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Oct 2020 · 109
A Moment Traced by Sunset
Shin Oct 2020
Draw a line in the sand and sleep upon
its precipice.
Bury its words in a soup of your blood
and prejudice.

Cast your gaze to the horizon with the
blossoming truth.
Shades of purple, red, and yellow reflect
your waning youth.

Whisper to the wind, let it draw your words
across her mind.
Softly smile, let the chill announce that
you're out of time.
Sep 2020 · 90
Hello my Dearest Friends
Shin Sep 2020
Speak to me sweet child of summer rain.
I urge you, step forward and lend your hand.
I promise nothing but to ease the pain.
Unconditional love with no demand.

Silence pierced across your mundane plane.
You grasp the straw of melancholy truth.
Tonight, a secret reborn in the rain.
No end in the consumption of your youth.

We simply strive for an echo of blue.
A desert filled with the dead's sifting songs.
I cannot help but think of tastes of you.
Darkened moments harken the sin along.

Nevertheless, I embrace the twilight
as god guides me to the ink laden night.
Sep 2020 · 1.0k
Water Lilies
Shin Sep 2020
Resting gently upon a film delicate as the spider's silk,
the rose-tinted angels offer their peaceful tune.
A poet watches in peace with men of his ilk.
Finding beauty in the light of the moon.

A frog's cry echoes to a swan song's swoon.
Still, the angel floats idly with grace,
its romantic flair lighting the lagoon.
I grow warm and a smile graces my face.

Oh sweet waterlily, fire in my eye.
I pray for your light. Let it never die.
Sep 2020 · 102
suicidal cravings
Shin Sep 2020
I taste an afterthought of blue.
Melancholy wrapped in my tongue.
I want to slide into the river.
Someday I'll find the house on the hill.
Until then I shall scratch.
Shin Sep 2020
Thoughts of elderberry rest on his lips.
The poison dripping softly down the chin.
A gasp for air, one final love's eclipse.
Abruptly, the devils rise from within.

Clenching at the mottled Juniper Tree.
Their eyes glint of gold, their teeth gnash the bones.
His violet stained brow grows wild and free.
Frenzy takes hold and they throw the first stones.

A jam forms of berries, blood, and bruises.
Their echoed cackles buried in the sand.
Tear-stained ink blots, his soul he abuses.
Only then shall he find his helping hand.

A beginning's end as abrupt as rain.
A tale we shall tell again and again.
Aug 2020 · 117
Exceed Excel Expire
Shin Aug 2020
I held joy in the outstretched palm of my hand.
Love held aloft amidst the burning flame.
A peaceful sea gave way to tranquility.
I lost the momentary peace amidst the drops of rain.

Prayer for adolescent peacemaking.
Song for moments of smoke and pain.
Destroyed and buried now we rest.
Left for dead, immortal in ash and name alone.
Aug 2020 · 107
Shin Aug 2020
Who do you think the tourniquet twists?
Perhaps a stranger is within out midst.
A sign points upwards, a god points down.
Mirrors aligned. the angels now frown.

Far away the devil sits in his sorrow.
Leaves his kingdom, waits for tomorrow.
Ashes and murk rest at his feet.
For the ends to the ends must meet.
Aug 2020 · 107
Voyage, Aether, Faded Away
Shin Aug 2020
Will you remember a shadow's glance
as it pierces into your mind and soul?

Or perhaps the hollow dead man's dance
brings nothing more than embers and coal.

Droplets of Dramamine carried away
into swirling seafoam, your spirits lift.

Touched down, the eve of the curs'd day,
the tide of your life surely must shift.

Peer into the cold pearlescent mist.
Shimmy and shine, and then idly fade.

A tepid balance, struggle to coexist.
With finality, the earth meets the *****.
Aug 2020 · 540
A Suicide
Shin Aug 2020
Candlelight douses the dust in amber.
Wallpaper peeling, gathered at your feet.
In your left hand rests a picture of her.
In your right, your cowardly retreat.

