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13.5k · Nov 2014
Light august 21
Color yourself indigo
Go on i dare you too
Sad but laughing buckets
Cleaning the floor with light

Oxy clean you are something
Modern poetic verbal stumbling
Left only to throw ***** shirts
Into the closet - hurt my feelings

See right through you
4.5k · Feb 2014
Ganesh , please
Hear my chants , feel their sincerity
Remove these negative things keeping me
A part of my mistakes and short comings
Can you reverse this downward karma for me
Otherwise let them punish i for my worth
Or lack there of, i know i deserve happiness
When i only want to see it on everyones face
Krishna dancing till i can see the light again
Remove all of the want and wonton desire
Replace it with love let me breathe in peace
And be one with the wind again
2.6k · Apr 2014
Debunked Drunk by a campfire
To physiciologicaly love some one
Do you have to talk yourself in to it?
Can you one time open your eyes
From a blink
And realize i dont love this person
I need this person to feel how i want to feel
How i think i should feel
To live directly from the heart
No thought more powerful
Than the systematic thought
Comprised as a future setting
The mind in the motion of
Calamitous decent
Into the distant abyss
A following into sympathy
A brightened bliss
Of a systematic reprograming
Of why do i always think of you
When a star burns out
And a fire does settle
A distinct remeberence of
This burning in my body
When i let my mind
Drift away from. You
Is not anything but the universe
Humming the wind through my ears
The way things should be
Hearing how under the love you give me
Without even knowing it
I am complete
Even when im. Alone
Snd youre alive
Even alone
With the figment of imagination
Of other people
Being able to handle you
Why wont any other mind perceive
The distinction between
Me chemically loving you
The way you insist your ways
And dont see my own
Because youre so worried about your body
And i frown but inside smile
Because i am the same way
And. You are far too scared to admit it
I am what you wished for
Because youre body was
Either wishing your mind wasnt
And you always decided

But wait. A minute
I wander into the desert
And all i can think about it my band
Hidden some how from the stars
Not there viability
But their influence
Since their pull has way more vibe
Than we would ever think
and so would other people to you
The way i lose pull of the world
And you notice
But only like it for a second
Untill you grasp back
At the blanket you call time
And the way i make it skip for you
Would you even hear all of this
Read into it in your own respect
Because. I love you and i wish you were but only because spirtually i wanted to fill the pop boop bebop
Biochemical rap once
With the fact that you are the best thing that could happen to me
I have no idea why
But you are all i want baby
This is from the heart
But logically i can not depart
With the fear
That you will never love me
The same way

The wind dies down untill i mention
That it is all we have in common

But the embers
Oh the embers
Hey i love you
2.6k · Nov 2013
the vagrant, a pretense
letting light in tiniest cracks
on the pavement, again
wherever did i pass out
seizing the Ssseferoth sufferer syndrome
sinking in this suffragette
i am almost a cough away from zeitgeist

the world complained
the gods , sure they listened
but only with a nuisances negation  
does the noose hang higher
nonsense st of patient anger

plagiarize my past lives
seal my fate with cement
pavement, how do i feel you
when my ashes scatter

how do i fill you with children,
cracks seeping sin and sensation
eradicated slowly by noiseless geraniums
wheres the
2.4k · Jan 2014
Beyond my better half
I am greatful that
I do not know
That would
be such a burden
To be different
2.3k · Jun 2014
Great date in the goat trees
Laughter / inception
An Amazing twist

heads over heels
having climbed
Only slightly

More dangerous trees
:) :)
2.2k · Jan 2014
Oona Oneil
six chapters of Catcher in the Rye
keeping my hero alive, Normandy
how he must of felt, the headlines
breaking his heart, America is full of heart break
and all for the fickle romance and seductive nature
of war time Hollywood. What a *****!
fill that selfish empty hand, when the world twinkled for you
and you were only in love with yourself in the mirror

he may be passed away, and far over the disappointment
the anger turmoil now understood of my favorite novel
written on tour during the second world war and for what
hundreds of thousands of copies of paper sold each year
and all he wanted was that one ear to kiss, he confessed Holden to.

I hope your life was as inspirational as it started , you hermit, you legend.

but ******* *****, Charlie Chap Coke **** *******.
2.2k · Nov 2013
Seventh Degree Burns.
dont be so certain with me
you are always free to change
today a thirty year old said 20 till now
was too short
where did it all go i asked
the good times never seem to last
she said stretching the truth, my age, and my suit
i laughed and we had nothing more to talk about
she was stuck
not her life, no it was she
blocked behind the past that was playing before her mind

i wished i could be there
kiss her for the first time
when it wouldn't have been a matter of age
thanked her for the first random act of kindness she embarked on
held her during her first harsh break up
i couldn't
so i walked away
saying a common courtesy over my shoulder

its always the summer
where i chose to spend my time

its always the summer
in the darkest ***** of the winter

ads flood in like balloons
release with fireworks above
my chinese isn't that good
i just need to eat
wheres your nearest hostel
preferably one next to a mcdonalds
no excuse for comfort food?
right this way!, my profit

synchronized ceilings
thought it was my mothers
no mine
my room
my memories
touching you
its not as warm
as the Dead give away
im fading
dancing above this bed
collection of the

i drew you once
blood we used to be friends
what happened
blood you were almost inside of me
what happened
blood music drifting in the windows
what windows
this room is windowless
when in doubt

comfort in voices hidden in my mind
i used to love you
ya you knew that
before you died
what happened
blood didn't need to be so cold

ill ******* **** you
happenstance you cunning fool
happenstance, is my worst enemy folks
are you ready for the execution?

