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71.8k · Jun 2014
Craig Harrison Jun 2014
Wind blowing, leaves falling
In the woods I am walking
Birds chirping, squirrels digging
Not stopping my mind from wandering

Fashion walks, beach resorts
Nice weather, beautiful people
City breaks, country retreats
Exotic animals, spiders and snakes

Mona Lisa, The last supper
Beautiful art, beautiful mind
Excellent artists are hard to find

Beautiful things everywhere
open your eyes, happiness is right their
26.2k · Apr 2014
Can not control
Craig Harrison Apr 2014
What to do with a mind you can not control
A mind that thinks of things you wished it didn't
behaves a way that isn't you
Split or multiple but their is certainly more than one personality residing in this mind
Scares me with the images, with the dreams
I'm losing control over something that belongs to me
I'm losing me

  So far no voices
but the images I see
the way it controls my every move
I can not help it but I'm losing control

It scares me that I can not keep control of something that is so capable
of beauty
It scares me that I am losing everything that makes me, me

My mind is something I can not control
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
22.8k · Dec 2014
Craig Harrison Dec 2014
Love is when you are missing some of your teeth
but you're not afraid to smile
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when your hair is falling out
but you don't wear a wig
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when you lose your arms and legs
but you don't hide away
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when people accept you for who you are
and you can relax and breathe free
because that's what love is
Inspired by Emma k aged 6

I don't know this person but it was something I read online (first 4 lines) and I thought it was very cute and true and I wanted to share it with you
21.7k · May 2014
My Perfect One
Craig Harrison May 2014
I dreamed of you a long time ago
my perfect one
Your smile, your big beautiful eyes
I saw them long before we ever met
You are the woman of my dreams
my perfect one

Some people wait a life time to meet their soul mate
but I'm fortunate to have met you
I don't think I would have ever been able to wait
You're my perfect one

So beautiful. so funny
Cute when you smile and don't realise
the way your hair falls into your eyes
My heart is yours, it beats for you
because you're my perfect one

I love you
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
21.4k · Aug 2014
I'm more than what you see
Craig Harrison Aug 2014
If I told you I was a fireman and a building fell on me while I rescued children from a burning school
would you still look at my scars and judge me unfairly

If I told you I pushed an old lady out the way of a speeding car
would you still look at my limp and judge me unfairly

If I told you I gave everything I own to charity
would you still look at me for been homeless and judge me unfairly

If I told you I had cancer 3 times
would you still look at my bald head and judge me unfairly

I am more than what you see
please don't judge me
21.2k · Jan 2015
Things worth remembering
Craig Harrison Jan 2015
Only you can set my heart on fire
Only you can destroy me
on my mind until the body begins to tire
dreaming of you, each night you're all I see
I gave you my heart, only you can destroy me.

I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way
Life is not life with out you in it
you gave me life, you gave it meaning
my heart is on fire, a fire that you lit
a fire that as stood but is now beginning to sit.
I miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way.

The image of your smile that sinks further into my mind
the fun times, just a memory
the way you loved, the way you were always kind
Only you can set my heart on fire
Only you can destroy me
Only you can set me free
free from the pain
the memories of you are keeping me sane
set me free from this pain.

As you lay there, sleeping
little did I know
something so evil was beginning to grow
inside your head, something that didn't belong.
You were always so strong
fighting the pain
fighting to be free
but one day you was taken from me.
16.4k · Apr 2015
One Day
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
One day my skin will be wrinkled
my teeth will fall out
my memories will fade
and one day, my heart will stop
my body will rot
and I'll just be another person time forgot.

But while I continue to age
I'll make friends
I'll have children
I'll leave a mark on this world
so although I have gone
part of me will continue to live on
15.1k · Jul 2014
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
In a world of over 7billion people you'd be amazed by the amount of variety
but sadly most people are similar deep down
we have the same desires
hopes, dreams
most of us spend the weekends the same way
the majority of us like films
so on a large scale we are unique but on a smaller scale we are the same

In a world of over 7billion people
I would have thought more people would hold my attention, that they would surprise me
so when I do meet someone that catches me off guard
someone that is truly unique, someone that surprises me I do my best to keep them in my life
I trust them completely
and I will always be their for them.
Not many people but all my best friends started out as someone that caught my attention and surprised me.