Hemp fibers laced gently around your arm.
Cautiously you unwind this man-made snake.
Tossed to a beam in this forgotten farm,
you've found the home of your final mistake.

Stepping on stage, the warmth ensnares your neck.
Tied taut, the noose calls you as an old friend.
You cry now, lost within this dreary wreck.
You pray to dead gods. You have found the end.

Your feet meet air. With a gasp you are gone.
A life wasted, another soul withdrawn.
note: This poem is not a cry for help. I am not currently suicidal. It is merely a window into what that moment on the cusp can feel like.
Aug 2020 · 78
Shin Aug 2020
Reality rings a rust-filled bell,
chiming for a mass unspent.
A dress and suit tied at the waist.
A bond never escaping the pits of hell.

A hermit dies alone, pining for what never was.
A widow dies alone, pining for what was lost.
I miss you, I do, and always shall.
This is life, this is the past, this is the future.
So now, I bid you farewell.
Jul 2020 · 126
Shin Jul 2020
The wind shifted the hedge's shadows
over the shattered glass.
An alleyway, sparked by fire's warmth,
a mirage, built up by the rain.

A hermit sat in his house upon a hill.
They watched.
They grew up here.
The flames licked at their toes.
The waves crashed and reflected their pain.
A fence divided them line by line.

They knew then what they wanted to do.
They knew then it was time to go.
They knew then that they must grow up.

Adieu Adieu, I love you too.

And then it was gone.

All that remained were embers and soot.
Jul 2020 · 113
Shin Jul 2020
I still
wear your
my neck
Jul 2020 · 105
Unconditional Foolishness
Shin Jul 2020
Perhaps it makes me a madman.
Perhaps it makes me a fool.
But I have to say darling
it's true.
I'm still in love with you.
Jul 2020 · 140
Pain, Patience, and Peace
Shin Jul 2020
Love until the catacombs whisper your name.
Your skin turns to ash and memories fade.
Love through the pain of the fire and flame,
as you are stabbed again by its dull blade.
For only then will you see the world's worth.
Then and only then will beauty give birth.

Battered, bruised, abused, and betrayed, you wait.
You ponder, and your patience may wear thin,
but the sun shall rise, and hand you your fate.
Soon my friend, you shall purge your deepest sin.
So, sit by the candlelight, rest your eyes.
I promise you son, true love never dies.
Shin Jul 2020
Imagine my surprise when my eyes spied
you staring from over the garden wall.
Blinking so gently, your doll at your side,
your freckles glowing, I counted them all.
A minute held forever in my mind.
The first and last moment had of this kind.

You ran away, a shadow of a ghost.
I sat and pondered. Were you in my head?
I glanced back and forth, from pillar to post,
but you turned to ash, the moment was dead.
So I turned and slumped, tired and annoyed.
Years later your eyes still pierce into my void.

I am the man behind a marble mask.
You are a muse, you are my final task.
A story about having a crush when you are a toddler
Jul 2020 · 118
Shin Jul 2020
Move your feet and read the room.
Your time's elapsed, face your doom.
Leap into the tomb
Little *****, your life's collapsed.
Just a little short one
Jul 2020 · 72
Nostalgic Longing
Shin Jul 2020
Please, let's just go back to being kids
before whatever it was that this thing is.

The moments where you shivered in the night
And I held you softly within my arms.

Turn back the clocks, and re-enter the light.
You and I: friends, lovers, strangers, soulmates.

The title is meaningless, we are built to last.
So take my hand, and leap into the past.
Jul 2020 · 135
Shin Jul 2020
In a fantasy
it all remains the same.
Jul 2020 · 103
Embrace the Aether
Shin Jul 2020
My mask grows unsteady.
I've tasted the poison.
I prevail in the aura.
Blend my persona, I am ready.
Save the skin, feed me the mind.
Lie to me, this I do surmise.
Thank you, hold my hand.
I delude of Dorian Grey.
Delusions of grand fear.
Lonely, stark cold, lovely.
A jam jar built from marble.
A steed on a corpse.
Maps, dreams, peace filled, juxtaposed.
Lie to me darling, take me to the moon.
Jul 2020 · 107
Shin Jul 2020
Whisper my name in the brambling bush.
How do you know what this means?
Oh mother, oh father, there is no need to rush.
Take my hand, walk with me, can't we just wipe this slate clean?