awake again. i can't remember
did i sleep
is this real
is there a light on
is that a tv

heart rate

here the sound of music drifting down the halls
the sound of prozac aloe vera the sound of smell
drifting all the same

man next to me can't tell his laughs from fears
tears separate the faint from the lack of faith
in front of his family of three  , jump in front of a moving train

no one is going down here no one is going up
this is the sound of everything you never wanted to hear
waiting for the day they let you feel

soul gaze and scream more
sending faint taps of morse code
my neighbors one of the wonders of the world

plumper , and no one cares
quieter , and no one can tell
no one care , no one can tell

one of my favorite numbers
for who, i can't tell
but it means something
for when will they agree?

man fighting in the form of words
how stupid is he, to fight with spells
witchcraft the checkmate, one step bellow divinity?
without the divine, sorcery snaps the spine

here i am, with my horns showing again
they step around me on the streets,
when they used to rub against me
did they rub off?
my uncle used to file them down to less than stubs
400 bucks
no one will tell

here i am , yelling at you again
you said i was going to burn
thats a compliment
Dantes first levels freeze the weak


eagerly meak
give me a more simple smile please
let me know youre human

equally bleak
your words scattered across this page
lets get you out of your clothes

gravity takes over
you are with child i heard
does that mean we dont need timing
my stomach no longer turns
thinking of the pulling burn
pulling and pulling till it hurt

sometimes i want him back
we gave away such a fighter
how many times did we drink him away?
how many eyelids did we keep awake

i swear the whole apartment knew of our lust.


crying me a river

no thanks
or apologies


the bathrooms here smell like a hotel
did we mistake them for cleanliness?
latino hands and the beds tight as guillotines

side tracked minute of phone called wasted
are they still listening
sorry for the last time
what was it that i called you?
oh yeah-- the past

morose only word i know
for this - this woah that is - is me

stumble while kissing you
like i do when i lie the lie
that is
i love you

remember that night before our lips met?
sorry i mean the one in the cemetery
the night you lost your strength
was that all an act? you know
the self esteem?
no , not the way i kissed you
that was real
i mean the way that you really feel
about yourself , on this serpents wheel

send me away
send me away


they say my phone privileges are switched with an extra shrink

eat me
drink me


the last telegraph was explanation enough
I'm writing you again
sorry i haven't learned french

i dont know any of these instruments playing anymore
but i think they kinda sound like you
thanks so much for listening along
to the symphonies i make in my head

what would we do with each other he asked me

i answered by cutting him out of  my life


6 years later

--- the liar


i decided to stop telling the truth
and it worked
they let me out and off the meds
the good times never seem to last

they let me step off of the stage
easier than it was to get played
i tried the capsule and i tried the tablet
but i found the best thing was lighting money up
in smoke
the rain keeps reminding me of the times you would come
in the rain, i would feel closer to you again
when in the rain, i remember your funeral
and before that when i told you off
i never think of the space in-between
of when you could of thought of me

did you, dont answer
dont do anything but hug me
For Nathan Flint, Our Red Robin, and the for the most manic of the mankind.
1.9k · Feb 2014
Lifes too short
Perspectives changing mind states
High grades turning doors of sight
Using the daily dose breathing deep
Killing yourself by staying up too late
Its fine you lost track , everyone does
Just remember where communication is at
Does lay in the head , when flame is this best
Way to deal with the dead, rather than the grave
Ashes blowing whist fully to the heavenly gates.
Dont ever let me keep you up late.
Im sorry you had to walk all the way up
now and then, i wonder:
whats the world gonna be like when*
your heart stops pumping with compassion
and reality has lost sight of you
i don't really know but
i think that  
I'll never synchronize
to anything that brings me to my last day
when will i have i to lose?

       *cold creamer in

my coffee.
     the steam, slowly deteriates &
   before my eyes.
prior to its disappearance
    i got a quick and
shallow glance
at the scrauol as it is lifted
into the air
sublime was the way then
in the murky November vapor
I love what i have
and all i have is giving me
hindsight? zero to 100 percent . epiphany.
some call it sin of gluttony
im loving how much i am feeling it
nasty cold december is tempting me
and I'm needing a bit more rest
than the amount you have given me
but i didn't even think about leaving
* i am loving my stay*
not the intellectual property of i but instead cherubs drifting in the past
1.8k · Nov 2013
im a let that bass set
back to the view you
been checking me at
you be asking me questions like
do you not love yourself?
***** better check yourself
i would have taken my strap
to the back of my right cheek fat
sprayed my old gang with shrap
the blood and my skull by the scrap
so please bare with me
child will you ever see
we on the attack
this country that we born in,
is the enemy to the ones that we once had
turning itself into the biggest group of bang
so now that you are stuck in this whirlwind insane
ready to die, bonnie and clyde , two thousand and nine
when you gonna see that this dynamic duo
dont make the world turn with our voodoo
they dont know whats going on here
they too busy across seas in the world
so what we doing 85 when we ride
they just wiped out a whole **** tribe
two bullets holes instead of  their eyes
world dont even take this country seriously
they have us on every angle no peers
just the enemies, spitting prophecies
made in their fears
that we gonna collapse
everyone put money in us by the wraps

