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Orakhal May 2020

as eel

and sharp
as the arrow
Orakhal May 2020
Lend me your eyes
Ill show your majesty

Lend me your broken body
Ill shape its universe to mine

Lend me your soul
Ill set  fire to it inside me

Lend  me your will
Ill die and you will rise
Orakhal Dec 2020
Hello my friend
I see you shine
yet dead a trillion year and more
I see you now at this here eye
as true a bird do fly to shore

now tell of me your time and space
so far away yet to my face
a galaxy of inner space
not out there now no holocene
apocalyptic in between

no trace to you but dust and bowl
to mould eternal to this soul
beyond me and inside my flesh
before my ever afters yet
a ripple on the fabrics net

infinite a mind am I
to you star light held in its eye
Orakhal Jun 2020

thickens its essence
into the soup of physical matter
Orakhal Aug 2020
As human gave life and vibration a personality and created a dualistic mind to cope with that separation it began spinning distorted vibrational streams and patterns , that being knowledge of good and not good or evil and all its fortes and entities that dwell between worlds terrorising and possessing human worlds.

One needs to understand vibration doesn't acquire personality,
its pure , man has assigned and given it one and creates to it that it has given it thru belief, affirming it bes real as it makes it real thru all sorts of imaginings to accompany it on its human journey,
so much so it has rendered itself powerless and at the mercy of its own creation.

The get out clause being stop regurgitating reality
and start creating it
Orakhal Jul 2020
An eye
realizes nothing

it stops looking
at itself
Orakhal Jun 2020
As I
remove from this eye
what be seen
and embody its unseen
I become the eye of heart
a formless feeler
an essence of soul not sight
of what is
and will be

a being
never to become

an eternal star
born thru death in life
its light burning  
in the once and forever
Orakhal Oct 2020
At first I could see
that felt like me
was the child with no eyes

at first I could hear
that smelt of me
was the throw of blindness

at first I could taste
that touched to me
was the food of imagination
Orakhal Dec 2020
Winds cry happy
weep no loss
earth shake sunder
bear no cost
sun crack her whip to ray on sight
clay moons a face at huest fright

oceans roar ******* wave
across life's shore her open gaze
a snow white ***** to kiss of truth
at mothers ****** on the tooth
Orakhal Oct 2020
we have not left of you
but the the wit of life
made way on the inner voice of silent speak
spoke as flesh into this resonant body
sung into being by the minds lament on the tongue of tongues

no other ye be born to here in the spin of eye
no sight no blood no life to gift
as that first dies in the living of creation
buried in the hopes of prophecy and self
scented oer the trunk of the open heart
on souls stay as gone isn't long now
and rich be's the fruit of fear
loved unto its truth
Orakhal Dec 2020
and all be left
is more of it

take sight away
and all be left is life
Orakhal Sep 2020
Come in
I was expecting you
make yourself at home in my body
I can tell you are kind
by the way you hold your light to mine
and my lips tingle in the thirst of your shine
Orakhal Jan 2021
thought application
is no way to liberate an i pad
Orakhal Oct 2020
and you may have some chance
to reach that they do
Orakhal Dec 2020
That she gives me
is my self
and I her

to a secret place
we never meet again
Orakhal Sep 2020
It's you
and your glow
nothing more
but to feel and explore as light as the possible be's
Orakhal Oct 2020
cuts everything to pieces to look thru the whole
an open mind looks whole thru every piece
Orakhal Jun 2020
You can not look at and focus
on something you don't want
and not activate it in your reality

You can look at something
you do want to see
and in the process
deactivate what you don't

you release yourself from the resistant vibration
and emotion of looking at what you don't want to see
by looking at what you do want to see

we have learnt to suffer
been trained to stay focused on things hurting
in the hope they may go away if we stay focused on them
how is that working out ?

suffering isnt required to grow
misery be optional
its where and how you look at things
that determines your vibrational stance
and your life's circumstances

reality only changes
when perception does
there is no other window to creation
but your own looking
thru your own eye
your own consciousness

clean that eye out
and all will become clearer
as you look thru it
Orakhal Sep 2020
As life be speeding up live in slow motion
As things get heavy drop them and live light
Be weak its stronger
Be letting go not holding on

Be letting in what you be putting out
Drop, them, they, him, her, that, there, you me
and all  is from projected memory

Look through the one eye and be blind in the others
Be in the softness of an answer not on the edge of a question
Flow through the mouth not from the tongue
Be little its much bigger

Stand up in your skin ***** in your wo-manhood
Receive and don’t return
Live through the chest not the forehead
Summon life's energy not its knowledge
Lean to the middle not left not right
wink left wink right wink out of sight
Orakhal Sep 2020
We be given to you
a will in ancient way
slept to the memory of open mind
in the rush and temper of tongue and fire
we dwell in the heat of a white wolves cry
as lamb be's birth brazen and naked on the spit of life

gentle eyes pierce the sky within the fold of skin
collected to sight on the razor sharp ray of sun
coloured to the souls velvet underground
brittle to the bones burn
no turning away in the no return
Orakhal Jul 2020
Zip the eye
at two places