Push her ahead through the forest anew,
dancing so idly by.
fill her head with visions rotten, depressed, and blue.
Hold her hair, douse her skin, and let her soul solemnly sigh.
Jul 2020 · 68
Wane and Purge
Shin Jul 2020
Etch the scars into the palm of my hand.
In a crowded room, your opinion shines.
Mold your mutters before the night grows dim.

Can you hear me now?
Are we alone?

Do not forget your name dear Severus.
Your words ring true as the clock strikes midnight.
For he may not be I, but I am him.

Can you hear me now?
Are we alone?

Come now, ring the bell, softly take my hand.
Start again, march in line, **** your idols.
Stain the cement with their sin and rejoice.
Jul 2020 · 157
Open Book
Shin Jul 2020
The first time I uttered the words, "I want to die,"
I was seven years old, in a ruby red fort.
******* crumbs on my lap, tears crusting my eye.

Later that year my brother passed away.
He left behind nothing but echoes and static.
I hated him. I wished he'd taken my hand on that day.

My home was shattered, but they insist I held joy.
I was unsure of this, so I pondered.
I ignored the cries, buried among my toys.

The first time I made the move to self-harm
I was nine years old, in an empty room.
I smashed and I smashed and I bloodied my arm.

That year I was useless my mother said.
A lazy child, always in her way.
I hold her word's sting more than her hits to my head.

Multitudes of mishaps, I claimed clumsiness.
Scars on my knees, bruises on my belly.
I grew ever fixated on my ugliness.

The first time I wrote a suicide note,
I was sixteen years old, in a classroom.
I told my teacher. "A joke!" he said, or so I quote.

I had a brief pause this year. I met a love.
My marmalade bumblebee, wrapped in warmth.
It confused me. This warmth I knew nothing of.

Merely milk and honey, it must be lies.
I cast it aside, and moved on my way.
A distraction from my scheduled demise.

Later that year, something I have yet to tell.
In the cold night, my body was taken.
I was decimated and banished to hell.

The first time I attempted suicide,
I was nineteen years old, in a garage.
A sleep mask and helium resting at my side.

I knew then that I still wanted to live.
But I was tired, I craved eternal rest.
So, I leapt forward, I gave all I could give.

Of course I failed. My pain was uncovered.
Taken to a stark white room, I waited.
Guided by that bumblebee, we sat and suffered.

The first time I felt myself fall in love
I was twenty years old, in an old car.
With punk rock playing, and your hand in my glove.

Mental illness still riddled my heart and soul.
So I stabbed the love. Abused it. Burned it.
Until it walked away, leaving a hole.

The following years I let myself go numb.
No sorrow, no pain, no joy, and no love.
Wasted away, just dirt under my thumb.

The first time I said, "my future is bright"
I was twenty four years old, in a coffee shop.
Reunited with my most beautiful sight.

This was the year I let myself love in peace.
I grew something beautiful, a home, and a life.
I finally felt my pent up pain's release.

Still I learned, I destroy all that I know.
My family cast to ash, my home ripped at the seams.
Alone again, the demons whisper, and so it goes.