too many kids going to bed starved
when other fat *** mother *******
grow too many vegetables in their yard
turn nutrition into trash, so what if they compact
all you old *** troops, still living in the war that we had
were  a whole planet of warriors, let alone were the home
to the worst and the best of the wickedly out of the world
celebrate your serial killers, and dead rulers, not even with curls

so even tho it took Jimmy Henchman seven days
the reaper follows me in ever track that i lead
believe that I never write the realest **** i ever spoke
knowing the secrets of the underworld let me bleed
shouldn't have ever seaked out the truth they wrote
setting all the serpents septers after me, black cats
shotty caps, bullet scraps, hub cabs, and shorty tats
Grim Reaper oxyacetylenes in my dreams chrome gleams
Protected by the Prince of Air, setting things right first in my dreams
1.8k · Sep 2013
Crammed in a claustrophob
why do my pet peeves follow me
in every pair of eyes
even the ones with three

patience aint going to call on me
its dead, at least its phone line is.....

no answer..
suicide, diabetic shock
over my brain like the 4 am train
that blows its horn a mile before
bccause its ****** at your neighbor
1.8k · May 2014
Under angels wings
wind doesnt move me like it used to flickering candle bought for hope, who
Is remedy of sugargoods and drinking? --being alone when you get home.
I miss the feeling of comfort fooling me
As if this dream would last all daylong
Regurgitating validation like song
As if i actually believed in us.
While you are too busy
Romanticizing worth.  

Life- i am in love with you
But i hear you are insane
So I sleep in
New color to paint the world. Never turn your back on me never turn your back on me again _ matthew good
1.7k · Apr 2014
Death lullabies
One magpie on my balcony
makes me finally begin to feel
I am in the need of company from
Either the only thing that is real
Benign life being alone aloof or
To morn a dark separate from night in my sleep it took away from my eyes
All of my best years with a symphony
Of skeletal men set on high
Stabbing and singing me
These death lullabies
Howling my bones away
Hollow as child's play
One magpie Singing me to sleep

And the songbird gives me hope
When sleep offers no home
Waking up hours before the end of the day
its so what if i hate you
i still want you to take care
out of all fake love brought us
i just miss the way you stare
at me like you think ill stare back
now its impossible for you to do that
its hardest when i breathe out
all of the air from my lungs
while clinging to the bottom
of this lake trying hard to die from
either this pressure or whatever
this death brings first to measure
how much water i can keep in my lungs
its brought me nothing now
holding onto love like life
its so simple living now
life like the steady breeze
i am coming out of the water
a new man for living now
they said i can choose
anywhere i want to haunt
but i chose the same spot
where i used to kiss you
when i would walk you home
now every visitor that we get
gets this strange feeling
that i never had. of not being alone.

babe i didnt dance for reckoning.
i chanted for it and with my brethren
at the time: hand in hand on the hill

tasting carnal lust for the first night
we kissed to romance andto redwine
smoking out of the finest  rosemary and most potent tyne
i wish i could dream of my new love
because i found a brand new rose
and i got her good like the gods
they thought i deserve it i would
**** it up on the first time it came
to town because my baby well
she dont want me right now.
i just dream of you or less scary things maybe a funeral for two.
she says i scare her well just as well
i only have seven years
to live and die on this planet of hell

4 when i go to heaven. 777
i aint taking any angels with me
and its just as well   666

but imagine one could save me
an unstoppable redemption
i appreciate beauty in grandeur
divinity but yet i am banned in heaven - life is subliminal
i could be a blade for these seven
years maybe even for the Lord himself
would sin be outweighed by all of that death  
and that when i sit in purgatory
waiting to meet my makers
i got the chance to fill out an application
just like for one of my regular day jobs
it said apply to do it all over again
there would be only happiness
guilt free or worries negativities
and sorries. well BabyGirl i wouldnt
i would only start anew
and be different than you saw me
depending on how i saw you
from your video tape
depending on the look on your face
the nights i held you in our firey embrace
and determine if that was just
1.6k · Jan 2014
Sexism naked under a pink silk
Is the same as opinions on a blue flannel
Her body must be of royalty
Simply for she discards it that way
Kingdom of fairy tale glamour
Hidden behind dread locks and her
It happens that no one is really worthy
Of your friendship, or god forbid
The mortal things , immoral, selfish selflessness
Maybe you would be more special if you
Werent so cold and selfish
And maybe equality will stem forth as the past
In the future and the term feminism
Which comes from 1895
Will be washed away when you realize
Every man hates his own father
1.6k · Jan 2014
Unforgivable In 51 States
I guess you really can not forgive me
in this beautiful country of yours
for I hold you so dearly, under those
Canadian stars, sure we may dream
miraculous things, but weight on
these feathers and waning wings
serpentine jealousy, babe, not envy
please, leave, me, be, innocent, of
steam, send onto me Jesus Christ
Girl, i need someone to clarify biblically
did the catholic we knifed, deserve
to call me a worthless being, or will i find him
in prison like everyone finds him I'm just
happy its 20 14, when Tupac  is to be reborn
Judge his reasonings were, my Mother didn't raise me
Catholic, her mother did want her Mothers
Mother , to have not wanted to raise her
Daughter, catholic, in the snow, with a tune
for you, waiting at the St, Stephen Torro Cemetery
Holden , your best friends broken rosary/broken nose
Pope Francis, we came to opposite levels of holy,
Heaven or Hell only knows, over standing does not exist
Mathew 6 Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
We didn't love each other, we were just giving to the needy, your eyes tell me something other
than your words do , and hey so does your tongue, when will i find that kiss again no I'm done, that same sent of sorrow , as me we shared the same face and car , for however long  you want to call it babe, ill never be yours ever if you wanted i don't know but that doesn't make any sense, to me or to anyone one else, the ones who saw the beautiful moment, between us, wether or not we were drunk, or alone, they still knew, before and after the punch line, and i know youre the only one still  laughing