People that surprise me, I try to keep in my life
I'm a friend to everyone but my best friends surprise me.
14.0k · Dec 2013
I like you because
Craig Harrison Dec 2013
I don't care about your age
or the fact you earn a higher wage
I love you because

Because when I see you I like how I feel
I love you because when I'm with you everything is real

I love your blond hair
and how much you love and care
I love your smile and your big hazel eyes
I love you because you're wise

I love you because you are smart
I love you because you remind me of art
so beautiful, the world must see
I love you because for some reason you love me

I love everything about you
and I'm happy you love me too

Thank you to everyone who as liked and viewed this poem. Thank you

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
13.9k · Apr 2015
Did no one listen
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
Is it true what people say
did the Earth have trees
and oceans
did life run free
for as far as the eye could see.

Is it true what people say
did Humans **** animals for fun
pollute the air they needed,
did no one listen to the warnings
did no one stop them.

Is it true what people say
did we leave Earth
because we killed it?
Based on a conversation that may take place someday in the future
12.1k · Sep 2014
Unnoticed but finally seen
Craig Harrison Sep 2014
He didn't need to die to be a ghost
for years he walked these hallways, going unnoticed
he was like a blur to those who passed him
teachers couldn't remember him
No parents to speak of, one day they just never came back.

Average student, never pushing himself
never showing up on anybody's radar
going unnoticed, going unseen
no friends to speak of, no one knew he existed

He was surrounded by hundreds of people
but lived his life not seen
no one saw his tears
no one saw his art
he went unnoticed until the day he died.

Police found him
he couldn't take it anymore
ended it all
he spent his life unnoticed
but he was a brilliant artist
his art was seen
hanging up in some amazing galleries
everyone now knows his name.
12.0k · Feb 2016
5 senses
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
My eyes do not gaze upon who you are
they see the person you will become

I do not hear your words that time will forget
I listen to your heart

When my fingers tingle your skin as they move down your body
I do not feal the scars that life as given you
I feal the memories that you gained in that life

The aroma that comes oozing from your body
is not that of sweat but of your soul

As our lips touch and we kiss for the first time
I will forever remember the taste of strawberries
for it takes all 5 senses to know a person
My eyes to see you for who you are and who you'll become
my ears to listen to your beautiful voice
touch to feel when you are cold
my nose to smell the perfume you brought
and my taste to really appreciate the meal you worked hard to make
it takes all 5 senses to know a person
I'm aware that for a large amount of people 5 senses is not possible and although this poem lead to been about 5 senses it was actually intended to represent that for a relationship to work properly it takes a lot of effort.. you have to be willing to listen to each other, to tell when they need you with out them saying, to appreciate when they buy something fancy, relationships aren't just about *** they are about 2 people becoming one.. If a person doesn't pay full attention to their partner the relationship will most likely fail.... So this Valentines Day, pay not just attention, pay full attention.

Happy Valentines Day
12.0k · Oct 2014
Show me
Craig Harrison Oct 2014
I want you to help me
I want you to care
I want you to show me you are really there

I'm screaming out for you
I thought I was different
But you ignore me too

We are so similar
we could be friends
but you ignore me, is this how it ends.

I want to turn back time
to a time when you cared
I want you to know me
I want you to care
I want you to show me you are really there

I'm talking to you
show me you are there
12.0k · May 2015
I am who I am
Craig Harrison May 2015
You call me Lesbian
I say, yes I am
You call me Gay
I say, yes I am
You call me Bi-******
I say, yes I am
You call me Transgender
I say, yes I am
It doesn't matter what you call me
It doesn't matter what you think
you will not change who I am

I am who I am
I believe in equality.
One Earth
One Species
we are all Human
children of Earth
11.2k · Oct 2014
Light and Dark
Craig Harrison Oct 2014
Eyes wide open
Trees, snow, blue seas
walking around
buildings, art, writings

Eyes closed shut
Ghosts, demons, evil
trying to sleep
death, horror, hell

What do you see
when your eyes are wide open
when your eyes are closed shut
This was inspired by things that I see during the day.

When I'm awake I see so much beauty, I see the trees outside my window, snow in the winter, leaves in the autumn, etc, but during the night when I close my eyes my mind begins to wonder and I see ghosts, demons and sometimes my representation of hell before I even begin to dream.. They don't scare me they intrigue me mainly, I wonder where the images came from, if they have meaning, it also makes me think about the afterlife if there is one.