We have reached the end of this broken tale.
I'm afraid I can't speak where to go from here.
I sit here, a mundane man waiting to fail.
Shin Jul 2020
I wail to the wind, "tread softly,come home."
As a martyr's prayers remain unanswered.
Chemical imbalance writing a tome.
and all the vicars burn the Hansards

A whip cracks idly, the flames lick the tongue.
Hands warm and wring, and Satan has his sin.
Bitterly encroached, subjecting the young.
We taste their demons, we pull from within.
Jun 2020 · 118
Shin Jun 2020
I offer you twenty seven moments.
Each day's brick placed idly beside the next.
The clock strikes twelve, and I know it is time.
With each bell's pang, the club draws to my side.
I offer this home one final journey.
At its expiration I shall descend.
That is all my soul has left to offer.
I pray the silver lining finds me well.
Or we find our end on childhood's moon.
Jun 2020 · 117
Shin Jun 2020
Sweet little sunshine, carry me to my grave.
I pray to you now, and ask for release.
I beg to you now and ask for some peace.

I wonder when the demons fall from sight.
I wish it idly, and tear at my veins.
There is nothing left but skin and a soul.
All the good has gone and rotted away.
I miss my family. I miss when everything was simple.
Shin Jun 2020
Slowly resurrect the fossilized eyes.
Work in the cold, grey, concrete asylum.
We pass in pairs of twenty and seven.
Stroke the blood, dust the ash, spark up the muse.
The rot runs to the core, no man remains.

Scar tissue and cough syrup numb the brain.
A silken, rope-filled snake bruises the pipe.
Midnight arrives. Mama, can you hear the moon?
The stars pass through, purifying the gloom.
Embrace the tumult, greet the curtain call.

The dust mites settle, the clouds become grey.
We spread our wings, cry out, and fade away.
Jun 2020 · 67
Enchanting the Valley
Shin Jun 2020
I taste a touch of sand within the wind.
Its grit lying against my brittle skin.
A dusted void enriching from within.

I can touch the future, you can hold the past.
The serpent idly pressed upon our beating hearts.
I whisper your name, inside this hall of mirrors.

Entropy's release, I take a breath of the sea.
The sunrise on the cusp of callous disbelief.
And in that moment, the snuffed ember grows dim.
Jun 2020 · 97
Worry and Well Wishes
Shin Jun 2020
Wherever you are.
Whatever you are doing.
Please, just be okay.
a little haiku
Jun 2020 · 92
Shin Jun 2020
Bitter though the pain may bite.
The devil's chord shan't strike true.
As long as there's me and you.

Find your peace at rock bottom.
Embrace the moments so blue.
One day you'll know what to do.

Stand up, walk away, and sing
While you bid your love adieu.
Then, you shall be happy too.
Jun 2020 · 65
26th Birthday
Shin Jun 2020
At nineteen I sat in a stark white room.
Made my home among fellow lunatics.
I carved in the pages of a notebook.
I offered up the luckiest number.
I took hold of seven and made it mine.
Seven years I offered to find my peace.
Seven cycles around a dying star.
If my soul still felt bitter and alone,
then fate would grace my own hands once again.
Finally, the blood would pour into porcelain.

But despite it all, fear strikes at my heart.
I have hit twenty-six, I feel weary.
So, I beg to the void one final time.
I am weak, I am alone, I am scared.
I softly scream, please hear this cry for help.
I may be selfish, I may be unkind,
but please, show me the light I cannot find.
Shin Jun 2020
Bathe away your aches in the morning dew.
Breathe the fresh sunrise air and start anew.
Mark down the idly passed moments and stir.
Blink your eyes, reduce the pain to a blur.

Those moments foreign, damp within your mind.
The grace of the wicked night may remind.
But always, always the rose sprouts anew.
Always, always, your heart knows what to do.
Jun 2020 · 72
Hunt for Home
Shin Jun 2020
Look deep in her eyes with your paper mask.
Take a look at the life that fades away.
Burn the bridges, pour the oak in the stream.
Allow the melancholy dissonance.
Wake up long enough to have a breakdown.
Nothing but paltry scraps of peace remains.
You want to wake up, you want to escape.
But friend, it is neither your time or hers.
So, sink lower. submerge beneath the waves.
Regardless of your choice, you bathe in blood.
Tears, salted yet sweet released to the depths.