oh do do do , what a fool are you, to love a fool like me like you do too, if only she knew, that i can't
love you like i do love her oh do do do what a fool are you to love the ******* fool that i have turned into, after i stopped loving you, so long ago, when you could have known, before her, how to own a car, with someone like me who's addicted to going far but in a loop
before we ever knew, the feeling of
1.5k · Feb 2014
Deserve this?
I keep leaving her
For the stupidest reasons
Were both afraid
Im afraid of being used
Shes afraid of the same thing
Yet she lies to me, to keep me
And I tell her the truth,
Even when  its hurts.
Even if it feels amazing
Even if its even
And she keeps coming back
I keep leaving her
For the most selfless reasons
She doesn't deserve this
And I love the truth.
But I dont love her
Like that
Im sorry that I ditched you on valentines day, but I'm not sorry.
1.5k · Dec 2013
Privately sinning in public
Remember when you were a kid, Tiger?
days when I bit tighter, yet a lot lighter
jammed to the angels, on all nighters
yet we would never see anything ? then

Be on all four corners at once she said
hanging up on me -turning onto sixth
as if my head didn't know which way
was up , in the first place, call from an

unknown number asking for Marcus
Peoterroro ,yelling I say you ***** *****
calling me every **** night, right at the
click dial tone I'm still screaming more

shake down silhouette in a silkink stop
the car barely missing the sellout love of
my night life, like you barely missing  me
"i didn't even have to circle the block babe"
"i didn't even put on my better nightshade"

perfect plethora of a serpentine in her ******
hell to hand baskets in a switchblade seance
speaking directly to the man who killed my
fiance, and then dropped the dagger on my

doormat     cheer up you ******* doormat
i feel as if she slapped me, mourning nothing
but the format of the masterpiece, ****** her
in the back, at least, felt no hair nor thigh

nor  sympathy or wasted time, nor gluttony
raging sun of the twin, and moon of the son
of killing me slowly like nails on chalkboard
it running down our spine sinning jealously

doomed to be a rot, mother ******* sell out piece
while they sell their selves for ***, i do it for press
release me in my sad abortion of what i can't believe
counting down the days until my day job comes and
rescues me from  my celibate leave    , maybe
1.5k · Jan 2014
Motto: No Bullshit
And yet it was better than ever.
well, so there is the mystery solved
the case of : who would be there to be there
and                                  yet
I had dejavu, of joking with you about
making pizza, while we were making love
simply the truth tho, make me more than happy
end this skin and bone, lets both get some meat
and ask up front, end it at the right time
real to the tenants , unluckily bellow us
uncertainty, this  trust on a whim
no matter how far you live
trust on the fact of this
at first sight

ahhh New York
1.5k · Jan 2014
Remember me?
Dance on fickle heart strings
be ambiance on the dark streets, follow me home
  after every show, a ladder already built from the roots
    have we hacked off enough vines and dirt, to finally do this?
     either way here we are and for once i am truly happy to be here
       i wanna live, i wanna give, I've been a minor with you , now were
twenty and not searching , and now i just want money to buy you paint
Trip on hidden floor essence
  burn holes with close eye lid joints
   run from the cold in north new england
    Late night trips in our band rooms shadows
     of the light of candles and the city, single window
       rock me darling, been a miner for a heart of gold.
1.4k · Mar 2013
I lie to you all the time.
this is the golden tangent
slipping in the sinister land of
everything you ever landed
on the wings of our entire planet

left behind with every man who commands it
to live and breathe because of zed dog
look into the symbolistic meaning of z being the  breathing
i live to end the simple dancing  
necromancy of what is a tangent
before necromance this,  ungrateful
and dried out planet
and all that you gave it
has nothing lost in the pavement
i have nothing ever long in things
that is what i am in this whorld
not just to me
not just to you
i have everything that is left to have

this piece of sky
folding inwards
eat my favorite eye
in between yours

i am driving into the clouds running away from me
chasing always leading to the sunsets i remember
being there in the patient virtue of your hating
and what it have me the right to see hindsight in
I'm not a patient to this believing of all that is saving

I'm not a  blatant worry to society
all those things are hidden here
in this hideaway drawer that you left open
bang your knee and remember the contents, and how they are broken.

leave this world like a patient embalming emblem
letting you patiently open the whorl pool of patient
what is the payment and grace of the spoken
for the hindsight of all those things that are left broken

so this is the river flooding over the burning bridge
this is the island , that is underwater,  thanking the ice caps for growing
this is the row boat is which you gave birth to a baby, that  someone is borrowing
this is the patience of all those that are  waiting for you to get better
this is the road home

lets try this pipe and hope it goes to your favorite level
let the mushrooms that grant you breathe of fire, become flowers that are shinning even in the daytime.
1.4k · Apr 2014
Black moon
Bodies abolished
Floating souls
Space wind
Spirit bones
Waiting hidden
Beyond blackness
Wherein darkhails
Find Yourself
pretend not to notice
load sidewards glances
like bullets
the way the metal itches my skin
makes me feel like tin foil

alright, is that right?
this numbness makes it hard
to tell , the least
well alright
is that fine?
why do i ask?
queen of s and m
why do i ask if youre fine?
you were fine when we lived off mud
felt like we were the nineties.

quit your revenge plans babe,
your friends tell me about them
I'm always one step ahead.  