Anyway thanks for reading
10.7k · Aug 2015
You're not alone
Craig Harrison Aug 2015
You wake up each morning feeling like you don't fit in
you believe no one really understands you
half of you is missing from the world
people find you weird and strange
you find them boring.
You're not alone

You don't have many friends
you never go to parties
a psychiatrist would probably lock you away
you feel lonely surrounded by billions
you feel you will die with no one in your life
You're not alone

It doesn't matter what others think
it doesn't matter if no one gets you
because my friend
you're not alone
9.9k · Feb 2015
Equal to you
Craig Harrison Feb 2015
I breath the oxygen in the air
I feel the wind hitting my skin
the rain drops on my head
My heart beats to keep me alive
my brain keeps my body running.

I am not different
I am not unique
I am the same as you
I live on this Earth
I was born on this world
I am not different
I am equal to you.
Stop Discrimination
9.6k · Jul 2014
What is love
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
What is love?
I think it's a virus
infecting so many people
and yet so many are immune.
Left untreated it can lead to a broken heart.
What is love?

We act like it no longer means anything
but we feel it
for friends, family, pets or that special someone,
arguments cause us pain
it can hurt more than we thought, a broken heart

9.4k · Sep 2014
Craig Harrison Sep 2014
It's crazy
I try to pull away
but I don't seem able
I promise myself no more
but when I see you I forget about everything
It's crazy

Sometimes were like a river
constantly traveling in one direction
other times
it's like a tug of war
trying to pull away
I promise myself no more
but when I see you I forget about everything
It's crazy

I don't know how
but you some how creep into my mind
I only have to close my eyes
and you appear
I try to pull away
but I don't seem able
It's crazy
9.4k · Jul 2014
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
In the hands of someone talented
The strings of a violin
winds of a flute
keys of a piano
can move you to tears

Just closing your eyes and letting the music flow
you can hear them all
In the hands of talent
you can be moved to tears
8.8k · Jun 2014
Nothing Changed
Craig Harrison Jun 2014
We live in a time of uncertainty
No jobs
Climate change
Mass killings
warnings of pandemics
Where is our utopia
where is our heaven on Earth

1900's we had
San Fransisco's earthquake
McKinley was assassinated
First Nobel prize
The Tunguska Event
nothing as changed in my eyes

1910's we had
Spanish flu
The sinking of the unsinkable ship, the Titanic
and World War 1
What else is needed to say about this decade
nothing changed as the human race lived on

1920's we had
Discovery of penicillin
The great depression
and prohibition

1930's we had
Bonnie and Clyde
Hindenburg disaster
Discovery of Pluto
Al Capone imprisoned

1940's we had
World War 2
Mount Rushmore completed
Big bang theory formulated
Israel founded
Nothing changed but who knew

1950's we had
Castro becomes Dictator of Cuba
Laika the dog goes into space
Korean War began
History never changed and neither will the Human Race

1960's we had
The rise of the Berlin wall
First man on the moon
Vietnam War
Nothing changed and won't any time soon

1970's we had
First test tube baby
Tangshan Earthquake
Kent state shootings
Elvis died

1980's we had
Tiananmen square massacre
Exxon oil spill
Nothing changed and never will

1990's we had
Oklahoma city bombing
Princess Diana died
Columbine massacre
World Trade Center bombed
End of the Cold War

2000's we had
Hurricane Katrina
Pluto reclassified
Obama elected
September 11th

2010's we had
Haiti Earthquake
Japan Earthquake
Bin Laden killed
BP oil spill
England riots
Brazil riots
China banned time travel.
We're only 4 years in.

**** sapiens are nearly 200,000 years old
nothing changed
and never will
Hope you like
8.6k · Sep 2015
Craig Harrison Sep 2015
You ask us to vote, we vote
you ask us to trust you, we trust you
we give you your term, sometimes two
but what do you actually do?

We ask you not to betray our vote, you betray
we ask you not to betray our trust, you betray
we give you your term, sometimes two
but tell me, what do you actually do?