You look up again, the eyes, they are gone.
Pinpricks remain, lost among countless stars.
Desperately you ravage your surroundings.
Filled with resentment, hatred boils over.
Why are they gone? why must it end this way?
And you descend and touch the ocean's floor.
It's not time, surely it's an illusion.
Perhaps sobriety holds clarity.
Perhaps you run, perhaps you'll find your home.
loose thoughts
Jun 2020 · 201
Thoughts on a Cloud
Shin Jun 2020
I have held love in the palm of my hand.
Sifting it through my fingers cautiously.
Holding its sweet down against my skin.
Tightening my grip, to squeeze all it has.
Lost within the confines, my world collapsed.
So, beating the door, I begin again.
Another moment, another soft sigh.
Another cycle, another way to die.
Embracing the lavender, I slip to sleep.
Jun 2020 · 142
Shin Jun 2020
I do not live in this world.
I merely
spy it
through the looking glass.
Jun 2020 · 149
Thoughts amid the Rain
Shin Jun 2020
I spied the eyes of god today
resting thoughtless on my mind.
Cast curiously on my mirror.
Leaving all the woes far behind.

I sat and pondered with ash-filled grace.
The murk and grime of a shadow
washed away by the coming tide.
Murmurs buttering my ego.

I wonder of a moment come and gone.
Elapsed, erased, reset, and unwashed.
Just a thought, a passing of hands.
I lay gently in the casket with the wilted rose.

Once again I find myself too late to be on time.
Once again these moments expired burn evermore.
Once again the flesh imprints yesteryear's regret.
Once again I drive, and night's ink buries my sin.
Jun 2020 · 155
Let it Be
Shin Jun 2020
The hours rest wearily on your shoulders.
Wisdom come and gone, soulful glancing blows.
A world captured, a moment filled with breath.
Let your mind erase, let the answers flow.
The ease of sunset will hold tightly to your hand.
The emptiness of the moon will sooth the scars.
A pinprick of a puddle cooling your flesh.
Eyes dulled, grey, mediocrity shining through.
The final uttered words of the ******,

"Let it Be."
Sorry for stealing your lyric Paul
Shin Jun 2020
The world offers unforgiving solace.
Sanctuary from sin, blood for a price.
Sunrise, sunset, cycles, begin and end.
Try as you might, love as you might,
nevertheless, cobwebs strike once again.
A life lived alone, a moment crashed down.
Solitary comfort, bitter regrets.
Life begins, and life will end once again.
An apathy's painful strike at the heart.
Jun 2020 · 54
Shin Jun 2020
Stand your ground, throw revolution to the wind.
From pit to peak we stand our hands entwined.
Black and blue feathers falling from the sky.
Our mothers and sons crying, "This is mine."
Wearing our crowns, thorns cast idly behind.
Blast the streets, show your intent, stomp your feet.
Jun 2020 · 110
Take a Breath
Shin Jun 2020
Each and every year, a million moments.
Offered by time, accepted gracefully.
Burned kindling, look the children in their eyes.
Accept not a truce, but a compromise.  
Ladle the broth, quench your thirst thankfully.
Fall in line, work, sleep, repeat in sequence.
Remember, forget, live, softly demise.
Mad men always hold onto life's surprise.
Jun 2020 · 161
Shin Jun 2020
I don't want to go
to heaven.
I just want to see
the sunset
reflect in your eyes
one last time.
Folow up to Lust and to Love. The final piece of a short trilogy of poems worked on from 2014 until today.

Part 1, Lust:

Part 2, Love:
Shin May 2020
Storm the beach with sand-filled eyes.
Burying hatchets along the way.  
Let the turtle dove rest in your palm.
Hum the hymn for the sinful demise.
Bless the butcher and embrace the calm.
Lay in the gravel, embrace the newest day.