I'm so sorry i couldn't beat you up
hard enough to stay my queen
serenity, i miss the way
you would love to hear of your death

why? my death wish
is to be your lover for life.
why? is it the pain i can see in your piercings
skin deep, and conversation pieces

you once asked me why i never ended it
knowing that you'll float away to other *******
show them the tattoo of my skull, on  your back
drink and inject whatever you want for months
but come back to me as scared as ever
it makes me feel like  your king.
the reddest red  cloth
1.3k · Dec 2013
and here we go again something completely new
dont interest me i want to copy my old wings
self never recognized the different reasoning
so take my paragraph like you take war police
banging down your door at the alarm of a total
Nobody. gonna shut down this claim that is truly
interesting. but only because the gods got torment
in their left hand and its aimed at the war police
bang bang ******* do or die trying
dont release me till ive gotten noticably interesting
just kidding want that zombie glare of your adderol adding up for one romantic flunk
of an i love you too soon on the release a loaded
handgun adding up for the hanged cliff of a
no i didnt notice that you even had one
**** darling youre a little too marooned for good
i may be an island but ive got too little much time
for a skip and walk away from a main land
so if one siren does end up staying on the rocks
long enough to scare me into so/so sobriety
ill always have a place to be when i get abandoned
but its just another excuse for me to stay dry away warm till rescue in this imaginary existence
cruise line lexus like admiral for excusing favors
aint asking for the roseary im asking for the papers
legally im entitled to two doses of riddlin *******
dont believe me ******* here this is my perscrption
my dad prints them tenfoldin his crowded sub basement but i really need them to keep a day job
ancient time frame of a snitch who didnt know it
root cellar lack of oxygen braincells didnt grow in
see there lets blame it on the unintelligence then
connect that to the fact that hes  a convicted felon
ohhh touche and a top hat to you stay straight
snitches only seperate themselves from shittalkers
when they dont know a god walking among them
other wise they can stay down talk **** for days
bang bang another door down from the war police
you didnt know your neighbors were the sameside
as you how do you expect the numbers to blind the truth.  ba ba ba ba ba duh ba ba ba ba duh
take our troops out to dinner
1.3k · Dec 2013
Fuck Holden Caulfield
she asked if i knew what i wanted when i was 18
of course i ******* knew what i wanted back then
that is when i first fell in love with a soul sucker
and my life whent completely off course.  what i wanted
****** me over, and now i don't know if i should give in
since then i sold my soul to the devil, just to give in
to get what ever i want, and still i don't really *******
think i need what i really ******* think i want
**** what i want. i want what i need

i need the old ****, the **** that got me so high
that i didn't need to sleep for days, or i could sleep
and it wouldn't matter because you were watching
and i could ******* sleep as deep as i wanted to
and know that when i come up for air, you would be there
waiting to know that i fell asleep and made it alright
and that high became life, i stayed high off you so much
so that it doesn't really scare me that i talk to you at night
in my writing, or when I'm singing, or when i do *******
anything you stupid *****, what the **** did you slip in my drink????
im poisoned after the fact and i can't get you out of my blood
the way i see it, is not the same way my therapist sees it
so i keep going to him, just kidding i never see him, he hates me
or maybe he doesn't, either way he never tells me how he feels,
he just asks me questions and lets me sit in my feelings for seconds
**** that i sit in them all day, i don't need to pay to find the pain
i just ******* really  need to stop sleeping or find a way to fall asleep
either of the two because i only live when I'm dreaming now,
its not the drugs, no i mean real ******* full blown dreams
like god ****** how it was back before we ******, and i told
your lover that i only enjoyed dreaming and not waking life
just because i could be with you, and yet he didn't take my warning
**** no! no one ever takes my warning, they are all too busy listening
to their own ******* ***** and hearts and blood pumping rust and
their own ******* thoughts and feelings, and it never ever occurs or
comes back to me in the end, always to them, so **** them, wait also
im gonna stop thinking about you in the end, because ******* too
youre not special enough to deserve two separate entities of people
waking up everyday thinking about how selfish, or pretty you are
or whatever else i do think about you, more like wonder because youre fake
imagination or maybe you are still alive and still exist and i didn't make you up
to hurt myself , maybe i only think about me now, i don't know yet
great . i just ******* think about how possessed i am that i have nothing
nice to say about you, good thing i say nothing at all to you, and i just spend
all this time, painting you into pictures, even tho I'm using my own blood
i say that now but until i
blow my brains out onto venetian blinds, just for the splatter effect
                       and because i hate them enough to waste my life on them
                                             whatever will i do , but waste my life on you
1.3k · May 2014
The way people walk at different speeds
Some walk at the same , sigh the same time
Upon closer inspection  the technicolor
Eating Parisian geese feather sized laughter
Choking on it, chortling the summer
Its almost as if the sun leaves saliva trails
Kisses on the necks of diverse colors,
Roofs of red cobble slate matching the heat
Waves of hot wind, charging the air
Breeze of changing, waiting, aching
Tourists ice cubes and favorite gelato
Forgetting stress , foot steps straining
Italy in the summer.
The amount in which deadly sins enter the blood stream. Waiting here as a glimpse of sunbeams dance over my bed and sigh the heaven sent.  Time. Whether or not there is a lot of it or I'm just fooling myself into it existing, it was there before. Hidden in a 12 by 24 box filled of hope and gone tomorrow's.  ******* in this fissure free of fiends and friends of the likes. Sorrow hidden in distant smiles.   Some tempest has taken me places, racked up miles on the car and replaced the tires.  And for what ? Everything. Love, adventure, camping smells , the sound of my tent unzipping to let the smoke out.  Wilderness - my favorite past time.  I feel I only stay in these boxes to rack up the gas money.  No wait.... That is all I do. With some food and money for the boxes themselves, and the water in between.  

