out of reach by the corrupt and the greedy.
In quicksand.
It always happens that other persons only pull you half way out from pity.
Then the feeling of boredom passes into them over not understanding the thrill of your presence
They  release the vine which could have kept you from sinking in and drowning
They then walk away.
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