Driftwood and briar leaves, brambles and hay.
Dance with your demons, sever your earthly ties.
Destroy all around you, burn down the psalms.
Just turn off your mind, your balance, your sway.
It is time now dear child, you shall retire your qualms.
It is time now young darling to release your final sighs.
May 2020 · 83
Shin May 2020
Contrive a little chalk line in the sand.
Swing your hips, dance idly to Satan's tune.
Let the amethyst drip through cloudy shores.
Strike iron, strike gold, and find a new land.
Let the child rest on warm days in June.
And your lover's arrow shall quiver soon.
Or perhaps get even, and nothing more.
The sun may show her your deepest secrets,
but the moon draws out the warmth from within.
Shin May 2020
He lived his life and he wasted away.
Holding bitterly onto the mundane.
A pockmarked soul disgraced his fetid brain.
An ash-filled urn slowly drove him insane.
He stifled his voice for a rainy day.

When the time arrived, the sunset of life.
He greeted God coldly. He asked for his wife.
A panic struck his bones, his knees buckled
A single tear shed down that silver beard.
For he realized, he was weary, grey, and alone.
May 2020 · 241
Absurdist Murmurs
Shin May 2020
The army is here my friend.
Can you hear the songbirds?
I'll rise again and overflow.
I'll haunt the corners of your mind.
Set the flesh on fire, strip it down
Grease your insides with my guts.
The belly of the beast holding my hand.
What are we even good for?
Don't scream anymore.
I can taste the air. I can taste the flame.
Moment by moment we will find it.
Second by second we will descend
Begin again.
May 2020 · 153
Shin May 2020
At our core we may be rotten and unkind.
Unveil ourselves as beggars in the sheets.
Saving our skins and twisting vicious lies.
Greed covered, greased with idle gluttony.
Hearts of marble and minds of back-filled knives.
We ponder the future, and become its prey.
Carve out our skullcaps and set them at ease.
Nevertheless, we hold a miracle.
Despite our brutality, love remains.
Shin May 2020
A crow bathed in sunlight sings once again.
Silent attempts at capturing the light.
Grazed against nature, a sorrowful sight.
A desolate life, enriched now and then.
Nevertheless, it spurs the poet's pen.
The embers smolder, the crow lost the fight.
With a stifled guffaw, his bones take flight,
leaving nothing but monsters among men.

As ink pours down the cracks of ice-filled veins.
As Gods embrace devils, and we make three.
Perhaps in this moment the crow grows free.
Perhaps in this moment we find our way.
A glint of hope, an escape from the pain.
Alas alas, we live another day.
May 2020 · 76
Shin May 2020
Believe in the sanctity of people.
Let the ***** hold tightly to your hand.
Do not forget the sins scarred in your skin.
But do not let them guide you from the light.
Wear them proudly, march down your beaten trail.
Allow yourself to shed that opossum's grin.
To weep is to feel. To feel is to love.
Love makes us human.
Love makes us kind.
May 2020 · 94
Shin May 2020
To find your love to find your life
first you must hold the lock and key.
Your mind may grow nettled and grey.
The shadows may make it mundane.
Yet at the heart the dreams remain.
In the alley it's all the same.
So go now, be joyful and lame.
Let the velvet touch guide the way.

Wait in rest for the bramble's branch.
Idly stir while scar tissue forms.
Get on your knees and pray for light.
Hold your hands to the sunlight's warmth.

May your dreams inspire envy.
May your worries drown with joy.
May your love warm the daylight's gaze.
May your future withstand the rain.
Shin May 2020
I collect suicide attempts
like stamps in a scrapbook.
I taste asphalt and burning

Chained to a bed
the door swings closed
again. again. again.

I scream for more weight.
I scream to end it all.
Why do I do this?

I don't feel afraid anymore.
I can taste the soft grey.
Brother Billy, let me come

Mother, Father, Sisters,
hold my sin in your heart.
May 2020 · 58
Shin May 2020
How can one hold the fragment of a nightmare so bleak?
Why must we cycle onward and spiral down?
I thought myself incapable of love.
I thought myself incapable of joy.
Please just wipe our sins clean.
I beg for just one more day, one more minute.
A single moment where I can say
I am yours, and you are mine.
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