Following the eventual departure from my box number one , to two and half , then  two out the door and down the stairs,slipping  on ice, balance, virtue, already is my day planned to feel something at the end of it.  There lies my sadness, in the expectation.  So sometimes when I wake up else where like box number Three , I do not expect anything. Usually run into somebody , or see them passing about their own life. And that is the beauty of the world to me.  Not expecting anything.  Hidden in your own thoughts of what everything is, before you go blind.  Morbid little ****.

"Except you dont love yourself" correction , why love anyone else? To tempt the hurting ? To feel the burns, things whispered in your ear, nails down your back.  No thank you.  Fade into the next days successfully, hating the anger , loving the silence. So why, girl who calls herself Mother Nature , did you impede in my technological romance , to get me unhooked from the faces stored in this memory book.  **** the collectors, and the blood suckers.  **** the night terrors of killing so many other evil men that you accidentally think I am holy   I am a tool of mans destruction
Doomed to never create beauty
Alive in a time of total war
I am living under eyes
The plot has thickened
I would rather wash the blood
Than let it stain me like this
What does it mean when I bleed
The same color that sprays
Hot metal twisting tearing flesh
Out of holes in my enemies?
They have me killing for progress
become holy.   **** the delusions.  *******.    

The mortal
Coil , veil
The only Release.
A key.

Clench myself awake
Decide if it was a dream

Decisions decisions decisions
My best friend reminded me
That every time I see her
I tell her how much I want to
Be in a band of trees. Screaming.
And last night was the first night
In which I could complain to her
About being where I want to be.

My friends
How they make me laugh
We drink
And never regret a thing
Oh the world
The ways it makes things seem
Sick of acting
But I'm not done with the big screen
Fill in the gaps
Sound of visual dramatic cadence
The way it will be
The many things I can reach
When all I want is one more chance
A corona, you forever , and a beach.

I try and muster thought
Its black and blue and it's where
The things that I forgot
And how to do them are
I stand here and there they are
Out of reach , but I still feel them.

"Tell me why? Tell me why is it hard to make arrangements
with yourself?" - Neil Young
1.2k · Oct 2014
Prose. And kons
Willow body when she sleeps
Eats and reads Dastardly Seeds
Branbury Bush billiards and beer
Office chairs with thinning venire
Vacancy sign flickering         Lost
Shadows passport pictures unknown
Untitled vagabond day dreams
A home away from a revolver weighing down your coat

Waiting dormant mr mud toad
Vacant house with eviction notice
Bradly bound up rail bonds/ gold fillings just before his wits got to him
1.2k · Jan 2014
Fixing Hidden time
Can't bring it up
Without ruining the night
Beyond this sign
That im going to take
As an omen because im that kind of guy

Bend with eyes
Be like the light baby
Youre just that type
Hand in mine
Whether you feel me or not
I am your phantom of light

Handle your wine
Dont let it change you
I guess I am done  changing my mind

Handle of wine
My tongue is guilty
But my hands are tied

Friend of mine
Thats all  that I can call you
When my tongue is tied

Beyond the better half
And we will play for the sunsets
Knowing The day will rise as fact

at dawn theres witchcraft to Plagerise
Whether you wish that still
Or not you wished way back Then that

I am your phantom,
Sent inside the serpent
Hammered and random

I am a child of light
Whether or not you remember
My tongue is guilty
And my hands are tied

Better half of tomorrow
Better be spent driving
My car wont know rest till
I sleep in these lands
Of brushes and bands of trees
I feel like the end of the light
Where the shadows bleed  

Hey friend of mine
My tongue is guilty
But my hands are tied

Hey Sister with the sermon
I would not let you forgive me
Because my tongue was tied

Hey friend of mine
My hands are guilty
And my tongue is fried

Hand in mine
I open eyes to all of this
Benign torment and porcelain
War trends
1.2k · Nov 2014
I lost my friend to morphine
He said normal things wernt working
What makes those other colors perfect
Work with me/dont try and force it
I am a brakeless vehicle slowing/