Homeless people
Extreme poor
you say you will end them
so we give you your term, sometimes two
but tell me, what do you actually do?
8.5k · Mar 2014
Can not see
Craig Harrison Mar 2014
So dark, so very dark
but I hear a voice
and I can feel a breeze
but I don't know where I am
all I know is that I'm alone surrounded by people

I can hear people calling my name
Since I lost my sight nothing is the same

I didn't just lose my vision, I lost so much more
My independence
my job
my confidence
my self-esteem
I will never get to live my childhood dream

It's hard to only see one color for the rest of time
no color, just
Someone very close to me
8.2k · Mar 2015
Prediction or fiction
Craig Harrison Mar 2015
Streaks of mist
cars flying over head
no more driving
we're all flying

Our minds hooked up
great big machines
games playing out in our head
changing the meaning of reality

Humans and machines
walking side by side
no physical difference
equally walking the street

The future is unknown
but we can predict
will it be hell
or will it be utopia
7.9k · Apr 2015
Remember my love
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
The first time I said I loved you
the first time you said it back
the love in your eyes
and the passion in your soul.
The first time your saw our daughter
her first word
the love in your eyes
and the protection you felt.

You have no idea what I'm talking about
and it breaks my heart each day
While my memories remain
yours are gone
6.8k · Aug 2014
Craig Harrison Aug 2014
You asked a great question
Would anyone miss you if you were gone
If you slipped away in your sleep
if you took the knife from the draw
if you lay their bleeding to death
hanging grasping for air
would anyone care
you asked a great question
and the answer would be
I'd care
I'd miss you
because I love you
6.7k · Nov 2014
Craig Harrison Nov 2014
What is life if not worth living
What is space if not worth filling
What of the emotions that we all feel
if they are not worth expressing
Are they not things that give us meaning

The air I breath
the food I eat
the water I drink
What are they worth if not worth sharing
Are they not things that give us life
and what is life if not worth living

The emotions we feel
our beliefs, our thoughts
our very essence of who we are
Are they not things that give us meaning

What is life if not worth living
What is space if not worth filling
What of the emotions that we all feel
if they are not worth expressing
Are they not things that give us meaning
6.6k · Feb 2016
Craig Harrison Feb 2016
Without hope I'd be dead
my body would be six feet under
and my mind would be left to wonder
as I lay rotting
my mind would travel the heavens
and the depths of hell
Without hope I'd be dead

Without love I'd be lonely
surrounded but alone
no one to get me
no one to understand
Without love I'd be lonely

Without me the world would be
6.1k · May 2014
Lets run away
Craig Harrison May 2014
Lets run away, just you and me
escape from our problems and our mistakes
lets run away from all the things that bring us down
anywhere you want as long as we're together
anywhere from here must be better

Lets run away from the negativity
escape from the world that makes us sad
lets run away from the horrors of today
anywhere you want as long as we're together
anywhere from here must be better

We can travel the seas and make waves
travel across land and make footprints
or travel the stars and make history
Lets run away from the world
escape into our dreams
lets run away, just you and me
anywhere you want as long as we're together
anywhere from here must be better
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
6.1k · Sep 2014
Craig Harrison Sep 2014
When you look at the world what do you see
what do you think each morning and each night
do you see a different world or the same one your grandparents lived in.
When you breath in the air
drink the water
eat the food
do you feel a difference do you sense the damaged world

The planet is old
we are young
but we attack it like it's a threat to us
it gave life, so much life
it continues to give
maybe younger generations
the young people old people moan about
can fix the world, can fix the problems created
previous generations tried destroying things
maybe younger generations will be able to repair them
Craig Harrison Apr 2014
Junk the ancient rules of thought by which our predecessors fought
Their clashing minds did throw a spark that scorched the world and wreaked the dark
Let no science fix our path if only numbers make its math
Our brains will run will surely see on some sweeter philosophy
Until beneath a quite sky atop the rubble we will stand and finally demystify the message in fate's reprimand
Even an atomic blast can't rub the future from the past
If with incinerated grace we still become the human race.
This is taken from the movie After the Dark (I do not own the rights to this poem) but I thought it was really good and wanted to share it with you all.
5.9k · Aug 2014
Nothing Wrong
Craig Harrison Aug 2014
From a distance they looked like shooting stars
but to us we knew what they really were
some enemy decided to attack
launching bombs from their fortresses while we are left to burn
all around us explosions
destroying schools, hospitals and homes
we've never done anything to this enemy
yet they try to end our lives.