Here to there >
There to here <
Orakhal Aug 2020
As the human stops holding hands to belief
the current runs free thru each one
independent to each ones vision
as a whole creator
and not thru another creators whole

Reality bes unique to your eye
not thru anothers
Orakhal Jul 2020
No thing
bes out of order

but that to order it

blame no food
on a menu
Orakhal Dec 2020
makes life happen
and a child's love blush

taint it not to lust
Orakhal Oct 2020
as you hold your child
don't hold on to them
Orakhal Jun 2020
If praise be my price
then break these legs
and Ill carry the cost

For no mans wine is purer
than the red racing in these veins
No ones heart an island
greater than the one to beat in my chest
No voice clearer
than the voice speak it me into being
No song surer to the hum of my own soul

I be the child to drum
on the skin of this body
to swim in its great spirit
to stand on the edge of its becoming
Orakhal Aug 2020
desires all life die

so it can live
life thru its death
Orakhal Sep 2020
We last as ever
again we come
for we never leave the earthly hum
the dance thru amber gold and blue
keeps shaping life inside of hue
Orakhal Dec 2020
is life not enough
that the lesser of death take its place
Orakhal Oct 2020
a life not enough
means the lesser of death take its place
Orakhal Jun 2020
only way
out of a problem energy

to activate the solution energy

to be digging
into more of the problem energy
Orakhal Sep 2020
It's all much easier
when you are not making hard work of it

the energy put out to solve  a problem
is the same energy that's feeding it
lean back from the script in action
and life will write you a letter of recommendation
Orakhal Dec 2020
We all feign down
on our own axe of judgement

as fire split
on a wooden soul
Orakhal Aug 2020
On every tongue
bes a taste yet never tasted

In every eye
bes a sight yet never seen

To every ear
bes a word yet never spoken

On every skin
bes a scent yet never breathe

Thru every heart
bes a beat yet never beaten
Orakhal Sep 2020
Hope and fear lie sizzling in the hand of a kind dry light sun drenched to the fire of silken sand, the naked voices of ones be heard on the bereaved winch of wind as the niche neglect pitch nuts and bolts to the ****** of grace, filled to the pinch and quench on a human oasis, the stiff of heat slaps the face of the souls cry to the deep sweep of dust and swine smell a sway on the principle of a turning tide, oer the eye of the opal queens velvet cress of sleep sipping her lips to the sweet serene atmospheric, tumbling toward xtasy on the tender rich faint silent hum arrested to the ***** of elemental bliss
Orakhal Feb 2021
he hammered down
on the nails deep

to the throw of a sqeak
thru woodens pine

a stain manic on the turn
of the machines steel and sweat

heathens a blow
to the mark of an eyes sap
weeping at the shredded corners
of a timbre some shroud

times counting
times coming
crows a shadow to his memory

thumbing its putty to the waters milk
fed to the velvet silk of her red rise
Orakhal Aug 2020
the first thought
to begin creating creation

still thinks
and bes thinkable

as bes all thought born of it
Orakhal Sep 2020
Go direct to the feeling you want
and you wont get lost in the thoughts you're not feeling
on the way
Orakhal Sep 2020
A tenderly sense sat down upon the crown
makes way in a crimson pyre all risen on the rust of will
bold and bare oer the carcass of content

The lick of life's tongue cures its tickle to the nape of soul
plagued to the flare on a comets tail
shot thru the veil of nights surrender as some would have it
in the pale star light explored to the repertoire of truth

Taste mercifies the victory of stain
and teases itself to the cure of a mothers breast
sure and safely as the perils swine swap lots for paupers prince
and kings scavenging on the onset of deed by deliverance
made sound on the fright of the angels wing
Orakhal Feb 2021
this weigh in on a souls being
is no see saw

its a required
transformational balancing
on the scale of ones own flesh blood and bone

against the fire of divine light

we have no desire
to scare the living daylights into any

but to the wit

we wish to alert one
to the savage nature that self realisation throws up
to a blind and ignorant mind not preparing the essence
and ground to walk with the fire of light
that comes to prune its garden at the dead of night
Orakhal Jun 2020
An eye
be empty
of sight

its filled with looking
Orakhal Jun 2020
Her warm glow sears the cold clay
breaking its wake oer the dream of its children
cracking its whip to the kneck of the hollow skull    
where seed be ground  in the mill of sleep

The veil  thickened by time lifts its skin from the thin of eye
worlds within worlds play out on the stage of the great mind
its infinite reach dredging souls in its wake
its mercy scolding and none to the sleep not awake
Orakhal Dec 2020
signifies ones fear
of a powerful self
Orakhal Jan 2021
Human thinking's habit
of making things up to worry about

perpetuates a reality
that otherwise would not be

throwing the self
in front of a train of thought
not ever stop its momentum

be like a hot air ballon and be lifted up
Orakhal Jan 2021
The weigh of a life
is as shadow to light
on the backbone of a souls body

the throw of force from the open source
to the spin of a hearts command
hung on the heat of a higher mind
play rule to the skeletal bare burn
tasked to the clay on bones return to the mould
fetched blind on the parcel of a thoughts thinking
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