Open up the windows let the ocean in
Rain falls from such great heights
You fell from the bed , into the light
Do they even consider you still alive
The morhpine , is it working ?
1.1k · Sep 2014
Lonely guts in a graveyard
Will you think its weird that im in a graveyard
Find it strange i barely stayed for
School and missed opportunities
The worst thing is there's nothing
new to me
Third eye visible ghosts bugging
Now sleeping in my barely living room
Clocks slowly start to running
**** the things he thinks are funny
I should start hurling soon
Believe me i will bump into you  
In the company of tombs
Where a wren sat before flight
1.1k · Jan 2014
Be on the ambiance
Beyond the ambulance
Free on the other wind
Bleed out the open wound
Beast our burden open wine
Ticking clocks seizing
Second hand sinking
Serenade the sadness
1.1k · Sep 2013
protect you
its my job to protect you
its my job to let the rest fail.  
guardian angel of death, because youve set aside yours

near faith, still haven't sniffed it yet
cut it up with the goldest razor blade
the greed only gets to me on weekdays

hey kid walk straight
even when your mostly ribcage
i got caught up in the moment

just hoping that youre listening

hey kid walk straight
im just trimming your wings
to make you beautiful again
1.1k · Jan 2014
You feel better,
a bit better than the rest
how i missed you then,
and how bad i did felt.

the day you became a cavity
way deep in the back of my
lonely and deprived youth

i didn't know anything of what
smitten i felt was just taken away
forever, far away

except the sleep lost,
and the time travel wished for
or the releasing of my song bird
to flutter back or move closer.

you moved away,
did you know you would be
filling my cavities today?

were both a fifth of our way
through our perfect lives
and me? at least I'm not lonely

i don't even know what this is
how everyone before you felt
so cold, i just wish that i could be

closer than
and i know through time,
that will be attained
how fast we've become ,

closer than that
yet so long. a fifth of our lives already.
babe were at the half life of being in each other lives
how perfect you fit. how perfect you create.

closer than that is
to no destruction. kali sheeva not so present
my eyes and acid peripheries , not so dilated
you are skin particles away, me inside, not so lonely

our sun rises,
luckiest guy smiles, as the drums come in
and the camera pulls out of a window,
drawing fourth away past the clouds

the sun sets,
to come , as the sun diminishes into a star
far away where we are traveling stuck in space
drifting away, at least were not lonely

you feel better , than that is
even after you are gone to work
I'm still laying here, on earth
a foot above the ground
where we were meant to meet
janvier, la nova
ambulant, le entendu
1.0k · Feb 2014
Formal Gluttony
She said
I'll go with you
If you cant find a friend, it is
The way you are my world
Dont really mean a thing to you
We could dance around this plot line
Fend for our own ****** selves
Singing with the devil
Dancing for the wolves

I laughed
I'll go with you
Youre all I dont deserve
Wrapped up in an angels body
Just one with the aging world
Hating the love for me, charming
My Listening turns to apathy
Forceful smiles of hidden greed
Rich girl, poor world , force fed pearls.  

She said nothing
and walked away
And So do I
Into the world.  
A ghost of the past
A stranger to the girl.
Singing with the Devil
Dancing for the wolves
Go out into the world
A ghost of yourself
A stranger to the mirror.
1.0k · Dec 2013
There tHere
slowly getting naked week by week to the 80s
book of mormon distance of irony apart from you
french texts in between, growing with this something

but then there it  is yet again, that silence fuss and distance
yet we are on the west side, rocks and the ship wreck among them
sipping clementine breeze through iv simple, should be eating but I just am
used to have energy for two, strangled by the telephone chords all bogged down and
i don't know why i , feel so tongue tied , i don't know why i feel so hidden deep down inside
mon raisonnement pratique est que si vous restez plus de soixante neuf fois avec baise nous pouvons avoir des relations sexuelles et de ne pas être sui va si vite
1.0k · Dec 2013
dedicated to the Lexus's
its hard to root out all i did for you
what was done for me- what wasnt done
it doesnt really matter tho either way
i smile and act like it dont mean a thing
it means everything to me to act your fool

decisions decisions decisions
decided to stay in bed today
i still made money
and my feet still hurt

descriptions descriptions describe me
decided to stay in my same suit
i still woke  up decided
im driving
not for you
but to you
every step slowing me down
keys melt into the door
this is a dream
youre not really still alive  

deciding deciding descriptions
people mostly lovers want descriptions
of you and why i am so me now
i am not me because of you
you are not you because of me
they dont understand decisions
why would they understand my descriptions

describe her other than as my Queen
other than the twin to my flame
its impossible without sounding
descriptively despicable.  .
and so i let go
and continue telling people you passed away

"what happened to that girl you decided youve  been in love with since the eleventh grade"
"i found out she got back with her ***** with the Lexus and the description of that purple haze"
986 · Apr 2014
Dreams past tense
I went everywhere in my dream.
I went to the past and saw the future
Took pictures of my old house,
Realized how haunted the neighborhood that I grew up in was.
I took your best friend to my old back yard. Just to dance with her again
I confessed my undying love like it wasn't a problem. And when I turned
She was wind, and I had to cut the air with a blade just for Satans protection.
I ran back inside and packed my old books and kept deciding on which ones to leave behind.
The way the new owners rushed me out
Like time was a decision not worth noting
We drove to a new state, with new faces
And I used my phone to communicate
With my first unrequited love.
How i still want her , but no longer care for her. The way i used to want to hold her sensually ,when i was a ******
Now a primal urge to answer her proposition with the most careless of
I asked her if it was a dream and the way she said it "could be" made it feel more real.
And after one of the mamma cats died
Leaving all the babies for one tabby to feed
I realized that life is ...
And all i can do is love the runts
Untill they are burried , and then the love changes to a past tense
beyond the walls of dreams
986 · Dec 2013
the beast howls the serpents home
sends fire up the spine of anyone
dare enough to be brave and dare me
terror amplified by the terror it tried
to feed me,  a dish of my own tongue
proper etiquette my mouth is mutual