Morning had come with a horrible smell
burning buildings for miles
thousands had died last night
more will die tonight
we're pleading for help
but no one is listening
we did nothing wrong to this enemy
why are we the ones left to die
Written from the point of view of a person that is in a war torn country
Craig Harrison Jun 2014
Locked eyes
touching lips
an act so beautiful
or so ugly

making love
having ***
different names
different reasons
different positions

vaginal, oral, **** or *******
Trying for a baby
wanting some fun
don't have time, so make it quick
or have a moment alone
what ever your reasons
what ever positions
take precautions

One act can turn into a lifetime mistake
what ever your reasons
what ever you positions
stay safe
Although in the title it says only read if over 18 if anyone under 18 reads this, if you are having or thinking of having *** remember although at the time it can be amazing the feeling doesn't last.

A serious STD can not be cured and could/will ruin your life

Babies might seem cute but you know those days when you like to sleep in, well you can say goodbye to those for a about 13 years maybe longer

Trying to explain to your parents that you are pregnant/going to be a dad is the same as telling them you are dropping out of school

Giving children up for adoption will seem like a good idea at the time but you will eventually always wonder what they are up to, who are they etc

The person you are having *** with might just tell his/her friends and then gossip spreads which may lead to some bullying.

It's better to stay safe than take the risk
unless you're a risk taker then in that case go sky diving, shark swimming, rock climbing out doors, etc.
5.7k · Dec 2014
Craig Harrison Dec 2014
Tears running down my cheek
pain that can not be seen
hiding the truth
hiding my fears
hiding everything that you can not see

you never play over the good memories
your mind tells you none exist
just the bad, the ones that make you sad.
Tears running down my cheek
as I hide the truth
and hide my fears

You see the time, but no motivation
nothing pushing to get you up
nothing pushing you to do anything
it's comfortable, it's warm, it's the last remaining place where good things happen
we see the time and decide to hide
hide away in our beds
hide away in our dreams

Nothings wrong becomes your default response
but deep down you know you need help
but at the surface you convince yourself you are strong
strong enough to win a battle that you are in fact losing
so you hide
you hide the truth
your fears
all while tears run down your cheek
If you or someone you know suffers from depression, please seek professional help.
5.5k · Jan 2015
Craig Harrison Jan 2015
Such potential
space navigating
technologically intriguing  


If you see potential then nurture it
If you're in space the see it
If you create technology then create for good
If you are a dreamer then dream big
If you're a thinker then think of new
If you're a lover then love all

If you must **** then **** stereotypes
If you must destroy the discrimination
If you must fight then fight to be free
If you must hate then hate war
5.5k · Sep 2014
Craig Harrison Sep 2014
Lying there in someones bed
wondering who this person was next to me
long black hair, smudges of red lipstick
****** piercings and tattoos
who had I slept with?

Quietly and quickly looking for my things
as I reached for my phone
alarm bells rang
she awoke looking straight at me,
what to say, what to do.

We mutually agreed it was a one night thing
got dressed and went our separate ways.
2 weeks later, watching the clock count down
waiting to go home
I felt a gush of wind hit my face
a tingly feeling in my stomach
standing in the door, their she was
my next and final appointment
my one night stand from 2 weeks earlier.

We talked, laughed, joked
had drinks, ate, caught a cab
morning after lying there in someones bed
knowing exactly where I was and who was next to me.
While I reached for my phone, alarm bells rang
she awoke looking straight at me
we mutually agreed that we was going to give it a go
she my girlfriend
me her boyfriend
5.5k · Jul 2014
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
What does virtual have over real
a virtual world can't give you realism
you can't run against the wind on a hot summers day
or go to the beach and play
you can't dig a giant hole and then get left upset because it's time to leave
you can't feel the snow hit your face, or the feeling of excitement when school is closed

you will never learn from the past if every time you fail you can reload
you'll never get that feeling when you first fall in love
you can't feel pleasure from eating a box of chocolates
or feel guilty for breaking your promise
In a virtual world you'll never get to feel surprise
or upset when someone breaks your heart
you'll never truly understand what it means to be a live

In a world where real is real and virtual is virtual
I would choose the real world with all its good and all its bad
5.3k · Sep 2014
Then one day
Craig Harrison Sep 2014
Then one day something happens
our eyes meet, complete sentences teleported from mind to mind
time slows down, seconds feel like hours
lost in each others gaze, imagining our futures.

