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May 2017 · 602
Jesica May 2017
To the ones who are imperfect,

If anyone perfect is reading this please stop reading and go back to your amazing life. Yup life has to be amazing if you are perfect. Well if it's not that amazing read on maybe you can relate to some of it.
Nobody is perfect. Everyone has his or her own imperfections. But is life just meant to be spent on trying to be what you are not?
Good grades, dream college, well paid job, excellent personality with a good social circle and of course a beautiful and loving wife. PERFECT?
Basically someone who has excelled in all possible fields of his concern. This type of a guy would be perfect right? This is the perfection that everyone tries to achieve. Oh wait! I should say the society tries to make us achieve.
But what if someone was to step outside the circle? What if someone doesn't try to achieve this ideology of perfection?

A person with low grades or someone who isn't in a good college or doing a job he loves but pays less is called incapable or incompetent. Why? Because he didn't achieve that mark of excellence or because he didn't try to achieve it.
That's it, everyone around you starts to advice you, criticise you and breaks you to a point you can't handle anymore.
They blame you for not being perfect.
And to top it all you feel helpless and trapped.

It's impossible for people to not judge you but it is up to you to be affected by their judgement.

Your imperfections make you unique. You may have bad grades or end up in a low paid job but there is something in you that makes you special. But you know what those who criticise you just can't see it.
Make sure that you perfect that unique thing about you. Cherish it and make sure that someday the people who criticised you can only see that perfection. Maybe you yet haven't found your speciality but the day you will maybe even 10 years later will be when you will realise that YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE.

P.s: There may be many out there who feel they are emotionally and mentally strong but still may fall prey to those who criticise you. To all of them, what you think about yourself matters ​the most, be yourself and shine so that world is forced to look at you!
This may not be a poem but I just felt that I should share it. If you have the time and patience please read through.
Jul 2016 · 1.8k
Jesica Jul 2016
He was charismatic,
She was demure.
Together they were
A fascinating couple.
They overcame difficulties,
Which the labyrinth of life
Had bought along.
The aged called them,
"A pair made in heaven."
May 2016 · 524
Jesica May 2016
And then there are some,
You don't know them.
But they lend a helping hand,
Recognised by their face,
They are there when in need.
They change your frowns into smiles,
Which even the ones you love,
Fail to do.
Mar 2016 · 507
Jesica Mar 2016
She resembles a Mosaic,
The pieces define her.
Collected from different walks,
Each shaped her,
For the better or worse.
The experience and knowledge
Make her what she is today.
A true piece of art!
Mar 2016 · 3.3k
Jesica Mar 2016
No weapon found,
Not an evidence around,
It is a ****** surely,
Done out of unknown fury.
The case becomes history,
But still remains a mystery.
The statue of limitations is in a few days,
And thus it will become a cold case.
Mar 2016 · 669
Jesica Mar 2016
In the Mayor's mansion,
A candle light dinner,
With spoons of silver,
Enjoying a joyful Christmas night,

Away in a thatched roof hut,
The baby's eyes brim with tears,
Reflected by a single candle's light.
Cries of hunger resonating of the walls.
#throwback #lastyear #christmas poems
Feb 2016 · 2.1k
Jesica Feb 2016
She echoes God's love,
Her blue orbs and golden hair,
Snatches away his breath.
But he could only admire,
As she was an angel,
And he a human.
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
Jesica Feb 2016
Fervently she hoped for the best,
Her confused mind,
Becoming even more so.
Life turns tough,
As a new day brings a new obstacle.
But she will live,
She has to.
A day will come when she is strong,
Strong enough to face the ever changing world.
Feb 2016 · 826
Jesica Feb 2016
We grew up
Amongst lovely people
Having great friends
Playing amazing games.
But slowly reality caught up with us,
Friends turned traitors,
People around us were selfish,
Games were played with our lives.
The virtual world faded
And its actual face was revealed.
We struggled to live on
And that's how we grew apart.
Feb 2016 · 480
Jesica Feb 2016
And here I was thinking my life got better, when it took a sharp turn for the worse.
I live in a world where people care about themselves and show others that they care for them. I live in a world were humanity is not even a word for many let alone practicing it. Here injustice flourishes and justice is looked down upon. Every cry for help goes unnoticed. Thousands don't have a family and here I have friends who sneak out of the house with their boyfriends. It leads me to think if I can go on living this life, should  I end it? Or should I change myself to suit this world.
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Jesica Jan 2016
Cute innocent eyes look up,
She hugs him to her chest.
And swears to protect him.
The night scares her,
But the baby's noises
Keeps her on the move.
The sun comes up.
But she knows they are far from safe.
Danger looms around them and she has to get away.
Jan 2016 · 6.3k
Jesica Jan 2016
And she did it again!
The medal glowed around her neck,
Her face was lit up like
A hundred candles burning together.