hand gun presently displayed at his funeral
open casket hide the wound he was shooting from
at open lung hide this toxicity toxicology talk
st peter knows opiates like i know opiates
Mieux nous mentir nus ensemble et rester au chaud, puis être vêtu dans la tombe et être froid mais toujours aimante, en enfer , dans sa chaleur et les flammes nues . vous êtes mon tout, vous êtes mes se dévisse, mon prophète de l'amour, c'est pas mal cupidon
978 · Sep 2013
Aligned withe dark
still with the enemy
blood pouring under me
sleeping on the bridge
while the river stains the sand

sinister digits marking the overpass
four more points than you ever made
while my body bathes in flame
youll stay happy, stay loved

wait are you happy, when youre so hated?
962 · Dec 2013
on peddled roses
your lame body stretched out
skinny elephant in a pink dress
trapping my legs under your head
i couldnt drive
i could not swim
i could not
be anything

her heart will circumsize
the **** of every man
who doesnt fit her preference
a rose deep inside no peddles

her nose upturns the hopes
her hips a barren dance club
cosmetic intellect unintelligent
strips the pleasure from the moans

this other one is different in the right ways
but her age disgusts me like i disgust the righteous
ca va
961 · Apr 2014
Her name is Sleep
Her body is endless , stars sinking seas
Two blurring lines, too many drinks
When the risk comes in milligrams
The night , at some point seems
My head spinning,
Behind the face I
would never show my friends
Could this really work ,
Will it change anything

It started out such a great day
And Oh how it ends
Wait God

Wake up

Wait God
Diagonal insertion of myself into this room we call the present moment
its never gonna go to collections baby, obviously checked it in for a week
we found static in the interruption caused by your radio towers and traps
and what you say, is not true- i see whose driving the hearse, shotgun
appeal to the old me. satisfy my hungering for those other things please

and tho i told you not to bother to call her, you did and just to say you did
don't blame you because you are a good time, perforated into tiny fragments
its not legal but this pedestal fits me like a glove, too much for the initiation
but our doubts, are all left in yesterday. how i follow you home after ever show
come help me hack off the vines and roots after every night of this spilling myself

skips on the record, please don't forget me, i won't forget you, how could i
youre just a missed cherry ash falling on my leg, burning me holes through
saying what you want to say, sorry that i don't reply, see me in the morning
shuddering on my favorite words, while screaming death to the secretion !
first we go spinning out                  then go smashing painted stained glass !
my loving arm wrapped around you
like it shouldnt be
like the wool dyed by the sheep
get closer to the color of wolves
yours  is now black in my dreams
still flows like the red of a slit throat
no matter how dead and lifeless you are

as all my aspirations turn to lust
its like at any moment your family will walk in
see me with you
and we will finally **** each other

what a brother you have
saving your mistaken innocence
for a king
where as i
am the prince of the darkest reconstruction
and he is my slave
unbenownst to himself.

princess im gonna dance on your grave
sing the happiest songs with the most morose words
and confuse another sunrise for the right to live
on this thing they mistake for a planet

life on the moon
never got so hard
untill the king of darkness
shut us off from the universe
925 · Jan 2015
it stings
it feels its way

im sorry
im sorry for this

im not sorry for wanting
but im so sorry for needing
This is another year
without upheaval
another disregard
for the common good

I asked the cards
how will today
effect the world?

One deck said
Your Hierophant
will be upside
down and your
five of cups
the lady hoodwinked
will cross her swords

and the other  yelled
the world affects today
by the ways of the lovers
juggling two coins
watching the world go by

Not this year my gorillas
the monkeys still rule

Not this day young write
your way is your will
the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
906 · Dec 2014
At the funeral
I didnt want to see her like that
After she taught me to live
They probably played her favorite music
I probably would have cried
Its too late to hug her goodbye
But i say it almost every day
Ive already said it once
And sang with some angels
I wasn't there at the funeral
But i will always be there
Rest in peace my friend. Rip TB
me on the blaze
books piled high by your father
what does he have against self help
of the devine kind
he knows only you can save yourself

your mother cackling in the background
smashing vinyl on her knees
i knew she hated sinatra
but so does she hate baragin bins?
or does she know music is the portal to the soul

your little sister
beating the usual villagers
diminishing them to gold and ***
if i had a shell for everytime i wanted to shoot her
my idea of toddlers would change and my pockets
would pull my pants down
there standing pantless
embarresed in front of my lovers family
my love knew just what to so

she screamed "swarm"
before they drained my blood while still  warm

now i live whenever
sleep wherever
eat whoever
**** however

no limits except the last night i fed
weighing on me like an empty gas tank
light for all the sake of irony in that word

i love you , soul
why did i ever leave you.

serenity stares back wipping the blood from her mouth
and she said the most intelligant thing she ever said
"dont regret your evils, unless you want to let them define you"
the skin still healing from the new chestpeice ink
"i will defile you"
the guardians on my back said
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