For a week that started so bad
ending so great
standing on the beach
sun beginning to set
calm sea washing our feet
guitar playing
we looked into each others eyes and started kissing
stars shining so bright
as we slowly pull away
I see a twinkle in your eye.
Our hearts beating so fast
locked in each others gaze
I just wish this moment could last.
5.1k · Aug 2015
Dreaming of Earth
Craig Harrison Aug 2015
Dreaming of Earth we do see
fantasising of a time when we lived free
hating what as become of our reality

Holding back the tears
remembering what became of our fears
how easy things have changed over the years

Freedom is freedom
no mater how big or small
don't give it up
you'll miss it when no freedoms exist at all.
Dreaming of Earth we do see
fantasising of a time when we lived FREE
4.8k · Sep 2014
United we can
Craig Harrison Sep 2014
It's always been a problem
but one most of us ignore
we never think it would happen to us
or to anyone we know
we always think we're smarter than that
but what would happen if you became homeless

We see these people on the streets
outside shops, around town
most of us ignore them
as individuals we can not help eliminate homelessness
but united we can
It's said that it would cost over $20billion to eliminate homelessness in the USA, to eliminate it world wide it would cost a hell of a lot more but it's something worth eliminating... The top 10 richest people in the world are worth over $500billion and that's only the top 10.. As I said as individuals we can't eliminate homelessness but united we can..
4.8k · Jan 2015
Why wont you wake up
Craig Harrison Jan 2015
Where's my mommy
where's my daddy
I don't see them
just ruble around me,
people screaming
running away from the heat
fires raging.

Mommy wake up
daddy wake up
found them sleeping.

Wake up mommy
wake up
wake up daddy
wake up
From the point of view of a child in war
4.6k · Apr 2014
Craig Harrison Apr 2014
I'd give my soul for your protection
I'd give my life to save yours
I'd walk to hell if it meant you went to heaven
I'd suffer depression if it meant you were happy
I'd give up my dreams if you could live yours
I'd become your slave if it meant you could live free
I'd give you my organs if it meant you were healthy
I'd give up everything just so you could have something

I do not have this power
I do not have the ability
I do not have god to help me
All I have is the mind and body willing to do these things and so much more

I'd give up my feelings of love if it meant you could find love
I'd take in your hate if it meant you never suffered
I'd breath all the pollution in the world if it meant the air you breathed was clean
I'd give up my sight if it meant you could see
I'd give up my arms and legs if it meant you could touch and walk
I'd give up my voice if it meant you could talk
I'd give up everything if it meant you had something

When I say you, who do I mean
I mean you, the one reading this
the one next to you
the person in the next room
the cat on your bed
the dog at your feet
When I say you, I mean all of you
all life on this planet
all life in this universe
all life everywhere

I'd give up my life to protect you all
I'd give up everything just for you to have something
Be kind and be a friend to everyone
but most of all love everything
one day we might all die out and our kindness, our love might one day define our species.

4.6k · Dec 2014
Every year it comes
Craig Harrison Dec 2014
Every year it comes
every year it goes
we spend a fortune promoting it, getting ready for it and giving in to it
it's advertised everywhere
spoken by everyone.
It's contagious, it makes us ill
it makes us worry, it makes us aggressive
it makes us rush around like our lives depended on it.

But every year when it comes we love it
every year when it goes we miss it
we spend a fortune to give people a moment of happiness
smiles and laughter
It's advertised everywhere to remind us of the good times
everyone speaks of it because it is so important
it's contagious but gives us joy
we worry and get aggressive because we care so much we want to make that one person happy
we rush but when you see those people smile it's worth it.