In the corner of the same room.
He smiled,
His sacrifice had been fruitful.
The girl had lived to become a doctor.

Her mind was filled with gratitude,
For the unknown who had saved her life,

He leaves the room,
Hoping that the truth will never be unveiled.
And thus his sacrifice will be hidden from the world.
Jan 2016 · 487
Jesica Jan 2016
I recognize him from far,
His demeanor pulls me back to him,
He is gazing at the flowers.
He looks up,
But, then looks away,
Broken, my voice tries to stop him,
He walks away,
Taking my heart along,
But leaving me in shambles.
Dec 2015 · 454
Jesica Dec 2015
He is confused,
His mind stops him,
But conscience gets better of him,
He follows the trail of white,
They disappear into the wild,
Something tells him to turn back,
But he goes on.
Inhuman sounds and thunder warn him,
Trips, hurts his knee.
But still he goes on.
Shadows loom and trees sway.
His heart thuds against his chest.
Suddenly he wakes with a wet brow.
When nightmares haunt your dreams, when you are woken up every night filled with fear....only a few will understand the pain and suffering.
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Jesica Nov 2015
The little white beauty,
The world she wanted to see.
Inspired by her deceased father,
She wanted to become a doctor.
But alas, the society
Shattered all her aspirations.
All her dreams caged,
Till she was aged.
Her heart suppressed
Her life lost all zest.
The little bird (the girl) wants to spread her wings and fly but the world around her restrains her from doing so.
Nov 2015 · 860
Jesica Nov 2015
The day I lost him,
drop by drop,
My heart aching,
my brain conflicted
and body helpless.
I watched as he looked at me.
A smile escaped his lips,
and he left me a dying message
"My love, live for yourself, don't try to satisfy this greedy world."
With that his eyes closed.
Each day I replay those moments,
wishing I could save him,
only if I could rewind time.
Nov 2015 · 760
Jesica Nov 2015
A pool of mysteries,
centered by abyss of doubt.
Beautiful red lines criss cross,
the white brings out the beauty in them.

Her black orbs beautify her the most.
Nov 2015 · 846
Jesica Nov 2015
I wonder how can he be so perfect.
Each shot a basket,
Every poem is heart touching,
Chords played perfectly,
Lively and amazing dance steps,
An 'A' grade always,
A perfectly curved smile,
And adorable dimples.
Still others say he is ordinary.
Don't they see all this?
Is it only me?
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Jesica Nov 2015
Our paths cross every day,
I fall for him day by day,
I love his poems n his prose,
Though he doesn't give me a rose.
I am afraid to confess,
Fearing he may never talk to me again.
Even talking casually is amazing,
so I don't want this to end.
It'll be unrequited love after all.
Nov 2015 · 2.9k
Earth's reaction
Jesica Nov 2015
Our earth is turning from green to gray,
Just because it can't say,
"Stop vulgarly harming me
Or you will soon see
Barren wastelands and dried seas."
Nature's beauty is fast eroding,
'Cause we are still enjoying.
Wise humans, don't you see,
We'll soon be left without a tree.
Be a little eco-friendly,
And treat nature more gently.
Plant a tree every month and soon you will be falling in love with nature. Global warming levels are skyrocketing and we are the only ones who will be able to save the little of what is left.
Nov 2015 · 1.9k
Jesica Nov 2015
An angel,
Spoke the sweetest words.
Only later did I realize,
She was satan in disguise.
A close friend,
I called her.
When we move in life we usually encounter a lot of people. Making the wrong friends can turn your entire life upside down.

— The End —