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone, stay safe and have fun
4.5k · Nov 2014
Our everything
Craig Harrison Nov 2014
Love is like a dream
it messes with your head
it's like losing yourself
many times over
love is like nothing else
no other feelings or emotions come close

Love is when you value something or someone more than yourself
it's like heaven but in your heart
love is one feeling
one emotion
but can incite other emotions
other feelings
Love is like nothing else
it is our being
our heaven
our everything
4.4k · Oct 2014
Craig Harrison Oct 2014
As the rain came down like an ocean of water falling from the heavens
the wind blew like a million fans blowing in the same direction
I was wet, I was cold and I was struggling to make it pushing against the wind
looking up was hard but squinting my eyes I could see a few stars in the night sky
ahead of me I heard shouting and screaming
a group of people were attacking an older Gentleman
I questioned should I get involved
I feared I might be targeted
but I did the right thing, I got involved

5 people all young men started to surround me
pushing me trying to force me on the ground
punching and kicking
one of the attackers pulled out a knife
I feared for my life.

As I lay their on the ground as the wind began to ease off
but the rain continuing to come down with so much speed and force
I remember thinking one thing, at least the older Gentleman was safe
This turned out totally wrong and I don't even think it can be considered as a poem. I had the idea for this after some reports I had been reading the last few weeks it is totally fiction..

Although it turned out wrong I decided to uploaded because I had written it and wanted to share it.
4.4k · Aug 2014
Craig Harrison Aug 2014
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Visual art
great sounding music
nothing comes close to the beauty we feel for our loves
our children
our families
love is beautiful
felt with our heart
written in our words
drawn in our art
made in our sculptures

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Never give up
never back down
1 million times tried
but the moment we succeed
we feel immense happiness
never give up
always try one more time

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
the statement above should read like the statement below
Life is a dream full of happiness, the world had problems but no more
everyone is rich and no one is poor

We can't have peace without accepting others views
we may find them weird
we may find them strange
but a person isn't made up of one idea
they are made of many
one common ground, one common idea
starts a conversation
Tried something different, hope you like
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
Walking around like a pack of animals
Following each other
copying what we see,
What really separates us from animals?

We talk, we think, we try to explain
but we also follow, we do as we told, we believe what is said
We work, we build, we have fun
but I'm still not seeing what truly separates us from animals

The only thing that I see different is our power
anything different we try to hurt, **** or experiment on
if any animal behaved like a human
what do you think we would do to it?
We'd experiment, we'd ****, we would torture
or put it on TV and turn it in to a celebrity.

So I ask what truly separates us from animals?
4.2k · Jun 2016
2 worlds
Craig Harrison Jun 2016
2 worlds, one I wish I lived in and one I can't escape
as a boy running around the garden
playing football and laughing.
The one where I was free, life was happy and fun
waking up in the morning and the sky had no clouds only the sun.

Now the sky is dark and it never stops raining
I see the world of fun, just out of my reach
instead I wonder the streets getting drenched by the rain
with each step destroying all memories of a different world
a world where it's always sunny and life was happy

2 worlds, one I wished I lived in and one I can't escape.
4.1k · Feb 2015
What is it?
Craig Harrison Feb 2015
I've asked once
I'll ask again
What is love?

Love for ourselves
Love for our family
Love for our friends
Love for our pets
So many types of love
but what about love for life

We love our pets
but what about
the ants
the birds
the fish
the trees
and maybe
love for aliens

What ever love is
can you really explain
how you feel for the things you love
As I've got older I've learned to love all life, the big, the small and even the strange but one thing I never thought I would come to love would be A.I (Artificial Intelligence/Consciousness) but in March this year there will be a film released called Chappie and after watching the trailer I found myself having emotion of love and a feeling of protection for the robot. If you haven't seen the trailer I recommend it because it looks like it will be a brilliant film, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that this poem was inspired by the feelings I felt while watching this trailer.

Anyway I hope you enjoy/enjoyed reading, please leave comments if you have any.

Have a great day :)
4.0k · Jul 2014
Never Before
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
I'm not scared to admit I've never met anyone like you before
Someone so surprising, so caring and loving
I don't know how but I can't get you out of my mind
which is now filled with thoughts of you.

When I'm with you, no matter how short the time spent
everyone else in the room disappears,
I don't hear or see anyone else, only you.
I've reached a point where I no longer know what to do
I don't know how but I can't get you out of my mind
which is now filled with thoughts of you.

In the near future certain events may pull us apart
I may never see you again
but I will try everything to keep you in my life
I'm not scared to admit I've never met anyone like you before
Someone so surprising, so caring and loving
This is an oldie, came across it while looking at some of my old stuff.. I hope you like
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